Different camera shots (students)final

Preliminary Task PowerPoint Izzy Rowlnand

Transcript of Different camera shots (students)final

Page 1: Different camera shots (students)final

Preliminary Task PowerPoint

Izzy Rowlnand

Page 2: Different camera shots (students)final
Page 3: Different camera shots (students)final

Close-Up (CU)

Medium Close-Up (MCU) Medium Shot (MS)

Extreme Close-Up (ECU) Big Close-Up (BCU)

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Very Long Shot (VLS)

Two Shot (could be CU/MCU/MS) Over The Shoulder Shot

Medium Long Shot (MLS) Long Shot (LS)

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High Angle Shot (Looking Down)

Low Angle Shot (looking Up) Tilted Frame

Interviewee Looks Into Space Moving Subject Moves Into Space

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Price has been clearly shown

The ‘tips and tricks for revision’s aimed at all students who are looking to revise for upcoming test which is useful if you haven't found a preferred learning technique. The text is also very large which could show it is a key article featured on the magazine.

Briefly states what be included in the revision article which i feel would interest a reader as they may want to read further into the subject of revision.

Website and school location so others can research further into the school.

School name has been written so others know where the magazine is from.

The title is very bright and bold so it catches a readers eye. they have also written ‘U’ instead of ‘you’ this may be aimed at the young target audience

An interview of a pupil at the school makes the magazine far more interesting to read as the other pupil reading can relate to what is written easier.

Barcode which gives the magazine a more professional look.

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Free gift is given the consumer. This may make the reader more interested in buying the magazine.

Picture of a student looking fairly smart and happy which shows good impression of their school.

The mayor of the local area has written an article about why the school is better than others. By the mayor saying this it could interest a consumer to read further into this and as to why they think this.

Tis school clearly expresses that they are the best. This may make the reader want to read up about the school to discover why the are the best school and how they achieved the best GCSE results.

Issue, date, price and school website has been shown all though the font is quite small.

Price has been clearly shown

Price has been clearly shown

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Sports results llReviews of new music

Reviews of new films

Editorial llArticles about school life llllUpcoming events lA message from the head l

£1 llllll£2 llll

One a month lllll llDaily lll

What do you expect to see in the school magazine?

What do you expect to see in the school magazine

How often would you want the magazine to be published


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Analysis of Previous Work.

The PRESS magazine is fairly simple in deign as he cover shows a picture if a student with the magazine title and a few subheadings for features included in the magazine. although it is simple there are some aspects of the front cover that are eye-catching, for example, the magazine title is very bold and an interesting font has been used. the front cover and the contents page both follow a similar theme as similar fonts and colours seem to have been used. the contents page also includes interesting pictures which retail to the articles stated in the page. this gives another aspect tot he magazine. The student has made the magazine look very simple but also quite smart. this is because the fonts and layout they have used looks quite professional, this is the same for the contents page as they both look very smart and have been clearly set out which shows that student has clearly thought about the layout if the magazine.To improve i would make the cover look a little less sparse and include some features that would say were a key feature of a magazine, for example, i would include the date and issue of the magazine. i would also include a price and barcode. I also feel that the student on the front cover of the magazine maybe could have been dressed a lot smarter because the magazine is going too be issued around school and it may set a good example to the other students.I would say that they have fulfilled the brief because they have included articles about school life, a talk from the head and they have included images which create a more interesting magazine. The magazine also states when it was released and what issue it is which also full fills the brief.

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The target audience for my magazine will be students of all ages starting from tear 7 to year 13, this means I will need to include content that can be suited to every age group, e.g. content on how to study for exams and articles that will help new year 7’s get to know the school.I would like my title to include my schools name and for it to be fairly short and simple so it is easy to memorise.

The main image must be a medium close up of a student who attends the school.

I would like the main story to wither be about 6th form life or an up and coming open evening.

I would like to include an image of the school logo and possibly an image of the school so that the school will be recognisable to people who don't attend the school.

On the cover I would like to include a completion with a free prize which may promote and also help a student, as well as content which will be included, as well as an interview with a student of the school.

I would like the font to follow a reassuring theme on the cover and I would like all the colours to link, as well as the font being interesting and easy to read.

I would either like the background to be plain and simple, or to include an image of the school in the background behind an image of a student.

I will take the picture on a plain background and i will make sure that there is good lighting to give the image a more professional look as well as using Photoshop to edit the image for a more profession look.

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Our School Magazine BriefOur brief was to design was to design a front cover and contents page for a school magazine, I found inspiration to collect ideas for my own. I also did some research into the school magazine by finding out my target audience and seeing what they would like to see in a school magazine. I did this by creating a survey and got 10 students of different ages to fill it out. Overall i found that students mostly wanted to read about school life in general and contents on things to do with school. I also asked them how much they would be willing to pay for the magazine which came out as the highest percentage of people would be willing to pay £1 for the magazine.The last area I covered in the survey was how often they would like the magazine to be published, the 10 students expressed that they would like to see the magazine published once a month as 7 out of the 10 students felt this was appropriate. 11

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Front Page

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Contents Page

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Evaluation of My Magazine and Reflection

Overall I am happy with how my front cover turned out, this is because I like the images and fonts that I used, I also feel like I full filled my brief because I included the school name in my title and I used alliteration in my title which I feel makes its very memorable as “Priory Press” sticks in my mind.I also included a story titled “6th form life” which I included in my brief as I felt like it would fit to my target audience. To improve my cover page I would like to keep the font colours the same as I have used a few different shades of red, I would also take a picture of my model in front of the school rather than editing her on top of the image, this is because I feel it would give a more professional look. As well as making a front cover I created a contents page. In conclusion I don’t think that my contents page was as good as my cover page. This is because I would have liked it included more images because I feel that it is very uninteresting and bland. The page was also unfinished and I would have liked to include more detail about the content included.