Developing Behavior Intervention Plans for Students with ASD Module 8 Lesson 3.

Developing Behavior Developing Behavior Intervention Plans for Intervention Plans for Students with ASD Students with ASD Module 8 Lesson 3

Transcript of Developing Behavior Intervention Plans for Students with ASD Module 8 Lesson 3.

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Developing Behavior Intervention Developing Behavior Intervention Plans for Students with ASDPlans for Students with ASD

Module 8

Lesson 3

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Defining Behavior Intervention Plans

The Steps for Developing a BIP

BIP example

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Defining Behavior Intervention PlansDefining Behavior Intervention Plans

A Behavior Intervention Plans (BIP) is part of a two-step process for determining the function of a challenging behavior and developing a set of procedures to minimize inappropriate behaviors and increase positive behaviors. ◦Step one entails conducting a FBA◦Step two entails developing a BIP

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The Steps for Developing a BIPThe Steps for Developing a BIP

Once an FBA is conducted and a hypothesis for the function of the target behavior is created, a BIP is developed by:1.Indicating environmental modifications2.Indicating changes to teacher/peer behavior3.Developing objectives for the student4.Selecting strategies to meet the objectives5.Developing a plan for monitoring progress and evaluating the plan

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Step 1:Step 1:Indicating Environmental ModificationsIndicating Environmental Modifications

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Environmental ModificationsEnvironmental ModificationsThere may be times when

environmental modifications can be made to minimize the occurrence of the target behavior.

This entails analyzing the data collected during the FBA process to determine how the environment can be modified to decrease the likelihood that the target behavior will occur.

See the table on the next slide for examples of environmental modifications

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Types of Environmental Modifications


Reduce environmental stimuli Remove distracting stimuli, minimize materials that are available at one time, reduce noise level, adjust lighting

Restructure the environment to promote understanding of expectations

Utilize visual schedules, arrange furniture in an organized fashion, provide visual cues for behavioral, social, and academic expectations, simplify tasks

Use environmental arrangements to promote communication and social interaction

Place desired items out of reach to encourage the use of communication and social interaction skills, give small amounts of desired or needed items to encourage the use of communication and social interaction skills, flexible grouping of individuals

Make changes to the schedule Alter the schedule so that preferred activities follow non-preferred activities, alter the schedule to provide opportunities for movement and active participation following activities that are more passive

Make changes to the environment to address problems due to setting events

Provide food if the child is hungry, provide medical attention if the child is in pain, provide a drink if the child is thirsty, allow the child some time to adjust to a new environment before making demands

Reduce environmental stimuli Remove distracting stimuli, minimize materials that are available at one time, reduce noise level, adjust lighting

Restructure the environment to promote understanding of expectations

Utilize visual schedules, arrange furniture in an organized fashion, provide visual cues for behavioral, social, and academic expectations, simplify tasks

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Step 2:Step 2:Indicating Changes to Teacher/Peer Indicating Changes to Teacher/Peer


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Indicating Changes to Teacher/Peer BehaviorIndicating Changes to Teacher/Peer Behavior

This is typically done best by analyzing the antecedents and consequences of the target behavior.

For example, if a child is displaying a specific behavior to avoid challenging tasks, the teacher may need to alter the tasks being given so they are at the appropriate developmental level.

Another change the teacher can make is to use the behavioral momentum strategy of giving tasks that are easy prior to giving a challenging task and continuing the pattern of easy-easy-difficult-easy-easy-difficult.

An example of changing consequences may be teaching peers to provide positive reinforcement to a child when the child refrains from displaying the target behavior.

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Indicating Changes to Teacher/Peer Indicating Changes to Teacher/Peer BehaviorBehaviorThe table below provides examples of

changes that can be made to adult/peer behavior.

Changing Adult/Peer Behavior


Changing antecedent behavior

Simplify verbal directions, use positive affect when giving a direction or redirection, use a variety of cues and prompts to ensure success, follow the child’s lead or focus of attention when attempting to engage in social interactions, preventing the occurrence of the target behavior by using positive redirection at the first sign of frustration

Changing consequence behavior

Increase positive reinforcement for desired behaviors, eliminate positive reinforcement for inappropriate behaviors

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StrategiesStrategiesThe types of strategies that can be used for

steps 1 and 2 can be broken into two categories:

◦ Preventive strategies and consequence strategies

The Center for Evidence Based Practices ( provides examples for each of these categories. See the “links page” for more information.

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Step 3:Step 3:Developing Objectives for the StudentDeveloping Objectives for the Student

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Developing Objectives for the StudentDeveloping Objectives for the Student

Generate positively stated behavioral objectives that will serve as replacement behaviors for the target behavior and/or teach new skills that will decrease the likelihood of the target behavior. ◦For example, instead of writing a goal such

as “the child will refrain from using foul language when she is angry,” the goal may be written as “the child will use strategies to calm herself down when she is angry and then tell the person why she is angry using appropriate language.”

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Developing Objectives for the StudentDeveloping Objectives for the Student

Behavioral objectives should be written as specific as possible.

◦ Instead of writing an objective such as, “The individual will make friends,” the objective should be much more specific such as, “The individual will participate in joint play for 5-7 minutes at a time with at least three different peers during unstructured social activities.”

It is important to note that not all behavioral objectives will necessarily address “behaviors.” Many times behavioral objectives are written to teach new academic skills, social skills, communication skills, or independent functioning skills to reduce the likelihood that the individual will need to resort to the target behavior to have his or her needs met.

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Step 4:Step 4:Select Strategies to Meet the ObjectivesSelect Strategies to Meet the Objectives

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Select Strategies to Meet the ObjectivesSelect Strategies to Meet the Objectives

Select effective teaching strategies to address each behavioral objective

There are a multitude of strategies to choose from, and once a behavioral object is selected, essentially the entire bodies of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and educational literature serve as intervention resources (Crimmins & Farrell, 2006)

◦ A variety of ABA strategies will be discussed in the slides that follow

◦ A few examples of strategies based on educational literature include: modeling, role play, embedding the strengths and

interests of the individual into the learning activities, scaffolding, addressing multiple learning styles, explicit instruction, using visual supports, breaking tasks down into smaller segments, and increasing engagement through questioning and active participation

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ABA StrategiesABA StrategiesThe following are examples of ABA

strategies that will be discussed in the slides that follow:◦Positive reinforcement◦Prompting/fading procedures◦Shaping◦Embedded discrete trials◦Time delay◦Behavioral momentum◦Task analysis

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Positive ReinforcementPositive ReinforcementProviding a consequence immediately

following a behavior that will increase the likelihood of the behavior occurring again in the future.

Positive reinforcement can entail natural reinforcers, social reinforcers, token reinforcers, activity reinforcers, or tangible reinforcers. The next slide shows a table with examples of each type of reinforcer.

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Reinforcer Type


Natural Reinforcers

The reinforcement is naturally embedded within the activity. For example, if the child is doing a puzzle and says “pig,” the child is given the pig puzzle piece to put in. If the child points to the ball on the shelf, the child is given the ball.

Social Reinforcers

Smiles, tickles, high-five, specific praise

Token Reinforcers

Coins, stars, happy faces, etc. that can be exchanged for a tangible or activity reinforcer after a certain amount are awarded.

Activity Reinforcers

Being line leader, visiting a favorite teacher, playing on the computer, playing chase, or any other activity that increases the likelihood that the individual will display the desired behavior again in the future.

Tangible Reinforcers

Food, drink, objects, toys, etc. that increase the likelihood that the individual will display the desired behavior again in the future.

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Prompting/Fading ProcedurePrompting/Fading Procedure Prompting consists of providing assistance to the individual

to ensure a correct response. Prompts can be verbal, gestural, or physical. When prompting is used, the goal is always that the student

will master the skill and no longer require the prompting. In order to accomplish this, prompts must be methodically

faded so that they become less and less obvious, until they are no longer used.

Fading of a prompt may be accomplished by providing prompts less frequently, providing prompts at a lower level of intensity, and/or modifying prompts to be more like naturally occurring cues.

One way to systematically fade prompts is to use the least intrusive prompt first, moving to more intrusive prompts, only if necessary. This is called using least-to-most prompts

There may be instances when most-to-least prompts is necessary (ex. learning something new, the student is on the verge of a tantrum)

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ShapingShaping Gradually getting closer to the desired behavior by

positively reinforcing successive approximations of the behavior.

The technique begins with identifying the behavior that the student needs to learn.

Each step of the shaping technique should bring the student closer to the final desired behavior.

As the small steps are positively reinforced, the behavior will change as it gets closer and closer to the desired behavior. ◦ For example, if the ultimate goal is for the child to

expressively label common objects, at first the child may be reinforced for making any utterance when asked to label an item. Then the behavior is shaped by then providing reinforcement as the child attempts to make the beginning sound of the word, then is reinforced when more than the initial sound is produced, and so on until the child is able to clearly name the item.

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Embedded Discrete TrialsEmbedded Discrete TrialsO. Ivar Lovaas (1987) was able to demonstrate

success teaching skills to children with autism using discrete trial training.

However, since that time there has been much controversy over the use of discrete trail training because of the problems with generalization of learned skills beyond the discrete trial sessions.

Thus, to address these problems with generalization, implementing discrete trial training within the actual contexts that students will need to use the skills is necessary.

This is called embedded discrete trials.

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Embedded Discrete TrialsEmbedded Discrete TrialsDiscrete trial training entails using the A-B-

C teaching sequence (antecedent-behavior-consequence). ◦ The antecedent is the request (discriminative

stimulus) ◦ The behavior is the desired response◦ The consequence consists of positive

reinforcement for the desired responseIf the individual cannot display the desired

response, the teaching sequence then looks like this:◦ Antecedent-Prompt-Behavior-Consequence:

This entails using prompting/fading procedures to ensure successful responses.

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Time delayTime delayAllowing a certain amount of time before a

prompt is provided (Halle, Marshall, & Spradlin, 1979)

The goal is that given the time delay, the child will respond without needing the prompt.

The use of time delay in this fashion reduces the likelihood that an individual will become prompt dependent.

When using time delay such as this, the wait time should be paired with an expectant look and/or body language in a positive, playful manner. This will reduce anxiety for the child and encourage attempts to communicate.

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Behavioral MomentumBehavioral MomentumMaking two or three requests of the

child that are easy for the child before making a request that is more difficult (Davis, Brady, Hamilton, McEvoy, & Williams, 1994)

◦For example, if the student is learning new vocabulary, first ask her to identify two items that have frequently been labeled in the past before asking her to identify an item she has never labeled

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Task AnalysisTask Analysis Breaking an individual task down into sequential

steps that can be taught to the individual. There are three ways to use task analysis including :

◦ Whole task presentation (presenting each step of the task and gradually increasing the independence of the individual by using the prompting/fading procedure throughout the steps as needed)

◦ Forward chaining (teaching the first step, then the second, then the third, and so on)

◦ Backward chaining (teaching the last step first and then each step that comes before the last step until you get to the first step)

Whether you use whole task presentation, forward chaining, or backward chaining depends on the task being taught and the individual learner

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Other Teaching StrategiesOther Teaching StrategiesIn Modules 3-7, a variety of teaching

strategies were explained to address social interaction, communication, and academic skills.

These strategies can and should be embedded into BIPs as they pertain to the goals selected.

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Dealing with Stereotypic BehaviorsDealing with Stereotypic Behaviors

Many times, the stereotypic behaviors of students with ASD are the target behaviors addressed in a FBA (ex. Vocal stims, hand flapping, spinning things, rocking)

Often, individuals create BIPs that focus on behavior reduction strategies for stereotypic behaviors

It is very important to consider the function for the stereotypic behaviors as opposed to simply trying to stop or reduce them.

Commonly, students with ASD engage in stereotypic behaviors/self-stimulatory behaviors when they are disengaged and/or anxious.◦ If this is the case, it is important to consider

environmental modifications and modifications to instruction that could increase engagement and reduce anxiety

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Dealing with Restricted Range of Dealing with Restricted Range of InterestsInterests In the book, Just Give Him the Whale, Paula Kluth

and Patrick Schwarz present strategies for dealing with students with ASD who have fascinations/passions in a specific subject (negatively known as obsessions and perseverations)◦ Some common areas of special interest for students with

ASD are trains, superheroes, letters and numbers, computers, and dinosaurs

◦ However, students may have a special interest in something that no other individual with ASD ever had

The next slide shows a sample of the recommendations they make in their book. For more detailed explanations and to read all 20 suggestions, obtaining a copy of the book is recommended.

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Ways to Use Fascinations, Areas of Ways to Use Fascinations, Areas of Expertise, and Strengths Expertise, and Strengths (Kluth & Schwarz, 2008)(Kluth & Schwarz, 2008)

To develop a relationship with the student◦ Give the student opportunities to share their special

interests To expand social opportunities

◦ Connect students with peers who have similar interests if possible

To expand communication skills◦ Use their favorite topic(s) during conversations

To help minimize anxiety/comfort◦ If the student feels more comfortable with a special

toy/object and it doesn’t distract from learning, allow it To plan for inclusive schooling

◦ Launch a classroom theme related to a student’s area of interest

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Ways to Use Fascinations, Areas of Ways to Use Fascinations, Areas of Expertise, and Strengths Expertise, and Strengths (Kluth & Schwarz, 2008)(Kluth & Schwarz, 2008)

To showcase talents◦ Provide opportunities for all students to share what

they are good at or know a lot aboutTo boost literacy learning◦ Provide reading materials and/or writing assignments

related to a student’s area of interestTo inspire career ideas◦ Use a student’s passions as a tool during transition

planningTo encourage risk taking◦ Embed a student’s passions during a new activity or

eventTo connect students to standards-based

content◦ Integrate a student’s passions into the general

education curriculum content as often as possible

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Step 5:Step 5:Develop a Plan for Monitoring Progress Develop a Plan for Monitoring Progress

and Evaluating the Planand Evaluating the Plan

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Develop a Plan for Monitoring Develop a Plan for Monitoring Progress and Evaluating the PlanProgress and Evaluating the Plan Data collection procedures need to be devised that are the

most likely to be used by the general education and special education teachers on a daily or weekly basis

Individuals responsible for documenting progress should be indicated on the plan as well as what each individual’s role will be (Scott & Nelson, 1999)

Data collection procedures for the behavioral objectives may include frequency/rate recording, latency recording, duration recording, percentage correct, or level of independence or mastery depending on the way the behavioral objective is written

Data can also be collected in the form of a checklist to document whether or not the plan is being implemented as stated

Click on the following links to see explanations and examples of a variety of data collection procedures that can be used to monitor progress:◦ ◦

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Develop a Plan for Monitoring Develop a Plan for Monitoring Progress and Evaluating the PlanProgress and Evaluating the Plan

The data collected during the implementation of the BIP should continually be analyzed to determine if the plan needs any changes.

Specific dates should be noted on the plan when the team can come together for purposes of evaluating the plan.

If the individual is not making progress the following questions should be asked:◦ Is the BIP being implemented as is stated in the

plan?◦ Do additional environmental modifications need to be

made?◦ Do additional changes to adult/peer behavior need to

be made?◦ Do different teaching strategies need to be selected?◦ Do the behavioral objectives need to be changed?

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BIP ExampleBIP Example

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Target Behavior and HypothesisTarget Behavior and Hypothesis

Target Behavior: Adam often yells out reprimands to the peers in his general education classroom that he has previously heard his teacher say

Hypothesis: Adam yells out reprimands because he gets negative attention from his peers and teachers when he does so. Because he does not have a large repertoire of skills that enable him to obtain positive attention form his peers and teachers, he is being positively reinforced for yelling out reprimands because he is able to get attention and interact with his peers and teachers even if it is in a negative way.

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Environmental Modifications and Environmental Modifications and Changes to Teacher/Peer BehaviorChanges to Teacher/Peer Behavior

Environmental Modifications: Post a visual that shows a variety of ways to get attention from a peer or adult

Changes to Teacher/Peer Behavior: The teacher will refrain from giving negative attention when Adam yells out reprimands and will teach his peers to avoid giving negative attention when Adam yells out reprimands. When the teacher sees that Adam is not engaging with peers or adults, the teacher will point to the visual that shows a variety of ways to get attention from a peer or adult to encourage Adam to use one of the positive strategies before engaging in yelling out reprimands.

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Student ObjectivesStudent Objectives Adam will positively interact with at least three

different peers across a variety of structured learning activities by participating in at least 3 back and forth verbal or nonverbal exchanges with a peer during each activity.

Adam will positively interact with at least three different peers across a variety of unstructured social activities by maintaining joint attention with a peer(s) for at least three minutes during each activity.

Adam will initiate conversations with a peer or adult in a positive manner across a variety of situations when it is appropriate to do so.

Adam will positively initiate play with a peer or join the play of others during recess at least once each day.

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Teaching StrategiesTeaching Strategies Group Adam with peers who are likely to encourage him to

interact during structured and unstructured learning and social activities.

Adult facilitation to promote interaction between Adam and his peers. This facilitation should be gradually faded out as Adam becomes more independent in his interaction with peers.

Peer mediation strategies to teach peers how to respond to Adam and how to encourage Adam to interact. The teacher and peers can follow Adam’s lead by making comments and asking questions about what he is doing to begin an interaction. Other strategies that can be used include behavioral momentum (easy-easy-difficult-easy-easy-difficult) to increase the likelihood that Adam will respond to peers, contingent imitation (imitating what Adam is doing for purposes of beginning an interaction), providing positive peer attention when Adam attempts to interact appropriately, and time delay to decrease prompt dependence.

Explicit instruction related to starting a conversation with a peer or adult and initiating play. Prompting/fading procedures to encourage Adam to initiate conversations with peers and adults and initiate play.

(These strategies will be used by the special education teacher, and the special education teacher will provide support to the general education teacher to enable the general education teacher to also implement these strategies across a variety of classroom routines and activities)

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Monitor ProgressMonitor Progress Continue to take data on the target behavior

(yelling out reprimands) to determine if the behavior is decreasing (special education teacher responsibility).

Document the average number of back and forth interactions between Adam and a peer during structured learning activities three times each week (special education teacher responsibility).

Take duration data twice each week related to Adam’s ability to maintain joint attention with a peer(s) during unstructured social activities (special education teacher responsibility).

Use event recording to document the frequency of appropriate initiations of conversations and play (general education teacher responsibility).

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Evaluate PlanEvaluate Plan

The team will meet on the first Monday of every month to evaluate the plan and make any necessary changes.

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Module 8 Lesson 3 ActivityModule 8 Lesson 3 Activity

Develop a behavior intervention plan for the student that you conducted the FBA for in Module 8 Lesson 2.

Again, if you worked with another teacher who is taking this course, you can work together on the BIP and turn in one.

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ReferencesReferencesCrimmins, D. & Farrell, A. F. (2006). Individualized behavioral supports

at 15 years: It’s still lonely at the top. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 31(1), 31-45.

Davis, C. A., Brady, M. P., Hamilton, R., McEvoy, M. A., & Williams, R. E. (1994). Effects of high- probability requests on the social interactions of young children with severe disabilities. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 27, 619–637.

Halle, J. W., Marshall, A. M., & Spradlin, J. E. (1979). Time delay: A technique to increase language use and facilitate generalization in retarded children. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 14, 389-409.

Kluth, P., & Schwarz, P. (2008). Just give him the whale: 20 ways to use fascinations, areas of expertise, and strengths to support students with autism. Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing.

Lovaas, O. I. (1987). Behavioral treatment and normal educational and intellectual functioning in young autistic children. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 55, 3-9.

Scott, T, & Nelson, M. (1999). Using functional behavioral assessment to develop effective intervention plans. Journal of Positive Behavioral Interventions, 1(4), 242-257.