Devise | Presentation for Alpharetta PHP / Laravel Group


Transcript of Devise | Presentation for Alpharetta PHP / Laravel Group


DevisePresentation for the Alpharetta PHP / Laravel GroupJanuary 27th, 2015

So, who am I?!


Gary Williams» Cannot grow a beard.

» Co-owner at LogicBomb Media

» Co-creator of Devise

» Twitter: @dolbex

» Made the guy to the left

Why do we


This guy disrupts.If he can do it we can do it.


So much going on...

So much

The team

Demo Time

What we wanted to accomplish:» Can use on most of our projects

» Remove much of the repetition

» Focus on a single platform and embrace Laravel

» Give back to the open source community

» Finally... and possibly the most important reason....

I want to murder


ToolsBasic content management

» Images

» Videos (Zencoder)

» WYSIWYG (CKEditor)

» Maps

» Audio

» Color Pickers

» and loads more....

How did I do that earlier?Drop in attributes roughly where they appear in the markup.

<p data-devise="[pagePropertyName], [type], [label]">{{ $page->pagePropertyName->text or 'Placeholder when null' }}</p>

'Real' example

<h1 data-devise="title, text, Title of the Page">{{ $page->title->text or 'Placeholder when null' }}</h1>

Avoid a Bajillion arrowsAdd a group to.... you know... group 'em

<h1 data-devise="pageTitle, text, Title of the Page, Main Guts">{{ $page->featuredEvent->text or 'Placeholder when null' }}</h1>

<div data-devise="bodyOfThisBeast, wysiwyg, Body of the Page, Main Guts">{{ $page->bodyOfThisBeast->text or 'Placeholder when null' }}</div>

Collect 'em AllDon't know how many you need but don't need a model? Make it a collection.

@foreach($page->events as $event)

<h3 data-devise="events[title], text, Title of the Page, Coffee House Events, Edit Many Events"> {{ $event->text or 'Placeholder when null' }}</h3>

<div data-devise="events[description], wysiwyg, Description of the Event, Coffee House Events, Edit Many Events"> {{ $event->text or 'No Description' }}</div>


Live UpdatingThis is still in development - be gentle

<!-- Will update the color of the text --><p data-devise="textColor, color, Color of the Text">Some Text</p>

<!-- Will update the background color of the text --><p data-devise="textColor, color, Color of the Text, null, null, backgroundColor">Some Text</p>

<!-- Will update the width attribute of the tag --><img data-devise="imageWidth, text, Resize that Sucker, null, null, attribute:width" src="..." width="100">

Editing ModelsJust One

@php $user = DvsUser::find(2); @endphp<div data-devise="$user, Edit the User"> {{ $user->email }} has an id of {{ $user->id }}</div>


@php $users = DvsUser::where('id', '<', 4)->get(); @endphp@foreach ($users as $user) <div data-devise="$user, User $user->id, Edit Users"> We might want to edit user {{ $user->id }} inside a group. </div>@endforeach


As a Single Attribute

@php $user = DvsUser::find(2); @endphp<div data-devise="$user->email, Edit the User Email"> So... {{ $user->email }} has an id of {{ $user->id }} but you already knew that right?</div>

Advanced concepts» Quickly map class methods to page variables

» Easily build and implement weird-o permissions

» Page versions

» Localization engine

» Image gallery

» Users, groups, login, permissions all build in and ready to go.

What is the schedule0.8

Accepting Github issues

0.9 - By 16th of February

Migrate to Laravel 5, open Github issues

1.0 - By 16th of March:

Installer, ready for upgrades, begin accepting pull requests

Get startedDevise Website / DocsDevise on GithubDevise Example Project
