Diets - The Devil is in the Detail

DIETS The Devil is in the Detail


A comparison of 6 diets

Transcript of Diets - The Devil is in the Detail

DIETSThe Devil is in the Detail

A Comparison of Six DietsA Collaborative Research Project

KETONIC DIETSKetogenic (Brittany)

Paleo (Hannah)Atkins (John)

FASTING DIETSThe Liquid Diet (Kang)

The Lemon Detox (Vanessa)5:2 (Caz)

What is a healthy lifestyle?

The benefits of maintaining a healthy weight, eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly are inescapable.

Dieting has become a confusing industry.

With so many choices, this booklet may assist.

Please note: None of these diets is recommended for diabetics, pregnant women, children or young adults.

A doctor should always be consulted first.

High in protein and Low in Carbs!


Ketonic Diets

Ketonic diets can result in beneficial effects such as: Weight loss Improved sleep And general well being.


The Ketogenic diet works through restricting carbohydrates (things like bread, pasta, bananas). Its primary goal is to achieve a metabolic state called Ketosis.

This means that by restricting carbohydrates, when the body needs energy, it will burn fats, called Ketones, instead of glucose for fuel. To achieve Ketosis, fat intake must increase and carbohydrates be avoided.

Ketosis helps humans survive when no food is available.

 Your Daily Nutritional Intake

This high fat, low carbohydrate and moderate protein diet forces the body to burn fat.

Carbohydrate intake must not exceed 20-50 grams per day.

Please note: The recommended composition of this diet: 75% fat and 20% protein! This diet may take a little getting used to!

Benefits of the Ketogenic Diet

This is a popular diet for those who love to eat high fat foods like bacon and eggs.

This diet may: increase energy levels; improve sleep patterns; decrease joint pain and stiffness; reduce blood sugar and insulin levels; reduce appetite; promote a healthier digestion and general well being; relieve heartburn; assist in the control of epilepsy in children; and may even benefit people with autism,

Alzheimers and cancer.

Negative Impacts

But it’s not all good news!

Fatigue is common when starting the diet andsmelly breath is an unfortunate side effect.

Vitamin and mineral deficiencies are common. So a multivitamin might help!

Worse, long term, fatty foods may cause high cholesterol levels.


The Paleo Diet is a modern version of eating patterns of humans living during the Paleolithic era, millions of years ago.

Then people ate only wild plants and animals.

So, how can this diet work today?

Eat organic! Paleo dieters enjoy fresh non-processed foods. Meat, vegetables and fats are the key foods consumed on this diet. Grains are completely excluded as are

sugar, legumes (peas, beans) alcohol and dairy.

These foods are excluded because they may cause:

chronic inflammation; insulin insensitivity; and inhibition of protein absorption.

Health benefits of a Paleo lifestyle

Stable blood sugar

Burnstored fat


More efficientworkouts

Clear skinbetter teeth





The Paleo Diet, with its focus on more natural foods, is thought to prevent degenerative diseases.

You can see for yourself the other benefits of the Paleo lifestyle, besides maintaining a healthy weight.

Keep in mind, however, benefits may vary.

Negative Impacts

Despite its focus on organic food, the Paleo Diet is not a wonder diet. Like all ketogenic diets, it does have some drawbacks.

Particular to the Paleo Diet with its emphasis on organic produce is the issue that organic produce can be of variable quality and expensive.

Dining out is difficult as carbohydrates in the form of sugar or grain by-products, are in most foods, especially sauces.


Atkins Diet

The third ketonic diet is the Atkins Diet.

Similar to the Ketogenic and Paleo diets, on the Atkins Diet you eat:

lean protein, natural fats, vegetables, low sugar fruits, whole grains and legumes – all high in vitamins and minerals;

and NO refined carbohydrates.


An advantage of Atkins over the Paleo or Ketogenic diets could be that over time you can re-introduce some carbohydrates, provided they are low GI.

But remember, NO refined carbohydrates are allowed.

Proponents state that benefits of the diet include: rapid weight loss; reduced cravings for sweet or starchy foods; lowered fasting blood sugar and insulin levels; helps the reversal of Insulin Resistance

conditions; achieve a good balanced diet over time; and better overall health.




Small Intestine

Large Intestine

How Ketonic diets work

Both carbohydrates and fat fuel our bodies. However, our metabolism will choose carbohydrates first to generate energy. Any excess carb’s are stored as fat.

When food is digested, it converts to glucose which enters the bloodstream. When blood glucose levels rise, the body releases insulin and excess glucose is stored as fat.

If you eat protein, fat and fibre alone, your body‘s insulin production may reduce. Restricting carbohydrates is said to induce ketosis so that the body burns fat causing rapid weight loss.

Negative Impacts

Things to think about…

These Diets remain controversial and some medical practitioners have concerns about long term effects, especially of high protein levels on circulation and the kidneys, if not enough water is consumed.

Eating high levels of meat may cause the formation of acid in the body and could leach calcium from bones causing osteoporosis.

Eating foods high in fat may cause serious problems like high cholesterol in the long term. And, smelly breath may be an unfortunate, but very obvious, side-effect.

A lot of beneficial fruit and vegetables may be avoided because of their significant starch content and vitaminand mineral deficiencies may present.

Results and Lifestyle

While fatigue may be very common in the early stages, Ketonic Diets are likely to result in fat and weight loss and you might eventually expect to look toned and radiant.

However, normal lifestyle demands can make these diets difficult to follow.

Research to support these diets and analysis of long term effects is inadequate.

Therefore, caution should be exercised and medical assistance sought for blood tests to assess cholesterol and nutrient levels.

A fasting diet relies on going without food or liquid for a period of time.

WHY FAST? Weight


Let's compare 3 fasting diets.

Fasting Diets

Fasting is not new.

In fact, many religions practice fasting as part of normal, everyday life in the knowledge that it is beneficial.

The Liquid Diet

A liquid diet is simply that – fluids and NO solid food and can serve many purposes. These include:before certain medical procedures patients must refrain from eating solid foods for at least 24 hours; a liquid diet clears out and reduces strain on the digestive system and its organs. When a person is extremely obese, a physician may prescribe a medically monitored weight loss program involving the replacement of solid food with a liquid substitute.

Negative Impacts

Low fibre, antioxidants and other essential vitamins and minerals may lead to reduced resistance to infection and disease.

Longer fasts are unlikely to meet all nutritional needs and could damage the intestinal tract, impair liver or kidney function, and possibly cause hypoglycaemia.

The Immune system might also be impacted by fasting making the body more vulnerable to communicable diseases.

If the diet is continued for too long e.g. several weeks or longer, liquid diets could also cause gallstones, nausea, fatigue, constipation and diarrhoea.

The Lemon Detox

If you like citrus, you’ll love the Lemon Detox Diet.

It could be a terrific way to detoxify the body.

If you want rapid weight loss, a thorough internal cleanse and more energy…

According to diet proponents, all you need is 6 to 12 glasses of a special lemon drink per day; and NO FOOD!

Per glass

1 Tbsp. (20ml) Madal Bal Natural Tree Syrup (TM)

1 Tbsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice

1/2 pinch of cayenne pepper

250ml fresh or filtered water

So what’s in the drink?

See what is in the drink. But how does it work?

What we eat and drink every day contains chemicals and preservatives. In many cases, these are stored in our body fat.

Stanley Burroughs developed a theory in 1976 about the benefits of regularly cleansing toxins from our bodies. If we take a break from solid food, the body can self-cleanse and flush out those toxins.

The special acidity of this drink helps cleanse the liver and gall bladder, leading to weight loss.

   Why the Lemon Detox Diet?

Purify your body               Boost energy           

Lose weight                Glowing skin             Shiny hair and nails


Flush out toxins

The benefits speak for themselves.

Proponents claim that additional benefits of detoxification can include:

improved quality of life; increased self confidence; and better circulation.

Negative Impacts

When we stop normal eating, essential nutrients are denied.

Nutritionist Matt O'Neill and dietician Susie Burrell analysed the lemon detox diet. They found once the detox is finished, you will put on more weight.

That is because the previous stripping of muscle mass slows your metabolic rate!

Unfortunately, during the detox, you might become moody, dizzy, hungry and even struggle to function.

Prehistoric man had no refrigeration.

He gorged when food was plentiful and then ate what he could gather until the next kill.

This diet is based on a similar scenario: 5 days of normal eating and 2 days fasting.

On fasting days a woman is allowed a maximum of 500 calories and a man around 600 calories.

  Dr Krista Varady and Dr Michael Mosley Photo: MIKE GARNER

How does it work?

Professor Valter Longo and Dr Krista Varady have been researching fasting impacts on the health of mice, South American villagers and many volunteers.

They found that: If you reduce the production of IGF-1, a hormone

necessary for normal growth of children and young adults, adults will live longer.

Fasting lowers IGF-1 production and appears to switch on DNA repair genes.

Fasting also reduces bad cholesterol and blood pressure and sharpens the mind.

Eating Plan

Black tea, coffee and water can be drunk in unlimited amounts.

A typical breakfast for Dr. Mosley, who trialed the diet in 2012, was two scrambled eggs and a slice of ham with plenty of water, green tea and black coffee during the day.

In the evening, grilled fish and lots of low calorie vegetables achieved his fasting goal of 600 calories per day.


After 6 weeks of fasting on Tuesdays and Thursdays, another full medical established Dr Mosley had lost 1 stone or over 6kg.

His blood glucose level, which had been borderline diabetic, was normal!

And his cholesterol levels, previously high enough to necessitate medication, were within a healthy range.

5 x ? + 2 x ?

= ?

Lifestyle results of the 3 fasting diets

Fasting does definitely cause weight loss.

The Liquid Diet however, is quite a drastic approach to weight loss. Its primary benefits are associated with specific medical conditions and preparations for operations or specialist treatment. It should never be used as a long term weight loss approach.

The Lemon Detox diet is great for occasional cleansing of toxins. Unfortunately, it is not effective long-term.

The 5:2 diet only works if: two fasting day calorie limits are not exceeded; and there is no overeating on the other days.

Atkins Diet Atkins Official Site, Atkins International, Viewed May 2013, < > Five foods you shouldn’t eat when starting the Atkins Diet, 2013, The Atkins Diet Plan – Beyond ,

Viewed May 2013 <> The Atkins Diet, Wikipedia, Viewed May 2013, < > Weight Loss and Diet Plans, The Atkins Diet, WebMD, Viewed May 2013

<> Atkins Diet: What's behind the claims? ,Mayo Clinic,, Viewed May 2013,

<> The Atkins Diet, US News, Health, Best Diets, Viewed May 2013, <

diet > Kellow, Juliette ,BSc. RD, The Atkins Diet Under the Spotlight,, Viewed May

2013, <> Free, miscellaneous photos used to illustrate pages 24 & 36

If you would like to access additional information regarding any of these diets…

Additional information for…

Ketogenic Diet

3FC, 2010, The Ketonic Diet, Retrieved from

Ellen, 2011, Ketogenic Diet Plan, Retrieved from

 Clarke, S, 2007, The Keto Diet: A Low-Carb Approach To Fat Loss, Retrieved from

 Bowles, C, 2011, Ketose Or Ketogenic Diet, Retrieved from,

Additional information for…

Paleo Diet Barron, J 2013, The Paleo Diet, Baseline of Health, viewed 29 April 2013,

<> Health Benefits of a Paleo Lifestyle 2012, Robb Wolf, viewed 17 April 2013,

<> Schreiber, K 2012, Debunking Diets: Paleo Pros and Cons, Greatist, viewed 17 April 2013,

<> Paleolithic Diet 2008, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopaedia, viewed 16 April 2013,

<> The Paleo Diet 2012, Cikipedia, viewed 16 April 2013,

<> Paleo Diet Weight Loss 2012, Paleo Diet Recipes, viewed 16 April2013,

<> Cave 2011, Maximus Mark, viewed 16 April 2013,


Additional information for…

Liquid Diet Heber, D., JM Ashley, HJ Wang, and RM Elashoff (1944) Clinical evaluation of a minimal

intervention meal replacement regimen for weight reduction. Journal of the American College Nutrition. 13(6), 608-614.

Kretsch, MJ, MW Green, AK Fong, NA Elliman, HL Johnson (1997) Cognitive effects of a long-term weight reducing diet. International Journal of Obesity & Related Metabolic Disorders. 21(1), 14-21.

Seim, HC, JE Mitchell, C. Pomeroy, M. de Zwaan (1995) Electrocardiographic findings associated with very low calorie dieting. International Journal of Obesity & Related Metabolic Disorders. 19(11), 817-819.

Shovic, Anne Caprio, PhD, Susan Adams, Jane Dubitzky, Melody Anacker (1993) Effectiveness and dropout rate of a very low calorie diet program. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 93(5), 583-584

Walsh, MF and TJ Flynn (1995) A 54 month evaluatioon of a popular very low calorie diet program. Journal of Family Practice. 41(3), 231-236

Lemon Detox Diet

Glickman, Peter 2012. The Master Cleanse Coach and Expert Coaching for You and Your Friends . New York. Peter Glickman, Inc 2012

Connolly, Ellen (2012) Lemon Detox Diet Examined. Retrieved from:,9621

Pure Natural Health Australia (2012). Retrieved from: Geib, Aurora. (May 2012). The lemon detox diet- A recipe that really works. Retrieved from: McMillan-Price, Joanna (2007). Lemon Detox Diet Retrieved from: Mastercleansefast (Jan 2010). The Lemon Detox Diet - How To Make The Lemonade Retrieved

from: Facebook (2000) The Lemon Detox Diet. Retrieved from:

Additional information for…

Additional information for…

5.2 Diet BBC News (2012) The power of intermittent fasting Available at: <

print=true> (Accessed 22 April 2013)  Daily Mail (2013) Fasting diets Available at: <http://www/

dismissed-fad-nutrition-experts-warn-dangers-starving-body-vital-nutrients.html> Accessed 22 April 2013 Veerendra Kumar Madala Halagappa et al (2006) 26(2007) pp212-220 ‘Intermittent fasting and caloric restriction

ameliorate age-related behavioural deficits in the triple-transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease’ Elsevier Neurobiology of Disease 26(2007) pp212-220 Science Direct [Online] Available at: <> (Accessed 22 April 2013)

Johnson, James B, Laub, Donald R, Sujit, John (2006) ‘The effect on health of alternate day calorie restriction: Eating less and more than needed on alternate days prolongs life’ 67 pp209-211 Elsevier medical hypotheses [Online] Available at:<> Accessed 22 April 2013

Kroeger Cynthia M, Klempel Monica C, Bhutani Surabhi, Trepanowski John F, Tangney Christine C, Varady Krista A (2012) ‘Improvement in coronary heart disease risk factors during an intermittent fasting/calorie restriction regimen: Relationship to adipokine modulations’ Nutrition and Metabolism 9(98) pp1-8 BioMed Central [Online] Available at: <> (Accessed 22 April 2013)