Detroit Edison Honors Students 1954 Ford Now On Display

25 "i .... To Help 'March Of Dimes "",,; ".<jl anrw"'l Ito rooideilibs 01 ..... " (:",r- maKle by lv.uts.. N: E. as She ne1pea : a'lllIllu.aJ1 >1vJJal1dh. of Dimes .for iIlund.s .ilor !polio (laIre lmd resaaJroh. Mn:l. M/a! Si1laIted OliarJWton woll!ld double Iaat year's oo1ll1irhbulJion Of $438.38. This year 'title NartlioIlJall Fou!nda- tlor PIam1ysiJs will need $2fi,500,000 Ito t bIlLY gamIIJ:a glob- . \JIlJia:l!, which temporaa1iJly protecls dhildren a.g>ai.nst pollio, am Ito finaDlCe field tl'ilaIls O!f a possiIble VIaOcine. 'I1l1is a:IIlJOiUnt JJS iin eddliJtion to ltihe V'aJSt bum needed ttl ;fiIlJa!IllCe iIUs ooll!tin'llJi,rug prograaIllS of paltienit add, ooientirfic 8InId profoosi01liall edru.oation. The DrudaOO. CouTiity chJal!Jlber pa!id oUit a to1lai1 of $60.000 in 00Jr- in:g ior 227 pollio iP"JItienrbs during 1953. New 3-D test.tu!be oannisters hia'Ve been placed in !lOOM business pll3lce to col,lecl diimes tand dolAJars during tIDe CIaIllIPB.dgn. Rotary Hears "Stock" Talk Whellfher op.e owns a number of sihaa"es of stock listed on. rbhe New York Stock Exchia'll(ge. OII' juiSt wishes he dIiId, iIt is itllteiresting ,to hear a sale5lllla!!l. :from a SltoCik broker"S oOOke teLl aboult stoc:ks. bondls. finJalncia,l ar!lIladxs, and 0Ii course taxes. Thi.s was the poro- gI1alm O!f tile OIiaIDkis'ton ROro,H'Y CilluJb at iIts meeting on Monday. 'I'he taJlk was gWen by Raymond J. Dalude Qf rtlhe brokerage firm of Goodibodjy & CO., of Dert:a-oit. His predioti.oin Wa!S tilJaIt 1954 ·woullid !be a ,good year. (perhia,ps nOtt ,the pealk ldke Ul53. but stil,l veI1Y good. Robent L. Jones. who ihad ed tIDe did ·the introdluc- iJn«. The ,mllk W!aIS 0If SUJdh inlterest HhJaJt II1IaIIW feilitthe 1I1me alioIbted W1aS too slhont. Tired Of Turkey? Want A Change? If I Had My Way - Give younse1Jf <lJIlId your llamiJvr .I!f I !had my Wtay a' if;reaJt neXJt SartlUirdaIy evend!rug. At- 11l1e allJJams of tine wonl.d would be tend tJhe smorgasbord d!i:nner at the so a!l'l'anged SalshJaJbaw PresbyibeI'liia.n Ohuroh. ,])hat IhUl5lba'l1Os aIIld wives would' 5331 M&Y1bee Rd. The women oIf not Ibe the Clh11lTCh halve p1atrmed a Vl3ried No quarrels wrutourided would ,teall' menu. Serv.iJrug will. sbalI't at 5:30 them apall1t P. M. .none would experience a sad- There is no set ahiwge for .tlh:3 n.oos cd' dinner. lJIUIt a, lfu:ee-will offeniIn'g willI be taken. 1If I had my WB!Y. No orplhiains :by l!aJw woullJd watnder The \P'UIbJ.iJC is inlviJted. the street . In seatroh .for .some food or a WailTIl plJaice Ito sleep; They never would kInow the tur- moil arud ifeaIr 11hBlt oomes not halving lbotlh !pIaTenJts read. nealf. If I !had my WGlY. The aged w.oLlild n!We a good !home of their 0W1ll. Wlhere tlbey oould lhiave friends or be alhl alone; A;nd gJaftheredaibout them, rbhe rtlhlngs tbhey like best To give ,them SOIlIle .pleasure or give tlbem some rest. H I bad any 'W'aIY. The qUJiIt spaTrq for power amd :flaJme And ru1l thoU!'Jhrt Qf ihaI1;red wotild go down in sih.alrne; OUT Iiove woulLd be shot art; >!the enerruies' i1aJnJks AJrud tholl\gihlts cd' destru'Ctlion would ibhln from ti1eir raniks. Iif I had my way. All men wouJd rund SUJdideruy feel Thalt the power of God is true rund is The heaven we 'wa,nJt; wthen QUI' soul ID.iIts aJWaty Is ours [or tlhe taking. ,here, now a.nd todaty. Obituary MRS. ELIZA THURLOW MOSS On Tuedlay of last l\1in;. Eli2Ja ThiUJr'low Moss, 88. pas.ged aJMIO" at the home of her Mm. A. E. H3JW1ke, 42 W. WaslhiIllg- ton. ClJa>rktSton. Mrs. Moos ihiad been a.1ling for some time. . SurvliivIDg besides Ml"s. Hruwke, BJre one son, Jahn O. Moss of Tor- oruto, On!bario; 1Jhree other daugil1- lers, Mrs. Rrufby Hopkins of Conn- eC'ticurt:, and Mn>. Winifred Pa:;nton aald Mrs. Millie LasSletJt oil' SoUith LytoJn; 12 and 26 great grailldohilldren. . The runertaJ service was held in Soultih Lyon on Decemiber 31st amid burial W1as in Lilbtle Laike cemetery in PeterborOUJglh, OntiaTio. w. S. C. S. Circles Plan Meetings The MJalrtha Circle of tIDe Meth- odiiSIt W. S. C. S. meets rtihis after- noon at tihe Ihome 'Of Mrs. Keith Leak for a pilJamJ.ed lunclhecmc Mrs. R. E. SIpIoIhn win assist 'tihe hostess. The Dorcas Cirele aJso meets this adlternoon aJ1: the home of Mrs, Howan} Sage for a pot-\luck Jnm- Oheon I3Jt 12:30. P···"·w····""· S·· . Published in the Interests Of'_&I:I.&Clf Drayton Plains and Ortonville Rudy's Moves To New Store MOllIdJaty, alfiter moving :tlram <hiis dl.d 1OOaI1lion over I\lhJe weekend, RiuJdjy"s Mlarket llfPeIled in its new lJooartion as a. super-ma.nket. 'I1he IbuJildin,g furmerllY occuPied by Jtib.e K.rqger I.VlIaIr'ket is now RUJdy'IS. Mlanty new jixrbures. a l!llrger stock and eIllOUg1h room to prop- e111 y the stock m.alkes :1lhe store dlhe proud CUJlminaItion of <a dream sIm1ted ,1lwien1(y yea1'S ago wihen the ownJer. R'I.OCliy Schww:ze, ptlIl10hialSed .tJhe Hagele MaJrket alt tlhe "CollIler of N. MJain. lIII1d W. WJashingtxm. . The gr.and 'opening is ISeIt tor Th;umda'Y. E1nidlaty and oi tJhis week. RJudLy'1S. as rbhe store is now dronfwn .aJdJver1llisement will be fOUlnid 6n paige 5 of ,tIhis i$ue. North Adventure Due Next Tuesday W2tl1lt to go on an exploration into <flhe NOfIth Pa1e-.tbJr,o,ugh <the Yukon by dog iSled 'iiII1Id to rtihe Pole by snow Shoes? SUiah a Itrip is aJVJahlJabLe Ito you next 'DuesdJaty n.ig1hIt, JI3Il1U1ary 12. rut lIlhe wmenforo Townshlp Hig!h School Au.driJtori'UlIIl. MWlts as wel1l. as dhilJdren will enjoy this ad'Ven- tJua"e. Oommander MBcMi.Llan will pre- sent his 90 m.iIruuJt.e tnwelogue, en- Witled "Nortlh-Far No:n1lb.... wiJt:h. COilor £iJlmamd. pensonJaJ. ruarra,tion. ertlaJr1ting art; 8:00 P. M. Some sealts aa:-e stihl all; a nom- inial As CJaiPlbadn 0If IDs own ship. Ibhe Bowdoin, M\aiCMiJllan tlmNeled OlVer 250.000 mlHes of Aratic waIters; al- 00 ltihousands of nrliles by dog team and by pJane to iiil!m his tnwel- og;ue. He hals eXJtensivelty explored LaJb.rador, UngJaiVa B/a,y. Foxe Basin. BaiLfiin Lamrl. Ellesmere Land, Greenaami. Hudson Bay and Uhe Polar Sea I1br ather recording PUI1pOSes. "Itf you wtmJt tan irutel!'esting speaker. a man wdItlh ull!USIllIl.l pic- tures, Oommr. MacMill- a.n! Everor organi2Jaltiion in the cotmlfJry SlloUild book hlm. His new picture. "NorIbh-FaJr Nonllh" is mtaJrve!l\)IUS. And MacM:ilBBln, one 0If the foremost living explorers, is 13 grnnd story teller. ami one 0If bhe mosJt persona.1iJties on l1Jhe pliall1form. I wouao go many miles >to heaJr MacMi.llaIIl. any da'Y." -LoweM Thomas 'I1he rematiJn,in.g 1;rnJvelogues on sClhedul.e are: Feb. 9 - "Moms allld Molls" by cot.' J. D. Craig; Mar. 9 - "HiarwIarl.iJaII l&1iarrldS" by James'; Aipr. 13 - "European PliaLY- groU!Ilds" by ()eoI1ge Perklins. Clarkston Locals Local Tea ... Tied For Fir$t Honor School News O. E. S. Chapter Reveals Activities elasis Sp,nsor CAFETERIA PROGRAM EveliY Mondiay ndgbit dJhe. On evenLnlg, Decem- ford TOWIIl5hlip High the soplhiomore c1a&s of llJalSi<uim is '!!he scene of four HigJh SChool !honored b\!J1l ·gla)iiiles sponsored sponsor, Mr. RidbJard OaIrlson. enford To.wnsh.itp a ilBJrelwelil pa1ltly !heLd aIt iUhe BciaJrd. CeIlIt&. Mr. Caa-Ison. Teams in this alre: from hls teaclling Sporrtintg Goods, DNl\YtOn amd :aJt rtihe eno' of the Cbaa:'kiSton Merc!h.BrlJIls, Davis MQ;. seaneSlter w:ilil. rtlaike a ipOsi tion wWh Jilii,ne. WBJt;enfcro ToWlIl.Sltip High 'General1 in Sdhiool FaouJllty. BealtJtie Mr. Oaailson has' been the sOiplho- Sales, Poole Lumber ami since the presellit BaIr. WJaS 7rt1h grnders and tlhey Tlhe OlJaI1lmton MerclliatoltB man- he ihias done :a W1ondel'Jiw job a)ged by E<:lJwaro HiInJtz ilall"gely tryi;ng to prepatre ltihem amd to ihe1p composed of hiJg1h school faculitythem adong Itowlaiids their senior memlbel;"S ·hJlWe won. aillI: iIlheir gJame$' ye!alr. to dalte 'aIIld are (!UJITenltIIlY During tlhe even.inJg >the class en- in >tJhe stride ,tlhalt won t!hem. ·t!he joyed d/lmJcilng. games amid refresh- 1eatgIUe last year. men.ts. Towa'I'ds the enid of Ibhe Game >time is aJt 7:30 p. m. 01yde Kizer, of l;IpedtiaJtors oce we1X:ome . the clJass. presented Mr. Ca;r{JJson ahairge). It wowld sulreo/ adq iwwth a clock-mdio, as a !femem- lealgUe to 'have a: liarge gtrOu'P brnnce from his class.' elf speci!laJtors on the sidelines. AJ50 presend; art: the pariv were Antyone lhlcinJg blask.eltball arui Mr. rund Mrs. Dom Ma'UtL Mx. wdshing to artJ\;end .w:I or some of Mew will ffilke over Mr. Oarlson's tlhesegames is urged to come out pl!ace as d;enJt)h grade class any Monda!)T nrl.gIhIt -- tile lelaglUe will be 1bhr000000out tlhe winlter. Bowling Scores CLARKSTON MEN'S LEAGUE Team W LP Lowrie Dairy 28.5 10.5 38.5 CarJibou I'Ill1 :Y.J.5 13.5 35.5 CliOO"kston CoaIl-Oil 24 15 32 TMl'yl-Ho Batr 19 20 23 Ga·rdiner Mi1ihs 17 22 23 Milletr & Beardlslee 17 22 23 CillaIrkSton Orufe 16.5 22.5 21.5 Beam's Service 8.5 30.5 11.5 INDIVIDUAL SINGLE Andersonville A meetin.g oIf the colTUIld.1Jtee fur Ilhe Spll1ing att the Ander- sonville SOhool will be held on Monday, J>3ITlIUIaII'ty·l1 .aJt 8:00 P. M" BIt Uhe Ihome of Mrs. A. KooimJan, 5645 Hi1liSboro Road. phone MA!PUe 5-9681. Anyone inJterested in tlhe (!JI1allls tlhe OarniVla1 >!lire rask.ed ,to ai- tend 1lhis lIlleatiin!g or calll Mis. Kooimam.. . The C3!!'Ilival wa1l be !held a1 the sahool on Maroh 20dlh. J. __________________ 252 Clarkston Locals INDIVIDUAL SERIES B. Pitltelllttmf ______________ 654 TEAM HIGH SINGLE caribou Inn ______________ 1019 TEAM HIGH SERIES Caribou Inn ______________ 2803 CLARKSTON WOMEN'S BOWLING LEAGUE Dec. 30. 1953 ':PIhe ClJail1ksOOln Pam MatJrorus' CllUb wilil lIlleet on Wednesday, J1a.nJuaII'y 20, alt the home of Mn;. Howard Johitwon, 6590 E. Churdh Slt. Lundheon wLll be served art; 1:00 p, M. A:rrumg tlhe Mic!higaillders alt the Rose Bowl game on New Years Daly were Ibhe Jack J'YJeens and Ilhe HOWIaII'd Kiedlts oil' ClaTkston. Team W L p Mr. allld Mrs. OlIayton Frick of Holly are aIUlO1.ltl1cing tihe bilrltlh of a 5 11:> 10% oz dalll®hrber. ChmlOitte 0t1l December 26. Howe's Lanes 33 18 50 CliaJrkSlton Sit:. Banik 29.5 22.5 Porril11t Dairy 28.5 22.5 Huttendodher Agenoy 28 23 41 Hawk Tool & Enig. 23 28 34 Beartltie Mdtor SIaIbes 22 29 30 PoweLl's l\I1laa1kat 22.5 28.5 26.5 PoringJle Ollev & Olds 17.5 33.5 24.5 INDIVIDUAL SINGLE ' E. __________________ 215 INDIVIDUAL SERIES P. Morse __________________ 601 TEAM HIQH SINGLE Howe's LJrun:es ______________ 914 TEAM SERIES Howe's lJa.nes _____________ 2551 Mr. ami Mm. JOhn Keith and tlhree children leilt on Mondiaty for home in Monrovila, OatliJforn- ia. aJflber endoyi1lJg <a visitt with re:l.- aJtiVe5 in MiclUgJan. They SpeiIlrt a few dI3Iys lJast week wiJtJh her broth- er-in-JiaJW and siSter, IVk. and Mrs. R. D, (Bill) Kelley 3Il1Id Daanily. On Sartruirday the Ke1tlhs rund the KeLleys .artltended 1lhe d:a!nce spon- sored by tJhe Sart:urdiaJy NighIt Dance ClIwb of CJJarOOston. In school year of 1952-53. the to1lafl receiplts were $35.811.39. $30.538.75 W\as ,oollected from sale of lJuJrroh tickets a!Ild 5,272.64 from Sbalte reimlJ:xumsemem. TOOa1 ex- pendiitures were" $33.613.09 (lJa.bor. $11.985.25; $21.627.84). The net,gJaiin of $2,198.30 iJS ,behng used ,to arrnortize the caJpitail out- 1aty cd' $6.462.61 for the odga,IlIal eqUJLpmenJt. The program provides for tlhe OO1lljp1elte almorrtli2JaJtion of th e in- iltiaJl iruves1JmeIllt before any majOll' repl>aJCements willl become necess- arty. Tlhere were 430 type A lunches (oomp1ete 1uncihes,) amrl 225 type C !Jttndhes (milk onJy) served daiilJy or a to1la!l. of 135.561 l'l1111C'hes served dUlI'ing rtJhe schow year of 1952-53. This Y'OOI there Is an average cd' 936 1,UIl1ooes belinJg served daJi1y or there wli.Ll he G1l1 aJpproxillnate totJall of 178,480 IllI!J1JOhes served during the 1953-54 sclhooJ yeaT. 11his represents an increase of over 30% in >1lhe ntmlbe!f of chil- dren;ing da'ily in progralmall1ld in vhe nwnber of lun.dhes being served'. BACK TO SCHOOL? We are anxious to exltend to 1Jhe aduLts and out-of-school yollltih iJn our SClhooJ district the naeil!i.1Iies of the sClho01. Evenling clJalSSes ,are to be oflfer- ed in Ityping amd bmne51S maohines and driver tmlining. If you atre in- terested in tJhese coulI'ses or ii you rowe some other i.rutereslt in whiah you would like to receive instruc- pont us and we will ai- tem]Jlt Ito providetlbe course, The courS€s will all operalte on a non-profit. bams,. Therefore w- iIlion will be kept aJt >1lhe minimum BInd will onily be for ac!buail ex- penses incurred in operlating the class. Firslt class in Business and Typ- ing meets ThulI'sciey, January 7th, art; the High 800001 Building, Room 21. art; 7:30 p, M. The regulaor meetilng of the BOOJrd cd' Educartion [has been dhianged from Monday, J"aJIlllliIry 1100 'I'uesdaty, JIaIIlwary 12 .art; 7: 30 P. M. I3lt r!Jhe C1atrJcSlton Elemenltary School. PlaJru; fur a Friends' Night were a'IIillIOUil1OOd by Mns. Donald Harris wONhy IllI3Ibron. on Monda'Y a/t 1lhe reguilJar nwetting of Joseph C. Bird OhaiPIter. 294, O. E, S .• held iiI1 Clialrmon Miasonic Temple. CilJamkston Ilig!h School A.uctiJtor- iJum W1i1l he the scene of tJhe event to be lheilld' on Monda'Y nitg'hit, Jan- lIIaa-y 18. at 8 o·cloek. Guest office;rs illlvi>ted from eaoo of tlbe 22 county dhJa!piters will exemplilfy the de- wees. HOl1lOred guesrts wihl be OakLand COIUIlIty A.ssocdaltion ofVicers, Mar- ion NeiIsO>n of Farming,ton; Esltlher '])aylor. Hazel Bark; Edward Prit- chard. POIl1Itiac; GLad.ys Sibley, CWamksIton; Arlffile WeiJtzel. Birm- ingham and Oaddy Voll. Rochester. Mil's. C1a<rk Easley, Clha.irrruam of tJhe dlamce cammi,1ltee. amnounced. a danee ilI1 tJhe Clarkston Comm- wnilty Cenrter on Salturdaty n'ilght, Jaruualfy 30, from 9:00 P. M. \$lJtil mi.dni!gJhJt. Refre::fumcruts will be served ill rtlhe dining room follow- i!n.g tJhe daniCe. A popular dance bia.nd will pLay for modern alnd old time da,noi:IJJg. Tickets :are available from Mrs, Ea.sley, Mr,s. Ch:a!rles Reichert. Mr. and Mrs. Ra.pnond R1u,gglJes, Mir. ICilld Mrs. DOTllald Ha.rris rund Mrs. Howard J ahw;on, Mrs. Ohloe Wihli.ams, ,a:ssociaJte matron. a sewing bee on 28 ,art tlhe home of Mrs. R1aty AntJh.ony em BalJ"ker St" a,t WilliJams L3lke, The meeting \'lill begill1 10:00 A, M. All members cd' the ooa!pter are invitted to join this sooial g;arllliering aIllJd help sew antioles fur the annual bazalau. Tlhose '3ltlteniding are asked to furn- ish sewing matteriaJt; and a sand- wich-1tlhe balJance of the luncheon will be proviiCled. A scthool of instnletion will be held on Febrwary 15th in the Mas- c:mi.c TeIl1[lJe whth Mrs, Ev<mgeline Weckler, Wol'tlh,y Grand Maltron, as ,tlhe i.ns.tiruc1tor. D<>rmJd Harris. Wol'lthy P3ltron, will hold prof1ciefilcy cLasses for aill members in the ClJarkSlton Mas- onie Temple eaoh Fdday evening BIt 7 :30 UIIlJtiI tutrlther notice. WOl1d W"IS received here Tues- day cd' Uh e g reaJt misf oI1tJun e if tlhe Allan Hinz furnily. Mr. and Mrs, Hinz and i1Jwo ahhldren sp€1l1lt Chris!tmas G1l1d the hoJ.ioo'Ys in Florida. On their !l'eturn trip they were in a 03Ir a>clderut near Cleve- Lamd, Termessee. According to re- The Waterford Township BUlSi- paI1ts Mr. Hinz OOld Mary Lynn are ness and Profession<lll Women's in Speck Hospiibail in ClevelJa,n,d, Olu/b wiiil meet BIt tlhe Commun'ity Tenn .• and Mrs. Hinz and Lanny Aotivilties Bwi1<tiJng, 5640 Williams are in Er1inger Hospiltal in Ohalbt- Lake Road on Tuesdlaty evening. aIJ1jooga. Tenn. Mr. Hin,z' conditiqn JamtUJary 12lt1h. Dinner will be serv- is nm ,315 seriotJ:S as thart of Mrs. ed aJt 7 All members aJre Hinz ,a.nd Lrurmy, 1]ary Lynn was urged iflo be preoorut to C'Omplete able to be up <md !lIround. Mrs. plans :for eIlltenba, the diStrkt Hinz' brother, George Willits le£t on Sunday. Janilllll'Y 17th. , WednesdJa1y for Cha,tIlanooga. The tJhird AmlnrualJ OhajpeJ. ing 0If SIt. A!lldrews . Ohuroh will be held this J1a.n.. 7tlh. wirtlh Prayer art; 6:00 P. lVI. At gTOlI!p will oonV€iIle for a: !J)O:t-!l1J:1C,It slI!pper. Baah fiami1y- is asked provide iItis (J'W'Il breaid;, rolls bwtter. iIts own ,tahle service. a. dish of 1)ood to pass and either ';:t .. . dessert or sa! to plaSS. Those who ... . oanmot bring a hot diSh IllIaty .. trib'Ulte cash fOIl' eO<fifee. Itea!, mi.aa,t. ette. Aliter 11here will be brief recess >to pack lUI]) 1lhe €iJnd all. this trime fue cIhilih"en wU!l.· . adjourn. to aJI1 room !lor a motion pictJua"e progJImn. The ArmooJ Meeromg will1 con- vene art; 8:00 P. M. wthen all re:- ports will be iheall'd!. !If there is time the ViClOO" will show some of tlbe OhiaJpel Lilfe and ACltJivtties. Everyone interested is in'Vi.ted to alttend. Royal Neighbors To Instan Officers Ella VrunMeer Camip. No.' 4346, Roj'laJ. Neig)h:bors of A.merioa, Of Clark!>ton, will hold installaItiOn of officers on Wec1nesda,y. JaIlJlllal'y .. 13th,31t the home of Ada &moo.' A pot-luck lunclhecn WJiN be served a't 12: 3 0, Those :aJttend<ing !lire asked . to tu rnisih theiu own Jbalble acnd a dish cd' f.ood <to pass. Mrs. Daisy Hem wiLl be <lJhe in- stalling officer and she will be assisted by lVIrs. Pean:l Kline. Clarkston Locals Mr, 'aIllJd Mrs. Wa<rd Robbins in- tend to leave tJhis weekend for Winter Garden, Fiorida. wQlere they will enjoy ,tlbe sOUJbhem SIUIIl- Elhine until the first ort' April. lVIT. aJI1id Mrs. Geonge Hills oIf Holcomb Stree<t enJterrnadned Mr. and lVII'S. Ferris HoLcomb and fam.- ilyand Mr, rund Mrs. Allison Hol- comb and; dinner art; bheir home on New Yean:'s Day. Among ,the lJud::y people to be in Pasadena, oaUforn1a. on New Year's Day to see rtJhe parode and artrt.end the Rose Bowl game was Lois Baynes of SanJi'mncisCO, dJwuJgIhlter' of Mr. and Mrs, Herbert , Baynes of Clarkston. Marine Pfu Richard C. Lance. ,son of Mr. alnd Mrs. Ohian:les Lance of 10101 AnderOOlll\·ill.e Road, Clarkston, recenrtJly from the 1st lVliar1ne Divi:slion's Madhine . Gun Sc<h:ool in Korea. 'TIhe tbwo- week course inlcluided inJSIt!fuction in til e meoha'l1kal :liuinJctiOillllg of 30 and 50 caliber rnOOhine gJUiIlS Bind tlhe teohniques of fire. inclIuJding use of c1ia1orneter, quadrant, amd oompiaoSS. -ROBERT C. BEATTIE (AU rights reservedl Holly Theatre 'I1he Mary CiMle will meet tlhe home oIf Mrs. PU Henry on Orion Rood on Thwsday affiter- noon, .Tr.mUJarty 14th. A dessert wUJJ. be served art one o·clock. The friends of Williaim. Edg'!llr wi:liJ. be sorrty to lea.rn tlhalt he is seriOUJSlty ill aIIld is a paJtieilit in SIt. JosePh's Mercy Hospital in Pontiac. DIXIE ALL-STAR LEAGUE Dec. 28. 1953 Team W L P CLARKSTON METHODIST Rev. Roben 1\1. PastOJ' Detroit Edison Honors Students "TIle FrIendly Playhouse" .. AJr-CondlUoned Thurs. Fri. Sat. Jan. 7-8-1 William Holden, Eleanor Parker in ESCAPE FROM FOR'!' BRAVO in TechnicolOlI' Sun. Mon. Tues. Jan. 10-11-12 AliaJn Ladd. James Maron Medlin.a in BOTANY BAY in Technicolor Extension Group Meets Tuesday ,])he CilJaJrkston Home EXJtension GrOlUlP wiH meet at tIhe TownSihJju:> CommIu.ndrtJy Cenlter 0IlJ TuesdJay, Jiamnarty 12th art. 10:00 A. M. Bring yOUJr .own ibal1)le service for !!he oven meaJ I1l1t noon, Mrs. Jack Jyleen and Mrs. Keith Low- rie willl he in ohaJrIge of lIlhe lesson. MT. and Mrs. Wiard RoblbLns OOlteI"bairued thehr llatIIlily a,t cliinner on New Yea<r's Day. Guests in- elJuded M.r und Mrs. Clayton Emer- SOIrl 3IIlJd ·three dhildren cd' Inkster. Mr. and Mrs. Kenne1lh Ricks and three clhildren of BaJt'h and Mr. and Mre. WatLton Roibibins and tm-ee dhJ.Ldren ()!f OlJaJrllStoo. Mr. and Mrs. Rdoks and children remained for 1Jh.e weeJoond at the- WaJ:ton IWbbins' home. Ham Springs 29.5 18.5 40.5 Howe's I..a.nEs 27 21 36 Standard Oil Co. 24.5 23.5 33.5 'I1hendlaiI1a Goltt 22 33 Howe's I.VllaJl'keIt 23.5 24.5 32 Davisburg HdIw. 22 26 30 lWJJlW's Gun. 23.5 24.5 30 Berg ClieaJners 16 32 21 INDIVIDUAL SINGLE E. ______ 229 INDIVIDUAL SERIES B. Judaa.ns __________________ 623 TEAM HIGH SINGLE iStlaIlJc'IJwd 0]1 Co. ____________ 942 9:45 A. M. Ch\lTeh School. Will- iam Mansfield. Superintendent. Classes for all ages including an adult class with Mr. A. E. Butters. teacher. and a discussion group led by Mr. Philip Smith. 11:00 A. M. Morning WorSihip. Sermon Sulbjeclt: "The Gospel". The sermons itlhJai the Reverend Mr. Altkins is preparing for the New Yeatr, furowgjh.oult Lenrt, atre lberin.g >based upon tihe general artlicIles ontihe New Tesbaanent in ''The Interpreters BiJbie". 1954 Ford Now On Display TEAM HIGH SERIES 5tJam.dard Oill. Co. __________ 2714 TRI-CITY LEAGUE Dec. 29. 1953 7:00 P. M. Youth Fellowship Tuesday. 7:45 P. M. Choir Re- hearsaL Team WLP K & B CaJfe 3Ui 18.5 48.5 Kelley's HJardwtare 32.5 18.5 45.5 ClaJrk's Std. Ser. 28 23 42 OlJiInitonvtiHe Grocery 28 23 39 Brin,g;1e Chev & Olds 2.3. 28 36 Averill Aut.o 21 3f) 29 Hrunoon 19 32 25 Johnson...Anderson 20 31 M INDIVIDUAL SINGLE ,FL __________________ 257 INDIVIDUAL SERIES G. Knoll ____ '- _________ .___ 614 TEAM HIGH SINGLE Ohe'V & OJds _____ • __ 954 TEAM HIGH SERIES P.ringle Obev & O1dls __ _ ___ CLARKSTON BAPTIST Rev. Georate Balk. Pastor 10:00 A. M. Sunday School for all ages. Merritt Cooley. superin- tendent 11:00 A. M. Morning Worshl,p. 6:15 P. M. YOUlIl>g People's Meet- ing 7:30 P. M, Evening Service. Thursday evening, youth Jam- boree. FIRST CBlJRClI OF (J)IRtST. SCIENTIST - Sunday School U :00 A. M. Sunday Service 11 :00 A, M. Wednesday Evening Service 8:00 Reading Room at rear of Church. open Wednesday from 2 U> 4 and HOWE'S LANES 7 to 8 P. 1\11, COMMlUNITY LEAGUE The vtirtaJ ll"01e of puriJty in :;pi!'- '. Team W L' iI!Juil!I1 progress wiJJl be art: . . Ohaisil.lan ScienCe services Sunday Loflaill's IMla1ikIet 41.5 26.5 in the LeSsODi-Sermon en+D.tled Setwfoo 40 28 "SIak!'lUnenlt". I This 1951 Fora Fordor sedan-new this year-has Interior beauty and new power assists & ClQlegove 38 30 Golden TeXlt iJs :IIroIII. Gal- smart new grllle bas n characteristic Ford center spinner, I . :RudiY"a Matikat 37.5 30.5 fiiliams: "Ye are aJ1ll dhilIda'en of God e a1. passenger ears, it .has' new ball.Joint: Ait'WtaY' ProdUJOtS 3,3.5 34.5 b Christ. JeSus. For as Dalil'ly 20 48 Y b eas i4'), di'ivipgc; 18;5 49.5 :!:.-' y .... ou. ttY':."'" en .. 0#'4 'front seal, Jus· or ovCfdrlvii, , '.' "r" ' . V'O" . ,.. '. ..',. ". .' . ".""'. _ . .. ..... ,-. ." (continued page 6) (3:oo,a1)(,:. 'l. (, .\, , I '\ ,., '. .' ,to _ John F. Bennett, 7960 Dlixie HiJg1b. Wl3JY, fimi!; yealr student Ia!t lJhe UnliNersilby of l\IIiicIhdigJaI, was !lIIl1ong 'a gr01Jtp Qf "Golden. AnllIlli- Ver1SaIry" sdho1atr.sihip slbuderuts hon- ored by Ibhe Detroit Edison Oam- pilmJY December 30, in Deltroilt •. BennErlJt was 1Jhe winner. eaaiJ.lier tlhls yea.r. Qf one of I!Jhe fifty $200 colil:ege study gI1131IlltIs aIWIaTded in oomane1'ri.ortaItilon 0If Deitroilt EdIison's of a hiaIlJf-centlllllW Q!f m S<nl!!lheaSter.n MlichitgallL '1Th.e ,pail'lt of a. y.e!llr-:JJtmg ptrQgIria:m celebralting I\lhe com- pany's 50iJh birltlhidlay, were gWen tJo '1953 schoo(]. on. . tlhe WsIs of rohola'Sldc albillilty, clJt.henSWip, <alI1.d e1C:tm- OUITiculJan: sClhool >3Jctivities. The "Galide.n. Anniversary" BJWlaro winlnens illre >aJt presen.t Eibwdying in 25 oolle@JaJ1le insllit- wtions, including ruClh L3a1de sahools IllS lIlhe Universnty of Miohigan, MiClhiglalru StJaJte OolJlege. w,atyne Universilby. rond M'icru.g1aal State Normail College. The grOOJp entootJa,ined in De- p,oiJt-...BtudJe.nJts, tlheir p!aire!I1J!ls and fr.iendS'--n'Ullll/bered more tlhan a bJundred. Tihe vilslilbors were oomed aJt ifJhe 00iIIIIJ)ainty's sa/le'5 BlllJdlirtoIiium, 2000 Tthdrd A veniUe. by Eld;lson VLce-PreslJdenJt Ed/w1atrd T. Gw;1hee and Josejpih M. SUiLM.vml, assllitialnlt II1l'3IIUIIger ()(f. empk)yee 1I'e- LaJbiOlllS Walker L. CisI1ett'. idenJb. addressed the Lunoheon. Otfher fetllbures oil' tlhe .pl'Ii)gtlam'1\l im.cLuded ,tlhe presen.tJaltion ti etlh AJrmiversat"y . lric c1oc1 ks, Jtihe sIlowdillg of . aiJa1l color-lfiDm on taJtomi.c., developanenit, and a toux- . Conners Creek POIWer of Edison's jive bIitg geneI1qlting sbatllions. 5C1holl3!l'\9bJjp wmneo:s ,some 30 OOImlIItmiIties De1JrOilt EclilSon\s 7.600 service area, wfrldoh the tip o.f MiCihd:g1an's

Transcript of Detroit Edison Honors Students 1954 Ford Now On Display

Page 1: Detroit Edison Honors Students 1954 Ford Now On Display


"i .... To Help 'March Of Dimes

"",,; ".<jl ~:rl~ anrw"'l Ito rooideilibs 01 ~ ~,~~:t ~~ ..... " (:",r-

'~Wn w~ maKle ~ by lv.uts.. N: E. lV~ as She ne1pea

: ~?P'~e a'lllIllu.aJ1 >1vJJal1dh. of Dimes ",~ .for iIlund.s .ilor !polio (laIre ~ lmd resaaJroh. Mn:l. M/a! Si1laIted ,;#li~biOped OliarJWton woll!ld double Iaat year's oo1ll1irhbulJion Of $438.38.

This year 'title NartlioIlJall Fou!nda­tlor In~tile PIam1ysiJs will need $2fi,500,000 Ito t bIlLY gamIIJ:a glob-

. \JIlJia:l!, which temporaa1iJly protecls dhildren a.g>ai.nst ~ pollio, am Ito finaDlCe field tl'ilaIls O!f a possiIble VIaOcine. 'I1l1is a:IIlJOiUnt JJS iin eddliJtion to ltihe V'aJSt bum needed ttl ;fiIlJa!IllCe iIUs ooll!tin'llJi,rug prograaIllS of paltienit add, ooientirfic Tesear~h 8InId profoosi01liall edru.oation. •

The DrudaOO. CouTiity chJal!Jlber pa!id oUit a to1lai1 of $60.000 in 00Jr­

in:g ior 227 pollio iP"JItienrbs during 1953. New 3-D test.tu!be oannisters hia'Ve been placed in !lOOM business pll3lce to col,lecl diimes tand dolAJars during tIDe CIaIllIPB.dgn.

Rotary Hears "Stock" Talk

Whellfher op.e owns a number of sihaa"es of stock listed on. rbhe New York Stock Exchia'll(ge. OII' juiSt wishes he dIiId, iIt is itllteiresting ,to hear a sale5lllla!!l. :from a SltoCik broker"S oOOke teLl aboult stoc:ks. bondls. finJalncia,l ar!lIladxs, and 0Ii course taxes. Thi.s was the poro­gI1alm O!f tile OIiaIDkis'ton ROro,H'Y CilluJb at iIts meeting on Monday. 'I'he taJlk was gWen by Raymond J. Dalude Qf rtlhe brokerage firm of Goodibodjy & CO., of Dert:a-oit.

His predioti.oin Wa!S tilJaIt 1954 ·woullid !be a ,good year. (perhia,ps nOtt ,the pealk ldke Ul53. but stil,l veI1Y good.

Robent L. Jones. who ihad secwr~ ed tIDe ~, did ·the introdluc­iJn«.

The ,mllk W!aIS 0If SUJdh inlterest HhJaJt II1IaIIW feilitthe 1I1me alioIbted W1aS too slhont.

Tired Of Turkey? Want A Change?

If I Had My Way -Give younse1Jf <lJIlId your llamiJvr

.I!f I !had my Wtay a' if;reaJt neXJt SartlUirdaIy evend!rug. At-11l1e allJJams of tine wonl.d would be tend tJhe smorgasbord d!i:nner at the

so a!l'l'anged SalshJaJbaw PresbyibeI'liia.n Ohuroh. ,])hat IhUl5lba'l1Os aIIld wives would' 5331 M&Y1bee Rd. The women oIf

not Ibe estlra~l(ged; the Clh11lTCh halve p1atrmed a Vl3ried No quarrels wrutourided would ,teall' menu. Serv.iJrug will. sbalI't at 5:30

them apall1t P. M. ~ .none would experience a sad- There is no set ahiwge for .tlh:3

n.oos cd' he~. dinner. lJIUIt a, lfu:ee-will offeniIn'g willI be taken.

1If I had my WB!Y. No orplhiains :by l!aJw woullJd watnder The \P'UIbJ.iJC is inlviJted.

the street . In seatroh .for .some food or a WailTIl

plJaice Ito sleep; They never would kInow the tur­

moil arud ifeaIr 11hBlt oomes b~ not halving lbotlh

!pIaTenJts read. nealf.

If I !had my WGlY. The aged w.oLlild n!We a good !home

of their 0W1ll.

Wlhere tlbey oould lhiave friends or be alhl alone;

A;nd gJaftheredaibout them, rbhe rtlhlngs tbhey like best

To give ,them SOIlIle .pleasure or give tlbem some rest.

H I bad any 'W'aIY. The ~l.dJWOUJld qUJiIt spaTrq for

power amd :flaJme And ru1l thoU!'Jhrt Qf ihaI1;red wotild

go down in sih.alrne; OUT Iiove woulLd be shot art; >!the

enerruies' i1aJnJks AJrud tholl\gihlts cd' destru'Ctlion would

ibhln from ti1eir raniks.

Iif I had my way. All men wouJd a~en rund

SUJdideruy feel Thalt the power of God is true rund

is rea~; The heaven we 'wa,nJt; wthen QUI'

soul ID.iIts aJWaty Is ours [or tlhe taking. ,here, now

a.nd todaty.


On Tuedlay of last W(~ek l\1in;.

Eli2Ja ThiUJr'low Moss, 88. pas.ged

aJMIO" at the home of her ~, Mm. A. E. H3JW1ke, 42 W. WaslhiIllg­ton. ClJa>rktSton. Mrs. Moos ihiad been a.1ling for some time. .

SurvliivIDg besides Ml"s. Hruwke, BJre one son, Jahn O. Moss of Tor­oruto, On!bario; 1Jhree other daugil1-lers, Mrs. Rrufby Hopkins of Conn­eC'ticurt:, and Mn>. Winifred Pa:;nton aald Mrs. Millie LasSletJt oil' SoUith LytoJn; 12 ~en and 26 great grailldohilldren. .

The runertaJ service was held in Soultih Lyon on Decemiber 31st amid burial W1as in Lilbtle Laike cemetery in PeterborOUJglh, OntiaTio.

w. S. C. S. Circles Plan Meetings

The MJalrtha Circle of tIDe Meth­odiiSIt W. S. C. S. meets rtihis after­noon at tihe Ihome 'Of Mrs. Keith Leak for a pilJamJ.ed lunclhecmc Mrs. R. E. SIpIoIhn win assist 'tihe hostess. The Dorcas Cirele aJso meets this adlternoon aJ1: the home of Mrs, Howan} Sage for a pot-\luck Jnm­Oheon I3Jt 12:30.

P···"·w····""· S·· ~ .

Published in the Interests Of'_&I:I.&Clf Drayton Plains and Ortonville

Rudy's Moves To New Store

MOllIdJaty, alfiter moving :tlram <hiis dl.d 1OOaI1lion over I\lhJe weekend, RiuJdjy"s Mlarket llfPeIled in its new lJooartion as a. super-ma.nket.

'I1he IbuJildin,g furmerllY occuPied by Jtib.e K.rqger I.VlIaIr'ket is now RUJdy'IS.

Mlanty new jixrbures. a l!llrger stock and eIllOUg1h room to prop­e111 y disp~aty the stock m.alkes :1lhe store dlhe proud CUJlminaItion of <a dream sIm1ted ,1lwien1(y yea1'S ago wihen the ownJer. R'I.OCliy Schww:ze, ptlIl10hialSed .tJhe Hagele MaJrket alt tlhe "CollIler of N. MJain. lIII1d W. WJashingtxm. . The gr.and 'opening is ISeIt tor Th;umda'Y. E1nidlaty and ~y oi tJhis week. RJudLy'1S. as rbhe store is now dronfwn • .aJdJver1llisement will be fOUlnid 6n paige 5 of ,tIhis i$ue.

North Adventure Due Next Tuesday

W2tl1lt to go on an exploration into <flhe NOfIth Pa1e-.tbJr,o,ugh <the Yukon by dog iSled 'iiII1Id to rtihe Pole by snow Shoes?

SUiah a Itrip is aJVJahlJabLe Ito you next 'DuesdJaty n.ig1hIt, JI3Il1U1ary 12. rut lIlhe wmenforo Townshlp Hig!h School Au.driJtori'UlIIl. MWlts as wel1l. as dhilJdren will enjoy this ad'Ven­tJua"e.

Oommander MBcMi.Llan will pre­sent his 90 m.iIruuJt.e tnwelogue, en­Witled "Nortlh-Far No:n1lb.... wiJt:h. COilor £iJlmamd. pensonJaJ. ruarra,tion. ertlaJr1ting art; 8:00 P. M. Some ~od sealts aa:-e stihl ~'ble all; a nom­inial ~ice.

As CJaiPlbadn 0If IDs own ship. Ibhe Bowdoin, M\aiCMiJllan tlmNeled OlVer 250.000 mlHes of Aratic waIters; al-00 ltihousands of nrliles by dog team and by pJane to iiil!m his tnwel­og;ue. He hals eXJtensivelty explored LaJb.rador, UngJaiVa B/a,y. Foxe Basin. BaiLfiin Lamrl. Ellesmere Land, Greenaami. Hudson Bay and Uhe Polar Sea I1br ather recording PUI1pOSes.

"Itf you wtmJt tan irutel!'esting speaker. a man wdItlh ull!USIllIl.l pic­tures, dbn~miss Oommr. MacMill­a.n! Everor organi2Jaltiion in the cotmlfJry SlloUild book hlm. His new picture. "NorIbh-FaJr Nonllh" is mtaJrve!l\)IUS. And MacM:ilBBln, one 0If the foremost living explorers, is 13 grnnd story teller. ami one 0If bhe mosJt fuscina~ing persona.1iJties on l1Jhe pliall1form. I wouao go many miles >to heaJr MacMi.llaIIl. any da'Y."

-LoweM Thomas 'I1he rematiJn,in.g 1;rnJvelogues on

sClhedul.e are: Feb. 9 - "Moms allld Molls" by cot.' J. D. Craig; Mar. 9 - "HiarwIarl.iJaII l&1iarrldS" by James'; Aipr. 13 - "European PliaLY­groU!Ilds" by ()eoI1ge Perklins.

Clarkston Locals


Local Tea ... Tied For Fir$t

Honor School News O. E. S. Chapter Reveals Activities elasis Sp,nsor CAFETERIA PROGRAM

EveliY Mondiay ndgbit dJhe. On W~y evenLnlg, Decem-ford TOWIIl5hlip High the soplhiomore c1a&s of llJalSi<uim is '!!he scene of four HigJh SChool !honored b\!J1l ·gla)iiiles sponsored sponsor, Mr. RidbJard OaIrlson. enford To.wnsh.itp a ilBJrelwelil pa1ltly !heLd aIt iUhe BciaJrd. CeIlIt&. Mr. Caa-Ison.

Teams in this l~e alre: Brjlik:~·[1h1as from hls teaclling Sporrtintg Goods, DNl\YtOn ~DJtkIlll amd :aJt rtihe eno' of the Cbaa:'kiSton Merc!h.BrlJIls, Davis MQ;. seaneSlter w:ilil. rtlaike a ipOsi tion wWh Jilii,ne. WBJt;enfcro ToWlIl.Sltip High 'General1 M~ in Sdhiool FaouJllty. BealtJtie Mr. Oaailson has' been the sOiplho-Sales, Poole Lumber ami ~ since the presellit RiIn~de BaIr. WJaS 7rt1h grnders and tlhey

Tlhe OlJaI1lmton MerclliatoltB man- he ihias done :a W1ondel'Jiw job a)ged by E<:lJwaro HiInJtz ari~ ilall"gely tryi;ng to prepatre ltihem amd to ihe1p composed of hiJg1h school faculitythem adong Itowlaiids their senior memlbel;"S ·hJlWe won. aillI: iIlheir gJame$' ye!alr.

to dalte 'aIIld are (!UJITenltIIlY !pla~ During tlhe even.inJg >the class en­in >tJhe stride ,tlhalt won t!hem. ·t!he joyed d/lmJcilng. games amid refresh-1eatgIUe ~nslhip last year. men.ts. Towa'I'ds the enid of Ibhe

Game >time is aJt 7:30 p. m. ~v.ening 01yde Kizer, ~esidenJt of l;IpedtiaJtors oce we1X:ome . the clJass. presented Mr. Ca;r{JJson ahairge). It wowld sulreo/ adq iwwth a clock-mdio, as a ! lealgUe to 'have a: liarge gtrOu'P brnnce from his class.' elf speci!laJtors on the sidelines. AJ50 presend; art: the pariv were Antyone lhlcinJg blask.eltball arui Mr. rund Mrs. Dom Ma'UtL Mx. wdshing to artJ\;end .w:I or some of Mew will ffilke over Mr. Oarlson's tlhesegames is urged to come out pl!ace as d;enJt)h grade class ~IlSOII'. any Monda!)T nrl.gIhIt -- tile lelaglUe will be ~g 1bhr000000out tlhe winlter.


Team W LP

Lowrie Dairy 28.5 10.5 38.5 CarJibou I'Ill1 :Y.J.5 13.5 35.5 CliOO"kston CoaIl-Oil 24 15 32 TMl'yl-Ho Batr 19 20 23 Ga·rdiner Mi1ihs 17 22 23 Milletr & Beardlslee 17 22 23 CillaIrkSton Orufe 16.5 22.5 21.5 Beam's Service 8.5 30.5 11.5


Andersonville A meetin.g oIf the colTUIld.1Jtee fur

Ilhe Spll1ing Ocmmva~ att the Ander­sonville SOhool will be held on Monday, J>3ITlIUIaII'ty·l1 • .aJt 8:00 P. M" BIt Uhe Ihome of Mrs. A. KooimJan, 5645 Hi1liSboro Road. phone MA!PUe 5-9681.

Anyone inJterested in tlhe (!JI1allls tlhe OarniVla1 >!lire rask.ed ,to ai­

tend 1lhis lIlleatiin!g or calll Mis. Kooimam..

. The C3!!'Ilival wa1l be !held a1 the sahool on Maroh 20dlh.

J. H~an __________________ 252 Clarkston Locals INDIVIDUAL SERIES

B. Pitltelllttmf ______________ 654

TEAM HIGH SINGLE caribou Inn ______________ 1019

TEAM HIGH SERIES Caribou Inn ______________ 2803


Dec. 30. 1953

':PIhe ClJail1ksOOln Pam MatJrorus' CllUb wilil lIlleet on Wednesday, J1a.nJuaII'y 20, alt the home of Mn;. Howard Johitwon, 6590 E. Churdh Slt. Lundheon wLll be served art; 1:00 p, M.

A:rrumg tlhe Mic!higaillders alt the Rose Bowl game on New Years Daly were Ibhe Jack J'YJeens and Ilhe HOWIaII'd Kiedlts oil' ClaTkston.

Team W L p Mr. allld Mrs. OlIayton Frick of Holly are aIUlO1.ltl1cing tihe bilrltlh of a 5 11:> 10% oz dalll®hrber. ChmlOitte ~Lynn 0t1l December 26.

Howe's Lanes 33 18 50 CliaJrkSlton Sit:. Banik 29.5 22.5 Porril11t Dairy 28.5 22.5 Huttendodher Agenoy 28 23 41 Hawk Tool & Enig. 23 28 34 Beartltie Mdtor SIaIbes 22 29 30 PoweLl's l\I1laa1kat 22.5 28.5 26.5 PoringJle Ollev & Olds 17.5 33.5 24.5

INDIVIDUAL SINGLE ' E. ~e __________________ 215

INDIVIDUAL SERIES P. Morse __________________ 601

TEAM HIQH SINGLE Howe's LJrun:es ______________ 914

TEAM SERIES Howe's lJa.nes _____________ 2551

Mr. ami Mm. JOhn Keith and tlhree children leilt on Mondiaty for ~ home in Monrovila, OatliJforn­ia. aJflber endoyi1lJg <a visitt with re:l.­aJtiVe5 in MiclUgJan. They SpeiIlrt a few dI3Iys lJast week wiJtJh her broth­er-in-JiaJW and siSter, IVk. and Mrs. R. D, (Bill) Kelley 3Il1Id Daanily. On Sartruirday ~t the Ke1tlhs rund the KeLleys .artltended 1lhe d:a!nce spon­sored by tJhe Sart:urdiaJy NighIt Dance ClIwb of CJJarOOston.

In ~e school year of 1952-53. the to1lafl receiplts were $35.811.39. $30.538.75 W\as ,oollected from sale of lJuJrroh tickets a!Ild 5,272.64 from Sbalte reimlJ:xumsemem. TOOa1 ex­pendiitures were" $33.613.09 (lJa.bor. $11.985.25; ~od!studlf. $21.627.84).

The net,gJaiin of $2,198.30 iJS ,behng used ,to arrnortize the caJpitail out-1aty cd' $6.462.61 for the odga,IlIal eqUJLpmenJt.

The program provides for tlhe OO1lljp1elte almorrtli2JaJtion of th e in­iltiaJl iruves1JmeIllt before any majOll' repl>aJCements willl become necess­arty.

Tlhere were 430 type A lunches (oomp1ete 1uncihes,) amrl 225 type C !Jttndhes (milk onJy) served daiilJy or a to1la!l. of 135.561 l'l1111C'hes served dUlI'ing rtJhe schow year of 1952-53.

This Y'OOI there Is an average cd' 936 1,UIl1ooes belinJg served daJi1y or there wli.Ll he G1l1 aJpproxillnate totJall of 178,480 IllI!J1JOhes served during the 1953-54 sclhooJ yeaT. 11his represents an increase of over 30% in >1lhe ntmlbe!f of chil­dren;ing da'ily in .~he progralmall1ld in vhe nwnber of lun.dhes being served'.


We are anxious to exltend to 1Jhe aduLts and out-of-school yollltih iJn our SClhooJ district the naeil!i.1Iies of the sClho01.

Evenling clJalSSes ,are to be oflfer­ed in Ityping amd bmne51S maohines and driver tmlining. If you atre in­terested in tJhese coulI'ses or ii you rowe some other i.rutereslt in whiah you would like to receive instruc­pont notif~ us and we will ai­tem]Jlt Ito providetlbe course,

The courS€s will all operalte on a non-profit. bams,. Therefore w­iIlion will be kept aJt >1lhe minimum BInd will onily be for ac!buail ex­penses incurred in operlating the class.

Firslt class in Business and Typ­ing meets ThulI'sciey, January 7th, art; the High 800001 Building, Room 21. art; 7:30 p, M.

The regulaor meetilng of the BOOJrd cd' Educartion [has been dhianged from Monday, J"aJIlllliIry 1100 'I'uesdaty, JIaIIlwary 12 .art; 7: 30 P. M. I3lt r!Jhe C1atrJcSlton Elemenltary School.

PlaJru; fur a Friends' Night were a'IIillIOUil1OOd by Mns. Donald Harris wONhy IllI3Ibron. on Monda'Y !lIi~ a/t 1lhe reguilJar nwetting of Joseph C. Bird OhaiPIter. 294, O. E, S .• held iiI1 Clialrmon Miasonic Temple.

CilJamkston Ilig!h School A.uctiJtor­iJum W1i1l he the scene of tJhe event to be lheilld' on Monda'Y nitg'hit, Jan­lIIaa-y 18. at 8 o·cloek. Guest office;rs illlvi>ted from eaoo of tlbe 22 county dhJa!piters will exemplilfy the de­wees.

HOl1lOred guesrts wihl be OakLand COIUIlIty A.ssocdaltion ofVicers, Mar­ion NeiIsO>n of Farming,ton; Esltlher '])aylor. Hazel Bark; Edward Prit­chard. POIl1Itiac; GLad.ys Sibley, CWamksIton; Arlffile WeiJtzel. Birm­ingham and Oaddy Voll. Rochester.

Mil's. C1a<rk Easley, Clha.irrruam of tJhe dlamce cammi,1ltee. amnounced. a danee ilI1 tJhe Clarkston Comm­wnilty Cenrter on Salturdaty n'ilght, Jaruualfy 30, from 9:00 P. M. \$lJtil mi.dni!gJhJt. Refre::fumcruts will be served ill rtlhe dining room follow­i!n.g tJhe daniCe. A popular dance bia.nd will pLay for modern alnd old time da,noi:IJJg. Tickets :are available from Mrs, Ea.sley, Mr,s. Ch:a!rles Reichert. Mr. and Mrs. Ra.pnond R1u,gglJes, Mir. ICilld Mrs. DOTllald Ha.rris rund Mrs. Howard J ahw;on,

Mrs. Ohloe Wihli.ams, ,a:ssociaJte matron. ~oUtl1ced a sewing bee on ~aJI1IUIary 28 ,art tlhe home of Mrs. R1aty AntJh.ony em BalJ"ker St" a,t WilliJams L3lke, The meeting \'lill begill1 a~ 10:00 A, M. All members cd' the ooa!pter are invitted to join this sooial g;arllliering aIllJd help sew antioles fur the annual bazalau. Tlhose '3ltlteniding are asked to furn­ish sewing matteriaJt; and a sand­wich-1tlhe balJance of the luncheon will be proviiCled.

A scthool of instnletion will be held on Febrwary 15th in the Mas­c:mi.c TeIl1[lJe whth Mrs, Ev<mgeline Weckler, Wol'tlh,y Grand Maltron, as ,tlhe i.ns.tiruc1tor.

D<>rmJd Harris. Wol'lthy P3ltron, will hold prof1ciefilcy cLasses for aill members in the ClJarkSlton Mas­onie Temple eaoh Fdday evening BIt 7 :30 UIIlJtiI tutrlther notice.

WOl1d W"IS received here Tues­day cd' Uh e g reaJt misf oI1tJun e if tlhe Allan Hinz furnily. Mr. and Mrs, Hinz and i1Jwo ahhldren sp€1l1lt Chris!tmas G1l1d the hoJ.ioo'Ys in Florida. On their !l'eturn trip they were in a 03Ir a>clderut near Cleve-Lamd, Termessee. According to re-

The Waterford Township BUlSi- paI1ts Mr. Hinz OOld Mary Lynn are ness and Profession<lll Women's in Speck Hospiibail in ClevelJa,n,d, Olu/b wiiil meet BIt tlhe Commun'ity Tenn .• and Mrs. Hinz and Lanny Aotivilties Bwi1<tiJng, 5640 Williams are in Er1inger Hospiltal in Ohalbt­Lake Road on Tuesdlaty evening. aIJ1jooga. Tenn. Mr. Hin,z' conditiqn JamtUJary 12lt1h. Dinner will be serv- is nm ,315 seriotJ:S as thart of Mrs. ed aJt 7 o'c~ock. All members aJre Hinz ,a.nd Lrurmy, 1]ary Lynn was urged iflo be preoorut to C'Omplete able to be up <md !lIround. Mrs. plans :for eIlltenba, the diStrkt Hinz' brother, George Willits le£t on Sunday. Janilllll'Y 17th. , WednesdJa1y for Cha,tIlanooga.

The tJhird AmlnrualJ OhajpeJ. ing 0If SIt. A!lldrews . Ohuroh will be held this J1a.n.. 7tlh. b~ wirtlh Prayer art; 6:00 P. lVI. At gTOlI!p will oonV€iIle for a: !J)O:t-!l1J:1C,It slI!pper. Baah fiami1y- is asked provide iItis (J'W'Il breaid;, rolls bwtter. iIts own ,tahle service. a. dish of 1)ood to pass and either ';:t .. . dessert or sa! to plaSS. Those who ... . oanmot bring a hot diSh IllIaty ~ .. trib'Ulte cash fOIl' eO<fifee. Itea!, mi.aa,t. ette. Aliter ~per 11here will be .~ brief recess >to pack lUI]) 1lhe ~;' €iJnd all. this trime fue cIhilih"en wU!l.· . adjourn. to aJI1 ~ room !lor a motion pictJua"e progJImn.

The ArmooJ Meeromg will1 con­vene art; 8:00 P. M. wthen all re:­ports will be iheall'd!. !If there is time the ViClOO" will show some color~pictwres of tlbe OhiaJpel Lilfe and ACltJivtties.

Everyone interested is in'Vi.ted to alttend.

Royal Neighbors To Instan Officers

Ella VrunMeer Camip. No.' 4346, Roj'laJ. Neig)h:bors of A.merioa, Of Clark!>ton, will hold installaItiOn of officers on Wec1nesda,y. JaIlJlllal'y .. 13th,31t the home of Ada &moo.' A pot-luck lunclhecn WJiN be served a't 12: 3 0, Those :aJttend<ing !lire asked . to tu rnisih theiu own Jbalble servi~ acnd a dish cd' f.ood <to pass.

Mrs. Daisy Hem wiLl be <lJhe in­stalling officer and she will be assisted by lVIrs. Pean:l Kline.

Clarkston Locals Mr, 'aIllJd Mrs. Wa<rd Robbins in­

tend to leave tJhis weekend for Winter Garden, Fiorida. wQlere they will enjoy ,tlbe sOUJbhem SIUIIl­

Elhine until the first ort' April.

lVIT. aJI1id Mrs. Geonge Hills oIf Holcomb Stree<t enJterrnadned Mr. and lVII'S. Ferris HoLcomb and fam.­ilyand Mr, rund Mrs. Allison Hol­comb and; dinner art; bheir home on New Yean:'s Day.

Among ,the lJud::y people to be in Pasadena, oaUforn1a. on New Year's Day to see rtJhe parode and artrt.end the Rose Bowl game was Lois Baynes of SanJi'mncisCO, dJwuJgIhlter' of Mr. and Mrs, Herbert , Baynes of Clarkston.

Marine Pfu Richard C. Lance. ,son of Mr. alnd Mrs. Ohian:les Lance of 10101 AnderOOlll\·ill.e Road, Clarkston, recenrtJly ~ed from the 1st lVliar1ne Divi:slion's Madhine . Gun Sc<h:ool in Korea. 'TIhe tbwo­week course inlcluided inJSIt!fuction in til e meoha'l1kal :liuinJctiOillllg of 30 and 50 caliber rnOOhine gJUiIlS Bind tlhe teohniques of fire. inclIuJding use of c1ia1orneter, quadrant, amd oompiaoSS.


(AU rights reservedl

Holly Theatre

'I1he Mary CiMle will meet a~ tlhe home oIf Mrs. PU Henry on Orion Rood on Thwsday affiter­noon, .Tr.mUJarty 14th. A dessert wUJJ. be served art one o·clock.

The friends of Williaim. Edg'!llr wi:liJ. be sorrty to lea.rn tlhalt he is seriOUJSlty ill aIIld is a paJtieilit in SIt. JosePh's Mercy Hospital in Pontiac.



Rev. Roben 1\1. A~. PastOJ' Detroit Edison Honors Students

"TIle FrIendly Playhouse" ..


Thurs. Fri. Sat. Jan. 7-8-1 William Holden, Eleanor Parker

in ESCAPE FROM FOR'!' BRAVO in TechnicolOlI'

Sun. Mon. Tues. Jan. 10-11-12 AliaJn Ladd. James Maron PG~­

ric~a Medlin.a in BOTANY BAY in Technicolor

Extension Group Meets Tuesday

,])he CilJaJrkston Home EXJtension GrOlUlP wiH meet at tIhe TownSihJju:> CommIu.ndrtJy Cenlter 0IlJ TuesdJay, Jiamnarty 12th art. 10:00 A. M. Bring yOUJr .own ibal1)le service for !!he p~am.ned oven meaJ I1l1t noon, Mrs. Jack Jyleen and Mrs. Keith Low­rie willl he in ohaJrIge of lIlhe lesson.

MT. and Mrs. Wiard RoblbLns OOlteI"bairued thehr llatIIlily a,t cliinner on New Yea<r's Day. Guests in­elJuded M.r und Mrs. Clayton Emer­SOIrl 3IIlJd ·three dhildren cd' Inkster. Mr. and Mrs. Kenne1lh Ricks and three clhildren of BaJt'h and Mr. and Mre. WatLton Roibibins and tm-ee dhJ.Ldren ()!f OlJaJrllStoo. Mr. and Mrs. Rdoks and children remained for 1Jh.e weeJoond at the- WaJ:ton IWbbins' home.

Ham Springs 29.5 18.5 40.5 Howe's I..a.nEs 27 21 36 Standard Oil Co. 24.5 23.5 33.5 'I1hendlaiI1a Goltt 2£ 22 33 Howe's I.VllaJl'keIt 23.5 24.5 32 Davisburg HdIw. 22 26 30 lWJJlW's Gun. 23.5 24.5 30 Berg ClieaJners 16 32 21

INDIVIDUAL SINGLE E. Fri~ ______ ~___________ 229

INDIVIDUAL SERIES B. Judaa.ns __________________ 623

TEAM HIGH SINGLE iStlaIlJc'IJwd 0]1 Co. ____________ 942

9:45 A. M. Ch\lTeh School. Will­iam Mansfield. Superintendent. Classes for all ages including an adult class with Mr. A. E. Butters. teacher. and a discussion group led by Mr. Philip Smith.

11:00 A. M. Morning WorSihip. Sermon Sulbjeclt: "The Gospel".

The sermons itlhJai the Reverend Mr. Altkins is preparing for the New Yeatr, furowgjh.oult Lenrt, atre lberin.g >based upon tihe general artlicIles ontihe New Tesbaanent in ''The Interpreters BiJbie".

1954 Ford Now On Display TEAM HIGH SERIES

5tJam.dard Oill. Co. __________ 2714


Dec. 29. 1953

7:00 P. M. Youth Fellowship Tuesday. 7:45 P. M. Choir Re­


Team WLP K & B CaJfe 3Ui 18.5 48.5 Kelley's HJardwtare 32.5 18.5 45.5 ClaJrk's Std. Ser. 28 23 42 OlJiInitonvtiHe Grocery 28 23 39 Brin,g;1e Chev & Olds 2.3. 28 36 Averill Aut.o S>al~ 21 3f) 29 Hrunoon 19 32 25 Johnson...Anderson 20 31 M

INDIVIDUAL SINGLE ,FL ~oux __________________ 257

INDIVIDUAL SERIES G. Knoll ____ '-_________ .___ 614

TEAM HIGH SINGLE Pringl~ Ohe'V & OJds _____ • __ 954

TEAM HIGH SERIES P.ringle Obev & O1dls __ _ ___ 270~


Rev. Georate Balk. Pastor 10:00 A. M. Sunday School for

all ages. Merritt Cooley. superin­tendent

11:00 A. M. Morning Worshl,p. 6:15 P. M. YOUlIl>g People's Meet­

ing 7:30 P. M, Evening Service. Thursday evening, youth Jam­



Sunday School U :00 A. M. Sunday Service 11 :00 A, M. Wednesday Evening Service 8:00 Reading Room at rear of Church.

open Wednesday from 2 U> 4 and HOWE'S LANES 7 to 8 P. 1\11,

COMMlUNITY LEAGUE The vtirtaJ ll"01e of puriJty in :;pi!'-


Team W L' iI!Juil!I1 progress wiJJl be ~:forth art: . . Ohaisil.lan ScienCe services Sunday

Loflaill's IMla1ikIet 41.5 26.5 in the LeSsODi-Sermon en+D.tled D~ Setwfoo 40 28 "SIak!'lUnenlt".

I ~. This 1951 Fora ~redtlJtte Fordor sedan-new this year-has Interior beauty and new power assists ~ & ClQlegove 38 30 ~ Golden TeXlt iJs :IIroIII. Gal-smart new grllle bas n characteristic Ford center spinner, I . :RudiY"a Matikat 37.5 30.5 fiiliams: "Ye are aJ1ll dhilIda'en of God

e a1. 1951Ftlr~ passenger ears, it .has' new ball.Joint: Ait'WtaY' ProdUJOtS 3,3.5 34.5 b ,~in Christ. JeSus. For as ,;~O. ~r·''',rd'9''~. 1~~e~y;~e!'130·b.p. :Y~~10Ck~,.:~~Iii'Jila!lm Dalil'ly 20 48 Y b 1:>e!b~o..d.l"'~ ~er: ~',;Jlot eas i4'), di'ivipgc; plea$urel.t~ "a~Gldl~'~.·lirle 18;5 49.5 .~. :!:.-' y .... ou. ~ ttY':."'" en .. ~= 0#'4 'front seal, Jus· :r.~ril{)Jnat1c' or ovCfdrlvii, , '.' "r" ' . ~" ¥,~."",. ~.!We V'O" ~ v~""".

. ,.. '. ..',. ". .' . ".""'. _ . .. ..... ,-. ." (continued ~ page 6) (3:oo,a1)(,:. ~. 'l. (,

.,~ .\, ~, , I '\ ~ ,., '. ~:! .' ,to *~ _ .~,

John F. Bennett, 7960 Dlixie HiJg1b. Wl3JY, fimi!; yealr student Ia!t lJhe UnliNersilby of l\IIiicIhdigJaI, was !lIIl1ong 'a gr01Jtp Qf "Golden. AnllIlli­Ver1SaIry" sdho1atr.sihip slbuderuts hon­ored by Ibhe Detroit Edison Oam­pilmJY W~aty, December 30, in Deltroilt •.

BennErlJt was 1Jhe winner. eaaiJ.lier tlhls yea.r. Qf one of I!Jhe fifty $200 colil:ege study gI1131IlltIs aIWIaTded in oomane1'ri.ortaItilon 0If Deitroilt EdIison's ~ of a hiaIlJf-centlllllW Q!f ~ m S<nl!!lheaSter.n MlichitgallL '1Th.e ,~, ,pail'lt of a. y.e!llr-:JJtmg ptrQgIria:m celebralting I\lhe com­pany's 50iJh birltlhidlay, were gWen tJo '1953 ~ schoo(]. ~UIa!too on.

. tlhe WsIs of rohola'Sldc albillilty, ~i'l clJt.henSWip, <alI1.d e1C:tm-

OUITiculJan: sClhool >3Jctivities. The "Galide.n. Anniversary"

BJWlaro winlnens illre >aJt presen.t Eibwdying in 25 oolle@JaJ1le insllit­wtions, including ruClh L3a1de sahools IllS lIlhe Universnty of Miohigan, MiClhiglalru StJaJte OolJlege. w,atyne Universilby. rond M'icru.g1aal State Normail College.

The grOOJp entootJa,ined in De­p,oiJt-...BtudJe.nJts, tlheir p!aire!I1J!ls and fr.iendS'--n'Ullll/bered more tlhan a bJundred. Tihe vilslilbors were ~l­oomed aJt ifJhe 00iIIIIJ)ainty's sa/le'5 BlllJdlirtoIiium, 2000 Tthdrd A veniUe. by Eld;lson VLce-PreslJdenJt Ed/w1atrd T. Gw;1hee and Josejpih M. SUiLM.vml, assllitialnlt II1l'3IIUIIger ()(f. empk)yee 1I'e­

LaJbiOlllS •

Walker L. CisI1ett'. idenJb. addressed the Lunoheon.

Otfher fetllbures oil' tlhe .pl'Ii)gtlam'1\l im.cLuded ,tlhe presen.tJaltion ti etlh AJrmiversat"y . lric c1oc1ks, Jtihe sIlowdillg of . aiJa1l color-lfiDm on taJtomi.c., developanenit, and a toux- . Conners Creek POIWer of Edison's jive bIitg slteam~e geneI1qlting sbatllions.

5C1holl3!l'\9bJjp wmneo:s ,some 30 OOImlIItmiIties De1JrOilt EclilSon\s 7.600 service area, wfrldoh the tip o.f MiCihd:g1an's

Page 2: Detroit Edison Honors Students 1954 Ford Now On Display

.~ Word

. D!m<illd .D.CJLlUJ,alU,

'~rui, ",,~'!,r:;~._!Mm. Emery Beedle weekend .@ent wi1ih It'eIIialtives of

~O~lY dlor a iIlbree weeks his ~aI1lher WIho live in t1lhalt cotiiIl-Frj.ends !from try. He'il>aid ltihem a SUJl'!Pl'ise visit

~~,:~:iOD~mi~ld rtJhem OIII ilJhe and spent 'an enjoylalb1e rtM:> days

Em.ery came !Ilrom lilt. , It:o spenlCl1fhe hol­

.:b;ils paiI'enIts, Dr. taIIld Emery. J'S>ck le:1lt on CamP Kiilaner, N. J.

becoming CllCq'Ulai'Illted willi fbhe flaanily. .

Mm MallJie Wescott ihas Ife­turned tbo !her home in Olinlton, IoWJa, aJ.1ter spendiilll,g the holida~s art ,the Al K100y home.

• ... '-rybook Shoes for Children

,S3.95 $4.95 $5.95


W. L. Douglas

Shoes for Men

GREEN'S Men's Wear (Next To Pontiac State Bank)



HaIl'01d J~ chi~ and just west of AjiDpolit Road. Rl\iYl1lllcmd SIteele halve ¢melten !poX.

Pi3ter Hiawk~, son' of·~. and Mr. IllIIl1Cl Mm. Josetfu steelle Me Mlrs. R. L.Hawke eIliliSted in tlte··· 'expectiJng M1m. Mb.rIgaa:et: Slteele of U. S. MIanne 00l1ps last week aIIId ·ltibds $m.dIa\Y ·alfitemoon ~tron Mounta'ln fbo arnve thi5 week leflt on New Yea~'1S Eve :for San W:,K;.Po\V'tmamme. ' to spend a. !few dw.ys before She Diego, OaWd:orma, ,00 Ibegin dlmin- AJl1 Iboys in. lIlhe 6tih.gnaides 'Mr. land 'Mrs. RiolNurd Patterson entters 1lhe h~tJa[ in Ann Arbor irng ~ .......... h o.f Mlldiord, 1former1l(y of rtlhis n~- tlor observtaJtion. Mrs. George H. Kimball is qUflte _ .... ~.'1the·9t'b·gmdE$'ere ion'YiIted borthood, 1!IJIlII1iJUIno' the 'bil'lllh of a • ._.> d' _1Ll1. b 1;0 pamicipatte inJltihe ttownship ree- 10 lib 4 OZ .ri~"""'ter, D~;"a, ~~ Mr. aooMtrs. Floyd Huibble of ml,'pl'OV""" an loS ...... e '00 , e .. up rewti9n Jl1i!U1()if ~~ ~~ ...... U/&. ~~. OI1tonville enrberttJaJ.noo 34 rut and around some eadh day. 'She on SalbuIrdw.vs ~ 9:00 to 10:3'0 ' 24lth. Ohristmas dlinner. Guests werQ has !been very m tfollowiJng an 1Y.m. -Jnl'ltlhe - WlaJtetUlord 'Township Wl!lldiam 0al1te taIIld Helen Ba'eIlt from OlJair!kston, Lake Orion, HolilV, opel'!aJtion, .bUlt is ,getftlng aiong "School!: : ~mn. Byron of OlIaIrkSton were uniited in maJI"l'- amid On1loiDJvllile. The Hu.bblles leitt nicely. MerrWt ~ lolm 'H~, hlgfi; ·mge aft dlhe thome of Reverend Bell on New Yeatr's DalY t1Jo make their

MI:s. JiamBS LambeIlflon en- .schelll CO'aJtfues, tal'e dirEldtlng <IflW in DaviSbwrg ()IIl Novelpber' 30. bome in Roscommon. teIitJad:nJed ltihe WJalter,ford 500 CLub ·.-",,,uce -illf'ftllndamenlb- 'l1hey were aHltended Iby Junior

'D dJ t "' ... ir'" ~~- FoSter IMld BeaJtriJce Bretlt. 'Dh"''' , Mr. lam Mm. S1JaJniliey FUImJan on ues ay oaJ 'Ulle DJElW ... ann.allS .:;follO'Wed .lbv """"""e ""....,~. . , -" d '''1'_ T ",. . h Bi T ._,1_ n_~,.> oT ,,_U .... 'UU' are _~,J..d"'d their ihiOim.e on Bigelow an sons. ~Vll"'. UllllIl'aln HwbcllLIlflon orne on g ~e ... ~ neM' .~ ~. h .......... ,., anJd DalViSbUll1g. .• . f"1IIh ,,-__ ,,-Ie: .. of hi~~S _ .. r::..e

1 RIoad, DaMsburg. Oif DaJVisIbwrg Tom Funnan

Mr. and Mm. ,A,1.Eg'Wt J aoober algaliirt Ol" _ e ~~. '. '61U os""",:", On Decemlber 4!tlh Berutrice Bratt 0If !Inkster ~enJt Chrisltmas wit1h. lent on W ednesdJ~ for F1hoerux, boys·nat ·parttic~paJting l~ valI"S~ . BI!ld JlUIIlIior Foster were man:ried Arizona, Wlhere rtJhear will spend ,~~.'E~~ -~rd~ from lin Itlhe ~g Community the rest of fue wiIlIter wilth ltiheir 10.30 iUillo'til. 12..1)0. noon ~ tlhe WllIt- Oh'UOOh wd.tIh tlhe Reoverend BeLl son, Jlaek, I8Illd .JlamiJ.oy. TdwnSIhiiiP ~~ Sclhool I:llfifici!lltiilng. 'I1heilr ralbteniClJa'lllts were

w:'ltliJ "'~"'··'t· -~-.-., ~~,~-~es Wtill be pI1a(yed. I ~ am -=< • ..,. Z 15 v"uv",:"esc"""6 BYron MerriJbt rand JolliIlJ Ha.ckett Mr. and! Mm. WilIil!isam Oainte. 'I1hey

rut hls h~e fuJJ10wing I!Ii 5lege of ann UIl'l.ces 1t!hialt 1""''''''' f :_>-1 a«"e living in ltJhe Meadowood a,-pneumorua. <>. a ~_~e 0 e~.. ~erubs.iJn Wlaiterdkxrd. . Mr. am.d Mrs. Robent SllLVder 1;eaJrIlS ~ .~ al!ld aflficial1

drove imlto Ohio to ""'end Ohrist- pla!y ~ ~gm, on JaJIliuJarry!Mlh. The clrlldren of tIhe Walmer ... ,""- Ih' "'~l'-""" Boys wtiShlng tlIo plJay, fmm your Beokmans an:e IbaCk in sihooil after

mas WUlUU 18 \LV >=. teams or repoI1t inIclividluaolly nedJv hlaJvi!Ilg iflhe clhioken pox. Mr. and Mm. Henny Mehlllberg 'SaItwrdI art rtJh /Mnfh oohool Mr. and MirB. RJ""~'h Wartson en-W'enJt roo Saginaw on New Yea.r's illY e· 5'" ",,¥,L

teI"lfJalined 19 fur CIhriStmas. Among Day to be wdrtIh his, Charles I ~ the ,guestlS were Mlrs. Jack JG11Jtz'

The Clarkston News Published every Thursday at 11188 S.

Main Street. Clarkston. MIchigan. WlJIIam H. Stamp --_______ -Publlsher Subscription price $2.00 per yelU'. In


Entered as second-class mat t e r, September 4.

~ 1931 •. at the Post Office at Clarkston. Michigan. under the Act of March 3. 1879.

Phone MA 5-4321

H. Meh1beI1g. Spl' nli ... eld~·News siSter, Mirn. Rolbent AlJdlrioh and Mr . .and MI1S. Elmer Collins Watches _ Bands

left lJast week to spend ,the irest Mrs. ToniPeiIJc's iIlartIher, Wil1lilam in1ialrut oon Ifrom V!illia Ridge, Ill. of the winrt;er art; their hoone in Knes, QJIaSSed oaM'O(Y aot ohhe Pe1c Otlher gueSts were from Ferndaae, Bracelets

hom PonJtiJaJc altld CIIianikJsIton. uaJke1aIIlJd, Fla. The Fred MiItlcIhelils . e J:aSt 'I1h'1l1"'sd:ay. The bod(y Watch Repltiring from WiaJterford are in La,keJialnd 'W1a!S Shiwed /to Mlt. Oiihve, Ill., for MT. a.nd UVI!rs. AnJdy Hinson an-and are livialg in haili:f of the eom- bu.r.ilal. noun:ce the bLrrtlh of a son on De- Drayton illiS' home. Mr. oaJlliCl Mlm. Joseph Young of cern/ber 15'l1h aft &to Joseplh's Marcy

0._ ........ 1 T ._,1. ""--.'> Hospitaol. JEWELERS 11he Walterford Moms H~iIIlail "","u"""ee ~e J:\A.>QU were in a ser-Co1l1mitltee willl go oto Oaikliaru:l iows oar a.ocddenJt on Chri.sItanas Mr. oamd Mrs. George Anderson CoWlity TB Hospiltal ·nex!t Wed- Eve. Mrs. YOlllllg hIad Ito lhiave 18 were guests of Mr. amd Mrs, 4524 DIXIE mGlIWAY nesday, Jan.. 13rt1h. Mrs. JamBS atiStohes in helf head to close rtJhe Chia!'1€5 0a1I1te art; d1runer on Sa't-Saylor heads ·the commiJttee. WOU/Ildi. She receioved 11 broken UJrdla(y eveni.IlJg. Phone OR 3-7362

The Ladies' Auxiliary of the riibs, Ia lPunobured lrum.g and froc- Larry Worilley, smailll oon of Mr. DRAYTON PLAINS

Mr. _~'iS folb in Bedlford,

M:r. ~nd Mns. Sam Miller a:nd Obildren \Spend; New Yeal"s Eve \VI~th !her ~enrtlS, Mi'. and Mns. Evan:s in Wilmot, MJilc.h. They heltped ce1ebrolte Mr. Evaru;' BOIth birtlMlay. From Wi!Jmot they werut 00 0alSS Clity to see the beanlitiDull H!?JhJtLng oaJIld 1!he OhrLstmas decor­ations.

Richard Ft:jtJterson and 2 sons ~not Ch.r~ wiltJh Mr. aoo Mrs. Howard Sprague. The Sprng­ues erutertbained 18 ali dionaler on Christmas.

Mr. aJrud Mrs. Geol1ge Pel'kins of PorutLa.c spent CbJriSotma's wiJth


IuingJtJn :lhtioy/

Re6aMe Service by Fadory Trained Man

Complete stock of poInts for most pens, a Iso repa Its for electric shavers. Ronson and Parker Ughters.

General Printing

~ !~= .. ~~!~Y I Pontiac, Mich.


her folks, ~. ~~ .l'4IrS. Cb:~~. Oant:e. In l1headlternOO~ ·tlhC\Y . went Ito I!he oome of Mr. I!l!nd MIn;. LYDIJl Perki'ns lin PoniUac for <U!nn~ er. MT. wnKl Mrs. Geol'ge PeI"kins spent New Year's wi1fh Mrs. Ohas.

lVlir. and Mm. Israel Selby eru­Itenbained Mr. alllJd MJns. Wi1limn Brockman .and 4lwo sons of Alibion. on Ohristlmas.


.. No other polley sf... rOD mote c:omplete protec:do. tbaa our fuDOUI Blue Ribbo • Auto lanranc:e.

tDeeatu,a: o Cash dlvlelenel ICIYIn ••

e 'roteelle.. everywhe" yeu tbtv.

• '.Ir, pr •• p_ .1.1. peymenll


Robert C. BeaHie l'hone ORlando 3-1921.'

V\'aterford. Michigan Walterford CommUll1Jity Ohuroh tured peIlIvis, She will be iIll If.Ihe and MTs. HoWiaro W..::OIf~I:.::e~y~ihJas=..::b:e~en~~~~~~~~~~~~==~ will meet ait1Jhe home of Mrs. -------------------------_ AI1thur Davis on ThUJrsdia'Y, Jian. 14Uh, beginnin,g with a oooper-3Jtive dinner at 12:30.

I Mrs. Alvi.n Austinwi1l en'te-rtain I t;he Good Will OlJwb on Jan.' 151tlh i act her W. Huron Street home in . Porutiac.

Ii 1\1r. and Mm. Jat'k HaIlil ea!lled

on the ChaJrles OaJ.hoWlS in Or­Lonvillc on New Year's Daty. Sun­day afternoon they were guests

Announcing for '54

Direct From the Editors of

,These Two Top Service Magazines

~e have joined with Better Homes & Gardens and Successful Farming magazines to help you use the best I

building, remodeling, and redeco-rating ideas suggested by the finest authorities in the country.

We carry the best building materials for your \

home. Come in and let us give you an estimate/

~IEER LAKE LUMBER & SUPPLY 7110 Dixie Highway Clarkston

a,t a hoEc1o.y "open house" at the Iwrne of Mr. and Mrs. Milo McLin­look in Birmin!?Jh,aim.

: Friday and Saiturday of this I week the 1. F. C. A. YourtJh Con­I feren.ce will be Iheld in G~<lind Rap­: ids. The pUT)pOSe is for rtlhe you1Jh I deleg)aftes to meet IClll1d IDaike platns

I for a Strute Yowth FeJiloWlsIhi.p. The Walterford CommUlni;by Ohuirch COlIDcil hrus <lIP(pOinlted Jook Peters,

I Eloise Bradley, and V~ Klinedinst atS delegaltes and they will aJttend the meetings with

i Reverend Wriglht VanPlew, pastor of iJh~ church.

I The followinlg awaTds were giv­i en oUlt 1wst Su:ntday fOif attendance

aJt the Watterford Communirtly Sun­dia'Y School: 4 monrtlh plTllS went to Karen Dickman, Nickie Kmtt and Denise Wyllie; Vil1~nia Studebak­er, Bonruie Revoir, KJalthy Moon, MiaTgJare1 Sbudebailrer, Lois Groves, Michael Wylie ood Mrs. Elmer MiJ>cLarty ,received 8 moillth pins; one year pins wen/t obo PhliJip Moon, Jimmy Anderson, MJary Ailice An.­derson., T0IImliY Jon€5, KlaJthleen Wylie, Oa«"ol Kmrt!t, Georgi:a Kizer,

lews liners Bring Results Try One

.. ·Dial . MAple $-432_ " .

NOW! 5 Ford engjnes offer the mightiest concentration of power per cuhic

inch ever in any truck line! v-a and SIXI For the power they develop, the engines in the 1954 Ford Truck line have less cubic inch displacement than engines in other-make lines. For example, Ford's 239 cu. in. Power King V-8 develops its 130 h.p. on as much as 43 cu. in. less displacement. Smaller-displacement engines normally need less gas/ That's one big reason why Ford concentrated power 'offers greater economy I

ford takes the lead in Au.8 vital fadorsthat make for lower-cost trucking I


Now, only in Ford Trucks-gas-saving, LOW-FRICTION, high-comp~ession, overhead-valve, deep-block engines in !!!! truck models! 115- to 170-h.p.!

New Driver;zed Cabs, Master-Guide Power Steering, Power ·Brakes, Fordomatic Drive for faster control!

New grea,ter capacity! New Factory-Built ~:~.wheelers," gross up to 48% mo .. ~!


· See fN:.- -w.t~'-. "'" 'V .... ~. 'FO' .. ' •. ,-. D··I rt 7RIBE "1":1' ~,' "iU-;"t£. ':;':1' · :$ . '$; _.r· ' i!-M~'A.AV ; .,: i:; ..'f' l~' '.. .

I' .. . . .~ ... #aiVWVtrl,",:.·: . "':\;.-":)\,,,:. r ." . r·~" >.11 Oil. r;" DC Ie FO/It '~b~tI. MO'II:,,¥,·· .

_ . t. . .... . .

. .

• . .... y • ., •. ::Y ... r ,'ordDealer·' . ,",. " ",'.'. .

.. ;.

Page 3: Detroit Edison Honors Students 1954 Ford Now On Display


For ,the first ¢lime, Perry Cmno 'telds his Jri.fe story! Live willh Perrty Como on his long a1imb to slar­nom ... meet his Colks, his friends, his wHe and children. Read "My Sltory", by Pel'!'y Como, st.lhl,ting in 1'he" .... IJl Weekly, w~tJh lihis Sunday'S (Jan. 10) iossue of The 00;r01t Sunday 1'imefi.

"P!'oteOti~';;-;>-foods - incJuding grapefrud~, tangerines, pe31'S, cabb­age, Oni0'l18 aoo potJaltoes---.a1re em­p,h:asized in l\Jhe U. S. DepartImel11t of A~icu!Jture's listirug of plenti­fuJ. foods. These fresh fruits and vegetJalbles aa'e especi:3111y varUJ3Jble nutrition-wise ltihis <time of year beoal1.llse of their high virtJarnin and mineTIlll content.

MiJlk prices during 1954 'will I depe!l1d ulpon i\lhe level ,M which tJhey are SJUipported by government. purohases.. Ilf suppont 'pl'ices are m<lin:lanned at 90 per ·cerut of par­iJty, 1lhere will be 1i.tJtie price Clhifmge. Secrertary of Agricul1ure EZDa T. Beru;on is empowered to seJt ItJhe slI .. upport level anywhere between 75 and 90 per cerut of parity.

Rockwood W. Bullard, Jr. John F. Naz



20 S. Main St. Clarkston


21 E. Washington - Clarkston orflc~ Honr> DaUy Except W~d

10 A. M - 1 P M: 3 P M - 5:3n P !If

Evenings: Tuesdays and Fridays

Phone MA 5-3616

MORRISON DRUG Prescriptions and Sundries

;;809 Dixie Hwy. Waterforrl

Phonf' OHlando 3-291)2

Emergenl'~' Number. OH 3-1846



14 N. Main st. l\1A 5-3966


5540 Dixie Hwy. Waterford

Residence Phone OR 3-1936


5 South Main Street


Phone MA 5-34<11



N,·ws. Office Ph. MA 5-4321


Modern Basketball Appeals to Spectators; I

Today's Game Faster, Says Wayne Coach

Coach Joel G. Mason of Wayne University shows Tartar eagers, Oscar "Wally" Ziemba of St. Josellh and Don Halverson of Stambaugh, how the term "cagers" originated. In the early days of basketball all the courts were surrounded with a wire or netting to form a type of cage. Those that played the game l'ame to be known as cagers.

Modern basketball fans. accus- play. The variety of early back­tOOled to toJay's fast. high scoring boards prompted a 1916 ruling that games, wuuld have a harJ time all boards be a specified size and visualizJng the cage Sport at the painted white. early days when the total score was Early games were played ln halls, often less than 20 points. auditoriums, and churches. Players

Comparing today's sport with the became aelept at dodging reel hot, oa.sketball game of 40 years ago, pot-bell1ed steves and arching shots Joel G Mason ot Wayne high over cross-beams and rafters. University, points to Tartar scores The early courts were boarded :.D show the change. Masou's crew around to a heIght of three or four !~anded the Ulllvcrslly of Western I fect WIWIl wire 01' netting was untano a 103 to 64 Llcteat last sca- adelnct above. it brought on the ap­wn, but 111 1910-19 the scure ot' pC::L'llnee of a cage. Hence, the Wayne's hard fought victory over term ca;:crs. Assumplloll Collc~e \\'as 12 to 9. I There were 110 free throws A

In 1891 Dr. James f\alSllllth Of! )Oll1t was added for everv three thl Sprlllr;ficld Colle~e physIcal: :)erSOnal fouls. Then came 'the de­educatIOn departmcnt tacked a clSlon to have one Ulan shoot the ;)f'ach ba:.kct 011 tlle gym wall I foul slloes fro'n 20 f,nt ollt Later From that day on lla3kctball \\~S this was Chan'gect to \~day's' 15 feet ~n Its \\ a J to become the top SPOl t with the shooting to be made by of the II1door wlIlter season. the man who was fouled. Stalling

By 1905 the game was popular in the backcourt did much to lower on the college sC,ene. but rules and early day scores until a 10-second regulatIons had) et to be d~veloped. line was installed. The dribble of the carly c,a)'s was . so controversial that often it was . Modern fans thmk of the .center necessary to play pen ods by differ- Jump as outmoded, but It dId not ent rules. Some games consisted Of completely dls~ppear from the col­two 15-minute periods with a five- lege scene until 1937. minute break. Ot4lers were as long As rules, officiating and playing ~:; three 15-minute periods. It conditions improved, the uniforms wasn't until 1930 that rules became reflected the changes. Bulky knee uniform. pads and other padding used when

The first goals were peach bas- the game was rough, disappeared. kp.ts or iron rims attached to the In their place is the modern, light­wall. Out-of-bound lines were add- weight two-piece uniform appro­'Xl when the backboard came into priate for today's fast movi:.lg game.


F1.'lIvorlalbl~ trends in tille heaJl'bh Pel'11Y Como's Life s~ol'y! .. h1s of Midhigta:n's 'people are reflected I own a.crount of his struggle fO!' hl1J ,,1.1. 1:10' heallbh dep.1J1t:ment rc'Cords .BUiccess .... the exciting 51,ory 0:

for 19!>3. tJhe srnaiLl-wwn bGiI'bor who S<:ulg

More bahies were born than mUTing any otJhc-r yea'!" in tJhe state'" hi.s~ory Lt appears aJmost certlain ,tJhtait over 180,000 babies wiJlll n:lve been born in 1953, topp­in.g the previous high of 177,835 rc:;;io.[el'ed in 1952.

The ae3Jth I'a,le reached an a11-time low of less thOOl 9 per 1,000. Ma.iernail .dcaJtIhs were art; t.heir lowes.t poiru~, a.DiPping below .5 per 1,000 Live binLhs. 1'he ind'ia{l"l/t de::tJ~!h ralte remained about the fame as in 1952.

The marriage rate declined sligihtLy,bUlt divonces declined, aJ­W, the two rI1lainlta~niIl.g abouJl tho barne baJan.ce during the Last three years.

ONLY POLIO WAS EPIDEMIC Poliomyelblis was the only eom­

mtlil1icaJble disease elpidemic d'll!f­ing bhe yea,r. Approximarteliy 2,500 I pereons were repol1ted to have had the disease, considerably less tiha'l1 the 3,909 oaJScs reported in 1952, burt still t.he ihird wol's,t polio yea~' in ~he state's ihistory.


For the first time a new \\'('upon was a ndhaJble Ito phys,iciano; of the stUite for tne prevention OT mod­ifiC'ation of .[Jl(' panlily"lic manifest· al~ions of poJio. Gamma gloiJuHn ",'as distribwted by the state health depa I'tune nit to physicians for membel's of a family in which u polio ease occuned. A tola.! 0'(

27,559 average doses of the prod­uct were dist.ribullect by thc s,ta!e heal'vh c\opartment during the polio "season".

Did you know thalt by pricking b·aking alf'ples vv·ith a fork befort' pLUvLing them in the oven, you can help keep the skins from burr'sting'!

his way iiI1~o Americlll"s hoort.; Beo,gin Perry COJno's story next Sunoo,y in The Amerioon Weekly wLLh SUNOA Y'S CHICAGO A­MERICAN.

••• tbe letten Ilarl. Then Irom all over the Iree world come surh commenls as Ihese Irom reader< of THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, an International daily newspaper:

"Th. Monitor b must read· Ing lor "straight.thinking people. •.• '" returned to school alter a lapse 0/ 18 rear!. 1 will get my degree from Ihe co/[~ge, but my education comes from Ihe Monilor • ••• " "The MORitor &ives me ideas Jar my work • ••• " "I Iruly enjoy its com· pany_ ••• "

You, 100, will find the Monitor Inlormalive, wilh complele world news. You will discover. a con· slrurlive viewpoint in every news slory. UBe the coupon below lor B spe· dal Inlroduclorr. subscription -.3 monlhs for on y $3. .................................. Th. Cbrlttl •• Scien('e Monitor Ope, Norwl, SI .. 80.too 1S. Mau •• U. S. A.

Plea •• und me aD Intrododory lub.trlp. HOD te Th. Chrl.llan Scienc. MonHor­T' ....... I , .. d ••• fl.

(.0 ... )

(db ... )

- (;liT) ( .... ) (. .... ) PO.II

I This helps a,pples keep t.heir shape too. ' I XEWS LINERS BRING RESULTS


CANDLEWICK is all American made, h::md-crafted crystal table-ware desif£ncd to add beauty and gracIous charm to your dining-table. It is clear, brillIant, ltght in weight, almost delicate in appearance, yet amazingly s'.llmy and durable for day-in, day-out dining. Candlewick's 'round the edge, always visible design was inspired by the hand-tufting needlework so greatly loved by our pioneer women. The idea of applied design in needle­worl:, {'umbined with skill in hand crafting glass produced i\ pattern of inimitable simplicit~,. A pattern so ~ersatile it is compatible with any pel'i0rl of decorrtt.ion ... Provincial, Regencv, Victorian, Modern. We are proud to offer this complete, open stock line of Candlewick ... America'::; mo,>1 wanted tclble-ct":'stal, hand-crafted at the Imperial Glass Corporation, Bellaire', Ohio, U. S. A. This beautiful crystal available at new low prices.


Hundreds of other pieces


THE DIXIE POTTERY Phone ORlando 3-1894

5281 Dixie Highway (near Waterford)

Upen Daily & Sunday 10 A. M. to 9 P. M.

_ _ _ each $1.65

See America's Most Exciting New Car Today The Completely New Star Chief Pontiac!

PONTIAC DUAL-RANGE HYDRA-MATIC DRIVE* and more powerful engines Ret new standards for performance and thrift. Whatcver YOll want-extra-economical f'miRing or thought­quick response in traffic-is yours at a finger­flick with this exclusi~e Pontiac combination.

~pfional at extra cos,.

• ; ......... ~ ...... ,~ •• , ••••••• , ••• , .... 0.#. ....... ' "',, .... ~. '_'.' ••••••••••• , •• ' •••••• ~ •• ~'.";,.-:-. • .:. .,' ......... , ... .

COMPLETE POWER CONTROLS- power steer­ing, power hrakeR, declrie window liftR, air con­ditioning, Pontiac's r:olllfort-r:ontrol driver's seat and Dual·Range Ilydra-Matic are available as optional equipment at extra cost to add to the long·range value of your Pontiac.

THE PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN, Gencral Motors loweRt pri" .. ,l f'ighl, is e\·('tl Illighlipr and more bcauliful for I');) l. And the price iii lill nmdcst that YOIl ('an buy all of the late>'! (lower controls and still spend II'sH than for standard models of many other makeR.

Edw. D. Whipple ... MAple 5·5566, PONTIAC SALES

- ...... -4 .....

World"s Finest Union

01 Luxury and LO\N Cost

The day is past when you mllst make a choice be­twe"11 tll~' killd of ear HllI "oul.l like 10 own and the kind your purse allows. SOft" ),011 can have both

lllxllry and {Oll' cos/.

You can own a king-sized car of rc{!:al beauty with power and perforlllance to match. You can have the very lalNt adnmceR ill power controls. And you can {!:f't all this, and more, without leaving

Pontiac's low price rangf' .

That is the real news behind Pontiac's .'omplctely new Star Chief line-and the real reason why it is so important that you sef' and (Ir)\"f' thi;; ma{!:nificent car soon. At a cost .iu;;t above thc lowest, you call now acquirc the bi"i!;cst. most powl'fflll Ponlia, "\'cr h;iltJ And with this f'x('('pliollal 8izc arYrerformance comc;; di~tinctioll of linc and contour and interior richness that make the Star Chief tilt' pecr of any car for all·around beauty.

Come in and drive this proud car. Com­pare it wilh the \"Cry finest. Prove for yours(,lf that Pontiac offers you the most exciting and desirable new car fo-;" '54.

LOOK AT PONTIAC'S SCORE FOR 1954 • BIggest PontIac Ever Bullt-214 Inches Over-All Length

• Magnlf1cent New Beauty, Inside and Out

• New Custom-Styled Interiors-New Exterior Colors

• Most Powerful PontIac Ever Built

i New Roadabillty and DrivIng Ease

• New, Greatly Incroased Cross-Country Luggage Room

Dollar for Dolla,·

you ca" 't beat "


Page 4: Detroit Edison Honors Students 1954 Ford Now On Display

FQurtt.een t.rqpbies wuaa. be given -perch catches at 1lb.e Second

:>"''',ftjlULl'~ Ice F:is'hi;ng DeI1by on Sat­·,urcllltY. JamllU<my 9, at iIlhe Metro­'~ Beach on Dalke SIt. C!Jai.r.

In aJddjItion, It.b.ere will be shree ~!aJlItrqplbJies, for t!lhe oldest man '.mo 1lhe o1IdeSt 'W01IlBllI. paTltlicipact­inV, and fQll' lithe most origin!l!l fish­ing iIladde in ;use.

Contest rules and ellitry tickets '.hiave been widely distIribwted and :,lndlcaJtio!llS aJl'e 1lh.att partic.iJpartJon will b exceed ,tlhe 8,000 who aJt-

tended last yecu-. There aJl'ethree oliamiilicaJtion.s

in ffile conJtest, for men, for women aJIld for cih.ilidrren 16 yeaTS of age aJIld under. Trophies w.ilIll be given in each classification for the long­est peroh aJIld for 1Jhe POtmdage of perch orutcll. noOt exceeding 1lhe legal 1imit of 50. •

In tlhe men's ,clialSlS, tlhere wila be lirst, second all1.d Itihird place trophies, and in WQIIleJl'S and jUlll­

lor c1a,sses, first and second place trophies will be a'\WlII'ded.

The Ice Fishing Derby is entirely fn'c of charge, except for fishing equJipment whiC'h may be pUT-

Top Vegetables With Cheese

Here are two hints to make vegetables look their best, taste their but: plan unusual platter arrangements and servo with cheese sauce for color, fla.vor and good nutrition. As the highlight of a luncheon plate, a whole cooked cauliflower looks inviting with a golden cheese topping. Provide contrast with whole green beans and broiled tomatoes.

You can make a quick cheese sauce by melting pasteurized process wese food with a little milk. Or usc a new pasteurized process cheese 8pread which needs only to be heated and, it becomes a sauce.

.vegetable. Luncheon Plate ¥; pound pasteurized Broiled tomato halves

process cheese food Hot buttered whole green beans \6 cup milk Pimento strips . 1 cauliflower Kelt the cheese food in the top of a double boiler. Add the milk grad­

tI&lly, ltirring constantly until the sauce is sl11wth. Cook the whole cauli­ftower, drain well and place it in the center of a round chop plate. Pour, the hot cheese sauce over it and surround it with broiled tomato halves," ud crean beans garnished with pimento strips.


GAUKLER STORAGE CO. Bhone FE 12-1'2(1 9 Orchard Lake Av~.

Laatsch's Northlrn T -v Service

6734 Dixie Highway - Clarkston Phones: Business, MAple 5-5311 Home MA 5-5001

KING'S INSURANCE AGENCY Office, Clarkston State Bank

Clarkston, Michigan Phone MA 5-5051

Charles W. Robinson

Phone }IA 5-2801 Isabel K. Bullen

Phone ;VIA 5-4881

abased or relillt~lUl;d fOr.litems of food I1ih'aJt mlll.Y' !be IPuOOlmsed.

Entry 1ticl«Ws :wd:1Il be diStributed startting aJt 7 a.. m SaJturdaiy morn­ing. Awards wjlj], ,be made b.Y IS

oommi/tltee of 15 jIuJdges represenJt­inIg spontsmen's dLulbs of 1Jhe met­ro,politJan ocea.

Legal Notices ESTES & COONEY, Attorne)'1II,

812 Pontiac State Bank Dld&'., Pontiac, Michigan

STAT}!; OF MICHIGAN-In the Probate Cuurt for the County of Oakland.

59,737 In the Matter of the Estate of Wilhel­

Iluna E. Moeller, Deceased. At a se~:'lun 01 !:uUQ L.uurt, held at

the Court House m the City of Pont­Iac, in said County on 29th day or December. A. D. 1953.

}'l'e~""t: Hon. AtiTHUR E. MOORE, JUdge uf Probate.

Viola M. Keasey, Administratrix of "aid estate havmg filed in sald Court her Final Account and petitIOn praying lU!' tHe eXatJllnatlOn and allowance thereof: the determmation of the legal hell'S u1 saId deceased; aSSIgnment of Ul~ re~ldue ot said estate; and the dl:,;charge of said Administratrix.

It is Ordered, That the 1st day or February, A. D. 1954, at nine o'clock, in the forenoon, at said Probate Court IlL tlle Cuurt douse 111 the City of Pont.· lac, l'vllctllgan, be and is hereby ap­pOInted as the tUlle and place for nE'armg said petition;

It IS t'urthel' Ordered, that public nouce thereuf be given by publication u1 a copy of Uu:::; urder, once each \\ ecK, tor three :::;ucceSSlve weeks Pl'L:VlOW:i to scud day uf hearing, in The ~larksll)1l Nev.s, a newspaper printed .1I1U cU'cUJateu m sald CoUnty, and that nut"'e be given to the helrs-at-law named in the petltlOn for adminis­era tlUn Wed in this cause, and to l!l'edltors whose clauns have been al­owed but not fuliy paid, by personal

,,,nlce uf a copy of thlS order, or by !;)L'rving the SaIne by registered mail ... llil return receipts demanded, ad­~Hl'~~l'd to their rc:::;pective last known aIlClrL'S~C:i as shown by the files and • I..'Lvl Uti In tlU:::i cause.

AHTHUR E. MOORE Judge of Probate

J::STES & COONEY, Attorneys, tl12 pun.t~acState Bank Bldg.,

Ponttac, MlChlgan J 7-14-21-28

PENCE & BECKER, Attorneys. 1016 Pontiac State Bank, Pon­tiac, Michigan

No. 61.87~ "rATE OF I\UCHIGAN-The Probate ___ "un lur the Cuunty uf Oakland ..

In ttl!.:' ina ltd' ui the estate of Enuna l'1kc. als" knuwn as Emma M. Pike, uCL'cascd.

A t a session of said court, held at the Probate Courr in the City of Pontiac, in said· County, on the 9th day of Decemoer, A, 'D., 1953.

Present: Hon. 'ARTHUR E. MOORE, Judge of Probate. ,


Notice is hereby given and it is hero­by ordered that the time and place for hearing Gil claims against the above. estate shall be the 5th day of March, 1954, at nir.e o'clock in the fore­noun at the Probate Court in the Court House at the City of Pontiac, Micb.igan.

All creditors or claimants against the above estate are further notified and urdered to prove their claims at said hearing and prior to said hearing to file written".clam-. !perefor, .witp. this Court and with the fiductary of thl.s 1.:5tate, under oath, containing suffici­~nt detail reasonabiy to inform the Ilduclary of the nature and amount of I .. ,ht;! claim.

ARTHUR E. MOORE ..Judge of Probate

Pence & Becker, Attorneys, lOlG Puntiac State Bank, Puntlac, Michigan D 17-24-31; :r 7

1)ream winter nights ~way



Sound slumber comes easily-even on the coldest nights-when

you have an electric blanket or sheet to snuggle under,

You'll love the wonderful warmth-without-weight and the con­trolled temperature that give you such a good night's rest. All for only 2¢ worth of electricity.

Electric blankets and sheets are practical as well as pretty • • •

easy to store and keep in condition ••• launder beautifully, too.

Blanket colors include rose, blue, green, chartreuse; red and

yellow. There's also a good color selection in electric sheets,

Choose one today; get a good night's sleep tonight.

:t~uary 7, 1,9~· -------In the ev~ of incQ.e!Jlent wea'bb­

er, lIII1e l)eIiby wIiM !be posttponed tf'or a weeIk.. Announcement of audl a ~em.eont wll1 be made by noon Fridl!i1Y.

Dr.' Elizaibeth Osmam. of MSC's dioOds aaJd In uJt:rlitiOlll depa:rt:m.enJt. Gmger ale, used in piJace of watter, :is antl'ther weIY of adding Wp to mdlded ]I; .is paIllticullarly good wiJth pear, !peach or apricot combinaJtiollS.

ESTES &. OOONEY, Attorneys, 812 Pontiac state Bank Bldg" Pontiac 15, Michigan

Geo. H. Kimball, Jr. INSURANCE

STAT!!: OF MICHIGAN-In the Probate Court for the County of Oakland.


OFFICE - Van Welt Bldg 4540 Dixie Hiway

Drayton Plains, ~Iich.


" A1ltw itJhe healVlY desserts of 1Ihe h01idaIY season, it is time oro rnaike ffilem ]i,g;ht ami slm,ple. Vary Ithart; gEll.aJtin desser:t ,by ,'u.sing gnl!)e ~uke instead of walter, suggestS!

In the Matter of the Estate of Ferd L. Putman) Deceased.

5875 Andersonville Rd Wa terford, Mich.

Phone: OR 3-9101 Phone; OR 3-2388 At a sesslOn 01 said Court, heid at

-- --.--r= . -_. ESTES & COONEY, Attorneys, the ~ourt House in the Clly ot <-unt-812 Pontiac State Bank Bldg., iac, in said County, on thc 28th da)' of

P t · 15 Mi hi December, A. D. 1953. on lac , C gan Preselll: J:ion. AHTriUR E. MOORE.

SHARPE FUNERAL HOME STATE OF MICHIGAN - The P¢~ Judge of Probalol'. bate Court for the County of Oakland. Leon C. Putn~an. cldnlinititraioI £STES &is COONEY. Attorneys, LARGE CASKET DISPLAY

812 Pontiac State Bank DulldiDl', Pontiac, Mi~

62,390 of sald estate havmg ilied m said 24 liour Ambulance Service Clarkston, MlchlPll

STATE OF MICHIGAN - The Probate Court 10r the County 0% Oakland.

53,446 At a session of said Court, held al

the Probate Office ill the City ot Pont­iac, in said County, on the 28th day of December, A. D. 1953.

At a session of said Court, held at the Court his fUlal account and petltlOn Probate Office in the City of Pontiac praymg for the exammation and al­in said County on the 28th day of lowance thereof, dotermmatlon of the December. A. D. 1953. heirs of said deceased, assignn1ent of

Present: Hon. AH'l'HUR E. MOORE, the residue of said estate, and th~ Judge of Probate. discharge of said administrator.

In the Matter of the Estate or Alic" lt is Ordered, That the 1st day of M, Stein, Deceased. February. A. D. 1954, at nine o'clock, in

Phone MA 5-2366 Collect

l~hone OR 3-1423 5199 Dixie Highway

Waterford, Michigan Present: Hon. ARTHUR E. MOORE,

JUdge of Probate. In the Matter. of the Estate of

Richard & Michael Hamberg, Minors Laura A. Clauson, guardian of

said estate having filed in said Court a petltlOn, praymg for license to sell at private saie the interest of said estate in certam real estate therein descl'lbed.

Fred Stein having filed a peti- the forenoon. at said PrObate Court tiou praying that an instru!nent filed In the Court Huu~e ill the Ln,)' of Pont­Ul Bald Court be admitted to Probate lac, Michigan, be and is hereby ap­as the last will and testament of said pomted as the time and place fur hear­deceased, and that administration of lng saId petition;


said estate be granted to Fred It is ~-urther Ordered, that public Stein, the Executor named in said will, notice thereot be given by publieatlon or to some other SUitable person. uf a copy of tlllS order, once each week,

It is Ordered, That the 1st day of for three successiYe weeKS prevlOus February, A. D, 195~, at nrne o'clock, in to said day of hCapng, III The Ctark­the forenoon, at said Probate Oiflce, ston News, a newspaper printed and is hereby apPointed for heanng sald circulated rn said County, ami that petltlOn. notice be given to the helrs-at-Iaw


Industrial Residential

Installation and


General Electric Oil Burner

Sales & Service It is Ordered, That the 1st day of

February, 1954 at nine o'clock in the forenoon, at said Probate Office, be and Is hereby appointed for hearing said petition, and that all persons interested in said estate appear' before said Court. at said tm-.e and place, to show cause why a license to sell the mterest ot said estate in said real estate should not be granted.

It is Further Ordered, That public named rn the petitlOll for admilll,tra­notice thereof be given by publicatlon lion flIed in this cause and to creditors of a copy hereof, once each week. for whose ci81ms have been allowed but three successive weekS, previous to l1uL !uHy paId. by personaf service of said day of hearing, in The Ciarkston a copy of thiS order, or by serving the News, a newspaper printed and circu- satne by regIstered lllail with return lated in said County, and that propon- recelpts demanded, addressed to their ent cause a copy of this notice to be respectIve last known addresses as served personally or by registered mail, shown by the files and, records in


return receipt demanded, to each of the this cause. Known heirs at law, legatees and de- I ARTHUR E. MOORE,

The CLARKSTON NEWS Clarkston, Michigan

,It is Further Ordered, That public' notice thereof be given by publication of a copy of this order, once in each week for three weeks cOflsecutively, previous to said day of hearing, in The Clarkston News, a newspaper printed and circulated In said county.

vises at their Last known place of ad­dress at least ten days prior to said day of hearing.

Judge of Probate ESTES & COONEY, Attorneys,

Please enter my subscription to The Clarkston News for one year for which I enclose $2.00.

Name 812 ~ontiac State Bank Bldg., ARTHUfi E. MOORE

Judge Of Probate ARTHUR E. MOORE, Pontiac, Mkhigan J 7-14-21-28

Judge of Probate ESTES & COONEY, Attorneys-at-Law

812 Pontiac State Bank Building, Pontiac 15. Michigan J 7-14-21-28

ESTES & COONEY, Attorneys-at-Law NEWS LINERS BRING RESULTS B12 Pontiac State Bank Building

City State

Pontiac, MIchigan J 7-14-21-28 J

'l'I1sellling Ille migllly arislilcral

IIlliglll-duly Iruck8-

GMC's HUSKY NEW STANDARD PICKUP, powered with 125-horsepower engine -most powerful standard six in the field. A de luxe model with chrome grille and trim, two-tone exterior paint and cab rear corner windows is available at extra cost.

Here is the most extraordinary light-duty truck ever huilt.

It has the smart styling of a fine passenger car to give its owners distinction and prestige.

A sweeping grille of modern design - a panoramic one-piece windshield-two-tone interiors with har­monizing upholstery-these are some of the luxury features that will make you proud to be seen in it.

But its practical side - its capacity for work - is even more exceptional. .

It hasn't just more power than any truck in its class. It has a whopping 125-horse/Jower engine - more powerful than many trucks with a two-ton rating.

The Pickup-one of 19 models-has a box that holds up to 11 more cubic feet than last year's capacious model. Its tail gate is grain-tight-and sand-tight.

The dials on its handsome instrument panel are clustered. Thcy can be read at one swift glance through the open top-half of a smart tri-spoke wheel.

And-a truck feature pioneered by GMC-it offers the driversaving,moneysaving advantages of Truck Hydra-Matic Drive*.

One final and surprising point. The price of the GMC, value for value, is unsurpassed anywhere on the truck market.

That's the story. The next move is yours. Come in and see "the world's most modern truck." And­make it soon. ·O/1llollal at extra evst.

(Jel a mllderg III/ck I EDW. D. WHIPPLE

MAple 5-556&' PONTIAC SALES ' Clarkston

------_______ You'D tlo heller !II G used ',uck with rOUI GAte dealel ------------..... p

Page 5: Detroit Edison Honors Students 1954 Ford Now On Display

-: '-i.mult;Jr; 191)4

Church News Worship, 11:00 A. M.

The'CI~rkston News,' Clarkston, Michigan . Pa~e 5 ~-------------------------~----------~~--~'~----~-----------------------------------------------------~?--------~--

)I~==========================::!::--:: For SaJ.e-Ha,y, straw, and com.

~. (cOntinued from page I)


Adult Serv~ce Junior Service

NEWS ·LINERS MA pIe 5-35_02_. "> ""'" l5tkc

I All kinds of tooclor work wa:ruted.


Nursery Care !Or children un­der 7 YOLLth Hour. 6:15 P. M.

Expert Typing done In my home -Letters, Le~l Work, State-

Rev. F. J. Delaney, Pastor

Sundlay ~es alt 7:00, 8:3lJ, lO:30 A. M. and 12:00 noon.

Wednesday Evenings Family Bible and Prayer Hour,

7:30 P. M.

ments, Invoices, Envelopes ad­I!:=;;;ii-==============:::::=-::;;;' ============;;!J dressed in any quantity. E. M.

Confessions at Uhe churail on Salturrtay from -1 to 5 Ililld 7 :30 to 9 P.M,

Holy hoUll' every 'Dhursday at 7:aO P. M., followed by l:UIld'ess­ions.


5331 Maybee Road

Reverend William Bos

10:00 A. M. Suru:lay School 11 :00 A. M. Morning W orsrup.

You are cordi:aJJ.y invited to the services O!f this church.


3714 Sashabaw .Road Drayton Plains

Rev. James E. Taulbee, Pastyr

Churoh School 10:00 A. M. '

Morning Service 11:00 A. M.

YoUltih Service 5:30 P. M.

Public Prayer Service 7:00 P.M.

Evening Worship Service 7:30

Choir Rehearsal 8:45 P. M.


Rev. W.J. :l'eeuwlssen, .)r .. Pastor

lOa. ffi. Bible School 'i C1U need the mspira tion 01 BIbll! study.

11 a. ffi. W orllhlD service.


Rev. Arvid Anderson. Pastor

9:30 A. M, Swnoo(Y School 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship

Service. Sermon: "Who is our T~er?"

6:00 P. M. LurtJher League

W<iIIIlJted-ironi!n.~ <B!I1d baby WiIlil1ltoo-carpenter work, r~ in.g in InY home. Phone MAple and finished. Phone MA 5-5675. 5-2476. 19c4 17,bkc

For ReIl.'t:r-olfifice space, 30 Jlt x 20 ft., in OariJbou IIllll, Clavkston, hru; priVtaJte erutrance. Plhone MA 5-5946. 19c ~-------------------.

For SaJ.e---.malhoga.n,y bedroom fillrnioture; wing Cihalr; wrought iron !table with plate !!Jl.ass tDP and

Sleeping rooms, by the week, at the Caribou Inn. Clarkston.


Bull-dozing, sand, gravel, fill­cllrt. Head Bros. ORlando 3-2584.


four Clhadrs. Plhone MAlpIe 5-2981. Wan.ted-sewing, drapes and ltYt.ltc men' alterations a specialty. Ph.

___ ----'.'----________ MA pte 5-3781. 3tk<.'

CUSTOM POULTRY DRESS­ING. Powell's Market, 6687 Dixie l:iwy. MA pie 5-6251. 4!Jtkc


All secretary's arbd treasurec's __________ , ______ _

reports of OIglail1iZlation-s S\howld be Accurate saw filing by machine. Lunne<i in 1\,0 'llhe oilice before next Bill Kelley, 5050 Whlte Lake Road,

Sl.lJIlJC1ay to be audited for tJhe Anu-uru Meeting whiCih is Jan1.lla~-y 26, DAVISBURG METHODIST

Rev. Marshall Saunders, Minister ST. ANDREWS EPISCOPAL 10:00 Sunduy School, Eleanor

M1id-week Service, Wed.nesd~y, Eld cd S . '~~,I t A ,~.< 4386 Dixie Hwy, Drayton Plains . r , up""" ,,-,en, . c""",,~

For SaJ~ne large, SaIlJMhl1, maJ.e gOOlt, $5.00; one sma'li, Togg­ElIlIburg, male goa.t, $5.00; one Tog­, ,female gOOlt, due Ito freshen in MarClh or April, $5.00; 1 l'oll-{)ver slip scraper, for ex­cavJalting, ditch digging, leveling, etc., cost new $425.00, will sell for $200,00; 1946 military jeep, roUlg1l aru:l to u>gh , $600,00; eleotric fonce CJtL2~'ger witlh baot1ery, $15,00; 3-iYLLrner, kerosene, cook stove, $5.00; SJlJOC'k trailer w1th raock and "ltanCihion, $50,00; a.nlt.ique waj<on wh~l aIl1d gl'ind s.tone, barth for $5.00; Lee R Will1ams, 8920 Cilia'­ridge Rd" Clacr-kston, Mich., ( CaJIlItcen). Phone MAple 5-{031 arllter 5:30 P. M. 19p

rut 7:45 P. M. for every Cige. You will be glad Yousth for HIM, SaJturday, 7:00 Rev. Waldu R. Hunt you came.

Minister-In-Charge P. ,M. 11:15 Service of Divine Worshlp.

5845 Rowley Rd, Drayton Plains MONUMENTS & MARKERS Phone OR 3·7074 WATERFORD COMMUNITY

8:UO A. M. Holy Communion

10:30 A. M. Church School; Pre-

MT. BETHEL METHODIST At price you = Blfford to pay.

Andersonville Rd., near U. S. 10 Rev .. WrigM VaD Plew, Pastor

Elizabeth Jencks, Children's Worker

Sundays Sunday School, 9:45 A. M.

Rev. Marshall Saunders, Minister MILFORD GRANITE WORKS

10:00 Divine Wm"S1hiJp: School; Morruing Prayer and Ser­

mon by the Vical'. 11 :15 SWHiJay School, superin­

.tem,dent Earl Davis in charge. - First Sun- Plan on being there, there is a

plJaice for you.

(Holy Col11lI11lU.11..ion

diay of each monlfu)


Road gravel, washed !Bnd and i!'avel, black dirt, buh rlozing and landscaping. Phone MA 5~4899.


Powell, Ph. MA pIe 5-7431 or MA pJe 5-6251. 6tkc

For Sale-1st and 2nd cuttings baled hay. Hal Brown, Flemings L.ake Rd., phone MA pIe 5-3501.


furniture bought and lold-one piece or a house full-for caab. At­tend our weekly Auction. every Friday evening. B. & B. Auction Sales, 5089 Dixie Highway, Phone 0R1ando 3-2717. Waterford. 30tkc

High powered sanders, edgers, hand sanders, sump pumps for rent. WATERFORD HARDWARE, TELEVISION. OR lando 3-2526.

For service on any Re!l·igerato., callSolleJ' Refrigeration. Phone MA 5-4477. 30tkc

Costume Jewelry, Imported China, Reproduction of Early A­merican Glass and Lamps. Many outstanding gift Items. Cards and Gift Wrapping. HANDCRAFT HOUSE, 5775 Dixie H~y, in Waterford. 43tkc

Make Old Floors Look Like New

Make your old floors glisten like new, We rent floor sa'nders and

S1..1.Ipply maJteria]s,




MA pIe 5· 2311


the "worth more" car declares a dividend

3 distinctive lines PERFORMANCE


- 1 4 brilliant body style

YOu'LL FI;\;U TII.\ T EACH new feature in the ','54 Ford is an extra cliviclC'nd in clril'ing enjoymcnt ... (',tab­Iishes Ford, ('ven lllore ill ',,)4, a, the "'\forth :"1ore" car. You get a special divich'nd in styling with Ford's distinctive new appearance. You get sparkling Hew interiors, too, that are a divid('lId in themselves. And eaeh of the ncw Fords gives you special divi­dends in ride and performance, , . with Bt'W Ball­Joint Frollt Suspension, the greatest ach'anc€' in chassis design in :20 years , .. with your choice Qf Ford's npw low-friction Y-hlock V·8 or I-hlock Six. the lllost modern engines in anv car today! '\'ith 28 brilliant new models to choo~e from, vo'u'll find the exact car to suit your tastes and req~irem(,llts. Come in ... See and Test Drive the '54 Ford.

The new 130·h.p. "L7-blockWafiJ






The new 1tS-h.p. II-block ®Dll OVERHEAD VALVIS






New Ball.Joint Front Su~pension

rhis revolutionary new suspen­sion is exel usive to ford In its field. It allows greater up and

The greatest engine advances since the original FORD v-a

down wheel travel lor a .=~~"- smoother ride. And It helps

keep wheels in true align men t ... ~ .. 'O!;:;,- for consistently easy handling, - Movement of wheels is on ball

BOTH NEW 1954 Ford engines ... the Y-block V-B and the I-block Six •.. have overhead valves for most effi­cient high-compression operation D\l today's fuels. Valves are free-breathing to give you the most GO •.. free­turning to seat tightly and maintain high compression. Both engines have a deep-cast block with skirt that extends well below the crankshaft for greater strength and rigidity . • • smoother, quieter performance and

MlSllt·Guille Power Stearlnl II does up to 75% of your steer-1111 Walk lor you, mak.s park· II, a pl.a,ure. loave, you with

t normal feel 01 stllrlna on IInllhllwlll.

joints, whether in up and down motion or in steering motion-right or I eft.

Plus flve optional power assists· you might find only In America's car.

Swift Sore Power Brakes Power do.s up to one-third of the work of stopping for you I You ore less taUgued, more rel .. ed. I. the ,top o.d go drl.lns at co.s.sted traflle.

Power·UH Windows Windows open or clos. at the touch of a button un~.r each window or on len front door, r;~~e~.'~:nr,lr~~:;~s~' the

4· Way Power Seal Push one of two controls and the Iront soat goes up or down .•. push thl other and It aolS Iro.t or back. It·, a re.1 can· .nd comlort I •• turo,

FlI'domallc DrlYI You Rot the Imoothnl" 01 I fluid torsuo convlrtlr plu. the Instant 'ao" 01 In automollt I ntormedlot. s,ar. Ford .Iso allen S8 ..... lng O'lrdrl •••

extra-long engine life. Their modern short-stroke, low­friction design cuts-' friction losses ... gives you more usable horsepower, more miles per gallon of gasoline. New high·turbulence combustion chambers assure a more thorough mixing of fuel and air for faster, more efficient combustion. Plan to Test Drive a '54 Ford. You'll flnd these new Ford power plants are the greatest engine advances since the original Ford V-B.

'&4 FORD lV/ore than ever ••• THE STANDARD Tor THE AMERIOAN ROAD

• AI exira ."".

ake today your day -for a Test Drive

B·EATTIE MOTOR SALES Waterford, Mich. Oalahdo 3 .. 1925 '·23 Years 'Your for .. Dealer"

Thurs. Jan. 7 -


Sirloin Steak

Beef Roast

Seabrook Farms frozen

Peas • -Baby Limas -Orange Juice



Fri. Sat. 8


- 9

lb. S9c

lb • 39c

2 pkgs_ 35c

2 pkgs. 49c

2 cans 39c

doz. 49c ---------------------_ .. _----------------_.----------------


Lettuce 2 heads 29c

Maine Potatoes 10 Ibs. 39c

Kleenex • 3 boxes 6ge •


9 SOUTH· MAIN MA 58'2811··

Page 6: Detroit Edison Honors Students 1954 Ford Now On Display

'T~ ~1/arl's .M~ --------~- ,980' W~rdJ MJaliket

TEAM HIGH SERIES ':Rask: ' Oolil.ision ~\<3 Manke!; ___________ 2688

DOLL HOSPIY'AL . WATERF()RJ) MERCHANTS ,Card Of Thanks (Red Division) ,

'WaaJ.ted~-i chiIdJl'~i pre-9c'hool ~. to ~. by; day or week . Rlone MiAple 5-6607. 19c

Sixteen year old girl would like baby siltting evenings. Cal'l MAple 5-6941. 19c

6687 Dixie Uwy at M-15 Phone MA 5-6251

Open Sundays - Closed Mondays

i:.~.~li:E:]reatur,ing a complete Doll Service-Wigging, Repairs Dec. 10, 1953 . . MIY thea1Iillfelt 'IlIlJalnkis all'e exrt;emi-

Team W L p' eel tiD IDlY Ifrieruh;; amd ne1~ors French Vanilla "HOlle Maid"

Ice Cream

Fresh Dressed Poultry Fryers


All doll accessories at moderate rates

Custom Dressing A Specialty

.,,;,.,.,,_.... u:,~",~,,,,,,. 29 1'" tar- !their tJho~ess :wlhile I """"""''6 S <w""J.'ILenng .., 40.. ....... h~oor.I""'" and .

• 'Dixie WeIKiing 27. .21 36 m .uue """"""~. SlIlce I Leo & Joe's Shelll 26..5 21.5 been (l()IlJV2[escmg ait ~y Dixde ~J.1aIl 2>4.5 23.5 34.5, -rn;:ve= ~ ~~

Bring in that cherished doll, and take her home new

Smorgasbord At Sashabaw

Presbyterian Church

5331 Maybee Road

0lJd MJiIIil 'I'aiV'Ell1!l. 23 25 32 C'Jty Soh 'Is lJa!Ilfu~rtton Service 24 24 31 1 Were _N-l omm~ft~ed. 00

Stewers Roasters

J1aOOber's MlaI'kedl 23 25 31, . '5"""",,,,Y I8lpprec""", . BealUbie Moix:>r Salim 15 33 17 iMirB. M1ary ClemenJt


Dixie Highway at M-15 Next door to the Tally-Ho Restaurant

Boneless Veal Roast Frozen Bananas Golden Ripe

'Frozen Birdseye Chicken Pies Grapefruit pink Callpbell's Tomato Soup Butter ___________ lb. 69c

Sat. Jan. 9th Beginning at 5:30 P. M.

Free-Will Offering

lb. 47c 2lbs. 25c

each 39c

3 for 2Sc

3 cans 29c

Beef Short Ribs _____ . lb. 1ge BIRDSEYE FROZEN cmCKENS OR Terry's Market Chicken Parts _ __ _ _ i'kg. 99c

Skinless Viennas _ __ lb. 35c


33 Miller Boad. Clubtou

PG'IDMleDtil Ina .... incladiq baIr eacUdoIdq

tnatmeat ' Cold Wave '$8.50 to $10.00 Shampoe "Wave $1.00

Call HAp.. 1-'''' ............

TIME To Fill Your


Anti • Freeze "-

Drive In Today

BEACH'S Standard Service

Dry Onions ______ 4lbs. 19c MAple 5-4341 ClarkstoD ~

AAA. Service MA 5-5731 \' ~ ",. US 10 at M-15

Clarkston State Bank Clarkston, Michigan


R. A. Alger J. L. Estes T. J. Foley R. L. Jones C. W. Robinson G. A. Walter J. L. Waterbury


Thomas J. Foley Chairman of Board Guy A. Walter President John L. Estes Vice-President Robert L. Jones, Vice-President and Cashier Isabel K. Bullen Assistant Cashier Evelyn J. Kelley Assistant Cashier Charlea W. RobiIlBon Assistant Cashier Kathleen B. Waters Assistant Cashier



Clarkston State Bank of Clarkston. Oakland County. Michigan. at the close of buaJ,neu Decemoer J 1, 19~;j, a t>OaIte bainUting 1ru1tJiturt:.wIl orgalllized and operating under the banking laws of this State and a member of the Federal Reserve System. Published in accordance with a call made by the State Banking authorities and by the Federal Reserve Bank Of tbia Dlstrict.

ASSETS . Dollara CW.

Cash, balances with other banks, iDcludinl reserve balance. and cash items in process of collectioIl-______ . 799,509.78

United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed ______________________ 2.373,455.20

Obligations of States and political mbdiviBiom_________ 241,936.79 Other bonds. notes, and debentures______________ 40,289.72 COl.'Iporate s1.Ocks (including :ji5,700.00 stock of Federal Reserve Bank) ________________________ . 5,700.00 Loans EIllJd dioouaJrts (inalsudliin.g $1,316.79 overdlt1allllls) ____ 1,236,466.,il7 Bank premises owned $16,500.00, iumditlure aOO fixlbuJres

$15,b06.36 ____________ .:._____________________________ 32,106.36 Other assets _________________________________________ 1,919.88

TOTAL ASSETS ________________________ 4,731,364.10

LIABILITIES Demand deposita of individua1l. lIarUJeribipa, and corporations _____________________________ . 2,146,821.94

Time deposita of individuals. p~ and corporations _______________________ 1,989.667.19 Deposits of United States Government (includIDI postal savings) ________________________ . 77,277,62 Deposits of States and politlcal aubdivi.l1opa _______ . 142,064.22 Other deposits (cert111ed and officers' dleCka, etc.) __ 72,893.67 TOTAL DEPOSITS ______________________ $4,~,724.54 Other liabilities ________________________ 40,Ol2.01

Joyce Lawson Elsie Smith

TOTAL LIABILITIES (not includJDa mbordlDated ----.,

./ Arlene Wilson

Thelma Lippard Ferne VanHorn

Frances H. Wampfler C. Herbert Soulby

Legal Counsel

Estes, & Cooney

Tax Counsel , Ernst and Ernst

'Investment 'Counsel"

obligations shown below) ______________________ . 4,468,736.55

CAPITAL ACCOlINT8 Capital- ___________________________________ 100,000.00 Surplus . _____________________________________ . 100,000.00 Undivided profits ___________________ 62,647.55 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS __________ . 262,647..55 TOTAL LIABILITIFS AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS _____ 4,731,384.10

·This bank's capital consists of common stock with total par value of $100,000.00.


Assets pledged or asslped to lecure UablUU.,. and for other purposes ___________ ,;. ____________ ~__ 250,000.00

I. Robert L. Jones, Vice President and C8.lbier, of the above named ban)t, hereby certif7 that the Iil~ove statement is true to the belt­of my knowledge and belief.



GuiY A. 'YIalter T. J. Foley ,

JOhn 1.. EsItecI DlnctorI·

State 'of Mlcbigan, C(iub' ofO~ .. . SWOM to and Q.Ibscrlbed befOre 4ItiIl dIly ()If JIiIIl\1BlT'y, 1954.'

~M;lres ,'. M.Smlth, ,~~ PUbUc



News Liners


Fast Results


p~ ___________ 290 ~ GAL. _______ 950

HAND PACKED PQlT ___________ 390

QUART ________ 750


Dixie Bwy. at M-15

RESOLVED in '54 to eat At The

Clarkston Cafe Bring The Family - They WUI All Enjoy It

Real Home Cooked Food Served In A Modem Dining Room Same Low Prices

Phone MA 5-9191 Jessie & Bob Parker

MOO t.;:>-. ~~e; - ~


Fresh Med. Eggs __ doz. 59c

Old Fashioned Smoked Hams & Bacon

Fresh Fish Daily Cocktail and J umbo Shrimp

Pinconning Cheese

Flowers For All Occasion We Telegraph Flowers

Walerford Hill Greenhouses EDWARIl and ETHEL CRAFT. Florists

5992 Dixie Hig~way on Waterford Hill ORlando 3-2481

Try our Home-made Goods Baked Fresh Daily

Clarkston Bakery Old Post Office Building

=6~7~OO=~D~ixt=·e=H~w==Y.====P=h=.~M=A=p~1=e~5~-=3~5=2=1~~News Want Ads Bring Fast Results

Tho new 1954 a.1 Air "-Door Sodan.

It stands to reason that you'll get the 6nesl Valve-in-Head engIne in 'he low-price neld from the world's large!!t builder with 40 years of experience In developing and Improving Ihls type of engine. And now for '54 ••• New power! New economy of

operationl Smoother, quieter, finer performance!

For 1954, Ch~vrolet brings you you~ ~hoice ing' US-h.p. and teamed with the highly of two great hlgh-compressioItValve-m~Head improved Syn~hl'o~Mesh Transmission, pro-engines. One, the advanced, "Blue-Flame viding smooth, quiet gear engagement. 125" engine; delivering 125-h~p. and teamed Both of these engines hriog you sensational with the highly perfected Powerglide Auto- new power, and performance as well as new matic Transmission, now availaQle on aU' and Improved gasoline economy. ,DloAels at extra cOst. And the other; the Come in; see and drive this smarter, livelier, ~nced "Blue-Flame. 115" e.ngine. deliver- thriftier CheVI:0let and place your order nowl

Builder of more than tWice as many

VALVf·IN·HEAD ENGINES al all other makers combined

--DII· PII'II.aLE OIiEIRIt;IT 118 , • . ' ' ''.' .j-' , " •

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