Developing a Marketing and Recruitment Plan Improve your applicant pool and enrollment numbers...


Transcript of Developing a Marketing and Recruitment Plan Improve your applicant pool and enrollment numbers...

Developing a Marketing and Recruitment Plan

Improve your applicant pool and enrollment numbers

Mackenzie Buxcel, Director of AdmissionCreighton University School of Pharmacy and Health Professions

(402) [email protected]

Christine Stumm, Registrar and Assistant Director of Admissions & AdvisementUniversity at Buffalo, School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

(716) [email protected]


1. Planning

2. Attract and Recruit

3. Enroll and Retain

Resources1. Human

2. Technology

3. Financial

Planning• Define Your Targets

Who do you want, where are they from, how many?

• Define Your BrandWhat is your program known for, what do your targets want?

• Assess Recruitment Needs Compared to ResourcesWhat do you need to accomplish recruitment and marketing goals?

• Utilizing Your Most Important ResourcesFaculty, staff, advisors, students, alumni, other departments

• Develop a Communication PlanElectronic and “old school” communications

Attract and Recruit• Travel

Graduate Fairs, Career Fairs (careful), Health Science Advisor meetings, Pre-Rx Clubs, Information Sessions, Class Presentations

• Print MediaPublications….are they current? Relevant? Do they make an impression?

• “Traditional” Means of CommunicationCalling Campaigns, Email, Mailings

• Campus EventsOpen House, Discovery Day, Orientation, Interview Sessions

• Electronic CommunicationWebsites, Social Media, Online Advertising, Webinars, Search Engine Marketing, E-Newsletters, Virtual Chats, Automated Responses and Referrals

Content•Include top benefits wherever possible•Admissions and cost/aid •Audience-specific content•Student and faculty blogs•Directory and FAQsNavigation•Search function•Consistent global navigation on all pages•Two clicks or less to admissions and cost/aid•Search Engine Optimization Functionality•Inquiry/more information form•Visit request/event RSVP•Application checklist•Live chat/IM•Tuition/aid/scholarship calculators or estimators•Student and faculty blogs•Student and faculty profiles with contact information•Interactive features

Your website:The Most Comprehensive Communications Resource in your Recruitment Marketing Plan.

Social Media• Start a Facebook page and MAINTAIN it

• Maintenance is the key to keeping prospective students coming back for more

• “Find us on Facebook”

• Before creating the page, it must be decided who will maintain it and how often

• Encourage faculty, students, staff to get involved

• Facebook Pages vs. Advertisements

Social MediaTwitter•Link Facebook posts•Frequent tweets•Hashtags •Retweets

YouTube•Create Videos•Share Relevant Videos

LinkedIn•Create a Closed Alumni Group•Notify Alumni Affairs with New Members•Auto Welcome Message•Subgroups (different types of pharmacists, alumni volunteers)•Post Jobs

Pinterest•Info Graphic ( •Text on Pictures (•Original Content (not just repins)


Enroll and Retain

• Be Helpful and Informative

• Be Timely

• Be Receptive

• Engage

Students will change their

minds at various points in the

enrollment funnel

Other Resources• IT Departments• Other Health-Related Schools• PCAT Search Service• Summer Research Programs• Professional Organizations and Publications• AACP• Undergraduate Admissions and Undergraduate

Advisors• Graduate Admissions and Graduate Advisors• SWOT Analysis

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