Developing Your Int uit ion And Clairvoyance Wit h...


Transcript of Developing Your Int uit ion And Clairvoyance Wit h...

PB Celestial Inspiration: Developing Your Int uit ion And Clair voyance Wit h The Power Of Ar changel Haniel

2 Celestial Inspiration: Developing Your Int uit ion And Clair voyance Wit h The Power Of Ar changel Haniel 3Celestial Inspiration: Developing Your Int uit ion And Clair voyance Wit h The Power Of Ar changel Haniel

In t r o d u c t i o n Just as the days were too young and vibrant, Joshua, a Civil Engineer, positively dealt with the challenges of his job every day.

He was entered in a contract for six months to finish a commercial building in a town and luckily, he was appointed as the supervisor of his department.

As an achiever and dedicated professional, Joshua never missed a day to check and double check his laborers and employees in their jobs and see every detail of the machineries and equipment with its parts, repairs and maintenance. He doesn’t want anything to go wrong for it is his first actual fieldwork after passing his licensure examination.

Unexpectedly, a storm was reported to hit the town Joshua was working on. It was predicted that it would create heavy rainfall and some rising of water levels.

Being a person of preparation, he made sure that these days affecting their town from the changing weather will not interfere with the progress of his project. And also he wants his workers to be more safety when the landfall will take place.

Then one evening as the team was about to end their day’s work, the storm came without consent. It was supposed to hit the town by the next two days but it came earlier.

Everyone was in due shock but they were comforted knowing that the whole team, with the leadership of their team head, already made sure of the necessary precautions and details to make their construction safe and secured.

Because of Joshua’s intuition of the changes of the storm’s direction and speed, it has helped his project to remain stable and protected. As well as his workers and even their costly machines to put on cover.

It was indeed a stormy night and everyone was discharged and sent home early. It has strong rains and wind that could possibly damage structures in their place and make the roads slippery.

Joshua immediately made his way home after sending off his employees. When he got inside his car, he made sure that he would lock the doors and windows to prevent the rain from coming in his dashboard. It was his father’s car so he needs it to stay in good condition.

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Heading home, vehicles were all lined up on the roads and everyone was rushing to get to their residences. But Joshua felt different, he was excited to be in their home to sip the home-made specialty soup her mother pre-cooked for him in a cold weather. It seems like he really wanted to see his family as it was the earliest time in his working days in getting home.

In the wide highway going to their village, the street condition went worse. Lights gone off and seemingly the roads were like haunted. Joshua suddenly felt a shift of emotion. He heard the loud beating of his heart and was uneasy.

“Why is it I am seeing a picture of an accident?”, whispered in his own.

He still focused on his driving and controlled his reflexes to safely get his way home but unfortunately, a 10-wheeler truck suddenly slipped off its way towards Joshua’s lane and lost its break.

It was a huge collision.

Joshua is unconscious and the truck driver is in critical condition. It was unexpected. Despite Joshua’s diligent and prepared nature and great intuition, it was never on his list that he would end up in an accident.

But there was an immediate message telling him of something that could and is about to happen. That fateful incident that never crossed in his senses but only in the few moments before it happened.

Clairvoyance came to Joshua’s thoughts in a short manner. Though it still wondered him but the good thing was he survived with some major wounds. But with rehabilitation and medication, he still is on his recovery and still thank his angel Haniel for letting him see what could come before him.

Luckily, he steered his wheel opposite to the direction of the forthcoming giant vehicle the time he heard that supernatural whisper and prevented his death as he followed the direction of his intuition.

We are all faced in different situations. But as we trust in our gut feelings, it may be fatal or not, we can save our paths against any mishaps and catastrophes.

Others may be uncontrollable by man, but as we are guided by the right spirit, we can avoid dwelling and exist in any unfortunate events in our lives.

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Ch a pt e r 1

D i s c o v e r i n g Yo u r Cl a i r v o y a n t N a t u r e

H a v e   y o u   b e e n   i n a   p o s i t i o n   c a l l e d ‘clairvoyance’ or ‘mind-seeing’? If not yet, then that’s normal. Because not everyone has this unique psychic gift.

But do you have any desire to see things beyond your naked eye?

Sure, this is so interesting! You may be imagining a magical feature running onto your mind, but that’s not the thing. It’s not a cartoon or a movie.

It’s for real.

If you have any desire to have this ability of seeing things beyond physical senses, then this is the time to develop your break it out from your shell! But before that, let us know first what this naked-eye vibration means to us.

Clairvoyance is the ability of a person to see things in his environment beyond the normal sensory contact, that he can even view the things in the future and beyond through images, symbols and premonitions. This occurrence barely happens only to those people who have the open mind and soul to unleash its sixth senses.

Spiritually leading your life could mean being clairvoyant because this thing doesn’t just mean that you have to be cosmically-oriented wizard like in the movies. It’s totally different.

6 Celestial Inspiration: Developing Your Int uit ion And Clair voyance Wit h The Power Of Ar changel Haniel

Clairvoyance is developed through imagination and it is exercised first in our minds while it connects to the vibrations of our souls and in return, the clairvoyant electricity starts to circulate in our bodies.

Some may misinterpret this kind of learning because of the creep or scary thingy, but clairvoyance is actually encountering life in a deeper manner and senses that you’ve got to even recognize your spiritual guides and guardians always surrounding you!

That’s awesome, right? And whoever doesn’t like to experience it? I bet no one!

The interesting discovery when you say that you’re clairvoyant is that even when you’re reading with yourself and your daughter just moved your favorite plant over an inch then you’ve got to recognize it quickly without being informed! See it? That’s too cool.

As a normal person, we’re not born with this incandescent ability to see things ahead of us or to be clairvoyant itself. But as we fully understand its development, even though we’re not born mastered in these, we can still develop these undiscovered muscles and practice it psychically. So, how to develop your clairvoyance the rookie way?

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Exercise is the best policy

I know that honesty is the best policy. But for the purpose of this book, you need “exercise” to activate your sixth sense and experience the intuitive ability of spiritual life!

As you begin to open your clairvoyant nature for quite few days, you’ve got to see your spiritual

guides randomly. It’s quite scary for others but it’s a good signal and a confirmation that they are really at hand with you! And good thing is, you’re now beginning to mind seeing.

Times of practicing this, you’ve got to see things around the edges and corner of your eye, colored lights and auras would show up around you and dreams will tell you vividly. This is an overwhelming spiritual enlightenment.

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Try to visualize four balloons. These four balloons are red, yellow, blue and white. Imagine to hold these things in your hand places on the center of your eyesight.

Begin to release the balloon one by one, slowly. In each balloon, watch it floating from

where it started up to the blue sky, and next. This is your first test. Some may not get it or it may be hard but it’s how to first develop your imagery.

Another is to imagine you are floating. Close your eyes. Breathe deeply. Visualize that you are on the grassy plane and you inhaled the fresh breeze of the land and the wind. Can you feel the nature? If yes, that’s good.

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To continue, stretch your two hands softly and slowly, levelled on your chest, and feel the serenity of freedom. Slowly, begin to imagine that your feet stepped in the grass has been slowly separated from the ground. Imagine you are floating.

Continue the breeze of nature. Do you feel the space around you? The earth is orbiting under your control this time. Every positive energy is in you and open your vessel to the clairvoyance of the world.

Open your ears to the complex sounds of nature, people and galaxy. You are now activated. You are now aware of your back, sides, and front. They are all yours.

You need imagination muscles to help achieve this uniquely, designed gift. Clairvoyance requires inspiration and visualization. This is its real context and as you begin to vibrate this ethereal sense intuitively. It’s helpful most especially living in the world today that you needed alertness and defense the most.

Every energy inside you will not be leaked and all incoming ones will be unblocked. You can discern, you can feel it and you have the high sense of vibrations around you that you get to be awakened and conscious all the time.

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A Celestial-Earth Grounding Exercise

One way to help ground yourself and learn how to combine the energies of the celestial with the earthly powers of Mother Earth is to regularly perform this exercise.

Sit either cross legged on the ground, or if this is difficult for you on a chair with your feet touching

the floor.

If you can go outside and sit on the earth itself this will be extremely beneficial. Either in your garden, or somewhere in nature that calls to you is ideal.

Take a few deep breaths, and allow your body to relax, beginning from the top of your head, through to the soles of your feet. As you breathe out focus on the muscles in your scalp and visualize them softening, like honey.

Next, move onto the muscles in your face and neck, and then your shoulders and arms. Keep moving your attention down your body in this way until you reach the soles of your feet.

Now breathe in a few times and slowly release, and as you do this try to feel your ‘Root,’ which is located at the base of your spine.

Feel this root begin to open and allow a tendril to begin to burrow its way into the earth. If you feel like several small roots are burrowing, like the root system of a large tree, then allow this to happen.

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As the roots delve deeper ask them to find anything that you need for sustenance at this present moment. You may feel them connect to nutrients in the soil, or to sources of water deep underground.

You might find they connect to pockets of minerals or crystalline structures. In each case these types of sustenance will relate to what you need.

Do you feel in need of cleansing for example? Then you may find water. Do you need healing and positive energy? You may find fossils or crystalline object embedded in the earth and draw from their energies.

Allow whatever you need to flow upwards to you through the root system, filling your body with nourishing energy. Let tensions, worries and fears release via these roots and know that Mother Earth can recycle this old energy and transmute it into positivity.

When you feel you have gained what you need from the earth just allow the connection to be there. If you want to, deepen the roots and allow them to spread even further, firmly anchoring you into place.

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Now bring your attention to the heavens above you. Allow a space to open at the top of your head and visualize a beam of light reaching out towards the cosmos.

In the same way as you have done with your root system, allow this beam of light to find what it needs – this could be inspiration, guidance, a sense of wonder and awe, or a direct connection with source.

Let the energy form this celestial object or energy flow down into the crown of your head. Visualize it meeting the energy of earth and synergising with it within your heart.

When you feel the connective energies in your heart area, let them gently open your heart space. Notice what thoughts, sensations and emotions arise. This is often when you can gain the most clarity in your life and a deep connection to your Higher Self.

When you are ready, gently let go of the energy, thanking it as you close the practice.

This is a great exercise to use when you feel the need for sustenance, grounding and guidance, as well as significantly contributing to your ability to integrate your emotions and raise your vibration.

In the next section we’ll discuss further some ways that you can enhance your intuition and clairvoyance with Archangel Haniel.

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Ch a pt e r 2

Ar c h a n g e l H a n i e l ’s Ab i l i t y To H e l p Yo u Wi t h Yo u r Gi f t s

You may have scary thoughts when you intend to open you spiritual lenses and psychic abilities, but your spiritual guides are pleased to welcome you in their realm.

M o s t   e s p e c i a l l y Archangel Haniel who is given the authority to build bridges and divinity

on our light beings.

His name was tagged as “Glory of God”, no wonder that he is pleased to give you the access of the glorious manifestation of the spirits in your life. He is entitled to task care of your spiritual growth so that you begin to fellowship with the divine beings.

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G o d   w a n t s   t o communicate to us and through his archangels ready to assist, they will enhance our abilities to hear God’s instructions closely with clarity and the pathways of communication will be perfectly communicated.

Angel Haniel will help you release the spirit of negativity and disapprovals that may try to block your energy centers frim receiving and deciphering information from the Holy One.

Because Haniel is a leader of the angels, he will also help you develop your gifts whether spiritual or emotional they may be and help others as well develop and discover their own.

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Quick to sense

Not all have the ability to be sensitive, especially in spiritual features. For others, it’s untrue, but to sense the vibrations of heaven is the highest form of empowerment in life.

We can say that oce a person has this spiritual intuitive gift, it’s rare.

Truly, not all can decipher or sense the deity. But with Angel Haniel who works for us to develop this sense, we can surely experience and exercise the one of a kind spiritual exposure and elevation.

As Angel Haniel works in the moon energy, his mystical features work to enhance your intuitions and activate your awareness in everything. In your spaces, archangel Haniel will deliver us messages of grace and connect to us the eyes and the mind that clearly hears and sees things around.

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A normal person has the tendencies of faltering when it comes to sensing and detecting.

Some needs formal school ing to f ina l ly master the spirit of psychic investigations without using earthly tools yet with this sixth sense, your spiritual r e a l m s   b e c o m e

awakened which is far more than any earthly weapon.

With this, we become quick to sense our surroundings and logically solve problems with regards to mind puzzles and confusions.

In the lens of negativity and pride, Haniel works enhance your intuitive abilities to quickly sense the spirit of God to consume in our centers and the easier we can know the truth and manifest positive vibrations. He works to release blocks inside your centers and help us interpret messages.

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Only if we try to welcome and ask Haniel to do his part, he will come to rescue us and develop what needs to be honed and shaped. Paying a focused attention is barely needed if we want to welcome this kind of sense and developing this meditation can allow healing energy and purposeful guidance in our lives.

Using your spiritual ability is a reward but Haniel is also encouraging us to handle this responsibly. Over our spiritual journey, we must know how to separate our spirits from the dark forces of evil who are also spiritually attacking.

They may appear on your dreams, spaces, our in your third eye without concerning or invoking them. But by the power of Haniel who activates your gift, and as you invoke him, he will come shortly in power and block every negative force pursuing aoeund your psychic and spiritual sense.

No one’s more excited to develop your gifts than Archangel Haniel who’s always ready to life your senses! It’s important to ask for assistance when it comes to clairvoyant and intuitive activities, not just because it’s rare, because it’s also delicate to carelessly transact with spiritual forces who are against the army of heaven.

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Assisting in developing Intuition and Psychic Gifts

One of Haniel’s most striking characteristics is her ability to help those who seek her help tap into their Intuition and psychic gifts.

This is so that they can connect more profoundly with their inner sense of wisdom and purpose, and align with that purpose.

Having a human experience and the chance to evolve our frequencies on this plane can sometimes be painful, as we forget the unity of the Source from which we came.

Haniel can help us to remember Source and help us to connect with our inner knowing and ourselves as part of creation itself.

Because Haniel is of another vibration and form to the one we experience in our daily lives, it can sometimes take time to develop our gifts enough to be able to fully communicate, and even then it could be likely that we can only experience a fraction of Haniel and her magnificent powers and abilities, based on the ability we currently have to perceive and understand.

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Haniel loves to assist those who are ready to take the next step into their intuitive and clairvoyant powers. Via her assistance, as well as other transcendent beings, the new era of spiritual enlightenment and awakening is being experienced by an increasing number of people each year.

Therefore, Haniel also offers a bridge towards an understanding of collective consciousness and our role in helping humanity as a whole to evolve.

One way this can be achieved is to take our own learning, growth and desire to develop spiritually and psychically seriously, and respect and honor that call.

The more people become awakened and begin to raise themselves towards higher vibrations, with the assistance of beings such as Haniel, the more humanity collectively benefits.

For those who feel called to a form of ‘spiritual activism,’ Haniel can offer a gentle and joyous way to become an agent of positive change in the world.

20 Celestial Inspiration: Developing Your Int uit ion And Clair voyance Wit h The Power Of Ar changel Haniel

Building a relationship with Haniel

The most important thing to remember is that Haniel will be there when you need her.

Ask and she will respond!

This doesn’t mean you will always be able to clearly see and notice her immediate presence, especially if you are still working on opening your

intuition and spiritual gifts.

This will grow in time, especially as the more you interact with Haniel the more she will respond, and you will become more used to the unique way she manifests for you.

Setting your intention and using prayer and other spiritual tools can be very effective ways to grow your relationship with Haniel.

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You may decide you want to focus on a specific goal to work towards with Haniel’s assistance, especially when it comes to intuition, clairvoyance and developing your metaphysical abilities.

Or you may have an area of your life you need support with – such as confidence to progress in your career or support to allow more love into your life.

The key is to reflect and find what resonates with you the strongest and then call on Haniel for her assistance. You can give permission for her guidance and allow her to fill you with her positive energy. This may take place over one or many sessions of asking for help.

By engaging regularly with her via reading about her, using tools that resonate with her, offering prayer or simply sitting quietly and ‘listening’ for her as you grow, you will find her presence becomes stronger in time.

The most important thing is permission and finding a degree of surrender – for example the more you resist the more it can close you off.

Try to be as open as possible, but also balance it with not becoming so immersed in seeking Haniel you become disconnected from daily life– remember one of her functions is to help you balance your energies!

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Archangel Haniel Prayer(s)

The importance of prayer

Prayer is a wonderful way to connect to Haniel and other celestial beings, because it focuses your mind on opening to their presence, as well as helping you to feel gratitude and joy in them.

You can pray at any time and in any way. You can choose to pray in a more

‘traditional’ way by kneeling somewhere quiet and putting your hands together in prayer position. Or you can choose to send your words out into the wind as you take a walk through nature.

What’s important is the attitude you have when you pray. An openhearted, curious and thankful energy can help to give your prayers extra power.

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Prayer to invite Haniel into your life

“ B l e s s e d   A rc h a n g e l Haniel, bringer of Joy and Grace. I am ready to connect with you and ask for your assistance on my spiritual path.

Please grant me the light of your wisdom and help me to connect to my highest vibration and my innate intuition. I am now ready to open and

surrender myself to the healing power of infinite love, harmony and joy.

I ask that you assist me with my calling and step into my life. I ask that you allow me to recognise you and work with you for my highest good. With the deepest thanks and a pure heart I (say your name) thank you.”

You can also modify this general prayer if you would like to ask for things that are specific to you. You can speak your problems, fears, doubts and worries to Haniel and be assured she will hear you and respond.

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A Lunar prayer

This prayer wi l l be especial ly beneficial during the New Moon or Full Moon.

“May the light of this moon illuminate my path and help me to see more clearly. Blessed Haniel, allow me to see what is hidden and my true purpose and intent.

Let Mother Moon guide me and help me to balance my energies. Haniel please be present with me as I explore the unknown and the mystical realms. Let the Divine Feminine be with me, in the light of moon and under your gaze. Thank you.”

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A prayer for Joy and Abundance

This is a short prayer to Archangel Haniel to help you connect with your innate sense of joy and abundance.

“Dear Haniel, help me to embrace all that I am and all that I may manifest.

Help me to know that I am a whole and complete

being and I am worthy of all the joy, love and abundance that Source has to offer. Blessed Haniel, opener of ways, please help me to manifest my highest purpose and walk my path with lightness, grace and joy. Thank you.”

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A prayer for comfort in Challenging Times

This prayer can be especially effective when you are speaking it for others who may be in need of comfort and assistance.

“Dear Haniel, please help me to find light in this time of darkness. Please help me find the strength and courage to face this


Please lend me your dignity and your power so that I can learn and grow. Please comfort me and care for me as I am tired and scared and I need your help. Haniel, please help me to endure what I must and to overcome all that hinders me. Let my light shine through Victorious, under your blessings. Thank you.”

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Writing your own prayers:

One of the best ways to pray to Haniel is to write your own. As time goes by and you

develop a closer relationship with Haniel you will often find that there are words,

themes of phrases that resonate strongly to you in relation to Haniel.

Use the above themes and words and create your own prayers, writing them in

your journal and speaking them as often as you need to.

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Ch a pt e r 3

Kn o w i n g H o w To U s e Yo u r In t u i t i o n

They say that the highest form of gift that almost re s e m b l e s   s p i r i t u a l nature is the intuition.

I nt u i t i o n   g i ve s   yo u the highest phase of knowing yourself and y o u r   s u r r o u n d i n g s that you begin to be awakened and feel the inner calm and serenity of surroundings.

Your gut-feeling will lead you to an atmosphere that voices and sees the future beyond your normal senses. Trust is the key reason that your intuition works, not because it’s uncertain but because your inner vibration has the same destiny currents the same to what will happen in the future.

Our minds and spirits are specially made by God to coincide in every activity and its nature likely connects to what will happen. Thus, your gut-feeling or intuition knows what should be done ahead of time.

It’s a special instruction; an advanced whisperer. It’s your spidey-sense disturbing you all the way because your center and core talks to you.

Other therapists say that another way o hone your psychic ability to learn a new knowledge out from your patterns. In this way, you can sharpen your mind and your psychic skills will begin to follow.

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Observing is the way that you can utilize your inner atmosphere. It’s there to aware of your environment. The likely you observe patterns, the more your psychic ability is developed.

For example, in your marriage. If you think your husband has infidelity issues but

you’re still unsure of it, try to just observe and pattern it with acts that may lead to infidelities. While you’re observing it, try to see any progress or illusion happening. “in this act right now, is he near to this issues?”.

Afterwards, your intuition will tell the kind of environment you must place as a standard and if your husband deviates, there comes your mighty gut-feeling to always knock on you every time. And remember, it’s always a loud knock!

You can always feel the sensory vibration of universal connection trying to lead you to conservative conclusions. Recognize your intuition, they’re trusted.

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Have you heard yourself saying “Ah! First answer is always correct!”

Well, that’s the product of your inner best friend: intuition. And you got to listen, so you’d shade the correct answer nicely!

Your intuition never lies, in fact, it’s there to guide

you through the things you cannot see but you can only feel. It’s your extra-sensory perception talking to you every time because it lives in you and it knows you SO WELL.

So if we want to know and use rightly our intuitions, better listen. Never be bias.

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Come out from all the noise and biased standings you’re disturbed with. Sometimes,

we’re on the verge of decision-making and we want to use this intuition, but we

cannot just focus rightly because we’re stranded on the traffic zones of different

head noises. These are tricks for you to cloud your inner best friend called ‘intuition’.

If you doubt your ‘inner best friend, might as well you’re at the wrong place. I’m not

saying this is pretty accurate and God-like all the time (perfect), but it just means,

this is the provision of the spiritual guides in you.

Your gut-feeling is your pet and once we use it correctly and develop it in a moral

and spiritual standard, the more we become sensitive to it.

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Using it rightly cannot perform well when we’re not exercising it. Just like common sense. It’s tagged as “common” but we’re falling short of it, because we’re not diligent enough to exercise it.

Same with intuition, to utilize its power in our core, try to connect with

your inner vibration by clearing your space and letting the universal and spiritual energy come to your center. Practice the presence of intuition in you so you can interact for best responses in your stimulus.

Clear the clutter in your mind, not just in your house. Release all the toxicity living inside the cabinets of your heart, sweep of the bitterness around your heart’s throne and always refresh yourself inwardly and outwardly.

This is the best way you can start an effective intuition inside. Because you are focused, aware and insightful, they become more clear, loud and evident!

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Ch a pt e r 4

H o w To ‘Se e ’ So m e t h i n g Be f o r e It H a ppe n s

W e   h a v e   a l l   b e e n u n d e r g o i n g   m a n y unexpected moments in our life. Sometimes what we planned did not turn out well. Sometimes, there goes a very smooth sailing occurrence of event.

We cannot really foresee everything and predict every single moment to

happen before our eyes. Even if we have planned it very detailed, still we cannot reassure about how it will actually happen.

We are all living in this world as temporary residents. None of us are well-versed of all the circumstances that are occurring. Even our future. We don’t know what it holds.

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We may get some idea but we do not really get the exact thing. It needs vision and the power to anticipate. But still we are all not that all-knowing and omniscient to see what is forthcoming.

Even in our deaths, we do not know when will be the time we are going to say goodbye. It is hard

to accept that reality but everyone will perish. Even if we have that lifespan told to us by our physician to people who has terminal illness, it is still not the prompt schedule that we will expire.

It can go early or others become delayed. That event can even also be a surprise. Accidents and unexpected incidents are just there if we are not too careful. But if it is really indicated in the heaven’s scroll of our appointed time, then we have nowhere to escape.

But did you know that there are people who are capable of feeling and foreseeing a situation before it happen? This gift is called Precognitive Ability. Their premonitions normally manifest in the form of dreams or it could be in the form of physical or emotional sensations.

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Premonitions are guides

Premonitions as being defined literally means forewarning. It is like an early announcement of something that is about to happen.

This may not be always absolute but premonitions are not only for negative things. They go well also with work promotions, shopping sales and

discounts, parking spaces or the passing by of your ultimate crush in the hallways.

Premonition can happen via our dreams. It is like a movie that allows us to have a semi-block screening or trailer of an event to happen. It is like putting the next things to happen in a summary with the necessary details with it.

But premonitions can also occur when we are awake. It is like there is a flash or picture that reflects in our minds and alarms us to get wisdom on what to do with that certain situation.

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Sometimes, it goes unreal or symbolic. It seems like undefined and you still have to complete the puzzle to see a the complete picture of the condition. It may go in a series of dreams or during time when we are awake and at the end part of the episode, you are to unveil the real message.

It can also be realistic where what we observed is the exact thing that might actually happen. It is like giving us a piece of advice on what will the situation bring and we are of advantage because we have seen it advance.

Premonitions are sometimes terrifying for others. They feel like it is creepy and like horror. It actually does sometimes feel like that but if we take the positive side on it, if it will just be taken constructively, it is becomes an advantage for those who have been warned.

It alerts us to the potential upcoming problems of the people we love or to the people surrounding us. Even in an event, we can be alarmed by the signs and synchronicities and actually get more ways to get through and away from the distracting conditions.

Although we cannot force premonitions to happen in our chosen time or in demand, we can practice it by frequently spending alone time with ourselves and develop a discipline to quiet our mind and focus on the subtle energies that flows in us.

Through mediation and contemplating, we can experience the seemingly mysterious yet magical messages of premonitions.

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Discernment is wisdom

In every situation that occurs in us, it is important that we just do not see it immediately and make a decision in a moment.

I t   n e e d s   a m p l e j u d g e m e n t   a n d eva luat ion on what t h a t   c i r c u m s t a n c e s r e a l l y   m e a n   a n d how it can affect us.

By having sharp perceptions, we can use our wisdom and sound judgement in assessing every thought or warning that comes into our senses. We should make clear of these visions on what they really mean and not by superficial interpretations that we think is correct.

Paying attention to the events in our individualities help us assess what are the distractions and what are not. We should carefully and prayerfully choose the decisions that can back up the early warning that was shown to us.

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With appropriate wisdom bestowed upon us, we are undermined to protect ourselves and even our significant others away from any uncertainties and negative elements.

The right energies will attract us and aid us in acting on what to put effort in response to premonitions and visions we experience.

In this stage of life, our ethereal bodies must be really strong that is able to move with proper understanding and awareness on the best option to choose.

It must highlight the attainable solutions to overcome the upcoming happenings and be minded of the spirits that are trying to overtake the actualities.

When we let our spirits to be connected with the cosmic vows, we are being attached with the intuitions and interpret signs and symbols in the raising patterns that are about to take place.

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Developing Precognition Ability

If you are in the stage of discovering your precognitive ability, it would greatly help if you develop and hone your gift regularly so that you can improve it and put it to proper use.

1. Write your dreams and visions in your personal journal

Writing all your dreams and visions will help you remember it. Sometimes, when a dream or vision is somewhat vague and meaningless to you, it may actually carry a very important message. Your journal will help you decipher the vision or dream during the time when you have to look back and see if it has any connection on certain event or situation you

are facing.

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2. Write down déjà vu moments

Déjà vu doesn’t have to be something like a random event. You can learn to improve this with practice.

3. Never ignore or underestimate your gut feelings

Yo u   s e e ,   t h a t   b a d feeling you have may be some kind of way your precognitive gift manifests itself.

There could be a good reason why you are feeling that way, so make sure that you try to recognize that feeling and do not ignore it especially when you know it involves the people that you love.

If it turns out to be nothing, then good! What is important is you recognize it so you can take action. It is also one way of honing your skills because if you ignore it, you are only suppressing your abilities and limit your development.

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Ch a pt e r 5

D e v e l o pi n g Yo u r O w n Si x t h Se n s e Wi t h H a n i e l ’s Po w e r

We have been taught since childhood of our body parts and the basic senses. That includes the sense of hearing, vision, taste, smell and touch. Little did we know as kids that are more of the physical senses we creatures possess.

The sixth sense is also t h e re ,   a   d i m e n s i o n

wherein a supernatural experience is usually happening. This sixth sense that just located in the middle of our eyebrows encompasses our eyes and the lower part of our brains.

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This sense is usually called beyond wisdom that leads us to innermost knowledge that opens up clairvoyance, lucid dreaming, expansion of imagination, telepathy and visualization.

We have all learned to trust our senses since a little child. But as we experience unlikely happenings in the patterns of the universe today, sixth sense is indeed needed to make us open with the possibilities. We also have to rely on our sixth sense when we want to stretch out our sense of awareness.

Just like in the ancient times, animals and human beings are just using their intuitions based on the events that appeared in them like the right time to hunt for food without the presence of predators or when and where to look for shelter when the winter season comes.

Trusting our sixth sense will enable us to grasp and understand things more fully and respond to various conditions.

Along with Archangel Haniel’s power, we can develop this by letting his angelic vibrations come into our presence. Meditation will help our sixth sense to develop, strengthen and become more sharpened.

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If our sixth sense is blocked, we can reverse it by feeling a tingling or pulsating sensation in the middle of our eyebrows after a deep meditation, it may feel like a headache.

Haniel will help us clean and connect to the One to feel a divine presence as we open our sixth sense. Seeing beyond the limited view like how we are currently can hold us back on the gretaer perspectives given to us.

It is more than just experiencing what others dont. But it is also the abiity to see angelic lights, colors, images of the future or symbolic visions and deeper perceptions.

As we develop our sixth sense, we must find a place that we are comfortable and undisturbed. We must breathe in and out deeply and relax and at the same time as we invite Archangel Haniel to be with us.

We must prayerfully ask him to unblock our spiritual eyes and sight and enhance our intuitive abilities. And as we imagine and feel the majestic flow and vibrations in the middle of our brows, we must focus it well for it to totally open and feel each tiny moment that is filled in the process.

Ask Haniel to balance out our senses that the may not interfere with each other and we may see the truth with our sixth sense. Then we feel favored and and grateful of the guidance of him in opening our intuitions making us renewed and rejuvenated.

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Fine Tuning Your 6th Sense

Fine-tuning your 6th Sense  is someth ing that can be done as y o u   b e c o m e   m o r e experienced and have already learned how to listen to your inner knowing and intuition and to hear and sense Haniel and Source in your life.

Most people have one sense that translates quite strongly in a metaphysical sense. For example some may be strong clairvoyants and able to see spirits or Archangels much more clearly than others. Other people may be clairsentient and much more able to feel emotions and spiritual presences than feel them.

At this point, once you have discovered where your strengths are and what you naturally gravitate towards, you can choose to either develop your ‘weaker’ gifts, or to focus on strengthening the gifts you already feel more comfortable with.

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Which approach you choose is up to you. There is no ‘right,’ or ‘wrong,’ way. For

some people it might be useful to develop existing gifts further in order to get the

best out of them. For others, fresh information and new experiences can be best

served by developing new gifts and working on ‘weaker’ areas.

One important way to ask for Haniel’s help is to ask him to communicate with you

his advice and where he thinks you will be best served in your psychic abilities.

Ask what purpose you have and how these gifts align with that purpose.

You might also want to try to connect with Haniel on other planes as well at this

stage, once a firm foundation in connection to your intuition and spiritual gifts has

been established.

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Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection

Hopefully you have been keeping a dream diary as you develop your relationship with Haniel. If you haven’t then it’s advised to begin one.

As you become more aware of your dreams then you can begin to set a ‘trigger’ for yourself to know you are dreaming as you reach the dream

state. A common method is to tell yourself to look at your hands in your dream. This can be a trigger than will help you to realize you are dreaming.

When you have begun to gain control over knowing you are dreaming you can ask Haniel to be present in your dreams so you can enjoy more direct contact with him and ask for advice or any lessons you need in order to develop your gifts in a way that will best serve you.

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Astral projection is very similar to lucid dreaming, but this occurs when you are not actually asleep. Some people believe that astral projection is actually lucid dreaming – but it can be very distinct depending on how each person experiences it.

In the astral realms you have greater access to higher planes and the celestial beings that inhabit them. Ask for Haniel’s help, protection and assistance when attempting to learn to astral project.

One method which can be effective when astral projecting is to lay on your back with your arms and legs uncrossed and to enter a deep state of trance. Once you have done this, visualize your astral body rising up.

You can imagine you are floating on a cloud or even ask Haniel for assistance. It is advisable to cultivate an attitude of curiosity and joyfulness when learning to astral project as this will help you in your practice.

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Keeping a Journal

Keeping a daily journal of all your practices as you develop your psychic gifts is very important. This is because it will help you to spot patterns and where you can learn and grow from your experiences.

Each morning and each evening record if you have done any specific

practices – such as visualization, meditation, practicing ‘seeing’ (such as with tools like angel cards or guided visualizations) and what happened during this practice.

This will help you to view your experiences objectively, as well as helping you to connect to what areas of your psychic development you feel are strongest and how to interpret your experiences.

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Ch a pt e r 6

Li v i n g Ev e r y Mo m e n t O f Th e D a y Th r o u g h In t u i t i o n

To live longer, we must

develop a sense of

intuition. It will be there

for us to help us, give us

guidance, and protect us

from falling situations.

As we grow and become

more exposed of the

world, our needs for

intuition rises and it actually also a wise kind that is able to accompany us in our


Instead of paying attention and going sides with the conformities of the world, it is

much better to listen to our gut feelings and intuitions to direct our paths.

Just like any muscle, if it is unused, it will lose its strength and can eventually

deteriorate and become useless. The same is true with our intuitions. After

developing it, we must constantly practice it to sharpen its functions and work


But how can we have an intuition?

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Communicating with our innermost self

Communicating needs time. And just like how we reach out to other people, developing our own strengths also need a good moment.

By having an alone time in places where you can be comfortable and serene, you can be quiet

and meditate on your intentions.

Meditations has many benefits and one of it is developing our sense of intuition. Through this, we are also able to get in touch with our Source of strength and the Creator and Owner of the Universe.

We are guiding ourselves to be closer to Him and talk to Him as we are also evaluating our own selves and state of mind.

Our intuition is like a map that guides us in our journey that functions every day from morning til night. It can never be in a low battery thus it must be always recharged and programmed equipped and have the right inputs to produce proper data in pointing our paths.

It will take patience for us to perfect it but once it will succeed, our intuitions will surprise us of its many wonderful advantages that can be one of our greatest tools in moving in life.

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Embracing it

When we have active intuitions, we must halt entertaining the past. This gift is proactive and not retrospective.

It can move away if we are too focused of the past as well as if we are too anxious on the future. Intuition works in

the now. Not yesterday, later or tomorrow but what is currently happening.

To be at peace, we must live in the present tense of our life story. Intuition has no place if we are too attached on the before. It will not work if we are too looking forward on what’s ahead of us. Asking for it to function requires setting our mind on our present positions, with a relaxed spirit as we receive directions from this ethereal gift.

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Be Sensitive

This powerful element in our head that is a guiding force can help us grow higher self-confidence.

W h e n   w e   t r u s t   i n ourselves and in our intuition , we develop a relationship with it that makes it trustworthy along with the benefits that shared to us.

But of course we must remind our beings that if we are too preoccupied with the conventions of the earth, we cannot hear what our intuitions are telling us. We must not ignore this intuition for it displays it powerful character in an immediate moment.

If we are too scared to pay attention to its messages, we will lose tne chance of experiencing beautiful ways and outcome of our decisions based from the help of our intuitions.

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Even if you don’t feel rational at all, the moment you obey the call of your intuition, it can lift you up and make you feel the worth of having an equipped spirit. It may be through a dream or visualization, but the workings of the intuition is so amazing.

It is unexplainable that is why we must be sensitive of our focuses. Others actually read minds unknowingly and grasp wisdom on how to deal with the forthcoming situations.

When we feel uneasy sometimes, we must ignore it. Covering our ears from intuitions may lead us to distractions. Intuition is like a guide to our path that we carry 24/7 with the goal of protecting us.

If we keep on refusing to accept its offer, we may regret it at the end of the line. This is not just a normal gut feeling, but it is a deep perception and awareness in peace that gives us logical yet subjective ways to surpass complicated matters.

It may be hard to deal and learn how to utilize and experience our intuition.

But if we remain positive and persistent in knowing, we will eventually land to a point of understanding. And if we continually practice it, we can distinguish our intuitions from the external noises and distractions.

The more we become sensitive and surrender to our intuitions, the more we will feel secure on the decisions and directions we take.

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Learning to live 100% from intuition

Learning to live 100% from intuition is a way to ensure that you get the most out of your time here on the playground of human life!

It may seem strange to look at things from this perspective, especially if you are used to the idea that the goal of a human life is to achieve as much

as possible materially and work until you drop!

No one is saying that life doesn’t involve work, pain or even suffering at times, after all we are full and whole beings and the full spectrum of human emotions and experiences are open to us.

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However, by learning to live 100% from your intuition you can learn how to experience this lifetime with a sense of joy and playfulness, even when you may have experienced pain and hardship.

We all have soul lessons to learn and are here in order to expand and experience. That you have now been drawn towards delving deeper into your intuition and psychic gifts, as well as connecting with a light being such as Haniel, suggests that part of your mission during this lifetime is to learn how to truly connect with you’re Highest Self via your innate intuition.

Learning to live 100% from your innate intuition depends on you being able to hear and connect to that inner sense. So, it’s important that you spend time developing these areas in your life by practicing with the assistance of Haniel.

Develop a ‘listening’ practice that will help you to connect with your intuition.

Have you ever had an inner sense of Knowing? A ‘call’ that is not easy to put into words, but that you felt throughout your body – physically and spiritually?

This is your intuition and many of us are very disconnected from it.

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Intuition and your Body

O n e   r e a s o n   t h a t many people are very disconnected from their intuition is that they have lost the sense of themselves holistically – as Whole Beings.

This means mind, body and spirit are all linked together and are not separate experiences.

For example – have you ever had a ‘gut feeling?’ or the sense of ‘butterflies in your stomach?’ This is a result not only of an emotional feeling (such as being nervous or sensing something), but a physical sensation as well. These are all also tied to a mental thought process.

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So for example –

• You are waiting for a job interview. You wonder about how you will perform – Mental Action.

• You begin to feel worried you might not perform well – Emotional Response (Fear, anxiety)

• Your palms begin to sweat and your heart starts beating faster. Your stomach might suddenly feel queasy – Physical Response.

All three of these responses are real, relevant and linked to one another to produce the overall sensation you would call ‘being nervous.’

Intuition is very like this, in terms of how to recognize it. Lots of people believe intuition can only be felt as a kind of abstract sense, but it can be part of a complex series of physical, emotional, mental and metaphysical actions.

One of the best ways to really connect to this is to develop a Mindfulness Meditation practice. Mindfulness is a great tool to help you to accept and understand your inner self.

It consists of paying close attention to your body and mind and allowing what is happening to be there, without trying to change it or judge it.

When you learn how to know the different ways your intuition ‘speaks’ to you – from a thought to a physical sensation, you can connect to it far more easily.

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Intuition and Haniel

Because intuit ion is so personal and each person experiences it in different ways, how you develop your own inner sense of knowing will be unique to you.

Learning how to trust your intuition will be a vital part of building your

relationship with Haniel and knowing how to live from that space 100% of the time.

This doesn’t mean you will be ‘seeing’ things metaphysically everywhere you go! Nor does it mean you will be unable to cope with ‘real life’ because you are constantly on a ‘spiritual plane.’

This is a mistake a lot of people make, because they have separated the idea of spirituality and clairvoyance with ‘normal’ life.

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The truth is that Haniel can help you to understand that learning to live 100% from intuition is about cultivating an attitude of knowledge of your deepest self and trust in it. This means that wherever you go and whatever you do, you are living from a place of inner knowing.

This sense becomes 100% when it permeates all of your life without you having to ‘search’ for it. Haniel will help you with this by helping you to see that there is grace, joy and wisdom in every aspect of life – not just the ‘spiritual,’ moments.

Yes there will be times when you feel your inner connection more strongly than other times. But living 100% from intuition means learning to listen to and trust yourself and not to get swayed by what others decide you should be thinking, feeling or doing (so long as you are not harming anyone with your actions of course!).

Learning to truly hear your intuition and to live by it is a task that you must ‘set up’ with Haniel, via setting your intention and asking for her specific assistance.

You can ‘boost’ you intuitive skills by using tools such as moon energy and working with elements and crystals that resonate with Haniel’s intuitive aspects.

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Allowing Intuition

The most important thing is to record your thoughts and feelings and allow yourself to let go and to surrender to your own Higher Self. This is far more difficult than many people think it is!

Often we have ‘blocks’ which keep us from truly

connecting with our inner selves. This can be for many reasons but the usual reason is fear. You might fear change, or you might fear that you will have to face things you’d rather not face when you develop your intuition and psychic gifts.

There is no easy way around this problem unfortunately. The degree to which you will be able to ‘let go’ and ‘open’ to spiritual gifts and to your own intuition is the same degree that you are willing to face darker aspects of your life.

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You may have suffered pain and trauma that you are afraid to revisit. Or you may be afraid of your own ‘shadow’ aspects.

If you know you have deep trauma then it’s highly advised you seek the help of a trained and qualified therapist who can work with you at the

same time as you delve into your intuition. You can ask Haniel to support you to find the right therapist for you.

If you are afraid to face the more unsavoury or unpleasant aspects of yourself – your ‘shadow’ - then it is worth reminding yourself that everyone has a shadow side. We all have aspects we don’t like about ourselves or are not things we would like to admit to thinking or feeling.

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However, the shadow can play havoc in our lives and interfere with our intuition and psychic gifts if we let it. And the best way it can work against us is by denying it exists and pretending you don’t feel what you are truly feeling.

If you want to live 100% from your intuition then it makes no sense to try to ignore a large chunk of your inner self and secret feelings.

The great news is that the shadow doesn’t have to be a terrifying and damaging aspect of your life! It can actually teach you a lot about yourself and where your strengths are if you allow it.

Haniel can help you to achieve this when you ask for him to help you find the strength and courage to really connect with your inner self, including the aspects of yourself you don’t feel proud of.

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One way to do this is via automatic writing, with Haniel’s assistance. Ask for support and get a pen and paper. Ask for Haniel to be present and to help you to allow your Shadow to speak with you.

Write for five minutes and let whatever comes out on paper come out – without judging it or trying to change it. You might find that some inner resentment makes itself known, or that you connect with a sense of anger or hostility you have been trying to supress.

When you have finished, ask how this feeling or ‘shadow’ is trying to serve you – maybe it’s trying to keep you safe from experiencing pain. This is very common when we have a lot of anger, as anger is usually a result of trying to avoid the pain we feel at something that has happened in our life.

Gently meditate on where the pain comes from and ask for Haniel’s healing blessings to be with you. If it becomes too intense then it’s fine to stop and take a break.

Reward yourself with positive energy that you have been courageous in taking this step to finding greater awareness and wisdom.

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Our intuitive gifts are amongst the most powerful we possess. Haniel serves to help us enhance these when we are ready and able to call on his assistance.

Remember that Haniel will assist us with what is right for us at the time and what we’re ready for

in our spiritual development.

Some people may find that they need to be flexible about their expectations and cultivate an attitude of openness and curiosity, rather than fixed and rigid ideas on the exact nature and timing of gifts and the degrees to which they are expressed.

Consider it for a moment – is it really in your best interest to reach the full potential of your intuitive power in one sitting or one week? Would this be to your spiritual benefit, or would it be asking for too much and risking a psychic ‘meltdown?’

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Trust that by working with Haniel he will always assist in line with your highest goals, purposes and needs. Sometimes we have to spend time discovering our gifts and intuitive abilities in a setting of playfulness and patience.

Learning to enjoy the journey, rather than only focusing on each destination is a key part of allowing Haniel’s healing energy into your life.

Another thing to remember is that it’s important to ask for assistance but also to take action in your life at the same time. Haniel will respond when you ask her to be present, but one of the lessons she teaches is that we find empowerment and development of our gifts by practicing on the material plane as well as the metaphysical.

What this means is that if you want to develop your intuition for example then you can ask for Haniel’s help. But you should also combine this with practical exercises – such as paying focused attention to your thoughts and developing a meditation practice at the same time.

Try not to see ‘spiritual’ and ‘practical’ aspects to life as separate entities. Instead remember everything is connected and different areas of life inform and support each other in your overall development.