Diary of make



This is my diary of make so far.I've started creating the front cover on adobe photoshop.

Transcript of Diary of make

Page 1: Diary of make


Page 2: Diary of make

Making the logo

I wanted to represent my genre in the type of font I used for my title/logo. I experimented with different types of graffiti type fonts to help me come to a decision in how my logo should look like.

The first one I looks chunky and more on the animated side. This wouldn’t be appropriate for my magazine because I’m trying to appeal to a more mature audience.

The second one is more urban. It looks like graffiti and it can represent the genre perfectly .However, this type of font can confuse the target audience because it doesn’t look official

I prefer the

Page 3: Diary of make

• I’ve chosen to use this font for my magazine cover. This is because I think it would suit the magazine ethos.

• I want to do it in capital letters because it emphasises on the word. Furthermore, I want to keep the colour of the font black because it looks urban.

Page 4: Diary of make

This is the front cover so far. I’ve featured the masthead on the top of the page and I’ve also added a little promotion sentence for the magazine.


I'm thinking of leaving the colour scheme black, yellow and white. It looks smart and it also represents the road colours