Development Processes


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Transcript of Development Processes

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Scott BlomquistCTO, Vidoop

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• Goalso Give you a few case studies in applied software

engineering practiceso Spread the joy of software historyo Share some hopefully helpful things I’ve learned

about software development and the software industry

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• First “real world” experience: Atari BASIC, 1985• High School: Oklahoma School of Science and

Mathematics, 1996• BS Electrical Engineering, University of Missouri—

Rolla, 1999o (Formerly Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy)o (Missouri University of Science and Technology as of

January ‘08)

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• .com boom nearing peak• Network infrastructure in extreme demand• As an EE, primarily interviewed with TelCos• Finalists: MCI Worldcom vs. Microsoft• Against all odds, Microsoft won

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(Microsoft) Expedia

• Started off as a Software Test Engineer• Expedia IPOed• Got bored with role and company and moved back

to Microsoft

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My crazy ideas about testing

• Option 1: Everyone could “pay their dues” as a tester

• Option 2: Testing could be “tours” done by developers with an N% hazard bonus

• Option 3: Recruit primarily theoreticians• Option 4: Every developer tests (unit tests, TDD,

etc.)• Most practical? Probably 3&4

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• Windows Division: August 2000—December 2004o Microsoft security revolutiono Longhorn Reset

• Live Search Division: December 2004-November 2006o Agile development

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Microsoft security revolution

• July 2001: Code Red slows corporate networks to a crawl

• September 2001: Nimda does it again• February/March 2002: Windows Security Push• January 2003: This time it's Slammer• Summer 2003: Work begins on "Springboard“• August 2003: Blaster terrorizes the world• April 2004: Last big network worm: Sasser• August 2004: Windows XP SP2 ships

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Longhorn -> Longhorn Reset

• Longhorn began from Windows XP SP2• Notoriously grand dream• Couldn’t get a stable build out of VBL_Main for

months• August 2005 Longhorn begins the reset

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Longhorn Reset -> Vista

• Omega-13 and Longhorn Alpha• Quality gates

o Security, Performance, Reliability, Privacy, etc.• Vista ships December 2006

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Windows engineering practices

• Dev, Test, Program Management• Virtual build labs

o Scheduled RIs• Quality gates

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Live Search

• Live Image Search & Live Video Search• My first experience with Agile software development

o Modified scrumo Fast-moving, fast-growing small team

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• Identity and security company based in Tulsa• Products

o Licensable authentication technology (Vidoop Secure)

o Consumer web offering ( Demo if facilities exist

• Business modelso License revenueo Online advertising

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Vidoop engineering practices

• Team organization• Modified Agile

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Other thoughts

• Programming languages and source control systems

• Hiring at Microsoft & Vidoop

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