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Escherichia coli Tar Receptor Determination of Transmembrane Protein Structure by Disulfide Cross-Linking: The AA Pakula, and MI Simon doi:10.1073/pnas.89.9.4144 1992;89;4144-4148 PNAS This information is current as of December 2006. This article has been cited by other articles: E-mail Alerts . click here the top right corner of the article or Receive free email alerts when new articles cite this article - sign up in the box at Rights & Permissions To reproduce this article in part (figures, tables) or in entirety, see: Reprints To order reprints, see: Notes:

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Escherichia coli Tar ReceptorDetermination of Transmembrane Protein Structure by Disulfide Cross-Linking: The

AA Pakula, and MI Simon

doi:10.1073/pnas.89.9.4144 1992;89;4144-4148 PNAS

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Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USAVol. 89, pp. 4144-4148, May 1992Biochemistry

Determination of transmembrane protein structure by disulfidecross-linking: The Escherichia coli Tar receptor

(chemotaxis/signal transduction/helical bundle)

ANDREW A. PAKULA AND MELVIN I. SIMONDivision of Biology, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125

Contributed by Melvin I. Simon, January 30, 1992

ABSTRACT We have devised a generally applicable strat-egy for analysis of protein structure and have applied it toexamine the structure of the transmembrane portion of the Tarreceptor of Escherichia coli. The basis of our approach is theuse of disulfide cross-linking to identify residues that are withinclose proximity. To generate and test large numbers of cysteinepairs, we used an unusual method of mutagenesis by whichcysteine substitutions can be created randomly at a number oftargeted codons. Cysteine-substituted proteins encoded bymutagenized genes may be screened directly for disulfideformation within oligomers or, alternatively, different pools ofgenes may be randomly recombined to generate gene popula-tions with substitutions in multiple regions. Thus, it is possibleto detect a variety of disulfide cross-links between and withinindividual protein molecules. Interactions between the fourmembrane-spanning stretches of the Tar dimer were probed bymeasuring the tendency of 48 cysteine substitutions throughoutthis region to form disulffide cross-links with one another. Wehave interpreted these data to suggest a helical-bundle struc-ture for the transmembrane region. The four helices of thisbundle are not structurally equivalent: the two TM1 helicesinteract closely, whereas the TM2 helices are more peripherallylocated.

The Tar receptor of Escherichia coli is a transmembranesignal transducer protein involved in the detection of chemo-tactic effectors. It is a member of a family of related recep-tors, the methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins, which shareconsiderable amino acid sequence similarity (1). Tar appearsto act as a dimer (2). It mediates repellent responses to nickeland cobalt ions and attractant responses to aspartate andmaltose (3). Each 553-amino acid monomer of Tar is com-prised of relatively large periplasmic and intracellular do-mains as well as two membrane-spanning domains that arethought to be a-helical (4). (The transmembrane topology ofTar is illustrated in Fig. 1.) Ligands bind to the periplasmicregion of Tar (5-8) leading the receptor to modulate theactivity of the soluble autophosphorylating kinase CheA (9,10). This initial event leads, through a series of additionalintracellular interactions, to altered bacterial swimming be-havior.The nature of the protein conformational changes that

mediate communication across lipid bilayers is unknown.The Tar receptor resembles the mammalian epidermalgrowth factor and insulin receptors in that each of theseproteins consists of large soluble domains linked by a smallnumber of transmembrane stretches. In contrast to the epi-dermal growth factor receptor, the oligomeric state of the Tarreceptor does not change as a consequence of ligand binding(2); thus any structural changes involved in transmembranesignal transmission occur within the preformed receptor

dimer. We presume that ligand binding results in a confor-mational change in the periplasmic domain and that thischange is then propagated by the four transmembrane do-mains to the cytoplasmic domain. The structure of theisolated periplasmic domain of the Tar protein of Salmonellatyphimurium was recently solved by x-ray crystallography(11). Analysis of this structure indicates that ligand bindinginduces a shift in the relative orientation of the receptormonomers. An understanding of the nature of the transmem-brane conformational changes will require three-dimensionalstructural information for the membrane-spanning do-mains-a goal that has been frustrated by difficulties encoun-tered in preparing crystals of intact methyl-accepting chemo-taxis proteins. Accordingly, our current efforts have focusedon development of a structural model of the Tar transmem-brane domains through biochemical means.We have used a cysteine disulfide cross-linking approach

to analyze the structure of the Tar transmembrane domains.Disulfide cross-linking using small numbers of naturallyoccurring or engineered cysteine residues has been employedto probe protein structure (2, 12-19). We have now intro-duced methods that make it possible to analyze proteinstructure in detail by this approach. Through the use of anunusual procedure for oligonucleotide synthesis, individualcysteine substitutions were introduced at nearly every posi-tion in the transmembrane region. We then determined whichcysteines are sufficiently close to form disulfide cross-links.The resulting information places strong constraints upon thepossible arrangements of the transmembrane helices, andthus we have been able to propose a structure for this region.This strategy is generally applicable but is particularly wellsuited for analysis of transmembrane domain structure sincethe secondary structure of such regions is often known andsince structural information is nearly inaccessible by othermeans.

MATERIALS AND METHODSBacterial Strains and Plasmids. In all experiments, Tar is

expressed from plasmid pAP200, which was constructed bythe addition of the M13 origin of replication from plasmidpZ150 (20) to pRBB5 (R. Bourret, personal communication).pRBB5 was derived from pAK101 (5) by engineering restric-tion sites Spe I, Avr II, Pst I, BspM2, and Xho I within theTM1 coding region while preserving the wild-type amino acidsequence (Fig. 2). E. coli K0607 (21) and HCB721 (22) lackfunctional methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins genes. Ad-ditionally, HCB721 lacks functional cheR and cheB genes.

Introduction of Cysteine Substitutions. Double-strandedoligonucleotide cassettes for TM1 mutagenesis were ligatedto pAP200DNA (Fig. 2). Mutagenesis ofTM2 was performedby site-directed mutagenesis (23) of M13AP1 single-strandedDNA. M13AP1 is an M13mpl9 (24) containing the Xba I-KpnI restriction fragment of pAP200. Replicative-form DNAfrom pooled mutagenized M13AP1 candidates was digestedwith Xba I and Kpn I restriction enzymes, and the TM2-


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Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89 (1992) 4145

FIG. 1. Transmembrane topology of Tar. Each Tar monomerconsists of 553 amino acids. The periplasmic and cytoplasmicdomains are directly linked by TM2, a transmembrane region of 24amino acids. TM1 is located close to the amino terminus of Tar andis 27 amino acids long.

containing fragment was religated to pAP200. MutagenizedDNA was used to transform strain K0607. Nonchemotacticisolates were identified as probable tar deletion mutants andexcluded from further analysis.

Cysteine Mutant Recombination. Pools of plasmids bearingtar genes with cysteine substitutions in both transmembraneregions were prepared by random recombination in vitro ofEcoRI-Xba I DNA fragments bearing substituted TM1 andTM2 regions. Two separate pools were prepared. For pool A,genes with cysteine mutations at TM1 residues 7-25 and TM2residues 201-212 were recombined. Cysteine substitutions ofTM1 residues 15-33 and TM2 residues 189-200 were recom-bined for pool B. Recombinant plasmid DNA was introducedinto strain HCB721, and individual transformants were se-lected for cross-linking analysis as described below.[Cys25,Cys189] and [Cys25,Cys192]Tar variants were individ-ually constructed in a similar manner.Mutagenic Oligonucleotide Synthesis. Mutagenic oligonu-

cleotides were synthesized by a variation of a protocoldeveloped by M. Zollar and D. Botstein (personal commu-nication). Two solid-phase DNA synthesis columns wereoperated simultaneously, and resin support with partiallycompleted oligonucleotides was periodically exchanged be-tween the two columns. One column was programmed tosynthesize the wild-type sequence, and the other was pro-grammed for the repeated synthesis of a cysteine codon. Toachieve 10% substitutions per codon, the first targeted codonwas synthesized with 10% of the resin in the cysteine columnand the remainder in the wild-type sequence column. Afterthe synthesis of each codon, all resin was removed, mixed,and redistributed as before.

Disulfide Cross-Linking Analysis. Saturated cultures (150,ul) of HCB721 or K0607 carrying mutant candidate pAP200plasmids in LB broth with ampicillin (100 ,g/ml) were

13amHl Ilindill Xhal KpII1 I

/'1'..II 1

Spel Avrll Xhol_I


Double-stranded mutagenicoligonucleotide cassettes


centrifuged at 600 x g for 15 min. Cell pellets were resus-pended in 50 ,ul ofTG [50mM Tris HCI, pH 7.5/10% (vol/vol)glycerol] containing 1 mM MgCl2, DNase I (10 ug/ml),RNase A (10,ug/ml), and lysozyme (0.5 mg/ml), incubatedon ice for 20 min, and lysed by five freeze/thaw cycles. Thelysate was mixed with 50 41 of 1.0 mM aqueous iodine,incubated for 15 min at 20°C, and centrifuged again. Thepellet was resuspended in 20 ,ul of TG, mixed with 15 ,tl ofsample buffer [0.32 M Tris HCI, pH 6.8/8% (wt/vol) SDS/40% glycerol/0.01% bromphenol blue] including 0.2 M so-dium iodoacetate. Samples (15 ,ul) were heated to 90'C for 3min and subjected to electrophoresis in SDS/7% polyacryl-amide gels (25). Tar was detected by Western blot analysis(26) using specific antibodies, an enzyme-linked secondaryantibody, and appropriate detection reagents (Promega Pro-toblot or Amersham ECL system). DNA sequencing wasperformed using double-stranded pAP200 template DNA andthe Sequenase system (United States Biochemical).Computer Modeling. Molecular dynamics and energy min-

imization calculations were performed using BIOGRAF(BioDesign, New York) run on the DEC VAXstation 3500computer. For disulfide-forming residue pairs, the distancebetween p-carbons was constrained to 4.2 A.

RESULTSRandom Introduction of Cysteine Substitution Mutations.

Potential TM1 cysteine mutants generated using cassettes 1and 2 (Fig. 2) were sequenced directly without prior screen-ing for disulfide formation or receptor function. A largefraction of these isolates (30%) sustained small deletionmutations. Subsequently, deletion mutants were identifiedby prescreening candidates for chemotactic function.Whereas each of the cysteine substitution mutants retainedsubstantial activity, deletion mutations resulted in anonchemotactic phenotype. The average number of cysteinesubstitutions generated per isolate was close to the expectednumber in most experiments (data not shown). Furthermore,cysteine substitutions appeared to be distributed randomlyamong the targeted residues (Fig. 3).Homologous Disulfide Cross-Linking. We initially assem-

bled a set of plasmid-borne mutant tar genes containingcysteine substitutions at nearly all TM1 and TM2 residuepositions (Table 1). These substitutions were introduced byusing synthetic oligonucleotides. Upon oxidation, pairs ofhomologous cysteine residues (i.e., the corresponding resi-dues of the two monomers of the Tar dimer) may formintermolecular disulfide bridges. After oxidation with iodine,disulfide cross-linked forms of Tar were identified by their



L. 4

2-,~> . .... .~--

Mutagenic oligonucleotidesfor site-directed mutagenesis




7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 16 17 18 192021222324

FIG. 2. Introduction of cysteine substitution mutations in the targene of pAP200. Shaded regions of single- or double-strandedoligonucleotides indicate regions into which cysteine substitutionswere randomly introduced.

Residue Position

FIG. 3. Distribution of cysteine substitutions generated withmutagenic cassettes 1 and 2 (see Fig. 2) among targeted positions.

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Table 1. Cysteine substitution mutants and their homologouscross-linking efficiencies

Cysteine(s) TM1-TM1in TM1, cross-

position(s) linking

7 +8 _9 _10 -11 ++

10, 12 -13 -14 +15 +

15, 16 +17, 20 +18 +19 +20 -21 +22 ++23 -24 -25 ++26 -27 -28 -29 ++30 -31 -32 -

Cysteine(s)in TM2,


189, 192, 197198200

201, 203202, 204


204, 205206

203, 207, 210207208209211

210, 212


33 +

+, Detectable cross-linking at 5 to 20%o efficiency; + +, >50oefficiency; -, no detectable cross-linking (<5%).

distinct electrophoretic mobilities (Fig. 4). Since there are nocysteines in wild-type Tar, any observed Tar cross-linking isdue to the experimentally introduced substitutions. For iso-lates bearing multiple substitutions, the cysteine residuesparticipating in disulfide formation were identified by com-parison with mutant tar genes that contained only one or theother substitution. To determine whether reaction of iodinewith other Tar amino acid side chains might alter the nativestructure of Tar, we examined the effect of iodine treatmenton the ability of wild-type Tar to stimulate CheA autophos-phorylation in vitro (9, 10). Substantial Tar activity wasretained (L. Alex and A.A.P., unpublished data); thus, it isunlikely that iodine treatment significantly perturbs Tarstructure.

Of the 48 "homologous" cysteine pairs tested, only fourwere found to form disulfide bonds efficiently (with >50%yield); these involved positions 11, 22, 25, and 29 of TM1(Table 1). An additional nine TM1-TM1 and five TM2-TM2disulfide pairs formed, but inefficiently (5-20%o). Thus, effi-cient disulfide formation under these conditions identifies asmall subset of cysteine residue pairs that are in closeproximity. This high degree of specificity may result in partfrom the rapidity of the oxidation reaction. Cross-linking iscompleted within 15 sec of iodine addition (data not shown).When TM1 and TM2 are modeled as a-helices, the homol-

ogous disulfide-forming positions are found only on one sideof each helix (Fig. 5). This observation supports the suppo-sition that TM1 and TM2 are essentially a-helical. Further-more, the asymmetric distribution ofthese positions suggeststhe gross orientation ofthe four transmembrane helices of theTar dimer. We expect that the helical face upon whichdisulfide-forming residues are found is directed toward itshomologue in the other monomer.

Heterologous Disulfide Cross-Linking. The homologous di-sulfide bonds described above probe two (TM1-TM1 andTM2-TM2) of the four sets of pairwise transmembranedomain interactions that could occur in the three-dimensionalstructure of Tar. To probe TM1-TM2 interactions eitherwithin (intramolecular) or between monomers (intermolecu-lar) ofthe Tar dimer, we examined Tar variants with cysteinesubstitutions in both transmembrane domains. Plasmids ex-pressing such variants were prepared by random recombi-nation of pools of TM1 and TM2 cysteine mutants. Candi-dates from the recombinant plasmid pools were thenscreened for disulfide formation.Of 192 isolates examined, 15 expressed variant Tar pro-

teins that formed disulfide cross-links efficiently. The targenes of these isolates were then analyzed by DNA sequenc-ing to determine the sites of the relevant cysteine residues.Both intermolecular and intramolecular disulfides betweenTM1 and TM2 were identified (Table 2). Thus, each TM1helix appears to interact with both of the TM2 helices in theTar dimer.

Structural Modeling. We have used computer-aided mo-lecular modeling to construct a structural model for the Tartransmembrane structure based on cross-linking data. Forthis purpose, we considered only the heterologous and ho-

Homologous >50

disulfide formationefficiency 5-20%

TM 1 Periplasm3r


CsensTM1: 25 - 30 10/12CysteinesTM2. - 208 191 211


TMl-TMI- _11}6







1) 6(1 1210 181 240 3l00 360 3i60 8(K) 240 I8(O 12(1 60 0rotational position (deg) rotational position (deg)


FIG. 4. SDS/gel electrophoretograms of representative cysteine-substituted Tar proteins after iodine oxidation. The electrophoreticmobility of monomeric Tar and of each cross-linked form is indi-cated. Proteins were visualized immunologically.

FIG. 5. Homologous disulfide formation by cysteines in TM1 andTM2. The transmembrane a-helices are shown in a two-dimensionalrepresentation and each residue is indicated by a circle. deg, De-gree(s).

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89 (1992)

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Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89 (1992) 4147

Table 2. Tar residue positions of cysteine substitutions thatresult in efficient (>50o) TM1-TM2 disulfide formationIntermolecular disulfide Intramolecular disulfide bond,

bond, position(s) position(s)


10/12 208 7 21110/12 209 10 21111 210/212 10/12 21115 208 11 21119 208 15 20430 191 21 201/20330 193 25 189/192/197*33 189 28 193

*This cross-link appears to involve Cys25 and Cys197 because for[Cys25,Cys189j- and [Cys25,Cys192]Tar variants heterologous cross-links do not form.

mologous cross-links that form efficiently. Inefficient cross-linking positions are presumably separated by greater dis-tances and were not considered for detailed model building.We also excluded from consideration those isolates forwhich, because of the number of cysteine substitutions, theresidues that participate in disulfide formation could not beidentified unambiguously.Four a-helices of appropriate length were constructed and

arranged parallel to one another with their termini oriented asdictated by the known transmembrane topology of Tar. Thehelices were then rotated on their long axes so that residuepairs that form cross-links were roughly oriented toward oneanother. To reduce computational complexity, methylgroups were substituted for each amino acid side chain.Molecular dynamics simulation and energy minimizationcalculations were performed using distance and angle con-straints between (3carbons at disulfide-forming residue po-sitions. The structures were also constrained to remaina-helical. The distance between -carbons in the final modelis 4.6 ± 0.7 A (mean ± SD). The resulting structure isessentially an a-helical bundle; however, the four helices arenot structurally equivalent (Fig. 6). The TM1 helices arelocated centrally and interact extensively with one another.The central position of the TM1 helices is not dependent onthe initial orientation of the helices; a similar structure resultsif TM2 helices are placed in close proximity at the start ofmolecular modeling calculations.

DISCUSSIONWe have developed and demonstrated a generally applicablestrategy for analysis of protein structure; this strategy in-volves the introduction and cross-linking analysis of largenumbers of cysteine residue pairs. The feasibility of thisapproach depends strongly on a technique for the randomintroduction of cysteine substitutions. A pool of single ormultiple cysteine substitution mutants may thus be assem-bled, and the encoded protein variants may be screened fordisulfide formation directly without prior determination ofDNA sequence changes. It is also possible to identify posi-tions between which disulfide formation does not occur.Since cysteine substitutions are randomly distributed amongthe targeted positions, the probability that any particularcysteine substitution or pair of cysteine positions is presentin the mutant pool can be readily calculated.The interpretation of limited disulfide cross-linking data in

terms of three-dimensional structure is complicated by thefact that interatomic distances cannot be determined directlyfrom the rate or efficiency of disulfide formation. By exam-ining the cross-linking behavior of a large fraction of allpossible cysteine pairs within a given structural element, this


FIG. 6. Structural model for the Tar transmembrane domains. (a)Helical-bundle structure as viewed end on from the periplasm.Helices that belong to the same Tar monomer are shown in the samecolor. Distances between 3-carbons that were constrained duringmolecular modeling are shown in blue. (b) Ribbon diagram of thestructural model. TM1 helices are shown in red; TM2 are in green.Letters "A" and "B" indicate which helices are located within thesame Tar monomer.

obstacle may be overcome. Cysteine pairs that cross-linkmost and least readily may be assumed to be closest andfarthest apart, respectively, and model building can be per-formed on this basis. Furthermore, because model buildingconsiders a large number of interactions with equal weight,the effects of unusual or misleading results on the finalstructure will be minimal.

Extensive amino acid sequence similarities exist betweenTar and other related receptors in the region ofTM1 and lessso in TM2 (1). If wild-type side chains are modeled into theproposed helical-bundle structure, all but one ofthe 14 highly

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conserved transmembrane residues are found to be capableof participating in at least one interhelical interaction. Theconservation of these amino acids presumably reflects theirimportant structural and/or functional roles; thus this corre-lation provides support for our model.The inefficiently forming homologous cysteine pairs de-

scribed above generally fall in the interior of the predicteda-helical bundle structure. We presume that disulfide forma-tion between these distant positions occurs as the receptor,undergoing random structural fluctuations, momentarily as-sumes a variety of alternative conformations. In some casesthese fluctuations must involve rather large-scale molecularmotions, on the order of 10 A. Nonetheless, they do not seemto involve complete loss of folded structure since disulfideformation is not observed between residues located on ex-terior helical faces. A high degree of flexibility for the solubledomains of Tar has been suggested (14) on the basis ofmeasurements of cysteine cross-linking rates.Of the three highly conserved hydrophilic residues in the

transmembrane domains, two (Gln-22 and Ser-25) are situ-ated in the TM1-TM1 interface; in fact, these correspond totwo of the four efficient homologous disulfide-forming resi-due positions. Hydrogen-bonding interactions between theseside chains might stabilize the TM1-TM1 interaction. Suchinteractions could contribute significantly to structural sta-bilization as a result of their hydrophobic environment (27,28).Based on the recently determined three-dimensional struc-

ture of the Tar periplasmic domain, Milburn et al. (11) haveproposed a model for the structural arrangement of thetransmembrane domains. This model was constructed byextension of long periplasmic a-helices into the transmem-brane region and thus is not based upon direct evidence forinteractions between the transmembrane helices. Nonethe-less, the overall topology predicted in this way should beaccurate and is identical to the topology we have proposed.Although our approach may correctly predict general fea-tures of transmembrane domain structure; its ability to ac-curately characterize structural details is uncertain. Specif-ically, cysteine pairs with similar cross-linking behaviormight actually be separated by different distances. Highlyflexible helical regions might interact more readily thaninflexible ones and thus appear inappropriately close in ouranalysis. Differential accessibility by iodine to various struc-tural regions might produce- similar effects and steric factorsmay also play a role in determining the efficiency of disulfideformation.The structural model that we have described provides

testable predictions. For example, additional cysteine sub-stitutions can be constructed and analyzed on the basis ofresidue proximity in the model. Furthermore, residues thatappear to be intimately involved in helical interactions arelogical targets for directed mutagenesis. We expect thatdisruption of such interactions will result in informativesignaling phenotypes. Finally, we anticipate that the use ofsimilar cross-linking techniques will help to reveal the trans-membrane conformational changes that play a role in signaltransduction.

We thank David Botstein for communication of unpublishedmethods for oligonucleotide synthesis; James Bowie and Yun Sun forsuggestions on molecular modeling calculations; AnnaMarieAquinaldo, Conrad Sevilla III, and Brett Znider for oligonucleotidesynthesis; Robert Bourret, Doug Rees, and Andy Myers for helpfulcomments and discussion. This work was supported by NationalInstitutes of Health Grant AI 192% and by a grant from the MarkeyFoundation. A.A.P. is the recipient of a postdoctoral fellowship fromthe American Cancer Society, California division.

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Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89 (1992)