Development of the obstetric science in history aspect. Ziyasheva G.I.

Development of the obstetric science in history aspect. Ziyasheva G.I.

Transcript of Development of the obstetric science in history aspect. Ziyasheva G.I.

Page 1: Development of the obstetric science in history aspect. Ziyasheva G.I.

Development of the obstetric science in history aspect.

Ziyasheva G.I.

Page 2: Development of the obstetric science in history aspect. Ziyasheva G.I.

Obstetrics (from franc. accoucher give birth) medical discipline, concluding information about reproduction functions of the women and interpreting about rational help during normal and pathological current to pregnancy, labor and postnatal period;

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Main problems of modern obstetrics

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Miscarriage of pregnancy, histosis of pregnancy, feto-placental insufficiency, bleedings, anomalies to generic activity, generic traumas full-grown and fetus, postnatal infectious diseases,the development of the methods of the artificial fertilization, questions to organizations obstetric help.

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In ancient before our time literary medical source (in ancient Egipt papyrus Ebersa, referring to 3-2 millennium before our era) there are instructions on that or other receiving the rendering help under difficult and complicated labor.

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- In book hinds Ayurveda (8 ages before n.e.) happen to the questions of the dietetics to pregnancy. - Physician to antique antiquity Soranusu Efesskomu (2 ages before n.e.) belongs to opening to obstetric operation of the tumbling of the fetus on drumsticks

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Prominent physician Drevney Greeces, father of medicine was Hyppokrat (460-370 gg. before n. e.).

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Physicians Rome and Greece's, except embriotomy, cervix and uterus gurettage, used the operation of the caesarean section.

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Obstetric help in Ancient Light brown rendered the most old in family of the women.

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In Canon physician sciences of tadzhik physician Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Avicenna, 980-1037) there are chapters on obstetrics and feminine disease.

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Epoch of the Rebirth was characterized by the tempestuous development of the sciences, including naturation. Hereto, time pertain the remarkable anatomical studies Vezaliya, Fallopiya, Evstahiya, Botallo.

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Evstahiy (1510-1574), roman professor to anatomies much has exactly described the construction feminine sexual organ, founding on mass opening dead body in hospital

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Aranciy (1530 -1589), pupil Vizaliya, openning dead bodies of the expectant mothers, he has described the development of the human fruit, relationship with mother. One of the main reasons difficult labor he saw in pathology of the feminine pelvis.Botallo (1530-1600) has described blood circulation of fetus.

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Begin scientific obstetrics pertains to 17 and 18 ages and is connected with the general success of the anatomies, embryology's, physiologies and clinical medicine.

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French surgeon Ambruaz Vapor in 1550 has newly opened and has restored in practical person obstetrics operation of the tumbling

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Basis of obstetric help is in Russia possible to track long before Petrov times.

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First such original headed follows to consider textbook Nestor Maksimovich Ambodik-Maksimovicha under name Art obstreshian, or science about women deal

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Big importance for development of the obstetric science had an opening in row city (Strasburg,1728; Berlin,1751; Moskva,1761; Praga,1770; Peterburg,1771; Parizh1797) of the puerperal houses

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Main discriminating devil Russian obstetrics were shown care about interest as full-grown, so and its child and high consciousness to responsibility to fate of both life's.

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In medium 20 ages obstetrics were enriched beside large studies in the field of studies of the particularities of the physiological condition of the pregnant women in different phases of pregnancy, act labor and postnatal period, particularities of the biochemical processes and metabolism under these conditions.

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With serediny30-h years of the enormous range reached the deployment of the new type of the institutions feminine consultation.

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Law of the Republic Kazakhstan from 07.07.2006 N 170-3 "ABOUT GUARD of HEALTH of the PEOPLE“

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Article 12. Right of the expectant mothers and full-grown on guard of health

1. Parenthood is protected and encouraged by state.

2. Pregnant women have a right on free consultation, examination, treatment and dispanser observation within the framework of guaranteed volume free medical help on conservation of pregnancy and birth child outside of dependencies from place of the residence at moment of the address for medical help.

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3. Woman has a right to settle the problem about parenthood and in purpose of the planning to families and guard of its health - a free choice of the modern methods of the warning to undesirable pregnancy.

4. Guard parenthood is provided:

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1) by undertaking the annual physical examinations within the framework of guaranteed volume free medical help, dispanserizad and recovery of the women reproductive age;

2) by treatment on medical evidences of the main diseases, directly influencing upon reproductive health of the women and health child, at arrival in permanent establishment on care for sick child.

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5. Mode of the uptime, furlough on pregnancy and sort and condition of the labor of the expectant mothers and feeding full-grown are fixed in accordance with labor legislation of the Republic Kazakhstan.