DiaDENS-PC software user manual

ООО «РЦ АРТ» Екатеринбург, Россия РУКОВОДСТВО ПОЛЬЗОВАТЕЛЯ ПРОГРАММНОГО ПАКЕТА «ДиаДЭНС-ПК» РЦ АРТ 01.303.1101 РЭ ТУ 9444-002-35266303-2005 LLC “RC ART” Ekaterinburg, Russia UsER MAnUAL foR ThE DiADEns-PC sofTwARE RC ART 01.3-03.11-01 RE TU 9444-002-35266303-2005 “RC ART” Gmbh Ekaterinburg, Russland BETRiEBsAnLEiTUnG ZUR DiADEns-PC sofTwARE RC ART 01.3-03.11-01 RE TU 9444-002-35266303-2005 RU EN DE


User manual for the DiaDENS-PC software. This devise is suitable for large families, own small clinics, sanatoriums, consulting-rooms, surgeries etc. This hardware and software complex is intended for carrying out electropuncture diagnostics in conformance with the following methods: BioREPER, VoLL, BioVoLL, as well as for medical testing. The package includes the apparatus DiaDEns-PC, set of electrodes and software for the personal computer. The apparatus DiaDEns-PC enables carrying out diagnostics and therapy in the autonomous mode. Software of the package has the following functions: — filing patients records; — carrying out diagnostics (BIOREPER, VOLL, BIOVOLL methods); — carrying out medical testing (VOLL, BIOVOLL); — keeping the results of diagnostics; — printing out the results of diagnostics.

Transcript of DiaDENS-PC software user manual

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ООО «РЦ АРТ» Екатеринбург, Россия



РЦ АРТ 01.303.1101 РЭТУ 9444-002-35266303-2005

LLC “RC ART”Ekaterinburg, Russia


RC ART 01.3-03.11-01 RETU 9444-002-35266303-2005

“RC ART” GmbhEkaterinburg, Russland


RC ART 01.3-03.11-01 RETU 9444-002-35266303-2005




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1. Purpose...............................................................55�. System Requirements...........................................563. Multi-windowing...................................................574. Preparation to Work..............................................595. Report Settings...................................................616. Working with Files of the Database........................6�7. Languages Applied...............................................638. Work with the Card Index.......................................648.1. Generating a New Card......................................658.�. Editing a Card....................................................668.3. Deleting a Card..................................................678.4. Finding a Card by Surname.................................688.5. Sorting Cards....................................................698.6. Looking through the Content of the Card.............698.7. New Consultation and Diagnostics......................708.8. Deleting the Consultation...................................719. VOLL Diagnostics.................................................7�9.1. Window of VOLL Diagnostics...............................7�9.�. Diagnostics.......................................................749.3. Continuation of Diagnostics...............................759.4. Analysis of the Diagnostics Results.....................769.5. Medical Testing and analysis of the results..........769.6. Circle Diagrams................................................789.7. Generating and Printing out the Report................7910. BIOVOLL Diagnostics..........................................8010.1. Window of Biovoll Diagnostics...........................80 10.�. New diagnostics..............................................8�10.3. Diagnostics.....................................................8310.4. Continuation of Diagnostics..............................8510.5. Analysis of the Diagnostics Results....................8510.6. Medical Testing and analysis of the results.........86

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10.7. Circle Diagrams...............................................8710.8. Generating and Printing out the Report..............8811. BIOREPER Diagnostics........................................9011.1. Window of Bioreper Diagnostics........................9011.�. New diagnostics..............................................9111.3. Continuation of Diagnostics..............................9511.4. Setting the Route.............................................9511.5. Statistics.........................................................9611.6. Generating and Printing out the Report.............971�. Troubleshooting.................................................99

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1. PURPosEThis hardware and software complex is intended for

carrying out electropuncture diagnostics in conform-ance with the following methods: BioREPER, VoLL, BioVoLL, as well as for medical testing.

The package includes the apparatus DiaDEns-PC, set of electrodes and software for the personal computer.

The apparatus DiaDEns-PC enables carrying out di-agnostics and therapy in the autonomous mode. Software of the package has the following functions:

— filing patients records;— carrying out diagnostics (BIOREPER, VOLL, BIOVOLL

methods);— carrying out medical testing (VOLL, BIOVOLL);— keeping the results of diagnostics;— printing out the results of diagnostics.

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2. sysTEM REqUiREMEnTsoperating system: Microsoft Windows XP.Processor: processor Intel Celeron 800 MHz (Pentium

III or higher).Memory: (RAM) 1�8 Mb (not less).hDD: free space on hard disk – 50 Mb.Audio system: Sound card.Video Card: recommended resolution 10�4x768 pix-

els, mode of color palette – High Color – 16 bit.CD-RoM: not less than 16-x interface: the apparatus is connected to the compu-

ter via COM-port (RS-�3�). If the computer has no slot for the COM-port (for instance, a laptop, which has only USB-port), it is allowed to connect the apparatus via a special adapter-connector USB-COM-port. (The adapt-er-connector is not included in the package).

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3. MULTi-winDowinGMulti-windowing is the main difference of the program

from the previous version, this allows comparing the re-sults of different diagnostics methods (Fig. 3.1).

Fig. 3.1. Comparing the Indexes by methods of Bioreper and Voll

The program contains four main windows:— Card Files;— Voll;— Biovoll;— Bioreper.When launching the program the Card files window

will be open.There are two ways of managing the location of win-

dows:1. With help of Window menu.

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�. Dragging the window by placing a mouse cursor of the window headline.

You can change the size of the window:1. With help of buttons of window management in the

upper right corner.�. With help of the mouse by moving the window in low-

er right part.

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4. PREPARATion To woRkPreparation of the DiaDENS-PC apparatus to work

does not require any special skills. The apparatus is con-nected to the personal computer via the standard COM-port (RS-�3�).

Order of preparation to work:1. Shut down the computer.�. Connect the apparatus to the computer with the ca-

ble in the package (Fig. 4.1)

Fig. 4.1. Connection Order

3. Connect the diagnostic electrode to the correspond-ing jacks of the cable.

4. Start the computer.5. Insert a CD with the program DiaDEns-PC into the

CD-ROM.6. Open the disk, start the file setup.exe and follow the

on screen instructions.

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After installation of the program you will see a program shortcut on the desktop (Fig. 4.�)

Fig. 4.2. Program Shortcut

7. Switch on the apparatus.8. Launch the program DiaDEns-PC and in the

settings menu → open the window Connection set-tings and specify the COM-port, to which the apparatus is connected (Fig. 4.3).

Fig. 4.3. Connection settings Available ports are displayed in ordinary font in the

menu, others are dimmed.

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5. REPoRT sETTinGsSelect the Report settings section in the file menu.In this dialog box (Fig. 5.1) you can enter surnames of

doctors carrying out diagnostics and name of the com-pany.

Surname, name and patronymic of the doctor who car-ries out the diagnostics and name of the company will be printed on the report form automatically.

Fig. 5.1. Report Settings

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6. woRkinG wiTh fiLEs of ThE DATABAsEAll the data entered into the program (data of the pa-

tient, results of diagnostics) are saved in the file of the database. File of the database has extension *.den. By default, the database is located in the catalogue where the program is installed. In the file menu there is a set of standard options: new, open, save as.

With the new option you can generate a new database. For instance, you need to generate a separate database for the group of people examined. At the same time an old database is saved under its current name.

The open option enables to open and work with the databases generated earlier.

In necessary, you can save a database under another name, for this use the save as option.

In the settings menu there is the Compact a Database option. With large number of records in the card file (more than 500) or once a year it is necessary to launch optimi-zation of the database for acceleration of its work. Before launching the optimization it is recommended to create a reserve copy of the database. For that you can use the save as option.

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7. LAnGUAGEs APPLiEDThe program supports several languages: — Russian;— English;— German (Deutsch).Switching the languages can be done in the settings

menu (Fig. 7.1).

Fig. 7.1. Settings Menu

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8. woRk wiTh ThE CARD inDExProgram package DiaDENS-PC allows electronic filing

of patients’ cards. The card file opens automatically when you launch any of the programs of DiaDENS-PC.

The Card file has the following fields (Fig. 8.1):

Fig. 8.1. Structure of the Card File Dialog Box 1. Menu.�. Card files toolbar.3. Card Files (list of patients).4. Consultation toolbar.5. Field of consultation records.6. Field of medical history, conclusion and recommen-

dations records.7. Status field.

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8.1. Generating a new CardThere are several ways to generate a new card:1. Card file menu → new Card (Fig. 8.1.1)

Fig. 8.1.1. New Card

�. On the Toolbar press button new card.3. In the card file window press the right mouse button

and select new Card in the drop-down menu (Fig. 8.1.�)

Fig. 8.1.2. New Card You will see the blank (Fig. 8.1.3) into which you can

enter information about the patient. Card number in the card file and date of filing are entered automatically.

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Fig. 8.1.3. New Card To save the data entered press ok, to cancel a new

card press Cancel.

8.2. Editing a CardTo edit a patient’s card:1. In the patients list select a necessary card with the

left mouse button (Fig. 8.1)�. You can edit the card: — using a menu (Fig. 8.�.1);

Fig. 8.2.1. Editing a Card

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— on the toolbar; — in the drop-down menu (Fig. 8.�.�).

Fig. 8.2.2. Editing a Card

After making changes press ok. ATTENTION! Number and date when the card was

generated are not available for editing.

8.3. Deleting a CardTo delete a card:1. In the patients list select a necessary card.�. You can delete a card:— using a menu (Fig. 8.3.1);

Fig. 8.3.1. Deleting a Card

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— on the toolbar; — in the drop-down menu (Fig. 8.3.�).

Fig. 8.3.2. Deleting a Card

You will see a window in which you have to confirm the deletion by pressing ok or cancel deletion by pressing Cancel.

ATTENTION! When the card is deleted from the card files, all diagnostics and data of consultations for this pa-tient are deleted.

8.4. finding a Card by surnameTo find a card by the surname it is necessary to press

the search button. You will see a window with the filed for entering data (Fig. 8.4.1).

Fig. 8.4.1. Search

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Enter the necessary surname and press Enter or press search button. In case of absence of the necessary sur-name in the card file, the whole card file will be displayed. If the necessary surname is in the card file, the mouse cursor will be placed on the card with the said surname.

8.5. sorting CardsBy default, sorting by number is set in the program. To

sort the cards by some feature, with the left mouse but-ton press on the corresponding name of the column in the table (Fig. 8.5.1). To sort in the reverse order press the mouse button once again.

Fig. 8.5.1. Ascending and Descending Sorting

8.6. Looking through the Content of the CardTo see the content of the card (the results of previous

diagnostics and consultations of doctors) select the card in the patients list. In the window of doctors’ consultations you will see all consultations for the said patient.

To look through the previous diagnostics: 1. Select the corresponding tab (Bioreper, Voll or

Biovoll).�. Click the necessary consultation twice with the

mouse button.There is also a possibility to keep medical history, con-

clusion and recommendations. To record information into

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one of these windows select the corresponding tab and press with the left mouse button in the window. All the en-tered information will be saved.

8.7. new Consultation and DiagnosticsStarting a New ConsultationTo open a new consultation, perform the following ac-

tions: 1. Select the necessary patient from the patients list.�. Select the necessary tab (Bioreper, Voll, Biovoll) in

the consultation dialog box.3. Press new Consultation button.New diagnosticsTo generate a new diagnostics:1. Double click with the mouse button on the necessary

consultation (Fig. 8.7.1)

Fig. 8.7.1. List of Consultations �. In the open dialog box you will see the name, pat-

ronymic and surname of the patient and the date of the consultation.

3. Switch on the apparatus.4. Press the button start Diagnostics.5. Select the diagnostic route:— with help of Routes menu.— in the Routes field.

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8.8. Deleting the ConsultationTo delete the consultation press the button Delete

Consultation on the Consultation toolbar.When deleting the consultation the following data will

be deleted: record of the consultation in the consultations table and all results of the diagnostics made during this consultation.

ATTENTION! You cannot restore the deleted data.

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9. VoLL DiAGnosTiCsVOLL is a method of electropuncture meridional diag-

nostics. The examination is carried out under standard testing voltage of 1.�7 V. The method enables:

1. To assess the functional state of twenty paired me-ridians and, indirectly, organs and systems of the human body related to these meridians.

�. To reveal pathology at early stages.3. To select the most optimal treatment and examina-

tion regimen.4. Repeated diagnostics enables to assess the dy-

namics of the dysfunctions revealed and effectiveness of treatment.

This method is also intended for individual selection of biologically active substances, homeopathic prepara-tions and medications.

ATTENTION! The mode is intended for assessment of the functional state of internal organs and systems but not for diagnosing the disease.

Examination can be carried out in the several ways:1. Express-assessment of the functional state by end

points of the meridians (enough for diagnostics at home) �. Assessment of the functional state by control and

other points of the meridians. 3. Medical testing.

9.1. window of VoLL Diagnostics Window structure (Fig. 9.1.1).1. Menu.�. Toolbar.3. Toolbar of meridian points on hands.4. Toolbar of meridian points on feet.

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5. Visual rendering of the point.6. Description of the point location.7. Routes.8. Table of measurements. In the Left, Right columns

the measured power values are displayed in conditional units (CU) in the corresponding points on the left and right hands and feet. Values below the normal ones are displayed in blue color; normal values are displayed in green color, and values above the normal – in red color. In the “D1” and “D2” columns the values of “arrow drop” are fixed; D1 – during the first second, D2 – during the second one.

9. Arrow index indication.10. Graphic index indication.

Fig. 9.1.1. Window structure

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9.2. DiagnosticsExpress Assessment of the Functional State:The working part of the active point electrode should

be moistened with a physiological solution before each placement on skin. Place the active point electrode in the projection of the measurement point and increase pres-sure with the electrode evenly until stable figures appear on the display. The same data will be displayed in the pro-gram on the “arrow” indicator and on the diagram.

Recommended order of work: measure the CMP in-dexes; if the operator believes that some meridian should be examined in detail he/she opens the list of points for this meridian and carries out an additional examination. After that you can return to the CMP list and continue with diagnostics. You can move along the measurements ta-ble with help of mouse of with buttons Up, Down, Left, Right on the keyboard. By pressing Enter on the merid-ian you will open the list of points of this meridian. To re-turn to the CMP list you can press Enter when the cursor is on the upper line with the sign “Up”.

ATTENTION! The patient should hold the passive elec-trode in the fist opposite to the tested side (for instance, when testing the left hand or left foot the patient holds the passive electrode in his right hand). During the pro-cedure you should not touch the patient with two hands simultaneously.

After putting the active electrode on the examined point you should hold it until the moment of the automatic fixa-tion of the result and cursor transfers to the next point. Maximum value “MAX=…” will be displayed on the LCD of the apparatus, and then the apparatus will take two meas-urements within interval of one second, showing the dif-ference of the current and maximum values of the power

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taking into account the +/- sign. During 3-4 seconds the data are kept on the LCD. The data will be recorded in the corresponding cell in the table, after that the cursor will be transferred to the next point.

ATTENTION! It is not recommended to take measure-ments in the same point more than three times at a run, otherwise the hemodynamics is disturbed which results in deviations of the diagnostic values. Thus, they will not have a diagnostic significance any more.

To save all the measured results of the current diagnos-tics press save button. If for some reasons the result is not correct, press Cancel button. Then you will see for following dialog box (Fig. 9.�.1).

Fig. 9.2.1. Dialog Box

If you press no, all data not saved before will be de-leted. If you press yes, all data except for the cancelled result will be saved.

ATTENTION! All manipulations (selection of the route or meridian) with lists of points can be done during diag-nostics. There is no need to do intermediate data saving.

9.3. Continuation of DiagnosticsTo continue the diagnostics, which was previously

saved, press the button start Diagnostics. After all nec-essary measurements press the button save. You can

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take measurements on all the points including the previ-ously examined ones. New results will substitute the old ones.

9.4. Analysis of the Diagnostics ResultsThe normal value is approximately 50-65 units. Values

above 65 units are evidence of hyperfunction or inflam-mation; values below 50-30 units characterize hypofunc-tion or degeneration state; below �0 units – atrophy state or full dysfunction.

The difference between maximum and the following values (D1 and D2) should be no more than five units. If the difference is more than five units it means activation of the pathological processes in the organs belonging to this meridian.

9.5. Medical Testing and analysis of the results The first measurement of parameters is taken without

a medication. Then a tested substance is placed in the circuit of the passive diagnostic electrode and repeated measurement in the same points is taken. Comparing the results obtained you can make conclusions how the sub-stance tested influence the state of the meridians exam-ined. If necessary you can continue testing with another substance.

1. To carry out a medical testing after taking measure-ments in the necessary points (background testing with-out a substance tested according to Voll) go to the tab Medical Testing (Fig. 9.5.1).

�. Indicate in the filters necessary number of substanc-es tested (by default, there are three of them)

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Fig. 9.5.1. Window of Medical Testing.

3. Press the button start Medical Testing.4. Enter names of the substances to be tested. After

that you can start testing.ATTENTION! Do not place the samples to be tested

into the passive electrode without a package – it is not recommended to wash the electrode but particles of the samples staying on the electrode surface will distort the values during later diagnostics.

The program envisages keeping the data for three sub-stances. After testing of one substance you can continue with the next one. For that select the next substance on the medical testing toolbar by clicking corresponding col-umn in the table with the mouse.

Results Interpretation If the indexes obtained for the sample tested are within

the range of normal values for the patient, this means that

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the tested substance will have an optimal influence on the body. If the indexes differ much from the average value, this means that the tested substance is undesirable to this patient.

9.6. Circle Diagrams To display a circle diagram press the button Diagrams.

In the heading of the window you will see number and date of the consultation (Fig. 9.6.1).

Under the diagrams data of the patient are displayed. You can change the view of the diagram – color / black-and-white with help of buttons Color / Monochrome. The current diagram can be printed out with help of the Print button. Diagrams for only one consultation can be displayed simultaneously. When working with the diagram all other functions of the program become unavailable.

Fig. 9.6.1. Circle Diagram

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9.7. Generating and Printing out the ReportData of the diagnostics can be displayed on the screen

or printed out. For that:1. Load the patient’s card and open the consultation for

which you want to print out the report �. Press the Report button and you will see the report

menu (Fig. 9.7.1).

Fig. 9.7.1. Report You can select different forms of the report such as

medical history and recommendations. Information of the doctor who carried out the consultations and name of the company should be entered in the report settings, the file menu → Report settings.

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10. BioVoLL DiAGnosTiCsBIOVOLL is an improved modification of the classic

VOLL method. A distinctive feature of the BIOVOLL meth-od is that measurements are taken under individually se-lected testing voltage. This improvement enables taking into account individual electroconductivity of the patient, which stipulates for obtaining more precise results of di-agnostics in comparison with the classic VOLL method.

Examination is carried out with selection of individual testing voltage for each patient. This method enables to assess the functional state of meridians, organs and sys-tems, reveal pathology at early stages, and select the most optimal treatment and examination regimen. Repeated diagnostics enable to assess the dynamics of the dys-functions revealed and effectiveness of treatment.

This method is also intended for individual selection of biologically active substances, homeopathic prepara-tions and medications.

ATTENTION! The mode is intended for assessment of the functional state of internal organs and systems but not for diagnosing the disease.

Examination can be carried out in the several ways:1. Express-assessment of the functional state by end

points of the meridians (enough for diagnostics at home)�. Assessment of the functional state by control and

other points of the meridians. 3. Medical testing.

10.1. window of Biovoll Diagnostics Window structure (Fig. 10.1.1).1. Menu.�. Toolbar.

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Fig. 10.1.1. Window structure.

3. Toolbar of diagnostic voltage.4. Toolbar of meridian points on hands.5. Toolbar of meridian points on feet.6. Visual rendering of the point.7. Description of the point location.8. Routes.9. Table of measurements. In the Left, Right columns

the measured power values are displayed in conditional units (CU) in the corresponding points on the left and right hands and feet. Values below the normal ones are displayed in blue color; normal values are displayed in green color, and values above the normal – in red color. In the “D1” and “D2” columns the values of “arrow drop” are fixed; D1 – during the first second, D2 – during the second one.

10. Arrow index indication.11. Graphic index indication.

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10.2. new diagnosticsTo start a new diagnostics do the following:1. Switch on the apparatus by pressing on button.�. Press the button start Diagnostics.3. Select the diagnostic route:— with help of Routes menu.— in the Routes field.4. Determine the individual testing voltage (Utest) in

the displayed window (Fig. 10.�.1)

Fig. 10.2.1. Utest Determining Put an active electrode on point In-Tan (Fig. 10.�.�),

which is situated in the middle line between eyebrows on the patient’s bridge of nose.

Fig. 10.2.2. In-Tan point Press the “PowER +” button of the apparatus or start

button in the program – the process of determining of the testing voltage will be started, values of which are

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displayed in the lower right corner of the apparatus LCD; in the lower left corner you will see the value of the pow-er going through the In-Tan point. There are bar charts showing the process of determining the Utest in the pro-gram to the right from the table with points.

After determination of the testing voltage, its value will appear in the upper line of the apparatus LCD as “Ut=…”, in the lower line there is a value of the current power in microamperes. This will be an individual voltage for this very patient during this procedure. The apparatus is ready for diagnostics.

ATTENTION! If the current does not reach the value of 10 uA, you will see a message “Low Power”. This means that you did not place the electrode on the In-Tan point, you should change of the position of the active electrode and repeat the procedure of determination of the individ-ual testing voltage.

After determination of the testing voltage you can start measuring in the point to which the cursor in the list points.

5. Take the measurements.

10.3. DiagnosticsExpress Assessment of the Functional State:The working part of the active point electrode should

be moistened with a physiological solution before each placement on skin. Place the active point electrode in the projection of the measurement point and increase pres-sure with the electrode evenly until stable figures appear on the display. The same data will be displayed in the pro-gram on the “arrow” indicator and on the diagram.

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Recommended order of work: measure the CMP in-dexes; if the operator believes that some meridian should be examined in detail he/she opens the list of points for this meridian and carries out an additional examination. After that you can return to the CMP list and continue with diagnostics. You can move along the measurements ta-ble with help of mouse of with buttons Up, Down, Left, Right on the keyboard. By pressing Enter on the merid-ian you will open the list of points of this meridian. To re-turn to the CMP list you can press Enter when the cursor is on the upper line with the sign “Up”.

ATTENTION! The patient should hold the passive elec-trode in the fist opposite to the tested side (for instance, when testing the left hand or left foot the patient holds the passive electrode in his right hand). During the pro-cedure you should not touch the patient with two hands simultaneously.

After putting the active electrode on the examined point you should hold it until the moment of the automatic fixa-tion of the result and cursor transfers to the next point. Maximum value “MAX=…” will be displayed on the LCD of the apparatus, and then the apparatus will take two meas-urements within interval of one second, showing the dif-ference of the current and maximum values of the power taking into account the +/- sign. During 3-4 seconds the data are kept on the LCD. The data will be recorded in the corresponding cell in the table, after that the cursor will be transferred to the next point.

ATTENTION! It is not recommended to take measure-ments in the same point more than three times at a run, otherwise the hemodynamics is disturbed which results in deviations of the diagnostic values. Thus, they will not have a diagnostic significance any more.

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To save all the measured results of the current diagnos-tics press save button. If for some reasons the result is not correct, press Cancel button. Then you will see for following dialog box (Fig. 10.3.1).

Fig. 10.3.1. Dialog Box

If you press no, all data not saved before will be de-leted. If you press yes, all data except for the cancelled result will be saved.

ATTENTION! All manipulations (selection of the route or meridian) with lists of points can be done during diag-nostics. There is no need to do intermediate data saving.

10.4. Продолжить диагностикуTo continue the diagnostics, which was previously

saved, press the button Continue Diagnostics. After all necessary measurements press the button save. You can take measurements on all the points including the previ-ously examined ones. New results will substitute the old ones.

10.5. Analysis of the Diagnostics ResultsThe normal value is approximately 50-65 units. Values

above 65 units are evidence of hyperfunction or inflam-mation; values below 50-30 units characterize hypofunc-tion or degeneration state; below �0 units – atrophy state or full dysfunction.

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The difference between maximum and the following values (D1 and D2) should be no more than five units. If the difference is more than five units it means activation of the pathological processes in the organs belonging to this meridian.

10.6. Medical Testing and analysis of the results The first measurement of parameters is taken without

a medication. Then a tested substance is placed in the circuit of the passive diagnostic electrode and repeated measurement in the same points is taken. Comparing the results obtained you can make conclusions how the sub-stance tested influence the state of the meridians exam-ined. If necessary you can continue testing with another substance.

1. To carry out a medical testing after taking measure-ments in the necessary points (background testing with-out a substance tested according to Biovoll) go to the tab Medical Testing (Fig. 10.6.1).

�. Indicate in the filters necessary number of substanc-es tested (by default, there are three of them)

3. Press the button start Medical Testing.4. Enter names of the substances to be tested. After

that you can start testing.ATTENTION! Do not place the samples to be tested

into the passive electrode without a package – it is not recommended to wash the electrode but particles of the samples staying on the electrode surface will distort the values during later diagnostics.

The program envisages keeping the data for three sub-stances. After testing of one substance you can continue with the next one. For that select the next substance on

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the medical testing toolbar by clicking corresponding col-umn in the table with the mouse.

Results Interpretation If the indexes obtained for the sample tested are within

the range of normal values for the patient, this means that the tested substance will have an optimal influence on the body. If the indexes differ much from the average value, this means that the tested substance is undesirable to this patient.

10.7. Circle Diagrams To display a circle diagram press the button Diagrams.

In the heading of the window you will see number and date of the consultation (Fig. 10.7.1).

Fig. 10.6.1. Window of Medical Testing.

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Under the diagrams data of the patient are displayed. You can change the view of the diagram – color / black-and-white with help of buttons Color / Monochrome. The current diagram can be printed out with help of the Print button. Diagrams for only one consultation can be displayed simultaneously. When working with the diagram all other functions of the program become unavailable.

Fig. 10.7.1. Circle Diagram

10.8. Generating and Printing out the Report Data of the diagnostics can be displayed on the screen

or printed out. For that:1. Load the patient’s card and open the consultation for

which you want to print out the report �. Press the Report button and you will see the report

menu (Fig. 10.8.1).

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Fig. 10.8.1. Report

You can select different forms of the report such as medical history and recommendations. Information of the doctor who carried out the consultations and name of the company should be entered in the report settings, the file menu → Report settings.

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11. BioREPER DiAGnosTiCsBIOREPER is a method of electropuncture auricular

diagnostics. Examination is carried out with selection of the individual testing voltage for each patient. This meth-od enables to assess functional state of the organs and system, reveal pathology at earlier stages, and select the most optimal treatment and examination regimen. Repeated diagnostics enables to assess the dynamics of the dysfunctions revealed and effectiveness of treat-ment.

ATTENTION! The method is intended for assessment of the functional state of internal organs and systems but not for diagnosing the disease.

11.1. window of Bioreper DiagnosticsWindow structure (Fig. 11.1.1).

Fig. 11.1.1. Bioreper window structure.

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1. Menu.�. Toolbar.3. Toolbar of diagnostic current.4. Toolbar of diagnostic voltage.5. Visual rendering of the point. White points are the

points on the posterior surface of the auricle, black points are the points on the anterior surface of the auricle, and half-colored points are the points of the anterior and pos-terior surfaces.

6. Selection of the method of point visualization.7. Measurement table.8. Diagram of the diagnostic current. Diagram of determining the testing voltage.

11.2. new diagnosticsTo start a new diagnostics do the following:1. Switch on the apparatus by pressing on button.�. Press the button start Diagnostics.3. Determine the individual testing voltage (Utest) in

the displayed window (Fig. 11.�.1)

Fig. 11.2.1. Utest Determining

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Put an active electrode on point In-Tan (Fig. 11.�.�), which is situated in the middle line between eyebrows on the patient’s bridge of nose.

Fig. 11.2.2. In-Tan point

Press the “PowER +” button of the apparatus or start button in the program – the process of determining of the testing voltage will be started, values of which are displayed in the lower right corner of the apparatus LCD; in the lower left corner you will see the value of the pow-er going through the In-Tan point. There are bar charts showing the process of determining the Utest in the pro-gram to the right from the table with points.

After determination of the testing voltage, its value will appear in the upper line of the apparatus LCD as “Ut=…”, in the lower line there is a value of the current power in microamperes. This will be an individual voltage for this very patient during this procedure. The apparatus is ready for diagnostics.

ATTENTION! If the current does not reach the value of 10 uA, you will see a message “Low Power”. This means that you did not place the electrode on the In-Tan point, you should change of the position of the active electrode and repeat the procedure of determination of the individ-ual testing voltage.

After determination of the testing voltage you can start measuring in the point to which the cursor in the list points.

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4. Select the necessary route with help of the button Route selection or in the Bioreper menu → Route selection.

— Express route — a list of points for general assess-ment of the patient’s state.

— By systems route — a list of points grouped by sys-tems. The doctor himself can select the systems by which the diagnostics will be carried out.

— full examination route — a list of all points.— Individual route — an examination route set in ad-

vance by the doctor’s demand.You can set an individual Route in the tab individual

Routes.ATTENTION! Irrespective of selection of the initial ex-

amination route, the doctor can change it in the proc-ess of diagnostics. If the points measured before were not covered by the new route then measurements will be saved. For instance, if the diagnostics was carried out first by the first route and then by the second one (the measurement data for the first route will disappear from the LCD), if you press the button Save, the data will be saved for both routes.

5. Take the measurements.When taking the measurements the patient should hold

the passive electrode in his fist on the side homolateral to the tested auricle. Place the active electrode on the nec-essary point on the auricle. It is necessary that pressures on the point were even, similar without the electrode slid-ing off the point.

ATTENTION! It is not recommended to take measure-ments in the same point more than two times at a run.

In figure 11.�.3 you can see a table of correspond-ence of the current values with the graphical interpreta-

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tion. Value of current from 0-0.3 uA and 0.3-0.7 uA are expressed in round numbers automatically.

Fig. 11.2.3. Numerical Values of Current and Graphic Interpretation

Press save button to save all results of the diagnos-tics.

Analysis of the Results

0no current significant for



moderately expressed and expressed degenerative changes

1weakly expressed degenerative

changes Normal �-3 normal


4-7weakly expressed degree of


8-11moderately expressed degree of

pathology 1�-15 expressed degree of pathology

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11.3. Continuation of DiagnosticsTo continue the diagnostics, which was previously

saved, press the button Continue Diagnostics. After all necessary measurements press the button save. You can take measurements on all the points including the previ-ously examined ones. New results will substitute the old ones.

11.4. setting the RouteYou can set an individual route in the tab individual

Routes (Fig. 11.4.1).

Fig. 11.4.1. Tab “Individual Routes” You can drag the points to the route one by one or in

groups, by selecting the necessary points with shift or Ctrl button pressed.

Before saving you should give each individual route a number or a name (Fig. 11.4.�). The program enables saving five routes.

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Fig. 11.4.2. Giving a name to the route ATTENTION! Irrespective of selection of the initial ex-

amination route, the doctor can change it in the proc-ess of diagnostics. If the points measured before were not covered by the new route then measurements will be saved. For instance, if the diagnostics was carried out first by the first route and then by the second one (the measurement data for the first route will disappear from the LCD), if you press the button Save, the data will be saved for both routes.

11.5. statisticsIn the program there is a possibility to compare the re-

sults of different diagnostics for one person, which ena-bles the doctor to observe the patient’s state in the dy-namics.

For that, go to the statistics tab (Fig. 11.5.1).

Fig. 11.5.1. Statistics

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For each point all the results are recorded in one line of the table. The results of later diagnostics are added to the line below. Thus, you can observe the dynamics of meas-urements for any auricular point. You can also print out the data of the statistics.

ATTENTION! The list of points displayed is a fixed one and its order cannot be changed. The list presents all points of the auricular diagnostics.

11.6. Generating and Printing out the ReportData of the diagnostics can be displayed on the screen

or printed out. For that:1. Load the patient’s card and open the consultation for

which you want to print out the report �. Press the Report button and Report menu will be

open (Fig. 11.6.1).

Fig. 11.6.1. Report

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You can select different forms of the report. Information of the doctor who carried out the consultations and name of the company should be entered in the report settings, the file menu → Report settings.

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12. TRoUBLEshooTinG1. The apparatus does not switch onThere is no an accumulator or the accumulator is flat

– change the accumulator. 2. The program cannot find available COM-ports.Apply to an expert (system administrator).3. When starting a new consultation the program 

message  appears:  “The  apparatus  is  not  switched on or COM-port is not selected”.

Check:— if the apparatus is switched on;— cable connection from the apparatus to the compu-

ter;— if the COM-port is set correctly in the program set-

tings (try to set another COM-port);— if the cable and jack have any mechanical damag-

es.4. The apparatus does not take measurements.No contact between the apparatus and the external di-

agnostic electrode – check the contacts. 5. The apparatus does not transfer data to the per-

sonal computer.The connection between the apparatus and the per-

sonal computer is broken – check the connection of slots contacts.

ATTENTION! All other malfunctions should be remedied by the manufacturer or in the serv-ice centers of the manufacturer.
