Developing the Vocabulary of English Language...

Developing the Vocabulary of English Language Learners in the First Grade ELD Houghton Mifflin Vocabulary Curriculum Adapted by: Laura Armstrong

Transcript of Developing the Vocabulary of English Language...

Page 1: Developing the Vocabulary of English Language … · Developing the Vocabulary of English Language Learners in the

Developing the Vocabulary of English Language Learners in the

First Grade

ELD Houghton Mifflin Vocabulary Curriculum

Adapted by: Laura Armstrong

Page 2: Developing the Vocabulary of English Language … · Developing the Vocabulary of English Language Learners in the

How to Use this Curriculum….

This curriculum was made for teachers who want to incorporate more vocabulary into their current ELD lessons using the Houghton Mifflin Series for First Grade Language Arts. All of the activities included in the weekly lesson plan matrix are geared toward helping students retain the vocabulary within the selected story. Each day you will do one activity, as outlined, from the theme packet.

Page 3: Developing the Vocabulary of English Language … · Developing the Vocabulary of English Language Learners in the

Weekly Activities

Monday: 1. Weekly Theme Read Aloud (found in Teachers Manuals) 2. Picture File of Vocabulary Words: You can use the Santa Maria Bonita website ( for pictures. Each story has a section on the website with clip art that you can cut and paste into a word file. You can pick which words you would like to focus on and discuss each word individually with the picture as supporting illustration. 3. Realia Objects: Bring in realia (or real life objects) that help illustrate the words. You can show these objects while you are showing the picture file. Have students relate their experiences to these objects so that they can map more understanding onto the words they are learning! 4. KWL Chart: Have the children look at the pictures on the front cover of the theme packet. Ask them prompting questions such as “Who or what do you see in the pictures” “What are they doing?” “Why are they doing that?” Then introduce the theme and ask the students what they would like to learn about with the

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theme. For example, the first theme is “All Together Now,” You could ask the students, “What are some things you like to do with your friends? With your Family?” Then help guide their thinking for the “What I Know” section. What do you know about being together with your families and friends? Then ask questions about what they would like to learn. “What are some things you would like to learn to do together with family, friends etc.?”

Tuesday: 1. Do a Picture Walk of the Selected Story: Go through each page with the children and talk about what they notice and see in the pictures. Do not read the text! You want them to get an idea of the story just by looking at the pictures and helping them identify clues or make predictions about things to come. 2. Listen to the Story on the Houghton Mifflin CD: After doing the picture walk, have the children listen to the story so that they have a chance to hear the correct pronunciation of new vocabulary words and any other unfamiliar words. This will also help lower their affective filter when they read the story aloud on Thursday.

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3. Vocabulary Visuals: This is the second page in the theme packet. Go over the words first. Have the students circle the vowels with a red crayon. Next have them sound out the word together. Then have each student write out the word with emphasis on the sounds that make-up the word; Ex: g/ir/l. You can have them write how many sounds are in the word as well. Once completed, have them write provide a definition. A simple word or phrase will do for the easy words. As it gets harder, they will have to write a sentence. Then have them cut the bottom strip off and cut out each picture individually. Finally, glue the picture next to the corresponding word. 4. Weekly Skills: This section is already outlined for each week. You can teach these skills according to the weekly teacher‟s guide activities. 5. Partner Match Activity: You can print out the vocabulary words that you are working on as well as review words that you have already done. Give the words to half of the class and the pictures to the other half. For the exercise, they have to find their match once both partners agree they are in a matching pair. Once they do, they can sit down; depending on their level, they can analyze the word with their partners.

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Wednesday: 1. Pantomime Vocabulary Words: Review the “Words to Know” page that comes before the story. The students will have already been exposed to the words, except this time you will make some type of movement that goes along with the word; for example, raising their hands palm-up for the word “lift”. As they read the story, they will use these motions when they come to the words. You can also do the motions after the page has been read and ask them to find the special words and then make the corresponding motion. 2. Read the Selected Story Aloud: You can do a think, pair, share activity to help review what the story was about. Then call on students using popsicle sticks (to ensure equal participation) to read. 3. Compare and Contrast Words: This is the third page in the packet. This is where you will take two of the words and analyze how they are the same and different. For example, in the first story, The Cat Sat, you have the words girl and cat. Cat is like a girl because they both live. Cat is different from girl because a cat is an animal. A girl is not. Instead of writing out the answers in the first few theme packets, the students will draw pictures. Writing full sentences along with thinking critically is a hard concept to grasp

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and they may not be ready for it just yet. Therefore, they will draw a picture to illustrate their understanding. You will need to guide them through this process for the first few themes. Once they get the idea, it can be more of an independent activity. 3. Weekly Skills: This section is already outlined for each week. You can teach these skills according to the weekly teacher‟s guide activities.

Thursday: 1. Connect the Story to the Theme: Have the students go back to the first page in their theme packet and fill in the “What I Learned” portion. Discuss with the students how examples from the stories helped them learn about the theme. You can do this as a whole group and brainstorm answers to write together. 2. Grade the Story!: This is the fourth page in the packet. Start by talking about what the students really liked, or didn‟t like, about the story. In the beginning, have them circle „good‟ or „bad‟ and then have them write a simple sentence about why they did or did not like the story. As time goes on, the lines will get smaller and they will be able to add more. The grading scale will also get more complex as their

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thinking does. Just be sure to explain what each “grade” means. 3. Weekly Skills: This section is already outlined for each week. You can teach these skills according to the weekly teacher‟s guide activities. 4. Author‟s Chair of Grade the Story!: Have the students volunteer to share what they wrote for oral practice. You can also encourage discussion by asking them to elaborate on their answers and how it relates to them.

Friday: 1. Review the Skills for the Week: This section is already outlined for each week. You can teach these skills according to the weekly teacher‟s guide activities. 2. Read an Additional Story: Usually there are additional stories in the Phonics Library set that comes with the Houghton Mifflin curriculum. You may also choose to pick a quality story which highlights the theme or story words that you have talked about. The additional reading needs to be a different book/story from the read aloud and selected story of the week. This will help students to see how the

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words they learned can be used in different stories. In addition, you can have the students pantomime the words they know as you are reading the story aloud. 3. Vocabulary Bingo: You can go online to the Santa Maria Bonita school website for reading. Click on the English Language Learner section, then on HM story vocabulary. On the new page, scroll down until you see First Grade and select the story you want. The stories are listed in order of their theme and week. After you find your story, a grid will pop up with all of the words that were in the story. You can take some out or move them around to create your own bingo cards for each student.

Page 10: Developing the Vocabulary of English Language … · Developing the Vocabulary of English Language Learners in the

Weekly ELD Lesson Plan adopted from 1st Grade Houghton Mifflin Curriculum (35 minutes)

Theme__1___ Week___1____ Name: Armstrong

Phonemic Awareness: Blending short a words (cat, sat, rat)

High Frequency Words: go, on, the

Comprehension Skills & Strategies: Predict and Infer, Sequence of Events

Vocabulary: Sam, cat, sat, girl, cow, dog, goat

Writing/ Grammar: Capital and Lowercase letters, consonants m, s, c, t

Levels: ___Beginning ___Early Intermediate ___Intermediate ___Early Advanced ___Advanced

List Date Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Houghton Mifflin

Story Lesson Theme Read Aloud Picture Walk Read Story Aloud Connect story to Theme -----------------------

Activities KWL chart Listen to story on CD Add to KWL chart

The Cat Sat p. 16

Time: 15 min

Theme Packet Introduce new words: Vocabulary Visuals Compare/Contrast Words Grade the Story! Vocabulary Bingo

Picture File

Time: 10 min.


------------------- Review consonants Blending short a words Capitalization: Review consonants

m,s,c,t with m, s, c, t Beginning of the sentence and short a words

Time: 10 min. Proper Nouns (I, names)

Oral Practice Bring in realia objects Partner Match Activity Pantomime vocabulary Author’s chair of Read The Mat p. 30

10 min. Share background words in story Grade the Story!


Time: ___________

Page 11: Developing the Vocabulary of English Language … · Developing the Vocabulary of English Language Learners in the

Weekly ELD Lesson Plan adopted from 1st Grade Houghton Mifflin Curriculum (35 minutes)

Theme__1___ Week___2____ Name: Armstrong

Phonemic Awareness: Blending short a words (can, pan, tan) and Rhyming Words

High Frequency Words: and, here, we, jump, not, too

Comprehension Skills & Strategies: Compare and Contrast (story characters), Summarize

Vocabulary: Nan, Fan, jump, fat, tap, pat, draw, read, write

Writing/ Grammar: Consonants n, f, p and Beginning Sentences with Capital Letters

Levels: ___Beginning ___Early Intermediate ___Intermediate ___Early Advanced ___Advanced

List Date Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Houghton Mifflin

Story Lesson Theme Read Aloud Picture Walk Read Story Aloud Connect story to Theme -----------------------

Activities KWL chart Listen to story on CD Add to KWL chart

Nan and Fran p.50

Time: 15 min.

Theme Packet Introduce new words: Vocabulary Visuals Compare/Contrast Words Grade the Story! Vocabulary Bingo

Picture File

Time: 10 min.


----------------------------- Review consonants: Blending short a words Capitalizing the first Review consonants

n, f, p with n, f, p letter in the first word and short a words

in a sentence

Time: 10 min.

Oral Practice Bring in realia objects Partner Match Activity Pantomime vocabulary Author’s chair of Read We Can! p.69

10 min. Share background words in story Grade the Story!


Time: ___________

Page 12: Developing the Vocabulary of English Language … · Developing the Vocabulary of English Language Learners in the

Weekly ELD Lesson Plan adopted from 1st Grade Houghton Mifflin Curriculum (35 minutes)

Theme__1___ Week___3____ Name: Armstrong

Phonemic Awareness: Blending short i words (vc, cvc patterns)

High Frequency Words: a, have, find, to, who, one

Comprehension Skills & Strategies: Cause and Effect and Evaluate

Vocabulary: bat, big, man, tag, fig, fit

Writing/ Grammar: Consonants b, r, h, g and short i words, punctuation (., ?, !)

Levels: ___Beginning ___Early Intermediate ___Intermediate ___Early Advanced ___Advanced

List Date Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Houghton Mifflin

Story Lesson Theme Read Aloud Picture Walk Read Story Aloud Connect story to Theme -----------------------

Activities KWL chart Listen to story on CD Add to KWL chart

The Big Hit p.88

Time: 15 min.

Theme Packet Introduce new words: Vocabulary Visuals Compare/Contrast Words Grade the Story! Vocabulary Bingo

Picture File

Time: 10 min.

Skills ----------------------------- Review consonants: Blend short i words with Forms of Punctuation Review consonants

b, r, g, h b, r, g, h (. , ?, !) and short i words

Time: 10 min.

Oral Practice Bring in realia objects Partner Match Activity Pantomime vocabulary Author’s chair of Read Big Pig p.109

10 min. Share background words in story Grade the Story!


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Theme 1: All Together Now

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KWL Chart: All Together Now

What do I Know?

What do I want to know?

What I have learned!

Page 15: Developing the Vocabulary of English Language … · Developing the Vocabulary of English Language Learners in the

1st grade – Theme 1 – All together Now

The Cat Sat

Vocabulary Visuals









Page 16: Developing the Vocabulary of English Language … · Developing the Vocabulary of English Language Learners in the

Compare and Contrast Words Use the words in the word box to show how the words

are the same and different. Draw a picture for each.

____________ is like _______________

Draw a picture:

________ is different than ___________

Draw a picture:

cat girl

Page 17: Developing the Vocabulary of English Language … · Developing the Vocabulary of English Language Learners in the

Grading the Story!

Use the vocabulary words in the word box to

help give the author a grade on the story of:

The Cat Sat

This was a (good or bad) story






girl cat

Page 18: Developing the Vocabulary of English Language … · Developing the Vocabulary of English Language Learners in the

1st grade – Theme 1 – All together Now

Nan and Fan

Vocabulary Visuals










Page 19: Developing the Vocabulary of English Language … · Developing the Vocabulary of English Language Learners in the

Compare and Contrast Words Use the words in the word box to show how the words

are the same and different. Draw a picture for each.

____________ is like _______________

Draw a picture:

________ is different than ___________

Draw a picture:

tap pat

Page 20: Developing the Vocabulary of English Language … · Developing the Vocabulary of English Language Learners in the

Grading the Story!

Use the vocabulary words in the word box to

help give the author a grade on the story of:

Nan and Fran

This was a (good or bad) story






tap pat

Page 21: Developing the Vocabulary of English Language … · Developing the Vocabulary of English Language Learners in the

1st grade - Theme 1- All Together Now

The Big Hit

Vocabulary Visuals










Page 22: Developing the Vocabulary of English Language … · Developing the Vocabulary of English Language Learners in the

Compare and Contrast Words Use the words in the word box to show how the words

are the same and different. Draw a picture for each.

____________ is like _______________

Draw a picture:

________ is different than ___________

Draw a picture:

bat tag

Page 23: Developing the Vocabulary of English Language … · Developing the Vocabulary of English Language Learners in the

Grading the Story!

Use the vocabulary words in the word box to

help give the author a grade on the story of:

The Big Hit

This was a (good or bad) story






tag bat

Page 24: Developing the Vocabulary of English Language … · Developing the Vocabulary of English Language Learners in the

1st grade - Theme 1 – All Together Now

The Cat Sat, Nan and Fran, The Big Hit


Page 25: Developing the Vocabulary of English Language … · Developing the Vocabulary of English Language Learners in the

Weekly ELD Lesson Plan adopted from 1st Grade Houghton Mifflin Curriculum (35 minutes)

Theme__8___ Week____1___ Name: Armstrong

Phonemic Awareness: words with endings (-s, -ed): added, tells, loves, planted

High Frequency Words: about, teacher, draw, happy, because, part, tiny

Comprehension Skills & Strategies: Categorize and Classify: animals and plants

Vocabulary: acorns, beautiful, careful, different, interesting, poisonous, types, bark, habitat, trunk, branches

Writing/ Grammar: action words (runs, sleeps, sings, planted), compound words (pinecones, homework), adding –s to naming words

Levels: ___Beginning ___Early Intermediate ___Intermediate ___Early Advanced ___Advanced

List Date Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Houghton Mifflin

Story Lesson Theme Read Aloud Picture Walk Read Story Aloud Connect story to Theme -----------------------

Activities KWL chart Listen to story on CD The Forest pg. 132-149 Add to KWL chart

The Forest pg. 132-149

Time: 15 min.

Theme Packet Introduce new words: Vocabulary Visuals Compare/Contrast Words Grade the Story! Vocabulary Bingo

Picture File

Time: 10 min.


------------------------------ ------------------------ Adding –s, -ed, -ing to Review word endings -----------------------

Time: 10 min action words -s, -ed, -ing

Oral Practice Bring in realia objects Partner Match Activity Pantomime vocabulary Author’s chair of Read The Garden

Time: 10 min Share background (Picture file words words in story Grade the Story! Book

knowledge and pictures)


Page 26: Developing the Vocabulary of English Language … · Developing the Vocabulary of English Language Learners in the

Weekly ELD Lesson Plan adopted from 1st Grade Houghton Mifflin Curriculum (35 minutes)

Theme__8___ Week___2____ Name: Armstrong

Phonemic Awareness: words with vowel pairs ou, ow (/ou/) sound (about, flowers, out, pouch, now)

High Frequency Words: always, arms, ready, warm, body, seven, eight

Comprehension Skills & Strategies: Evaluating Non-Fiction, Topic, Main Idea, Details, Summarizing

Vocabulary: caterpillar, orange, suit, danger, enemies, butterfly, changing, chrysalis, plump, fully-grown, nectar

Writing/ Grammar: present tense (swims, swim), syllabication (today, hungry, morning), adverbs (butterfly floating gracefully)

Levels: ___Beginning ___Early Intermediate ___Intermediate ___Early Advanced ___Advanced

List Date Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Houghton Mifflin

Story Lesson Theme Read Aloud Picture Walk Read Story Aloud Connect story to Theme -----------------------

Activities KWL chart Listen to story on CD Butterfly p.161-170 Add to KWL chart

Butterfly p.161-170

Time: 15 min

Theme Packet Introduce new words: Vocabulary Visuals Compare/Contrast Words Grade the Story! Vocabulary Bingo

Picture File

Time: 10 min

Skills ------------------------------- Vowel Pair words in text Syllabication with Present Tense Adverbs

(ou, ow) /ou/ sound (ou, ow) /ou/ sound in text Simon Says Activity Describe how

insects move

Time: 10 min

Oral Practice Bring in realia objects Partner Match Activity Pantomime vocabulary Author’s chair of Read All About

Share background words in story Grade the Story! Butterflies

Time: 10 min knowledge

for multiple


Page 27: Developing the Vocabulary of English Language … · Developing the Vocabulary of English Language Learners in the

Weekly ELD Lesson Plan adopted from 1st Grade Houghton Mifflin Curriculum (35 minutes)

Theme__8___ Week___3____ Name: Armstrong

Phonemic Awareness: action words that have –ed, -ing endings (separate sounds; substitute ending sounds: plans, planned)

High Frequency Words: put, butter, kind, person, carry, saw, were, work

Comprehension Skills & Strategies: Predict and Infer

Vocabulary: apple, bread, cider, clothes, river, stories, years, young, pioneers, lumberjacks, ox, bloomed

Writing/ Grammar: Base words and endings (-ed, -ing), Homophones (for, four, here, hear)

Levels: ___Beginning ___Early Intermediate ___Intermediate ___Early Advanced ___Advanced

List Date Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Houghton Mifflin

Story Lesson Theme Read Aloud Picture Walk Read Story Aloud Connect story to Theme -----------------------

Activities KWL chart Listen to story on CD Johnny Appleseed Add to KWL chart

Johnny Appleseed p.184

Time: 15 min

Theme Packet Introduce new words: Vocabulary Visuals Compare/Contrast Words Grade the Story! Vocabulary Bingo

Picture File

Time: 10 min

Skills ------------------- ----------------------- Base words and –ed, -ing Homophones Review action words

Endings (hear, here, eight, ate) with –ed endings

Time: 10 min

Oral Practice Bring in realia objects Partner Match Activity Pantomime vocabulary Author’s chair of Read Paul Bunyan

Share background words in story Grade the Story!

Time: 10 min knowledge

Time: ___________

Page 28: Developing the Vocabulary of English Language … · Developing the Vocabulary of English Language Learners in the


Theme 8: Our Earth

Page 29: Developing the Vocabulary of English Language … · Developing the Vocabulary of English Language Learners in the

KWL Chart: Our Earth

What do I Know?

What do I want to know?

What I have learned!

Page 30: Developing the Vocabulary of English Language … · Developing the Vocabulary of English Language Learners in the

1st grade - Theme 8 – Our Earth

The Forest

Vocabulary Visuals










Page 31: Developing the Vocabulary of English Language … · Developing the Vocabulary of English Language Learners in the

Compare and Contrast Words

Use the words in the word box to show how the words

are the same and different. Draw a picture for each.

____________ is like a _______________







________ is different than a ___________








bark trunk

Page 32: Developing the Vocabulary of English Language … · Developing the Vocabulary of English Language Learners in the

Grading the Story!

Use the vocabulary words in the word box to

help give the author a grade on the story of:

The Forest

I would give this story a(n):











habitat branches trunk bark

Page 33: Developing the Vocabulary of English Language … · Developing the Vocabulary of English Language Learners in the

1st grade - Theme 8 – Our Earth

The Forest: Bingo Card

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1st grade - Theme 8 – Our Earth


Vocabulary Visuals










Page 35: Developing the Vocabulary of English Language … · Developing the Vocabulary of English Language Learners in the

Compare and Contrast Words

Use the words in the word box to show how the words

are the same and different. Draw a picture for each.

____________ is like a _______________







________ is different than a ___________








fully-grown chrysalis

Page 36: Developing the Vocabulary of English Language … · Developing the Vocabulary of English Language Learners in the

Grading the Story!

Use the vocabulary words in the word box to

help give the author a grade on the story of:


I would give this story a(n):










fully-grown plump chrysalis nectar

Page 37: Developing the Vocabulary of English Language … · Developing the Vocabulary of English Language Learners in the

1st grade - Theme 8 – Our Earth

Butterfly: Bingo Card




Page 38: Developing the Vocabulary of English Language … · Developing the Vocabulary of English Language Learners in the

1st grade - Theme 8 – Our Earth

Johnny Appleseed

Vocabulary Visuals











Page 39: Developing the Vocabulary of English Language … · Developing the Vocabulary of English Language Learners in the

Compare and Contrast Words

Use the words in the word box to show how the words

are the same and different. Draw a picture for each.

____________ is like a _______________







________ is different than a ___________








lumber jacks pioneers

Page 40: Developing the Vocabulary of English Language … · Developing the Vocabulary of English Language Learners in the

Grading the Story!

Use the vocabulary words in the word box to

help give the author a grade on the story of:

Johnny Appleseed

I would give this story a(n):











pioneer ox bloomed lumber jacks

Page 41: Developing the Vocabulary of English Language … · Developing the Vocabulary of English Language Learners in the

1st grade - Theme 8 – Our Earth

Johnny Appleseed: Bingo Card