Developing Dashboards

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  • 8/6/2019 Developing Dashboards


    Developing Reports and Dashboards with SharePoint 2010 PerformancePoint SeObjectivesAftercom pletingthislab,youw illbebetterableto:

    z Createand configureReports

    z CreateandconfigureFilters

    z Createand configureaD ashboard

    z ExplorethedeployedDashboardandinteractivityfeatures

    ScenarioThelabscenariocentersaroundthesalesactivitesoftheAdven tureW orkscom pany.Thiscom panym anufacturesandsellsbicyclesandrelatedproductstovariousglobalm arketsviaresellerandinternetchannels.

    Estimated time to complete: 60m in

    Computers used in this Lab:VEGASThepassw ordfortheAdm inistratoraccountonallcom putersinthislabis:Password;1

    Exercise 1 - Developing PerformancePoint Reports and Dashboards

    ScenarioInthisexercise,you w illcontinuetodeveloptheworkspacecreatedinExercise1bycreatingreports,filtersandadashboard.

    Task 1: Opening the Reseller Sales Workspace

    Com pletethisTaskon:


    a.LaunchtheConfiguration WizardforthisLabbyrunningtheSetup.cmdscriptlocatedund ertheC:\ LabFiles\ Labs\ SQL10R2UPD03-HOL-02\Source\ Setupfolderofthislab .Installanypre-requisitesthatareIf your setup fails, please restart the VEGASVirtual Machine by hitting S t a r t | R est a r t , give it a few minutes to restart on the backend then connect to the lab again, then repeat the step above.

    b.W henprom ptedbythecom m andprom pt,enter1for1 - DefaultandpressEnter.

    c.W henprom ptedbythecom m and prom ptasecondtim e,enter1 forhttp:// vegasandpressEnter.

    d.StartInternetExplorerfrom Start| AllProgram s | InternetExplorer.

    e.NavigatetotheSharePoint2010InsightsLabsitethatwascreatedduringthesetupoperationsofthislabusingtheBusinessIntelligenceCentersitetem plate.

    Note: The URL for the S har eP o i n t 2010 I ns i gh t s Lab site will depend on the SharePoint site collection you choose during the setup operations of this lab. For example, if you used h t t p :/ / v e ga s as the site collection, th t t p : / / v e g as / S h a r e Po i n t 2 0 1 0 I n si g h t s La b .

    f.O nthehom epage,hoverovertheCreateD ashboardslabel(locatedinthebottom right).

    g.Intheleftpane,clicktheStartUsingPerform ancePointServiceslink.


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    h.W henthePerform ancePointServicepageloads,clickRu nDash boardD esigner.

    i.W henprom pted,clickRun.

    Note: Dashboard Designer is now available from All Programs | SharePoint | PerformancePoint Dashboard Designer.

    j.W henDashboardDesigneropens,ontheHom eribbontab,insidetheIm portgroup,clickIm portItem s.

    k.IntheIm portItem swindow ,navigatetoEx2-DevelopingPpsReportsAndDashboards\BeginintheSourcefolderofthislab,selecttheResellerSales.ddw xw orkspacefile,and thenclickO pen.

    l.IntheIm portItem stoSharePointw indow ,fortheDataConnectionslibrary,intheCopyTocolum n,click(notselected).

    m .IntheAddListsw indow ,selecttheDataConnectionslibrary,andthenclickOK.

    n.RepeatthelasttwostepstoassociatethePerform ancePointContentlistalso.

    o.IntheIm portItem stoSharePointw indow ,clickNext.


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    p.W hentheim portprocesshascom pleted,clickFinish.



    Task 2: Creating the Sales and P rofit Report

    Com pletethisTaskon:


    Note: In this task, you will design a pie chart to report sales and profit measures. The background of the chart will be configured to accept filter values when the chart is embedded into a dashboard.

    a.Toaddareporttotheworkspace,intheW orkspaceBrow ser,ensurethePerform ancePointContentlistisselected,thenontheCreateribbontab,insidetheReportsgroup,clickAnalyticChart.

    b.IntheCreateanAnalyticChartReportw indow ,selecttheAdventureW orksdatasource,andthenclickFinish.


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    c.Torenam ethereport,intheW orkspaceBrow ser,m odifythereportnam etoSalesandProfit,andthenpressEnter.

    d.Toassign thereporttoafolder,intheDesignpane,clickthePropertiestab,an dthen intheDisplayFolderbox,enterReports.

    e.Inthedesignpane,clicktheDesign tab.

    f.Tosetthereporttype,ontheEditribbontab,insidetheView group,clickReportType,andthenselectPieChart.

    g.Toconfigurethereportdesign,intheDetailspane,expandtheMeasurescategory,andthendragtheResellerSalesAm ountm easureintotheBottom Axisdropone.

    h.RepeatthelaststeptoaddtheResellerGrossProfitm easureben eaththeResellerSalesAm ountm easureintheBottom Axisdropone.

    i.IntheDetailspane,exp andtheDim ensionscategory,expandtheResellerdim ension,andthendragtheBusinessTypehierarchyintotheSeriesdropone.

    j.Toconfigurefilterendpoints,from theDetailspane,dragthefollow inghierarchiesintotheBackgrounddropone:


    Note: The Background drop zone is used to slice the query result - like a hidden axis. In t his design, no members on the hierarchies have been selected to filter the query result. When you configure the dashboard laterto which filter values will be passed.

    k.Yourreportdesignshouldresem blethefollow ing:



    l.Toshow thechartinform ationbar,ontheEditribbon tab,insidetheView group,clickSettings.

    m .IntheViewSettingswindow ,checkShow Inform ationBarandthenclickOK .



    Note: The Information Bar appears across the top of the chart area and displays filter context. Presently, it confirms our understanding that no background selections exist.

    n.Right-clickanyblankareasurroundingthepiecharts.Review theoptions,butdonotselectany.

    Note: In PerformancePoint Services 2010, the designer supports the same interactive experience that the end user will have i n the published dashboard. Also, new in this release is the ability for the user to interact wit

    You will explore the interactivity features in the published dashboard as part of the last task in this exercise.

    Di me ns io n Hi er ar ch y

    Date Fiscal(locatedintheFiscalfolder)

    Product Categories

    SalesTerritory SalesTerritory

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    o.Right-clicktheResellerSalesAm ountchartlabel.Review theavailableoptions,butdonotselectany.

    p.IntheW orkspaceBrow ser,right-clicktheSalesandProfitreport,andthenclickSave.

    Note: While pie charts may look interesting, be aware that they are usually not an effective data visualization. Readers of pie charts have difficulty determining the relative size of the pie slices. Furthermore, as the pie sunderstanding the data. To compensate for these short falls, readers can hover over the pie slices and a tooltip will provide contextual information.

    Task 3: Creating the Salesperson Summ ary Report

    Com pletethisTaskon:


    Note: In this task, you will design an Analytic Grid report to detail individual employee sales contributions. The background of the grid will be configured to accept filter values when the report is embedded into a dashbo

    a.Toaddareporttotheworkspace,intheW orkspaceBrow ser,right-clicktheReportsfolder,pointtoNew ,andthenclickReport.

    b.IntheSelectaReportTem platew indow ,selecttheAnalyticGridtem plate,andthenclickOK.



    c.IntheCreateanAn alyticGridReportwindow ,selecttheAdventureW orksdatasource,andthenclickFinish.

    d.Torenam ethereport,intheW orkspaceBrow ser,m odifythereportnam etoSalespersonSum m ary,and thenpressEnter.

    e.Toconfigurethereportdesign,intheDetailspane,dragthefollow inghierarchiesandm easurestotherespectivedropones:


    f.Yourreportdesignshouldresem blethefollow ing:



    g.Toselecttheem ployeem em bers,intheRow sdropone,clickthedow narrow ( )nexttotheEm ployeeEm ployeeshierarchy.

    h.IntheSelectMem bersw indow ,right-clicktheAllEm ployeesm em ber,pointtoAutoselectM em bers,clickSelectAllDescendants,andthenclickOK.


    Type Dimension Measure / Hierarchy Drop Zone

    Dim ension Em ployee Em ployees Row s

    M easures N/A ResellerSalesAm ount Colum ns

    Dim ension Date Fiscal(locatedintheFiscalfolder) Background

    D im e nsion S alesTerritory S alesTerritory B ackgroun d

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    i.Torem oveem ptygridrow s,ontheEditribbontab,insidetheQuerygroup ,clickFilter,andthenclickFilterEm ptyRow s.

    j.Toshow theinform ationbar,ontheEditribbon tab,insidetheView group,clickSettings.

    k.IntheView Settingswindow ,checkShow Inform ationBar,andthenclickOK.


    Figure10 .

    l.Toform atthegridbackg roundcolor,ontheEditribbon tab,insidetheFontgroup,clicktheFillColorbutton ,andthenselectalightcolor.


    Figure11 .

    m .Tom odifythenum berform at,selectanycellw ithintheResellerSalesAm oun tcolum n,and then ontheEditribbontab,insidetheNu m bergroup,clickthecom m abutton( ).

    Note: In PerformancePoint Services 2010, the designer can now format grid colors and number formats. Note that if the measures are sourced from Analysis Services cubes the measures are likely already formatted.

    n.IntheW orkspaceBrow ser,right-clicktheSalesperson Sum m aryreportandthenclickSave.


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    Figure12 .

    Task 4: Creating the KPI Details Report

    Com pletethisTaskon:


    Note: In this task, you will create a KPI Details report.

    a.Toaddareporttotheworkspace,intheW orkspaceBrow ser,right-clicktheReportsfolder,pointtoNew ,andthenclickReport.

    b.IntheSelectaReportTem platew indow ,selecttheKPIDetailstem plate,andthenclickOK.


    Figure13 .

    c.Tonam ethereport,intheW orkspaceBrow ser,m odifythenam etoKPID etails,andthenpressEnter.

    d.Review theavailableproperties,butdonotchangeany.


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    Figure14 .

    Note: In PerformancePoint Services 2010, this new report type is used to present details of the selected KPI metric.

    e.IntheW orkspaceBrow ser,right-clicktheKPIDetailsreport,andthenclickSave.

    Task 5: Creating the Time Filter

    Com pletethisTaskon:


    Note: In this task, you will define a Time Intelligence filter that will allow users to filter the dashboard by different time periods. In PerformancePoint Services 2010, filters are now a first class element that can be reuse

    a.Toaddafiltertothew orkspace,intheW orkspaceBrow ser,righ t-clickthePerform ancePointContentlist,pointtoNew ,andthenclickFilter.

    b.IntheSelectaFilterTem platew indow ,selecttheTim eIntelligencetem plate(becarefulnottoselectthelasttem platew hichistheTim eIntelligenceConnectionForm ula),andthenclickOK.


    Figure15 .

    c.IntheCreateaFilterw indow ,clickAddDataSou rce.

    d.IntheSelectaDataSourcew indow ,selecttheAdven tureW orksdatasource,andthenclickOK.

    e.IntheCreateaFilterwindow ,clickNext.


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    Figure16 .

    f.Toaddatim eform ula,intheForm ulabox,enterM onth,andthenintheDisplayNam ebox,replacethevaluew ithThisM onth.

    Note: The Time Intelligence (TI) filter allows designers to enter one or more TI formula expressions. Each formula expression becomes a filter item. Because you configured the Time properties for the Adventure Worksthe TI formula to the equivalent Fiscal hierarchy member(s) based on the current date.

    g.Configurethefollow ingadditionaltim eform ulas:



    Figure17 .

    Note: The Adventure Works sample data ranges from 2005 to 2008. In order to see data in the dashboard you may need to use the latter formulas to navigate from your current date.

    h.Topreview theform ulas,clickthePreview button.


    Formula Display Name

    Year.FirstM onth:M onth YTD M onth

    Q uarter ThisQ uarter

    Sem ester ThisSem ester

    Year ThisYear

    Year-1 LastYear

    Year-2 Tw oYearsAgo

    Year-3 ThreeYearsAgo

    Year-4 FourYearsAgo

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    Figure18 .

    i.Review theform ulaandm em bersets,andthenclickClose.

    j.IntheCreateaFilterwind ow ,clickN ext.



    Figure19 .

    l.Tonam ethefilterandassign ittoafolder,inthedesign pane,clickthePropertiestab.

    m .IntheNam ebox,replacethetextwithTim e.

    n.IntheDisplayFolderbox,enterFilters,an dthenclicktheEditortab.

    o.IntheW orkspaceBrow ser,righ t-clicktheTim efilter,andthenclickSave.

    Task 6: Creating the Category Filter

    Com pletethisTaskon:


    Note: In this task, you will define a Member Selection filter that will allow users to filter the dashboard by the product categories.

    a.Toaddafiltertothew orkspace,intheW orkspaceBrow ser,righ t-clicktheFiltersfolder,pointtoNew ,andthenclickFilter.

    b.IntheSelectaFilterTem platew indow ,selecttheMem berSelectiontem plate,andthenclickOK.


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    Figure20 .

    c.IntheCreateaFilterw indow ,selecttheAdventureW orksdatasource,andthenclickNext.

    d.Toselectthem em bers,intheSelectMem berspage,clickSelectD im ension.

    e.IntheSelectDim ensionwindow ,selecttheProduct.ProductCategorieshierarchy,andthenclickOK.

    f.ClickSelectM em bers.

    g.IntheSelectM em bersw indow ,exp andtheAllProductsm em ber,andthencheckeachofthefourproductcategories:

    h.Right-clicktheBikesm em berandthenselectSetasDefaultSelection.

    i.Yourselectionshouldresem blethefollow ing:


    Figure21 .

    j.ClickO K.

    Note: Creating filters based on selected members is not recommended when the membership of the hierarchy may change. Note that if additional product categories were added to the dimension, they would not appear

    Query filter. You will create an MDX Query filter in the next task.

    k.IntheCreateaFilterwindow ,clickNext.


    Figure22 .

    l.IntheSelectDisplayM ethod,clickFinish.

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    m .IntheW orkspaceBrow ser,m odifythenam eofthefiltertoCategory,andthenpressEnter.

    n.IntheW orkspaceBrow ser,right-clicktheCategoryfilter,andthenclickSave.

    Task 7: Creating the Sales Territory Filter

    Com pletethisTaskon:


    Note: In this task, you will define an MDX Query filter that will allow users to filter the dashboard by members of the different levels of the Sales Territory hierarchy (groups, countries or regions).

    a.Toaddafiltertothew orkspace,intheW orkspaceBrow ser,righ t-clicktheFiltersfolder,pointtoNew ,andthenclickFilter.

    b.IntheSelectaFilterTem platew indow ,selecttheMDXQ uerytem plate,andthenclickOK.


    Figure23 .

    c.IntheCreateaFilterw indow ,selecttheAdventureW orksdatasourceandthenclickNext.

    d.Toretrieveallleafm em bersfrom theSalesTerritoryhierarchy,intheEnterM D XForm ulapage,typethefollow ingMDXcode:




    g.IntheW orkspaceBrow ser,m odifythenam eofthefiltertoSalesTerritory,andthenpressEnter.

    h.IntheW orkspaceBrow ser,righ t-clicktheSalesTerritoryfilter,andthenclickSave.

    Task 8: Creating the Reseller Sales Dashb oard

    Com pletethisTaskon:


    Note: In this task, you will create a dashboard that consists of two pages: Sales Per formanceand P r oduc t P r o f i t by M on t h .

    The first dashboard page, named Sales Performance, will present a Time filter that can be used to filter the Sales Performance Scorecard scorecard and Salesperson Summary report. Additionally, a connection will be descorecard Sales Territory member is selected. Finally, a connection will be defined to pass the selected cell context of the scorecard into the KPI Details report.

    The second dashboard page, named Product Profit by Month, will present the Time, Category and Sales Territory filters. A Time filter selection will result in a set of related months appearing on the columns axis of the SProfit report. The Category filter selection will result in the set of related subcategories appearing on the rows of the scorecard. The Sales Territory filter will filter both the scorecard and the report.

    a.Toaddadashboardtothew orkspace,intheW orkspaceBrow ser,right-clickthePerform ancePointContentlist,pointtoNew ,andthenclickDashboard.

    b.IntheSelectaDashboardPageTem platew indow ,notethedefaultselection,andthenclickOK.


    MDX[Sales Territory].[Sales Territory].Members

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    Figure24 .

    c.IntheW orkspaceBrow ser,m odifythenam eofthedashboardtoResellerSales,andthenpressEnter.

    d.IntheDesignpan e,clickthePropertiestab.

    e.IntheD isplayFolderbox,enterD ashboards,andthenclicktheEditortab.

    f.Tonam ethepage,inthePagessection,replacethetextw ithSalesPerform anceintheNam ebox.

    g.ToaddafiltertotheHead erone,intheD etailspane,expandtheFilterscategory,exp andthePerform ancePointContentlist,expandtheFiltersfolder,andthendragtheTim efilterintotheHeaderone.

    h.RepeatthelaststeptoaddtheSalesPerform anceScorecardscorecardtotheLeftColum none,andtheKPIDetailsreporttotheRightColum none.

    i.Toaddanew one,right-clicktheborderoftheRightColum none,andthenclickAddBelow .

    j.Scrolltothebottom oftheD ashboardContentpanetolocatethenew one,right-clicktheborderofthenew one,andthenclickZoneSettings.

    k.IntheZoneSettingswindow ,intheNam ebox,replacethetextwithFooter,andthenclickOK.

    l.AddtheSalespersonSum m aryreporttotheFooterone.

    m .Toconfiguretheconn ectionsfrom theTim efilter,selecttheTim efilterintheH ead eroneandthenclickCreateConnectionontheEditribbontab.

    n.IntheConnectionwindow ,intheSendValuesTodropdow nlist,selectLeftColum n-(1)SalesPerform anceScorecard.

    Note: The notation used to uniquely identify dashboard items is: [Zone Name] - ([Display Position Within Zone]) [Item Name].


    Figure25 .

    o.ClicktheValuestab,selectPageintheConnecttodropdow nlistandthenselectM em berUniqueNam eintheSou rceValuedropdow nlist.


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    Figure26 .

    Note: This connection will pass Time filter's member unique value(s) to filter the scorecard.

    p.IntheConnectionw indow ,clickOK

    q.SelecttheTim efilteragain,andconfigureaconn ectiontotheFooter-(1)SalespersonSum m ary,passingMem berUniqueNam etotheDateFiscalhierarchy.


    Figure27 .

    Note: Recall that Date Fiscal was introduced into the background of the Salesperson Summary report to receive filter values.

    r.Toconfiguretheconn ectiontotheKPIDetailsreport,intheRightColum none,selecttheKPIDetailsreport,andconfigureaconn ectionfrom LeftColum n-(1)SalesPerform anceScorecard,passingthescorecardCe


    Figure28 .

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    Note: This connection will pass the selected scorecard cell context to the report. Only the cell context can be passed into a KPI Report, and is sufficient for the report to display contextual information about the selected

    s.Toconfiguretheconn ectiontotheSalesperson Summaryreport,selecttheSalesperson SummaryintheFooterone,andconfigureaconnectionfrom Left Column - (1) Sales Performance Scorecard,passiSales Territory.


    Figure29 .

    Note: Recall that the Sales Performance Scorecard scorecard was configured to include the Sales Territory hierarchy on the rows. The connection created in the previous step will pass the member unique name of the se

    t.Toaddasecondpagetothedashboard,inthePagessection,clicktheNew Pagebutton.

    u.IntheSelectaD ashboardPageTem platew indow ,notethedefaultselection,andthenclickOK.

    v.Tonam ethenew page,inthePagessection,intheNam ebox,replacethetextPage1w ithProductProfitbyMonth.

    w .Toaddfilterstothepage,inthePagessection ,righ t-clicktheborderoftheHeaderone,andthenselectZoneSetting s.

    x.Topresen tthefiltersvertically,intheZoneSetting swind ow ,clicktheOrientationtab,selectVertical,andthenclickO K.


    Figure30 .

    y.From theDetailspane,addthefollow ing threefilters,positionedinthisorder,totheHeaderone:Tim e,CategoryandSalesTerritory.

    .AddtheSalesProfitScorecardscorecardtotheLeftColum none.

    aa.AddtheSalesandProfitreporttotheRightColum none.

    Note: The formulas required in the following step may be copied from the Assets\Snippets.txt f i l e i n t he Source f o l de r o f t h i s l ab .

    bb.Usethefollow ingtabletocom pletetherequiredconnections.Eachrow inthetablerepresentsanew connection.Selecttheitem intheGetValuesFrom colum n,andthenontheribbon,clickCreateConnection.Contable.IftheConnectionForm ulacolum ncontainsaform ula,clicktheConnectionForm ulabutton,andthenentertheform ula.


    Get Values From Send Values To Connect To Source Value Connection Formula

    Header-(1)Tim e LeftColum n-(1)SalesProfitScorecard Colum n Mem berUniqueNam e DESCENDANTS(>,[Date].[Fiscal].[Month])

    Header-(1)Tim e RightColumn-(1)SalesandProfit DateFiscal Mem berUniqueName

    Header-(2)Category LeftColum n-(1)SalesProfitScorecard Row M em berUniqueNam e DESCEN DAN TS(> ,[Product].[ProductCategories].[Subcategory],SELF_A

    Header-(2)Category RightColum n-(1)SalesandProfit ProductCategories M em berUniqueNam e

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    Note: The connection formulas allow the passed value to be intercepted and transformed. The token represents the member(s) being passed.

    The first formula transforms the member(s) passed in from the Time filter (which is based on the Adventure Works data source which was configure to use the Date.Fiscal hierarchy) to pass on the Month members thatcolumns of the scorecard.

    The second formula transforms the member passed from the Category filter to produce a set of members that represent the selected category and the related subcategories. This set will be passed to the rows of the sc

    cc.Tosavethedashboardandworkspace,clicktheO fficebutton,andthenclickSaveAll.


    Figure31 .

    Task 9: Deploying and Exploring the Reseller Sales Dashb oard

    Com pletethisTaskon:


    Note: In this task, you deploy the dashboard to SharePoint and explore the interactivity features available in the dashboard.

    a.Todeploythedashb oardtoSharePoint,intheW orkspaceBrow ser,right-clicktheResellerSalesdashboard,andthenclickDeploytoSharePoint.

    b.IntheD eployTowindow ,selecttheDashboardslibrary,selectv4intheMasterPagedropdow nlist,ensurethattheIncludePageListForNavigationcheckboxischecked,andthenclickOK


    Figure32 .

    Note: The dashboard is deployed to the selected library using the selected master page. Each dashboard is published as a folder that consists of a web page for each page within the dashboard.

    Header-(3)SalesTerritory LeftColum n-(1)SalesProfitScorecard Page M em berUniqueNam e

    Header-(3)SalesTerritory RightColum n-(1)SalesandProfit SalesTerritory M em berUn iqueNam e

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    c.W henthedashboardpag erendersinInternetExplorer,noticethatthetw odash boardpag esappearaslinksabovetheTim efilter.


    Figure33 .

    d.NoticetheavailableTim efilteroptions.SelectThreeYearsAg o,andnoticetheupdatedscorecardandreport(locatedbeneaththescorecard).



    Figure34 .

    f.ExpandtheAllSalesTerritoriesm em ber,andtheclicktheSalesTargetcellforUnitedKingdom .

    g.Review theKPID etailsreport(locatedontheright).Review alsothattheSalespersonSum m aryreport(locatedbelow thescorecard)hasbeenfilteredbyUn itedKingdom torevealthesalespeople'salescontribution


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    Figure35 .

    h.Toexploreandan alyethesalesforJosEdvaldo.Saraiva,scrolltothebottom ofthereport(thescrollbarislocatedonthefarrigh t),right-clickthevalueintheResellerSalesAm ountcellforthatsalesperson,and

    i.Inthenew InternetExplorerw indow ,clickthebluebar,andtheninthefloatingpane,clicktheShow Propertiestab.Noticethepropertiesassociatedwiththeem ployeem em ber.


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    Figure36 .

    j.IntheExpandTotab,clicktheDatedim ension,andthenclicktheFiscalQuarterlevel.


    Figure37 .

    Note: The decomposition tree produces a breakdown of the sales into fiscal quarter for the salesperson.

    k.Toviewthestatisticsabou tthem em ber,hoveroveroneofthefiscalquarterbarsandreview thetooltipthatappears.

    l.Todrillacrosstoprodu ctcategories,clickafiscalquarter,inthefloatingpane,clicktheProductdim ension,andthenclicktheCategoryleveloftheCategorieshierarchy.

    m .Todrilldow nw ithintheCategorieshierarchy,hoverovertheBikesm em ber,andclicktheexpandbuttonlocatedontheleft.


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    Figure38 .

    n.Repeatthelaststeptodrilldow ntotheProductlevelofthehierarchyfortheRoadBikesm em ber.

    o.Noticewhentherearetoom anym em berstodisplayonthepagethatyoucannavigateusingthelastm em berinthelist.

    p.Tofurtheranalyethedataingridform at,clicktheProductm enuatthetopofthetreelevel,andthenclickG rid.


    Figure39 .

    q.NoticetheAnalyticGridrepresen tationofthedecom positiontreenode,includingtheInform ationBarbeneaththetoolbarthatprovidescontexttothedata.

    r.ClosetheInternetExplorerw indow .

    s.Toexplorethesecondpageofthedashboard,clicktheProductProfitbyM onthlink(locatedabovetheTim efilter).

    t.Noticethethreefilters,andthattheTim efilterretainsthevalueselectedonthepreviousdashboardpage.

    u.Tofilterbyaparticularsalesterritory,clicktheAllSalesTerritoriesfilterlink,expand theAllSalesTerritoriesm em ber,andthenselectNorthAm erica.

    v.Noticethescorecardupdates.Noticealsothedim ensionalityofthescorecard,withM onthm em bersacrossthecolum nsandthefilteredProductCategorym em berandrelatedProductSubcategorym em bersacrossthscorecard.Th eInform ationBarm aynotbelargeenoughtodisplaytheentiretext,sohoveroverthebartorevealthefiltercontextapp liedtothereport.Hoveroverthepieslicestoview theirstatistics.


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    Figure40 .

    w .Toaddadditionalm easurestothereport,right-clickablankareawithintheSalesandProfitreport,andthenclickSelectM easures.

    x.Tolistm easuresfrom onem easuregroup,intheMeasureGroupdropdow nlist,selectResellerSales.


    Figure41 .

    y.Ch ecktheDiscountAm oun tandResellerO rderQ uan titym easures,andthenclickO K.



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  • 8/6/2019 Developing Dashboards


    Figure42 .

    Note: In PerformancePoint Services 2010, additional measures can now be added to the Analytic Chart and Analytic Grid reports by the user.

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    Page 22 of 22Developing Reports and Dashboards with SharePoint 2010 PerformancePoint Services ...