Did You Know



Did You Know?

Transcript of Did You Know

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DID YOU KNOW? Psychotria Elata or Hooker’s Lips: The Most Kissable Plant

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Psychotria Elata or Hooker’s Lips: The Most Kissable Plant

These gorgeous pair of red, luscious lips belong to a plant known as Psychotria elata, a tropical tree found in the rain forests of Central and South American countries like Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama and Ecuador. Affectionately, Psychotria elata is called Hooker’s Lips or the Hot Lips Plants. The plant has apparently evolved into its current shape to attract pollinators including hummingbirds and butterflies. According to Oddity Central, the bracts are only kissable for a short while, before they spread open to reveal the plant’s flowers.

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DID YOU KNOW? Bristlecone Pines – The Oldest Trees on Earth

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Bristlecone Pines – The Oldest Trees on Earth

The Great Basin Bristlecone Pines, or Pinus longaeva, is a long-living species of tree found in the higher mountains of the southwest United States. Bristlecone pines grow in isolated groves in the arid mountain regions of six western states of America, but the oldest are found in the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest in the White Mountains of California. These trees have a remarkable ability to survive in extremely harsh and challenging environment. In fact, they are believed to be the some of oldest living organisms in the world, with lifespans in excess of 5,000 years.

Bristlecone pines grow just below the tree line, between 5,000 and 10,000 feet of elevation. At these great heights, the wind blows almost constantly and the temperatures can dip to well below zero. The soil is dry receiving less than a foot of rainfall a year. Because of these extreme conditions, the trees grow very slowly, and in some years don't even add a ring of growth. Even the tree's needles, which grow in bunches of five, can remain green for forty years.

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DID YOU KNOW? House in The Middle of The Drina River

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House in The Middle of The Drina River

A solitary house on the Drina River in Serbia has been attracting curious travelers from across the globe, after an image of the house was published in National Geographic in August last year. The tiny house stands on an exposed rock in the middle of the Drina River, near the town of Bajina Basta, Serbia. The town lies in the valley of the Drina River at the eastern edge of Tara National Park.

The beauty of the house was captured by Hungarian photographer Irene Becker in August. The picture soon became a hit on the Internet. The house, despite having just found its recent fame, has been standing in the middle of the river for more than 40 years.

The house was built in 1968 by a group of young boys who needed a place to sunbath. As the rock was not exactly the most comfortable place to lie down, they brought some boards from a nearby ruined shed. The following year the boys put up a roof and walls and a house materialized. To transport the materials they used boats and kayaks. Larger pieces were lowered into the water just a few miles upstream, and then caught at the rock.

The house was nearly destroyed several times during flood, but every time it was built from ground up.

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Did You Know: The World’s Best-Selling Toy

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Did you know that Rubik’s Cube is the world’s best-selling toy?

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As of January 2009, more than 350 million Rubik’s Cubes have been sold worldwide – so many, in fact, that if all the cubes were placed on top of each other it would be enough to reach the North Pole from the South Pole!

Surprisingly, when Rubik first approached toy companies they were cool to his idea and told him that the puzzle was too difficult for mainstream appeal.

The Rubik’s Cube is a 3-D mechanical puzzle invented in 1974 by Hungarian sculptor and professor of architecture Ernő Rubik.

Originally called the “Magic Cube”, the puzzle has 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 combinations.

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Did You Know: Men Can Breastfeed Too

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Did you know that men can breastfeed too?

Male lactation in zoology means production of milk from mammary glands in the presence of physiological stimuli connected with nursing infants.

It has been used in literature to describe the phenomenon of male galactorrhea which is a well documented condition in humans.

It’s exceptionally rare, but since men possess mammary glands just like women do, they have the capacity to produce milk. When male lactation happens, it’s usually because of hormonal treatments.

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DID YOU KNOW? Kids Risking Their Lives to Reach School

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Kids Risking Their Lives to Reach School

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For most parents and kids, crossing the street to catch the school bus is perhaps the riskiest part of the school run. But take a look at these Chinese schoolchildren from the village of Genguan. Everyday, these young kids walk along a precarious path carved by the side of a cliff, as they make their way to class in Bijie, in southwest China's Guizhou Province. Banpo Elementary School is located halfway up a mountain and the path to it winds through treacherous hillside passes and tunnels hewn out of the rock. The pebble-covered footpath is less than 0.5 meters wide, which means the children have to walk single file and press themselves into the side of the mountain if someone wants to squeeze past. This footpath was created 40 years ago as an irrigation ditch and although there is another safer route, but taking this means the children have to spend two hours to walk to school. The only assurance for parents is that Headmaster Xu Liangfan accompanies the 49 kids to school.

The story might sound incredible to some, but it isn’t uncommon for children from less privileged regions facing immense hardship on their commute to the institute of learning. You will be surprised at the great lengths some children are willing to go to reach school.

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DID YOU KNOW? When  you begin to feel thirsty when your body losses 1% of water

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Water is important because the body uses it for chemical reactions, nutrient delivery, waste disposal and temperature regulation.

For a person not doing much exercise an expected water loss would be approximately 2500 ml per day and would comprise:

1500 ml/day excretion by kidneys in the form of urine 500ml/day evaporation and perspiration from the skin 300ml/day from the lungs 200 ml/day from the gastrointestinal tract

Exercise greatly increases fluid loss which can reach levels of up to 4 liters per hour during heavy work-outs.

Blood plasma is 90% water so dehydration reduces the volume of blood in the body which makes the heart system work harder to pump the blood around the body and deliver sufficient oxygen to the working muscles. Exercise feels much harder as your body's systems aren't working as efficiently as they do with good hydration and performance is impaired.

Dehydration is defined as a 1% or greater loss of body weight as a result of fluid loss.

Early signs that you are mildly dehydrated may include light-headiness, dizziness, irritability and headaches.

As you get more dehydrated the symptoms get more severe and can lead to clumsiness, dim vision and exhaustion. When dehydrated your attention and concentration can decrease by 13% and short term memory by 7%.

As dehydration progresses, nausea and vomiting may be experienced and by 5% reduction in total body weight, performance has dropped by 30%. Fluid losses greater than this lead to coma and death.

Don't rely on thirst as an indicator of dehydration. By the time you feel thirsty your body has lost between 2 and 5 cups of water! Drink water when you get up in the morning, at breakfast, play lunch, lunch and tea. Drink before, during and after any physical activity.

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DID YOU KNOW? Ants stretch and yawn after waking up in the morning

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Strangely, Yes! This is a cool fact, Ants stretch out when they wake up in the morning. It is also said that when they wake up they stretch out all their six legs and then open their mandibles as if they are yawning just like human beings and that before deciding their tasks for the following day. Many ants spend several waking hours just lazing around or sunning themselves. To sleep, they often make themselves comfortable by scooping smooth hollows in the soil.    In fact, Ants have different personalities, Ants in the same species and colony can show the characteristics of stupidity and laziness, or they can be smart and hardworking. If the hard workers are removed from a colony, the entire colony will suffer.

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Chocolate is not only delicious but it is also good for your health. Many studies show that eating

chocolate makes your heart stronger and can even prevent cancer! Here’s another piece of good news for chocolate lovers: chocolate can also help improve your math skills!

According to British researchers, chocolate can help you do better at math. Scientists at the University of Northumbria found in their study that students who drank hot chocolate before taking a math test performed better than the students who didn’t drink it.

“We found that chocolate can be beneficial for mentally challenging tasks,” said Professor David Kennedy who led the study. “Chocolate increases the flow of blood to the brain, thus activating the brain to work better. So students who eat chocolate before exams may greatly benefit from it.”

The amounts used in the study were 500 mg, equal to about five bars of chocolate. If you want to concentrate better on your studying or a difficult task, you can try eating chocolate. But the researchers said that doing it habitually is not recommended. This is because you may gain a few kilograms if you eat too much chocolate!

If you want to boost your brain power before exams, choose dark chocolate. Milk chocolate contains too much sugar and fat. Eating fresh vegetables and fruit is another good way to make your brain more powerful.

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