DIET Veggies

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  • 7/29/2019 DIET Veggies


    Here is a list of foods that will wake up your metabolism and help youflush fat out of your system.

    Citrus Fruits Soybeans Apples, Berries, Fresh Fruit Garlic Oil

    Exercise is very important, it boosts the metabolism and burns offcalories. The chart below gives a rough estimate of how muchyou would burn off doing certain popular activities. The chart isbased on a person that weighs 150 pounds. If you weigh morethan you will burn up more calories, if you weigh less the reverse

    is true and you'll burn up less. To find out how many calories youwould burn up for your weight all you would have to do is, divideyour weight by 150 and multiply the number of calories in thechart by that number.

    Activity Calories Burned per Hour

    Bicycling, 6 mph 240

    Bicycling, 12 mph 410

    Cross-country skiing 700

    Jogging, 5 mph 740

    Jogging, 7 mph 920

    Jumping rope 50

    Running in place 650

    Running, 10 mph 1280

    Swimming, 25 yds./min. 275

    Swimming, 50 yds./min. 500

    Tennis, singles 400

    Walking, 2 mph 240

    Walking, 3 mph 320

    Walking, 4 mph 440
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    Citrus Fruits

    Citrus fruits like, oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, lemons, and limes

    contain high concentrations of Vitamin C (this is also called ascorbicacid). This Vitamin C has a fat burning quality.

    Vitamin C reduces the effectiveness of fat. It reduces its content andcan liquefy or dilute fat. By diluting the fat, it makes it less effective, andeasier to flush out of your system. Vitamin C also works on cholesteroldeposits. Vitamin C can help burn out the cholesterol, hence, making itdifficult for cholesterol deposits to form in blood vessels.

    By adding Citrus Fruits to your daily diet, try every meal and also a

    snack, you will great increase your metabolism, increase your ability toget rid of fat, and also help you to control your cholesterol levels.


    Soybeans contain lecithin, this chemical will shield your cells from

    accumulating fat. This chemical prevents, like a shield, fat from formingon your cells. It will also break down fatty deposits in your body.

    Eat soybeans at least 3 times a week and you'll be boosting your bodiesability to get rid of fat. You can find soybeans in most health foodstores.

    Apples, Berries, Fresh Fruit

    Apples contain a chemical call pectin. This chemical is found in mostberries, and fresh fruit. The pectin is in the cell walls of most fruits,especially apples.

    Pectin limits the amount of fat your cells can absorb. This will put a

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    natural limitation on the amount of fat your cells can absorb. Pectin,once in your system, has a water binding property, it absorbs waterysubstances, and these watery substances in turn bombards the cellsand makes it release fat deposits.

    Add applesauce (it's loaded with pectin), apples, fresh fruit and berries,to your diet and let the power of pectin pulverize the fat thataccumulates on your cells. An apple a day can help keep the fat away.

    Garlic Oil

    Garlic oil or the juice of garlic has a significant protective quality to cellswhich help to reduce fatty deposits. When taken, it brings down thelevels of fat. Garlic, garlic oil, or anything with garlic, also has anantibiotic property to it and can be used to cure many ailments. Please

    look at a home remedies page I wrote and you'll see all the uses garlichas to offer, but in brief, it can be used as an antibiotic, it also destroysbacterial infections, and has the power to reduce fat in your cellsdramatically.

    What is a Diuretic? A diuretic is a medication or chemicalthat promotes the elimination of fluid in the body. This canlead to an accelerated metabolism that seems to flush outthe fatty deposits that may lodge themselves on cells.

    Diuretics break down fatty deposits into small chunks andmakes it easier for your body to flush these nasty littlethings out of your body.

    Asparagus Beets Brussel Sprouts Cabbage Carrots

    Celery Cucumber Garlic Horseradish Lettuce

    Onions Radishes Tomatoes Apple Cider Vinegar

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    Asparagus contains the chemical asparagine. This isan alkaloid that stimulates the kidneys and improve thecirculatory process. These alkaloids directly effect thecells and break down fat. It also contains a chemical

    that helps to remove waste from the body by breakingup the oxalic acid, this acid tends to glue fat to cells, soby breaking the acid up, it helps to reduce fat levels.


    Beets are a strong diuretic that focuses on the liver andkidneys. Beets flush out floating body fats. They have aspecial iron the cleanses the corpuscles, corpusclesare blood cells that can contain fat deposits.

    It also contains a chlorine that also helps to flush outfatty deposits. This chlorine stimulates the lymph

    which will clear out the fat deposits.

    Brussel Spouts

    This vegetable stimulates the glands, the pancreasespecially, which releases hormones the has acleansing effect on the cells. There are also mineralsthe stimulate the kidneys. Waste is released quickerand it helps to clean out the cells.


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    This cleanses your body of waste matter because itcontains sulphur and iodine, which helps to cleansethe mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.Cabbage is a great food if you should have a pot belly

    or a middle age spread. The diuretic cabbage will helpto break up the fat in this area.


    Carrots contains carotene, a form of Vitamin A, thiscarotene will start a fat flushing reaction in yoursystem. This reaction will literally wash out fat andwaste quickly. The carotene will be transformed intovitamin A in the intestines and this process will createa speed up in your metabolism and cause a reaction inyour cells to remove fat deposits.


    Raw celery has a high concentration of Calcium in aready to use form, so when you eat it, the calcium issent directly to work. This pure form of calcium will

    ignite your endocrine system. The hormones in yourbody will break up the accumulated fat build up. Celeryalso has a high level of magnesium and iron which willclean out your system.

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    Cucumber contains a high sulphur and silcon content.These minerals work to stimulate the kidneys to washout uric acid, which is a waste product. With this uricacid being washed out, it stimulates the removal of fat,and loosens the fat from the cells.


    If you read about the fat burning foods section youwould have seen Garlic on that list, well, it is also anatural diuretic. Garlic has mustard oils and these oilscreate a cleansing action in the body. They promote avigorous action of peristalsis, which is muscularcontraction, and this will loosen fat and help wash out

    fats. They can also breakdown clumps of fat. So eatgarlic and thin down.


    We've all seen horseradish, few venture to use it, but ithas an amazing effect of dissolving fat in cells (no sideeffects) and also as a cleansing effect on the body.

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    Lettuce contains iron and magnesium. These mineralswill enter your spleen, your spleen helps your immunityand protects the body from illness. The spleen will usethese minerals make them stronger, and send them tothe cells and tissues.

    It will also help the liver, increase your metabolism, andwash out fatty cells. The darker lettuces have more ofthe minerals. So add Lettuce to your diet NOW!


    Onions, similar to garlic, have minerals and oils thatwill help to breakdown fat deposits and speed up yourmetabolism. Have raw onions every day, it has morepower than garlic and with the milder smell, it will makean excellent addition to your diet.


    Radishes scrub the mucous membrane of the bodybecause it contains high levels of Iron and Magnesium.These minerals actually help to dissolve fat in thecells.

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    Tomatoes have high Vitamin C and Citricmalic-oxalicacids. The acid will accelerate the metabolic process. Italso helps the kidneys to release more water and helpsto wash away fat.

    The natural acids with the enzyme activated mineralsprompt the kidneys to filter out large quantities of fattydeposits and then you eliminate them from yoursystem. So add tomatoes to your daily diet and your

    metabolism will thank you for it.

    Apple Cider Vinegar

    Use this diuretic in small quantities. You can add it toyour salad as a dressing. What makes this such apowerful diuretic is this: It is made from apples and themalic acid in apples will create a fat burning process.Another factor with this vinegar is the fermentationprocess causes the vinegar to have constructive acidsthat join with alkaline elements and minerals in thebody. This produces a cell scrubbing effect.

    It also contains high levels of potassium, which has anantisceptic quality to that helps to eliminate fatdeposits.

    Liquid Fat

    Look out Fat, it's bad for you!! Well, that's not entirely true. Liquid fats are very

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    good for you and can help remove the hard fats from your system. Liquid fatsinclude:

    Corn Oil Peanut Oil Safflower oil Sunflower Seed Oil

    All these liquid fats break down hard fats (animal fats that you may consume).They do this by releasing substances called phospholipids or polyunsaturatedfatty acids. These oils wil breakdown the hard, plaque like fats. So liquid fatsgives you the fat that your body needs, plus it helps to remove the bad fats thatmay have been accumulated.

    You can find these unsaturated fatty acids in vegetable oils (except coconutand palm oil!! Avoid these two) and also when eating fish, this oil is present.

    So, use these oils to replace the hard fat in your diet, because your body needsfat to work and it will give you a positive fat that will cleanse out the bad fat.


    Fiber, also called roughage or cellulose, should be an important part of anyone's dailydiet. It helps to reduce fatty deposits. Here is how it works: When fiber enters yourdigestive system it absorbs the available liquids, then as it goes through the body italmost has a sweeping or cleaning effect on the cells. You see, fiber is not digested by

    your system, no, instead it goes through your system sweeping out the bad stuff and thenis eliminated. It also reduces the reabsorbtion of bile salts (salts that digest and break upfats). So, this prevents the bile salts from reabsorbing once they've broken down fat, sothe fat doesn't re-enter your system.

    Controls Weight

    High fiber can control weight, by:1. Reducing the caloric density of your diet2. Slow the rate at which calories are ingested3. Slightly decrease the speed by which dietary energy is absorbed4. It will also add volume to your diet, leaving you feeling fuller longer.

    So add fiber to your diet for these reason.

    What Foods have fiber:1. Whole grains and the bran of grains2. Vegetables, best if eaten raw, but could be slightly cooked3. Root vegetables, like: Carrots, parsnips, white and sweet potatoes, turnips, and


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    4. Fruits & Vegetables iwht tough skins5. Pod Vegetables, like green beans and green peas.6. Seed & Nuts, but unsalted!

    Now that you know all about fiber, you should really add it to your daily diet.

    Basics of Calories

    Now, if you eat healthy, and follow all the pages of thiswebsite, you'll find that you don't really have to worry about

    calories too much. The foods will help you slim down, butyou should know the basics, so here they are:

    If you eat a certain number of calories in a day and youalso burn off just as many calories through dailyactivity, then your weight will remain the same

    If you eat more calories than you burn off through dailyactivities, you gain weight.

    If you eat less calories than you burn up, you end uplosing weight.

    It's just that simple. So, you really should think of makingyourself more active, visit the exercise page to get a betteridea on what you should do during the day. Exercise canspeed up the amount of calories you burn off and will help

    you greatly!How many calories do you need during a day? Here is thecalculation: Multiply your weight by 15. This number willgive you how many calories you need to eat to maintainyour weight.
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    Now each pound of fat on your body is 3,500 calories.Soooo, if you eat 3,500 calories over the daily amount foryour body weight, then you gain. If you consume less thenthe daily amount, then you start to lose weight.

    Weight Chart

    Calorie Needs | Calorie Calculator | Weight Chart | Calories to Gain /Lose Weight| Calorie content in food

    Men | Women


    Height Healthy Weight Range (Pounds) Kilograms

    4'10" 109-121 49-54

    5'0" 113-126 51-57

    5'1" 115-129 52-58

    5'2" 118-132 53-59

    5'3" 121-135 54-61

    5'4" 124-138 56-62

    5'5" 127-141 57-63

    5'6" 130-144 58-65

    5'7" 133-147 60-665'8" 136-150 61-68

    5'9" 139-153 63-69

    5'10" 142-156 64-70

    5'11" 145-159 65-72

    6'0" 148-162 67-73

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    Height Healthy Weight Range



    5'2" 131-141 59-63

    5'3" 133-143 60-64

    5'4" 135-145 61-65

    5'5" 137-148 62-67

    5'6" 139-151 63-68

    5'7" 142-154 64-69

    5'8" 145-157 65-71

    5'9" 148-160 67-72

    5'10" 151-163 68-73

    5'11" 154-166 69-75

    6'0" 157-170 71-77

    6'1" 160-174 72-78

    6'2" 164-178 74-80

    6'3" 167-182 75-82

    6'4" 171-187 77-84

    Questions & Answers

    Calorie content of food stuffs

    Calorie Needs | Calorie Calculator | Weight Chart | Calories to Gain /Lose Weight| Calorie content in food

    Beverages | Fruits | Vegetables| Cereals| Meat group

    Beverage Calories (KCal) /100g

    Apple Juice55

    Grape Juice55

    Mango Juice58

    Orange Juice44

    Pineapple juice52

    Sugar Cane juice36
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    Tomato Juice17

    Coconut Milk76

    Coconut water24

    Coffee (per cup)98

    Tea (per cup)79

    Cocoa (per cup)213

    Milk (cow's)65

    Skimmed milk35



    Fruit Amount Calories

    Applemedium 60

    Apricot3 medium 50

    Bananamedium 80

    Cherriescup 90

    Dates4 oz 214

    Figs4 oz 214

    Gooseberries4 oz 13

    Grapefruithalf 40

    Grapescup 90

    Guava4 oz 57

    Honeydew Melonhalf 39

    Lemonmedium 15

    Mango4 oz 75

    Mulberries4 oz 35

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    Olives4 oz 85

    Orangemedium 50

    Papaya4 oz 45

    Pineapple4 oz 46

    Plumsmedium 20

    Strawberries4 oz 26

    Watermelon4 oz 54

    Vegetables AmountCalories

    Asparagus4 oz


    Bamboo Shoots - canned4 oz


    Beans - green4 oz


    Broccoli4 oz


    Cabbage - rawcup


    Carrots4 oz


    Cauliflower - rawcup




    Chicory4 oz


    Chilies - dried4 oz


    Chilies - fresh4 oz





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    Fennel4 oz






    Onions4 oz


    Parsley - raw4 oz




    Pepper - redmedium


    Pepper - greenmedium



    Cereals Amount Calories

    Barley1 oz 88

    Cornflakes, plain1 oz 87

    Flour, plain1 oz 88

    Oatmeal1 oz 108

    Noodles, rice4 oz


    Rice, brown1/2 cup 350

    Rice, basmati1/2 cup 330

    Calorie needs to Lose/gain weight

    Calorie Needs | Calorie Calculator | Weight Chart | Calories to Gain /Lose Weight|Calorie content in foodHavingmore calories from food, than you need to maintain your weight can lead to obesity. If food is consumed in

    excess of requirements, the excess is converted into fat and stored in the adipose tissues. Normally adipose tissuesconstitutes about 10 to 15% of the body weight. In obese people, it increases upto 30%.

    One can assess if one is over weight, by knowingyourrequired body weightand estimation of the total body fat. If your body weight is 40- 50 % in excess of the
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    required weight you are severely obese. Your total body fat should be less and no more than 30% of the overall dietand about 50% of that fat itself should be vegetable oils rich in Essential fatty acids (EFA).

    Obesity can lead to several complications - metabolic disorders such as Diabetes, atherosclerosis, cardiac disorders;low life expectancy, physical disability etc.

    In order to loose weight you need to reduce yourcalorie intake but only slightly below your maintenancelevel. Alternatively, You can keep your calorie - intake the usual and increase your activity level. You can raise yourmetabolic rate (the basic rate at which you burn calories) by increasing your exercise. So if you want to lose fat,

    maintain your energy level and improve health, get active and take regular exercise. Aerobic exercise burns a lot ofcalories. Exercise combined with eatingfewer calories promotes weight loss.A reducing diet should normally provide only about half thedaily calorie requirements. But remember that aminimum amount of at least 1200 calories of nutritious food is needed for an adult. Fewer than that would lower ironlevel and actually slow down metabolism. The goal is to get maximum nutrition with minimum calories. So increase

    your intake of low calorie, health enhancing fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans etc and avoid excessive andfrequent eating of foods rich in calories and poor in nutrients like fried and fatty foods, sweets and nuts. Eat fish andpoultry instead of red meat, limit your egg intake to four per week, include adequate fiber in your diet. Useunsaturated oils such as corn, sunflower, safflower etc as the cooking medium and cut down on your overall saltintake. Take a multivitamin tablet along with your reduced diet

    The rule should be to maintain your body weight constant at the normal level by adjusting the calorie intake. Here isthe distribution of food stuff in two calorie reducing diets.

    Calorie Reducing Diets

    Food /day 1100 K Calories1300K Calories

    (Vegetarian) (Non- Vegetarian) (Vegetarian) (Non- Vegetarian)

    Cereals 80g 80g 100g 100g

    Legumes 50g 50g 60g 60g

    Skim milk 1000 500 1000 500

    Cheese 50g - 50g -

    Eggs - One - One

    Meat and Fish 100g - 100g

    Green Leafy Vegetables 200g 200g 200g 200g

    Other Vegetables 200g 200g 200g 200g

    Roots and Tubers 50g 50g 50g 50g

    Fruits 50g 50g 50g 50g

    Fats and Oils 15g 15g 20g 20g

    Cane Sugar 15g 15g 20g 20g

    Multivitamin tablet one one one one

    Similarly, in order to gain weight, You should increase your calorie intake above yourweight maintenance level. Togain body weight, you must consume more calories than you burn.

    Your ideal diet at a glance

    Diet at a Glance | Diet for Cancer | Diet for Diabetes | Balanced diet|Diet Plans for Cardiovascular disease

    A good diet is low in fat, cholesterol, sodium and sugars; and high in vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts and wholegrains. Eating well can make a real difference in your health and longevity.

    An ideal diet

    Daily, drink 64 to 80 ounces of water/water-based beverages,

    i.e. 8 glasses of water


    One serving of fruits: 1 medium apple,orange or banana; 1 slice of melon; 3/4
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    Include 2 to 4 servings of fruits each day.

    Include 3 to 5 servings of vegetables each day.

    Include 2 to 3 servings per day of calcium rich dairy products

    like milk, yogurt and cheese group.

    Include 2 to 3 servings per day of high-protein foods like fish,poultry, meat, dry beans, eggs and nut groups.

    Include 3-6 servings per day ofWhole grain foods like rice,

    bread, cereal etc

    Include 20 to 30 grams of fiber like oats, wheat bran, raisins,

    vegetables, grains etc. each day

    Use fats, oils and sweets sparingly for energy.

    Limit salt and alcohol consumption.

    fruit juice.

    One serving Vegetable: 1 cup raw leafygreens, 1/2 cup cooked vegetables, 3/4

    cup vegetable juice.

    One serving of dairy: 1 cup milk oryogurt; 1cup calcium fortified orange

    juice; 1 ounce reduced fat cheese.

    One serving of meat: Poultry, or fish-2-3ounces, count 1/2 cup cooked beans;1egg; 2 table spoon nuts or peanutbutter.

    One serving of grains: 1slice whole wheatbread; 1 ounce cold cereal; 1/2 cup

    cooked cereal or rice; 1small roll biscuit;2large crackers.


    Food Stuffs best for you

    Vegetables and fruits - 9 half cup servings a day i.e. 5 servings of vegetables and 4servings of fruits. At least 5 servings per day is a must.

    Beans - Eat more beans, five or more times a week. It is thehighest source of fibre

    Nuts - Eat nuts regularly, two table spoon a day five times a week.

    Whole grain foods - 3 to 6 servings a day. Have whole grain foodsnot refined ones.

    Calcium rich foods - Have 2 to 3 servings of calcium rich foods like milk, yogurt,cheese, orange juice or soy milk every day.
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    Eat fish twice a week, especially Salmon, Sardines, Mackerel,Herring etc. rich in Omega-3 fatty acid. Limit your meatandegg consumption (up to 4 eggs a week).

    Along with the above diet, drink 8 glass of water a day and try to limit your alcohol and sweet consumption.

    For individuals who cannot or do not consume an adequate variety of foods, a multivitamin/ multi-mineral supplement may be beneficial. Along with the multivitamin/mineral supplement, 400 IU ofVitamin E , 100-500 mg ofVitamin C and 500 mg of Calcium (for people under 50 years) or 1000 mg (for people over 50 years)would be beneficial.
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    More than any other grains, quinoa is packed with proteins along

    with riboflavin, iron and magnesium. Rinse this cereal before eating

    to prevent the bitter taste.

    Wheat Germ

    Magnesium from wheat germ will help to prevent muscle cramps.

    Wheat germ is also a good source of vitamin E. Sprinkle some overyour cereals, yogurt and fruits to get the nutrients from wheat germ.

    Pulses and Legumes:


    The heart healthy fiber along with isoflavones from lentils may have

    a protective effect against breast cancer. Add lentils in any formdried, canned or already in soup for a protein packed meal.

    Pinto Beans

    Folates from pinto beans have a heart protective effect and alsoreduce any risk of birth defects in new born infants.


    A very good source of soy protein and omega 3 fatty acids, tofuoffers cardiovascular benefits by lowering the low density

    lipoprotein cholesterol levels in the body.

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    Nuts and Oilseeds:


    Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acid from peanuts helpsto decrease the risk of cardiovascular diseases by a significant

    margin. Munch on these healthy nuts when you feel hungry instead

    of binging on any fried snacks.


    These brain shaped nuts not only look like brain but its omega 3 fatty

    acids offer many protective effects to brain. Omega-3 fatty acids

    along with manganese also have a heart protective effect.


    Monounsaturated fats from almonds may reduce your risk for heart

    disease and also lower your low density lipoprotein cholesterol. In

    addition to healthy fats, almonds are also packed with vitamin E,magnesium and potassium.


    An excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids, flaxseeds have anti-

    inflammatory benefits and protect against heart disease, diabetes,bone disease and cancer.

    Fruits and Vegetables:


    Cardio-protective fiber and flavonoids from apples also prevent

    constipation. Drink a glass of fresh apple juice to prevent theformation of kidney stones.

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    Apricots are a rich source of beta carotene which gets converted to

    vitamin A in the body. Both beta carotene and vitamin A are potentantioxidants that help to scavenge the free radicals from the body and

    have a protective effect against many types of cancers and heart

    diseases. You may choose fresh and firm apricots or may even snackon dried ones.


    Oleic acid from avocadoes helps to lower the total cholesterol levelsand even increase the high density lipoprotein levels in the body.

    Moreover avocado also provides a good dose of fiber. Try an

    avocado dip or guacamole in your burger instead of other fat loadeddressings.


    This dark berry can be a perfect excuse to include whipped cream inyour diet. Raspberries are packed with vitamin C and fiber. The

    ellagic acid present in this tiny berry may help to halt growth of

    cancerous cells.


    Blueberries are tangy nutritional stars that are bursting with flavor

    and nutrition, at the same time low in calories. They are a

    powerhouse of antioxidants including lutein, an importantcomponent for vision. Choose fully ripe, but not overripe blueberries

    to gain the maximum nutritional benefit.


    Cantaloupe, a popular variety of melon is packed with two importantantioxidants; vitamin C and vitamin A. The pro-vitamin A in

    cantaloupe promotes your lung health, protects your vision andvitamin C helps to fight against infection and boosts your immune

    system. Eat fresh cantaloupe in winters or freeze cantaloupe cubes

    and blend to make an icy smoothie in summers.

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    Kiwi Fruit

    Vitamin C from kiwi protects the body from any oxidative damage

    and phytonutrients from this fruit protects the DNA. Peel just ripe

    kiwis and scoop the inner contents with a spoon.


    These bright red berries are rich in vitamin C and dietary fiber.

    Cranberry juice is valued for its ability to reduce risk of urinary tractinfection. The hippuric acid along with other components from the

    juice reduces E. coli adherence on the walls of the urinary track, as a

    result of which it is flushed out in the urine.


    Raisins are low in calories but rich in iron and fiber. The phenols

    from these little gems have an antioxidant property that helps toprevent oxygen based damage to the body. Add some raisins in your

    morning breakfast cereal to get the sweetness instead of adding



    Phenols from plums offer a significant antioxidant protection byneutralizing the destructive free oxygen radicals that cause oxidative

    stress in the body.


    Fiber from prunes offers intestinal protection, improves bowel

    regularity and lowers cholesterol.

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    If you use the pill as a mode for birth control then make sure to add

    some vitamin B6 in the form of figs, as the pill depletes this vitamin

    from the body. Figs are also a good source of fiber and potassiumthat can help you to lose weight and maintain healthy blood pressure

    levels. Enjoy dried figs throughout the year, but when in season don't

    forget to include sweet and ripe fresh figs in your diet.


    Papaya is an excellent source of vitamin C and also a good source of

    vitamin A, E and K. All these antioxidants along with the fiber inpapaya surely promote good health and ward off a variety of diseases

    and conditions.


    Bromelain from pineapple offers potential anti-inflammatory and

    digestive benefits. Pineapple is also a good source of manganese,ascorbic acid and thiamin which play a role in antioxidant defenses

    and energy production. Fresh or canned pineapple pieces with plain

    yogurt can be an excellent dessert option.

    Limes and Lemons

    Vitamin C from limes and lemons along with furocoumarins andlimonene help prevent many types of cancers. Add a slice of lemon

    to your iron rich diet for better iron absorption in the body.


    Besides being rich in vitamin A and vitamin C, tomatoes are an

    excellent source of lycopene. Lycopene, a carotenoid acts as a potentantioxidant in the body and offers a protective effect against several

    types of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Cook tomatoes in a dashof olive oil as lycopene is well available in cooked form and in the

    presence of fat it is well absorbed in the body.

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    Onions are rich in flavanoids, most notably quercitin as well as many

    phytonutrients and vitamin C. The chromium from onions helps the

    body cells to respond well to the hormone insulin.


    Silymarin, an antioxidant from artichokes helps to prevent skin

    cancer and the fiber helps to control cholesterol.


    Asparagus is rich in folate, an essential vitamin for cardiovascular

    system. Make asparagus a healthy addition in your meal if you areplanning to get pregnant as folate is also a great birth defect fighter.


    As the richest vegetable source of pro-vitamin A carotenoids, carrotsoffer protection against cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Beta

    carotene from carrots helps to promote good vision and also promote

    good lung health.


    The organosulfur compounds in kale help prevent cancer, especially

    ovarian cancer. Kale is also a rich source of vitamin A, vitamin Cand vitamin K which help to lower cataract risk, promote lung health

    and boost immunity.

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    Gingerols from ginger may help reduce the queasiness. Other

    compounds in ginger may also help to ward off arthritis and migraine

    pain by blocking inflammation-causing prostaglandins. Try somefresh ginger ale to quench your thirst instead of other sweetened and

    artificial drinks.


    Packed with nutrients like vitamin C, beta carotene, vitamin A and

    folate, broccoli can be an ideal vegetable. Sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol in broccoli may have a protective effect against breast

    cancer. To preserve the phytonutrients steam or lightly microwave

    the broccoli, avoid overcooking.

    Brussels Sprouts

    Sulforaphane, a potent plant phytochemical present in Brussels

    sprouts have a protective effect against various types of cancerincluding bladder cancer. Besides they are also an exceptional source

    of vitamin K, vitamin C and fiber. Add some of these sprouts to your

    cold salads if you dont prefer them as your main dish.


    Blessed with the healthiest nutrients like calcium, iron, potassium,magnesium, beta carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin B6, spinach can

    be considered a leafy powerhouse. Include some blanched leaves in

    your soups, salads, omelets or lasagna to get a power pack ofnutrients.

    Sweet Potatoes

    Unique root storage proteins in sweet potatoes have been proved to

    have potent antioxidant effects. Sweet potatoes are a sweet source ofvitamin A, vitamin C, manganese, copper and dietary fiber.

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    Bok Choy

    This Chinese cabbage is rich in brassinin, indoles and

    isothiocyanates all three may offer a protective effect against breast

    cancer. Toss this vegetable lightly with a dash of olive oil andminced garlic just before serving.

    Winter and Summer Squash

    A variety of health promoting nutrients in both the squashes, like

    vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, magnesium and fiber promoteoverall health.

    Arugula and Watercress

    Vitamins C and vitamin E along with phenethyl isothiocyanate and

    beta-carotene in both these greens helps to keep cancer cells at bay.


    The active components along with the sulfur compounds in garlicgives a typical pungent flavor but also helps to lower the low density

    lipoprotein cholesterol and also reduce the risk of colon and stomach



    A concentrated source of vitamin E and monounsaturated fatty acids,

    olives provide cellular protection against free radicals supportgastrointestinal health and prevent the development of colon cancer.

    Dairy Products and Eggs:

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    Skim Milk

    Vitamin A along with riboflavin in skimmed milk helps to maintain

    healthy vision and also reduces allergies and eczema. The calcium

    and vitamin D from skim milk can not be ignored.


    Calcium in active-culture yogurt strengthens the bones and the

    bacteria help prevent yeast infections. Mix some chopped fruits ofyour choice to make your yogurt sweet instead of adding sugar.


    Good quality proteins from eggs along with choline boosts brain

    health. Choline in egg yolks also helps reduce inflammation. Eggyolks are also a concentrated source of cholesterol.



    Fatty cold water fish like tuna, mackerel and salmon are a rich sourceof omega 3 fatty acids. These good fats are a blessing as they offer a

    protective effect against almost everything; from lowering

    cholesterol, protecting the heart, fighting inflammation to fightingmany cancers and preventing Alzheimer's disease.

    Clams and Mussels

    Vitamin B12 from these shell fishes helps to support brain and nervefunction. They are also a good source of iron, potassium and


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    Zinc and vitamin B12 from crabs will help boost your immunity. Try

    some crab curry or prepare your own crab cakes at home.



    Raw honey, besides being sweet golden nectar and a natural

    sweetener also has anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterialproperties.

    Green Tea

    Health promoting flavonoids from green tea are thought to have

    anticancer and antioxidant effects in the body.


    Water is one of the healthiest foods available on earth among theothers. Although it has zero calories and negligible nutrients it offers

    many health benefits which will help you to remain healthy and

    young at heart.

    1200 Calorie Vegetarian Meal Plan

    To make sure that you are getting adequate nutrition from your1200 calorie vegetarian menu, you needto have a well-balanced eating plan. A 1200 calorie vegetarian meal plan for women and men comprises ofwhole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, cereals, and pulses. If you are planning to go on 1200 calorievegetarian diet you have to aim for:

    --[if gte mso 9]>

    3 servings vegetables; 2 servings fruit; 2 servings- fat free milk; 4 servings grains

    Also, 3 ounces of beans is a must. You have to also include starchy vegetables, dark leafy

    vegetables, and orange varieties in your vegetable selections.

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    There are a number of1200 calorie plansavailable online, and you can customize these plans accordingto your preferences. You could go in for a 1200 calorie Indian vegetarian meal plan if you are looking for achange. If you are a vegan, there is no need to worry as there are a number of 1200 calorie vegan mealplan options that you can choose from.

    Heres a sample one day 1200 calorie vegetarian diet menu. While planning such a diet, it is important thatyou are resourceful and make sure that you get the required nutrition from your meals. To make up for anydeficit in calories you can add a handful of granola, raisins nuts or the like at bedtime.


    cup yoghurt (plain and fat free)

    8 medium/small strawberries

    medium banana

    A parfait made from cup fiber one cereal


    Vegetable sandwich with tomato, spinach, shredded carrot, mushroom, broccoli, 1 tbsp of fat free

    whip, tbsp low calorie mustard, and 2 slices of multigrain bread.

    1 cup carrot sticks and 1 nectarine


    Low calorie mushroom burger served on a whole grain bun with lettuce, onions, tomatoes, fat free

    dressing and mustard.

    A helping of grilled asparagus

    1 large corn cob


    1 piece of whole grain bread toasted with a little fat free cream cheese

    Watermelon 2 cups

    There are no specific exercise recommendations while following a 1200 calorie vegetarian meal plan.However, you should have a daily exercise routine as it will help you maintain weight loss and is good foryour overall health. Excessive exercise may not be too beneficial while you are on this plan as thenutritional intake and calories are low and will not sustain heavy physical activity.

    Here are the pros of a 1200 calorie vegetarian meal plan at a glance:

    Selecting wholesome foods with ensure that you will not feel hungry while on this diet.

    Low calorie diets are an effective way to lose weight.

    You have the freedom to choose foods of your choice as long as you do not exceed your daily

    calorie intake.

    This diet plan can be adapted as per your requirements.

    There is a quick initial weight loss that may increase your motivation to continue with the diet on a

    long term basis.


    (It can reduce the weight by over 3-4 kgs in a week. Always exercise regularly with any diet programme)

    This Healthy Diet Programme is designed to flush your system of impurities and give

    you a feeling of well-being. It will improve your emotions because of its cleansing


    After 7 days you will begin to feel lighter because you will be lighter by at least 3 - 4

    Kgs. The effectiveness of this seven day plan is that the food eaten burns more calories

    than they give to the body in caloric value, but is completely nutritional and gives all

    vitamins, elements, etc. as required. This plan can be used as often as you like without

    any fear of complications however it is suggested that you rest for a week between each
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    You will have an abundance of energy and an improved disposition.



    DAY ONE- All fruits except bananas. Your first day will consist of all the fruitsyou want. It is strongly suggested that you consume lots of melons on the first

    day. Especially watermelon and cantaloupe. If you limit your fruit consumption

    to melons, your chances of losing a lot of weight on the first day are very good.

    DAY TWO - All vegetables. You are encouraged to eat until you are stuffed with

    all the raw or cooked vegetables of your choice. There is no limit on the amount

    or type. For your complex carbohydrate, you will start day two with a large

    boiled potato for breakfast. You may top the potato with one pat of butter.

    DAY THREE - A mixture of fruits and vegetables of your choice. Any amount,

    any quantity. No bananas yet. No potatoes today.

    DAY FOUR- Bananas and milk. Today you eat as many as eight bananas anddrink three glasses of milk. This will be combined with the vegetable soup,

    which may be eaten in limited quantities.

    DAY FIVE - Today is a feast day. You will eat sprouts and paneer and

    tomatoes. Eat 280 grams of sprouts and paneer. Combine this with six whole

    tomatoes. On day five you must increase your water intake by one quart. This is

    to cleanse your system of the uric acid you will be producing.

    DAY SIX - Sprouts and paneer and vegetables. Today you may eat an unlimited

    amount of sprouts and paneer and vegetables. Eat to your hearts content.

    DAY SEVEN - Today your food intake will consist of brown rice, fruit juices

    and all the vegetables you care to consume.

    Vegetables can be taken in the form of salad if desired. No dressing except malt,

    white vinegar, squeezed lemon, garlic and herbs. No more than one teaspoon of

    oil. Do keep way from beans (Lima, Pinto, kidney.) because they tend to be high

    in calories even though they are very good for you.


    1. Water flavoured with lemon or lime if desired.2. Club soda

    3. Black coffee, No cream or cream substitute, No sugar or sweeteners.

    4. Black tea.

    5. No fruit juices before Day 7.


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    DAY ONE- You are preparing your system for the upcoming programme. Your

    only source of nutrition is fresh or canned fruits. Fruits are natures perfect food.

    They provide everything that you could possibly want to sustain life except total

    balance and variety.

    DAY TWO - It starts with a fix of complex carbohydrates coupled with an oil

    does. This taken in the morning for energy and balance. The rest of Day 2

    consists of vegetables, which are virtually calorie free and provide essentialnutrients and fibre.

    DAY THREE - Day 3 eliminates the potato because you are getting your calories

    from the fruits. Your system is now prepared to start burning the excess pounds.

    You will still get cravings which will diminish by Day 4.

    DAY FOUR- Bananas, milk and soup sound like the least desirable and

    strangest diet. You are in for a surprise. You will probably not eat all the bananas

    that you are allowed. But they are there for the potassium you will have lost and

    the Sodium that you may have missed during the last 3 days. You will notice a

    definite loss of desire for sweets. You will be surprised how easily this day will


    DAY FIVE - Sprouts and tomatoes. The sprouts are for iron and protein. The

    tomatoes are for digestion and fibre. Lots and lots of water purity your system.

    You should notice colourless urine today. You must eat 6 tomatoes.

    DAY SIX - Day 6 is similar to Day 5. Iron and proteins from sprouts, vitamins

    and fibre iron vegetables. By now your system is a total weight loss inclination.

    There should be a noticeable difference in the way you look from Day 1.

    DAY SEVEN - Day 7 finishes of the programme like a good cigar used to finish

    of the Victorian meal. Except it is much healthier. You have your system under

    control and it should thank you for the flushing and cleaning you just gave it.

    Disclaimer : No responsibility is undertaken by me for people using this programme.

    Everybody's requirement is different and always consult your doctor.

    How to Lose Weight in 4 Weeks- Diet Chart for Weight Loss

    byPRIYANKA on MARCH 31, 2010


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  • 7/29/2019 DIET Veggies


    Ratis darling hubby wrote a verythorough article here about fitness. Making us girls

    acquainted with the point of view of the opposite sex. We all were totally impressed and agreed to every word he said. So lets take the same thought a little further.

    To stay fit and maintain your shape a regular workout helps a lot. But when it comes to losing weight and getting back in shape, a regular workout or exercise routine wont suffice. You will

    have to take it a step further and take care of your diet in order to lose weight. Even the gym instructors would tell you so. Exercise and diet are the two sides of a coin. You cant achieve

    weight loss with just one of them. A regular exercise routine and a healthy diet is your route to salvation.

    Im following a Indian diet myself by a leading dietician. Me, my cousin, some of her friends and a lot of people I know have taken diet from this dietician. And we all have lost a

    considerable amount of weight to say the least.

    You must be thinking that the diets given by the dieticians are personalized then how can we all follow the same diet routine with our different weights and blood groups. For starters, he

    doesnt gives the diet according to the blood group. Though, generally the diets given by dieticians are personal ized. I have noticed a similarity In the diets given to m e and others. And

    since now, that I know his diets are universal. Id want YOU, Ratis lovely readers to reap its fruit as well.

    When I first went to this dietician, he told me to get some blood tests done. Like thyroid checkup, blood sugar, serum insulin in my case since I havePCOD. So its just not about losing

    weight but getting to know the underlying reason of piling on the kilos. In my case it was increased serum insulin levels. But in my cousins case all her tests were ok, she was gaining

    weight because of her erratic routine and the junk food she so loved. So if you think that you are doing everything right but still gaining weight, the first thing you should be doing is finding

    the underlying reason for it.

    First things first, If everything with you is fine your weight gain is due to lethargy, wrong dietary habits and erratic routine. So When u go on a diet make sure that whatever plan u follow it

    must be timed right as well. You must wake up latest by 8:00 ( thats for the late risers, even I used to wake up by 10 or 11). This is the most important thing in your routine because the

    body has its own clock and you shouldnt mess with it.

    This diet is split in 4 weeks period with the diet changing every week.

    Before starting the diet weigh yourself and write it down somewhere. This way you know where you started and you feel good to see the scales going down.

    Some things you need to follow this diet:

    1. No salt after 7:30

    2. No aerated drinks. Yes that includes even the diet version.

    3. Restrict mango and banana

    4. Restrict potato and rice.

    5. No artificial juices as well.
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    6. Half an hour of aerobic exercise daily. If u want to join a gym good enough. But if due to any reason maybe time or money constraint u cant join a gym. All you need is a

    comfortable pair of shoes to do some aerobics, a skipping rope to do at least 500 skips (5 sets of 100 skips and increasing it as you go). 1.5 -2 kgs dumbbells for toning your upper

    body. Just these basic things and you are set.

    7. 20 mins of breathing exercise. ( Im talking about Baba Ramdevs pranayam)

    Without further ado I present you with the Indian diet.

    Week 1

    8:00 am (as soon as you wake up) 2 glasses of methi seeds water ( soak 1tsp of methi seeds in 2 glasses of water. Strain out the methi seeds and drink the water. Helps a lot in water

    retention and bloating) 5 soaked almonds with the skin. 1 kali mirch u dont have to chew it just swallow it down.

    9:00 am 1 toast (brown bread) with amul lite but ter / hung curd dressing/ salad and chutney

    11:30 am one fruit of your wish

    1:30 pm A small plate of salad before starting the meal. The fibers in the salad fills u up wh ich in turn prevents false hunger that makes u overeat.1 bran chappati (mix wheat flour and

    wheat bran in equal proportions.) with 1 bowl ( normal sized katori ) of dal. Generally at my place dal is cooked at night so I used to store the dal made at night for the other days lunch, u

    can do the same.

    5:00 pm 1cup of milk or tea with 2 bis cuits(just marie, no other biscuits)/ 1 small bowl bhuna channa/ 1bowl popcorn ( not the buttery act 2 ones but air popped popcorns without the


    7:30 pm A small plate of salad before starting the meal. 1 bran chappati with 1 k vegetable ( any vegetable not rajmah, channa or kadhi)

    8:30 pm one fruit of your wish

    When this week ends, weigh yourself again. Im sure u must have lost weight. I lost 1.8kgs in the first week itself. U lose the max in this week because you lose all the water weight and

    the bloating is gone. The further weeks you are surely going to lose weight but it wont be this much.
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    Now to the next week.

    Week 2

    8:00 am (as soon as you wake up) 2 glasses of tulsi leave water ( soak 5 tulsi leaves in 2 glasses of water. Strain ou t the leaves and drink the water.) 5 soaked almonds with the skin. 1

    kali mirch.

    9:00 am 1 toast (brown bread) with amul lite butter / hung curd dressing/ salad and chutney

    11:30 am one fruit of your wish

    1:30 pm A small plate of salad before starting the meal. 1 sandwich (2 brown breads with paneer filling, if you are a vegetarian and egg whites, if you are a non vegetarian.)

    5:00 pm 1cup of milk or tea with 2 biscuits

    7:30 pm A small plate of salad before starting the meal. 1 bran chappati with 1 k vegetable (this week you can take rajmah, channa or kadhi )

    8:30 pm one fruit of your wish

    This week I lost just .9kgs

    Week 3

    8:00 am 2 glasses of methi seeds water. 5 soaked almonds with the skin. 1 kali mirch.

    9:00 am - 1 glass of milk and a fruit

    11:30 am one fruit of your wish

    1:30 pm 1 bran chappati and any vegetable

    5:00 pm 1cup of milk or tea with 2 bis cuits/ 1 small bowl bhuna channa/ 1bowl popcorn (not the buttery act 2 ones but air popped popcorns without the butter)

    7:30 pm 3 pcs steamed or roasted chicken o r fish + salad (non vegetarians)

    Any one of the following for vegetarians:

    1. 1 bowl dal .+ 1 bowl curd + salad

    2. 1 bowl veg + 1 bowl curd + salad

    8:30 pm one fruit of your wish

    Week 4

    8:00 am - 2 glasses of methi seeds water. 5 soaked almonds with the skin. 1 kali mirch.

    9:00 am - 1 glass of cold coffee and a bb toast
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    11:30 am one fruit of your wish

    1:30 pm This week you have a lot of options which you can take alternatively.

    1. 1 bowl sprouts + fruits

    2. 2 bowl vegetables + salads

    3. 1 bowl dalia + 1 bb toast

    4. 1 bowl vegetables + 1 bb toast

    5. 1 bowl kadhi + 1 quarter plate rice

    5:00 pm - 1cup of milk or tea w ith 2 biscuits/ 1 small bowl bhuna channa/ 1bowl popcorn (not the buttery act 2 ones but air popped popcorns without the butter)

    7:30 pm 1 bran chappati and 1 bowl vegetable.

    8:30 pm one fruit of your wish

    By the end of the month you will definitely lose 3-6 kgs I l ost 4.3 kgs in a month with PCOD. Im sure u can do better.

    He also gave me some really good gyan as well. According to him when on a diet your social life wont stop but you can still manage your weight without locking yourself at home. Some

    pointers for it. :

    1. When you go out with friends try to have your lunch or dinner at subway. The healthiest option out there. Take a veggie delite sub in brown bread and eating out wont harm

    your diet and weight at all. Tell them not to put mayo in it though.

    2. If you dont have a say in the place of eating then make your choices sensibly. If you go to eat Chinese have rice rather than noodles. Order stir fried veggies instead of

    Manchurian. And control your proportions. Dont take fried starters. Avoid those thick soups they are no good.

    3. When going out just pick 2 fruits before sitting in the car and eat it on your way to the venue. When you are already a little filled before going out. Your somewhat filled

    stomach helps your mind take the right decision.

    4. If eating Indian, order tandoori chappati rather than butter naan or parantha. Take less gravy since it is the most fattening.

    Even if you dont want to lose weight keep these points in your mind and you will be able to maintain your weight easily.

    So go on a diet now and get your svelte figure back.

    P.S.: I really want to thank Rati for giving me a platform to share my thoughts and ideas without having me to bear with the responsibility of making a whole blog work. Thanks, and I

    hope I get towrite here in future as well.