DG Communication’s Public Opinion Monitoring Unit is now … · 2020-04-20 · DG...

DG Communication’s Public Opinion Monitoring Unit is now focussing on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on public opinion within the European Union and beyond. We expect this crisis and the measure taken on all levels to contain it to have significant implications not only on people’s behaviour but also on their perception and expectations with regard to the EU and its institutions. This newsletter aims at presenting pertinent information and analysis from both EU level and the Member States. We draw on available and published surveys, social media monitoring and the analysis of our team in close collaboration with other services within DG COMM, specifically also Parliament’s Liaison Office in all Member States. In concrete terms, this newsletter assembles information on: current audience insight data, surveys and polls on citizens’ attitudes towards the corona crisis, their governments’ and the EU’s response, including, where and when available, data on trust in public institutions. voting intention polls measuring support for governments and opposition parties in light of the COVID-19 crisis significant political reactions on measures taken by governments and/or the EU with a likely impact on the shaping of public opinion Apart from such relevant news from the Member States we would like to draw your attention to three global surveys included in this edition: Survey by Kantar on “COVID-19 : perceptions and behaviour in G7” IPSOS survey on public opinion and coronavirus Redfield and Wilton Strategies poll on public opinion concerns in relation to COVID-19, as published in Politico We aim at producing one newsletter per week, normally published on Friday, and welcome all comments and input to our work. If you come across any pertinent information or would like to have more information on what the Public Opinion Monitoring Unit can do for you in this time of crisis, please contact: Philipp M. Schulmeister Head of Public Opinion Monitoring Unit [email protected] [email protected] @EP_Trends

Transcript of DG Communication’s Public Opinion Monitoring Unit is now … · 2020-04-20 · DG...

Page 1: DG Communication’s Public Opinion Monitoring Unit is now … · 2020-04-20 · DG Communication’s Public Opinion Monitoring Unit is now focussing on the impact of the COVID-19

DG Communication’s Public Opinion Monitoring Unit is now focussing on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on public opinion within the European Union and beyond. We expect this crisis and the measure taken on all levels to contain it to have significant implications not only on people’s behaviour but also on their perception and expectations with regard to the EU and its institutions. This newsletter aims at presenting pertinent information and analysis from both EU level and the Member States. We draw on available and published surveys, social media monitoring and the analysis of our team in close collaboration with other services within DG COMM, specifically also Parliament’s Liaison Office in all Member States. In concrete terms, this newsletter assembles information on:

• current audience insight data, surveys and polls on citizens’ attitudes towards the corona crisis, their governments’ and the EU’s response, including, where and when available, data on trust in public institutions.

• voting intention polls measuring support for governments and opposition parties in light of the COVID-19 crisis

• significant political reactions on measures taken by governments and/or the EU with a likely impact on the shaping of public opinion

Apart from such relevant news from the Member States we would like to draw your attention to three global surveys included in this edition:

• Survey by Kantar on “COVID-19 : perceptions and behaviour in G7” • IPSOS survey on public opinion and coronavirus • Redfield and Wilton Strategies poll on public opinion concerns in relation to COVID-19, as

published in Politico We aim at producing one newsletter per week, normally published on Friday, and welcome all comments and input to our work. If you come across any pertinent information or would like to have more information on what the Public Opinion Monitoring Unit can do for you in this time of crisis, please contact: Philipp M. Schulmeister Head of Public Opinion Monitoring Unit [email protected] [email protected] @EP_Trends

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EU ................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Austria ......................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Belgium....................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Bulgaria ....................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Croatia ......................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Czechia ........................................................................................................................................................................ 16 Denmark ..................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Estonia......................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Finland ........................................................................................................................................................................ 19 France .......................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Germany ..................................................................................................................................................................... 29 Greece ......................................................................................................................................................................... 30 Hungary ...................................................................................................................................................................... 31 Latvia ........................................................................................................................................................................... 32 Italy............................................................................................................................................................................... 33 Netherlands ............................................................................................................................................................... 41 Poland ......................................................................................................................................................................... 43 Portugal ...................................................................................................................................................................... 46 Slovenia ...................................................................................................................................................................... 49 Spain ............................................................................................................................................................................ 51 Sweden ....................................................................................................................................................................... 55

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EU Covid-19 : perceptions et comportements dans les pays du G7 SOURCE: Etude Kantar TNS Sofrès parue le 25/03/20 intitulée "Covid-19 : perceptions et comportements dans les pays du G7" :


Kantar, leader mondial des études et du conseil, publie les résultats d’une vaste étude sur l’impact du coronavirus, menée dans l’ensemble des pays du G7 (Canada, France, Allemagne, Japon, Italie, Grande-Bretagne, États-Unis).

Impact financier de la crise

70% des habitants du G7 déclarent que le coronavirus a ou aura une incidence sur le revenu de leur foyer: 82% en Italie, 76 % au Canada, 74% aux États-Unis, 70% en Grande-Bretagne, 65% au Japon et en France et 58% en Allemagne.

Cependant, 29% disent ne pas s’attendre à ce que le coronavirus ait un impact financier au niveau personnel. C'est en Allemagne (46 %), au Japon (35 %) et en France (34 %) que cette proportion est la plus élevée.

Perceptions de l'efficacité des gouvernements

L'approbation des opinions publiques à l’égard des réponses apportées par leur gouvernement est la plus élevée en Italie, là où l'impact du virus sur la santé publique est actuellement le plus lourd : 76% des Italiens approuvent la réponse de leur gouvernement à la pandémie de coronavirus.

En France, près des deux tiers des personnes interrogées (61%) approuvent la façon dont le gouvernement réagit face à la pandémie tandis que 66% évaluent de manière positive la manière dont il communique sur l’épidémie.

Enfin, 63% des Français interrogés font confiance au gouvernement pour prendre les bonnes décisions à l’avenir même s’ils sont relativement partagés sur les mesures mises en place pour endiguer l’épidémie : 42% considèrent que les mesures prises sont relativement appropriées quand 49% considèrent qu’elles ne vont pas assez loin.

Efficacité de la coopération internationale

Interrogés sur la coopération internationale pour apporter une réponse à la pandémie, 71 % des Canadiens la jugent très bonne ou assez bonne, pour 65 % aux États-Unis, 62 % en Grande-Bretagne, 54 % en France, 45 % en Allemagne et 37 % en Italie et au Japon. Le reflet des récents développements de la propagation géographique du virus.

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Niveau de préparation perçu des services publics

C’est au Canada, en Allemagne et en Grande-Bretagne que les citoyens sont les plus enclins à penser que leurs services publics sont prêts à faire face à l'épidémie et à ses conséquences. Les Français se montrent les plus sceptiques :

• 65% Canada

• 57% Grande Bretagne

• 56% Allemagne

• 47% Etats-Unis

• 44% Italie

• 43% Japon

• 33% France

L’opinion sur le comportement des autres citoyens

Au sein du G7, 52% des individus évaluent positivement le comportement des concitoyens de leur pays respectif dans la lutte contre l'épidémie de coronavirus. C’est au Canada que le pourcentage est le plus élevé (68%) et en France, qu’il l’est le moins ( 36%).

Comportements individuels pour endiguer la pandémie

68% des habitants du G7 disent avoir commencé à prendre des mesures de distanciation sociale (ex. ne pas serrer la main, rester à distance) depuis le début de l’épidémie. Cette proportion est la plus élevée au Canada et en Italie (85%) et la plus faible au Japon (28%). Elle est de 77% en France.

Quant au port du masque, 27% des habitants du G7 disent avoir commencé à l’adopter. C'est au Japon (65 %) et en Italie (62 %) que ce pourcentage est le plus élevé.

La source d’information jugée la plus crédible

Concernant les sources d’information (médias, professionnel de santé, politiques, famille/amis), les journaux télévisés sont considérés comme la source d'information la plus fiable pour fournir des informations sur le coronavirus en France (33%), en Allemagne (31%), en Italie (37%), au Japon (46%) et en Grande-Bretagne (28%).

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Public divided on whether isolation, travel bans prevent COVID-19 spread; border closures become more acceptable IPSOS, 24/03/2020


More than half of people in many large countries think the restrictions on travel and mandates for self-isolation will not stop the spread of the coronavirus, according to the latest Ipsos survey.

In a poll of nearly 14,000 people conducted online between March 19 to 21, majorities in eight out of the 14 countries surveyed agreed social distancing measures such as travel bans, and self-isolation will not prevent the spread of the virus. Majorities in Japan (62%), India (61%), Mexico (59%), Brazil (56%), Germany and Vietnam (55%), and Australia (52%) believe social distancing will not work, while majorities in countries like China (61%), Canada (59%), Italy (57%) and France (56%) disagree. (see figure 1)

Darrell Bricker, CEO of Public Affairs, said the results show people are not confident that isolation, both personally and nationally, will stop the spread of the coronavirus.

“These findings help to explain why isolation isn’t being obeyed in some countries. We are divided on whether or not it works,” said Bricker.

In terms of what measures governments can do to try to limit the spread of the pandemic, there’s been an increase in all countries in the number of people who believe their country borders should be closed until the virus is proven to be contained.

The most significant increases are seen in Canada and France (+28), Germany and the U.K. (+23) and Australia (+14). (see figure 2)

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“While it might seem like a contradiction that we question whether isolation will stop the virus but still want closed borders, the public supports strong action from governments even if they might question its efficacy,” according to Bricker.

Impact on health, jobs

There’s also been a substantial jump in four of the countries in the number of people now believing an infection from the outbreak could have a very to extremely serious effect on their health, however, the figures remain low compared to the anticipated impact on jobs.

There’s been double-digit increases in this sentiment in the United States, the United Kingdom and Germany (+11 percentage points), and Canada (+10). However, Asia-Pacific countries are still the most worried about the health impact with about three in four people in China (77%), India (75%) and Vietnam (74%) believing the coronavirus could affect them very seriously. Surprisingly, Italy is the only country where there is actually a decline on this measure by 12 points to 26%.

At the same time, there’s also been a noticeable increase in the number of people who think the coronavirus poses a high threat to their job or business in all countries - with Italy being one of the few exceptions remaining unchanged at 63%. Meanwhile, Japan is the only country with a decrease - down two points to 32%.(...)

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These are the results of an Ipsos survey conducted March 19th to 21st, 2020 on the Global Advisor online platform among 14,000 adults aged 18-74 in Canada and the United States and 16-74 in Australia, China, France, Germany, Italy, India, Japan, Russia, Vietnam and the United Kingdom. (...)

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Coronavirus Drives European Hunger For News Statista, Mar 24, 2020

With the world in the grips of a pandemic and the crisis being described by some governments as the most significant since World War Two, the need for accurate and up to date news has rarely been higher. This hunger for information is reflected in a recent Comscore analysis of visits to general news sites and apps in Europe.

As our infographic shows, when comparing visits at the start of the year to mid-March, Italy, the worst-hit European country, has experienced by far the biggest increase of the countries featured - a rise of 142 percent. (...)


A survey by @IpsosMORI show that people around the globe are skeptical that measures such as #travelban and #SocialDistancing will slow the spread of #COVID19.

26/03/2020, https://twitter.com/StatistaCharts/status/1243145676512464900

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People in Spain, Italy and France overwhelmingly back lockdowns: poll Respondents in all three countries prioritize public health over the economy.

Politico, 25/03/2020

In the three European countries worst-hit by the pandemic in terms of the number of deaths from COVID-19 so far, respondents were more concerned about the impact of the virus on public health than the economy.

An overwhelming 90 percent of people in Italy support strict social distancing measures, which include a ban on any movement inside the country and closure of non-essential businesses, according to a poll of 4,500 people carried out by London-based Redfield and Wilton Strategies. The poll sampled the views of 1,500 people in each of the three countries.

In Spain, where people have also been ordered to stay indoors, 88 percent of people support the government's rules, while the French government won approval from 87 percent of those polled. In that country, the government has deployed 100,000 police across the country to enforce rules which only allow people to leave home for officially sanctioned reasons.

A majority of people in both Italy and Spain (59 percent) and more than 40 percent of French people would be willing to tolerate the measures as long as deemed necessary, even if the lockdown lasts for longer than two months.


Of the three populations polled by Redfield and Wilton Strategies, Italians showed the strongest support for their leader, with 76 percent of respondents either strongly approving or somewhat approving of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte's handling of the crisis. In France, the equivalent figure for President Emmanuel Macron is 49 percent.

Spain's Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez impressed his people the least, with 43 percent saying they either strongly disapproved or somewhat disapproved of his handling of the crisis.

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Meanwhile, 61 percent of Italians said they do not think the European Union has helped during the crisis against 24 percent who said it had. French respondents were similarly downbeat about the EU's role, with 46 percent versus 31 percent saying they did not think it had helped. The attitude toward Brussels is more positive in Spain, with 43 percent versus 32 percent saying the EU has helped.

Despite being the hardest hit European country so far, Italians are the most optimistic the situation will get better in the next month with 38 percent expecting an improvement and 34 percent a worsening. In Spain and France, 52 percent and 62 percent respectively said they thought things will get worse.

While a clear majority in all three countries is prioritizing public health over the economy, half of those who are employed in Spain say they are either at risk of losing their job, or have already lost their job.

And in both Italy and Spain there were strong majorities in favor of the government making a one-time payment to all citizens to help them weather the crisis. In France, just under half of those who took part in the poll supported the measure.

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Austria Karmasin poll regarding corona measures ORF, 22.03.2020 [in German ; POMU summary of TV interview]

Austrian feel threatened, but are also understanding concerning the measures taken to fight corona. While 38% feel very or to somewhat threatened, 33% feel moderately threatened, 20% little threatened and 8% not at all threatened.

In general, most Austrian handle the corona-measures quite well. 44% of respondents said, none of the measures are especially difficult to follow. Most mentioned are the curfew (32%), closure of shops (20%), not going to the hospital (15%) and the closure of borders (14%). Being asked about their main concerns, Austrians responded with mass hysteria (52%), health system (45%) and loss of contact (37%) as top three items.

Source : https://tvthek.orf.at/profile/ORF-III-Aktuell/13889091/ORF-III-AKTUELL-zum-Coronavirus/14045595/Umfrage-zu-Massnahmen/14666534

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Belgium Coronavirus: selon un sondage de Test-Achats, la moitié des ménages accuse une perte financière LeSoir.be, 25/03/2020 Sondage Test Achat 1000 rép. 18-20 mars 2020 46 % des sondés déclarent avoir rencontré des difficultés pour s’approvisionner au quotidien (en termes d’alimentation, de produits d’hygiène…).

Près d’un tiers (32 %) a également affirmé avoir ressenti de l’anxiété depuis le début des restrictions.

50 % des ménages déclarent avoir perdu de l’argent, pour un montant moyen de 568 euros.

Seize pour cent des sondés ont déclaré avoir souffert d’un des « symptômes premiers du Covid-19 », tels que la fièvre, une toux sèche ou des difficultés à respirer. Parmi elles, 64 % n’ont pas entrepris d’action médicale. Quatre pour cent ont également souffert d’au moins deux symptômes, dont 4 sur 10 n’ont rien entrepris.

Sur le respect des recommandations (éviter de quitter son domicile sauf pour besoin essentiel, éviter les réunions avec des proches ou amis, ne pas quitter le pays). Les répondants pouvaient répondre « pas du tout », « en partie » et strictement ». Une majorité a répondu « strictement » pour éviter de quitter la maison (56 %) et éviter les réunions (66 %).

Concernant les déplacements hors de la maison, 5,5 % ont dit ne « pas du tout » respecter cette consigne et 38,5 % « partiellement ». Pour les réunions avec des proches ou amis, 7 % ont déclaré ne « pas du tout » suivre cette recommandation et 27 % « partiellement ».

Etude Corona.be The Antwerp University has put a questionnaire online to gauge people's change of behaviour during the crisis and the impact of restrictions measures. The questionnaire is online every Tuedsay from 10am to 10pm. More 560.000 took part last week.

"Les personnes âgées ont plus rapidement changé de comportement. «Les plus de 65 ans n’ont en général pas attendu les mesures drastiques du 13 mars, ni la décision de fermer la porte aux visiteurs dans les maisons de repos du 11 mars», explique l’économiste de la santé Philippe Beutels, de l’université d’Anvers. L’enquête se répétera chaque mardi, afin de mieux prévoir la propagation du virus. Le sondage est disponible en français sur le site www.etude-corona.be. Des versions en néerlandais et en anglais sont aussi en ligne."

Final results on March 31: https://www.uantwerpen.be/en/projects/etude-corona/

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Des « données contre le Corona » : votre téléphone peut lutter contre le virus RTBF.be, 20 mars 2020

[...] A l’aide des données émises par les téléphones portables, il peut être possible, selon les experts, de cartographier la localisation et la dispersion de la maladie, de créer des applications à même de mesure l’impact des mesures prises par le politique, de lancer des campagnes d’information dans des zones ciblées, voire à haut risque, etc. [...]

Dans un contexte où la Belgique est en confinement, l’utilité de ces données mobiles est primordiale lorsqu’il s’agira de baisser d’un cran les mesures drastiques en cours : "Dans la 'descente' des mesures, la question se posera de savoir dans quel ordre on va 'déconfiner' les gens, dans quel ordre on va essayer d''éradiquer' la maladie. Toutes ces analyses sont de mobilité sont importantes pour gérer l’après-confinement."

Quid de la vie privée ?

C’est évidemment la question qu’on peut légitimement se poser. Frédéric Pivetta est très clair : "On ne suit personne, les données sont anonymisées, toutes ces données agrégées, personne n’est suivi à un niveau individuel. On ne viole en aucun cas la vie privée."

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Bulgaria Gallup International poll 24.03.2020 [in BG, EPLO translation]

The Gallup International poll found that Bulgarians as a whole accept and support the state of emergency declared on March 13. Asked to assess the epidemic control measures put in place by the government, 66% deemed them sufficient, 17% said they were excessive and 15% thought them insufficient.

There is a big support towards the national coronavirus task force chief (+89%), the government (+74%) and the main ministries in charge of the emergency measures. Great support is shown towards the medics (+91%) and teachers (+87%) (just fyi - Bulgarian children are at home and as there was no online education system in Bulgaria until now, many emergency measures were taken also in that field and the teachers are doing their best at this situation).

As whole people are concerned by the coronavirus, as more that 20% think that the pandemic is one of the worst things ever happened to the mankind. 22% of Bulgarians are in panic because of the pandemic, 64% are concerned and only 12% are taking the situation easy. Many people are beginning to worry for their jobs, bank loans and bills.

The majority is taking some kind of measures against the outbreak, as almost everybody is cleaning their hands more often, 80% are using disinfectants, 90% have limited their social contacts and 5% are using masks.

Bulgarians are however divided on the traveling ban in the country (+ 56% and 40%).

Source: https://www.gallup-international.bg/43085/express-opinion-poll-state-of-emergency/

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Croatia Croatia's political parties approval ratings unaffected by Covid-19, centre-left SDP continues to lead polls SeeNews, Mar 23, 2020

The coronavirus outbreak has not affected public approval in Croatia's major political parties and the centre-left opposition Social Democratic Party (SDP) remains a favourite to win the general elections in the country due in the autumn, polls show,

If the elections were held today, SDP would get 29.3% support, up by a monthly 0.2 index points, while the ruling centre-right Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) would collect 27.3% of the votes, up by a monthly 0.4 points, a survey conducted by Promocija Plus agency for public broadcaster HRT showed on Friday. The survey was carried out between March 16 and 19 among 1,400 people.

This is the third month in a row in which SDP outruns HDZ in opinion polls.

In January SDP candidate Zoran Milanovic won Croatia's presidential election, defeating incumbent president Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic backed by HDZ.

The results of the March survey indicate that the only other party that would pass the 5.0% election threshold if the elections were held now is the recently unveiled political formation of musician Miroslav Skoro, who came third in the first round of the presidential elections.

Skoro's political party is backed by 10.6%, up by a monthly 0.6 index points, the survey showed.

Nova TV Crobarometer: Does the Government and the President Have Citizens' Support in Fighting Coronaviruses?

Dnevnik.hr, 25/03/2020 Crobarometer by Ipsos Pulse 01-20 March 2020 (fieldwork before earthquake)

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic has the confidence of the citizens for the time being, but his HDZ is back in the first place. It is important to note that the survey did not cover the earthquake in Zagreb, but it indicates the mood of citizens in the last month in the fight against coronaviruses.

• The HDZ came back first, the SDP and the Homeland Movement would pass the election threshold

• Other parties fight for "political survival" • Government is increasing its support for the fight against coronaviruses • Plenkovic's support is growing, and Milanovic remains the most popular • Most citizens approve of Milanovic's work • The work of three institutions: The Office of the President of the Republic of Croatia and

with its new tenant is still the best-rated institution with a school grade of 3.1 or "triple", the Government also receives a "troika" or 2.6 and finally the Croatian Parliament which received a "two" or 1.9.

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Czechia Czech PM urges EU to ditch Green Deal amid virus The Czech premier, whose country depends on nuclear energy and coal, said Monday (16 March) the European Union should ditch its landmark green law seeking carbon neutrality as it battles the novel coronavirus. “Europe should forget about the Green Deal now and focus on the coronavirus instead,” Prime Minister Andrej Babiš told reporters, without explaining how the two are connected. “Europe is now the biggest epicentre of the coronavirus in the world,” the billionaire populist added. The EU unveiled a draft of the Green Deal earlier this month, mandating members to achieve net zero greenhouse emissions by 2050. But ex-communist EU members like the Czech Republic have announced much less ambitious plans as their energy sectors are still largely dependent on coal. The Czech Republic has registered 344 cases of COVID-19, including three recovered patients. No one has died of the disease in the country of around 11 million people. The Czech Republic recently closed its borders as well as schools, most shops and cultural facilities and restricted free movement. Earlier Monday, the government sent a special military plane to China to collect coronavirus test kits, and Babiš said another seven planes should follow suit. Source: https://www.euractiv.com/section/energy-environment/news/czech-pm-urges-eu-to-ditch-green-deal-amid-virus/

Opposition parties nominate candidates for Central Crisis Staff Source : https://www.radio.cz/en/section/news/opposition-parties-nominate-candidates-for-central-crisis-staff

Following Prime Minister Andrej Babiš's Tuesday offer that three spaces on the government's Central Crisis Staff focused on combating the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus be selected by opposition parties, five candidates were put forward on Wednesday. The final decision on who will sit on the staff is likely to be announced at a video conference on Thursday. Former police president and current senator Martin Červíček was nominated by the Civic Democrats. The Freedom and Direct Democracy party has put MP and former Czech representative to NATO Radovan Vícha as their candidate. The Christian Democrats have nominated their MP and former director of the Havlíčkův Brod hospital Vít Kaňkovský. The Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia has proposed their MP and former policeman Zdeněk Ondráček. TOP 09 has nominated the head of the Czech Dental Chamber Roman Šmucler. Meanwhile the Pirate Party and the Mayors and Independents have proposed their joint nomination of economist Filip Matějka.

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Denmark Last national voting intention poll: Voxmeter 26/03/2020

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Estonia Estonian residents support emergency situation measures EER, 22.03.2020

The Estonian population considers the situation caused by the coronavirus to be serious, the measures related to the announcement of an emergency situation appropriate and is well aware of how to protect itself from the virus, it appears from a recent survey conducted by pollster Turu-uuringute AS.

The situation caused by the coronavirus is considered as serious or very serious by 85 percent of the Estonian population, and 94 percent of the people are well or rather well aware of how to protect themselves from the coronavirus. The study also shows that 89 percent of Estonians consider measures related to the establishment of an emergency situation appropriate [...]

The results of the survey show a somewhat lower adherence to preventive measures in the younger age group. Altogether 70 percent of the population, according to their own estimates, do everything they can to stop the spread of the coronavirus, while 17 percent believe they could do more. The 65-year-old and older Estonian residents are the most responsible, following the measures to prevent the spread of the virus according to the study, while only 57 percent of young people aged 15-24 are equally careful.

In the current situation, Estonian people most of all expect from the state financial support in case the family income disappears, with 41 percent of respondents expecting it, a possibility to take coronavirus tests, (37 percent), financial support for companies in difficulty due to restrictions of the emergency situation (27 percent) and the provision of protective equipment (22 percent).

Altogether 79 percent of the population is sure that the state is able to ensure the availability of food and medicines. People are most worried about their own health and that of their family.

The main coronavirus information sources for Estonians are news and other programs of the ETV television channel of public broadcaster ERR, for altogether 61 percent of respondents, and the news portals of Delfi, Postimees and others for (50 percent). The primary information source for other nationalities in Estonia are news portals, for 63 percent of respondents, and social media for 35 percent, while 28 percent said they watch ETV.

Source: https://news.err.ee/1067126/estonian-residents-support-emergency-situation-measures

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Finland New opinion poll signals good news for the government The latest political barometer from Helsingin Sanomat newspaper shows growing support for Sanna Marin's Social Democrat-lead coalition government. News Now Staff, March 18, 2020 A new opinion poll published by Helsingin Sanomat newspaper on Wednesday shows an increase in the total support for the five government coalition parties at 53.9%. That’s up from a month ago, when it was less than 53%, and there’s been a general coalescing of support for the government in a number of opinion poll surveys since Sanna Marin became prime minister in December.

Marin’s Social Democrats are elevated to second place in the new poll at 17.1%, behind the Finns Party whose popularity has fallen by 0.8% since the last Helsingin Sanomat. The National Coalition Party has dropped slightly to third place and 16.9%. The Greens are up marginally in fourth place; and there’s no change for the Centre Party stuck on 12%. For other smaller parties there’s small gains for the Left Alliance up to 8% and for the Swedish People’s Party up to 4.4%. The Christian Democrats also say a marginal 0.1% increase while Movement Now Liike Nyt is unchanged from last month’s poll at 1.9%.

The survey was conducted by Kantar TNS between 15th February and 13th March – before the government announced its extensive emergency measures to tackle the coronavirus pandemic. A total of 2,234 people were interviewed for the survey, a representative sample of voters aged 18 and over from across Finland, excluding Åland. The opinion poll has a margin of error of 2.1 percentage points for the largest political parties.

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France Suivi de la crise du coronavirus et de l’action gouvernementale – Vague 6 Cette nouvelle Balise d’Opinion Ifop-Fiducial pour CNews et Sud Radio s’intéresse à l’épidémie de coronavirus qui se propage en France et à l’action gouvernementale pour y faire face.

SOURCE : Sondage IFOP paru le 26/03/20 intitulé "Suivi de la crise du coronavirus et de l'action gouvernementale ( Vague 6)" pour Fiducial/CNews et Sud Radio :


L’inquiétude liée à l’épidémie de coronavirus est toujours aussi forte, puisqu’elle concerne 85% des Français, et touche ainsi toutes les catégories de la société. Dans le détail un tiers des Français se déclare “tout à fait inquiet” (35%), davantage chez les femmes (37% vs 33% des hommes), les personnes de plus de 35 ans (39% vs 29% des moins de 35 ans), ainsi que les ouvriers et employés (respectivement 44 et 38% vs 21% des cadres).

Face à ce taux d’inquiétude élevé, près de trois Français sur quatre jugent qu’il faudrait renforcer le confinement décidé par le gouvernement (73%) pour lutter contre la propagation du coronavirus. Par proximité politique se sont surtout les sympathisants Les Républicains qui souhaitent ce renforcement (78%), et moins les sympathisants Europe Ecologie Les Verts (68%). Moins d’un Français sur quatre juge qu’il faut laisser le confinement tel qu’il est actuellement (23%), et seuls 4% des Français sont pour l’assouplir.

Concernant la confiance dans le gouvernement pour faire face à la crise, on assiste à une bascule puise celle-ci devient minoritaire : seuls 48% des Français font confiance au gouvernement pour faire face efficacement au coronavirus, soit une chute de 7 points en cinq jours. Cette chute se ressent principalement chez les sympathisants Les Républicains (-20 points), et touche des secteurs pourtant essentiels : seuls 40% des salariés du secteur public ont confiance. En parallèle, une petite majorité de Français fait confiance au gouvernement pour aider les entreprises en difficulté en raison du coronavirus (52% -5 points).

BAROMÈTRE QUOTIDIEN DE SUIVI DE LA CRISE DU COVID 19 COMMENT LES FRANÇAIS VIVENT-ILS LA PÉRIODE ACTUELLE ? SOURCE : . Baromètre quotidien BVA paru le 25/03/20 – Vague 7 : https://www.bva-group.com/en/sondages/barometre-quotidien-de-suivi-de-crise-covid-19-vague-7/

Vague 7 – 25 mars 2020

Après une semaine marquée par l’inquiétude et les doutes croissants des Français sur les informations reçues, la situation se stabilise : leur perception de la situation cesse de se détériorer, notamment en ce qui concerne la qualité des informations reçues par les pouvoirs publics (44%; +1) ou les médias (44%; +2) et la gestion de la crise par le gouvernement (38%; +1).

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Leur moral reste en demi-teinte mais s’améliore légèrement (51% donnent une note inférieure ou égale à 6/10 pour le qualifier, contre 54% hier). Surtout, le sentiment que le pire est devant nous semble commencer à s’éroder : 77% en sont toujours convaincus, mais ils étaient 81% à le penser il y a quelques jours. A voir si cette tendance se confirme dans les prochains jours.

En revanche, une fois le week-end passé et après plus d’une semaine dans cette situation, les difficultés du quotidien reprennent le dessus pour les parents en télétravail. C’est le seul indicateur qui se détériore aussi nettement : 43% éprouvent des difficultés à gérer la situation (+7 points depuis hier), un niveau plus élevé que celui observé lors de la première semaine de confinement. Les femmes sont un peu plus nombreuses que les hommes (46% contre 40%) à faire part de leurs difficultés dans ce domaine, signe d’un certain déséquilibre dans la répartition des tâches au sein du foyer ?

Pour autant, pour l’instant, l’ambiance au sein du foyer n’est pas un souci pour la majorité des Français (75%; +1 pt, sont confiants sur ce sujet) mais l’inquiétude est plus marquée chez ceux qui ont des enfants de moins de 18 ans (26% contre 21% en moyenne).

Notons enfin que malgré les outils numériques, le maintien de la vie sociale apparait de plus en plus difficile pour les Français (76%; +1), notamment pour les personnes âgées (84% des 65 ans et plus).

Sondage BFMTV - 87% des Français inquiets face à la crise sanitaire, mais 64% gardent un bon moral SOURCE :. Sondage Elabe paru le 25/03/20 intitulé "Coronavirus : des Français plus inquiets et plus critiques à l'égard de l'exécutif" pour BFMTV : https://elabe.fr/coronavirus-vague6/

La propagation du coronavirus inquiète les Français. Un sondage Elabe-Berger Levrault réalisé pour BFMTV et diffusé ce mercredi révèle qu'ils sont désormais 87% à être préoccupés par la crise sanitaire, mais que 64% d'entre eux gardent le moral malgré le durcissement des règles de confinement. En parallèle, la confiance des Français envers la gestion de la crise par le gouvernement est en baisse

La vague de coronavirus continue sa galopante progression et la crise risque de durer, comme a averti le Premier ministre lundi. Un nouveau sondage Elabe-Berger Levrault pour BFMTV publié ce mercredi révèle que 87% des Français sont inquiets face à cette épidémie sans précédent, qui a déjà tué plus de 1100 personnes en France, et 18.000 personnes à l'échelle du monde.

Alors que l'inquiétude des Français était déjà monté en flèche après l'allocution d'Emmanuel Macron mardi 17 mars, celle-ci gagne à nouveau 6 points cette semaine, pour atteindre 87% des personnes interrogées. Parmi elles, 31% se disent "très inquiètes", et 57% "plutôt inquiètes".

Cette angoisse se fait ressentir dans les différents aspects de la vie quotidienne, puisque les Français sont de plus en plus méfiants vis-à-vis des lieux de vie où existent encore des interactions sociales. 66% des personnes sondées se disent, par exemple, inquiètes à l'idée de se rendre au travail ou d'aller faire des courses. Une inquiétude qui monte en flèche (+5%) concernant les transports en commun, puisque 83% des Français s'en méfient en cette période de "propagation active et rapide" du virus sur le territoire.

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A 64%, les Français gardent le moral

Bien que les chiffres montrent une certaine hausse de l'inquiétude chez les plus jeunes (+6 points), les 18-24 ans demeurent la catégorie de population la moins préoccupée par le virus. Ils ne sont "que" 74% à être inquiets, tandis que les autres classes d'âge oscillent entre 87% et 90% de personnes inquiètes.

Mais malgré le renforcement des mesures de confinement annoncées lundi par le Premier ministre et mises en application dès mardi, les Français gardent plutôt le moral et lui accordent une note moyenne de 6.1 sur 10. Seuls les habitants du quart nord-est du pays, territoire le plus touché par le coronavirus, affichent un moral légèrement plus bas que les autres régions (5.8 sur une échelle allant jusqu'à 10).

La France pas prête à faire face au virus?

De manière générale, les critiques s'intensifient à l'égard de la gestion de crise du gouvernement, à savoir la manière dont les pouvoirs publics gèrent l'urgence et préparent la suite. A 73%, les Français ont le sentiment que la France n'est pas prête à affronter le coronavirus: une tendance en hausse de 16 points par rapport à la semaine passée.

Une majorité de Français juge que le dossier du coronavirus est mal géré par l'exécutif: 38% des personnes sondées l'estiment "assez mal géré", et 18% "très mal géré", tandis que 44% d'entre eux considèrent que le gouvernement gère "plutôt" (39%) ou "très bien" (5%) cette crise inédite.

Avec 48% d'opinions favorables, la confiance envers l'exécutif baisse de 11 points et passe sous la barre des 50%. Si les Français étaient encore 59% à faire confiance à l'exécutif pour gérer la crise le 13 mars dernier, les Français se montrent désormais divisés. 52% affirment ne pas avoir confiance dans le gouvernement, contre 48% de confiants.

Le défaut d'approvisionnement en masques reproché au gouvernement

73% des sondés estiment que, face à l'épidémie de coronavirus, l'exécutif a trop tardé à prendre les mesures nécessaires. 68% des Français considèrent que le gouvernement n'a pas pris assez de précautions pour limiter la propagation du virus: un chiffre en hausse de 25 points en une semaine, et partagé par l'ensemble des électorats.

Dans le détail, les personnes interrogées reprochent au gouvernement les défauts d'approvisionnement en masques et en tests de dépistage. Plus de 8 Français sur 10 estiment en effet que cette question a été mal gérée par l'exécutif, et près de 6 Français sur 10 (58%) jugent mal gérée la question du confinement.

Sondage: la confiance des Français envers l’exécutif en chute libre 55 % des Français jugent que le gouvernement n’a pas pris la mesure de la gravité de la situation, 79 % considèrent qu’il ne sait pas où il va.

SOURCE : SONDAGE ODOXA pour le Figaro du 25 mars 2020 http://www.odoxa.fr/sondage/a-cause-recentes-polemiques-lopinion-publique-se-retourne-contre-gouvernement-a-retire-confiance/

C’est le grand retournement. Désormais, 55 % des Français jugent que le gouvernement n’a pas pris la mesure de la gravité de la situation, 69 % estiment qu’il n’est pas clair et 79 % considèrent qu’il ne sait pas où il va. Des chiffres très sévères, issus de l’enquête Regard des Français sur l’action du gouvernement et sur le confinement menée les 24 et 25 mars auprès d’un millier de Français par Odoxa avec Dentsu Consulting, pour Le Figaro et Franceinfo.

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Le 12 mars dernier, à la veille du premier tour des municipales et à l’orée du confinement, dans notre même sondage hebdomadaire, près des deux tiers des Français trouvaient au contraire que le gouvernement réagissait bien, voire trop, face à l’épidémie. Ils étaient 43 % à trouver qu’il prenait les précautions qu’il fallait et 20 % qu’il en prenait même «trop», contre seulement 37 % qui considéraient qu’il n’en prenait «pas assez».

Une semaine plus tard, le 19 mars dernier, deux sondages confirmaient cette grande confiance: 55 % des Français disaient «faire confiance au gouvernement pour faire face efficacement au coronavirus» (un sondage Ifop-JDD). Encore plus fort, dans un sondage Odoxa de la semaine dernière suivant l’allocution d’Emmanuel Macron, 82 % des Français estimaient qu’il avait pris la mesure de la gravité de la situation, 65 % qu’il avait été «clair» et 59 % qu’il leur disait la vérité et «savait où il allait».

Là, c’est la chute, alors qu’a explosé la polémique sur l’absence des masques et autres matériaux de protection. Selon notre sondage, 70 % des Français estiment ainsi désormais que le gouvernement ne leur dit pas la vérité et 75 % sont désormais persuadés que le gouvernement n’a pas pris les bonnes décisions au bon moment et surtout parce qu’il n’a pas fait le nécessaire pour bien équiper les hôpitaux et les soignants face à l’épidémie.

Tous les Français interrogés (97 %), sont persuadés qu’il y a bien en France une pénurie de masques, et les deux tiers d’entre eux (65 %) estiment que le gouvernement actuel en est responsable. Pour 32 %, «il y a bien un manque de masques en France actuellement, mais ce n’est pas de la faute de ce gouvernement qui fait le nécessaire pour rattraper notre retard».

Président d’Odoxa, Gaël Sliman note en outre que les Français «attendent du gouvernement de l’audace sur un plan sanitaire». Ils sont ainsi 6 sur 10 à vouloir que le gouvernement accélère et suive l’option chloroquine proposée par le Pr Raoult, sans attendre les résultats des tests clinique en cours.

En revanche, l’adhésion aux choix de l’exécutif est totale en matière de protection. Plus de 9 Français sur 10 estiment ainsi que le confinement est une «bonne mesure», qu’ils respectent. Ils sont plus de 80 % à penser qu’il durera au moins 4 semaines. Mais là encore, la critique est présente face à l’exécutif puisque 88 % jugent qu’il aurait fallu le décider plus tôt. Et, note encore Gaël Sliman, «encore plus fort, en rebond aux annonces du chef du gouvernement Edouard Philippe, les Français se disent prêts à ce que le gouvernement aille encore plus loin au sujet du confinement». Les Français sont favorables à 86 % à un durcissement global du confinement, et 87 % à un durcissement des sanctions.

À entendre les sondés, 87 % sont aussi favorables à «l’instauration d’un couvre-feu national» comme le font déjà certaines villes de France comme Perpignan ou Nice. Moins nombreux mais tout de même, 74 % seraient même pour l’interdiction du jogging et du sport individuel en plein air… Mais «comme les deux tiers des Français ne pratiquent pas la course à pied, il est bien possible que cette dernière mesure passe beaucoup moins bien auprès des premiers concernés», fait remarquer le président d’Odoxa

Les résultats et le mode d'emploi de CoviDirect, le baromètre lancé le 23 mars par OpinionWay et Square pour « Les Echos », qui permet de suivre quotidiennement l'état de l'opinion française pendant la crise du coronavirus . SOURCE : Suivi quotidien Opinionway de l'opinion des Français pendant la crise sanitaire paru le 24/03/20 pour Les Echos :

https://www.opinion-way.com/fr/component/edocman/opinionway-et-square-pour-les-echos-covidirect-vague-2-24-ma rs-2020/viewdocument.html?Itemid=0

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BAROMETRE QUOTIDIEN DE SUIVI DE LA CRISE DU COVID 19 COMMENT LES FRANÇAIS VIVENT-ILS LA PERIODE ACTUELLE ? SOURCE : Baromètre quotidien BVA de suivi de la crise COVID-19 – Vague 6 - paru le 24/03/20 en partenariat avec Europe 1 et Orange : https://www.bva-group.com/sondages/barometre-quotidien-suivi-crise-du-covid-19-vague-6/

Vague 6 – 24 mars 2020

Cette vague confirme une suspicion croissante quant à la qualité des informations relatives au coronavirus, alors que les polémiques se multiplient (gestion des masques, stratégie de dépistage, modalités du confinement, etc.) :

– 42% des Français seulement se déclarent confiants quant à la qualité des informations qu’ils trouvent sur le coronavirus dans les médias : c’est 5 points de moins qu’hier et 10 points de moins que dimanche ;

– Une proportion équivalente (43%) se montre confiante à l’égard des informations reçues de la part des pouvoirs publics, un score là-aussi en baisse (-2 points depuis hier, -15 points depuis notre première mesure).

• Dans ce contexte, les doutes sur la façon dont le gouvernement gère la crise s’accentuent et la confiance sur ce sujet connaît une baisse continue : 37% seulement des Français se déclarent confiants (-4 points depuis hier et -18 points depuis le début de notre suivi). La confiance s’érode dans toutes les catégories de la population et des doutes commencent même à s’immiscer chez les sympathisants de la majorité (77% de confiance contre 85% lors de notre première mesure).

• Enfin, conséquence anticipée de l’annonce de la fermeture des marchés ouverts ? Les difficultés pour faire ses courses se renforcent, après une légère amélioration ce week-end (59%, + 2 points). Quant aux salariés, ils expriment une inquiétude grandissante quant à la capacité de leur entreprise à faire face à la situation (43%, +3 points depuis hier, +8 depuis notre première mesure). Un indicateur à suivre attentivement dans les prochains jours.

Le Baromètre des Décideurs – Mars 2020 Perspectives économiques au temps du Coronavirus – L’effondrement. SOURCE :Baromètre des décideurs Viavoice paru le 24/03/20 intitulé "Perspectives économiques au temps du coronavirus – l'effondrement" : http://www.institut-viavoice.com/en/barometre-decideurs-mars2020/

La France, l’Europe et le monde sont entrés depuis quelques semaines dans une crise profonde, humaine, sanitaire, sociale et économique. Elle porte le nom d’une pandémie COVID-19 qui met à l’épreuve l’ensemble de nos ressources individuelles et collectives pour combattre un virus dont aucun n’aurait pu présager l’arrivée.

Pour autant, et pour limiter les drames humains, les conséquences sont et seront indéniables pour l’économie française, européenne et mondiale dans une conjoncture économique toujours très fragile.

Depuis les annonces du président de la République l’économie est au ralenti, si ce n’est quasiment à l’arrêt et le choc pour les entreprises est brutal. Bruno Le Maire annonçait une enveloppe de 45

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milliards d’euros pour soutenir l’économie française, mais est-ce suffisant pour répondre aux inquiétudes profondes que cette crise provoque chez les Français ? Sans doute pas tant le dilemme est complexe : soutenir, coûte que coûte, mais à quel prix ?

Les résultats du Baromètre des décideurs Viav.oice – HEC Paris – Le Figaro – BFM Business témoignent de ces circonstances économiques inédites, et révèlent un véritable effondrement du moral économique, comparable à celui de 2008 ou de l’été 2011. L’indice du moral perd près de 20 points et s’établit à -41, retrouvant ses pires scores et anticipant la récession annoncée.

Des inquiétudes économiques qui flambent, un effet de système cumulatif

Les résultats révèlent un effondrement des perspectives concernant la conjoncture économique future :

– En ce sens, 66 % des décideurs (+ 10 points depuis janvier) et 66 % des Français (+ 4 points depuis janvier) prévoient une dégradation du niveau de vie en France ;

– Mais c‘est sur le front de l’emploi que les projections sont les plus négatives : 67 % des décideurs (+ 24 points depuis janvier) et 68 % des Français (+ 17 points depuis janvier) anticipent une augmentation du nombre de chômeurs pensant aux conséquences de la crise sur les entreprises.

Les Français dessinent ainsi des lendemains économiques éprouvants, nourris par un effet de système cumulatif conjuguant récession, chômage, explosion de l’endettement public et désormais… records de défiance. Un cercle vicieux parmi les plus difficiles à déjouer.

Une inquiétude majeure face au principe de la dette publique…

La question cruciale de la dette publique ne cesse de se poser. Atteignant 100 % du PIB, elle préoccupe 67 % des décideurs et 64 % des Français notamment pour la génération qui vient. Mais l’ampleur de la dette publique a également des conséquences très concrètes aujourd’hui, notamment en ce qu’elle affaiblit la voix française sur la scène internationale : pour 68 % des Français et 72 % des décideurs cette dette prive la France de marge de manœuvre en interne et d’influence diplomatique.

… Mais face au virus : la dette encore et toujours, malgré tout (« quoi qu’il en coûte »…)

Mais face à l’ampleur de la crise du coronavirus, les interviewés sont convaincus de la nécessité d’accompagner l’économie française. Les craintes sont unanimes et clairement identifiées :

– Pour 91 % des décideurs et 87 % des Français, la crise du coronavirus exercera un impact sur l’économie française, la moitié d’entre eux jugeant même cet impact « très important » ;

– En regard des projections concernant le nombre de chômeurs, la crise du coronavirus impacte le plus la conjoncture à venir en matière d’emploi : pour 87 % des décideurs et 83 % des Français, cette situation aura un impact majeur sur l’emploi en France.

C’est une crise dont les interviewés perçoivent très directement les conséquences économiques puisque, pour 57 % des décideurs et des Français, l’impact pour leur propre entreprise sera réel.

En regard de ces craintes, la conclusion est claire : même après les dépenses engagées à la suite de la crise des Gilets Jaunes, 59 % des décideurs et 63 % des Français estiment qu’il ne faut pas « maintenant resserrer les dépenses », tant en raison de la crise du coronavirus que d’une situation sociale française jugée encore trop dégradée….

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Dès lors, 55 % des décideurs et 46 % des Français attendent que la Commission européenne fasse preuve de compréhension face au relâchement des dépenses publiques, pour empêcher toute récession.

Ainsi l’insoutenable se fait soutenable : l’endettement public tant décrié pour son principe devient soudain acceptable sinon souhaitable en regard de l’exceptionnalité des événements… Un nouveau présent, certes extrêmement violent, mais qui justifie une fois encore de grever l’avenir des générations futures et les marges de manœuvre du pays. Comme les fois précédentes, sur l’autel de circonstances régulièrement exceptionnelles….

Face à cette crise globale, l’impérieuse nécessité immédiate consiste certes à soutenir activement l’économie et les entreprises françaises. Mais plus encore, ces inquiétudes pourront trouver leurs éléments de réponses dans l’innovation, ou dans ce que certains ont déjà appelé de leurs vœux : un changement de paradigme. Reste à l’inventer….

Coronavirus : près d’un français sur deux pense qu’un de ses proches contractera le virus SOURCE/ Enquête IPSOS paru le 23/03/20 intitulé "Coronavirus : près d'un Français sur deux pense qu'un de ses proches contractera le virus" : https://www.ipsos.com/fr-fr/coronavirus-pres-dun-francais-sur-deux-pense-quun-de-ses-proches-contractera-le-virus

Alors que la France et l’ensemble de la planète vit au rythme d’une crise sanitaire mondiale d’une ampleur inédite, Ipsos s’attache à questionner régulièrement les Français et les citoyens de 12 pays à travers le monde sur leur perception de la crise, et de son impact sur leur vie quotidienne. La fermeture des frontières, une mesure prioritaire Alors que le Président annonçait lundi la fermeture des frontières européennes, plus d’un Français sur deux (53%) s’estime favorable à la fermeture des frontières du pays. Parmi eux, 24% des Français se disent même « très favorables » à cette mesure. Plus impactés par la crise à date, les Italiens sont eux 76% à être pour la fermeture de toutes les frontières du pays. On note par ailleurs que la région Asie-Pacifique est la plus favorable à la fermeture des frontières - menée par l'Inde (79%) où une crise sanitaire importante guette le pays, et le Vietnam (78%). Les pays et la fermeture des frontières face au coronavirus Le danger se rapproche pour un français sur deux Alors que beaucoup déplorent une prise de conscience trop tardive des Français, le danger parait toutefois se rapprocher : ainsi, près d’un Français sur deux (49%) pense qu’un de ses proches contractera le virus, un chiffre qui a doublé en quelques semaines. En effet, ils n’étaient que 25% à partager cet avis fin février*. On note également que la majorité des Vietnamiens (67%), des Britanniques (57%), et des Indiens, des Australiens & des Japonais (51%) pense qu’il est probable qu’au moins un de leur proche soit contaminé pendant la crise. Pensez-vous qu’une personne proche de vous sera infectée ?

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Les conséquences économiques de la crise sanitaire, une réelle menace pour l’emploi des Français Si les Français craignent pour leur santé, ils s’inquiètent également pour leur travail. Ainsi, ils sont 44% à percevoir dans la crise qui secoue la planète une menace pour leur emploi où leur entreprise. A égalité avec la Chine, les salariés Français sont toutefois moins inquiets que les Indiens (55%), les Italiens (63%), ou encore les Vietnamiens (64%). Parmi les plus sereins, on compte les Russes (23%), les Canadiens (29%), les Anglais (33%), ou encore les Australiens (35%), qui s’inquiètent pour le moment modérément des conséquences de la pandémie sur leur activité professionnelle. La sécurité de l’emploi à l’aune de la crise Là encore, ces indicateurs sont en hausse depuis fin février, avec la propagation de la pandémie

La position des Français sur la durée et le renforcement du dispositif de confinement SOURCE : Sondage IFOP paru le 22/03/20 intitulé "La position des Français sur la durée et le renforcement du dispositif de confinement" pour M6 : https://www.ifop.com/publication/la-position-des-francais-sur-la-duree-et-le-renforcement-du-dispositif-de-confinement/

Alors que le Conseil scientifique doit se prononcer lundi sur la “durée” et “l’étendue” du confinement de la population face à l’épidémie de Coronavirus, la rédaction du 19:45 de M6 publie ce dimanche une enquête de l’Ifop qui montre à la fois que les Français s’attendent à être confinés durant une durée beaucoup plus longue que celle annoncée initialement et qu’ils soutiennent massivement des mesures plus strictes pour lutter contre la propagation du virus.

Le confinement durera-t-il plus que les quinze jours annoncés par Emmanuel Macron ?

Rares sont les Français (6%) à croire que le dispositif de confinement ne va durer que les deux semaines annoncées par le Président de la République lors de son allocution du 16 mars.

La grande majorité de la population semble avoir intégré une durée totale de confinement beaucoup plus longue : un tiers des Français (33%) estime qu’il va plutôt se situer entre 16 et 30 jours et une large majorité d’entre eux la situe au-dessus des trente jours (61%).

En moyenne, les Français situent ainsi la durée totale du confinement à 41 jours, soit une fin qui aurait lieu dans les premiers jours du mois de mai.

En analysant les résultats, on observe que les personnes les plus optimistes – c’est-à-dire pensant que le confinement ne va durer que deux semaines – sont surreprésentées dans les catégories de la population les plus jeunes et celles ayant un niveau socio-culturel ou économique inférieur à la moyenne. A l’inverse, c’est dans les catégories de la population les plus aisées et les plus diplômées que l’on trouve le plus de personnes estimant que le confinement va durer plus de deux mois.

L’image des « Gaulois réfractaires » aux règles de confinement est-elle partagée par les Français ?

Alors que les autorités publiques et sanitaires déplorent le nombre de personnes qui contreviennent à l’obligation d’isolement, la question se pose de savoir si l’opinion partage l’idée selon laquelle trop de Français prendraient encore à la légère les consignes de confinement imposées depuis le mardi 16 mars.

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Or, il ressort de l’enquête que cette opinion est largement partagée par les Français : les trois quarts d’entre eux (74%) estimant que leurs compatriotes respectent mal l’ordre de confinement mis en place par les autorités du pays.

Dans le détail des résultats, le sentiment d’un manque de respect des règles tend à croître plus on se situe à droite de l’échiquier politique – de 66% chez les sympathisants LFI, il monte à 82% des sympathisants RN – tout en étant plus prononcé en milieu rural (77%) et chez les personnes n’ayant pas déménagé à cause du Coronavirus (77%). A l’inverse, la proportion de personnes jugeant ces consignes bien respectées (26% en moyenne) est plus forte en Ile-de-France (34%), chez les sympathisants de gauche (35%) et ayant déménagé à cause du Coronavirus (39%).

L’opinion soutient-elle des mesures de confinement plus strictes ?

Alors que des syndicats de médecins réclament un confinement plus strict de la population – qui se traduirait notamment par l’arrêt total des transports en commun et des activités professionnelles non vitales – et que certaines communes mettent en place des couvre-feux, on observe un quasi-consensus autour de l’idée d’un renforcement du dispositif actuel.

En effet, sachant que le Conseil scientifique doit se prononcer lundi sur le sujet, il est intéressant de noter que la quasi-totalité (87%) des Français se disent favorables à la mise en place de mesures de confinement plus strictes pour lutter efficacement contre la propagation du Coronavirus.

Les Français et la crise du coronavirus Dans cette nouvelle étude Ifop pour le Journal du Dimanche, le niveau d’inquiétude des Français face à l’épidémie de coronavirus augmente : 84% d’entre eux sont inquiets, soit 10 points de plus en seulement cinq jours.

SOURCE :Sondage IFOP paru le 23/03/20 intitulé "Les Français et la crise du coronavirus" pour le Journal du Dimanche : https://www.ifop.com/publication/les-francais-et-la-crise-du-coronavirus/

Dans le détail un tiers des Français sont “Tout à fait inquiets” (35%), par catégories sociales cela concerne davantage les femmes (38% vs 32% des hommes), les personnes de plus de 35 ans (38% vs 29% chez les moins de 35 ans), et les ouvriers et employés (40% vs 29% des cadres).

Les Français jugent de manière critique l’action du gouvernement : deux tiers considèrent qu’il a caché certaines informations (64%), et la moitié qu’il n’a pas communiqué de manière claire (52%, +9 points en cinq jours). 61% des Français (+15 points) pensent que le gouvernement n’a pas donné tous les moyens aux infrastructures et professionnels de santé pour lutter contre ce virus, et 71% (+14 points) qu’il n’a pas réagi rapidement.

Cependant, 55% des Français font confiance au gouvernement pour faire face efficacement au coronavirus, et 57% pour aider les entreprises en difficulté en raison du coronavirus.

Enfin, le mode d’exercice de son activité professionnelle durant la période de confinement est chamboulé pour une majorité de Français : 38% des actifs sont arrêtés (chômage partiel ou congé maladie), 27% travaillent en télétravail exclusivement et 5% par alternance ; tandis que 30% des actifs sont sur leur lieu de travail par nécessité.

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Germany Highest level of pessimism in Germany since 1949. FAZ, 25.03.2020 [in German; POMU translation]

In the first half of March only one in three felt personally endangered, then the majority. Almost two thirds of citizens also report that many are very worried in their private environment. A few days earlier, not even every second person had this impression [...] The number of those who think the reactions are exaggerated is getting smaller and smaller. In the first half of March, 29 percent said they were getting excited about the excitement that this hysteria was not justified. After March 13, this camp quickly melted to 17 percent. At the same time, criticism of media coverage declined. In the first half of March, 39 percent of the citizens accused the media of scaremongering, after that only 24 percent. The proportion of citizens who strongly opposed the statement that the media sow panic rose steeply from 38 to 57 percent. Reporting on swine flu a good ten years ago was viewed much more critically and classified by the vast majority as unjustified scaremongering. The proportion of citizens who fear a global catastrophe has doubled from 16 to 34 percent within a few days [...] Since 1949, the Institute for Demoscopy has been observing the extent to which citizens are hopeful or pessimistic about the coming twelve months. In these 70 years there was a eight-fold drop in hope levels, particularly when the Korean War broke out in 1950, during the two oil crises, after the 2001 attacks and when the economic and financial market crisis broke out. This time, the slump is particularly violent: As of the end of 2019, 49 percent of the population was looking forward to 2020 with full hopes, less than a fifth with fears. This sentiment persisted into February. Since then, hopes have dropped to 24 percent - like never before. 44 percent now face the next twelve months with pronounced fears, another 25 percent with skepticism.

Source: https://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/inland/corona-krise-deutsche-so-pessimistisch-wie-nie-seit-1949-16694841.html

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Greece Poll: Most Greeks worry coronavirus will derail the economy Ekathimerini, 24.03.2020

Most Greeks worry that the coronavirus outbreak will derail the economy, according to a new poll which also found that the majority backs measures announced by the government to soften the impact of the epidemic on their economic situation.

Eighty-three percent said that they were “worried” or “very worried” about the coronavirus which has so far claimed 19 lives.

According to the survey, 94 percent said they believe that the pandemic will have a negative effect on business activity in Greece, while 54 percent said they were “rather” or “certainly pessimistic” about the course of the Greek economy.

Asked about their personal economic situation in light of the pandemic, 51 percent said they were pessimistic about the future.

However, 73 percent said that measures taken by the conservative administration to alleviate the economic impact of the coronavirus crisis were “in the right direction.”

The survey was carried out between March 15-17 by Pulse-RC on behalf of the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EVEA).

Source: http://www.ekathimerini.com/250979/article/ekathimerini/news/poll-most-greeks-worry-coronavirus-will-derail-the-economy

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Hungary Politics on lockdown: see how MEP Katalin Cseh keeps up with Brussels business in Budapest 25/03/2020

Source: https://www.euronews.com/2020/03/25/politics-on-lockdown-see-how-mep-katalin-cseh-keeps-up-with-brussels-business-in-budapest

(...) We met Hungarian MEP Katalin Cseh who took us into her home via mobile phone. She tells us that she can't wait to get back to normal parliamentary work, but in the meantime she's answered the call for medical volunteers in Budapest.

Coronavirus: Human rights alarm as Hungary seeks indefinite extension to state of emergency 23/03/2020

Source: https://www.euronews.com/2020/03/23/coronavirus-human-rights-alarm-as-hungary-seeks-indefinite-extension-to-state-of-emergency

Hungarian MPs are considering a new bill which would increase the government's powers during the coronavirus pandemic.

New legislation would allow Viktor Orban's government to extend the state of emergency indefinitely, even if the spread of COVID-19 made it impossible to sit in Parliament.

But the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe has expressed concern over the new law.

Dunja Mijatovic wrote on Twitter that she believed the Hungarian parliament was preparing to grant "sweeping powers" to the government without any restrictions or time limits.

"Even in an emergency, it is necessary to observe the Constitution, ensure parliamentary and judicial scrutiny and [the] right to information," she said.

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Latvia TV programme 900 seconds poll: Latvians evaluate services ability to cope with COVID-19 as mediocre 26/03/2020

Source: https://skaties.lv/zinas/latvija/sabiedriba/aptauja-iedzivotaji-dienestu-speju-tikt-gala- ar-covid-19-verte-ka-viduveju/ (translation and summary by POMU and EPLO) Latvian inhabitants were asked to evaluate services and officials ability to cope with COVID-19. On a scale from 1 to 10, the average score was 5 points. 29% of respondents gave a score of 7 or more, 28% gave 5 or 6 points, while 39% of respondents only gave 1 to 4 points. 4% of respondents did not give their evaluation. Survey by Kantar TNS on the habits that have changed during the spread of COVID-19 13/03/2020 Source: https://skaties.lv/zinas/aptaujas/aptauja-kadus-paradumus-iedzivotaji-mainijusi-covid-19-izplatibas-laika/ (translation and summary by POMU and EPLO) Most mentioned changed habit is hand washing and hand disinfection use, stated by 88% of respondents. Avoiding attending indoors events is also mentioned often (43%), as well as ventilating premises (42%) and leisure activities cancellation or re-planning (33%). Respondents mentioned less often avoiding visiting public spaces (24%), using vitamins and nutritional supplements (23%) and using vegetables for immunity strengthening (23%). A similar share avoids using public transport (22%) and prefers outdoors walking (21%).

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Italy POLL: Italy in the time of COVID-19 6-22 March 2020, IPSOS

• The #iorestoacasa / #Istayathome initiative seems to help keep the level of perceived personal threat under control, while the limitations enforced by the government heighten the sense of threat, especially for local communities. • The health-related risk is the biggest worry, much higher than the perceived risk for occupation, income and savings. • Local authorities, fighting at the forefront, are still very much the recipients of growing confidence. There is confidence for China in the fight against the infection, as the Chinese government send aid and personnel to Italy. However, the role of China in the solution of the emergency remains very much debatable. • There is very low confidence in other countries’ governments in facing the emergency – USA and other European countries alike. • For the majority of Italians, the peak of the crisis hasn’t been reached yet, the worse is yet to come and the uncertainty about the future generates anxiety, irritability and depression. Looking ahead, people wish for the most normal, everyday things such as going out, seeing family and friends, and going for a walk

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Italy: A warning https://redfieldandwiltonstrategies.com/research/italy-a-warning/

This poll is part of Redfield & Wilton Strategies’ ongoing research into public opinion on the coronavirus outbreak and government’s reaction to the crisis.

...When our poll of 1,500 Italians was conducted this past weekend, Italy had been under lockdown for almost a week. Compared to the United Kingdom and the United States, Italy had more than 10,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus. Asked what they thought of their government’s decision to implement a national quarantine––an extreme measure, let it be noted––88% of respondents thought it was the right one.

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Italians overwhelmingly thought the quarantine had come too late.

...When asked how worried they would be if they contracted coronavirus themselves, a fifth of Italians said they would be worried they would lose their lives, compared to a tenth of Americans and 9% of Brits ...Even on simpler questions as the danger of the virus compared to the seasonal flu, Italians overwhelmingly thought coronavirus to be more dangerous. Less than half of British citizens and only a little more than half of Americans thought the same.

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Euroscepticism in Italy https://redfieldandwiltonstrategies.com/research/euroscepticism-in-italy/

This poll is part of Redfield & Wilton Strategies’ ongoing research into public opinion on the coronavirus outbreak and government’s reaction to the crisis. ...When respondents to our poll in Italy this weekend were asked whether they would favour a vote to leave or stay in the European Union if a referendum were to take place, a sizable 35% said they would vote to leave. A narrow majority of 52% said they would stay.

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...The same breakdown could be seen on membership of the Euro currency.

Altogether, we therefore see an overall support for remain in Italy, but a substantial block of supporters for leaving. Let us not forget that initial polling on the EU Referendum in the United Kingdom showed similar numbers of support for each side.

...Who are those Italians who support leaving the EU and/or the Eurozone? What can we say about them?

• They are far more likely to think the Italian government’s reaction to the coronavirus has fallen far short.

• They are more likely to say that they will be negatively impacted financially by the

measures taken to combat the coronavirus and somewhat more likely to work in a profession in which they are not able to work from home.

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• They are more likely to support Matteo Salvini than the rest of Italians, but they are also

still split on their opinion of him.

• And they are more likely to distrust the news, although even a majority of Italians distrust the news.

ITALY: POLL (Internal translation) http://www.sondaggipoliticoelettorali.it/ListaSondaggi.aspx?st=SONDAGGI Title : La situazione politica - 24/3/2020 Institute: Istituto Ixè S.r.l. Fieldwork: 24/03/2020 Sample: 1 000 respondents Method: Cati, Cami, Cawi Selection:

Overall, how do you judge the current Government’s action (Conte’s government)?

Very Positive 18% Quite Positive 55% A little Positive 21% Not at all Positve 4%

I do not know 2%

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ITALY: POLL (Internal translation) http://www.sondaggipoliticoelettorali.it/ListaSondaggi.aspx?st=SONDAGGI

Title : Gli Italiani e il Coronavirus Institute: Winpoll Sole 24 Ore Fieldwork: 21/03/2020 Sample: 2 000 respondents Method: Cawi Selection:

How do you judge the economic measures adopted by the government during the crisis?

Very positively 11% Quite Positively 37% Quite Negatively 23% Very Negatively 29%

And overall how would you rate the way the current government is managing the crisis?

Very positively 14% Quite Positively 38% Quite Negatively 25% Very Negatively 23%

ITALY: POLL (Internal translation) http://www.sondaggipoliticoelettorali.it/ListaSondaggi.aspx?st=SONDAGGI

Title : Sondaggio su elezioni politiche e coronavirus Institute: Termometro Politico Fieldwork: 19/03/2020 Sample: 2 200 respondents Method: Cawi Selection:

What do you think about the role of the EU in this crisis?

The EU is not only not helping us, but it even crate obstacles. One more reason to leave 42,1% The EU is doing less that what it could do. I am disappointed 22,8% This crisis shows that we need a stronger European integration, with less importance for the single countries 31,6% It is doing what is possible in this circumstance 3,2% I do not know 0,3%

With regard to the emergency, is your opinion on the prime minister Conte improved or worsened?

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Improved 31,3% Positive as before 13,8% Worsened 23,8% Negative as before 28,0% I do not know 3,1%

ITALY: POLL (Internal translation) http://www.sondaggipoliticoelettorali.it/ListaSondaggi.aspx?st=SONDAGGI

Title : Osservatorio EMG Institute: Emg Acqua Fieldwork: 25/03/2020 Sample: 1756 respondents Method: panel Selection:

When thinking about Italy, you are more worried...

...about the future of economy and employment 52%

...about the contagion 41% I prefer not to answer 7%

Are you afraid of losing your job after the pandemic?

No 49% Yes 36% I prefer not to answer 15%

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Netherlands Dutch show ‘worrying’ disregard for corona hygiene rules: survey Dutch News .nl March 22, 2020 People in the Netherlands are largely ignorant when it comes to coronavirus hygiene rules or flout them en masse, a survey among 15,000 people by the Telegraaf and Amsterdam’s UMC teaching hospital has revealed. The survey shows that eight out of 10 respondents still don’t wash their hands for long enough while seven out 10 are not sufficiently aware that touching the face can transmit the virus via the mouth or eyes. Over half of the respondents continue to go to public gatherings of over 20 people and young people still hug and shake hands an average of five times a day, the paper reports. Broad support for Dutch economic response to pandemic; Concern for many workers Dutch News.nl, on March 25, 2020 [...] The government’s proposed measures include a stimulus package to support the business community by injecting between 10 and 20 billion euros into the economy over the course of the next three months. As a major budgetary issue it has to pass through Parliament. While a majority of the MPs present expressed overall support for the government’s proposal, GroenLinks, the PVV and the SP voiced concern that the stimulus would nevertheless leave many people behind. “Cleaners, security guards, bus drivers and warehouse workers, these are the people who keep the Netherlands running,” said Mahir Alkaya, speaking for the SP. “And they are far from being acknowledged enough.” “We already knew before corona that 'business as usual' was unsustainable,” added Lammert van Raan, MP for the PvdD. “It is of course inconceivable that with corona we keep that same type of economy going.” Coronavirus will have major impact, recession into 2021 likely: CPB Dutch News.nl, March 26, 2020 In a worst case scenario the coronavirus crisis could plunge the Dutch economy into deep depression, with GDP declining by up to 7.7%, the government’s macro-economic think-tank CPB said on Thursday. The CPB has analysed four scenarios for the impact of coronavirus on the economy in 2020 and 2021, based on the duration of restrictions on physical contact and the severity of the economic impact. All four scenarios result in recession, with GDP declining by between 1.2% and 7.7% in 2020, the CPB said. Under three of the four scenarios, the economic downturn will be more severe than in the 2008–2009 crisis, when GDP fell by 3.7%. [...] In the mildest scenario, unemployment will increase only slightly in 2021, but in the most serious, it is projected to increase to 9.4%. [...] The Dutch unemployment rate is currently hovering around 3%.

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Germans and Dutch set to block EU ‘corona bonds’ at video summit EURACTIV.com with Reuters, 26/03/2020 Germany and the Netherlands will lead opposition to issuing joint bonds to help revive the European Union economy from a deep slump caused by the coronavirus when the bloc’s national leaders discuss emergency assistance on Thursday (26 March). Nine EU countries including France, Italy and Spain have called for mutualised debt as the continent, seeking to limit the spread of the disease, goes into a lockdown that is hammering its economic outlook. Germany, the Netherlands, Austria and Finland – the fiscally conservative “Frugals” – are opposed, although there are signs that the subject may not always be as off-limits for them as it is now, especially if the havoc wrought by the virus deepens. “We shouldn’t use up all our instruments this week because we don’t know how deep this crisis will be. There must always be spare ammunition to fall back on if need be,” said an EU diplomat from one of the reluctant countries. A draft joint statement prepared ahead of the EU leaders’ conference, which was seen by Reuters, would ask the bloc’s finance ministers to work out details of the latter in a week. It did not mention issuing joint debt. Berlin and its “Frugal” allies are at pains to stress that all EU countries can still finance themselves on the debt market – in sharp contrast to the debt crisis. The European Central Bank has also announced emergency bond purchases intended to put €750 billion into circulation to help the euro zone through the crisis. ECB head Christine Lagarde, urged the bloc, however, to seriously consider a one-off joint debt issue of “corona bonds”.

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Poland Poland's sham presidential election in a pandemic 27/03/2020 EU Observer, https://euobserver.com/opinion/147887

Some 25 countries have decided to postpone their upcoming elections, with the last few - mostly regional or in tiny states - being held in early March. (...) Europe is entirely occupied by the coronavirus. Well, not entirely…

Declaring a state of emergency, though a no-brainer for France, Spain or Belgium, is not even an option on the table for Poland's supreme leader, Law and Justice (PiS) chairman Jarosław Kaczyński.

The reason is simple - a state of emergency, if instated even for the minimum period of 30 days - would render any May elections impossible, as legally no elections can take place for 90 days following the termination of such a period. Kaczyński explained his rationale in two recent interviews, on March 21 and 23, seeming either blissfully ignorant of the threat (stressing he still attends holy mass in church), or dangerously cynical and cunning.

His official stance is that not only holding a nationwide election is safe - but that a high turnout could be expected. His argument? A local by-election, held in five tiny communities on 22 March. Kaczyński cited a 42 percent turnout in one of them as proof that holding an election during an epidemic is a viable option. What he failed to mention is that the 42 percent was actually 75 people, out of 174 registered to vote. In other words, he extrapolated the viability of an election in a 38million-strong country from a 174-person community.

A recent study that calculated the realistic risks of holding a national election in May started their calculation with 270,000 election officials, in 27,000 polling stations, acting as a "Covid-19 assault squad". New measures, announced by prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki, include a ban on all gatherings, with a maximum of two people being together in public, with the exception of families. Yet, an election can still take place.

According to the study, in the unrealistically ideal scenario of all safety measures being perfectly implemented and everyone adhering to every precaution, the election will likely result in some 135,000 new coronavirus infections. All health considerations aside, holding a democratic, national election during a pandemic, with thousands of citizens in isolation and half the world in lockdown, seems hardly possible at all.

But just in Poland alone there are already 200,000 citizens under mandatory quarantine. In the UK some one million Polish citizens would be unable to physically visit a polling station with the country being under complete lockdown. Just as in tiny Belgium, also under lockdown, it would be a 250,000 Poles registered to vote (with half a million eligible). But the above consideration isn't even touched upon by public officials. Neither is the virtual inability of opposition candidates to conduct an electoral campaign. Or, should I rather say, only a virtual ability - as public gatherings are prohibited, rendering any physical meetings with voters impossible.

Before the latest round of restrictions Kaczyński even taunted the opposition candidates, stating that "if they wish to organise meetings for up to 50 people, they are free to do so - it's their choice if they don't". He also addressed the impossibility of gathering the required 100,000 signatures to register a candidate: "there's no problem, the most important candidates have already done so". The rule of law, as is typical for PiS, went out the window.

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To run or not to run

In this rather unreal scenario the opposition and civil society are clawing for solutions. A petition has been started for enabling voting via the internet - a good idea on paper, but impossible to implement in such a short timeframe. It could also potentially legitimise an election which would still exclude (or endanger) a large portion of society - the elderly, the less tech-savvy and those without internet access.

Civil society has also responded in creative ways. One example is a crowdfunding campaign, organised by the 'Spontaneous Civic Campaign Headquarters' (Spontaniczny Sztab Obywatelski) group, which raised some €75,000 for billboards to be strategically placed in PiS's strongholds, warning that "elections in May might kill you". But the likelihood of hardcore PiS voters trusting a billboard - or basic logic for that matter - over the word of their leader, seems unlikely.

The last chance therefore seems to be the opposition candidates themselves. In theory, if they see past their differences and join a pact, in which they all drop out of the race, it would automatically make the elections void in the eyes of the law. But in a race where there might be at least three marginal candidates, siding with the ruling party, it's easy to foresee a Russian script, where counter-candidates are only left in order to legitimise the incumbent's overwhelming victory.

Such a doomsday scenario could then only be resolved by the Supreme Court, which in theory could render the election void. But are we willing to take that risk? Likewise, could Poland perhaps count on a resolute reaction of the EU and the international community - focused on far more pressing issues - refusing to accept such a sham election? It's best if we never have to find out.

The EU a scapegoat of PiS? Morawiecki and Duda use the virus to alienate Poland in the EU https://oko.press/ue-kozlem-ofiarnym-pis-morawiecki-i-duda-wykorzystuja-wirusa/ (POMU translation)

(...) President Andrzej Duda and Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki appeared at a press conference on Wednesday March 18 exclusively against a background of white and red flags. The flags of the European Union would not match their message of the day: Poland must deal with itself, because the EU does not help us and reacts more slowly than nation states. Solidarity and cooperation within the Union? Not a word about it (...)

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How the attitude of Poles towards coronavirus changed during a week?



Already high, levels of concern about the virus have risen significantly. One third of Poles now expect the situation to reach crisis levels and feel it more likely that someone in their family will become infected. Young Poles have significantly changed their views and are now just as concerned as the rest of the population.

Poles have significantly changed their daily routines and have begun a process of social distancing avoiding handshaking, public transport and limiting visits to shops. There is a significant rise in their openness to measures to counteract the spread of the virus and continue to assess positively the Government and Health Department.

It is worth noting that we were able to complete the fieldwork for this wave by 18.00 on Friday, March 13th – one hour before Prime Minister Morawiecki’s press conference. (...)

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Portugal Poll (24-03-2020), https://sondagens-ics-ul.iscte-iul.pt/2020/03/24/sondagem-marco-2020-para-sic-expresso-especial-covid-19/

More than 75% of the Portuguese admit to have "a lot" or "some confidence" in the response that the security forces, the Directorate General of Health, the Prime Minister and the President of the Republic are giving to the epidemic. The figures are a little lower for local government, the Minister of Health and the Assembly of the Republic.

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Very few respondents felt it was not necessary to declare a state of emergency. Among the remainder, opinions are divided between those who think the current restrictions are adequate (51%) and those who think they should be greater (44%).

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Expresso.pt: (27/03/2020)

Costa aggravated at the end of the European Council: "Recurrent meanness is a threat to the EU" There was no consensus around the idea of 'coronabonds' at the European Council, and Costa left the meeting in agony with the "frugal", especially with the Netherlands. Centeno will study program to contain the crisis. "We have to use all the instruments", says the Portuguese PM. https://expresso.pt/coronavirus/2020-03-27-Costa-agastado-no-fim-do-Conselho-Europeu-Mesquinhez-recorrente-e-uma-ameaca-a-UE Expresso: (24/03/2020)

Portuguese trust Costa (and then Marcelo). And they find the state of emergency "necessary". More than 75% of Portuguese say they have "a lot" or "some confidence" in the response the institutions are giving to the Covid-19 crisis. Marta Temido is 11 points below the Directorate General of Health (technicians beat politicians). And in a monophocated country the source of information they trust 91% most is television. https://leitor.expresso.pt/diario/terca-72/html/caderno1/primeira-pagina/portugueses-confiam-em-costa--e-depois-em-marcelo-.-e-acham-necessario-o-estado-de-emergencia--covid-19.-o-filme-de-terror-nos-lares-de-terceira-idade-espanhois--um-dia-num-parlamento-a-cheirar-a-desinfetante

Observador: (27/03/2020)

From "pettiness" to "disgusting speech": Costa attacks Dutch minister Wopke Hoekstra questioned the need for European aid to Spain because of the new coronavirus, Costa was ruthless: speech "is repugnant" and "completely undermines the spirit of the European Union". https://observador.pt/2020/03/27/da-mesquinhez-ao-repugnante-passando-pelo-insuportavel-dijsselbloem-costa-ataca-paises-baixos/

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Slovenia Survey: Slovenians quite optimistic about coronavirus situation EPLO

Ljubljana, 26 March - Slovenians are still worried about the coronavirus epidemic, but an increasing number (57%) believe the situation is improving, a survey carried out by pollster Valicon between 23 and 25 March shows. Only a week ago, over 50% of those polled said the situation was getting worse.

While 3% even think the situation is improving considerably, the number of those who believe it is much worse than it was has dropped from 8% last week to only 3%.

And while 84% of the 566 polled respondents are worried, two points up from last week, only 25% are very worried, a drop of two points.

Almost 50% of those polled perceive the situation as rather negative, labelling it as "unpleasant or tiresome", but over 50% gave more positive answers such as "acceptable or manageable".

The respondents are still most worried about their families (74% as opposed to 81% a week ago), followed by being worried how long the epidemic will last (54%) and the consequences it will have for the economy (46%).

The majority (51%) approve of anti-coronavirus measures taken by the government, 46% said they were partly adequate or partly inadequate, with 3% seeing them as outright inadequate.

The number of those who believe the measures are not strict enough has fallen from over 50% to 40% in a week, with 53% describing them as appropriate.

Forty-three percent of Slovenians believes schools and kindergartens will be closed and public life at a standstill for another two months, whereas around 30% believe this will change in a month.

Poll: number of news show viewers has doubled during epidemic

Ljubljana, 26 March - The number of people watching the most popular news shows in Slovenia has more than doubled during the coronavirus epidemic lockdown, suggests a survey by pollster Mediana. Moreover, the media in general are followed by twice as many people as usually.

The pollster has pointed out that this was not a ratings survey but simply a poll asking people whether they watched more television and followed other media more closely than they usually do.

The number of people aged between 18 and 64 watching the news shows on POP TV has increased by 118%, while the number watching news shows on TV Slovenija has increased by 113%, the poll suggests. The number of people watching the news on Planet TV, Nova24 and foreign broadcasters has also increased.

Moreover, the demand for online news service has increased by 84%, according to the poll. Meanwhile, 56% of the respondents said they now had more time to watch movies and 46% said they had more time to watch TV series. 23% said they spent more time reading.

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Mediana said in the press release that the poll showed that the media play a vital role in society and that it was very important, even socially responsible, for advertisers to place ads in media whose survival depends on it.

The survey was conducted on Tuesday and Wednesday, while Mediana did not provide information on the number of people surveyed.

Support for govt below 50%, SDS leads party rankings EPLO, 23/03/2020

A public opinion poll on the new government, conducted before it took the latest measures to fight the new coronavirus outbreak, sees the government support below 50%, while the ruling Democrats (SDS) lead the party rankings with a support of 20%.

In the Mediana poll conducted for the commercial broadcaster POP TV, 45.4% of the respondents said they supported the right-leaning government, which also features New Slovenia (NSi), Pensioners' Party (DeSUS) and Modern Centre Party (SMC).

(...) POP TV noted that the survey had been conducted between 10 and 19 March, before the government decided to increase wages for ministers and before it took the most recent anti-coronavirus measures.

Slovenians most worried about when covid-19 crisis will end EPLO, 21/03/2020

A poll published by the daily Delo on Saturday suggests that Slovenians' biggest worry in the face of the novel coronavirus epidemic is the duration of the crisis. This was listed as concern by 54.1% respondents. Meanwhile, more than two thirds of respondents said that they were following instructions and staying home.

The poll included 536 people and was conducted by the pollster Mediana on 17 and 18 March, before Slovenia imposed bans on public gathering and movement.

Poll: Coronavirus not yet perceived as major threat last week EPLO, 16/03/2020

Almost seven out of ten Slovenians did not feel threatened by coronavirus in the middle of last week when the Vox Populi poll carried by Dnevnik on Monday was conducted. A large majority of the respondents assessed the government-imposed protective measures as adequate.

Just over 68% of the 700 respondents quizzed by pollster Ninamedia between 10 and 12 March said they did not feel threatened by coronavirus, which shows that last week a large part of the Slovenian public was not yet aware of the gravity of the situation, Dnevnik says, adding that the picture would probably be very different this week. (...)

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Spain Source: EPLO

Poll on newspaper El País, where 36% of respondents value Spanish government reaction against COVID-19 as very good or good, and 34% as bad or very bad. There's also data for approval of local or regional governments against this crisis, but not data for EU institutions reaction. Data comes from polling company 40dB which carried out interviews between March 17 and March 18. Full access to the data here. Digital newspaper El Confidencial reflects on the study as well and informs on a general trend upwards for all leaders all over the world due to the coronavirus, especially Conte, Macron or even Boris Johnson.

Poll on TV channel La Sexta, where they asked if the Spanish government should have decreed the "state of danger" situation before (84,8% of respondents said yes), on the evaluation of the Spanish government reaction (69% says it is positive). Other data include evaluation of the response of major opposition party, Partido Popular (EPP), which gets an approval of 50.3% on his response agains coronavirus, and also on the decision to stay at home, which is supported by 96.9% of respondents. Data comes from polling company Invymark, which carried out interviews on the week of March 16.

Poll on newspaper ABC which highlights that 46.5% of respondents believe that measures taken by the Spanish governments are insufficient, and 65.1% believe they are not enough to alleviate the future economic and social impact. Data comes from poll company GAD3, which carried out interviews between March 18 and March 20.

Finally, the public investigation centre Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS) published today their monthly barometer, which was carried out before the "state of danger" decree and the implantation of the most important measure against Covid-19. Hence, it does not include the opinion of Spaniards on the measures taken by the Spanish government against COVID-19. Nonetheless, it shows that, before the crisis, 22.8% approved the current Spanish government, while 33% disapproved their management. No Spanish leader gets approved by the respondents, but the best valued is President Pedro Sánchez (4.4 out of 10). Once again, it is worth noting that this study was taken before the decree of "state of danger", but it shows that 54.4% of respondents though sanitary authorities had adequately informed about COVID-19, and 64.9% thought that stricter measures ought to be taken even though they would be unpopular.

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Opposing messages by other parties: in Spain, major opposition party PP (EPP) has been in favour of most of the Government actions and will facilitate today with their vote in Parliament an extension of another 15 days of the "state of danger" for Spain up until April 11, as well as the majority of the other parties, although they will push for stricter measures. However, they have criticised the lack of material and the "erratic" response of the Government to some of the needs to combat the virus.

However, the party that has lead the accusations against measures taking by the Spanish government has been far-right part Vox (ECR). They were one of the most hit by this crisis because their secretary general, Javier Ortega Smith, had been infected with the virus and, unknowingly, attended a party convention where he spread the virus to other members of the formation, such as their president, Santiago Abascal, and forced all of them to quarantine for the first weeks and the suspension of the Spanish Parliament plenary sessions.

Regarding their stance in this crisis, they have stated that there was a lack of leadership from the Spanish government and they didn't reassure that they would support the extension of the "state of danger"; they have recently claimed that illegal migrants should pay for their own treatment if they are infected with COVID-19; they have criticised that media companies still operate while other businesses are closed; they have taken the opportunity created by the "state of danger" to ask to get all the political competencies of the regional government of Catalonia; they have accused the Spanish government of using the coronavirus crisis to grant a pardon to the Catalan politicians jailed for the independence coup; they have spread rumours that the Catalan government was selling medical equipment to Italy instead of giving it to other regional autonomies; they have asked for the resignation of first vicepresident Carmen Calvo and main epidemiologist of the Government Fernando Simón; and, in general, they have spread rumours about the Spanish government already knowing the possible impact of the virus and doing nothing or promoting massive activities such as the demonstration on March 8 for Women's Rights.

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EL País - 26/03/2020

Sanchez gains broad support to extend state of alert despite harsh opposition attacks. PP demands flags at half-mast, state funeral and a monument to the victims.


El Mundo - 26/03/2020

Congress supports the state of alarm amidst criticism of Pedro Sánchez's management of the coronavirus: "This is not going well, it is not up to the task"

The opposition denounces the ineffectiveness of the President of the Government but agrees to extend the confinement decree

The political truce that was seen in Congress a week ago, when the president gave an overview of the state of alert, was shattered on Wednesday. The vote was almost unanimous, yes, but behind it lie enormous discrepancies and misgivings.

The criticism of the government was overwhelmed by the unstoppable number of people infected, the growing number of deaths, the lack of protective equipment, the lack of testing and the fallen toilets in an open-ended fight against the disease.

Pablo Casado (PP’s leader) recalled the massive demonstrations on 8 March encouraged by the government and how, despite having information on the problem that was approaching, it allowed the celebration of massive events; he stressed the lack of protection material for the health workers and the lack of tests to know the true scope of the pandemic and to be able to control it, and he attacked the "struggle between the public and the private" encouraged by the Executive.


Covid-19 test scandal

As published by 'Cadena Ser' this Friday, the Government actually bought more than 50,000 defective rapid test units for detecting the coronavirus, instead of the 9,000 that were announced this Thursday by both the Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, and the spokesman Fernando Simon . However, only the first part of the lot, the 9,000, were delivered, while the rest of the tests were withdrawn even before being distributed to Spain.

The complaint on social networks of the Chinese embassy in Madrid, clarifying that the authorities of the ministry had bought the coronavirus tests from a vendor not approved by the Government of Beijing, reveals the management of the ministry led by Salvador Illa and that since the decree of the state of alarm has assumed the sole command of Health. And it does so precisely just a few days after the Prime Minister himself announced the purchase of "reliable and homologated tests. This is very important: homologation, because they must have all the sanitary guarantees," emphasized the past. Day 21 Pedro Sánchez in his appearance.

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El Confidencial - 27/03/2020

The fiasco of the tests puts on target the sole command of Health and the Minister Illa

The faulty purchase from a non-approved supplier has been the straw that has filled the glass of the confrontation of the PP and many of its communities with the Ministry of Health


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Sweden Citizens' attitudes to the corona crisis and the measures taken by their governments and/or the EU EPLO SE In polls conducted by IPSOS, published in the newspaper Dagens Nyheter 26 March 1, a majority of Swedes remain positive towards measures taken. 42 percent of the Swedish population trust the authorities to handle the COVID-19 outbreak, with half of the population relying on the ability of the public healthcare system. The trust in the public healthcare system is generally higher outside the major cities, where the amount of confirmed COVID-19 cases have been fewer. While 56 % of the population see the COVID-19 outbreak as a threat towards Sweden, only 22 % see it as a direct threat towards themselves. 47 % find the information from the authorities sufficient, with only 13 % describing it as poor. According to recent polls by Kantar-SIFO, published in the newspaper Svenska Dagbladet 25 March 20202, 52 % of the population consider the measures taken in Sweden to be balanced between the public health and the well-being of the economy. A fifth of the population thinks that the measures taken lack consideration for the economy, whilst 14 % believe that the public health is being neglected over the economy. Strong deviations from the public opinion can be found looking at sympathizers of the Moderate Party and the Sweden Democrats. 37 % of the Moderate Party’s supporters think that the measures taken lack consideration for the economy (compared to a total average of 20 %) and 28 % of the supporters of the Sweden Democrats think that the public health is being neglected (compared to a total average of 14%). In general, supporters of the centre-left coalition (the Social Democrats, the Greens, the Liberals and the Centre Party) and of the Left Party display the largest support of the statement that the measures taken balance public health and the well-being of the economy. Opposed are the supporters of the remaining opposition parties (the Moderate Party, the Christian Democrats and the Sweden Democrats). Earlier polls in March by Kantar-SIFO, published in the newspaper Svenska Dagbladet 15 March 2020 show similar trends.3 38 % of the population have high or moderate trust in the Swedish government’s ability to handle the COVID-19 crisis. Supporters of the centre-left coalition and the Left Party once again display a higher trust in the government’s ability, while supporters of the remaining opposition parties are more critical. The same poll looks at the confidence in the most prominent authorities during the COVID-19 outbreak. Also during normal times, the Swedish authorities generally score higher than the government in terms of trust. 68 % of the population trust the public healthcare system to be able to cope with the crisis and the Public Health Agency of Sweden (Folkhälsomyndigheten) receives a 65% support in terms of trust. Supporters of the Sweden Democrats display the lowest trust in both government, as well as authorities and agencies.

1 The polls, which are based on 1 000 interviews via a web panel conducted 10-22 March, can be accessed online via https://www.dn.se/nyheter/sverige/dnipsos-majoritet-tror-att-sjukvarden-klarar-coronakrisen/ 2 The polls, which are based on 1 327 interviews during 20-23 March, can be accessed online via https://www.svd.se/en-av-tre-m-valjare-for-lite-hansyn-tas-till-ekonomin 3 The polls, which are based on 927 interviews 9-12 March, can be accessed online via https://www.svd.se/hogt-fortroende-for-folkhalsomyndigheten

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Voting intention polls EPLO SE The recent development surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak did not cause any significant movements in the polls early March, but recent opinion polls have started to show an increasing support of the Social Democrats. The monthly voting intention poll Väljarbaromentern from Kantar-SIFO, frequently referred to as a steady indicator of voting intention, does not report any signs of movements between the February and March polls.4 The most recent report was finalized 13 March 2020, which means that recent changes in opinion will not be noticeable until next month. A poll by Novus, published by the public service broadcaster Sveriges Television 25 March 5, indicates an increase for the Social Democrats of 2,4 percentage points. The other parties from the centre-left coalition are more or less constant, while the opposition parties Sweden Democrats and Left Party drop 1,9 and 1,1 percentage points respectively. Another poll conducted by IPSOS published by the newspaper Dagens Nyheter 24 March 6, shows a similar trend with a small shift favouring the Social Democrats. The latter one however, with a lower reliability. An increase on the support of the Social Democrats would follow the general belief that crises and economic uncertainty generally tend to favour the traditional parties. Statements and positioning of national political parties EPLO SE The Swedish government is currently led by Prime Minister Stefan Löfven (Social Democrats), governing in a coalition with the Green Party. The centre-left coalition has a parliamentary backing of the Centre Party and the Liberals. In general, the opposition parties have been rather quiet in terms of criticism. As Swedish measures limiting the spread of COVID-19 have been based on initiatives from authorities rather than politicians, there have been few major disagreements. Parts of the opposition have raised concerns over a “lack of action”, and as from 23 March, parts of the opposition have been more eager to suggest actions to stimulate the economy. 7 The government and the coalition parties The Social Democrats and the Green Party, both part of the government with support from the Liberals and the Centre Party, agreed on a first crisis package announced on the 16th of March, which received broad support from the opposition.8 Since then, also second and a third set of actions have been announced. There have not been any open discussions within the centre-left coalition, nor statements from the Liberals or the Centre Party criticizing the measures taken by the government. The opposition, excluding the Sweden Democrats As previously mentioned, large parts of the opposition are in favour of the crisis packages announced by the centre-left coalition. There have been some raised concerns from the Moderate Party and the Christian Democrats over the claimed lack of direct economic stimulation, with further

4 The polls from Kantar-SIFO Väljarbarometern can be accessed online via https://www.kantarsifo.se/rapporter-undersokningar/valjarbarometern 5 The poll is based on interviews via phone, SMS and regular post 24 February until 23 March and can be accessed online via https://www.svt.se/nyheter/inrikes/stodet-okar-for-socialdemokraterna-under-coronakrisen 6 The poll is based on interviews via phone, SMS and web panels 10-22 March and can be accessed online via https://www.dn.se/nyheter/sverige/okat-stod-for-s-under-coronakrisens-inledning/ 7 https://twitter.com/moderaterna/status/1242022864892710919 23 March 2020, https://twitter.com/kdriks/status/1242858067387088896 25 March 2020 Twitter posts from the Moderate Party and the Christian Democrats 8 https://www.expressen.se/nyheter/nya-coronalaget-lofven-backas-upp-av-m-och-kd/, published 11 March 2020

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suggestions on how to fuel the economy, e.g. through a temporary complete removal of the payroll tax.9 The leader of the Christian Democrats was also featured in the tabloids as one of few politicians to openly criticise “a lack of communication” from Public Health Agency of Sweden.10 The tone has changed slightly, especially since 25 March when actions to stimulate the economy were launched by the centre-left coalition. From being more or less unconditionally supportive, part of the opposition has started to raise a demand for different and further actions to stimulate the economy, especially the Moderate Party, which has been influential in the opposition. 11 The Sweden Democrats As part of the Swedish political opposition, the Sweden Democrats have been supportive of the measures taken by the government. As the government and the coalition parties presented their first crisis package, the Sweden Democrats openly showed their support in favour of the actions.12 However, effort has been put into presenting further actions to boost the economy, and there has been criticism from the party to be less defensive, taking firmer action and closing down schools.13 The party has not received much coverage in national media throughout the crisis. As previously mentioned, supporters of the Sweden Democrats display the lowest trust in both government, as well as authorities and agencies.

9 https://www.svd.se/m-foreslar-mer-krisstod-till-foretag, published 23 March 2020 10 https://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/samhalle/a/BRXl1w/kd-ledaren-kritiserar-folkhalsomyndigheten, published 24 March 2020 11 Strömstads Tidning / Norra Bohuslän (2020). Moderaternas krispaket räddar fler svenska jobb, 26 March, page 2 Borlänge Tidning (2020). M: Ytterligare åtgärder krävs för att rädda svenska jobb, 26 March, page 2 12 https://www.svd.se/fran-v-till-sd--enighet-kring-regeringens-krispaket , published 16 March 2020 13 https://twitter.com/jimmieakesson, https://twitter.com/jimmieakesson/status/1239960040028557312, https://twitter.com/jimmieakesson/status/1239959864228696064 Twitter posts from 17 March 2020