DiaTribe - Research and Product News for People With Diabetes - Issue #4

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  • 8/14/2019 DiaTribe - Research and Product News for People With Diabetes - Issue #4


    from the editor

    Last week, my husband, John, and I had a beautiful baby named Lola.

    The experience has reminded me of how challenging diabetes is, but also

    how fortunate I am to have a great health care team and a supportive

    husband. We all know that diabetes is a family affair, but that is never

    truer than during pregnancy. Years ago, women with diabetes were

    discouraged from having children. Those days, thank goodness, are longgone. But while successful pregnancies are now fairly routine, I can attest that they are not

    necessarily easy. Maintaining normal blood sugars this time around took a lot of adjustments.

    And I would be lying if I wrote that weve had no uncertainties about the babys health. But

    the point is: weve come a long way. Fittingly, this issues loose theme is about just that.

    Pump therapy is considered by many experts as much better than its alternatives, and yet

    its underused. It is really just our sort of topic. A great Learning Curve describes how pumps

    have improved over the years and what they offer today, namely continuous insulin delivery

    that is much closer to the way a pancreas works than multiple daily injections. In a very

    personal Test Drive, I share with you not only my experiences on the fabulous OmniPod, but

    also the way I stumbled upon pumps years ago and how they changed my life.

    The first thing to look at in this issue may be the incredible Profile on Gladys Dull, who has

    been on insulin therapy longer than any other person in history. Where better to start than

    the early days of diabetes treatment? No pumps here she spent most of her life using glass

    syringes and measuring her blood sugar by boiling her urine. Almost miraculously, she is now

    90 and for the most part independent. Gladys, thank you, for inspiring us.

    Danish company Novo Nordisk is now the largest insulin maker. We are very impressed

    with this company, which has taken a leading role in urging the world to recognize diabetes

    as an epidemic and to curb it. Our discussion with the CEO of Novo Nordisk, Lars Rebien

    Sorensen, was quite revealing, about how governments must recognize that health care is

    not about treating diseases but about investing in the future, about Novos next generation of

    insulins, and more.

    Finally, I just want to say thanks again to all of you on our Patient Advisory Board. Just

    as we pride ourselves in having an excellent expert advisory board with the top educators,

    doctors, and other players in the diabetes community, we also pride ourselves in having a

    terrific Patient Advisory Board who keeps us on our toes. As always, we invite you to let us

    know howdiaTribe can better serve you ([email protected]).

    We are, after all, one big family plus one!

    Kelly L. Close

    V O L U M E 1 I S S U E 4

    From the Editor .............. 1

    A healthy, happy baby

    shows how far weve come

    Learning Curve ............... 2

    Why we like to pump it up!

    Logbook.......................... 5

    Jackie Robinsons secret

    Test Drive ........................ 8

    Putting on the OmniPod

    diaTribe Dialogue ........... 11

    Speaking with the CEO of

    insulin maker Novo Nordisk

    Profile .............................. 14

    The woman whos been on

    insulin longer than anyone

    NewNowNext ................ 16

    Whats out: Janumet and

    FreeStyle Lite approved

    FingerSticks ................... 17

    Jurassic variability?

    Conference Pearls .......... 18

    To Seattle and back with

    new information

    What Were Reading ...... 19

    The latest research on

    inhaled insulin and stem cell


    in this issue

    research and product news for people with diabetes

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  • 8/14/2019 DiaTribe - Research and Product News for People With Diabetes - Issue #4


  • 8/14/2019 DiaTribe - Research and Product News for People With Diabetes - Issue #4


  • 8/14/2019 DiaTribe - Research and Product News for People With Diabetes - Issue #4



    Compelling Smart Features Become Standard

    Some of the more compelling smart features on the pump have become

    standard, and insulin on board is one of the most important.

    When you give an injection, the insulin remains in the body for a number

    of hours, but you dont know how much is still active and for how long. Pumps

    now come with software programs that make that information available. The

    feature deters patients from stacking insulin or giving a correction bolus for

    a high blood sugar when the existing insulin (insulin on board) may return

    glucose levels to normal.

    One of the complexities of pumping insulin is that people give multiple

    [boluses] through the day, and the current rapid insulins have a duration of

    action that is far longer than most people realize, says John Walsh, co-author

    of Pumping Insulin. A conservative estimate is that it lasts at least five

    hours. The average time between boluses is probably less than four hours. So there is a lot

    of overlapping of bolus activity.

    Several pumps will recommend how much insulin to deliver based on numerous criteria

    your target range, your sensitivity to insulin, how many carbs youre about to eat, and your

    current glucose level. The pumps have safety features to alert users when the insulin is not

    flowing properly or when the reservoir is low. They also have multiple bolus options thesquare-wave and dual-wave boluses can spread the delivery of bolus insulin over time

    and are helpful when eating high-fat meals or when taking insulin with Symlin (See last

    issues Learning Curve for more information on this new drug for type 1 and type 2 patients

    who take insulin).

    Next Generation: Smaller and More Integrated with Other Technology

    What will the next generation of pumps look like? They will continue to become smaller,

    perhaps with more concentrated insulins in micro reservoirs. The tubeless, disposable

    OmniPod, which is easier to attach and has fewer moving parts than conventional pumps,

    appears to be a glimpse into the future: Other new pumps currently under development

    promise to be miniaturized devices taped directly onto the skin that deliver insulinsubcutaneously. Like the OmniPod, other new pumps may be operated and

    programmed through remote control devices.

    Pumps will also become more customizable with personal alarms,

    reminders, and delivery options, and there will be a continued push to

    integrate with glucose meters and continuous glucose sensors. We also look

    forward to dual-chamber pumps that will allow us to infuse other drugs such as

    Symlin and perhaps Byetta (currently prescribed for type 2 patients).

    Better Pumps are Central to an Artificial Pancreas

    The ultimate prize is the artificial pancreas. In that scenario, a continuous

    sensor would signal to a pump how much insulin to deliver based on the

    current glucose level and its rate of change, and the pump would deliver

    the insulin without any human intervention. Some have called this closed-loop system a

    technological or a mechanical cure, or at least a way to ensure normal blood sugars

    regardless of how many pancakes you eat.

    The closest product to an artificial pancreas that is available is the MiniMed Paradigm

    REAL-Time Insulin Pump and Continuous Glucose Monitoring system. The sensor

    essentially talks to the Paradigm 522 or 722 pump, giving the user access to real-time

    glucose readings every five minutes and recommendations on boluses. It is still an open-

    loop system, because the patient delivers the insulin, and we believe open-loop systems will

    D I AT R I B E R E S E A R C H A N D P R O D U C T N E W S F O R P E O P L E W I T H D I A B E T E S

    4continued on page 5

    Insulets OmniPod

    MiniMeds Paradigm pump and

    continuous glucose transmitter

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    D I AT R I B E R E S E A R C H A N D P R O D U C T N E W S F O R P E O P L E W I T H D I A B E T E S

    5continued on page 6

    continue to improve and that, in fact, the power of the open loop may be underestimated.

    Getting to a true closed loop requires more than a more perfect sensor. It also requires the

    right algorithms and probably glucagon (whats known as a counter-regulatory hormone),

    which in turn may require a dual-chamber pump.

    Studies at Yale University have demonstrated the feasibility of a fully closed loop system

    though theyre being done in the clinic and with significant monitoring. The trials are part

    of the JDRFs (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) Artificial Pancreas Project. The

    biggest hurdle right now is that the insulin, sent by pumps into subcutaneous fat, takes toolong to take effect and then takes too long to stop working. This is true even for the fastest-

    acting insulin; and even if a more rapid-acting insulin becomes available, that might still be

    too slow. This is why, in addition to progress with new pumps, we are also closely following

    developments where faster-acting insulins, more concentrated insulins, and other valuable

    hormones could be infused, all with the goal of making a diabetics body more closely

    resemble that of a healthy person without diabetes.


    Jackie Robinson, Diabetes, and anOpportunity Lost

    By James S. Hirsch

    Afull-page newspaper ad, celebrating the sixtieth anniversary of Jackie

    Robinsons first Major League baseball game, said:

    He was a soldier, a writer, an activist, a politician, a voice, a

    leader, a father, a husband, and a friend.

    He was all of those, and he was something else.

    He was a diabetic.

    Last months anniversary of Jackie Robinsons historic achievement allowed America to

    remember his extraordinary life. In 1947, when he played his first game for the Brooklyn

    Dodgers, he shattered some of the countrys most pernicious, yet deeply held, biases toward

    black Americans. During his career, he withstood racial epithets from opposing players,

    threatened boycotts from his own teammates, hostile boos from fans, and death threats

    from enemies. But he played with daring, skill, and courage, amassing a Hall of Fame

    career while also serving as a front-runner for the modern civil rights era. As the author

    Jonathan Eig wrote, Robinson showed black America what was possible. He showed white

    America what was inevitable.

    Accordingly, Robinson has been celebrated in books, movies, documentaries, songs,

    short stories, poems, term papers, and sermons. Yet precious little has been written or said

    about the role of diabetes in Robinsons life how it may have cut short his baseball career

    and how it certainly cut short his life. The tragedy is not simply that diabetes killed a greatman who still had so much to give. It is that Robinson himself who spoke out forcefully

    on civil rights, politics, and business wanted to keep his disease quiet, and those who

    carry on his name have continued that legacy.

    Why Robinsons Diabetes Matters

    Why does it matter that Jackie Robinson had diabetes? Because perceptions matter, and

    Robinson could have blunted some of the misperceptions that existed during his life and to

    some extent still remain: that the disease only affects people who are old or overweight, or

    that the discovery of insulin has either cured the disorder or at least made it not that serious.

    The tragedy is notsimply that diabetes

    killed a great man who

    still had so much to

    give. It is that Robinson

    himself - who spoke out

    forcefully on civil rights,

    politics, and business

    - wanted to keep his

    disease quiet, and

    those who carry on his

    name have continued

    that legacy.


    From the expert:

    John Walsh, author of

    Pumping Insulin, on the

    closed loop:

    Pumps have a

    tremendous advantage

    in accuracy of dosing

    boluses. Just the fact

    that you are wearing

    a pump and giving

    boluses, which are

    easier than taking

    injections, suggests

    that you are going to

    more accurately cover

    your carbs.

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    D I AT R I B E R E S E A R C H A N D P R O D U C T N E W S F O R P E O P L E W I T H D I A B E T E S

    6continued on page 7

    Patients, of course, have always known the realities of diabetes, but

    over the years, they rarely advocated for themselves. On the contrary, they

    were more apt to conceal or even lie about their condition, either out of

    misplaced shame or genuine concerns about discrimination.

    The landscape changed somewhat with the founding of the Juvenile

    Diabetes Foundation in 1970, which became an energetic voice for diabetic

    children and enlisted several celebrities (most notably, Mary Tyler Moore)

    to the cause. But even as diabetes became a mainstream disease, its had

    difficulty gaining traction as a serious public health threat. In a recent

    speech, President Bill Clinton acknowledged that he didnt understand the

    scope of the epidemic until after he got out of office. Between 1980 and

    1994, NIHs research dollars for diabetes as a percentage of its entire

    budget declined slightly even as the number of diabetics had doubled.

    What the diabetes community has lacked is urgency (see: AIDS

    activists), public figures (see: Michael J. Fox, Parkinsons), and national

    commitments (see: polio, 1930s).

    Why does it matter that Jackie Robinson had diabetes? Because his

    story, if known, could be a rallying cry for better care, for more research

    dollars, for greater understanding and a poignant reminder of the truecosts of this disease.

    Hyperglycemic While Still in Uniform

    Robinsons health problems began while he was still playing for the Dodgers. His knees and

    ankles chronically hurt, and his arm was often sore. He also struggled with his weight. After

    his rookie season, he went on a celebration tour through the Deep South, ate like pigs,

    and gained 25 pounds. His weight would fluctuate throughout his career.

    Robinson retired at age 37. After 10 seasons, his performance had begun to decline, and

    his health was also poor, though its unclear if he was diagnosed with diabetes while he

    was still playing or immediately after. In whats considered the most definitive account of

    his life, Jackie Robinson: A Biography, Arnold Rampersad wrote that he was diagnosedabout the time of his retirement. If nothing else, its safe to assume that Robinson was

    hyperglycemic while still in uniform. Robinson discovered his diagnosis on a routine visit

    to his physician. He left in high spirits, said his friend, Jack Gordon. But when he came

    back he was very quiet. He said that the doctor had told him that for someone who had

    played sports for so long and didnt smoke or drink, he had never seen a body so badly

    deteriorated. Jack found out he had diabetes. It was very, very sad.

    His diagnosis could not have come as a complete shock. Two of Robinsons brothers,

    Edgar and Mack, already had diabetes.

    Jackie was immediately prescribed insulin. He initially practiced his injections on

    tomatoes, then he took the shots himself. His biggest challenge was his diet. As his wife,

    Rachel, told Rampersad, He used to put away a pint of ice cream at one sitting. That

    stopped, along with the pies and cakes.

    A Painful Connection to His Mentor

    In a painful twist of history, diabetes would forge another link with the man most

    responsible for Robinsons fame. Branch Rickey, as the president and part-owner of the

    Brooklyn Dodgers, signed Robinson with the team and then became Robinsons beloved

    mentor and father figure. Unfortunately, Rickeys eldest son, Branch Jr., also had diabetes,

    and he died from complications in 1961 at age 47.

    In his retirement, Robinson was involved in business and politics, he wrote a newspaper

    Jackie Robinson



    What the diabetes

    community has lacked

    is urgency (see: AIDS

    activists), public figures

    (see: Michael J. Fox,

    Parkinsons), and

    national commitments

    (see: polio, 1930s).

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    D I AT R I B E R E S E A R C H A N D P R O D U C T N E W S F O R P E O P L E W I T H D I A B E T E S


    column (tackling subjects ranging from housing to migrant workers to trade unions), and

    he was active in the civil rights movement. His biographies cite no examples of his speaking

    out on diabetes, but the disease hospitalized him on several occasions. His heart was

    balking, his sight was beginning to cloud, and his decline was irreversible. By 1969, he was

    still seen as a paragon of strength and courage, but his doctor could not discover a pulse in

    his legs. He told Rachel Robinson that her husband would be dead in two or three years.

    Jack did not want to hear that news, Rachel told Rampersad. He would not talk about

    death. Denial was his greatest prop, and he denied that he was dying.

    The following year, Robinson suffered two mild strokes that left him unsteady and

    with numbness on his left side. Blood vessels continued to rupture in his eyes. In 1971, he

    received experimental laser surgery, but the vision in his right eye was almost completely

    gone; and his left eye was badly impaired.

    By 1972, walking had become increasingly difficult, and his doctors knew that both legs,

    lacking sufficient blood supply, needed to be amputated.

    Robinson, however, refused to succumb to self-pity or even acknowledge his own

    mortality. As his doctor noted after one visit, The patient, as always, says he feels great.

    An Autobiography, and a Missed Opportunity

    In 1972, Robinsons autobiography, I Never Had It Made, was published. By then, heknew what diabetes had done to his life he couldnt even read the galleys and he (or his

    ghostwriter) could have used the book as a platform to raise awareness of diabetes and urge

    improvement in care. Just as he walked onto Major League ball fields to clear the path for

    future generations, he could have spoken out for patients who would follow his footsteps.

    Instead, Robinson only made two fleeting references to diabetes, in ways that completely

    misrepresented the condition. Although I have lost one eye and have impaired sight with

    the other, he wrote, there has been remarkable improvement recently. Ive always been a

    fighter, but this is one fight I could have never won alone.

    The fight didnt last long. On June 4, 1972, he attended an Old Timers Game at Dodger

    Stadium, and as one observer wrote when he walked out on the field to be introduced

    to the wildly cheering crowd, he walked like a man of 80. Then on October 15, he washonored before a World Series game, and he gave a speech most remembered for his plea

    that Major League baseball hire a black manager. When a fan asked him to sign a baseball,

    he said, Im sorry. I cant see it.

    Jackie Robinson died nine days later, at age 53.

    A Hole in a Heros Legacy

    Around the time of his death, at a public meeting sponsored by the American Diabetes

    Association, then president Max Ellenberg cited Robinson as one of those famous figures

    who kept their disease in the closet. Now, at a time when type 2 diabetes is ravaging

    the African American community, some medical leaders recognize that Robinsons

    secretiveness represents a lost opportunity. Former ADA president Ronald Arky, for

    example, vividly remembers radio announcer Red Barbers description of Jackie Robinson

    dancing off first base as he prepared to steal second; Arky says hes always wanted to

    speak with Rachel Robinson about the onset of Jackies disease, his family history, and his

    treatment, but he never has.

    Its possible that Robinson didnt talk about his health because he didnt want people to

    feel sorry for him. He may also have felt shame or embarrassment. He wouldnt be the first,

    nor last, to feel that way. And how much more could we expect from Jackie Robinson? A

    hero only has so much heroism to give.

    But we can expect more from others. To sustain her husbands legacy, Rachel founded

    continued on page 8

    When a fan asked him

    to sign a baseball, he

    said, Im sorry. I cant

    see it.

    Now, at a time when

    type 2 diabetes is

    ravaging the African

    American community,

    some medical leaders

    recognize that

    Robinsons secretiveness

    represents a lost


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    D I AT R I B E R E S E A R C H A N D P R O D U C T N E W S F O R P E O P L E W I T H D I A B E T E S


    the Jackie Robinson Foundation, which provides college scholarship money and mentoring

    to minority youths. The Web site, which includes a biography of Jackies life, makes no

    reference to diabetes.

    Mrs. Robinson, who is now in her 80s, looked radiant during her speech at Dodger

    Stadium last month to celebrate the anniversary of Jackies arrival in the Major Leagues.

    But asked to be interviewed for this column, a spokeswoman, Barbara Tribble-Sawyer, said

    She does not want to be interviewed on this subject.

    test drive

    Test Driving Insulets OmniPod SystemBy Kelly Close

    Ive said that I would sacrifice my cell phone for an OmniPod and those who know me will

    tell you that is huge. For me, its the best product that has come along in a decade. Symlin

    actually comes close, and then the other pumps are way up there, but the quality- of-life

    improvements that OmniPod offers have been enormous. It truly is a breakthrough, and

    really, so few breakthroughs come along in this diabetic life.

    The OmniPod, of course, is by definition an insulin pump, and there are many important

    reasons for using a pump (see this issues Learning Curve). As a group here at diaTribe,

    we think its fantastic that insulin therapy can be more physiologic, or more similar to the

    bodys natural functions. In other words, the pump, continuously supplying small amounts

    of insulin, approximates a functioning pancreas much more closely than do multiple daily

    injections of insulin. Honestly, its crazy to me that only 20% of type 1s and a very small

    percentage of insulin-using type 2s are using pumps. Insulet, which makes OmniPod, was

    until recently a small private company; in May, it went public with the goal of expanding

    capacity, and I foresee OmniPod making a difference in how many diabetics use pumps.

    The Device

    There are two pieces to the system: one is a Personal Diabetes Manager, or PDM,which is kind of like a Palm Pilot or a big Blackberry. This controls the other piece, the pod,

    which is attached to the patient. The PDM has a FreeStyle blood glucose meter built in. Its

    about three by four by one inch, bigger than most meters, but not significantly. When you

    get the PDM, you work with your healthcare team to program it.

    Basal rates (mine varied between 0.5 0.7 mg/hour until I got pregnant recently

    then they were 1.0 1.5 mg/hour!)

    Target glucose levels (mine was 100 mg/dL until pregnancy, then it went to 80 mg/dL

    hypoglycemia was very rare for me in pregnancy, so it was safe to reduce this)

    Insulin-to-carb ratio (mine was 14 units per carb pre-pregnancy, and five during the

    last few months of pregnancy!)

    Insulin sensitivity (this means how much 1 unit of insulin lowers your blood glucose mine was over 50 mg/dL pre-pregnancy and 45 mg/dL during pregnancy)

    You can also program a bunch of other choices, like whether you want a reminder an

    hour (or two or three) after you eat to tell you to check your blood glucose, if youve missed

    a bolus dose, or whether you want any sound at all on your meter

    The programming takes about 5-10 minutes, and then youre ready to start your

    OmniPod. When you take the pod out of the packaging, you fill it with insulin, which

    takes about 30 seconds. Then the PDM (it is so friendly!) asks you if youd like to put

    on a pod. Why, yes! So it instructs you just like that! to fill the pod with insulin. You

    receive a syringe with every pod, and you just withdraw the amount of insulin (minimum


    continued on page 9

    I foresee OmniPod

    making a difference in

    how many diabetics

    use pumps.

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    D I AT R I B E R E S E A R C H A N D P R O D U C T N E W S F O R P E O P L E W I T H D I A B E T E S

    85 units - maximum 200 units) you require for three days and fill the pod

    through a fill port on the underside of the pod. Two hundred units of insulin

    is the maximum, which is a drawback I never used to use so much insulin,

    but I found in pregnancy, it barely lasted the three days, so for some type

    2 patients, this wouldnt be enough. Then the PDM asks if you are ready

    (again, so friendly! I really get the impression, crazy as this sounds, that it

    cares about me), and you take off the pods adhesive backing and place it

    on your stomach, back of arm, or leg plenty of flexibility because you arent

    constrained by tubing. You can put it anywhere there is fat tissue.

    Then you press start on the PDM and I always do this gleefully, because

    I never feel it go! You hear a little click, click, click which I find reassuring, and then

    the needle goes in at 1/200 of a second and then comes right back out, leaving the cannula

    under your skin. Im not sure if it is because I dont see it go in, or because its so fast, or

    because its automated, but for such a long time, this auto-insertion was my favorite thing

    about the pod. I didnt feel it, while the insertion of my other pumps had always been my

    least favorite thing about them. After insertion, youre off and running with your basal

    insulin. You wear the pod continuously for three days (it tells you when its time or insulin

    is running out) and then remove it and throw it away. Swapping to another pod only takes

    about 90 seconds super fast and easy basically just filling the new pod with insulinand saying go. This device is very easy to maintain you dont need to clean anything.

    You do get in trouble if you forget to take a pod and you need to switch your existing one

    because the alarm is very, very loud and you can only quiet the alarm intermittently, but

    if the pod wants to get your attention, you cant ignore it!

    While youre wearing the pod, you use the wireless PDM to program doses or adjust

    basal rates. To program a bolus, you first take a blood glucose test, just like with a regular

    FreeStyle meter, and you get your result, and then press next. I love how all this works. My

    husband is very technical, and he was helping me and he said Nice UI approvingly the

    first time I tried it. Thanks! I said, pleased with my score of 122 mg/dL. No, sweetie,

    he laughed. Youre lovely, but I was talking about the PDM. Nice UI. That means nice

    user interface. This means I like how its so logical. Press next! I did, and the PDM askedif I was planning on eating, which I was enter 30 carbs! Then there appeared the bolus

    dose it was telling me to take. This wasnt unlike my old pumps I also think the bolus

    estimator function on pumps has been a breakthrough but the screen on this is pretty

    big, and I just liked the PDMs personality. Then I hit go and a wireless signal was sent

    to the pod, which delivered my bolus dose of insulin. Insulet is working on combining the

    OmniPod with FreeStyles soon-to-be-available continuous glucose monitoring system,

    Navigator I think this holds a lot of promise, but I imagine that will take a couple of years

    Even though the interface on the PDM is easy to set up and learn, the PDM still has

    all the sophisticated options that a serious patient would want, like a bolus wizard (which

    determines your bolus) and an insulin on board feature (which deters overdosing). The

    PDM also has a food database, reminders, a quiet alarm (some like it loud, but I dont);

    and, best of all, it doesnt need to be connected to me!

    Its also worth noting that Insulets customer service desk is excellent perhaps because

    all its members are type 1 patients who also wear the pod. (Now, thats standing behind

    your product.) Ive only had to call the desk a few times, but when I have, the reps were

    extremely knowledgeable and efficient.

    An evolution in pumps

    As I described in an interview with a top teen Web site for diabetes (diabetesteentalk.

    com), over the past 10 years I have worn both the MiniMed and Animas pumps. The

    continued on page 10

    The OmniPod



    I really get the

    impression, crazy as

    it sounds, that [the

    OmniPod] cares

    about me...

    Ive only had to call

    the [customer service]

    desk a few times,

    but when I have, the

    reps were extremely

    knowledgeable and

    efficient. Turns out they

    are all type 1 diabetics!

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    MiniMed 507 was the first series of pumps I started on life changing. I cringe when I

    think of what I did before that from the late 1980s to the mid 1990s on a fixed insulin

    dose for most of that time, mainly NPH and regular. I was in and out of the emergency

    room for hypoglycemia at least once a year, and I can still vividly feel what it was like to

    wake up in the ambulance. It always felt the same Oh, not this again and I would close

    my eyes and hope it was a dream.

    It was in the mid-1990s, when I was working on Wall Street, that I was asked to

    develop an opinion for investors on MiniMed as a small public company. I had been very

    against pump therapy probably, I was just against thinking actively about my diabetes.

    The body-image stuff really bugged me, and I didnt want a constant reminder of my

    diabetes anywhere, much less to wear. My A1c at the time was 7 percent or so, and my

    doctors would assure me that below 8 percent was very good this was before everyone

    was so focused on the importance of tight control! Anyway, I said I would go on the pump

    for a week to determine whether MiniMed was a positive investment. Going to MiniMed

    to meet the leaders, I learned about the benefits of physiologic therapy the more you can

    mimic an actual pancreas, the better. With a way to mimic my pancreas insulin secretion

    every minute, four shots a day suddenly seemed like a very blunt tool.

    Inside a day, I vowed never to go off pump therapy. I felt so much better on it, almost

    immediately. Life was more flexible: I could exercise without fears of hypos, I could eat

    more, I could give a shot just by pushing a few buttons. Now, not all was rosy I found

    the insertion painful, I hated when my infusion set pulled out accidentally, and sometimes

    I just wanted people to stop asking about it. When MiniMed was bought by Medtronic in

    2002, I started having problems with customer service and stumbled upon Animas at a

    conference. I used Animas all through the 1200 series. I thought the pumps were sleek and

    worked well, and I loved the insulin on board and the other smart pump features. At

    this time, there seemed to be so much innovation more than we had seen in years.

    So why the move to OmniPod? When I volunteered for the clinical trial I love clinical

    trials I didnt think anything could prompt me to change permanently from Animas. I was

    intrigued by the no tubing concept, but the idea of leaving it on for three days seemed like

    a deal breaker. To my surprise, I loved it. It was more discreet than other pumps, which forme was so key. It was faster and easier than my other pumps, and it really was as smart as

    my old pump. It was a good time for change I had just had my daughter, Coco, who would

    pull out my infusion sets, which was incredibly depressing. It was nothing I couldnt get

    over, but putting those in was the worst part of being on a pump, and the OmniPods auto-

    insertion is so much less stressful for me.

    Because it has no tubing, it is easily hidden. Ive worn it nearly everywhere, though Ive

    noticed that my abdomen has the best absorption (this varies from person to person). Many

    wear it on the back of the arm, possibly the least cumbersome location. I love hiding it.

    Even though Im pretty glass-half-full about my diabetes, I do get sick sometimes of telling

    my story whenever someone asks about my pump (before that, my pen, or syringe). I am

    still asked sometimes, and typically Im pretty upbeat about it because I feel lucky, but

    Im not now answering in response to my pump, because its never really visible. Its small

    about half the size of a regular pump and of course Im hoping it gets even smaller

    and its always hidden under my clothes.

    Since the OmniPod is always attached to me, some people ask whether I can suspend the

    flow of insulin, for exercise, for example. Yes, you can. I walk a lot and I always suspend it

    half an hour before my walk. If I dont, my BG drops 50 points minimum. I would do that

    with any pump. The pod is waterproof, so theres no issue with showering or swimming.

    Apparently, the insulin in the pod may have problems in hot tubs, but you can prepare for

    that by putting it in your upper arm. Technically, the company says it can only be immersed


    D I AT R I B E R E S E A R C H A N D P R O D U C T N E W S F O R P E O P L E W I T H D I A B E T E S

    continued on page 11

    ...I can still vividly feel

    what it was like to wake

    up in the ambulance.

    It always felt the same

    Oh, not this again and I would close my

    eyes and hope it was a


    With a way to mimic

    my pancreas insulin

    secretion every minute,

    four shots a day

    suddenly seemed like a

    very blunt tool.

    I was intrigued by the

    no tubing concept, but

    the idea of leaving it on

    for three days seemed

    like a deal breaker.

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    D I AT R I B E R E S E A R C H A N D P R O D U C T N E W S F O R P E O P L E W I T H D I A B E T E S

    11continued on page 12

    8 feet for 30 minutes, but thats not really very restrictive unless youre a scuba diver, which

    Im not (I made the mistake of admitting I was diabetic when going for training a couple of

    years back Ill have to not tell the truth next time!)

    Continue reading about Kellys experience with the Omnipod online at www.diaTribe.

    us/issues/4/test-drive.php with the device and how to sample one.

    diaTribe dialogue

    Lars Rebien SorensenLars Rebien Sorensen does not have diabetes, but he may be the most important

    business leader in the field today. As president and chief executive officer of Novo Nordisk,

    he heads the worlds largest insulin company its products are used by 15 million people

    around the globe each day and Novo has taken the lead on raising awareness of the

    epidemic. Most recently, it sponsored the Global Changing Diabetes Leadership Forum in

    New York, which we attended in early March, and former President Bill Clinton was the

    keynote speaker. He emphasized that three things are needed to slow down the pandemic:

    vision, leadership, and money. Right now, Mr. Sorensen and his company are providingall three. In a conversation with Kelly Close and Jim Hirsch, Mr. Sorensen discussed the

    need for governments to recognize that health care is not about treating diseases but

    about investing in the future, the development of Novos next generation of insulins, and

    the reasons why the pharmaceutical industry needs to repair its reputation.

    Kelly: Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us. What steps would you like

    to see industry, government, and health care professionals take to improve diabetes care?

    Mr. Sorensen: I think were basically talking about a problem of chronic disease, which

    is the biggest public health threat we have in many societies. And we believe diabetes is

    a model that can be used for how to deal with it, how to monitor it, how to treat it. Butno single institution is able to solve this problem on its own, and therefore, we need to

    come together patient associations, health professionals, governments, NGOs (non-

    governmental aid organizations), and industry because otherwise we cant solve this.

    Jim: But once everyone comes together, what should they be doing?

    Mr. Sorensen: Well, I think we need to recognize that we each can play a role, and if we

    work together, I think theres a win/win situation possible. For example, ideally, we should

    create health care systems that are capable of preventing chronic disease, but if thats not

    possible, health care systems should diagnose and treat early rather than treating late.

    Then its a win/win situation for everybody because diabetes is not costly if diagnosed and

    treated early, but its very, very costly if its left untreated. So theres an industry interest,

    looking upon it from our perspective: more awareness will lead to more diagnoses, which

    will lead to more advanced and more aggressive therapies, which leads to more business for

    the pharmaceutical industry. This would also reduce patients suffering and complications.

    It would help society with reduced health care costs in the long run. So I think there is

    legitimate interest on behalf of all stakeholders in working together.

    Kelly: How has the global diabetes epidemic affected Novo Nordisk its product line, its

    research and development, or its mission?


    Lars Rebien Sorensen

    ...Ideally, we should

    create health care

    systems that are

    capable of preventing

    chronic disease...

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    D I AT R I B E R E S E A R C H A N D P R O D U C T N E W S F O R P E O P L E W I T H D I A B E T E S

    Mr. Sorensen: Therapies today are not sufficient for people with diabetes to live normal

    lives. So there is a lot more that we can do from the research side there are still new

    drugs, and Levemir and GLP-1 therapy in particular are ways of addressing this. (Note:

    Liraglutide, Novos GLP-1 mimetic, is currently in phase 3 clinical trials. It works through

    the same mechanism as Amylins Byetta.) There are a lot of therapies that are being

    promoted today DPP-4 inhibitors from Merck (Januvia) and Novartis (Galvus, not yet

    approved) in the future, as well. These are all new therapies, including inhaled insulins,

    which are more convenient for the patient. And then there is still a lot that can be done in

    terms of developing clinical practice guidelines and dietary guidelines so our people can

    appropriately treat themselves. Theres an amazing lot of work that can still be done.

    Kelly: Its fair to say that your biggest product, insulin, is under prescribed or under

    used, certainly in the US, because therere so many people who are taking it who are not

    at glycemic target. What do you think Novo or the other insulin companies should do to

    increase the use of the product?

    Mr. Sorensen: It is interesting that diabetes and severe diabetes have often been

    associated with insulin therapy, so physicians would often encourage patients to treat

    themselves properly, otherwise they would be put on insulin. So historically insulin wasused as a threat in some ways, and to many patients, it was viewed as the end stage of the

    disease. Insulin had a bad connotation. But clinical studies have shown that diabetes needs

    to be treated as aggressively and as early as possible, to reach near-normal glycemic levels.

    That is where the new therapies, like GLP-1, are important, because patients are

    concerned about going directly from oral agents to insulin. Insulin has traditionally had the

    side effects that youd gain weight and that there may be hypoglycemia, though the latter is

    not very significant as it relates to type 2 diabetes - its more significant for type 1 diabetes.

    So GLP-1 has presented itself recently as an intermediate step between oral therapy and


    So we expect these new therapies will all find their own niche, and its up to the

    physician and the patients themselves to decide how aggressively do they want to treatthemselves, because we have to understand that the more aggressively the patients treat

    themselves, the more they infringe on their personal and private life in terms of either

    having to monitor blood sugar or having to take injections or multiple injections. And so it

    is a balance between the patient wanting to have a quality of life and the risk of developing

    complications long term.

    Kelly: What has to happen to make diabetes the urgent issue that it should be?

    Mr. Sorensen:Well, I think youre touching on a very central thing, which is also one

    thing that I asked President Clinton about. Its going to be interesting to see how we will

    make significant change unless we also look at the financing of the health care system.

    In my country, where we have a public health system, we view prevention and early

    intervention as investments long-term investments in the future well-being of the

    population. Whereas in insurance-based systems, its often difficult to see how they are able

    to invest, because people keep moving to different companies. And therefore the interest

    in investing in long-term prevention and health is significantly less. So in the US context,

    I think the main thing we need to get is major employers involved. We need to get the

    government involved because the government at the end will have the responsibility when

    uninsured individuals develop the complications of diabetes. And large employers will often

    carry the responsibility of their workforce for an extended period of time.

    12continued on page 13

    Insulin had a bad

    connotation. But

    clinical studies have

    shown that diabetes

    needs to be treatedas aggressively and

    as early as possible,

    to reach near-normal

    glycemic levels.

    In my country, where

    we have a public

    health system, we

    view prevention and

    early intervention as

    investments long-

    term investments in the

    future well-being of the

    population. Whereas

    in insurance-based

    systems, its often

    difficult to see howthey are able to invest,

    because people keep

    moving to different


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    D I AT R I B E R E S E A R C H A N D P R O D U C T N E W S F O R P E O P L E W I T H D I A B E T E S

    13continued on page 14

    Kelly: Maybe you could talk a little bit about your mission to defeat diabetes and what that

    means to you and what you think it means to your employees.

    Mr. Sorenson:Well, it comes from a simple recognition, and that is if we align ourselves

    with the interests of people with diabetes, theyre interested in getting rid of that disease. If

    I could just brush aside that wish by saying its not technically or scientifically feasible, then

    we could go on selling our products. But I cant do that. We know there is scientific progress

    that seems to indicate there might be something we can do stem cells and other therapies

    And therefore we also have to engage in this and do our part, and as I tell my employees,

    its better that we eradicate diabetes than somebody else. And well find another business as

    part of the process. Or if nothing else, we just made the final commitment to the disease. So

    if it can be done, it will be done.

    Kelly: In light of that, what keeps you up at night? What do you worry about the most in

    terms of your business?

    Mr. Sorensen:Well, I just spoke to a lot of our employees today [about this]. And one of

    the things I worry the most about is the quality of our products. We service about 15 million

    people with their daily needs of insulin, and if we dont make the proper quality and havethe proper controls of our product, somebody is going to get hurt, and thats the worst thing

    that could happen. We know there are risks involved in drug research, and thats a publicly

    understood risk. Its a risk that people that enter into these clinical trials understand, and

    they commit to that risk because they want to further research. So there are problems, of

    course. We try to avoid it but thats an inevitable risk we run. But not being able to supply

    adequate quantities of a high-quality product could affect millions of peoples lives.

    Thats the worse fear I have.

    Jim: Regarding your products, can the insulins get better than where we are now, or is it

    now just a matter of finding smarter ways of dosing?

    Mr. Sorensen: That is the most exciting thing. Right now we are working on developing

    yet another generation of insulins. So Levemir, when you look at it, is fantastic basal

    insulin, but it still has a duration of action which is slightly less than 24 hours. It has

    the benefit that youre not gaining as much weight as the traditional NPH or long-acting

    insulin. When we look at our research portfolio, we have in early research and clinical trials

    new and further improved basal insulins, which might even be formulated as premixes.

    This may not be available for another five years, but its very, very encouraging research

    that were seeing at the moment.

    Kelly: This would be even beyond the rapid-acting analogs like Novolog and Humalog, like

    a super analog or something like that?

    Mr. Sorensen:Yes. Whether we can improve it even further from that, I dont know at

    this point, but this will give significant benefit to those that use our products. Im quite

    certain about that.

    Kelly: Theres been a lot of coverage in the media about obesity as the driving force behind

    diabetes. What do you think can be done about that?

    Talking with the chief

    medical officer of Novo

    Nordisk, Dr. Alan Moses

    Q:For some very poor people

    in the US and around the

    world, insulin is too expensive

    to purchase. Do you believe

    that an insulin company has aresponsibility to provide insulin

    for free to any diabetic who

    cannot afford it?

    A: Access to health is something

    Novo Nordisk has worked actively

    to address for a number of years.

    Among other things, we

    helped found the independent

    non-profit organization, the

    World Diabetes Foundation

    (WDF), in 2001 with a grant

    of 500 million Danish crowns

    (about 67 million euros or 90

    million dollars) to be spent over

    10 years. The WDF works to

    build capacity, infrastructures

    and access to diabetes care in

    the poorest parts of the world.

    To date the WDF has started 57

    ongoing projects in more than

    65 countries with an estimated

    direct impact on 24 million

    people in the developing world.

    Novo Nordisk also offers

    human insulin to the public health

    systems in the 50 least developed

    countries (LCDs), as defined by

    the UN, at prices not to exceed

    20% of the average price in NorthAmerica, Europe and Japan. In

    2005, Novo Nordisk offered this

    pricing policy to all 50 countries

    and sold human insulin in a total

    of 32 countries at or below this


    Compared to many other

    drugs, insulin is already a low

    cost medication that most

    health care systems can afford.

    However, lowering costs of

    medicine or giving away free

    products are not the sustainable

    answer to a long-term problem.Indeed, in some countries it is

    not the cost of the insulin but the

    distribution systems within the

    country that prevent access for

    patients in need of this life-saving

    treatment. We need initiatives

    that address the root cause of

    the problem of limited access

    to health care providers and


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    D I AT R I B E R E S E A R C H A N D P R O D U C T N E W S F O R P E O P L E W I T H D I A B E T E S

    Mr. Sorensen: I dont believe that obesity prevention and treatment is a medical

    problem, in general. Its a social and cultural and societal problem that we need to deal

    with from a different perspective. But when we then see that there are groups of individuals

    having had unsuccessful attempts to diet or exercise or at counseling then we start to talk

    about medical intervention. And in that case, I think that perhaps GLP-1s might play a

    significant role in the future because we know the GLP-1 product actually reduces weight.

    But treating people who are just slightly overweight is absolutely not something that we

    want to do.

    Continue reading online about developing countries, the pharmaceutical industrys

    reputation, and inhaled insulin online at http://www.diaTribe.us/issues/4/diabetes-



    The Durable Diabetic: Gladys Dull Relies OnThe Basics To Make Medical History

    By James S. HirschShe was three years old when both her parents died from the Great Influenza. Her four

    siblings scattered to live with relatives, but she was taken in by neighbors in Granville,

    North Dakota. She grew up on a wheat farm, which fell on hard times during the Great

    Depression. The Dust Bowl finally drove the family off the land.

    Gladys Dull ended up in Walla Walla, Washington, and now at 90 years old, she is an

    American survivor but not just for the hardships endured by so many of her generation.

    In November of 1924, at age seven, Gladys became deathly ill and was diagnosed with

    diabetes. Her doctor didnt know how to treat it, other than to instruct the girl to eat meat.

    (Carbohydrates would further raise her blood sugar.) Insulin had been discovered two

    years earlier, but very few clinics had the drug and certainly none on the wind-swept plains

    of North Dakota. Her parents scraped up the money for a train to Rochester, Minnesota,

    where they took their adopted daughter to the Mayo Clinic.

    There, Gladys received her first insulin shot. Since then, shes taken 60,000 more and

    has been on insulin therapy for 83 years longer than any person in history.

    Ive never missed a shot in all those years, she says. Not one shot.2

    Gladys Dulls longevity is partly attributed to genetics, which can play a role in

    protecting against diabetic complications. Dull has virtually none, so her genes have clearly

    served her well. But other long-time patients have taken full advantage of the new tools

    and technology in diabetes care, giving them maximum opportunities to reduce their

    health risks and extend their twilight years. Oddly enough, Gladys has avoided therapeutic

    advancements for most of her life. She began using disposable syringes only five years ago

    she was still using glass syringes with replaceable steel needles and she began home-

    glucose monitoring only five years ago as well. (She was still testing her urine.)

    So for 78 years, Dull had little idea what her actual blood sugar was and, truth be told,

    she would just as soon go back to the urine tests. I liked that more, she says. The finger

    sticks dont feel so good, and you cant get the blood out.

    Her durability is a tribute to her rigorous self-discipline, a commitment to an old-

    fashioned ethic that is easily lost in the high-tech age of downloadable glucose meters,

    synthetic analogs, and continuous sensors. Whats her secret? A strict diet, regular

    injections, and a healthy lifestyle.

    14continued on page 15


    Gladys Dull

    2 All quotes from Gladys Dull came from an interview with Dr. Irl Hirsch; the interview was filmed by her son, Norman, and

    sponsored in part by the Animas Corporation.

    She has been on insulin

    therapy for 83 years

    longer than any person

    in history.

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    D I AT R I B E R E S E A R C H A N D P R O D U C T N E W S F O R P E O P L E W I T H D I A B E T E S

    The result has been a full and rich life. Growing up, she farmed wheat and rode horses,

    motorcycles, and snowmobiles; later she held a full-time job at a photo studio and helped

    found a humane society in Walla Walla. In 1943, she married George Dull (he would

    work in construction after the war), and four years later Gladys delivered their only child,

    Norman. The doctor said I would never have any children, but I showed him, she says.

    And she remained physically active, tending to a family cottage in the Blue Mountains.

    Hiking and camping that was her greatest love, Norm says.

    Dull is part of dwindling cadre of insulin pioneers who were among the first to use the

    drug in the years following its discovery in 1922. There are only five patients in the US who

    have been taking insulin for at least 75 years, according to Eli Lilly, which manufactured

    the product after its discovery. Lilly only found out about its most loyal customer last year

    after Dulls principal caretaker contacted the company. Lilly confirmed her medical history

    by investigating the records at the Mayo Clinic; she then received a Lilly for Life Award for

    75 years on insulin. Never mind that she passed that milestone the previous decade. The

    award doesnt go high enough, Norm says.

    That she survived her childhood is itself a miracle. Had she developed diabetes even

    one year earlier, the Mayo Clinic may not have had the insulin to save her. When she was 9

    years old, she had her appendix removed, after which she went into a coma. Few diabetics

    survived surgery in that era. They took me back to Rochester, Dull says. I think I wasin a coma for a couple of days. I still remember my good old doctor, Russell M. Wilder.

    He picked me up and kissed me after I came out of that coma. Ill always remember that, I


    Her mother played a large role in helping Gladys adjust. By todays standards, for

    example, the early needles were large and painful, but they do not inspire bad memories

    for Dull. A 7-year-old doesnt like shots, she says, but my mother wouldnt let me have

    one bite to eat unless she gave me that shot. And I got on to it . . . It didnt hurt that bad, I


    From the outset, Mayos clinicians emphasized a strict low-carb diet. Wax figures of food

    demonstrated portion size. Scales were used at every meal. Thick books gave calorie counts

    I followed the whole deal, Dull says. But Ive done it for so long, I dont weigh anymore. Idont even have the scales. But I can look at something and know how many grams.

    While she likes ice cream I will cheat every once in awhile she rarely strays from

    her diet, nor does she drink alcohol or smoke. As Norm says, In 1993, for her fiftieth

    anniversary, I saw her eat one piece of cake, and I just about fell to the floor.

    Most striking is how rigid Dulls care has been over the years. As a girl, her mother

    would test her urine by mixing it with Benedicts solution, bringing it to a boil, and

    observing the color. Youre supposed to stay blue, but if its a brick color, youre loaded

    with sugar, Gladys says.

    But the family couldnt adjust her insulin without consulting the doctors at the Mayo

    Clinic, and even as an adult, Dull says she never really changed her regimen two shots a

    day, same insulin doses.

    By the time she was in her eighties, she began experiencing more hypoglycemia, but

    she was reluctant to adjust. Then five years ago, her husband died, and three days later,

    she suffered a stroke. Things had to change. When a doctor asked Norm what her mothers

    blood sugar was, he said, Grayish-brick.

    He couldnt understand what I was talking about, Norm says. He couldnt believe that

    she had never taken a blood test.

    The home glucose monitoring has helped stabilize Gladyss blood sugars; the glass

    syringes were also discarded. She continues to live by herself, in the house that she and

    George had shared for most of their married lives. And she remains fiercely independent.

    15continued on page 16

    Gladys as a child

    The doctor said I would

    never have any children,

    but I showed him.

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    She does her own laundry, occasionally gardens, and does not use a cane. Her walker stays

    in the bedroom. She does acknowledge some limitations: with impaired vision from non-

    diabetic causes, a caretaker comes twice a day to prepare her meals, give her injections, and

    straighten up. Im not a very good house keeper anymore, she concedes.

    Her black dog, a Schipperke named Coalie, is her protector.

    Her four siblings have all passed away, so Norm, who runs a video production company

    in a nearby town, takes her to dinner each Tuesday, and Gladys calls him each evening at 9

    p.m., to tell him her blood sugar and confirm shes eaten her snack.

    Says Norm: Its peanut butter and jelly sugarless and it holds her through the



    An easier way to take Lantus

    For those on or considering the basal insulin Lantus, a new

    disposable pen is out. Approved by the FDA on April 30, this new option

    for Lantus called the SoloStar will be made available across the US

    this year. Lantus users now deliver with the refillable pen OptiClik or with the traditional

    vial and syringe. We think its great to see this new pen, since the OptiClik has had various

    delivery problems, and were waiting to see how patients like the SoloStar and whether its

    covered by insurance. The pen is pre-filled with Lantus and can dose up to 80 units per

    injection, which is more than any other disposable pen. According to Sanofi-Aventis, which

    makes the pen, it requires less injection force, which may be good for those with limited

    hand strength, though we cant verify yet that you can really tell the difference. A SoloStar

    pre-filled with the rapid-acting insulin Apidra has already been approved in Europe; we

    may see that in the US in the next few years.

    Januvia + metformin = Janumet

    Less is more with this new diabetes pill out from Merck. It combines two favoritesin one formulation one is metformin, a veteran of diabetes drugs, and the other is

    Januvia, a promising rookie. If its appropriate for you to be on both these drugs, this new

    combination pill means one co-pay and an easier routine. Metformin and Januvia, a DPP-4

    inhibitor, target different areas of the body: metformin decreases glucose production by

    the liver and Januvia increases insulin secretion by the pancreas, both acting in different

    ways against hyperglycemia. Weve heard from doctors that the drugs work better together.

    The pill is taken twice a day, rather than Januvias once a day, though metformin is also

    once or twice a day. Doctors may prefer you start with metformin, as they may want to

    determine your optimal dose of that drug first (metformin dosing differs person to person),

    and insurance may not cover starting directly on the combination. Insurers may change, as

    more health care professionals are calling for earlier and more aggressive therapy.

    Lights, camera, cure: Health fairs spread across America

    Jenna Scarsi, a diabetes educator from the Chicago area with type 1 diabetes,

    recently won the Bayer Dream Fund, an annual $100,000 fellowship to help people

    accomplish something that might not have been possible unless they were in control of

    their diabetes. The fund is helping Jenna expand a program she created a few years ago

    called Lights, Camera, Cure. What was an annual, mostly local event can now be bimonthly

    and in various cities across the US. Scarsis events are geared toward kids and consist of

    small diabetes health fairs followed by family movies, for which the events are themed.

    D I AT R I B E R E S E A R C H A N D P R O D U C T N E W S F O R P E O P L E W I T H D I A B E T E S

    16continued on page 17




    The SoloStar for Lantus

    The combination pill, Janumet

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    D I AT R I B E R E S E A R C H A N D P R O D U C T N E W S F O R P E O P L E W I T H D I A B E T E S

    For example, the next event, in Philadelphia in June, will show Surfs Up, a mockumentary

    slated for release this summer about surfing penguins, so activities at the event will include

    a hula-hoop contest and other island-inspired adventures. Two aspects we love differentiate

    Scarsis events. The people providing information at each of the fairs stations (what is

    diabetes, pumping, exercise, BG monitoring, and so on) are not educators or doctors, but

    youth advocates, or young people ages five to 21 with diabetes. Also, the money raised

    stays in the city in which it was raised a hospitals diabetes unit, a diabetes center, or

    anything that does something positive for the diabetes community in that city, says

    Scarsi. Scarsi says she created the program because its one thing to know what we have

    to do to intensively manage our diabetes, and its another thing to do it on a daily basis.

    Upcoming events will also be in Philadelphia in June, Portland (with a Grease sing-along),

    Nashville (likely with an IMAX showing of Polar Express), and San Antonio. Details can

    be found at www.lightscameracure.com, and if youre interested in applying for your

    own Dream Fund, applications are now being accepted at www.bayerdreamfund.com/


    A no-coding meter out from FreeStyle

    In April, the FDA approved the FreeStyle Lite meter, which requires no coding.

    Its similar to the very small FreeStyle Flash, though apparently wont be replacing itat this stage. Only Bayer meters had no-coding (or auto-calibration) before now. The

    Freestyle Lite is supposed to be simple and easy-to-use, two descriptors we love to hear for

    devices. Jane Seley, a member of our advisory board and a noted educator from New York

    Presbyterian Hospital, praised the meter for its killer combination of no-coding, smallest

    blood drop size, and an excellent backlight, which she thought really does make a difference

    in speed and convenience.




    The FreeStyle Lite

    Winner of the Dream Fund,

    Jenna Scarsi

  • 8/14/2019 DiaTribe - Research and Product News for People With Diabetes - Issue #4



    D I AT R I B E R E S E A R C H A N D P R O D U C T N E W S F O R P E O P L E W I T H D I A B E T E S

    conference pearls

    The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) 16th Annual

    Meeting & Clinical Congress took place in early April in Seattle. The main

    themes, we found, were the lowering of glycemic targets (like A1c) and the

    growing recognition of the harmful effects of glycemic variability (when blood glucose

    fluctuates). Better, tighter glycemic control is always a theme at this meeting. This year,

    the focus was on postprandial glucose management and the greater use of combination

    therapy to push A1c values below 6.5 percent. The American College of Endocrinology

    (ACE) and AACE will soon publish a joint roadmap for the prevention and care of

    diabetes. We were able to get a preview: Compared to the ADAs guidelines, it will

    emphasize a lower A1c target as well as the need for patients to receive different treatments

    depending on their A1c level.

    Fasting and postprandial glucose make different contributions to overall

    hyperglycemia. We note that this is based on the work of Dr. Louis Monnier, who

    published an important paper in 2003 that showed that post-meal glucose spikes are a

    bigger contributor to overall hyperglycemia for patients at lower A1c, while high fastingglucose is a bigger contributor for patients at higher A1c. For example, for patients with A1c

    10.3 percent. For patients with A1c between 7.4 percent and 10.3 percent,

    postprandial and fasting glucose make equal contributions to overall hyperglycemia.

    Combination therapy is needed to treat both fasting and postprandial

    glucose. The logic, then, is that in order for patients to achieve lower A1c targets, they

    need a combination of treatments that target both fasting and postprandial plasma glucose

    levels. Examples of drugs that focus on fasting plasma glucose are: basal insulin (Lantus

    and Levemir), metformin (generic), and sulfonylureas (generic). Examples of drugs that

    focus on postprandial plasma glucose are: rapid-acting insulin analogs (Novalog, Humalog,

    and Apidra), pramlintide (Symlin), exenatide (Byetta), DPP-4 inhibitors (Januvia), and

    thiazolidinediones (Actos and Avandia). ACE/AACE recommends that diabetic patients

    achieve fasting plasma glucose

  • 8/14/2019 DiaTribe - Research and Product News for People With Diabetes - Issue #4



    D I AT R I B E R E S E A R C H A N D P R O D U C T N E W S F O R P E O P L E W I T H D I A B E T E S

    of complications in people with early type 2 diabetes. The trial results will likely be unveiled

    in 2010. Speakers at AACE also advocated earlier use of meal-time as well as basal insulin

    this again echoes Dr. Monniers work, which showed that controlling mealtime glucose

    excursions is crucial for people at lower A1cs.

    Lots of focus on driving down A1c targets some well-known

    endocrinologists recommended A1c

  • 8/14/2019 DiaTribe - Research and Product News for People With Diabetes - Issue #4


    D I AT R I B E R E S E A R C H A N D P R O D U C T N E W S F O R P E O P L E W I T H D I A B E T E S

    Importantly, all of these patients had been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes within six

    weeks of their enrollment in this trial. There is some research that suggests that even

    people who have had type 1 diabetes for decades are still producing some beta cells, but the

    underlying autoimmune condition that is responsible for type 1 destroys these new cells as

    soon as they are created, perpetuating the disease. In Dr. Voltarellis trial, the idea was that

    if the autoimmune condition can be removed early in the course of disease, the remaining

    beta cells can be rescued and recovered, thus reversing the disease. Presumably this would

    be much less helpful in people with longstanding type 1 diabetes, who have few if any beta

    cells left and thus would not benefit from having the autoimmune condition removed.

    The mechanism for how AHSCT restores beta-cell function is unknown. In an

    accompanying editorial to the Voltarelli paper, noted Miami endocrinologist Dr. Jay Skyler

    points out that while the goal of AHSCT is to eliminate autoimmune white cells and replace

    them with new, healthy white blood cells, this may not be the whole story. The process of

    AHSCT itself may somehow reset the immune system to be more tolerant of the bodys

    own beta cells. Alternatively, the re-infused HSCs may themselves be somehow growing

    into beta cells, or perhaps the treatment process mobilizes stem cells in the pancreas or

    bone marrow to become beta cells this is a somewhat more controversial idea, but we

    simply dont know enough about this exciting new technique to determine what exactly is

    happening.Dr. Skyler identifies a few future directions of research. Ideally, doctors and scientists

    will want to see Dr. Voltarellis results replicated in a large, randomized controlled trial

    with a longer follow-up period to see if patients really do remain insulin independent in

    the long term. Having a randomized control group is particularly important because newly

    diagnosed type 1 patients often have a honeymoon period during which they can stay

    relatively insulin independent, and it will be important to distinguish between the effects of

    the honeymoon period and the effects of the AHSCT procedure. Having a longer trial will

    also help because the honeymoon period doesnt last very long, whereas we would hope

    that a cure for type 1 diabetes does. Finally, Dr. Skyler would like to see biological studies

    carried out to discover exactly how AHSCT works whether it eliminates autoimmune cells

    or helps beta cells regenerate or acts through a different mechanism altogether. We agree,and we cant wait to see more work done in this field!

    Bottom line: There was a lot of hype in the press about a stem cell cure for diabetes

    in April. The study was exciting, though small and short, and it is important that more be

    done before we know whether this is meaningful. No embryonic stem cells were used, and

    no immunosuppression was required. Cells from a patients bone marrow were extracted,

    the patient underwent a sort of radiation therapy, and these cells were reintroduced.

    Indeed, most of the subjects of this small 15-person group did go off insulin, at least for a


    Voltarelli JC, Couri CEB, Stracieri ABPL, Oliveira MC, Moraes DA, Pieroni F,

    Coutinho M, Malmegrim KCR, Foss-Freitas MC, Simoes BP, Foss MC, Squiers E, Burt

    RK. Autologous Nonmyeloablative Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Newly

    Diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. JAMA 11 April 2007. 297(14):1568-76. Skyler

    JS. Cellular Therapy for Type 1 Diabetes: Has the Time Come? JAMA 11 April 2007.


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