Diapositiva 1 - ecotarget.it COGGIOLA SILICE 2018.pdf · Unveiling the Variability of "Quartz...


Transcript of Diapositiva 1 - ecotarget.it COGGIOLA SILICE 2018.pdf · Unveiling the Variability of "Quartz...

Page 1: Diapositiva 1 - ecotarget.it COGGIOLA SILICE 2018.pdf · Unveiling the Variability of "Quartz Hazard" in Light of Recent Toxicological Findings. Pavan C1,2, Fubini B1,2. Recent investigations
Page 2: Diapositiva 1 - ecotarget.it COGGIOLA SILICE 2018.pdf · Unveiling the Variability of "Quartz Hazard" in Light of Recent Toxicological Findings. Pavan C1,2, Fubini B1,2. Recent investigations
Page 3: Diapositiva 1 - ecotarget.it COGGIOLA SILICE 2018.pdf · Unveiling the Variability of "Quartz Hazard" in Light of Recent Toxicological Findings. Pavan C1,2, Fubini B1,2. Recent investigations
Page 4: Diapositiva 1 - ecotarget.it COGGIOLA SILICE 2018.pdf · Unveiling the Variability of "Quartz Hazard" in Light of Recent Toxicological Findings. Pavan C1,2, Fubini B1,2. Recent investigations
Page 5: Diapositiva 1 - ecotarget.it COGGIOLA SILICE 2018.pdf · Unveiling the Variability of "Quartz Hazard" in Light of Recent Toxicological Findings. Pavan C1,2, Fubini B1,2. Recent investigations
Page 6: Diapositiva 1 - ecotarget.it COGGIOLA SILICE 2018.pdf · Unveiling the Variability of "Quartz Hazard" in Light of Recent Toxicological Findings. Pavan C1,2, Fubini B1,2. Recent investigations
Page 7: Diapositiva 1 - ecotarget.it COGGIOLA SILICE 2018.pdf · Unveiling the Variability of "Quartz Hazard" in Light of Recent Toxicological Findings. Pavan C1,2, Fubini B1,2. Recent investigations
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Page 9: Diapositiva 1 - ecotarget.it COGGIOLA SILICE 2018.pdf · Unveiling the Variability of "Quartz Hazard" in Light of Recent Toxicological Findings. Pavan C1,2, Fubini B1,2. Recent investigations

It is estimated that 5,300,000 EU workers are potentially exposed, more than 70% of them in the construction sector. Beside construction, the following industries are estimated to have the highest exposure levels compared to the other industry sectors as well as the highest numbers of exposed workers: manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products, other mining and quarrying, manufacture of basic metals, manufacture of fabricated metal products, electricity, gas, steam and hot water supply.

Brussels, 13.5.2016 SWD(2016) : 152 final COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT Accompanying the document Proposal

for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2004/37/EC on the protection of workers from the risks related to

exposure to carcinogens or mutagens at work

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• I prodotti contenenti silice cristallina in quantità superiore allo 0.1% non debbono necessariamente essere classificati H350i

• Generica definizione di attività comportanti esposizione a silice cristallina generata dai processi di lavoro

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Revision of the Carcinogens Directive

The inclusion of RCS in the Carcinogens Directive or in the ChemicalAgents Directive should address process generated RCS, and moreprecisely in our opinion: work processes involving occupationalexposure to respirable crystalline silica in the form of freshlyfractured particles generated through dry processes such as drycutting, grinding, drilling, crushing, sand and abrasive blastingoperations in a concentration above 0.1 mg/m³

“processi di lavoro comportanti un’esposizione professionale a silicecristallina respirabile in foma di particolato con segni di fratturafresca derivante da processi a secco quali operazioni di taglio,macinazione, perforazione, frantumazione e sabbiatura inconcentrazioni inferiori a 0.1mg/m3”

Page 12: Diapositiva 1 - ecotarget.it COGGIOLA SILICE 2018.pdf · Unveiling the Variability of "Quartz Hazard" in Light of Recent Toxicological Findings. Pavan C1,2, Fubini B1,2. Recent investigations


Surface reactivity

Page 13: Diapositiva 1 - ecotarget.it COGGIOLA SILICE 2018.pdf · Unveiling the Variability of "Quartz Hazard" in Light of Recent Toxicological Findings. Pavan C1,2, Fubini B1,2. Recent investigations

Unveiling the Variability of "Quartz Hazard" in Light of Recent Toxicological Findings.

Pavan C1,2, Fubini B1,2.

Recent investigations have shown that crystallinity is not implied in the pathogenic process of silica per se, while patches of disorganized silanols at the surface of both crystalline and amorphous particles can promote membrane damage and inflammation, a process at the origin of silica-related diseases.

We ascribe the origin of the variability of silica hazard mainly to the distribution of various moieties at the particle surface, with silanols playing the major role. Toxicity turns out to be likely predictable by an ad hoc surface characterization.

Page 14: Diapositiva 1 - ecotarget.it COGGIOLA SILICE 2018.pdf · Unveiling the Variability of "Quartz Hazard" in Light of Recent Toxicological Findings. Pavan C1,2, Fubini B1,2. Recent investigations
Page 15: Diapositiva 1 - ecotarget.it COGGIOLA SILICE 2018.pdf · Unveiling the Variability of "Quartz Hazard" in Light of Recent Toxicological Findings. Pavan C1,2, Fubini B1,2. Recent investigations
Page 16: Diapositiva 1 - ecotarget.it COGGIOLA SILICE 2018.pdf · Unveiling the Variability of "Quartz Hazard" in Light of Recent Toxicological Findings. Pavan C1,2, Fubini B1,2. Recent investigations
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Page 18: Diapositiva 1 - ecotarget.it COGGIOLA SILICE 2018.pdf · Unveiling the Variability of "Quartz Hazard" in Light of Recent Toxicological Findings. Pavan C1,2, Fubini B1,2. Recent investigations

Ci saranno ripercussioni sulla supply chain del settore dei minerali industriali?

È di vitale importanza che i clienti delle aziende produttrici di minerali per l’industria comprendano che questa nuova direttiva europea riguarda esclusivamente il controllo dell’esposizione dei lavoratori alla RCS generata da procedimenti di

lavorazione e non ha alcun legame con la classificazione e l’etichettatura dei prodotti contenenti silice cristallina.

I prodotti forniti non dovranno essere sostituiti o etichettati come cancerogeni, ma l’esposizione dei lavoratori alle polveri aerodisperse

eventualmente generate dalla lavorazione di prodotti minerali e di materie prime contenenti silice cristallina dovrà essere valutata e controllata in modo idoneo,

applicando la nuova legislazione e le buone pratiche NEPSI. Molti settori a valle che impiegano prodotti minerali in Europa adottano già buone pratiche di

lavorazione industriale, in linea con le buone pratiche NEPSI.

Page 19: Diapositiva 1 - ecotarget.it COGGIOLA SILICE 2018.pdf · Unveiling the Variability of "Quartz Hazard" in Light of Recent Toxicological Findings. Pavan C1,2, Fubini B1,2. Recent investigations



Page 20: Diapositiva 1 - ecotarget.it COGGIOLA SILICE 2018.pdf · Unveiling the Variability of "Quartz Hazard" in Light of Recent Toxicological Findings. Pavan C1,2, Fubini B1,2. Recent investigations
Page 21: Diapositiva 1 - ecotarget.it COGGIOLA SILICE 2018.pdf · Unveiling the Variability of "Quartz Hazard" in Light of Recent Toxicological Findings. Pavan C1,2, Fubini B1,2. Recent investigations
Page 22: Diapositiva 1 - ecotarget.it COGGIOLA SILICE 2018.pdf · Unveiling the Variability of "Quartz Hazard" in Light of Recent Toxicological Findings. Pavan C1,2, Fubini B1,2. Recent investigations

Significato dell’OEL

• Il valore di 0.1 mg/m3 è un valore vincolante (BOEL)

• Gli stati membri della Comunità Europea nel recepimento della Direttiva possono

adottare unicamente valori uguali o inferiori a quello proposto

Page 23: Diapositiva 1 - ecotarget.it COGGIOLA SILICE 2018.pdf · Unveiling the Variability of "Quartz Hazard" in Light of Recent Toxicological Findings. Pavan C1,2, Fubini B1,2. Recent investigations

• ACTION LEVEL ?0.05 mg/m30.025 mg/m3

Page 24: Diapositiva 1 - ecotarget.it COGGIOLA SILICE 2018.pdf · Unveiling the Variability of "Quartz Hazard" in Light of Recent Toxicological Findings. Pavan C1,2, Fubini B1,2. Recent investigations

Now the new challenge is to identify an “action level” (AL) below 0.1 mg/m3 able to prevent the risk of lung cancer. The respect of the AL (if it will be identify it) could permit to avoid to apply the actions required

from the CMD directive (closed system, ……)

Page 25: Diapositiva 1 - ecotarget.it COGGIOLA SILICE 2018.pdf · Unveiling the Variability of "Quartz Hazard" in Light of Recent Toxicological Findings. Pavan C1,2, Fubini B1,2. Recent investigations

iscrizione generalizzata

nel registro degli esposti

sorveglianza sanitaria inutile, ammessa solo in quanto prescritta dalla legge

utile solo come occasione di formazione-informazione individuale

Esposti a sostanze cancerogene


esposizione superiore a quella della popolazione generale o al

livello di azione per i cancerogeni in categoria C o D


sorveglianza sanitaria

(come in A)

iscrizione in un elenco separato

iscrizione nel registro degli esposti

si solo per eventi imprevedibili non


non sorveglianza sanitaria

Page 26: Diapositiva 1 - ecotarget.it COGGIOLA SILICE 2018.pdf · Unveiling the Variability of "Quartz Hazard" in Light of Recent Toxicological Findings. Pavan C1,2, Fubini B1,2. Recent investigations

• Annex I: List of substances, preparations and processes

Work involving exposure to respirable crystalline silica dust generated by a

work process• Annex III: Limit values: Respirable crystalline silica dust: 0.1 mg/m³

• New Article 18a Evaluation:The Commission shall, as part of the next evaluation of the implementation of this Directive in the context of the evaluation referred to in Article 17a of Directive 89/391/EEC, also evaluate the need to modify the limit value for respirable crystalline silica dust. The Commission shall propose, where appropriate, necessary amendments and modifications relating to such substances.

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Page 28: Diapositiva 1 - ecotarget.it COGGIOLA SILICE 2018.pdf · Unveiling the Variability of "Quartz Hazard" in Light of Recent Toxicological Findings. Pavan C1,2, Fubini B1,2. Recent investigations
Page 29: Diapositiva 1 - ecotarget.it COGGIOLA SILICE 2018.pdf · Unveiling the Variability of "Quartz Hazard" in Light of Recent Toxicological Findings. Pavan C1,2, Fubini B1,2. Recent investigations


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