Dgr lls16 social123-final_deck

#LLS16 Use Cases For Optimizing Email Campaign Conversions SPONSORED BY:

Transcript of Dgr lls16 social123-final_deck


Use Cases For Optimizing Email Campaign Conversions



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#LLS16 Demand Gen Report: @DG_Report

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Social123: @social123

Emily Wingrove: @EmilyMariaaa

Matt Heinz: @HeinzMarketing


From TOFU to MOFU to BOFU to Close



About Demand Gen Report • Tracking strategies and solutions in lead

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Panelists MODERATOR:

Carol Krol Editor-In-Chief Demand Gen Report

Matt Heinz President & Founder Heinz Marketing @HeinzMarketing

Emily Wingrove Director of Marketing Social123 @EmilyMariaaa

6 Key Considerations For Improving

Email & Outbound Campaigns


The Power Of Email Marketing

• One of the most effective ways to reach professionals

• 77% of B2B marketers say email is TOP channel for driving leads (Demand Gen Report’s 2016 Demand Generation Benchmark Survey)

• Email is engrained in the workday and is primary means of communication


The Power of Email

70% Internet users in US cite email as the preferred communication channel with businesses

20% Marketers’ primary

revenue source is

linked to email

73% Marketers say email

marketing is core to

their business


So… Where Do You Begin?

What goes into a campaign?

• Message Strategy

• Content

• Graphics

• Layout

• Call to Action/Offer/Incentive

ALL are

dependent on the



Start with AUDIENCE


Data Is The Foundation Of Email Strategy

Your email marketing strategy is only as good as the data you possess


Database Challenges

82% B2B marketers that don’t have a

solid database strategy

Data quality issues

56% B2B marketers that say there is

room for significant improvement

in database strategy

Top Reason:

outdated or expired

contact data


6 Data Considerations

#2 Email marketing strategies and campaign planning guidelines


Data sourcing and data quality


Integrating advanced marketing strategies with email



and data


#3 Segmentation strategies for personalized messaging


Measurement and

campaign analysis


Data Sourcing And Data Quality

• Be VERY careful in the data partner

selection process

• Tradeshow/webinar/event leads

• BEWARE the field mapping and


• 25% - 26% annual decay

• Ongoing maintenance plan


Data Sourcing And Data Quality

• Goal: Enrich existing contact records and

identify new targeted prospects

• Solution: Database provider enlisted to enrich

the existing data and find new relevant

contacts. Keep records refreshed moving


Customer Example


• Target By Group. IHS was able to use behavior driven prospect data beyond title and job function

• Job History Data: Score better match rates and targeting using a "resume" approach.

• Receive Real-Time Updates: Refresh new information in CRM for improved append rates.

Data Sourcing And Data Quality

Customer Example


Email Marketing And Campaign Planning

• Set clear objectives that are specific

• Choose data sources wisely

• Craft relevant messages and compelling CTAs

• Segment target list

• Determine communication channels

• Follow up post campaign to see what's working


Segmentation Strategies For Personalization

• Personalizing the buyer journey

• “Show me you know me”

• Field inventory

• Be data-hungry

• Characteristic data points

• Behavioral data points

• Firmagraphic data points

• Installed technologies


Integrating Advanced Marketing Strategies “Email marketing is not an island, entire of itself” -Emily Donne

Targeted Ads


Events/Tradeshows Email Direct Mail


Video Social Media Thought Leadership



• Goal: To attract high-value prospects to multi-city industry events

• Solution: Email targeting with better data

Integrating Advanced Marketing Strategies


Persona Targeting

Location: Chicago and Boston.

Industry: Modern, technologically-savvy organizations—such as software,

hardware and tech services companies—with a high propensity to practice

sophisticated marketing.

ABM Job Functions: Marketing, sales, customer success. These become the

personas for message targeting.

Job levels: Director, VP- and C-level executives.

Technographics: Group members and users of marketing automation and CRM.

Integrating Advanced Marketing Strategies


• Using a series of email touches, augmented by display

advertising, phone outreach and social media:







Email Targeting Results


Customer Example

• Segmented list for targeted pre-event email campaign

• Worked with data provider to clean and enrich data

• Show leads integrated with CRM

• Sales team prioritized follow up

“The data is an important

decision-making tool.”

- Brianna Dinsmore, Head of Demand

Gen, Weebly



Check your email reputation with Senderscore

Use one or more email authentication methods

Be aware of Canadian anti-spam legislation (CASL)

Analyze the domain distribution of your list


Measurement And Campaign Analysis

• Common Metrics:

– Opens & Clicks

– Bounces & Unsubscribes

– Conversion (downloads, form fills)

– Conversion to qualified lead

– Revenue per thousand

• Select metrics as far down the funnel as possible



• A solid data strategy is the best foundation for effective

email marketing campaigns.

• Data quality is a crucial component in order to reach the

right customers with relevant messages.

• Targeting to specific segments leads to better engagement.




Thank You!


Q&A / Panelists MODERATOR:

Carol Krol Editor-In-Chief Demand Gen Report

Matt Heinz President & Founder Heinz Marketing @HeinzMarketing

Emily Wingrove Director of Marketing Social123 @EmilyMariaaa


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