Determinants of insurance demand

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  • 8/9/2019 Determinants of insurance demand


    S-curve growth

    models for insurancepenetration

    Mabel Ramírez, Industrias Peñoles, M!ico

    "apen Sinha, I"#M, M!ico

  • 8/9/2019 Determinants of insurance demand


    Rudolf Enz´ s-curve*

    $ "he S-%urve Relation &etween per-capita Income and Insurance Penetration, Published b' "he (eneva Papers on R, .o+ / 01ul', 2223 pp+ /45-625+

  • 8/9/2019 Determinants of insurance demand


    Rudolf Enz´ s-curve: Penetration Life

    • Minimum


    • Ma!imumpenetrat

    • In8ectionU!"3#8per capit

    • Ma! incoelasticit'U!#0per capit

    %hart depicts the s-curve using onl' points for the 'ear :44;+

  • 8/9/2019 Determinants of insurance demand


    Rudolf Enz´ s-curve: Penetration &on-L

    • Minimum


    • Ma!imumpenetrat

    • In8ectionU!(#8)per capit

    • Ma! incoelasticit'U!"$#0per capit

    %hart depicts the s-curve using onl' points for the 'ear :44;+

  • 8/9/2019 Determinants of insurance demand


    e+ican ,nsurance aret

    • Penetration and per capita (9P for the period7 :


  • 8/9/2019 Determinants of insurance demand


    e+ican insurance enetration


    •Income elasticit' in the model of =nz+

    •:46-:4; 7 >?ow income stage@

    •:4;-2:2 7 >=!ponential growth stage@

     /ear Estiated in. and a+.

    1oundaries for insurance det2

    Real insuran


    222 0:+:;5AB , :+:;A/B3 :+:B

    2:2 0:+/5B, :+42B3 :+45B

  • 8/9/2019 Determinants of insurance demand


    e+ican insurance enetration


    •%orrelation between Penetration and per capita (9Pmodel of =nz+

    •:46-:4; 7 >9emand-Collowing@ pattern

    •:4;-2:2 7 >9emand-Collowing@ pattern

    5raner 7ausalit

    9irection e of causalit ustained;


  • 8/9/2019 Determinants of insurance demand


    e+ican insurance enetration

    • FofstedeGs cultural dimensions7

  • 8/9/2019 Determinants of insurance demand


    2e deand for life insurance in e+ico U= 

    ruett and ruett4

    $ Published b' "he 1ournal of Ris) and Insurance, *ol+ A, .o+ 01une, :4423 pp+ /:-/;+

  • 8/9/2019 Determinants of insurance demand


     >2 ruett and ruett analsis is ?ron

    Variable Type of variableADF



    per capita GDPMexico

    Level2.382996 Ye

    Logarithmictransformation   0.124402 Ye

  • 8/9/2019 Determinants of insurance demand



    • "he s-curve model is a countr' comparison of diHerent level

    capita income, but is not a reliable predictor on insurance penfor an individual countr'+ %orrelation between insurance penand per capita (9P does not predict how insurance penetratrise as the countr' becomes wealthier over time+

    • "he use of s-curve models e!plaining the insurance mar)et penin a specic countr' or line of business presents a numtheoretical and practical problems+ Individual adJustment b' co

    based on assumptions of economic growth and social behavcannot be applied in general+ "herefore, if this heterogeneitac)nowledged, the results given b' an s-curve will onl' be appli>an average countr'@, raising the Kuestion of the e!istence of athat can serve as LrepresentativeL for this t'pe of anal'sis+

  • 8/9/2019 Determinants of insurance demand



    • e need to consider that the assumption of >one-in-a-)ind i

    0represented b' the (9P per capita3 for a whole countr' supercial, income distribution inside a countr' ma' himpact on the aggregate insurance demand+

    • Curther anal'sis must be performed to identif' a modaddress individual characteristics for each countr'

    • Nurich < in-depth surve' of the factors that have slow

    e!pansion of insurance mar)ets in ?atin #merica7 lac) of sueducation about insurance as the greatest impediment to development+ Dther factors were lac) of condence in the s'stem and law enforcementOs failure to collect informatiothefts and automobile accidents+

  • 8/9/2019 Determinants of insurance demand


    "han) 'ou