Development Booklet

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  • 8/9/2019 Development Booklet


    '1., i, r.I)t 1t( .. ar I--1

    Study Table 1, which shows the HDI ranking of selecied countries across theworld.Country HDI value GDP per capita(us$) Life expectancy(years old ) Literacy rate(%)N igeria 0.281 o.)E 44.4 14.4Canada 0.949 30677 80.0 990Australia 0.955 29632 80.3 990

    Table 1ai. Based on Table 1, explain why Australia is more developed than Nigeria.aii. What are some Iimltations of HDI as an indicator for development status of acountry?b. Explain two indicators, other ihan those shown in Table 1, which can be used toindicate a country's level of development.

    Study Figure 5 which highlights a problem of development in China.

    Figure 5Source: http://www. jpg

    ci. Describe and explain the problem of development highlighted in Fig 5.cii. Evaluate the effectiveness of the strategies adopted by China to tackle theproblem you have described in (ci).




    Be fruitful and multiply Now divide

  • 8/9/2019 Development Booklet


    ANSWERS3 Study Table l, which shows theworld.

    HDI ranking of selected countries across the

    Country HDI value GDP per capita(u s$) Life expectancy(years old) Literacyrate(%)

    Niqeria 0.281 835 44.4 14.4Canada 0.949 30677 80.0 99.0Australia 0.955 25632 80.3 99.U

    Table 1al. Based on Table 1, explain why Australia is more developed than Nigeria 16l

    - Australia's GDP per capita is higher at US$ 30677 than Nigeria's US$835-. ihis shows thatthe average hcome of the citizen in Australia is muchnigh"i tt'un Nigeria With the higher income' the people have a hrg'herou"rchasinq oowel a1d Lan allord io fullill their needs and atldin a highe'iiu"J"ro ."r'iiui"g Hrgher purchasing power-> able to afford more goodsand serives.lf lZmf< ioi eacn statistic of indicator shown and maximum 2 marks forexplanation.l- Australia has a higher literacy rate of 99% than Nigeia's 14 4ok'- ihis indicates thaiAustralia is more developed than Nigeria because thegovernment in Australia can provide ihe people with education Withiigher education ) citizens are more efficient and productive- l't6re likely to work in the secondary and tertiary industries t the peoplecan have better jobs and earn higher income- Nigeria has a HDI value of 0.281 while Austratia has a HDI value ofO.dsS. -fne ooser tne index is to 1, the higher the level of development'From the table, it can be seen that Australia has a much higher HDI thanNigeria, indjcating that ii is more developed than Nigeria'- Li'e expeclancy .ele's lo rl"e averaoe lumber of vea's a person isexpecled to live A developed counlry u.'ua'lv has a highe'lile.expectancy than a less developed country Nig-'ria'^s life expectancy ls+aia yeurs ofa wf,if" Australia s lfe expectancy ls 80 3 years old Thehigher life expectancy is an indication thai people live in a (]Legn . .eniironment, have beiter access to health care, have enough food to eat )higher standard of living

  • 8/9/2019 Development Booklet




    what are some limitations of HDIas an indicatorfor development status of a I3lcountry ' '--ation the measurement of human rights and- HDI fails to take inio consroeri{reedom-ThereisatimelagbetweentnetimeofpublishingofHDlindexandthe

    L:l1"lt?L,i13Xtlu."t accurate data in rural areas where data isunluuiiuof " *nttu infor nal trading is common

    Fyolain hvo indicators, other than those shown in Table 1' which can be used to [4]inoTr'"i" u "ornr.v " tevel of development1 mk for each indicator, max of two indicators' additional mark for clearexplanation. lnfant mortalitYInfani morrarily rare,e,ers to rhe-number iJ ,ba13?X[".*".:::::?s",ff:"Jl",,,.ne vear old. The lower lhe inlrnr mona'rtv I i:::,",:^:i;'",^l -^n,r.o '"nrn"n and:"1'-';:"::n"*'il;i,*99,1,'uli"f :1",;#;:f "J.i:i1i:"#liffi [:l'children have good medical care tn

    . Access to clean drinking waterAccess ro clean drinkins water can rndicaie"i:"t":::':tT"Ti:'fl*:t i;""T:ttrt the people in the counlly nave rd5v i;"io""rnr*n nr" ttr" capilal to buildihat lhe country is more developeo ut t"" YY]"1,']::l'.'.ii-." *ater to the'rwater trealmenl plans the plpellnes to provide clean drinking water io InpeoPle

    . Transportation networksrransporrarion networks can indrcdt: !:.9:l-"]":::*,:5i*"":H$[l\'i"qood transporlation n"httt*.t '":lii'.?li;l'to'iut"iJin"'inlru"tiucture in lhe.hows that the governmeni hds

    1ne (apr*' ':'::"^"'.:::;;;; tnreion inveslmenti,liritt i'i,i"o"n""sponalion nelwork can also attract more lorerqn rninto th; country'. Employment stlucture

    Activ;rles in lhe seconda'v d"rd tedla'v indust'ies iend to generdte rlole Incomer-hev will be dble io arrord ,rl"'" ;i;;'" :;;-i';;ue' I sr"andard or livino andquairtY of life would imProveI he prima' y industry colt,o,,::5]3"Ji,llJ'[",[j:t:"JHI;"l:il: [T#*acrivlties such as ertraclion dno

    sale or-dw-'

    xro (er '''",1""^, " tn.anutactur.;ncome Fol example proc"s""'g raw materials like lron ore to manul

  • 8/9/2019 Development Booklet


    products such as steel bars and selling them is more prof table ihan se llngunprocessed iron ore.(2mks each for each explanation of indicatoO

    Study Figure 5 which highlights a problem of deveiopment in China.

    Figure 5Sou/cel

    Describe and explain ihe problem of development highlighted in Fig 5.- Country is experiencing overpopulation 11l21- country's population increases quickly due to a high birth rate and a lowdeath raie [1/2]- when health care improves in a country, death rate decreases, but birthrate remains high due to lack of educaiion and family planning i1l- having larger population means that more resources are needed tosupport the people- this leads to problems of insufflcient food and housing as there are toomany people competinq for too few resourcesEvaluate the effectiveness of the strategies adopted by China to tackle theproblem you lrave described in (a).L1 (1-2rn) state and explain what the policy isL2 (3-5m) give reasons why the policy did not work well in rural areasL3 (6-8) so ution when policy did not work. State stand and explain. For Btr'mark, studeft must list other social problem that nright arise from this policy.

    - The Chinese government implemented the'One Child policy" Ll- where each farnily can only have one child L'1- the policy worked well in the cities but was harder to be implemented in


    cll. IB]

    16e tfEEtdrlr rlri rbaafifrr!.--

  • 8/9/2019 Development Booklet


    the rural areas L2this is because people living in the rural areas tended to have morechildren for reasons such aa for additional help on their farms L2uiso, couptes in China traditionally preferred to have sons compared todaughters, in order to carry on the family name L2the lovernmeni therefore depended on local authorities to devisemetf,ods to reach out to people in ihe less developed areas and to getthem to adhere to the'One Child' Policy. L3Volunteers were recruited to promote late marriages, late childbearingand the use of contraception to keep birth rates low L3Effective as BRs dropped since the implementation of the 'One Child'Policy / not effective as the policy worked too well and the governmenthad to make adjustments to ensure that there will be sufficient people tosupport the elderly in future. L3ln oider not to vioiate the 'One Chjld' Policy, families may resort toinfanticide L3

  • 8/9/2019 Development Booklet


    3(a) Thc figure below shows Ghana's main impofts and expolls.

    lla,ue to GhanaUgS1350 milli0n C0si to GhanaUS$1800 rnillion


    (i) What is the dillercnce bet\\'een lhe exports and the imports ofchana'l [2](ii) Ghana is a less developed country- \Vhat economic problems does such a tm.lepattem creale for the country? t6]

    The table belo*'shorvs some ofthe l}?es ofaid that are sent from the developedcountries to the less de\'eloped counties.Short term aid Lung term aid

    Food Aid EducationBlankels and Tents Trai nsCaDiLal investment

    MediciresClothins hrfrairucture impro\ementi

    (i) Explain, $'ith examplcs. the rreaning olthe tenn 'shofi tenn aid'(ii) \\rhy mighl lone tcnn aid be ofnore use lo a less devek)pcd counlrv'l Ir]i6l

    .ceoa t'- , -1$rll "*r*".,*" ,f ..,sfood ?O"g I n\ i trcrrport oqulpmonr 26'll] ,\t^.,""-u ,r- .{* i oir ""a r*t - i;;! p",";;* ;;- .q* | oir""ar*r i;;i- p'r,.l,b_:. 8"n I ff,, 'l ch^-kdr3 _ trti \+'

    [TLLnt oret]

  • 8/9/2019 Development Booklet


    The figure below suggests some ofthe ways that money can be spent on aid schemes'

    Opti*n A{&ny& f rnajor fl\q iPad,ffi;$fl:,1?H!: q\

    Oplion BR!,,anddr help 1* Jsttle2 mrtllsn r*ft.tQcar"

    Option C {Lr)5 e{ommlCdllYde./clOoed (Oi!fl de5 | or+',,idefulr o.irnery gdu(,liofl lor 20r*ld{t dlud*& tF * re:(.

    Cptisn r@N Sudan:p'ovidc.cleandlr$llng lvaE?r Ie{ 1urnrlfion Peephp+munenliY.tc39 e{Eo$'iiqnlly r!awle!ra,*ea $llies: Hrl.{' lhc aitln rd on*r}1ong 4S [nil]1l}fi rhiid{en.

    Assess the success ofthese aid schemes. l8l

    o\rE*5cAlAID MOiIEY

  • 8/9/2019 Development Booklet


    3(a') Thc nsurc beloq shows Ghrn,'s main imports\Yhrt; the rljtlerence betliecn lhc export and the imPorls ofGhaDr?' Ghana c\pofs nrainlv primary products, cocoa (55%)Ghana ,mpons main[- Iranufactu'ed products (349/o)Ghana s e.ononrv is very depeDdent on rhc primary sectors


    3(aii) Ghana is , less dcveloped countrl GDC) What economic Problems does ihe h adc Pattern shornI6trrellc for s ch a country?_-p.i'"r.y p.*r.." .""i much lcss moncv for the cou'try lot GDI'] lbr the counlrli,il." .pJ"a;e uy *" -"ltrr on its inpotls the'e will se a deficiti loss in annual rncome' '' ,,o.p nd. no ro .edr\'t'Plertl"'r'.llii," *-t"'' *" *orkin;in ihe c"unrtr's mln rndu'rne! hr'h r(!'inrarvlnddstdes thismeans thal workers ean low wages lo\\'er purchasing power lower dernand lbr gor)ds and seNic'sl. p nid, 'l l rerial rnou r.P"e rP- l"p""a*ce o,i"asr, "roPS ncan that iflher; is a crcP failure fanners will iot eadr enoush'''I la rlrrd hP- c;;;"1. -.-.ft"pena' "' *o'raie'-a ro' the rbod crop like coc'ra Deme'd can be nearti'"elvafl;cted b) comperiii;n from other counlnes, and bv changes in taste offie pcoPle

    3$i) The fieurc belo\Y shows some of the tlpe\ of airl that rrc \eol t' nnr rl'c dercloped cquttries (DC) io,r'" iiii. "'"r,t",-"ii"'^'tpr"', the '"a'ri"g'rthe rcrnr'\uort terIn {i(r' 13Icmeigcnc) aid / only provided fo. shot period- once off aidi,e',1. t;,.."i '.,i-, "flndoncsi! rccived shotl trm aid frcm Sinsapore in the lbmr 'r nr'dicines'li^"i

  • 8/9/2019 Development Booklet


    lons lem and profe ) m.inlain.J aid schenrcs are n.cessa,l4(ai) Look at the area south of grid linc 9 I aDd no rlh of srid lin 8 7.-{ccouDt lbr the lo.ation of t}e culli\aled {re.s in this region. I3l

    cultivatcd arcas eood accessjbilii_\'. prcsence ofsu'faced rcads goods produced fiom fic Lrnrs canbe ftansported to the narbt mad(els- conditions arc idcal for agriclliure low lying gently slopnrg land albws .oads lo be builtand machi.cs to bc usd o. the lhrms' there is demand lronr the nea$y seltl.m.nts

    4(aii) UsiDg map evidence, shoF thrt thc setllement ofRoseau in the northwesi is ar importanragriculture cenler serlins the agricultural e*atcs in &e reeion. lll' fie Agncultural Experimcntal Staiio. is locald re.e (654907) w|ere experi enls .an be .onductcd t{)inprove famrirg nelhods- t}e Agicultuml CeDlre is locatcd in Roseau (655920)Roseatr is lcry accessible to lhe suroundiDg agricultural cstates easy to scnd products 10 lloseru lorsalc and expoit

    - presence ol lhe pod indicatcs that goods can be cxported 1{r lhe res! of the cou.lry4(bi) Compare thc th,ngs in produtlion and de.tand of grair betwccn the dcyelopcd and lcsi dereiopedrountries from 1997 nntil2020 (proic.i.d)- l{l- h boih DC and LDC snin p.oducrion ,.d denrand had nrcreasedin DC. the production of!ni. is higher lhan the demandin i-DC. the denrand ,s l,iqher thau the productio!- in LDal, the inc.eise is far than DC bolh lhe produclion and tle deDand(Reference musl be madc io the data gi!.n)4(bii) Th fisure below shows a newspapcr exiract concerning hunger h the world.With rcfcreDcc to the figure and studies you have madc, explain the causes ofslarvatir'r !r dmalnurrition. tll

    poorphysicaj condiliors poorly mainiained soil,loss ofsoilfel1iiily, very low cropyields- climatic faclols drought fo.d is nol p.oducedhuman flctorswars weak govcmmcntj co.siant wars- as political rctugees, people cannot grow theirown food- poor accessibiliLy food aid cannot .cach th peoplc becausc ofpoor inliaslructurlack of food as a rcsult oflack of skills to grow own food- latfe population hiqh billh ia1es. insuffi cient food to feed ihe people4(c) "Thc top 10 developed countrics, in 2003 IIDI rnnking ire lociled in thc tcmpcraicclimate zone. On the other hand, thr bottoD l0 lcsr dcveloped countries are locried in the lropicalclimr(e zone." fo nhrt rxtent does clinr2tc plav ar inportant part iD the derelopment of !country? Expl:rin )'our answer. tlll

    Lelel 1(0 lnt'bnefly des.ribes how .Linatc phys r ro c in Ih. dcvclopmcnl ofa counrry.bfiefl).c\flains hos' oDc .)ih.r 1i.l.i. can itllect dr\elopmenlLevrl 211 6nr) and .):flains in dcI!l tb. r.l. .1 .LiiLxrc in d,c d.!elof ..t.fa country.give exar.l)ls li sh.{' lio{ cliNul. fin rliii!1 dcvclopmenr c.g rhe negariv. cff.cts oldrnu:htc\pi.ins in dclail hor on. ith.r lacrrr .an nls. altccl delelotnr.ntbn.lly erplains another Iactor c.g p.liticalLelel 3 (l 8n,L2 + tlcighs thc rolc ot rog.drc. with.linrllc in the \a). developnrcnt is rnllu....d l\lcDtiorthal clinrale alone cannor ac.o!rt lor fie le!.el ofde!elopnenl. li is lhe effect ofa combinalid) ol Jaclo.stoge rer whicl aff.cls delelrfmenr


  • 8/9/2019 Development Booklet


    I (a) Study Fig. 3 which shows the indicaton ofdevelopnent for four'counties Theseindicators a1e u'"a to a"t"'nli"" itt" Uuman Development lndex (HDl) of acountry.

    cEi Fig. 3

    (j) Define Human Det'elopment Index (HDI)/ii\Fxnlainhowadultliterdc},rnl.antrnofalityrateandemplo}4nentmteale' ' ;l5il ';;"""nother a" 'rioicarors ofdevclopmen ofa counry(iii) Explain how income per capita is not a reiiable indicator ofdevelopment

    (b) With reference to named era Ples' explaiD how the foliowing factors haveaffected their development:' Political Conflicts' Education

    (c) Evaluate the effectiveness offopulation conffolas a strategy to Promote national







    Adr tliteracyCountry Populationper doctor Incomeper capitarus $)Infantmortaliryrate

    Employmentrate (Yo)62 5340 24t0 43 6680


    79 91B 8 32850 1 73 19c 237s0 l7 69 65D 31 15470 29

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    iopuhtion Infantlnortaliiy

    srud! fis I {hich sho$ s rhc rl)dicttors ofdc!eioprnent fo' four crunr'les,,.,,,ri" ,Lt"""r",i " Derelopment Indcr (HDl) ola court'-\l hcse indrcaLtYs 4..(a)

    (rrs $)EmploymeDt rate(%) Life

    21103?850 Tl

    iI539? l3750 65

    Fig. 3Define Humttn Dettelopment Index (HDI)i--ito-ul Ll"n"top-ent Index (HDI) is used to measure thc-lc.-i; e"r in l crJnlr) HDl lJkc' inlo con d'ralru lhrcc rn rr,.f".i'. "".no*i" ""lF-hcine lhe heallh s(andard\ 1 'l rh(education standards ofa countly'L !rrq | 'r' '-n-l rn I o'n Lfc'e inJlcdlorc lrc HDI r.l nl _ ('lJnlI,,'," ".'*.."t,ull'r I(rnde\)i'a"lq1cJ oe:clrc rrr' r, ns'l' cr'the inclex is lo l, lhe higher is the development in that country


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    3(a) (iii) lxpta;n trow income per caPita is not a reiiable nrdicator ofdevelopmentl- it is the average income of ttre workcr in the country2- rlot very reliable bectuse some may earn very much higherthan others3- Total income generated in a country in one year divided by totalpopulation when actually there is an uneven distribution ofwealth.,l- In developed countries, it is easier to obtain the statistics and data,whereas in thc developing countries, where informat trading oftentakes place, the information may not be accurate or readilyavailable.(b) With reference to named examples, explain how the following f'actors have

    affected their development:. Political Conflicts (3m )

    1- Civil War :c.g. Cambodia was a prosperous country since the time of the KhmerEmpire between the l1rh and 141h centuries until a civil war brokeout in the 1970s,Cambodia's economy suffercd, businesses were disrupted andpeople were killed. Properties were destroyed and after the war,tourists have avoided the country until recently

    2 - Lack ofPolitical stabilitYthis deters investors from setting up businesses in these countriese.g. A civil war has been going on in Sierra Leone since the early1990s. This has caused Sierra Leone to be one of the Poorest and leastdeveloped countries in the world

    . Education (3 m)- Generally the more developed the coultry the higher the ]iteracy rate- higher literacy rale lcads to a more competcnt workforce- enhances secondary and tertiary sectors- increases standard of living- Italy has the highest literacy ratc and according to the 2005 report, Italyhad a high GDP per capita of US$27 119 in 2003- Italy has the financial ability to build schools and train teachcrs to educateits people.- It also has a long history ofplacing a strong emphtsis on education- Sierra Leone (West Afiica) has thc lorvest literacy rate : It has little monc)to spend on educttion, its GDP per capita in 2003 was US$5'18, most ofthepeople are involved in agriculture so there is Littlc need for the rural people

    to learn to read alrd write, Sierra Leone has also been civil war since theearly 1990s making it nearly impossible for people to go to school

    3(c) Evaluate (heef@tiveness ofpopulalion con$oids a shategy to prcnrote national developmenr

    CWD Geog 4E [,4Y08 ANS




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    ALtenpls(s) made are wtclear.One or two su'ategies mentio edAnswers are unbaLanced, brie;f and lackng in eldboratian. Mq) be left to reader lodeternine \a,hy populdtion cantrol \1,a ld Promale national de\)elopmenlNo assessment ofsucce$^ or simple, unsu?Ported staletnent, e.g 'lt u'orked'getting better'Same altenPt is made lo describe strateg).Strategies mentio e.l, ma! be no marc than goad naming oJ stralegies ; or wr! brL I I


    [4-6ldescription.'Populdtion cotltlol trould mean tltaLfever cllildren \a'ould be bornC""dlrl"r"=*pkl,

    "ileast 1 beneJit and I l)toblem of each strateg/ competently with L7-

    8lAttcmpt to compare beneJits and/ ot problems are well supported with explanation'Gben measure dnd 2 other measares natted with some detail, e.g.Clear state/nents o/ degree ol elfectiNeness, e.g'China's one-child policy wasintroduced and it was effective because the bitth rates dropped.'

    I Populalion conlrol- large population means a lot of resources are needed- overpopulation may occur if a country's resourccs can[ot support itspopulation, overpopulation causes many problems : shortage ofjobs andhou\ing. and limiled access lo educalionEffective- China's population was getting very large- thus the Chinese government implemented the 'One Child' policy in 1979- effective because the birth rates have dropped. In fact it was so effective fhrtthe goverlment had to make some adjustments to the policy to ensure thcre willbe sufficient people to support the elderly in the futureIneffective- worked well in thc cities- more difficult to be implemcnted in the rulal treas- as they need more children to *'ork on the farms- somc people willing to pay the fiDes to have more childrenespccially if the couples preler to havc boysother methods- policies to improve $ater supPlv- education progralnmes- health programmes, infrastructure e.g. hosPitals/ doctors or projects e'g'immunisation- others : provided related to natioDal devt, e.g. incentivcs to TNCs'

    ImDrovins x ater su lv rnd sanitation facilitics..gou"to-"rrta horo" realised the importance ofaccess to clean water arrd propersanilation lo {hc dcrelopmcnl of a counl


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    example : India pg 209Effective- Ahmedabad is a major commercial, industrial and finatrcial centre in the stateof Gujarat, India- However, 41 7o of its population live in slums.- In the mid-1990s, the Parivartan Slum Net$'orkjng Programme was establishedto help this region develop- the local government decided on the area to be upgraded and local banksfinanced the project-1 squatters provided with basic infrastructure access to clean water supplyunderground sewerage, individual toilets and solid ltaste collection- 2 These facilities help to reduce the spread of diseases caused by bacteriafound in waste and contan nated water- 3 Support given to the villagrs to ensure thcy adapt to the changes in fheirenvironment; monthly monitoring meetings wcre held to revicw the workprogress and to discuss future plans-4 training given to teach people proper usage and care of new facilties-5 Within 5 yrs of its implementatr : the Parvartan Slum Networking Progbenefited over 56 000 people in over 40 slums. Now it has includcd 59 more slums6 Death rates declined from 6.9 per 1000 peopte to 3.7 per 1000 people. Dropin number ofpeople suffering from general illnesses7 Thus the Programme haal succeeded in improving the standard of living ofpeople in Ahmedabad and helped the region to developlneffectivc- expensive, govt lack funds, manpower to carry out the massive projects- may have to depend on foreign help and this may come with strings attached orat a price to pay3 Improving educatiotr standards- Literacy can be used to determine the level of development of a countrye.g. ThailandEffective- 1 the hill tribe conmunities are made up of people from the tribes of Akha,Hrnong, Karen, Lahu, Lisu and Yao atrd thcy live in extreme poverty- 2 In 1998, the Hitt Tribe Project was developed under the government's policyto provide 'Education For All'- 3 'l'his project aimed at promoting literacy. Formal and informal educationprogrammes were developed For e.g. they rvere taught the Thai language rndI\,[athematics" as well as basic life and social skills-;l Volunteer teachers from developed regions brought in to teach them- 5 'fhey wcrc also taught about sustainable deyelopment so that they cancontinue to support themsclYes and improve thcit' strndard of li!'ing. 8.g., the]\vele taught about sustainable farnling metbods- 6 After obtaining a basic education, mnny ofthe hill tribe people were T hle tofind employment in the cities.Ineffective- effectiveness was limited as the tribes live in small comrnunities, theirgeographical isolation has made it difficult for government to reach to them'Communication barriers have also been a challenge to this

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    - funds are limited- people may be reluctant to study- commitment to family agriculture. Children may be needed on the farm towork. hence they are uualtle to attend lessons-- End ofDapor-

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    Queslion 3: Developmenl [25 marks]a Study the table below.

    i) Which country has the lowest level of development? Explain your answer.ii) State and explain the type of employment structure you would expect Country Bls it true to say that countries with plenty of natural resources will be able io develop [4]quickly? Provjde examples to support your answer.Explajn cumulative causation with the use of a diagram. Provide an example to [6]illustrate the cumulative causation processes.

    d Evaluate the effectiveness of the strategies to promote national development in l8lcountries.


    End Of l.rper

    Indicators Counfrv A Country B Country CGDI' per capita (US$) 't I2 8 550 I 658Population (millions) 120 t5 65Literacy ra te (o/o) 90 91 84Infant mortality rate(per 1000 live births) 98 t0 507u of people $,ith noaccess to cleRn \\'ater 60 10 11

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    ANSWERSQuestion 3: Development [25 marks]

    Study the table below.Jndicators Country A Co ntrv B CouDtry C

    CDP per capitx (USS') '/ 12 8 550 I658Population (millions) 1)O t5 65Literact rate (o/.) 90 9t 8,+lnfant mortality r.ate(per 1000 live births) 98 30 50

    tl/o of people rlith noaccess to clean water 60 10

    i) Which country has ihe lowest level of development? Explain your answerCountry A. has the lor,l'est lcvel of development. [1] It has the lowest GDP per capita and theinfant mortality rate is very high at 98 per 1000 live births. It also has the highest perccntageof people without acccss to clean water. All these indicators point that Country A is a lessdeveloped country. 13lii) State and explain the type of employment structure you would expect Country B [3]to have.I *'ould expect Country B to be highly involved in the secondary and tertiary sectors. [1]Country B enjoys a very high GDP per capita of US$ 8 550, jobs in these sectors are morelikely to provide a high income. lll The people of country B experiences a high literacy rateof 917o, indicating that the people are more educated and skilled and arc more likel) to takcup jobs in these sectors. Illls it true to say ihat countries wlth plenty of naiural resources will be able to develop [4]quickly? Provide examples to suppori your answer.In gcncral, co ntrics that harc plcnty of ra$ nr?rtcrials dcvelop lhster than countries th:tthave fcw or no rr\\ nrated:tls. [1] Horvever, there nrc c)iceptions to lhis. Ill For exenrple,Nigeria remained as a less deYeloped country although it has a lot of oil. Jll On thc otherhand, SiDgapore becarn a developed country x.ithin a short time dcspitc havirg no natui-alresources. [11


  • 8/9/2019 Development Booklet


    Indicators Countrv A Country B Country CGDP per capita (US$) '712 8 550 1658Populatior (millions) 120 t5 65Literacy rate (7o) 90 91 84Infa[t mortality rate(per 1000 live births) 98 30 50

    7o of peopl *'ith no,ccess to clean water 60 10 11

    Question 3: Development [25 marksla Study the table below.

    i) Which country has the lowest level of development? Explain your answer'ii) State and explain the type of employment structure you would expect Country Bto it true to say that countries with plenty of natural resources will be able to develop [4]quickly? Provide examples to support your answer'

    Explain cumulative causation with the use oJ a diagram. Provide an example to [6]illustrate the cumulative causation processes.Evaluate the ei{ectiveness of the strategies to promote national development in [B]countries.

    End OfPaper -


  • 8/9/2019 Development Booklet


    Fxnlain cumulative causation with the use of a diagram Provide an example to [6]itt.rstrate the clrrnulaiive ca'lsation pr4cessesCumulative causation is u ptot"tt ot t'o* the movemcnt o{ peoPle'and'rtsources fronl theneriDher\ incredres rl'" *""ttr' to ru" "ili iii't"ii"i"J"""i'*"' enahle rle rceion ro de\elopil'i"J;"'.;;;: ;"'.,o0-"n' *"' ^".."n'"1f:llili"t#lf""lli;l"Jl,'5::ff i:l$i''";'iilliqHx;:! : :ll: "i:l":i": si:T*i;;li#l .lixir iiLiir".ilr"',T'riJ#;fhe de\elopmeni of lhe core regron urrr '"*:11'1'. ^:^:: --.;^. *iri ."rend lhe \\ealrh :rnd'"oi^n thc bcnelil( gained Irom de\clopmetrl in lhc core rgion will sprenffi*i"a*"-'" trt" p"tinhcry l\pread effeclt l4lhor e\an,p,e. rhc de\c,opmeni.or,iiill::ilT::"i:l:ll:,"lillHii:il.l:Lliiil"iiicounlrJ lo dc\ u lbtt" t ,t^tl^ 'i#Jiirl,o"io".oo ".j t L"p'n reapr the bcnefil\ of hirirtgii":"J i:;:ll":iT'13-'"il:::il; l"'.i.. o""i"""0' tna'and arso lrenerit a\ rhai\ arc"-oiovcd and theS pitled "o f-"* 'Ja*"'^"T .k;li Th" iou"ttt"n'' also hclpcd lhailand''tconomY to gro* {5Preadl l2lEvaluate the effectiveness oJ the strategies to promote national development in [B]countries.. Lvel 1: 0-3 marks' Poor ans er qu:rlity

    ' Eaplanatiorl is linited. Evaluation is too simPle. Examples are very geneFl or inaccurate. l,evel 2: 4-6 marksI'tiJ. ino*t"ast howr b.rt laclnngdcpth' in-" onin'' "'pt'ined bul '\irh misqinB5lep'' i""-Jr". '".u 6" '"le\dnt bur lJ'l derailq. t-"n"t:,1_l -"ttts Good answer'. Good Kaowledge shown

    ' io.r' .-.t'tJ F"'rr't e'pl rrncd r"L le r5LI point\ are gr\cn). goth "'ic' "t al 'rrr'er r ior id -cd. Place-specific examples are given'

    Stralecie. for \alioncl Dc! (loplrrenl:ifl,i,,".l., i"o t*"'ion arrd financi:rl a'si't:rnce irr le(\ de\cloprd rcstorr''flcallh: lnrplo\ in'.1 sxltr''rtpplJ ""0'*"it'iirr" t"it'ries in lesr rlcrelopcrl lesiotr'l'""i"i, r-"'-'I"* "'rrtcxrion 'rrr'lald\ irr lcq\ d*eloped reqion\social: lmplenrenr puprrl,,tion 0"":;;t i"t' ;;;";'d legion' to cont' ol populrtit'nEnd Of Paper