Detergents & Quaternary Ammonium Compounds

DETERGENTS & QUATERNARY AMMONIUM COMPOUNDS Medical Research Institute Microbiology department Biosafety unit By Rasha Emad

Transcript of Detergents & Quaternary Ammonium Compounds

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Medical Research InstituteMicrobiology department

Biosafety unit

By Rasha Emad

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General terms Detergent: Product that after formulation is devised

to promote the development of detergency.

Surface Active Agent: Chemical compound which,when dissolved or dispersed in a li uid is absorbed atan interface, giving rise to a number of importantchemical properties.

Amphiphilic Product: Product which contains in itsstructure one or more hydrophilic groups and one or more hydrophobic groups.

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Detergents Detergents are organic compounds

comprised of a hydrophobic hydrocarbonmoiety and a hydrophilic chargedheadgroup.

When dissolved in water at a givenconcentration and temperature, detergentmolecules will form micelles, with thehydrophobic part in the interior of themicelle and the headgroup at the exterior.

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Mode of action ofdetergents Detergents used in biomedical laboratories

are mild surfactants (=surface actingagents , used for the disruption of cellmembranes (cell lysis and the release ofintracellular materials in a soluble form.

Detergents brea! the protein"protein,protein"lipid and lipid"lipid associations,

denature proteins and othermacromolecules, prevent unspeci#c bindingin immunochemical assays and proteincrystalli$ation.

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Detergents % detergent is a surfactant or a mixture of

surfactants with &cleaning properties in dilutesolutions.

Detergents are commonly available as powders orconcentrated solutions. Detergents, li!e soaps, wor!because they are amphiphilic ' partly hydrophilic (polar and partly hydrophobic (non"polar .

heir dual nature facilitates the mixture of hydrophobic cpds (oil and grease with water. Detergents are also

foaming agents to varying degrees.

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)lassi#cation ofdetergents Detergents are classi#ed into three broad

groupings, depending on the electricalcharge of the surfactants.

%nionic detergents)ationic detergents*onionic detergents

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General structure of detergents

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%nionic detergents ypical anionic detergents are

al!ylben$enesulfonates .

he al!ylben$ene portion of these anions islipophilicand the sulfonate is hydrophilic.

wo di erent varieties have been populari$ed, thosewith branched al!yl groups and those with linearal!yl groups.

Main example is soap

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)ationic detergents )ationic detergents are similar to the

anionic ones, with a hydrophobiccomponent, but, instead of the anionicsulfonate group, the cationic surfactantshave -uaternary ammonium as the polarend.

he ammonium center is positively charged.

Main example is -uaternary ammoniumcompounds or %)s or uats

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*onionic detergents *on"ionic detergents are characteri$ed by

their uncharged, hydrophilic headgroups.

ypical non"ionic detergents are based onpolyoxyethylene or a glycoside .

)ommon examples ween .

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Di erence between tween /0 120

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Quaternary ammoniumom!ound"

ypically !nown as 3 uats4

Many individual chemicals

5resent in thousands of end"useformulations, many of which are blendsof various uats

)ommon uses include disinfectants,surfactants, fabric softeners, antistatic

agents, and wood preservation

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Quaternary ammoniumom!ound"

hey are positively chargedpolyatomic ions of the structure *678with 6 being al!yl or aryl groups.

hey are permanently charged,independent of the p9 of theirsolution.

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Quaternary ammoniumom!ound"

:ach uat has its own chemical and anti"microbiological characteristics. ;<:5% hasclustered uats into four categories'

. Group >' he al!yl or hydroxyl (straight chainsubstituted uats

/. Group >>' he non"halogenated ben$ylsubstituted

uats (including hydroxyben$yl,hydroxyethylben$yl,naphylmethyl, dodecyhlben$hyl, and al!ylben$yl

?. Group >>>' he di" and tri"chloroben$yl


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;ses of ;% < he uni-ue physicalAchemical properties of %)s

have resulted in a variety of uses and a highlevel of popularity in dome"ti , agri u#tura#$hea#th are$ and industrial applications such as

surfactants, emulsi#ers, fabric softeners, disinfectants,

pesticides, corrosion inhibitors, and personal care products.

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QUATS a" antimi ro%ia#"

!"Cs possess surface#active properties, self#assembly characteristics, detergency, andantimicrobial properties.

Certain !"Cs, especially those containing longal$yl chains, are used as antimicrobials anddisinfectants .

E%amples are ben&al$onium chloride ,ben&ethonium chloride , methylben&ethoniumchloride, cetal$onium chloride , cetylpyridinium chloride , cetrimonium , cetrimide , dofaniumchloride, tetraethylammonium bromide ,didecyldimethylammonium chloride and domiphen


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QUATS a" antimi ro%ia#"

%lso good against fungi, amoeba, andenveloped viruses, -uats are believed to actby disrupting the cell membrane.

uaternary ammonium compounds arelethal to a wide variety of organisms exceptendospores , Mycobacterium tuberculosis and non"enveloped viruses .

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QUATS a" antimi ro%ia#"

uats are e ective in destroying a broad spectrum ofharmful microorganisms.

hey are e ective in !illing many pathogenicmicroorganisms while cleaning the surfaces upon

which they reside B all in one simple step. % few of the microorganisms !illed by -uat

disinfectants and saniti$ers include'Gram negative and gram positive bacteria li!e salmonellatyphi, staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus epidermidis,

pseudomonas aeruginosa, and :"coli.@iruses li!e 9>@" , 9epatitis C and ), 9erpes simplex and /,>n uen$a and 5arvovirus %ntibiotic resistant strains ofbacteria including methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus(M6<% , @6: and many other antibiotic resistant strains.

Eungi li!e trichophyton interdigitale (athleteFs foot and thefungus that causes ringworm.

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)lassi#cation of ;% < %)s can be classi#ed in #ve ma or groups

depending on the type of functional groups'monoal!onium , dial!onium, ben$al!onium,diesteral!onium, and pyridal!onium


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;% < as antimicrobial hey are e ective against a variety of

bacteria, fungi, and viruses at very lowconcentrations. When %)s are used asdisinfectants, the applied concentration istypically between 700 and H00 ppm andalmost always below 000 ppm (e.g., 0. IwAv in Jysol .

he most commonly used %)s as bioactiveagents are monoal!onium () K , dial!onium()2B 0 , and ben$al!onium () /B Kchlorides

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Mode of action of uats %)s are lytic bioactive agents.

he main mode of action of %)s againstbacterial cells involves perturbation of thelipid bilayer of the bacterial cytoplasmicmembrane and the outer membrane ofGram"negative bacteria.

<uch action leads to a progressive lea!ageof cytoplasmic components out of the celland #nally cell lysis.

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ea#th e'e t" o( Quat"

uaternary ammonium compounds can display arange of health e ects, amongst which are milds!in and respiratory irritation up to severecaustic burns on s!in and gastro"intestinal lining(depending on concentration , gastro"intestinalsymptoms (e.g., nausea and vomiting , coma,convulsions, hypotension and death.

hey are thought to be the chemical groupresponsible for anaphylactic reactions that occurwith use of neuromuscular bloc!ing drugs duringgeneral anaesthesia in surgery . uaternium" H is

the single most often found cause of allergiccontact dermatitis of the hands

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Than) you