Determinants of wages: Evidence from Nigeria

Determinants of wages: Evidence from Nigeria Abimbola Olanrewaju Oni Submitted to the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Economics Eastern Mediterranean University August, 2014 Gazimağusa, North Cyprus

Transcript of Determinants of wages: Evidence from Nigeria

Page 1: Determinants of wages: Evidence from Nigeria

Determinants of wages: Evidence from Nigeria

Abimbola Olanrewaju Oni

Submitted to the

Institute of Graduate Studies and Research

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of

Master of Science



Eastern Mediterranean University

August, 2014

Gazimağusa, North Cyprus

Page 2: Determinants of wages: Evidence from Nigeria

Approval of the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research

Prof. Dr. Elvan Yılmaz


I certify that this thesis satisfies the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Master

of Science in Economics.

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Balcilar

Chair, Department of Economics

We certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate in

scope and quality as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science in Economics

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülcay Tuna Payaslıoğlu


Examining Committee

1. Prof. Dr. Salih Katircioglu

2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fatma Guven Lisaniler

3. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülcay Tuna Payaslıoğlu

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The structure of the labor market has a significant consequence on employment

status which indirectly also serves as an important determinant of household income

and welfare. Hence this research work explored the determinants of wages and

degree of wage inequality with respect to gender, education, experience, religion, and

public versus private and self- employed versus private sectors using a recent survey

data of Nigeria General Household Survey (GHS) provided by the National Bureau

of statistics (NBS) conducted in 2010-2011 on 5,000 households from all states.

Using the Mincer type wage equation on the return to education and experience, our

findings show that men earn less than women by 16.1 percent at all levels of

education which gave similar results in the extended specifications. The coefficient

for experience variable is very small which is 0.35 percent and not significant at

conventional levels. This finding means that on-the-job training plays no significant

role in wage determination. Similarly, self-employed earn 16.4 percent less than

other employment categories in the rural area while the dummy for religion is highly

significant showing that Christians earn 23 percent higher than the base category in

the model. While the wage differential is constant at all levels of education for the

whole country, it waries with level of education for the rural area, gender gap

increasing at higher levels of education in favor of females.

Keywords: SAP, wage gap, employment category.

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Emek piyasasının yapısı, çalışanın ekonomik durumu ve dolayısı ile hanehalkı gelir

ve yaşam standardını belirlemede önemli rol oynamaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Nijerya

Ulusal İstatistik Bürosu (NBS) tarafından 2010-2011 döneminde 5,000 hanehalkı

için yapılan Nijerya Genel Hanehalkı Anketi (GHS) kullanılarak ücreti belirleyen

faktörler ve ayrıca cinsiyet, eğitim, iş tecrübesi, din, kamu sektörü, özel sektör ve iş

sahibi emek piyasası kategorilerine göre ücret ayırımcılığı araştırılmıştır.Mincer tipi

ücret fonksiyonu tahmin sonuçları, ülke genelinde, erkeklerin kadınlara kıyasla

percent 16.1 daha düşük ücret aldıkları saptanmıştır. Diğer yandan, iş tecrübesi

değişkeni oldukça düşük, 0.35 percent, olmakla beraber istatistiksel bakımdan

anlamlı bulunmamıştır. Hemülke genelinde, hem de kırsal bölgelerde kendi işinde

çalıanların daha düşük ücret aldıkları, bu oranın kırsal bölgeler için percent16.4

olduğu saptanmıştır. Ayrıca, yine kırsal bölgelerde, Hıritiyanların percent23 daha

fazla ücret aldığı bulunmuştur.Tüm ülke genelinde, kadın erkek arasındaki ücret

farkı, eğitim seviyesi ile değişmemekte ancak, kırsal bölgelerde eğitim seviyesi

yükseldikçe, farkin erkekler aleyhine arttığı tespit edilmiştir.

Anahtar kelimeler: SAP, ücret farkı, iş, emek piyasası.

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The Everlasting God


Prof. Emmanuel Olayiwola Oni, entire family and friends.

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In a special way would like to thank my supervisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gulcay Tuna

Payaslioglu for her wonderful support, advice and guidance in the preparation of this

research work. Her invaluable supervision exposed me to the frontiers of

econometric research.

I am grateful to all my instructors at the department who contributed a lot to the

knowledge and skills I have gained at EMU. Besides, a number of friends and

colleagues had always been around to support me both morally and academically; I

would like to thank them as well. Ikechukwu Darlington NWAKA have stood with

me and shown what it means to have a brother. I say thank you.

To my main sponsor, Prof. Emmanuel Olayiwola Oni and other wonderful and

caring family; I remain very grateful for the moral and financial support all through

the programme. Equally, I owe quite a lot to my parents for the love and words of

wisdom thus far.

Above all to God almighty for His abundant graces, blessings and love upon me all

these while. May His name be glorified from ages to ages. Thank you Lord Jesus!

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ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................................... iii

ÖZ ..................................................................................................................................... iv

DEDICATION ................................................................................................................... v

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ................................................................................................... vi

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................. vii

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................ ix

LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................... x

1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Aim of the study....................................................................................................... 3

1.2 Structure of the study ............................................................................................... 4

2 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK .................................................................................. 5

2.1 Human Capital Framework ...................................................................................... 5

2.1.1 Schooling as Human Capital Investment .......................................................... 6

2.1.2 On-the- job Training as Experience .................................................................. 7

2.1.3 Ability ............................................................................................................... 8

2.2 Empirical Literature Review .................................................................................... 9

3 NIGERIAN LABOUR MARKET ................................................................................ 12

3.1 Structure of the Nigerian Labor Market ................................................................. 12

3.2 Nigerian Wage Review Policies ............................................................................ 15

3.2.1 Wage Inequality in Nigeria ............................................................................. 16

3.3 Nigerian Educational System ................................................................................. 16

3.4 Empirical Literature on Nigeria ............................................................................. 18

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4 DATA AND METHODOLOGY .................................................................................. 22

4.1 Data and Descriptive Statistics .............................................................................. 22

4.1.1 Chi-square Goodness-of-Fit Test .................................................................... 29

4.2 Methodology .......................................................................................................... 31

5 EMPIRICAL FINDINGS ............................................................................................. 32

5.1 The Basic Model: Return to Education and Experience ........................................ 32

5.2 Extended Model ..................................................................................................... 35

6 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION ............................................................................. 42

6.1 Conclusions ............................................................................................................ 42

6.2 Recommendations for Further Studies................................................................... 43

REFERENCES ................................................................................................................ 45

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Table 1: Basic Labor Market Indicators in Nigeria………........................................11

Table 2: Detailed Summary Statistics of logarithmic wages......................................21

Table 3: Distribution of Education by Gender............................................................24

Table 4: Years of Education.......................................................................................25

Table 5: Wage Earners by Region and Gender...........................................................25

Table 6: Wage Earners by Category of Employment and Gender..............................26

Table 7: Return to Education and Experience............................................................29

Table 8: Return to Education by Gender....................................................................30

Table 9: Return to Education by Gender at Average Education Level.......................31

Table 10: Extended Model compared with Basic Model............................................33

Table 11: Determinants of Wages for the Rural Sector..............................................35

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Figure 1: Histogram of wages and logarithmic wages………….………..………….21

Figure 2: Box Plot for logarithmic wages...................................................................22

Figure 3: Logarithmic Wages for Males against Females..........................................23

Figure 4: Logarithmic Wages with respect to Educational Level Attained................24

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Chapter 1


Since independence in 1960, the Nigerian economy despite its vast number of natural

resources such as crude oil has experienced some economic instabilities leading to

unemployment and inefficient allocation of resources. Over the years, agriculture

which has been the main stay of the economy has been neglected recording no

visible development. In 1960’s, agriculture contributed about 65-70 percent to the

federal government revenue and this was significantly more than what other sectors

contributed at the time. In subsequent years, low activity of the agricultural sector

has led to decrease in its contribution to the GDP. This can be said to be as a result of

discovery of crude oil which now contributes larger share to the country’s economy.

Nigeria being the largest economy in Africa with estimated population of about 162

million is ranked the world’s seventh most populated country in the world.

According to the 2011 Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Bulletin, about 38 percent of

females lack formal education, increasing the proportion of illiterates and

inefficiency in economic activity. An estimate of about 22 percent of the male

counterpart lacks formal education. The unemployment rate in Nigeria has been on

the increase since the neglect of agricultural sector: the National Bureau of Statistics

of Nigeria reported an increase to 23.9 percent in 2011 from 21.1 percent in 2010.

Aminu (2011) reported that the Nigerian unemployment rate averaged 14.6 percent

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between 2006 and 2011 which reached the highest value of 23.9 percent in

December of 2011 and a recorded the lowest of 5.3 percent in December of 2006.

In 1986, the Structural Adjustment Program (SAP) was introduced to restructure and

diversify the productive base of the economy in order to reduce dependency on the

oil sector, promote the non-inflationary economic growth and finally to achieve

fiscal and balance of payments viability Analogbei (2000). Nigeria has opened up

trade and has undergone capital market liberalization in parallel to the globalization

trend in the world. Like other developing countries, this was expected to affect the

Nigerian economy positively. For example as Tokarick (2008) reported, agricultural

trade liberalization has positive welfare effects through removal of tariffs and

subsidies. Accordingly, while the removal of tariffs leads to increased demand for

the product, thus increasing prices, the removal of subsidies would shift resources

from the agricultural sector to other sectors that also would affect prices upward

leading to welfare gains for the net exporters of agricultural products. However, the

Nigerian economy still suffers from wage inequality between the agricultural sector

and oil sector which received more attention after adoption of the SAP program. The

reasons can be explained by three main factors in summary; first, the positive

response of the agricultural sector to the SAP program could not be sustained due to

mainly unsatisfactory agricultural financing and small scale of farmers, infrastructure

and management problems, also because of the fact that the manufacturing sector

was still highly dependent on import of foreign inputs, and the oil sector was mainly

owned by foreigners.

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After 1986, new policies were implemented by the federal government to improve

the labor market as well. This trend was established to improve the wage rate of the

public sector and enhance the effectiveness of people Aminu (2011). However, this

led to migration into the cities, as government wages are favorable compared with

income opportunities in the rural areas. This has led to wage gap between rural and

urban, public and private sector and protected and unprotected sectors.

The structure of the labor market has a significant consequence on employment

status and it serves as an important determinant of household income and welfare.

Like most labor markets in developing countries, the Nigerian labor market is not

growing as fast as the population and this has increased poverty over the years. In

this respect, it is important to explore the features of the Nigerian labor market to

explain wage inequalities with regard to individual characteristics of labour, public

and private sector and self-employers. Wage differential with respect to gender is

another issue which may be contributing to wage inequality in Nigeria for which a

Gender Equality Legislation was enacted by the 2007 Gender Equality Duty

Aromolaran (2006), in order to address the issue.

1.1 Aim of the study

So long as agriculture is the highest employer of labor, second largest GDP

contributor and the major means of Nigerian people livelihood, the aim of the

research is to introduce a model that will investigate the determinants of wages in

Nigeria covering 36 states both rural and urban during a recent time in 2011. The

wage equation is of Mincerian type, however, in addition will include other

individual and regional characteristics such as gender, religion, employment

categories and state of residence. In this respect, the paper will explore the degree of

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wage inequality with respect to gender, religion, and public versus private and self-

employed versus salary workers using the recent survey data of Nigeria General

Household Survey (GHS) provided by the National Bureau of statistics (NBS)

conducted in 2010-2011 on 5,000 households from all states.

1.2 Structure of the study

First, theoretical literature of wage function is presented in chapter two. Description

of the variables used within the human capital theory will be explained in this

chapter followed by the empirical literature review showing other researchers

contribution. The Nigerian labor market will be analyzed in the third chapter as we

proceed. Information on the survey data used and descriptive statistics on key

variables and the estimated model will be presented in chapter four. Chapter five

will present the estimation results while chapter six will be on conclusion with


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Chapter 2


This chapter will present the theoretical framework for wage determinants which is

based on an extended version of Mincerian human capital model. Furthermore,

major work contributing to the literature with different empirical findings will also

be summarized.

2.1 Human Capital Framework

The literature is well established for determining factors contributing to wages

through human capital theory. Human capital formation is understood to be

productive capabilities of human generating income. Therefore, the determinants of

earnings have played a major role in human capital theory. Thus, this formation is

related with investment in human and capital development, Thurow (1975). For

instance, in (1776), Adam Smith emphasized the importance of education at different

points of life. Later, an important pioneering work by Jacob Mincer (1957, 1958,

1962) contributed to the formation of a statistical wage equation which focused on

individual characteristics affecting earnings which is simply expressed as

= + eq. (1)

where is the natural logarithm of wages or earnings and is the vector of

explanatory variables on individuals’ quantitative skills which would basically

include education and experience, and is the disturbance term.

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Differences on wage structure and factors influencing wage function have generated

different opinions and viewpoints from different researchers over the years. These

studies have considered also other factors related with wages such as environment,

family background, regional or policy factors in addition to education and

experience. (Mincer and Polacheck, 1974 and Mincer, 1974). In this respect, the

modern capital theory extends the traditional wage equation to include other personal

characteristics such as gender, race, religion, employment and or geographical

characteristics providing richer specifications to study discrimination and wage

differentials. The theoretical background and their interpretations as contribution to

basic determinants of wages will be summarized below.

2.1.1 Schooling as Human Capital Investment

Human capital which is accumulated knowledge and skills of an individual increases

his or her productivity. In the literature, education is accepted as the main factor

improving productivity of a worker. However, additional schooling involves

opportunity costs of foregone earnings plus explicit costs such as tuition fees. In this

respect, return to education gains a substantial role for the decision of an individual

about the level of education that should be attained. Three propositions are discussed

in the literature as supply-side, demand-side and market equilibrium. Considering

the labor supply side, in order to be attracted to further schooling and forgo present

earnings, an individual must be compensated with increases in life time earnings.

Second, on the labor demand side, the marginal productivity of an individual with

more schooling must be considered to be more than that of a less schooling

individual. Finally in the long-run, market equilibrium of each schooling category

must be maintained such that the workers will not alter their education level Berndt,


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Another view developed by Arrow (1973) and Spence (1973, 1974) is the screening

hypothesis of education: firms consider diplomas as signals about the capabilities and

knowledge of workers rather than education being directly related with their


2.1.2 On-the- job Training as Experience

Another way of accumulating skills other than formal education is attained by on -the

-job training which may include both formal training programs by firms or informal

“learning by doing”. (Becker; 1962, 1964 and Mincer;1962, 1974). Therefore,

according to the human capital theory, human capital can be increased by additional

job experience. In other words, years of labor force experience is a measure of a

stock of human capital attained by on-the- job training. However, years of labor force

experience is not directly observed from survey data and instead, computed as age

minus years of schooling minus six years assuming that all individuals start primary

school at six years of age. One other important issue regarding experience is that

earnings or wages should not be constant after leaving school but peak at about

midlife and then start falling representing diminishing returns. Within this setting, the

wage equation is formulated by addition of the experience variable in quadratic form


= + + + 2 + eq. (2)

where is expected to be positive while to be negative. Similarly, returns to both

formal education and work experience decline with age. This is because, as argued in

the literature the optimal time for investing in education is at early ages as the

opportunity cost of foregone income will be lower and likewise, tendency to add to

human capital by experience will also fall by age. Also, human capital depreciates as

time passes which implies that there is tendency to forget at older ages. Following

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this argument some studies use age as an instrument to experience especially for

small samples as in Card (1993).

2.1.3 Ability

Another notable aspect of human capital theory involves the differences in abilities

of different individuals. Ability is defined as the capacity of accumulating skills prior

to education or training which is invariant of time. In this case, the benefit attributed

to schooling by an individual who is brilliant will be more than for an individual who

spend more time in acquiring the same level of knowledge. In other words, the more

brilliant individual is more likely to invest in education as it will have better

opportunities such as learning quickly and thus, accumulating human capital rapidly

or obtaining scholarships. Also, more educated individual will be trained at less cost.

Thus, one implication of schooling in human capital theory is that there exists a

correlation between ability and the years of schooling (Becker 1962). This implies

that more educated individual should gain more from on-the-job training. This fact

can be incorporated into the wage equation by adding an interaction term of the

education variable with the experience variable to obtain

= + + + 2 + eq. (3)

in which Thus marginal return to experience will be given by the first

derivative of log wages with respect to experience,

and ability which cannot be

observed directly. In this case, if ability is missing in a wage regression equation, it

will lead to omitted variable bias due to the correlation between ability and education

where education variable enters into the model to be estimated. One proposal to

solve for the problem of omitted variable bias is by Griliches and Mason (1972) who

uses IQ tests as a proxy variable for ability. Their findings showed no correlation

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between ability and schooling indicating that omitted variable bias was not a

problem. Another approach to capture the effects of ability is to introduce other

family background information as control variables. (Taubman, 1976a, 1976b; Lam

and Schoeni,1993). This issue can also be addressed by using panel with fixed effects

in the case when one can assume that individual and family background

characteristics do not vary over time.

2.2 Empirical Literature Review

Empirical literature on determinants of earnings is vast. It is worth noting here that

various researches found varying results. First of all, empirical findings had shown

that the returns to education on wages can vary substantially. For instance, Thurow

(1975) using 1972 data found that 28 percent of people with university education had

negative returns to education while only 24 percent had positive return. On the other

hand, Hanoch (1967), found a decreasing marginal rate of return to education.

However, in general, researches have also shown that education reduces

unemployment and increases competition resulting in a good wage rate Griliches and

Mason (1972). The search for better education and higher wages has caused the

neglect of the agricultural sector especially in developing countries Steier (1987).

Many people migrate from the rural areas to the urban areas for better educational

facility and seek employment in more developed sectors.

Studies of Lindauer et. al. (1988), Bennel (1981) investigated the wage difference in

developing countries such as Kenya, Ghana and Nigeria. Their evidence showed the

widespread decline of lifetime real earnings in the manufacturing sector of Africa

over the last decades casting doubts on the importance of institutional factors causing

wage rigidity in this sector.

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Not so many researches have been conducted on developing countries; in fact, the

results of estimates from different scholars have not been uniform. This may be due

to the unstable pay structure that characterizes the public and private sector income

in these countries. Some studies such as Lindauer and Sabot (1983), House (1984),

Terell (1993), Filmer and Lindauer (2002); Boudarbat (2004), Hyder ans Reilly

(2005) have estimated different levels of income for public sector workers in

developing countries. Other studies by Corbo and Stelcner (1983), Van Der Gaag

(1989), Bedi (1998) found out that the private sector workers enjoyed higher level of

income compared to the public sector. This un-reconcilable difference was the bases

of the study by Mohan (1986) in Columbia and Samarrai and Reilly (2005) in

Tanzania. According to the finding of these researches it was concluded that there is

no statistically significant difference between wage premium of private workers and

public workers.

Besides this three classes of studies, another important study that contributed

enormously to wage earning determinant was by Steier (1987), conducted in

Venezuela who concluded that the average income of public sector workers were

higher at all levels of education except post-secondary in 1975 and in addition, the

public wage was lower at all educational levels in 1984. In 1975, income

contribution by additional schooling and experience were said to be higher in private


Less work investigated the wage determinants in developing countries. One

important study by Psacharopoulos (1985) which studies return to education for 60

countries which included both advanced and developing countries reported that

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return to education is highest for primary education, the education of women and

countries with lowest income per capita confirming earlier findings. He also reported

that especially in developing countries, the average rate of return to education for

women exceeded that for men which were estimated using Mincerian type wage

equation. He explains this being due to the fact that more educated women

participate in the labor force. This study will investigate the determinants of wages in


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Chapter 3


3.1 Structure of the Nigerian Labor Market

Based on the labor market statistics, in 2010, about 57.43 percent of labor force in

Nigeria comprises of the males while the other 42.6 percent represents females. In

2011, these figures are 42.48 percent for female category and 57.52 percent for males

respectively. The labor force participation rate as percent of female population

between ages 15 and 64 is 48.1 percent for 2010 is almost the same in 2011 which

was recorded as 48.2 percent. These statistics are presented in Table 1 below.

Table 1: Basic Labor Market Indicators in Nigeria

Men Women Total

Labor Force (2010) 28,546,479 21,160,084 49,706,564

Percentage Labour

Force (2010)

57.43 42.57

Labor Force (2011) 29,446,016 21,746,640 51,192,657

Percentage Labour

Force (2011)

Labor force

participation rate

percent (ages 15-64)


Labor force

participation rate

percent (ages 15-64)










Source: World Bank data base; World Development indicators.

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Similar in many developing countries, the Nigerian labour market is observed to be

heterogeneous in nature with a given wage differences across various sectors of the

economy, Ogwumike, et. al. (2006). Based on World Bank data base, world

development indicators, in 2010, about 49 percent and 51 percent are living in the

urban and rural areas respectively. Similarly, for 2011 this data is 49.6 percent and

50.4 percent respectively.

Regarding public sectors, out of about 1.1 million jobs created in 2010, of which

about 9.4 percent was seen in the public sector while 53.6 percent in the informal

sector and 0.37 percent due to the formal sector, (World Bank 2010). This confirms

ILO estimates on the burgeoning and increasing number of the informal settlements

in the developing countries. According to the National Manpower Board (1998), the

Nigerian labour market is classified into seven different categories which include: the

employer, self-employed (in the agricultural sector), self-employed as a trader, self-

employed in other sectors, employed wage earners in the private firms, employed

wage earners in the public sector and paid apprentice see Ogwumike, et. al. (2006).

In addition, Federal Office of statistics (2001) included the informal sectoral

employment comprising of the unpaid family worker and own business enterprises.

This is further classified as one of the greatest sources of risk and one of the channels

into the poverty trap Ogwumike et. al. (2002). This is basically seen from those paid

employees or low skilled individuals who are easily susceptible and disadvantaged in

the event of a shock.

At the same time Nigerian labor market has been characterized as being regional and

highly immobile. Okigbo (1991) argued that, Nigeria’s labor market is similar to

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other developing countries which consist of formal and informal sectors. These

dualistic characteristics are the basis of the segmentation theory, Leontarridi (1998).

Here, private and public sectors makes up the formal sector while the informal sector

consists of urban informal, rural oriented including unpaid family workers.

According to Becker, (1993), informal labour market is unregulated and often called

the underground economy which absorbs retrenched workers due to downsizing and

economic adjustment policies.

In 1986, the introduction of Structural Adjustment Program (SAP) in Nigerian labor

market led to several structural changes. Noticeable among these introduced policies

are the large scale reduction of public sector workers and the encouragement of the

growth of private sector which was an alternative employment choice for the

unemployed, Nwabugo (2011). The private labor market is a collection of privately

owned mostly multinational companies and national entrepreneurs. Macroeconomic

policies have been introduced to contain these changes especially the problem of

unemployment. In line with this policy framework, some of the programs introduced

include National Poverty Eradication Program (NAPEP), Loan Scheme and National

Directorate of Employment (NDE), Small and Medium Enterprises (SMS), (CBN

Bulletin 2011).

The public sector downsizing program has been fundamentally the latest

development in the Nigerian labor market. In 2001, the Nigerian government reduced

the amount of government workforce to ensure efficiency among public sector

workers. This reduction at federal level in public sector workforce has not been easy

to implement due to its fiscal implication problems, that is, such a program can

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wreck the country. In order to improve the policy, a number of strong policies were

made to confirm the need to reduce the federal workforce. The implementation and

execution of this policy has been successful according to Aminu (2011).

3.2 Nigerian Wage Review Policies

Wage policy in Nigeria has been reviewed by different commissions dating back to

the first Hunts commission in 1934 and last in Justice Alfa Belgore committee in

2009/2010. The minimum wage rate in 1981 was fixed at 125 Naira per month by an

Act or Parliament but at the introduction of the SAP in 1986, the government issued

the National Minimum Wage (amendment) order, which bridged the 1981 Minimum

Wage Act. In 1987, this amendment was rescinded owing to labour protest against it

in major cities across the country. The aftermath of the implementation of the

recommendation of the committees led to an increase in general price level, causing

a jump in the nominal wage rate. This also led to a reduction in workers’ purchasing

power. Minimum wages are also set in Nigeria through Government Decrees (this

was used during military regimes), Acts and Legislation. For example, in 1992,

President Ibrahim Babangida approved a 45 percent increase in wages for Federal

Civil Servants.

In September 1998, the Federal Government of Nigeria issued a directive to increase

the nation’s minimum monthly wage from 363 Naira to 3,000 Naira. This also raised

earning of all other categories of employees. Furthermore, in 2000, the Federal

Government again raised the minimum wage rate from 3,000 Naira to 5,500 Naira

per month. Also it aided a lot in sustaining the employees of the civil service

compared to that obtainable in 1991. Again, President Goodluck Jonathan in August

2010 set the minimum wage at 18,000 Naira which was implemented from January

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2011. Nigerian workers have fought and struggled for improved wages and national

minimum wage legislation Aromolaran (2006).

3.2.1 Wage Inequality in Nigeria

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP (2009) reveal that inequality in

Nigeria remained high, one of the highest in the world (0.49) which is 65 percent of

assets in the hands of 20 percent of population. Nigeria was rated as the most wage

unequal country in the world despite all the vast resources. Even the high level of

poverty in the country is partly a feature of the high rate of wage inequality and

differential access of the basic infrastructure, jobs and training opportunities, and

education. The UNDP (2009) indicates that Nigeria’s gender earning is one of the

highest in the world and that the females are in the higher paid jobs and more

powerful positions. Yet, it seems that Nigeria still has a lot to do in order to correct

the problems of wage inequality.

3.3 Nigerian Educational System

The educational system in Nigeria is viewed as a tool to achieve economic

development and thus reflects government policies so far in repositioning the sector

Amaghionyeodiwe (2006). As from 1985, the primary education was free called the

6-3-3-4 system reflecting primary education of 6 years, post primary education for 3

years of junior secondary school, 3 years of senior secondary school and 4 years of

tertiary education level. In 1999, a Universal Basic Education (UBE) scheme was

launched by the Obasanjo’s administration which targeted to increase adult literacy

rate from 57percent in 2003 to 70percent by 2010, (FRN, 2000) and provide

education by all by 2015, Edho (2009). The program was to make the primary

education free and compulsory for 9 years of primary and junior secondary education

Page 27: Determinants of wages: Evidence from Nigeria


which was also referred to as 9-3-4 system of education. The system was monitored

by Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC) therefore, the UBEC law section

15 defines UBE as early childhood care and education.

The secondary years of schooling is spent in the duration of six years, which are 3

years of JSS (Junior Secondary School) and 6 years of SSS (Senior Secondary

School). The Federal Republic of Nigeria consists of 36 states and Federal capital

territory. There are about two Federal Government secondary schools in each of the

states. These colleges are funded and managed by the Ministry of Education by the

Federal Government. The other secondary schools are owned and governed by state

government private institutes. State-owned secondary schools are funded and

controlled by each state government and are not the same as the Federal government

colleges. Although education is supposed to be “free” in the majority of the state

owned institutions, here, students are required to purchase books, uniforms and pay

for miscellaneous things costing them an average of thirty thousand naira ($200) in

an academic year (US Embassy, 2012).

One of the main problems that are faced is the “closeness to school”. Most students

that cannot afford to go to a private school and leaving far from the Federal

Government Colleges and State-owned secondary schools eventually doesn’t have

the opportunity to attend school. Most of the tertiary education is government owned.

Nigeria has a total number of 128 universities registered by NUC (Nigerian

University Commission) among which state government and federal own 38 and 40

respectively while the rest are owned privately. The minimum university age of

entering the university is 18 years.

Page 28: Determinants of wages: Evidence from Nigeria


3.4 Empirical Literature on Nigeria

Using data from the GHS of 1996 -1999, Aromolaran (2006) analyzed the returns to

schooling using the Mincer wage equation. Comparing wage earners across both

private returns and self-employed, findings show that, the average years of schooling

for women in the private sector was quite higher than that of the males. However,

while using the self-employment regression model, it was observed that male had

higher levels of schooling. This results is consistent with that of Schultz (2001), and

Psacharopolous and Patrinos (2002).

Ogwumike et. al. (2006) studies the determinants and distribution of earnings

including income inequality in Nigeria using GHS for Nigeria. Their study applied

several econometric and descriptive methodologies such as Gini coefficient, Theil’s

Entropy Index, ordinary least squares technique, Heckman’s two-stage selectivity

bias correction procedure and Tobit model for estimating labor force participation.

Their findings show that inequality exists in paid employment than in self-employed

in Nigerian labour force. Also, paid employed women earn higher than men in the

same employment segment, while men in self-employed sector earn higher than their

female counterpart. They further concluded that earnings in the rural areas are greater

than that of the urban agricultural workers.

Ikhizama and Lawal (2008) examined the role of woman scientists in agricultural

development in the southwestern part of Nigerian using job related attributes of

women. A sample was drawn randomly on 73 woman scientists while the sampled

data was analyzed using frequency distribution and percentages. Their findings show

that women are highly integrated into various agricultural fields. However, they

Page 29: Determinants of wages: Evidence from Nigeria


recommend that such findings can be improved on if more women are actively

involved in various research fields.

Temesgen (2008) investigated the major determinants of establishment levels and

gender pay gap with a particular focus on analyzing the effects of labor market

institutions. He used two-stage regression model on analyzing the varying impacts

of labor market institutions and firm level characteristics on gender wage gaps in the

Nigerian urban labor market using information from worker and establishment levels

through an administered survey data. Findings show that labor market institutions

such as unions, and firm characteristics such as ownership, affect the level of gender

wage inequality at the firm level. It was also found that unions have significant

influence on firm level gender wage gaps in Nigeria, where they are historically

known to be strong.

Aminu’s (2010) research was based on determinants of earnings in wage

employment in Nigeria. Using probit model he found that the level of education

attained by employed household members either male or female is the main

determinant of labour market participation. He, therefore, concludes that the main

determinant of wages includes the educational levels of the labour force,

geographical location and experience of the individuals in the household. Return to

education and experience is not the same for male and female and the vary across his

model findings.

Fabusoro et. al. (2010) analyzed the “Forms and Determinates of Rural Livelihoods

Diversification in Ogun State, Nigeria” among 320 rural households. Their data were

Page 30: Determinants of wages: Evidence from Nigeria


all placed on hierarchical regression and a Simpson Index for diversification.

Findings show that nonfarm activities contribute about 63percent to income of the

households, while, the Simpson Index indicates a moderate diversification where

farm and nonfarm activities complements each other. Also education, size of

households and income were significant in predicting diversification.

Aminu (2011) while using Mincerian human capital model, investigated the effects

of the wage review process of 1998 on private and public pay differentials. His

empirical finding on urban male employees shows that, public sector was

disadvantaged in pay-gap at 6.78percent, but however enjoyed a higher wage of

35.07percent after the wage review process. Overall, public sector workers had

higher earnings after the wage review process than their private counterpart.

Ugochukwu and Chijioke (2011), examined the prospects and challenges of

productive employment in Nigeria within the macroeconomic policy framework. By

using a recursive structural Vector Autoregressive model, they found that any

increases in monetary policy rate to cut down on inflation have a depressing impact

on the economy. The study suggested that a more flexible inflation rate increased

money supply, access to credit and a modest but upward adjustment to capital and

recurrent expenditure have greater potential in accelerating GDP growth and for the

attainment of full employment and poverty reduction in Nigeria.

Jonah and Yousuo (2013), in their study analyzed the impacts of wage differentials

on labour turnover by using a logit model. Their analysis comprised 840 employees

of both private and public workers. Their findings supported the standard inverse

Page 31: Determinants of wages: Evidence from Nigeria


relationship between wage differential and the labour turnover. Hence, as state

workers’ wages increased, the probability of a State worker leaving to Federal civil

service indicated to fall by 0.29. They therefore recommended for a unified salary

structure with no disparity in the country.

Matthew and Azuh (2013) examined whether or not the trade liberalization process

has any effect on both the reduction in the wage differential between registered and

non-registered workers while using secondary and primary data in Nigeria. Findings

confirmed that the fall in the wage gap between registered and non-registered

workers in the manufacturing sector was affected by trade-related variables,

particularly, by the import penetration ratio. However, no robust evidence was

provided that trade liberalization had a substantial effect on the decrease in the

proportion of registered workers.

Also in a co-authored paper, Ogundari and Aromolaran (2014) used the Double

Hurdle (DH) model and Quantile regression (QR) to estimate the effects of education

on household welfare in Nigeria. Their findings showed that return to education was

more pronounced in the tertiary level of education than in both the primary and

secondary levels. They found that the impacts of education in the labour market

earnings at primary, secondary, graduate and post-graduate levels were explained by

about 3.1 percent, 1.7 percent, 8.5 percent and 1.7 percent respectively in the urban


Page 32: Determinants of wages: Evidence from Nigeria


Chapter 4


4.1 Data and Descriptive Statistics

The data used was sourced from the most recent General Household Survey (GHS)

conducted in 2010/11 by the Nigerian Bureau for Statistics (NBS), Nigeria. This

comprises of 22,000 individuals including household head, spouse, relatives and

dependents of the same household. Total number of households interviewed was


However, for the main aim of this study the sample size was restricted to individuals

between ages of 17 to 60 of the working age population. Further to this, the sample

was restricted to include only the household head and spouse reporting positive

earnings rather than all family members with positive earnings. The reason is to

avoid including part time workers, if any, which most probably are children at school

who might be employed only temporarily in support of family income. On the other

hand, the justification for excluding none-wage earners is to avoid missing

observations in the sample data set. After these adjustments, the sample consisted of

2,469 observations which were 1,364 females and 1,105 males who have been

strictly household head and/or spouse reporting positive earnings by the time of the

survey conducted.

Page 33: Determinants of wages: Evidence from Nigeria


Figure 1: Histogram of wages and logarithmic wages.

Figure 1 presents the histogram of wages on the left and logarithmic wages on the

right which is relatively normal, only mildly negatively skewed, as compared with

the distribution of wages which is highly positively skewed as expected. The detailed

summary statistics for logarithmic wages are provided in Table 2 below.

Table 2: Detailed Summary Statistics of logarithmic wages.

Percentiles Smallest













50% 9.798127








99% 12.5426 13.7101

Std. Dev. 1.1535

Mean 9.7249

Variance 1.3305

Skewness -0.1483


No. obs.















0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000W






6 8 10 12 14lw

Page 34: Determinants of wages: Evidence from Nigeria


As seen from Table 2, the log wages vary substantially across individuals, minimum

being 5.29 and maximum of 13.71. The median value is 9.798 greater than the mean

of 9.72 which shows that the data is negatively skewed as confirmed by the skewness

coefficient of -0.148. Kurtosis is greater than 3. The distribution of the dependent

variable in logarithms is thick tailed and only slightly left skewed.

Figure 2 displays the box plot for the logarithmic wage data where the box represents

the interquartile range from the first and the third quartile representing the majority

of wages. The horizontal lines are the whiskers calculated as upper (lower) quartile

plus (minus) 1.5 times the interquartile range or the maximum (minimum) value of

the data if smaller (larger). Therefore, data falling outside the whiskers that are

shown by dots represent the outliers within the sample data.

Figure 2: Box Plot for logarithmic wages

As observed from the box plot in Figure 2, there are extreme values for the

logarithmic wages taking values slightly above 12.6 and below 6.9 approximately.

The outliers can be identified specifically as;

Outlier above Quartile 3: 10.46 + 1.5(10.46 – 9.01) = 12.64

Outlier below Quartile 1: 9.01 – 1.5(10.46 – 9.01) = 6.84




Page 35: Determinants of wages: Evidence from Nigeria


Therefore, log wage values above 12.64 and below 6.84 are identified to be outliers

within the sample which can distort estimations since they are not representative of

the whole sample data. In this respect, a trimming process is further needed to take

out the individuals with extreme log wage values. These include individuals earning

approximately 1,000 and less than 1,000 Naira and 300,000 and above 300,000 Naira

per month.

For the whole sample data, the box plot of males versus females with regard to log

wages are presented in Figure 3 where the gender dummy variable is defined as

taking the value of 1 for males and zero otherwise.

Figure 3: Logarithmic Wages for Males against Females

The box plot in Figure 3 clearly indicates that males earn less than females, in

general, while the extreme values on the lower bound for females are more than

those for males. However, the extreme values on the upper bound are more for males

than females.




0 1

Page 36: Determinants of wages: Evidence from Nigeria


The logarithmic wages of individuals sampled with respect to educational level is

displayed in Figure 4 below where education is categorized as primary education,

secondary education and university education.

Figure 4: Logarithmic Wages with respect to Educational Level Attained

Figure 4 indicates that higher the level of education is, higher the salaries are and a

large wage gap occurs especially between university graduates and non-university

graduates. Also, it is observed that only minority of the sampled individuals have

university education. In order to analyze the distribution of education by gender, the

statistics for educational levels of individuals as primary (6 years) secondary (12

years) and tertiary (14 years) and university level of education (16 years) and post

university (more than 16 years) are presented by gender in Table 3.




0 1

0 1 0 1

0 1

Page 37: Determinants of wages: Evidence from Nigeria


Table 3: Distribution of Education by Gender.

Educational Level Male Female Total

Freq. % Freq. % Freq. percent

Illiterate 42 1.7 30 1.2 72 2.9

Primary (6 yrs.) 342 13.9 339 13.7 681 27.6

Secondary (12 yrs.) 388 15.7 258 10.5 646 26.2

Tertiary (14 yrs.) 196 7.94 143 5.80 339 13.7

Tertiary-Univ. (16 yrs.) 156 6.32 79 3.20 235 9.5

Post University 38 1.54 12 0.48 50 2.0

Total 1,162 29.8 861 24.31 2,023 68.5

Table 3 shows that almost 54 percent of all sampled individuals attained primary and

secondary education of whom 29.6 percent are males and 24.2 percent females.

People having tertiary and university level education are only about 24.72 percent of

whom about 14.6 percent are males and 9 percent are females. The numbers of

individuals who have no education at all or have post university education are very

few which make up about 5 percent of the sample. This means that only 63.5 percent

of the sample has attained either primary, secondary, tertiary or university education.

In this respect, Table 4 presents the detailed years of education of the sampled

individuals. Accordingly, some individuals have some years of education although

they do not earn a diploma. The mean years of schooling is computed as 9.9 years

with a standard deviation of 4.4 years for the sample of 2,469 individuals.

Page 38: Determinants of wages: Evidence from Nigeria


Table 4: Years of Education

Table 5 summarizes information regarding regional distribution of wage earners of

household head and or spouse by gender. Accordingly, 1,938 individuals are

employed in the rural area of whom 1,111 are males and 827 are females. These

statistics indicate that most of the sampled individuals are in the rural area most of

which are males.

Table 5: Wage Earners by Region and Gender

Gender Rural Urban Total

Male 1,111 253 1,364

Female 827 278 1,105

Total 1,938 531 2,469

Table 6 presents data summarized by gender and category of employment as public,

private and self-employed. Other categories are ignored as their proportion is

negligibly small as can be derived from the table which constitutes merely 7 percent

of the sample. Table 4 clearly shows that most of the sampled individuals are self-

employed; being 67.3 percent and the distribution by gender is almost equal.

However, the public sector which appears as the next popular category of

employment with about 25 percent of employment in total constitutes of 402 male









0 30 42 72

1 – 6 73 73 146

7- 12 65 80 145

13 – 21 35 58 93

Total 203 253 456

Page 39: Determinants of wages: Evidence from Nigeria


employees that is twice as much as females. The share of the private sector is small

in which the majority are males.

Table 6: Wage Earners by Category of Employment and Gender

Gender Public Private Self-employed Total

Male 402 177 802 1,381

Female 215 57 746 1,018

Total 617 234 1,548 2,399

In summary, the descriptive statistics indicate that most sampled individuals have

primary and secondary education, mostly living in the rural area and working as self-

employed. Also, the higher the level of education is higher the level of wages earned

and thus, females, in general, earn more than males. However, these results are only

based on descriptive statistics and have to be formally modelled by a wage equation

to identify the determinants of wages for the sample data. As explained earlier, the

data is trimmed further to delete the outliers on the logarithmic wage data;

individuals with extreme log wage values. These include individuals earning

approximately 1,000 and less than 1,000 Naira and 300,000 and above 300,000 Naira

per month that reduced the sample size to 2,408 number of observations of which

1,079 were females and 1,329 males.

4.1.1 Chi-square Goodness-of-Fit Test

Before proceeding further, we need to check whether the sampled data represents the

population proportions of males and females in the labor force. This issue plays an

important role at the stage of modeling the wage equation. In order to look into the

question, we applied a nonparametric goodness-of-fit test using chi-square

distribution. Our motivation for applying the chi-square test is to compare the

Page 40: Determinants of wages: Evidence from Nigeria


distribution of the original labour force by gender at the national level with the

distribution in our sample. The ratios of males and females in the labor force for

2010 and 2011 have been used as an indicator in calculating the expected frequencies

for males and females in the restricted sample after deleting the outliers. The chi-

square test statistic is computed using the equation below

) ) eq. (4)

where is the observed frequency and is the expected frequency. The ratio of

women in the labor force was recorded as 42.57 percent in 2010 and 42.48 percent in

2011. Accordingly, the expected frequencies for 2010 are computed as 1,025.09 for

females and 1,329.91 for males which gave a chi-square value of 4.94 for 2010. On

the other hand, the expected frequencies have been calculated as 1022.92 for females

and 1385.08 for males yielding a chi- square test statistic of 5.34 for 2011. The

degrees of freedom is 1 for which the critical values at 0.02 level of significance are

5.412 and at 0.01 level of significance is 6.635. The test is conducted under the null

hypothesis that the population and sample proportions are same against the

alternative that they are not the same Therefore, for both years, the computed values

of the test statistics which are less than the critical values at both levels of

significance shows that one cannot reject the null hypothesis that the sample and

national proportions are same.

According to the test results, at the 0.01 level of significance, one cannot reject the

null hypothesis that the proportions are same. This would imply that the distribution

according to the observed values in the trimmed sample reflects the national level

proportions of males and females in the labor force. Our finding supports the

information provided on Figure 4 in Chapter 4 that outliers would distort the

Page 41: Determinants of wages: Evidence from Nigeria


estimations in the sense that the extreme values on the upper bound for males would

bias the estimates upward and those on the lower bound for females would bias the

estimates downward. This confirms that the trimmed data is appropriate to reflect the

actual proportions of males and females in the labor force.

4.2 Methodology

The econometric methodology applied in this research is cross-sectional Ordinary

Least Square (OLS) technique, based on Mincerian-type wage equation (Mincer,

1958 and 1974) which is logarithmic wages being a function of basically level of

education, experience and other variables represented by Z which may include

several variables such as gender, regional dummies, employment status categories

and geographical zones and various interaction terms as discussed in chapter two.

= ) eq. (5)

The regional dummy is identified as 1 for rural area and zero otherwise. The level of

employment categories are represented by binary dummy variables as self-employed

(ds), working for the government (dg) representing those employed in the public

sector and private sector (dp) to represent those employed in the private sector. The

geographical zone is made up of six geographical locations named as north west

(nw), north central (nc), north east (ne), south west (sw), south south (ss), and south

east (se).

Page 42: Determinants of wages: Evidence from Nigeria


Chapter 5


This chapter will present empirical findings of Nigerian wage function based on

2010-2011 cross section data estimated by ordinary least squares (OLS) method.

Various specifications of the model are estimated starting with a simple model for

return to education and experience following Mincer (1974) but included gender

distinction. The model is then extended further by including regional, zonal and

employment status category variables in analyzing the determinants of wages in

Nigeria for the sample period.

5.1 The Basic Model: Return to Education and Experience

The estimated model is

= + + + + eq. (6)

where the dummy variable takes the value of 1 for males and 0 otherwise, education

variable (ed) is the number of years of schooling and X is the number of years of

experience as defined in chapter 4. The dependent variable is logarithmic value of

wages. The regression results are displayed in Table 7 below.

Page 43: Determinants of wages: Evidence from Nigeria


Table 7: Return to Education and Experience

Variable Coefficient Robust s.e t-stat. p-value 95% Conf. interval



























8.9610 9.3084

0.0511 0.0721

-0.0007 0.0076

-0.2441 -0.0749

The annual return to education for females is 6.15 percent and is statistically highly

significant while return to experience is 0.35 percent and is marginally significant

only at 10 percent level of significance. On the other hand, the binary variable for

males is also highly significant and indicates that males earn 15.9 percent less than

females for the same level of education and experience. This finding is in line with

the descriptive statistics as shown by the box-plot in Figure 3 which shows females

earning more than males. Although the F statistics is highly significant, the

coefficient of determination is however 6.08 percent. From the above regression

results, education variable is found to play a major role in determining wages.

Moreover, the gender differential in wages is substantially large which requires

further investigation. In this respect, the model is extended to investigate whether

return to education is same for men and women given a constant wage differential as

evidenced in Table 7. Therefore, the male dummy variable is interacted with the

education variable. The estimation results are presented in Table 8.

Page 44: Determinants of wages: Evidence from Nigeria


Table 8: Return to Education by Gender

Variable Coefficient Robust


t-stat. p- value 95% Conf. interval
































8.8919 9.2978

0.0505 0.0812

-0.0007 0.0076

-0.2955 0.1244

-0.0269 0.0118

The inclusion of the interaction term to the model resulted in insignificant coefficient

estimates for male dummy variable and the interaction term of male dummy with

education (maleed) which is due to the multicollinearity problem, as male and

maleed are highly correlated. Since the coefficient of male is the estimate of gender

differential when education is zero and since number of people with zero education is

only a few in the sample, it is more logical to estimate the gender differential at

average years of education. Therefore, the interaction term, instead, is calculated by

subtracting the average years of education which is about 10 years in the sample

Wooldridge, (2003). The estimated model is presented in Table 10 below where now

the coefficient for the male dummy variable has become highly significant indicating

that males earn 16.1 percent less than females. However, since the interaction term

(male with education) is not significant at the conventional levels, it means that as

education increases, wage differential between man and women does not change. In

this respect, the conclusion is that men earn less than women by 16.1 percent at all

levels of education which is the specification used in the extended models.

Page 45: Determinants of wages: Evidence from Nigeria


Table 9: Return to Education by Gender at Average Education Level

Variable Coefficient Robust s.e t-stat. p-value 95% Conf. interval
































8.8919 9.2978

0.0505 0.0812

-0.0007 0.0076

-0.2457 -0.0766

-.0.0269 0.0118

One note is worth mentioning here that based on human capital theory diminishing

returns to experience and also to education are estimated by incorporating squared

values for experience and education respectively. However, the estimated

coefficients have been found to be negligibly small and statistically insignificant and

thus not reported.

5.2 Extended Model

After specifying the appropriate basic model, the variables regarding sectors as rural

versus urban, employment categories, as well as zones are added. The variable

named rural is a dummy variable given a value of 1 for those individuals living in the

rural area and 0 for individuals living in the urban area. The breakdown of the

employment can be summarized in six main groups as government (public sector),

self-employed, private sector including paid apprentice, international organization,

religious organization and others. As Table 6 in Chapter 4 indicates that most

individuals in the sample are self-employed, and the second highest share belongs to

the public sector and private sector comes as the third. Since remaining categories

are small the employment dummies are constructed for self-employed (ds)

Page 46: Determinants of wages: Evidence from Nigeria


government (dg) and private (dp). Zones are based on six geographical locations

named North West (ns), North Central (nc), North East (ne), South West (sw), South

South (ss), and South East (se). Moreover, one more variable is a dummy variable for

Christians (dc). Table 10 presents the results of the extended model.

Page 47: Determinants of wages: Evidence from Nigeria


Table 10: Extended Model compared with Basic Model

Independent variable Extended Model Basic Model


















































































Page 48: Determinants of wages: Evidence from Nigeria


According to the estimation results, years of education, male dummy variable are

highly significant as before and the annual return to education is now 5 percent and

males earn 17.7 percent less than females. The dummy variable for self-employed is

also highly significant indicating that individuals who are self-employed most of

which are engaged in agriculture earn 15.6 percent less than others. The rural dummy

variable is significant at 6 percent level of significances and that those in the rural are

earn 10 percent higher than individuals in the urban area. North East and the South

South zone-dummy variables are highly significant with negative coefficient

estimates which show lowest wages earned in these zones, 21.6 percent and 22.4

percent less than the base category. The coefficient for experience variable is very

small which is 0.35 percent and is only significant at 11 percent. This finding means

that on-the-job training plays no significant role in wages determination which may

be due to the reason that most individuals are self-employed who work mostly in

rural areas. The p-value for the F statistics is zero which indicates that the variables

are jointly significant and the coefficient of determination increased to 8.1 percent as

compared to the basic model. The Ramsey test for omitted variables cannot reject the

null hypothesis of no omitted variables. The conclusion derived from the estimates

indicates the importance of education, gender and sector variables which leads to the

specification of a wage function for the rural sector. Table 11 presents the estimated

wage function model for the rural sector with and without the zone variables.

Page 49: Determinants of wages: Evidence from Nigeria


Table 11: Determinants of Wages for the Rural Sector



Model 1 Model 2 Model 3










































































































Basic model (Model 1), without zones (Model 2) and with zones (Model 3)

Page 50: Determinants of wages: Evidence from Nigeria


For the rural area first, the basic model is estimated where, however, also included

the interaction variable of male with education (edmaleav) which is highly

significant. All variables are significant except the experience variable. Regarding

the effect of education on log-wages is given by the first derivative of log-wages

with respect to the education variable as:

= 0.079 - 0.0260male

Accordingly, the marginal rate of return to education for males (when male = 1) is

5.3 percent while for females is 7.9 percent in the rural area that is larger than the

coefficient for the whole country as seen in Table 10. The coefficient of

determination for this regression function is 6.01 percent. The model is extended by

adding the employment categories where the employment in the government sector

and private sector are not significant, however, the binary variable for self-employed

is highly significant with a negative large coefficient indicating that the self-

employed earn 16.4 percent less than other employment categories in the rural area.

Another interesting point is that the dummy varibles for the religion has become

highly significant with a large positive coefficient meaning that in the rural area,

christians earn 23 percent higher than the base category. The coefficient of

determinion has increased from 6.01 percent to 7.23 percent by inclusion of the

employment categories and relion variable. When the zone variables are added, the

regression coefficients and their statistical significance do not change much while

only two of the zone binary variables, North Central (nc) and North West (nw) are

not statistically significant. However, the coefficient of determination only slightly

increased to 7.6 percent from 7.2 percent by the addition of the zone variables.

Page 51: Determinants of wages: Evidence from Nigeria


The estimation results indicate that years of scooling representing various levels of

education has a substantial role in wage determination in comparison to employment

category, zones and rural versus urban sectors. Gender gap is another important

factor for the Nigerian wage function where males earn significantly lower than

females. However, the wage differential betwen men and women is constant which

means that men earn less than females at all levels of education for the wage function

estimated countrywise whereas, the return to education is not same for males and

females at all levels of education for the rural area. In Table 11, the interaction term,

male.ed is highly significant and negative in all the models (basic model and the

extended models) indicating that the gap increases as the education gets larger in the

rural area. This may indicate negative return to education in the rural area. However,

in all the regressions, the coefficient of determination is between about 6 percent and

8 percent which is rather low. This indicates that in the Nigerian labor market there

are other factors influencing wages rather than personal characteristics and

employment and geographical factors. This finding supports the report of Aminu

(2011) that Nigerian government wage review policies, ad hoc wage commissions

play an important role in wage determination rather than demand and supply forces

in the labor market.

Page 52: Determinants of wages: Evidence from Nigeria


Chapter 6


This chapter shall present the general overview of this research work, conclusions

and remarks. Further we will itemize some policy suggestions including suggestions

for further research in this area.

6.1 Conclusions

So far, the main aim of this study is to investigate and empirically examine the

various determinants of wages using a cross-sectional data for Nigeria. In particular,

this study was targeted towards individual households across the regions of Nigeria

and within the agricultural sector. Through this research, we were able to contribute

to the literature on labour market analysis for a typical developing country such as

Nigeria. Hence our lick-off point in the empirical analysis is the introduction of the

Mincerian-type wage equation of Mincer (1974) incorporating individual attributes,

region, gender and other employment categories in the analysis.

Considering the return to education and experience, our findings have shown that

females earn quite higher than the males even across the same level of education and

experience. Even when the model was further extended so as to investigate if

earnings across gender would change at constant wages, our observation also

presents similar results. Also while including both regional and employment

characteristics of individuals, males were observed to earn about 17percent lower

Page 53: Determinants of wages: Evidence from Nigeria


than female folks. In the regional basis, both North East and South-South zones

showed less in earnings compared to the base category and on-the-job training plays

little or no significance on wages. Similarly by including sectorial employment

status, we have been able to show that self-employed individuals earn lower than

other employment status in the rural areas.

Overall, education which is one of the basic components of human capital theory has

a positive effect in wage determination in rural Nigeria. These findings correlate well

with other similar findings for Nigeria such as Aminu (2010 and 2011), and

Ogwumike (2006).

It is our view that the Nigerian labour market is heterogeneous in nature due to its

large population including multi-ethnic and religious orientations. However,

education which has been made free especially at the primary and secondary levels is

indeed one of the crucial elements of wage determination across the regions of the

country. Since education is productivity augmenting, major policy frameworks

should actually be directed towards implementing various educational and job-

training programs to encourage productivity especially within the informal

agricultural sectors of Nigeria. It is also surprising that the South-South part of

Nigeria which is the beehive of the Nigeria’s rich oil resources has shown lower

earnings than other categories, in the region.

6.2 Recommendations for Further Studies

It has become obvious that the gender differential in wages appears to be quite large,

further studies should possibly be directed towards determining the actual cause of

such differences in wages and comparing such findings with the next wave of the

Page 54: Determinants of wages: Evidence from Nigeria


data. Similarly, regional wage differences should studied especially within the South-

South regions of Nigeria. It is expected that this region should show a considerable

high wage structure given their contributions to the Nations’ economy. Finally, it

will usher in a new and a strong comparative stance of the labour market of Nigeria,

if a panel study is carried out using the most recent wave of the GHS data.

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