DHRSP Nov 2011 Newlsetter

November 2011 “HI-YA!! Take that!!” Volunteer Carol Johnson strikes a Kung-Fu pose, fending off a plethora of ants en-route to her potato salad. I was able to get a shot of a double rainbow over Red Tail. Volunteer Tom Reese A photo of the first snowfall of the winter, 10/28/11. We have about 8.5 hours of sunlight now and are still losing about 5 minutes a day. Les Bovee First Snowfall in Alaska! First Snowfall in Alaska! First Snowfall in Alaska! First Snowfall in Alaska! First Snowfall in Alaska! At the ranch where Norm and Nan Hephner worked this summer, a shooting range was set up with a mock town. When Nan saw the name on this church, she immediately thought of someone near and dear to our hearts. She said, “I don’t have any problem envisioning our Randy leading a revival group in song and verse!” Randy’s Revival submitted by Nan Hephner Dear Randy, Thank you for the great class today! I felt like I got 30 years of experience in one day—well, almost anyway! I really appreciate the way you explain everything about mountain biking, from physics to courage! We appreciate the program you lead and hope we can get a group of Scouts there after the first of the year! Tom, Diane and Daniel Mobley A Mountain Bike Basics Workshop will take place from Noon - 4 pm (or until everyone’s tired) on October 30 and Nov. 6 & 13 at Dead Horse Ranch S tate Park, Cottonwood. Park Ranger Randy Victory says, “These will be beginner trail rides on the dirt, with some instruction on the pavement.” Victory, a certified cycling instructor, will offer everything from basic riding techniques to trail etiquette. Riders will be REQUIRED to wear a helmet and complete an acknowledgment of risk form (parents must sign for riders under 18 years old). V isit park’ s home page for more information. Plus on Sundays enjoy a Nature Walk at 9 am. This guided hike will meander along riparian areas or stroll through the high desert trails within the park. Hikers need to bring plenty of water, sunscreen and wear appropriate clothing such as sturdy shoes and a hat. Hike leader Park Ranger Margie Sanchez says, “You might want to bring binoculars and a camera, too. These hikes are a great Mountain Bike Basics & Nature Walks at Dead Horse Ranch SP Mountain Bike Basics & Nature Walks at Dead Horse Ranch SP Mountain Bike Basics & Nature Walks at Dead Horse Ranch SP Mountain Bike Basics & Nature Walks at Dead Horse Ranch SP Mountain Bike Basics & Nature Walks at Dead Horse Ranch SP opportunity for wildlife sightings and photo ops.” Most hikes start at the Quail Loop Campground. Check with Visitor Center for starting location. V isit park’ s home page or Reserve campsites for this park online Carolyn - Here’s one of the Email comments I got back from one of the families who attended the mountain bike class/ride! Randy Victory

Transcript of DHRSP Nov 2011 Newlsetter

November 2011

“HI-YA!! Take that!!” Volunteer Carol Johnsonstrikes a Kung-Fu pose, fending off a plethoraof ants en-route to her potato salad.

I was able to get a shot of a double rainbowover Red Tail. Volunteer Tom Reese

A photo of the firstsnowfall of thewinter, 10/28/11. Wehave about 8.5hours of sunlightnow and are stilllosing about 5minutes a day.

Les Bovee

First Snowfall in Alaska!First Snowfall in Alaska!First Snowfall in Alaska!First Snowfall in Alaska!First Snowfall in Alaska!At the ranch where Norm and NanHephner worked this summer, ashooting range was set up with a mocktown. When Nan saw the name on thischurch, she immediately thought ofsomeone near and dear to our hearts.She said, “I don’t have any problemenvisioning our Randy leading arevival group in song and verse!”Randy’s Revival submitted by Nan Hephner

Dear Randy, Thank you for the great class today! I felt like I got 30 years of experience in one day—well, almost anyway! I really appreciate the way youexplain everything about mountain biking, from physics to courage!We appreciate the program you lead and hope we can get a group of Scouts there after the first of the year! Tom, Diane and Daniel Mobley

A Mountain Bike Basics Workshop will take place from Noon - 4 pm (or until everyone’s tired) onOctober 30 and Nov. 6 & 13 at Dead Horse Ranch State Park, Cottonwood. Park Ranger Randy Victorysays, “These will be beginner trail rides on the dirt, with some instruction on the pavement.” Victory,a certified cycling instructor, will offer everything from basic riding techniques to trail etiquette. Riderswill be REQUIRED to wear a helmet and complete an acknowledgment of risk form (parents must signfor riders under 18 years old). Visit park’s home page for more information.

Plus on Sundays enjoy a Nature Walk at 9 am. This guided hike will meander along riparian areas orstroll through the high desert trails within the park. Hikers need to bring plenty of water, sunscreenand wear appropriate clothing such as sturdy shoes and a hat. Hike leader Park Ranger MargieSanchez says, “You might want to bring binoculars and a camera, too. These hikes are a great

Mountain Bike Basics & Nature Walks at Dead Horse Ranch SPMountain Bike Basics & Nature Walks at Dead Horse Ranch SPMountain Bike Basics & Nature Walks at Dead Horse Ranch SPMountain Bike Basics & Nature Walks at Dead Horse Ranch SPMountain Bike Basics & Nature Walks at Dead Horse Ranch SP

opportunity for wildlife sightings and photo ops.” Most hikes start at the Quail Loop Campground. Check with Visitor Center for startinglocation. Visit park’s home page or Reserve campsites for this park online

Carolyn - Here’s one of the Email comments I got back from one of the families who attended the mountain bike class/ride! Randy Victory

Volunteer NewsVolunteer NewsVolunteer NewsVolunteer NewsVolunteer NewsNovember ComingsNovember ComingsNovember ComingsNovember ComingsNovember Comings

Carl Hartman (Quail #42)Jim & Maryan Harris (Maintenance #2)Bill & Jan Birtwell (Coopers Hawk)Steven & Linda Guthrie (Cabins) Welcome!!Patrick Rhoads & Keven Ward (Greenway)

November GoingsNovember GoingsNovember GoingsNovember GoingsNovember GoingsGorden & Betty LawrickGale & Judy SchmidtWayne Quimby & Betty HallJohn & Pat PaulyJeri Matthews

Hello to Eric, Randy, staff andvolunteers.We’ve been following the newsletterssince we left last March. It’s nice to keepup with such a great Park and greatpeople we’ve met while hosting there.One thing we would like to know is...Randy told us that he would look afterthe area we landscaped on the CabinRoad. Actually he promised us. After allthat hard work, we would like to see ifhe kept his word. Could you maybe sendus pictures to prove that he is a man ofhis word? That would be great. Say Hito everyone, take care, and hope to seeyou all in the future.

Vern and Janet Sisson, from Canada

Did you know one word in the Englishlanguage that can be a noun, a verb, anadjective, adverb, or a preposition? UPThis two-letter word in English has moremeanings than any other two-letter word,and that word is “UP”. It is listed in thedictionary as an [adv], [prep], [adj], [n] or[v]. It’s easy to understand UP, meaningtoward the sky or at the top of the list, butwhen we awaken in the morning, whydo we wake UP? At a meeting, why doesa topic come UP? Why do we speakUP, and why are the officers UP for election(if there is a tie, it is a toss UP) and why isit UP to the secretary to write UP a report? We call UP our friends, brighten UPa room, polish UP the silver, warm UPthe leftovers and clean UP the kitchen. We lock UP the house and fix UP the oldcar. At other times, this little word has realspecial meaning. People stir UPtrouble, line UP for tickets, work UP anappetite, and think UP excuses. To bedressed is one thing, but to be dressedUP is special. This UP is confusing: a drainmust be opened UP because it is stoppedUP. We open UP a store in the morning,but we close it UP at night. When itthreatens to rain: we say it is cloudingUP. When the sun comes out: we say it isclearing UP. When it rains: the earth soaksit UP. When it does not rain forawhile: things dry UP. We seem to bepretty mixed UP about UP! If you are UPto it, you might try building UP a list ofthe many ways UP is used. It will take UPa lot of your time, but if you don’t giveUP, you may wind UP with UP to ahundred or more. One could go on andon, but I’ll wrap it UP, for now . . . my timeis UP, so I will shut UP! Oh . . . one morething. What is the first thing you do in themorning and the last thing you do atnight?

... U ... ... P ...Did that one crack you UP?

Up Up & Away!Up Up & Away!Up Up & Away!Up Up & Away!Up Up & Away!

submitted by Laurie Blitsch

Les wrote: “......Carolyn, I can’t put intowords how much I enjoy the DHRNewsletter... It keeps me connected to myDHR “family”. I still have to go some tocatch up with your travels, but Elizabethand I are enjoying our time in the Alaskanbush country.... There is something to besaid for being off the highway system forawhile....”

Manager EmeritusLes & Elizabeth Bouvee

Response from Barbie Hart after Carolynemailed out the newsletter in October…“Getting Mauied! Aloha! Sorry I missedyour mail. I’ll be out of contact until theend of October.”

Volunteer Barbie Hart

Past NewsPast NewsPast NewsPast NewsPast NewsIn reference to the Annual SummerPotluck in September, we had about 20awards given out.Here are some more that were notmentioned before:Betty Hall: 1000 hr service pinArt Enockson: 1500 hr service pinPatricia Enockson: 1500 hr service pinJake Pratt: 2000 hr service pinBob Akey: 4000 hr service pinBill LaFleur: 6000 hr service pinBill Turner: State Parks Lifetime Pass!

Bill has donated over9000 hours of service.

There were others mentioned at the eventand they received mugs, frames, etc...

You know WHO you are...Congratulations to all the Volunteers!

November MileStonesNovember MileStonesNovember MileStonesNovember MileStonesNovember MileStones3-Charles & Billie Castle (1962)5-Tony Viotti11-Roger & Carolyn McCartney11-Janet Birtwell12-Gale & Judy Schmidt (1983)13-Carol Nank14-Joyce Reese16-Bob Akey18-Del & Anne Foster18-Jo Wishnie19-Dick Niemi22-Robert (Bob) Mann24-Dan Albright

November Dates to RememberNovember Dates to RememberNovember Dates to RememberNovember Dates to RememberNovember Dates to Remember4-6 Earth Dog Trials, River Day Use area!11/11 VETERANS DAY!!!11/14 Volunteer Meetings @ VRG Studio, 9:30am11/24 THANKSGIVING DAY!!!11/28 Volunteer Meetings @ VRG Studio, 9:30am

“A picture from the Minneapolis Star/Tribune, taken ona June morning, at the Minneapolis NationalCemetery!” Email from Pat & Larry Malone, FL“It doesn’t get any more patriotic than this ... looks as ifthe eagle is watching over our heroes! God BlessAmerica!” Email from Joe Cook (former Army & PoliceOfficer), FL submitted by Carolyn Meehan, editor

In Honor of Veterans Day...In Honor of Veterans Day...In Honor of Veterans Day...In Honor of Veterans Day...In Honor of Veterans Day...Watching Over Our FallenWatching Over Our FallenWatching Over Our FallenWatching Over Our FallenWatching Over Our Fallen
