Different Approaches in Studying Young Children

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Transcript of Different Approaches in Studying Young Children

  • 8/18/2019 Different Approaches in Studying Young Children


  • 8/18/2019 Different Approaches in Studying Young Children


    The purposeof studying children is tolearn as much as possible about thechild as an individual and to apply thatknowledge in predicting futuredevelopment and in in uencing thechild to attain his/her greatest potential

    as a fully functioning individual.

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    To accomplish these, we must learn thereasons why the child behaves as hedoes, the goals that he/she is trying toattain and the feelings he/she has abouthi/her behavior. We should not focus onthe child exclusively; the interaction

    between the child and the signi cantpersons in his/her environment is ofma!or importance too.

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    "ocuses on the following aspects# achild$s physical development,cognitive/language development, socialdevelopment, and personalitydevelopment.

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    %oncentrates on the following phases ofchildhood# prenatal &before birth',infancy and toddlerhood &birth throughage ( years', preschool &age ( through)', middle childhood &age ) through *+',and adolescence &age *+ years through+ '.

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    -t considers the systems that surroundthe child.

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    icrosystem includes a child$s parentsand siblings, childcare provider and anyother person or ob!ect present in child$severyday experiences.

    esosystem it is made up of therelationships between all those peopleand ob!ects that make up the child$smicrosystem.

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    0xosystem consists of outsideorgani1ations and institutions that a2ectthe child$s experience such as churches,

    the government and schools.

    acrosystem includes the overallcultural, religious and philosophical beliefsystems that guide the institutions in theexosystem and thereby have an e2ect onthe child.

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    This focuses on the naturalisticassessment, which addresses thedevelopmental functional skills that

    facilitate a child$s independence andcontrol of his or her environment. Toolsbased on age3related se4uence ofdevelopmental milestones are designed toassist practitioners in determining targetbehaviors and intervention activities.

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    -t is about naturalistic assessmentwhich draws from applied behavioralanalysis to describe the environmentalsituations necessary for elicitingdesired behaviors. 5iscrete skills areidenti ed so that they can be observed,

    measured and 4uanti ed.

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    -ndividuali1ed child tests

    The most common source of information

    about children$s performances. ostcommonly used is a standardi1ed, norm3referenced instrument. These standardi1edtests are sometimes very expensive which

    an individual may not a2ord to ac4uire but ifthe school/institution purchases these, thesecould be of great help to a betterunderstanding of children$s performances.

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    6arent and teacher report/ratings

    These are non3standardi1ed test, thatreports regarding a child$s skills, abilities,motivation and behavior that can be veryuseful information as a measure ofchild$s competencies, though at timesmay be sub!ective especially those ofparents.

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    Work 7amples

    These are in form of performanceassessment because a child$sperformance can be evaluated on thethings he nishes or completes. 8

    portfolio is a purposeful collection of achild$s works that records hid progress inmastering a speci c task or content area.

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    9esearch ethods

    The common research methods are#

    :iterature searches Talking with people during the initial stage

    "ocus group6ersonal interview

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    Telephone surveysail surveys

    03mail and internet surveys

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    ualitative methods

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  • 8/18/2019 Different Approaches in Studying Young Children


    :ongitudinal study involves studyingthe same group of participants over aparticular period of time

    %ross3sectional studies involvedstudying groups of participants indi2erent groups at the same point intime.