Detailed Msc Course Contents UIU CSE

7/23/2019 Detailed Msc Course Contents UIU CSE 1/35 Master of Science in Computer Science and Engineering United International University United International University (UIU) has been running its M.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering program very successfully since its inception and has attracted not only fresh undergraduates but also a handful number of ICT professionals from the industry. ue to the rapidly changing nature of the sub!ect" it has become urgent to ma#e a number of changes in the e$isting syllabus in order to meet the local and global mar#et demand. Especially a number of courses related to Communication Engineering and Intelligent Computing have been added to the e$isting syllabus. In addition courses have been distributed into si$ ma!or areas. %fter incorporating all the necessary changes" the modified syllabus is hereby submitted to the University &rants Commission for #ind approval.  Program Requirements  A. Admission Requirements: Individuals 'ho hold a achelors degree in any academic discipline from a recogni*ed university having C&+% not less than ,.- 'ill be considered for admission into the Master of Science in Computer Science and Engineering program. Students 'ho have 'ea# under graduate grades or have not come from CSCSICSEEEE%pplied +hysics  bac#ground 'ill be re/uired to ta#e a number of prere/uisite courses (list enclosed) as decided by the department of Computer Science and Engineering. The applicants undergraduate grade point average (&+%)" &0E score and 'or# e$perience 'ill be considered in the admission process. % personal intervie' 'ill be encouraged and may be re/uired. Upon acceptance" students 'ill receive a copy of their planned academic  program. Students are encouraged to meet periodically 'ith the program director to discuss academic progress" career placement and special needs. B. Degree Requirements % total of minimum 12 credit hours of graduate course 'or# 'ith a minimum &+% of ,.- are re/uired to earn the M.Sc. in CSE degree. Students may belong to either thesis or non3thesis group. Thesis group students should ta#e 45 credit hours course 'or# and 45 credit hours thesis. 6on3thesis group students should ta#e 17 credit hours course 'or# and 2 credit hours pro!ect. %t least 18 contact hours constitute a 1 credit hour course. In addition to class 'or#" students have to engage themselves intensively in course based laboratory 'or#s. Ta#ing at least four or more courses from a particular area 'ill constitute a ma!or in that area. The courses are distributed among the follo'ing ma!ors9 Soft'are Engineering" Multimedia" Electronic Commerce" Intelligent Computing" Embedded Systems and Communication Engineering. Students 'ho have 'ea# under graduate grades or have not come from CSCSEEEE%pplied +hysics bac#ground 'ill 4

Transcript of Detailed Msc Course Contents UIU CSE

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Master of Science in Computer Science and EngineeringUnited International University

United International University (UIU) has been running its M.Sc. in Computer Science

and Engineering program very successfully since its inception and has attracted not onlyfresh undergraduates but also a handful number of ICT professionals from the industry.

ue to the rapidly changing nature of the sub!ect" it has become urgent to ma#e a number of changes in the e$isting syllabus in order to meet the local and global mar#et demand.

Especially a number of courses related to Communication Engineering and Intelligent

Computing have been added to the e$isting syllabus. In addition courses have beendistributed into si$ ma!or areas. %fter incorporating all the necessary changes" the

modified syllabus is hereby submitted to the University &rants Commission for #ind


 Program Requirements

 A. Admission Requirements:

Individuals 'ho hold a achelors degree in any academic discipline from a recogni*ed

university having C&+% not less than ,.- 'ill be considered for admission into the

Master of Science in Computer Science and Engineering program. Students 'ho have

'ea# under graduate grades or have not come from CSCSICSEEEE%pplied +hysics bac#ground 'ill be re/uired to ta#e a number of prere/uisite courses (list enclosed) as

decided by the department of Computer Science and Engineering. The applicants

undergraduate grade point average (&+%)" &0E score and 'or# e$perience 'ill be

considered in the admission process. % personal intervie' 'ill be encouraged and may bere/uired. Upon acceptance" students 'ill receive a copy of their planned academic

 program. Students are encouraged to meet periodically 'ith the program director todiscuss academic progress" career placement and special needs.

B. Degree Requirements

% total of minimum 12 credit hours of graduate course 'or# 'ith a minimum &+% of ,.-

are re/uired to earn the M.Sc. in CSE degree. Students may belong to either thesis or non3thesis group. Thesis group students should ta#e 45 credit hours course 'or# and 45

credit hours thesis. 6on3thesis group students should ta#e 17 credit hours course 'or# and 2 credit hours pro!ect. %t least 18 contact hours constitute a 1 credit hour course. Inaddition to class 'or#" students have to engage themselves intensively in course based

laboratory 'or#s. Ta#ing at least four or more courses from a particular area 'ill

constitute a ma!or in that area. The courses are distributed among the follo'ing ma!ors9Soft'are Engineering" Multimedia" Electronic Commerce" Intelligent Computing"

Embedded Systems and Communication Engineering. Students 'ho have 'ea# under 

graduate grades or have not come from CSCSEEEE%pplied +hysics bac#ground 'ill


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 be re/uired to ta#e a number of prere/uisite courses (list enclosed) as decided by the

department of Computer Science and Engineering.

 List of Courses

A. Prerequisite Courses



Course Title Credit



Hour !ee" 

CSE -774 :b!ect :riented +rogramming 1.7 137

CSE -771 ata Structure and %lgorithms 1.7 137

CSE -77- atabase Management Systems 1.7 137

CSE -77; Soft'are Engineering and %pplicationevelopment

1.7 137

CSE -778 ata Communication and Computer 6et'or# 1.7 137

CSE -744 Microprocessor and Interfacing 1.7 137

CSE -741 System %nalysis and esign 1.7 137

CSE -74- Signals and <inear Systems 1.7 137

CSE -74; Engineering Electromagnetics 1.7 137

CSE -748 Structured +rogramming <anguage 1.7 137

M%T= 45; >ourier and <aplace Transformation 1.7 137

B. Required Courses #An$ Si% for t&esis group An$ Ten for non't&esis




Course Title Credit



Hour )ee" 

CSE 2774 %dvanced atabase Systems 1.7 137

CSE 2771 Soft'are ?uality Management 1.7 137

CSE 277- :b!ect :riented %nalysis and esign 1.7 137

CSE 277; esign and evelopment of :pen Multi3tier%pplication


CSE 2778 %dvanced %rtificial Intelligence 1.7 137

CSE 2744 ata Mining 1.7 137

CSE 2741 Computational <inguistics 1.7 137CSE 274- Statistical Machine Translation 1.7 137

CSE 274; Speech +rocessing 1.7 137CSE 2748 Speech 0ecognition 1.7 137

CSE 27,4 +attern 0ecognition 1.7 137

CSE 27,1 Machine <earning 1.7 137

CSE 27,- 6eural 6et'or# and >u**y <ogic System 1.7 137CSE 27,; Image +rocessing 1.7 137


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CSE 27,8 Computer &raphics and %nimation 1.7 137

CSE 2714 Interactive Multimedia esign and evelopment 1.7 137

CSE 2711 istributed Systems 1.7 137CSE 271- Client Server Technologies 1.7 137

CSE 271; Electronic Commerce 1.7 137

CSE 2718 @eb +rogramming 1.7 137CSE 27A4 +arallel %lgorithms 1.7 137

CSE 27A1 &raph Theory 1.7 137

CSE 27A- Embedded System esign 1.7 137CSE 27A; %dvanced Embedded System esign 1.7 137

CSE 27A8 0eal Time Computing for Embedded System 1.7 137

CSE 27-4 Tele3traffic Theory and Management 1.7 137

CSE 27-1 0adio >re/uency Technology 1.7 137CSE 27-- igital Communications 1.7 137

CSE 27-; @ireless Communication 1.7 137

CSE 27-8 Multimedia Communication 1.7 137

CSE 2724 %dvanced :ptical Communication 1.7 137CSE 2721 Mobile Systems 1.7 137

CSE 272- %dvanced Mobile Communication 1.7 137CSE 272; %dvanced 6et'or# Services and Management 1.7 137

CSE 2728 igital Signal +rocessing 1.7 137

CSE 27;4 %dvanced B<SI esign 1.7 137CSE 27;1 Communication Theory 1.7 137

CSE 27;- Satellite Communication 1.7 137

CSE 27;; Mobile Communication 1.7 137

CSE 27;8 :ptical Communication 1.7 137CSE 2754 Telecommunication Engineering 1.7 137

CSE 2751 %dvanced igital Communication 1.7 137

CSE 275- +ro!ect Management 1.7 137CSE 275; %dvanced :b!ect :riented +rogramming 1.7 137

CSE 2784 Cryptography 1.7 137

*e!l$ Added Courses:

CSE 2758%dvanced Computer Communications and

 6et'or#s1.7 137

CSE 2781 0esearch Methodologies and Technical @riting 1.7 137

CSE 278- @eb Engineering 1.7 137CSE 2448 Mobile Computing 1.7 137

CSE 24,4 %d3hoc and Sensor 6et'or#s 1.7 137CSE 24,1 @ireless 0esource Management 1.7 137

CSE 24,- Internet %rchitecture and +rotocols 1.7 137CSE 24,; 6et'or#s Security 1.7 137

CSE 2414 Computational Intelligence 1.7 137

CSE 241- Semantic @eb Theory and %pplications 1.7 137CSE 24A4 Computational &eometry 1.7 137

CSE 247- =ealth Informatics and Telemedicine 1.7 137


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CSE 24;4 Image +rocessing and its %pplications 1.7 137

CSE 2441 ata @arehousing and usiness Intelligence 1.7 137

CSE 244- >inancial Informatics 1.7 137CSE 24A1 Smart +hone %pplication evelopment 1.7 137

CSE 24A- Cloud Computing 1.7 137

CSE 24A; Soft'are +ro!ect Management 1.7 137CSE 24A8 Soft'are ?uality %ssurance and Testing 1.7 137

CSE 24-4 Computer &ame esign and evelopment 1.7 137

CSE 24-1 io3informatics and Computational iology 1.7 137

CSE 24--Enterprise Soft'are %rchitecture and

evelopment1.7 137

CSE 24-; Models of Soft'are Systems 1.7 137

CSE 24-8 Soft'are Specifications and %nalysis 1.7 137

CSE 2421&eographic Information Systems and Spatial

atabases1.7 137

CSE 242- Information Technology %udit and %ssessment 1.7 137

CSE 242; Special Topic3I 1.7 137CSE 2428 Special Topic3II 1.7 137

CSE +,,, T&esis #- Credit &ours for t&esis group( Pro/ect #+ Credit

&ours for non't&esis group(

Distri0ution of courses according to ma/ors:

Soft!are Engineering:

%dvanced atabase SystemsSoft'are ?uality %ssurance

:b!ect :riented %nalysis and esign

+ro!ect Management%dvanced :b!ect :riented +rogramming

esign and evelopment of :pen Multi3tier %pplication

Interactive Multimedia esign and evelopment@eb +rogramming

Computer  &raphics and %nimation

Electronic Commerce

@eb EngineeringSemantic @eb Theory and %pplications

Smart +hone %pplication evelopment

Soft'are +ro!ect ManagementSoft'are ?uality %ssurance and Testing

Computer &ame esign and evelopment

Enterprise Soft'are %rchitecture and evelopmentModels of Soft'are Systems


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Soft'are Specifications and %nalysis

Information Technology %udit and %ssessment

1ntelligent Computing:

%dvanced %rtificial IntelligenceImage +rocessing

ata Mining

Computational <inguisticsStatistical Machine Translation

Speech +rocessing

Speech 0ecognition+attern 0ecognition

Machine <earning

 6eural 6et'or# and >u**y <ogic Systems

Computational Intelligence

=ealth Informatics and TelemedicineImage +rocessing and its %pplications

ata @arehousing and usiness Intelligence>inancial Informatics

io3informatics and Computational iology

Em0edded S$stem:

%dvanced B<SI esignEmbedded System esign

%dvanced Embedded System esign

0eal Time Computing for Embedded Systems

Communication Engineering:

igital Signal +rocessingTele3traffic Theory and Management

0adio >re/uency Technology

igital Communications@ireless Communications

Multimedia Communications

%dvanced :ptical Communications

istributed SystemsMobile Systems

%dvanced Mobile Communication

Client Server Technologies%dvanced 6et'or# Services and Management

%dvanced Computer Communications and 6et'or#s

Mobile Computing%d3hoc and Sensor 6et'or#s


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@ireless 0esource Management

Internet %rchitecture and +rotocols

Communication TheorySatellite Communication

Mobile Communication

:ptical CommunicationTelecommunication Engineering

%dvanced igital Communication

 6et'or#s SecurityCloud Computing



+arallel %lgorithms

&raph Theory

0esearch Methodologies and Technical @ritingComputational &eometry

&eographic Information Systems and Spatial atabasesSpecial Topic3I

Special Topic3II

Detailed Course Contents:

Pre'requisite Courses:CSE 2,,- 30/ect 3riented Programming

4.,, credits

Introduction to programming and logic flo'" procedural versus ob!ect oriented

 programming" data types" variables" constants" operators" e$pressions" input3output"

control structures" arrays" functions" pointers" file access" structures" dynamic memoryallocation" classes" ob!ects" constructor and destructor" access modifiers" inheritance"

 polymorphism" multiple inheritance" friend functions" virtual class" files and streams" user 

interface design" e$ception handling.

CSE 2,,4 Data Structure and Algorit&ms

4.,, Credits


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Introduction to elementary data structures and their usages9 %rrays" records" lin#ed lists"

stac# and /ueue asic searching and sorting techni/ues Cost and performance analysis

of algorithms Trees and graphs Traversal techni/ues of trees and graphs 0ecursion"divide and con/uer techni/ues &reedy method ynamic programming &raph

algorithms =ashing % survey of hard problems 6+3completeness and intractable


CSE 2,,2 Data0ase Management S$stems

4.,, credits

Introduction to database" data models9 Entity3relationship model and relational model"

functional dependency" normali*ation" relational algebra" S?<9 asic and comple$ /uery"

 !oining atabase design and implementation on MS" inde$ing" data integrity andsecurity" database storage and file structure" transaction management" concurrency

control" recovery management" ob!ect3oriented database and DM<.

CSE 2,,5 Soft!are Engineering and Application De6elopment

4.,, Credits

Soft'are engineering paradigms" process models" comple$ity models" re/uirement

engineering" different models of effort" schedule3and cost3estimation" ris# analysis andmanagement" pro!ect management" different soft'are design methodologies" verification

and validation" testing philosophy and methods" soft'are configuration management"

soft'are metrics" soft'are reliability and availability" soft'are maintenance and soft'arere3engineering" development of applications using soft'are engineering concepts

CSE 2,,7 Data Communication and Computer *et!or"s

4.,, Credits

Introduction to data communication and net'or#s transmission media" signals" noises"

modulation and demodulation" encoding ata net'or#s" single and multi channel datacommunication" circuit s'itching and pac#et s'itching. 6et'or# architecture" layering

and protocols" :SI reference model" TC+I+ architecture <%6 concepts" media" collisionand broadcast M%C address" framing" to#en ring" >iber istributed ata Interface(>I)" Ethernet and Carrier Sense Multiple %ccess Collision etection (CSM%C)"

IEEE 57,.1 0outing" I+ address" %0+ and 0%0+" =C+" 0I+" I&0+ and EI&0+" :S+>

Transport layer Session layer +resentation layer %pplication layer.


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CSE 2,-- Microprocessor and 1nterfacing

4.,, Credits

Introduction to different types of microprocessors" Microprocessor architecture"

instruction set" interfacing" I: operation" interrupt structure" Microprocessor interfaceICs" %dvanced microprocessor concepts" Microprocessor based system design.

Computer :rgani*ation9 >undamentals of computer design" +erformance and cost"

Instruction set design and e$amples" Measurements" asic processor implementationtechni/ues9 =ard'ired and micro3programmed control Caches and multiprocessor 

caches" esign of I: systems" I: performances

CSE 2,-4 S$stem Anal$sis and Design

4.,, Credits

Information" general concepts of formal information systems" analysis of information

re/uirements for modern organi*ations" modern data processing technology and its

application" information systems structures" designing information outputs" classifying

and coding data" physical storage media considerations" logical data organi*ation"systems analysis" general systems design" detail system design" +ro!ect management and

documentation" &roup development of an information system pro!ect9 includes all phases

of soft'are life cycles from re/uirement analysis to the completion of a fullyimplemented system.

CSE 2,-7 Structured Programming 8anguage

4.,, Credits

:vervie'" Structure of C program" ata Types" I: >unctions" Identifiers" E$pressions"Statement and Symbolic Constants" %rithmetic operators" 0elational :perators and

<ogical :perators" it3'ise :perators" +recedence and %ssociativity" Control statements"

Storage class" >unctions" Command <ine +arameters and <ibrary >unctions" %rrays"

Strings" Structure" Union and it3fields" +ointer" Memory %llocation and 0elease" +ointer and Multi3imensional %rrays" >ile =andling" Bideo %dapter" Modes and &raphics

Initiali*ation" &raphics >unctions.

CSE 2,-2 Signals and 8inear S$stems

4.,, Credits


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Introduction" System properties" System state" Continuous3time convolution" iscrete3

time convolution"  Stability and time response"  iscrete3time signals and systems"

iscrete3time convolution"  ifference e/uations" Stability"  <aplace transform"  Inverse<aplace transform" Transfer functions" System reali*ation"  Z 3transform" >re/uency

response"  Z   and <aplace transforms"  >ourier series" >ourier transform properties"

Sampling theorem" <TI system analysis" Signal energy" %S< modems 

CSE 2,-5 Engineering Electromagnetics

4.,, Credits

Static and lo'3fre/uency electric fields9 Static E fields in Cartesian and cylindrical

coordinates" &ausss <a'" Electrostatic energy Static and lo'3fre/uency magnetic fields9

Static = fields in Cartesian and cylindrical coordinates Sto#ess Theorem" %mperes <a' "Firchhoffs <a's" Ma$'ells E/uations in differential form9 Cartesian and cylindrical

coordinates" Circuit electromagnetics" Ma$'ells e/uations as a linear" shift3invariantsystem +lane 'aves9 Single3fre/uency solution of linear" shift3invariant system ""Standing 'aves" The scalar 'ave e/uation" Traveling 'aves" Bisuali*ation of traveling

vector 'aves" @ave properties @ave solutions of Ma$'ells E/uations in space9 Circular 

and elliptical polari*ation" The +oynting vector" Circuits and 'aves Transmission lines9

@aves on transmission lines" Characteristic impedance" E/uivalent circuit of atransmission line" 0eflection of 'aves at a discontinuity 0adiation and antennas9

Simulation of radiation by a moving charge" The =ert*ian dipole" Barious types of 

antennas" %ntennas in receiving mode" Effective area of an antenna" Matched load 'ithcomple$ impedance" >riis transmission formula" ipole antennas of length comparable

to" or greater than" the 'avelength" +oynting vector for a general dipole antenna" %ntenna


MATH -5 9ourier and 8aplace Transformations

4.,, Credits

<aplace Transforms9 efinition. <aplace transforms of some elementary functions.

Sufficient conditions for e$istence of <aplace transforms. Inverse <aplace transforms.

<aplace transforms of derivatives. The unit step function. +eriodic function. Some special

theorems on <aplace transforms. +artial fraction. Solution of differential e/uations by<aplace transforms. Evaluation of improper integrals.

>ourier %nalysis9 0eal and comple$ forms of >ourier series. >inite transform. >ourier 

integral. >ourier transforms and their uses in solving boundary value problems.


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Required Courses #- Credits for T&esis roup 4, Credits for non'

t&esis roup(:

CSE +,,- Ad6anced Data0ase S$stems

4.,, Credits

atabase system architecture managing primary and secondary storage /uery processing metadata and catalog management language processing /uery optimi*ation

and plan generation concurrency failures and recovery e$tensibility client3server 

interactions. :b!ect3oriented database systems" DM<" database and the 'eb" data

management in distributed mobile computing environment" data broadcasting" te$tdatabase" digital library design and implementation" multimedia database9 asic concept"

design and optimi*ation of access strategies parallel database" spatial database" temporal


CSE+,,4 Soft!are ;ualit$ Management

4.,, Credits

Introduction to the re/uirements definition phase of soft'are development. Models"

notations" and processes for soft'are re/uirements identification" representation"

validation" and analysis. Systematic testing of soft'are systems" symbolic e$ecution"soft'are debugging" measurement and prediction of soft'are reliability" pro!ect

management" soft'are maintenance" soft'are reuse" reverse engineering. Soft'are

/uality" soft'are process and process metrics" different /uality metrics of soft'areBerification and validation tas#s and techni/ues" soft'are error and defect removal" S?%

management and models" statistical /uality control ?uality management system9 IS:

8777" IS: 8774 and IEEE 4,,7; Standards Compliance criteria of different standards9

8777%S31-21 and IS: 8774" Capability Maturity Model (CMM)" +eople CapabilityMaturity Model (+3CMM) enchmar#ing and certification.

CSE +,,2 30/ect 3riented Anal$sis and Design

4.,, Credits

Introduction to :b!ect :riented esign" Modeling Concept9 Modeling as a esign

Techni/ue" :b!ect Modeling" ynamic Modeling and >unctional Modeling esignMethodology9 Methodology +revie'" %nalysis" system esign" :b!ect esign and

Comparison of Methodologies.


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esign Implementation9 esign Implementation" +rogramming Style" :b!ect iagram

Compiler >uture of :b!ect3:riented Technology. In addition" the course covers areas of 

ob!ect storage and retrieval" distributed systems" business rules and ob!ects andintroduces architecture for supportable systems. Emphasi*ing productivity and /uality"

the course concludes 'ith pragmatic guidelines on ho' to incorporate testing and /uality

assurance into the development process of ob!ect3oriented systems.

CSE +,,5 Design and De6elopment of 3pen Multi'Tier Application

4.,, Credits

Concepts of Multi3Tier %pplications and Components Communication bet'een

Components +rotocols and Standards. 0evie' of UM<. Use of UM< for esign of Multi3Tier %pplication. esign and evelopment of Client" Middle3Tier and Server 

Components. Use of Standard 0% +ac#ages for evelopment of Multi3Tier %pplication. Use of C:0%" C:M" Bisiro#er" and other technologies to develop an

 63Tier application. Use of %:" MI%S to create multi3tier and 'eb server basedapplications.

CSE +,,7 Ad6anced Artificial 1ntelligence

4.,, Credits

Introduction %dvanced search techni/ues in %I" %dvanced plan generating systems

+robabilistic 0easoning" decision net'or#s Ma#ing comple$ decisions9 Se/uential

decision problems" partially observable Mar#ov decision problems (+:M+s) Multiple

agent theory9 Cooperation among multiple agents <earning from observations9 Inductivelearning" decision trees" ensemble learning Fno'ledge in learning9 Use of logic"

e$planation based learning" inductive logic programming Statistical learning9 Complete

data" hidden nodes (EM method)" instance based learning" neural net'or#s and neural belief net'or#s >u**y logic and &enetic algorithm.

CSE +,-- Data Mining

4.,, Credits

Introduction to data mining" data preparation" data mining primitives" language and

systems" architecture" decision tree and its variants" mining association rules in largedatabases classification and reduction" cluster analysis" mining comple$ types of data.

Classification approaches such as inductive inference of decision trees and neural


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net'or# learning" clustering techni/ues" inductive logic programming multi3relational

data mining and time series mining. The emphasis 'ill be on algorithmic issues and data

mining from a data management and machine learning vie'point.

CSE +,-4 Computational 8inguistics

4.,, Credits

Introduction Syntactic processing9 &rammars and parsing" augmented grammars"

grammars for natural language" parsing" ambiguity resolution Semantic interpretation9

Semantics and logical form" lin#ing synta$ and semantics" scoping Conte$t and 'orld#no'ledge9 Fno'ledge representation and reasoning" local discourse conte$t and

reference" using 'orld #no'ledge" conversational agent.

CSE +,-2 Statistical Mac&ine Translation

4.,, Credits

Introduction9 Statistical versus structured natural language processing (6<+)" basicstatistics and statistical model" linguistics essentials" corpus3based 6<+ Models and

techni/ues9 Collocations" statistical Inference" 'ord sense disambiguation" le$ical

ac/uisition" Mar#ov models &rammar9 +art3of3speech tagging" probabilistic conte$t freegrammars" probabilistic parsing %pplications and techni/ues9 Statistical alignment"

clustering" information retrieval" te$t categori*ation.

CSE +,-5 Speec& Processing

4.,, Credits

Speech production models9 %coustic theory of speech production" discrete3time speech

model" lossless model of the vocal tract Speech perception" digital processing of speechsignals9 Short3term processing of speech" linear prediction analysis" spectral analysis

Speech coding9 <+C" M0%" enhancement" human auditory system" /uality assessment"

speech synthesis Spea#er recognition and verification systems.

CSE +,-7 Speec& Recognition

4.,, Credits


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Introduction Modeling human speech perception9 %uditory" neural and cognitive

 processing" pattern matching" linguistic processing 0epresentations of speech signal9

and3pass filter energies" formants" <+C and %0M%" cepstrum and mel3cepstrum"auditory3model based representations" difference coefficients" comparison of parametric

representations 0ecognition modes and modalities9 Spea#er dependency" isolated and

continuous 'ords" vocabulary si*e" spea#ing environment" perple$ity" real3timeoperation Stochastic models" linguistic models" prosodic #no'ledge sources

Fno'ledge3based approaches9 Templates versus features" segmentation" labeling" fu**y

reasoning Stochastic approaches9 =idden Mar#ov Models (=MM)" training and testingalgorithms Connectionist approaches9 6eural net'or#s" learning algorithms

%pplications9 ictation systems" voice3based communications" system control" security

systems" spea#er verification.

CSE +,<- Pattern Recognition

4.,, Credits

:vervie' of pattern recognition and pattern recognition applications Structure of a pattern recognition system" patterns and features" feature e$traction" feature vector and

feature space" classifiers" decision regions and boundaries" discriminant functions

Comparison of statistical pattern recognition" syntactic pattern recognition and neural pattern recognition. Introduction to formal languages String languages for pattern

description =igher dimensional pattern grammars Synta$ analysis as a recognition

 procedure Stochastic languages Error3correcting9 +arsing for string languages error3correcting Tree automata Cluster analysis for syntactic patterns &rammatical inference

for syntactic pattern recognition.

CSE +,<4 Mac&ine 8earning

4.,, Credits

Introduction" Supervised and Unsupervised learning in propositional logic" Induction of 

decision trees" 6oise and over3fitting issues" Minimum description length principle"Conceptual clustering" Bersion space" 6earest neighbor classifier" &enetic algorithm"

Computational learning theory.

<earning in first order logic" Top3do'n and ottom3up approaches for inducing firstorder theory" =andling noise" >irst order theory revision" +redicate invention" %pplication

of Inductive <ogic +rogramming" Multiple predicate learning" ifferent types of 

language bias" +%C <earnability" #no'ledge discovery in database and data mining" Te$tand image retrieval.

CSE +,<2 *eural *et!or" and 9u==$ 8ogic S$stems


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4.,, Credits

>undamentals of 6eural 6et'or#s" ac# propagation and related training algorithms

=ebbian learning Cohen3&rossberg learning The %M and =opfield memory

simulated %nnealing ifferent types of neural net'or#s Counter propagation" probabilistic" radial basic function" generali*ed regression etc. %daptive 0esonance

theory ynamic systems and neural control The olt*man machine Self organi*ing

maps spatiotemporal pattern classification" The 6eo3cognition" practical aspects of neural net'or#s.

Introduction" crisp sets to fu**y sets :perations on fu**y sets" fu**y arithmetic" fu**y

relations and fu**y relation e/uations >u**y logic" fu**y propositions and /uantifiers"linguistic hedges" implications %pplications9 E$pert systems" fu**y controllers" pattern

recognition and information retrieval systems" engineering applications" medical


CSE +,<5 1mage Processing

4.,, Credits

This course covers the advanced research topics of image processing 'hich includeimage data ac/uisition and digiti*ation" description" enhancement" segmentation" image

transforms" filtering" restoration" coding" enhancement" e$traction" clustering and

classification schemes" retrieval and evaluation. Students are encouraged to collect andevaluate recently published articles in the above mentioned topics.

CSE +,<7 Computer rap&ics and Animation

4.,, Credits

Introduction to computer graphics Bie'ing model Transformations9 0otation"

translation" and scaling 0endering techni/ues9 Scan conversion" clipping" filling

 polygon =idden line and hidden surface removal color models" illumination andshading" te$ture mapping %nimation techni/ues9 Mesh based system" s#eletal animation

system %nimation models" fractals. This course covers 1 vie'ing transformations

ob!ect hierarchy and 1 graphics standards (&<" +=I&S and others) parametric curves"surfaces" and solid modeling visible surface determination te$ture mapping and

imaging ray tracing and radioicity advanced animation techni/ues. :ptional topics9

virtual reality issues and B0M< advanced raster algorithms and modeling techni/ues.

CSE +,4- 1nteracti6e Multi'Media Design and De6elopment


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4.,, Credits

Introduction to multimedia" image" sound" video formats and their different properties"compression" playing and recording techni/ues" conversions bet'een different formats

and their combinations Multimedia authoring" introduction to 'eb and =TM<" basic

=TM< tags design principles ra'ing9 asic image properties" image manipulation"layers" colors" te$t" te$ture" brightness" contrast" filters and effects %pplication

development using multimedia tools.

CSE +,44 Distri0uted S$stems

4.,, Credits

Models of distributed systems9 topology" synchrony" failure" and buffering. >undamentalconcepts9 states and events" global consistency" potential3causal ordering" logical cloc#s"

vector cloc#s" the ><+ impossibility theorem" 6aming service istributed consensus9atomic commitment" cloc# synchroni*ation" replication management" 'ait3free

algorithms 6et'or# algorithms9 termination detection" deadloc# detection" globalsnapshots and stableunstable predicate detection =igh3level specification of distributed

applications Communication model9 Soc#et" 0emote +rocedure Call" 0emote ob!ect

invocation" message oriented communication istributed ob!ect based system9 C:0%"distributed C:M istributed file system" replication" distributed transactions Security

management" recovery.

CSE +,42 Client Ser6er Tec&nologies

4.,, Credits

:ffers speciali*ed courses in the areas of clientserver computing" distributed computingand net'or# computing. Students develop clientserver based systems or distributed

applications using state3of3the3art tools and technology. Topics include architecture"

modeling and structural issues" inter3process communications" performance" reliability"scalability" consistency and security in a distributed system. >unctional re/uirements"

design methodologies and implementation details of clientserver based systems or 

distributed systems are also discussed. Students obtain 'or#ing #no'ledge of TC+I+"

Uni$" @indo's 6T" SU6 0+C" D @indo' Systems" C:0%" 0MS" Bisual asic":racle" Gava" S?< Server" etc. Introduction" components of client server architecture"

middle'are" soc#et" 0emote +rocedure Call (0+C)" istributed Computing Environment

(CE)" Common :b!ect 0e/uest ro#er %rchitecture (C:0%)" Gava 0emote MethodInvocation (0MI)" Enterprise Gava eans (EG)" distributed data management" client3

server application development.


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CSE +,45 Electronic Commerce

4.,, Credits

=istory" business models Ecommerce channels9 +ortals" auctions" communities"

mar#etplace Managing the mar#etplace9 emographics and advertising Customer relationship management" 'eb services for , and ,C ecommerce" electronic payment

systems 6et'or# security" cryptography" digital certificates Mar#up for ecommerce9

ebDM<" M3commerce" 'ireless and U3commerce" digital money and electronic ban#ingEthical" legal" and regulatory environment9 Intellectual property" copyright" trademar#"


CSE +,47 )e0 Programming

4.,, Credits

@eb architecture and =TT+9 =istory and architecture of the @orld @ide @eb" overvie'of the =yper Te$t Transfer +rotocol" other related protocols =yper Te$t Mar#up

<anguage9 The concept of mar#up" overvie' of =TM< ( table" form" frame" 'indo'" lin# 

etc.) Client side scripting9 Bariables" data types" control structure" functions" ocument:b!ect Model (:M)" event handlers" properties" methods" coo#ies Server side

scripting9 Concepts" variables" data types" control structure" functions" ob!ects atabase9

Content generation" data e$change 0egular e$pressions" mails" coo#ies" sessions.

CSE +,>- Parallel Algorit&ms

4.,, Credits

Introduction" parallel processing" parallel models" performance of parallel algorithms"'or#3time presentation frame'or# asic techni/ues9 +ointer !umping" balanced trees"

divide and con/uer" pipelining" partitioning" symmetry brea#ing <ist ran#ing" Euler tour 

techni/ue" tree contraction +arallel searching" merging and sorting Connectedcomponents Minimum spanning trees i3connected components Simulation bet'een

+0%M models9 E0E@" C0E@ and C0C@.

CSE +,>4 rap& T&eor$

4.,, Credits

Introduction" fundamental concepts Trees9 Spanning trees in graphs istance in graphs"Eulerian graphs" digraphs" matching and factors" cuts and connectivity" net'or# flo'


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 problems" graph coloring9 Berte$ coloring and edge coloring" line graphs" planar graphs"

 perfect graphs. This course covers +rimal graphs and other graph covering problems" The

%ppel3=a#en proof of the four colour theorem. The perfect graph theorems andcon!ectures. Matching theory and or the reconstruction con!ecture revisited. %lgebraic

graph theory including distance regular and distance transitive graphs.

CSE +,>2 Em0edded S$stems Design

4.,, Credits

Concepts" classifications Characteristics 0e/uirements Embedded microcontroller cores Embedded memories Technological aspects Interfacing bet'een analog and

digital bloc#s Signal conditioning" digital signal processing" sub3system interfacing

Interfacing 'ith e$ternal systems" user interfacing esign trade offs" thermalconsiderations.

CSE +,>5 Ad6anced Em0edded S$stem Design

4.,, credits

=ard'are design for embedded systems Soft'are development for embedded systems

 6et'or# based embedded systems Sensors and Transducers for embedded systems Case

study on advanced embedded system Co3design using >+&%s Multiprocessor systemsCase study on multiprocessor system Introduction to digital control Its embedded

systems Case study on digital control in embedded systems.

CSE +,>7 Real Time Computing for Em0edded S$stems

4.,, credits

efinition of real3time" temporal and event determinism" design principles and practice%rchitecture revie' and interfacing" interrupts" traps and events" response times and

latency" real3time cloc#s :perating systems9 Structure of an 0T:S" nucleus" servers"

schedulers and dispatchers Synchroni*ation and communication9 priority and distribution

/ueues" system Modeling" static scheduling" priority drive scheduling 0eal3timecommunication" device drivers" operating systems <anguages in real3time" concurrency

issues" 0eal3time programming.

CSE +,2- Teletraffic T&eor$ and Engineering


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4.,, credits

 Modeling9 Traffic sources" resources" structure" operational modes and traffic" unit of traffic (Erlang)" ?uality of Service (?oS) 0andom variables9 istribution" moments"

generating and <aplace3 Stielt!es transforms Stochastic processes9 +oisson process" Mar# 

ovian porcesses" rene'al processes Mar#ovian service models9 <oss" delay and delay3loss models" state distribution" delay distribution" product3form /ueuing net'or#s"

overflo' systems" discrete time analysis 6on3Mar#ovian service systems9 +hase

methods and mean value analysis" embedded Mar#ov chain" <indleys integral method"fluid flo' method System simulation 0andom number and random variable generation"

event3by3event simulation method" sampling theory" simulation program organi*ation"

use of &S+6 and other simulation tools.

CSE +,24 Radio 9requenc$ Tec&nolog$

4.,, credits

%ntennas9 <aunching of 'aves" transmission" definition of antennas" reciprocity" 'ave propagation" principal of e/uivalent sources9 electric and magnetic surface current"

uni/ueness principle" =uygens principle" =ert*ian vector" image theory %perture

antennas9 0ectangular apertures" horn antenna" corrugated horn" circular aperture"reflector and lens antennas <inear antennas9 >ield calculation" current distribution" linear 

dipoles and monopoles" design and feeding of dipole antennas" electrically short

antennas" elementary dipole" receiving antennas3group antennas9 irectivity" group factor" phased arrays" parasitic antennas Electronic noise9 Characteristics of noise voltages and

currents" calculations 'ith noise9 >ourier analysis" correlation" superposition of noise

/uantities" transmission through linear net'or#s" noise of ,3port net'or#s9 noise factor and temperature" noise matching" concatenation of noisy ,3port3net'or#s 0>amplification9 ,3terminal amplifiers" ,3port amplifiers9 design 'ith scattering parameters"

selection of the point of operation" stability" unilateral design" 'ide3band amplifiers.

CSE +,22 Digital Communications

4.,, credits

Characteristics of electrical and optical" fi$ed and mobile channels" storage channelsigital modulation schemes" igital transmission9 Mapping" impulse Shaping" receiver 

design" inter3symbol interference" eye diagram" noise" symbol error probability for 

multilevel transmission" partial response techni/ue E/uivalent base band channelE/uali*er" adaptive e/uali*er System design 'ith !oint Sy?uest and matched filter 

condition :rthogonal signals" correlation receiver and e/uivalent matched filter receiver

:ptimum detection9 ayes Ma$imum <i#elihood (M<) and Ma$imum % posteriori+robability (M%+) detection" M< symbol by symbol and se/uence detection soft and


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hard decision" Biterbi algorithm" Biterbi3e/uali*er Soft input decoding of convolution

codes +rinciples of Code ivision Multiple$ and %ccess (CM%)" near3far problem"

multi3user interference" synchronous orthogonal receiver Time varying multipathchannels for mobile communication" time and oppler3variant transfer function"

statistical channel description" scattering function" %@&6 channel 'ith 0aleigh3fading"

error +robability +rinciples of Turbo Coding.

CSE +,25 )ireless Communication

4.,, Credits

Introduction and =istory of @ireless Systems" Cellular Systems" @ireless <%6s" Satellite

Systems" +aging Systems 0adio +ropagation9 free space propagation" propagation

mechanisms" lin# budget design using path loss model" outdoor propagation models"

indoor propagation models Introduction to Small3Scale >ading" Impulse response model

of multipath channel" parameters of multipath channel" type of small scale fading"0ayleigh and 0icean and istribution Media %ccess Control9 >M%" TM%" and

CM%" %loha" CSM%" M%C%

&SM overvie'9 Standards" Services and structure" &SM air interface physical layer9

 physical channels" logical channels" frame structures" modulation" coding andinterleaving" &SM signaling9 ata lin# layer" radio resource management" mobility

management" =andover" location update and roaming in &SM Short message service

(SMS)" circuit s'itched data" &eneral +ac#et 0adio Service (&+0S)" Enhanced &+0S(E&+0S) CM% igital Cellular System (IS38-)9 >or'ard CM% Channel" 0everse

CM% Channel

Satellite mobile communications9 =istory" <ocali*ation" =andover" 0outing roadcastSystem9 Unidirectional distribution systems" %3architecture" B3container

@CM% in 1rd generation system" ifference bet'een @CM% and ,& air interface" 1 rd

generation standards.

CSE +,27 Multimedia Communication

4.,, credits

Some basics on television systems" multidimensional signals and >ourier transform"

multidimensional (space3time) sampling" interlaced and non3interlaced scanning9

Information theory9 conditional and !oint entropy and redundancy" source codingtheorem" statistical source models" mutual information rate distortion theory9 +redictive

coding9 linear prediction" /uanti*ation" optimum predictor iscrete t'o3dimensional

transforms9 >T" CT". @avelet and =adamard transforms Transform Coding 'ith


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motion estimation" principles of M+E& coding Modern audiovisual terminals and

communication systems.

CSE +,+- Ad6anced 3ptical Communication

4.,, credits

Introduction to optical communication9 Communication system" basic opticalcommunication" evolution of optical communication" advantages and disadvantages of 

optical communication :ptical fiber 'aveguides9 construction" classification of fibers"

modes of light propagation" transmission characteristics :ptical sources9 <ight emittingdiodes(<E)" semiconductor laser diodes" optical detectors9 p3n photodiode" p3i3n

 photodiode" and avalanche photodiodes (%+s) >iber connection >iber !oints and fiber 

couplers" 'avelength MUD and eMUD" optical add3drop MUD :ptical amplifiers9optoelectronic amplifiers" fiber amplifiers" 0aman and rillouin amplifiers :ptical

modulation and detection schemes" direct and coherent detection receivers9Configuration" operation" noise sources" sensitivity and loss calculation" and performance

curves igital and analog receivers >iber nonlinearities Ferr effects3S+M" D+M" and>@M Scattering effects3S0S and SS Transmission lin# analysis9 point3to3point and

 point3to3multi point lin#s" system configuration" lin# po'er budget" line3coding schemes"

:ptical multiple$ing schemes9 @M" :>M" :TM and :CM% :ptical net'or#s.

CSE +,+4 Mo0ile S$stems

4.,, Credits

Introduction to 'ireless communication systems9 Evolution of 'ireless communication

services" mobile communication services" definitions" communication channel"

classification of mobile communication systems" mar#et aspects" important standards

Multiple access techni/ues" source and channel encoding" &MSF standards @ave propagation9 asics" planar 'aves" basic propagation phenomena" launching of 'aves

%ntennas9 ipoles" linear antennas" mobile radio antennas 0adio channel9 >ree space

 propagation bet'een t'o antennas" relation bet'een po'er" path loss and field strength"ground reflection (t'o ray model) Multipath propagation9 Time3invariant multipath

channel" time3variant multipath channel" fading" characteri*ation of multipath radio

channels Measurement and monitoring9 Measurement of path loss" measurement of 

channel impulse response" determination of locations Cellular net'or#s9 efinitions"cellular concept" fre/uency allocation" traffic planning" reuse of resources" capacity of 

cellular net'or#s" interference bet'een cells or 'ithin cells" roaming" handover" po'er control +lanning of mobile communication net'or#s9 asics for the planning of mobile

communication net'or#s" radio lin# budgets" propagation models for typical

environments" traffic and trun#ing models.


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CSE +,+2 Ad6anced Mo0ile Communication

4.,, Credits

Challenges of mobile and 'ireless net'or#ing @ireless <%69 infrastructure net'or#s"IEEE 57,.449 +hysical layer" framing" multiple access techni/ues9 @ireless +%69 lue

Tooth" IEEE 57,. 4-9 roadband 'ireless9 @ireless %TM" 57,. 42. <ocal Multipoint

istribution Service (<MS)" Multi channel multipoint istribution System (MMS)"ata :ver Cable System Interface Specification (:CSISH) 6et'or# +rotocols9

Motivation" mobile I+" cellular I+" Mobile %d =oe 6et'or#ing (M%6ET)" MI+v2

Mobile transport layer9 Motivation" TC+3mechanisms" classical approaches" indirect TC+"snooping TC+" mobile TC+" optimi*ations9 >ast retransmitrecovery" transmission

free*ing" selective retransmission" transaction oriented TC+" TC+ for ,.-&1& 'ireless9

support for mobility9 >ile systems" databases" @@@ and mobility " @ireless %pplication+rotocol (@%+)" i3mode.


CSE +,+5 Ad6anced *et!or" Ser6ices and Management

4.,, Credits

%pplication specific protocols9 omain 6ame Services" Electronics mail" @orld @ide

@eb and @eb caching" 6et'or# Management (S6M+)" Error 0eporting Mechanism

(ICM+)" Soc#et Interfaces" >ile Transfer and 0emote >ile %ccess" Multimediaapplication9 0T+" Session Control 6et'or# security9 Cryptographic algorithm" security

mechanism" authentication protocol" fire'all.

CSE +,+7 Digital Signal Processing

4.,, Credits

Introduction to digital signal processing" discrete3time signals and systems" analog todigital conversion" impulse response" finite impulse response (>I0) and infinite impulse

response (II0) of discrete3time systems" difference e/uation" convolution" transient and

state response >ourier transform (>T)" fast transform (>>T)" 3transformation and

inverse 3transform Correlation9 circular convolution" auto3correlation and crosscorrelation %daptive signal processing9 %pplication" e/uali*ation" interference

suppression" noise cancellation Barious techni/ues of >I0 and II0 filter design"reali*ation of >I0 and II0 filters" finite precision effects Multirate S+9 Interpolation

and decimation" poly3phase representation and multistage implementation @avelets9

Short time >ourier transform" 'avelet transform" discrete time orthogonal 'avelets and

continuous time 'avelet basis.


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CSE +,5- Ad6anced ?8S1 Design

4.,, credits

B<SI technology9 terminologies and trends M:S transistor characteristics ande/uations 6M:S and CM:S inverters9 C and transient characteristics +ass transistors

and pass gates CM:S layout and design rules" comple$ CM:S gates 0esistance and

capacitance estimation and modeling Signal propagation delay" noise margin and po'er consumption CM:S building bloc#s9 adders" counters" barrel shifters and multipliers

ata path" memory structures" +<%s and >+&%S CM:S structured design strategy"

automated synthesis" placement" routing" circuit e$traction" simulation and testing+ractical chip design e$amples.

CSE +,54 Communication T&eor$

4.,, credits

Basic Pro0a0ilit$:  Barious definitions of probability" a$ioms of probability" basic properties derived from the a$ioms" conditional probability" total probability" ayes rule"

Independence of events" combined e$periments and independence" binary communication

channel decoding. 

Random 6aria0les:  efinition" cumulative distribution function (cdf)" continuous"

discrete and mi$ed random variables" probability density function (pdf)" e$amples of random variables" physical interpretation of pdfs (histograms)" multiple random

variables" !oint distribution 3 definition and properties" !oint density 3 definition and

 properties" marginal distribution and density" conditional distribution and density"independence of random variables" e$pectations" moments" central moments" properties

of e$pectation operator" mean" variance" Mar#ov ine/uality" Chebyshev ine/uality"

Chernoff bound" effect of linear transformations on mean and variance" autocorrelation"

cross3correlation" covariance" Cauchy3Sch'art* ine/uality" conditional e$pectation"characteristic function" cental limit theorem" transformations of single and multiple

random variables" random vectors" properties of &aussian random vectors.

Random processes:  efinition" stationarity" mean" correlation and covariance" 'ide3

sense stationary random processes" e$amples of random processes" cross3correlation

functions" !oint 'ide3sense stationarity" time averages and ergodicity" measuremen of 

mean and autocorrelation function" transmission of random process through a linear filter 3 relationship bet'een input and output processes" po'er spectral density (+S) 3

definition and proporties" e$amples" relationship bet'een input and output process +S

for a linear filter" periodograms" cross spectral densities" &aussian process 3 properties"'hite noise" noise e/uivalent band'idth" narro'band noise" bandpass processes 3


3t&er topics #some of t&ese !ill 0e co6ered depending on time a6aila0le(:


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Cyclostationary random processes" +%M signals" aseband shaping (raised cosine)"

optimum transmitting and receiving filters for noise immunity" matched filtering"

sampling and e$pansion of random processes.

CSE +,52 Satellite Communication

4.,, credits

Introduction" asic Elements"  Barious Uses of Satellite Communications9 Traditional

Telecommunications" Cellular " Television Signals9 C3and" igital Marine

Communications" Space ourne <and Mobile" Satellite Messaging for Commercial Gets"&lobal +ositioning Services" Technological :vervie'9 Error Correction3>or'ard3error3

correction" %utomatic3repeat3re/uest"  =ybrid 6et'or#s"  %TM over Satellite " S%TI6"

BS%T 6et'or#s"  :rbits9 &E:" <E:" Constellations9 &lobal Boice Communications"&lobal roadband 6et'or#s

CSE +,55 Mo0ile Communication

4.,, credits

=istoric perspective and overvie' of mobile communications9 the evolution path 4&3,&3

1& and future trends" high level architecture of a mobile (celluler) system" protocol stac#"overvie' of the :SI3IS: model and TC+I+" identification of some design problems at

different protocol stac# layers @ireless channel modeling9 pathloss" shado'ing and

small scale fading" aseband e/uivalent comple$ channel model" the 'ide sensestationary uncorrelated scattering fading model" channel model and system design issues(slo'fast and fre/uency flatselective fading) @ireless communications(single lin# 

 perspective)9 structure of a digital radio transceiver" e$amples of digital modulation

schemes and their performances" limits of reliable communications" space" time" multi3 path and fre/uency diversity" modulation schemes @ireless communications(single cell

net'or# perspective)9 uplin#" do'nlin# and duple$ing" >M%" TM%" CM%" CSM%"

%<:=%" multi3user diversity @ireless communications(multi cell net'or# perspective)9co3channel interference and cellular system design" overvie' of e$isting 'irelessmobile

system standards T and time permitting.

CSE +,57 3ptical Communication

4.,, credits

:ptical fibre9 modes of propagation" transmission characteristics" 'aveguide analysis.

:ptical sources9 light emitting diode (<E) and semiconductor laser diode (S<)

operational principles" characteristic curves optical transmitter design using <ES<.:ptical amplifiers9 laser and fibre amplifier-s. +hoto detectors9 +3i36 and avalanche


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 photo detectors (%+s)" noise sources. :ptional modulation and detection schemes.

irect and coherent detection receivers9 configuration" operation" noise sources"

sensitivity calculation" performance curves. esign of analog and digital receivers.

Transmission lin# analysis9 point3to point and point3to multi3point lin#s" system

configuration" lin# po'er budget" rise time budget" line coding schemes" transmissionsystem limitations" design of fibre3optic systems. :ptical data buses" optical net'or#s"

fibre distributed data interface (>I) and synchronous optical net'or# (S:6ET).

:ptional fre/uency division multiple$ing (:>M) and 'avelength division multiple$ing(@M) transmission systems. 

CSE +,- Telecommunication Engineering

4.,, credits

Telephone transmission" net'or#s" ITU recommendations. Communication lin#s9 coa$ial"line3of3sight (<:S) lin#s" tropospheric scatter" millimeter 'ave lin#s fibre optic lin#s"

=>" B=> and U=> radio systems. <ocal %rea 6et'or# (<%6) fibre distributed datainterface (>I)" M%6" @%6" frame relay" narro' band IS6 (6IS6)" s'itched

multi3megabit data services (SMS)" broadband (IS6). Mobile cellular 

communication systems9 >M%" TM%" CM%" satellite communication systems.

CSE +,4 Ad6anced Digital Communication

4.,, credits

+%M" binary +%M formats" line coding" bandlimited digital +%M systems" 6y/uist pulse

shaping" e/uali*ation" synchroni*ation techni/ues" bit and frame synchroni*ation. Coded

 pulse modulation" voice digiti*ation rate (B0) of +CM" +CM" M" %M" CBS" log

+CM" their performance comparison" B0 reduction by speech coding" B:C:E0S"noise performance of +CM and M" igital multiple$es. %T J T and CCITT hierarchies"

/uasi3synchronous multiple$es. C@ modulation" +SF" +SF" E+SF" ?+SF" Mary

+SF" ?%SF" >SF" oubinary encoding" ?+0 coherent and non3coherent systems" error  probabilities in +SF" +SF" >SF" ?+SF" 42 ?%M" MSF" ?+0 and bit. correlation and

optimum filters and symbol error rate. Spectrum techni/ues9 S" CM%" >=" +6

se/uence" +o'er re/uirement" +63 se/uence code" and @alshs code. J Balue added

communication system simulation J %nalysis using M%T<% J Simulin# %pplicationusing communication toolbo$es.

CSE +,2 Pro/ect Management

4.,, credits


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Explore s/w project management activities from product concept through development

based upon best practices. Covered topics include software systems engineering process

management and control, and project planning and management. After successful

completion of the course, the student will understand how standard engineering practices

applied to software products including life cycle development processes. The student will

learn to manage software as a distinct project, use specifications and descriptions, makeuse of structured and object-oriented techniques, complete reviews and audits, confirm

product development with planned verification, and validation and testing.

CSE +,5 Ad6anced 30/ect 3riented Programming

4.,, credits

C@ and .*ET

C# is a strongly-typed object-oriented language designed to give the optimum blend of simplicity, expressiveness, and performance. The .NET platform is centered around a

Common Language Runtime (similar to a JVM) and a set of libraries which can be

exploited by a wide variety of languages which are able to work together by all compiling

to an intermediate language (IL). C# and .NET are a little symbiotic: some features of C#

are there to work well with .NET, and some features of .NET are there to work well with

C# (though .NET aims to work well with many languages). This course is mostly

concerned with C#, but sometimes it is useful to discuss .NET too. The C# language was

built with the hindsight of many languages, but most notably Java and C++.

CSE +,7 Ad6anced Computer Communications and *et!or"s

4.,, credits

irect lin# net'or#s9 encoding" framing" error detection" flo' control" e$ample net'or#s

+ac#et s'itching and for'arding9 bridges" s'itches Internet'or#ing9 Internet +rotocol"routing" addressing" I+v2 End3to3end protocols9 U+" TC+ 6et'or# Management9

issues" architecture" management information base (MI)" S6M+" TM6 and CMI+

 6et'or# security concepts %pplication3level protocols. @ireless net'or#s9communication overvie'" M%C concepts and protocols" 'ireless mobility" mesh and

vehicular net'or#s" sensor net'or#s.

CSE +,7- Cr$ptograp&$

4.,, credits


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Classical Cryptography9 Introduction to simple cryptosystems" Cryptanalysis Shannons

Theory9 +erfect secrecy" Entropy" +roduct cryptosystems ata Encryption Standard9

escription of ES" ifferential cryptanalysis 0S% System and >actoring9 +ublic3#eycryptography" 0S% cryptosystem" %ttac#s on 0S%" >actroing algorithms :ther +ublic3

#ey cryptosystems9 El&amal cryptosystem and discrete logs" Mer#le3=ellman Fnapsac# 

System Signature Schemes9 El&amal signature schemes" igital signature standard" >ail3stop signatures =ash >unctions9 Signatures and =ash functions" Collision3free =ash

functions" irthday attac# Fey istribution and Fey %greement9 Fey predistribution"

Ferboros" iffie3=ellman #ey e$change Identification Schemes9 Schnorr identificationscheme" :#amoto identification schemes %uthentication Codes9 Computing deception

 probabilities" Combinatorial bounds" Entropy bounds Secret Sharing Schemes9 Shamir 

threshold scheme" %ccess structure and general secret sharing +seudo3random 6umber 

&eneration9 Indistinguishable probability distribution" probabilistic encryption ero3#no'ledge proofs9 Interactive proof systems" computational ero3#no'ledge proofs.

CSE +,74 Researc& Met&odologies and Tec&nical )riting

4.,, credits

Introduction to research methodology9 the nature of CS research" <iterature searches"information gathering" 0eading and understanding research papers Technical 'riting9

0eferencing" ibliographies +resentation s#ills9 @ritten and :ral ?uantitative

methodology9 %pplication of statistical conceptsprocedures &raphs" numerical

summaries 6ormal distribution" Correlationregression analyses" +robability" Statisticalinferences ifferent testing methods9 =ypothesis tests" Chi3s/uare tests" etc. ?ualitative

methodology9 Introduction" Ethnography" Sociolinguistics" Symbolic interaction"

Emphasi*es observation Technical @riting9 &uidelines for effective technical 'riting"+rinciples of technical 'riting" @riting 'ith greater clarity and precision" Strategies to

detect 'ea# areas and improve documents" :rgani*ing material by purpose and audience"

Tips and techni/ues to start 'riting" Improving the appearance of technical documents"+lagiarism chec#ing.

CSE +,72 )e0 Engineering

4.,, credits

Introduction9 Comple$ity of @eb %pplication" @eb Crisis" @eb Engineering vs Soft'are

Engineering" @eb Engineering %ctivities @eb Engineering9 efinition" 6ecessities of @eb Engineering" Evaluation of @eb %pplications" +ractice and 0esearch Issues in

eveloping9 Methodologies" Testing" Metrics and ?uality" Maintenance" Constructing

simulation based 'eb documents" @eb Engineering in +ractice9 @eb applicationdevelopment" @eb development team demographics" @eb Engineering +rocesses"

Characteristics of @eb evelopment +ro!ects @eb Engineering 0evisited9 @eb

%rchitecture" Service :riented %rchitecture(S:%)" <oose Coupling @eb Engineering


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,.79 Engineering for Evolution" @eb Evolution istributed @eb Service iscovery

%rchitecture9 @eb Service efinition <anguage (@S<)" Universal escription"

iscovery and Integration" @C> and Simple :b!ect %ccess +rotocol (S:%+).

CSE +--7 Mo0ile Computing

4.,, credits

Introduction9 history of 'ireless communication" future trends" mar#et and businessimpact Mobile I+ and @ireless %ccess +rotocols IEEE 57,.4-9 0adio" base band" lin# 

control" adaptation >undamental limits of 'ireless transmission9 'ireless channel and

system models" fading and diversity" resource management and po'er control Multiple3antenna and MIM: systems &SM9 services" architecture" protocols" handover" security

UMTS @ireless <%69 57,.44" =iper<%6" luetooth Mobile I+9 agent discovery"

registration" optimi*ations" tunneling and encapsulation" I+ micro mobility support TC+improvements9 snooping" TC+ over ,.-1& 'ireless net'or#s" Support of mobility9

'ireless datagram" @M< Script" push3pull services" @%+ ,.7 Mobile architectures andoperating systems9K

CSE +-<- Ad'&oc and Sensor *et!or"s

4.,, credits

Introduction to %d3hoc 6et'or#s9 %pplications and motivations roadcasting protocols9

%lgorithmic aspect" :ptimi*ation techni/ues" +o'er3efficient broadcasting 0outing protocols9 SB" %:B" S0" load balancing" multi3path routing Medium access

control protocols9 0eservation3based M%C protocols" luetooth technology" IEEE

57,.44 Channel propagation models Topology control protocols +o'er a'are protocoldesign Cross layer design principles Mobility a'areness >airness and security issues9

%ttac#s and preventions. Introduction to Sensor 6et'or#s9 %pplications <ocali*ation

and trac#ing9 Trac#ing multiple ob!ects Medium %ccess Control9 S3M%C" IEEE

57,.4-.A and igee %ttribute3ased 0outing9 irected diffusion" 0umor routing"&eographic hash tables Infrastructure establishment9 Topology control" Clustering

Sensor tas#ing and control9 Tas#3driven sensing" Information3based sensor tas#ing

Sensor net'or# databases9 Challenges" ?uerying the physical environment" In3net'or# 


CSE +-<4 )ireless Resource Management

4.,, credits


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0esource management architecture9 evolution and components of ?oS and cross3layer 

architecture for band'idth management tri3band and smart antenna handoff 

management mobility prediction resource management and connection admissioncontrol band'idth allocation and scheduling9 real3time guaranteed and fair real3time

scheduling inter3domain radio resource management high performance broadband

architecture 'ireless truthful computing resource allocation of spatio3temporal divisionmultiple access control resource management schemes for connectivity9 +iconet and

scatternet energy efficient M%C layer protocols for 'ireless ad3hoc net'or#s routing

and resource discovery for 'ireless ad3hoc net'or#s9 ?oS based routing" topologymanagement" efficient resource discovery" hybrid routing protocols" and locali*ation

energy efficient broadcasting and multicasting algorithms po'er3conserving

 broadcasting and multicasting algorithms scopes of increasing 'ireless resources"

research and future developments.

CSE +-<2 1nternet Arc&itecture and Protocols

4.,, credits

Internet architecture9 protocol layering" benefits of layered architectures" TC+I+ vs. :SI

Internet %ddressing9 Internet address concept" classes of I+ addresses" subnet" %0+" 6STransport +rotocols9 TC+" U+ and SCT+ Multi3streaming and multi3homing 6et'or# 

and 0outing9 bridges" routers" s'itches" I+" 0I+" :S+>" &+3A %pplication <evel

+rotocols9 SMT+" >T+" =TT+" S6M+ Security and >ire'alls9 assessing the ris#"fire'alls" pro$ies" data encryption ?oS architectures9 iff3Serv" 0SB+" M+<S" 0T+

Multicast elivery9 I&M+" +IM" M:6E.

CSE +-<5 *et!or"s Securit$

4.,, credits

Introduction9 :SI security architecture" security attac#s" security services Security protocol properties9 authentication" secrecy" integrity" availability" non3repudiation"

atomicity" certified delivery ifferent cryptographic protocols9 authentication protocols"

#ey distributions protocols" e3commerce security protocols Fey distribution and user 

authentication9 Ferberos" D.-78 Transport <ayer Security9 SS<" T<S" =TT+S" SS= I+

layer security9 I+sec" %=" ES+" IFE @ireless net'or# security9 IEEE 57,.44i" @%+Intrusion etection System (IS)9 host3based IS" net'or# based IS" misuse detection

methods" anomaly detection Malicious Soft'are9 viruses" 'orms" oS.

CSE +-4- Computational 1ntelligence


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4.,, credits

The basic concepts Stochastic local search Meta3heuristic algorithms 6ature inspiredalgorithms Multi3ob!ective optimi*ation 0einforcement learning Single3<ayer and

Multi3<ayer >eed for'ard 6eural 6et'or#s >eedbac# 6eural 6et'or#s %ssociative

Memories <earning Bector ?uanti*er (<B?) Self3:rgani*ing >eature Maps 0adialasis >unction 6eural 6et'or#s Support Bector Machines >u**y Sets and >u**y <ogic

>u**y 6eural 6et'or#s >u**y %0TM%+ >eature Selection The +o'er and

Computational Comple$ity of Computational Intelligence Models.

CSE +-42 Semantic )e0 T&eor$ and Applications

4.,, credits

Introduction" Semantic @eb 0oadmap" Semantic ocuments9 DM< and its impact" 0>"

:@<" :@< < and 0> 0ules and rest of the alphabet soup <ight'eight Semantics9Microformats" +:S=" @eb services Semantic :rgani*ation9 Ta$onomies" :ntologies and

0ules 'ith >3<ogic >3<ogic vs. 0> and >3<ogic Semantics 0elations bet'eenSemantic @eb <anguages User3driven Semantics9 Tags" Semantic Collaboration9 Social

Soft'are" Semantic iscovery9 Information 0etrieval and %gents" Semantic

Bisuali*ation" Semantic es#top" Semantic @eb Bocabularies and %pplications.

CSE +->- Computational eometr$

4.,, credits

Searching and &eometric ata Structures9 alanced binary search trees" +riority3search

trees" 0ange searching" Interval trees" Segment trees %lgorithms and comple$ity of 

fundamental geometric ob!ects9 +olygon triangulation and art gallery theorem" +olygon partitioning" Conve$3hulls in ,3dimension and 13dimension" ynamic conve$3hulls

&eometric intersection9 <ine segment intersection and the plane3s'eep algorithm"

Intersection of polygons +ro$imity9 Boronoi diagrams" elunay triangulations" Closest

and furthest pair Bisuali*ation9 =idden surface removal and binary space partition (S+)trees &raph ra'ings9 ra'ings of rooted trees (<ayering" 0adial dra'ings" =B3

ra'ings" 0ecursive 'inding)" ra'ings of planar graphs (Straight3line dra'ings"

:rthogonal dra'ings" Bisibility dra'ings) Survey of recent developments in

computational geometry.

CSE +-,2 Healt& 1nformatics and Telemedicine

4.,, credits


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=istorical" technological and theoretical frame'or# for health informatics E$ploration of 

critical issues and challenges +otential applications" benefits" and opportunities using

information technology evelopment of virtual and interactive healthcareInteroperability" standardi*ation" safety" and ris#s associated 'ith the implementation of 

the electronic health record +rofessional roles and responsibilities related to managing

health information technology. Telemedicine applications9 home health care" remote patient monitoring" disease management" nursing home" assisted living facilities" and

maritime and aviation applications %dvanced Telemedicine technology9 'ireless

connectivity and mobile devices for managing patient care" electronic records" andmedical billing Clinical telemedicine practice" technical advances" medical connectivity"

enabling technologies" education" health policy and regulation and biomedical and health

services research dealing 'ith clinical effectiveness" efficacy and safety of telemedicine.

CSE +-5- 1mage Processing and its Applications

4.,, credits

>undamentals of igital Image +rocessing Image enhancement9 &ray scale moods and

histogram mod" iscrete transforms" >ourier transform" iscrete cosine transform"

@alsh3=adamard transform" =aar" +CT" filtering" 'avelet transform" pseudo3color Imageenhancement9 Sharpening and smoothing Image restoration9 System model" 6oise"

 6oise removal" egradation model" inverse filter" >re/. filters" geometric transforms

Image compression9 System model" <ossless and <ossy methods Medical imageanalysis9 =uman brain mapping" Bolume visuali*ation" iomedical computing" arterial

tree morphometry" spatial transformation models" image standardi*ation" positron

emission tomography images" vo$el histograms" retrieval strategy" medical imagearchive" lossy compressed digital mammograms" tissue characteri*ation" unsupervised

segmentation" fifth generation systems" image re3sampling" anisotropic adaptive filtering"

shell rendering" digital subtraction angiography" human perceptual features" etc.

CSE +--4 Data )are&ouse and Business 1ntelligence

4.,, credits

efinition of ata @arehousing" usiness Intelligence and Information Management

Technical techni/ues and concepts for ata @arehousing and usiness Intelligence L E@" dimensional modeling" :<%+ etc Introduction to the business re/uirements for 

ata @arehousing L such as alanced Scorecard" Customer 0elationship Management

and Supply Chain Management iscussion on ata @arehouse strategy and architecture L Enterprise ata @arehouse" ata Marts" :perational ata Store" Metadata 0epository

etc Introduction to Metadata Management and Information Management +laton


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Insight 3 The Idea behind the structure and design IM program perspective L scope for 

single pro!ects Contents of a I3pro!ectLactivities Methodology implementation L 

meaning in daily life Methodology impact on #no'ledge gathering" efficiency and added business value =andling and use of documentation.

CSE +--2 9inancial 1nformatics

4.,, credits

>inancial algorithms used in applications of computer science in financial decision

analysis" ris# management" data mining and mar#et analysis" and other modern business

 processes ac#ground on probabilistic methods used for financial decision ma#ing and

their application in number of fields such as financial modeling" venture capital decisionma#ing" operational ris# measurement and investment science 6umber of financial

applications and algorithms are being presented for portfolio ris# analysis" modeling real

options" venture capital decision ma#ing" etc %lgorithms for financial ris# assessmentand presents the security concepts and challenges of financial information systems.

CSE +->4 Smart P&one Application De6elopment

4.,, credits

Mobile operating systems and architectures %pplication development languages"

evelopment environments and simulators" Challenges in developing mobile applicationscompared to other applications User interfaces" <ocation3based services" Storing and

retrieving data principles of application design and development Fernel programming"

Input methods ata handling atabase" Intents %ctivities roadcast Map3basedactivities using 'eb3services e.g. &oogle 6et'or# techni/ues e.g. lue3tooth" @i3>i"

&+S locali*ation and sensing %pplication3neutral %+Is to access hard'are of mobile

devices e.g. camera" phone" sensor hard'are etc ob!ect3based inter3processcommunication (I+C) bet'een applications 0aster graphics engine.

CSE +->2 Cloud Computing

4.,, credits

&rid computing9 definition of grid" infrastructure of hard'are and soft'are" applications"

&rid architecture9 overvie' of resource managers" overvie' of grid systems" &ridapplication management9 &rid %pplication escription <anguages" application

 partitioning" Meta3scheduling" mapping" monitoring" @eb services" grid portals

istributed computing9 trends of distributed computing" evolution of Cloud computing


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Cloud computing basics9 properties and characteristics" different service models"

deployment models Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)9 IaaS basics" resource

virtuali*ation" server" storage" net'or# +latform as a Service (+aaS)9 +aaS basics" Cloud platform and management" computation" storage Soft'are as a Service (SaaS)9 SaaS

 basics" @eb services" @eb ,.7" @eb :S Cloud issues and challenges9 Cloud provider 

loc#3in" security" trust model Case studies9 &oogle Cloud infrastructure" %ma*on @ebservices" Elastic Cloud" Storage Services" Microsoft Cloud infrastructure.

CSE +->5 Soft!are Pro/ect Management

4.,, credits

Conventional Soft'are Management Evolution of Soft'are Economics ImprovingSoft'are Economics The principles of conventional soft'are Engineering and modern

soft'are management <ife cycle phases %rtifacts of the process 9 The artifact sets"Management artifacts" Engineering artifacts" programmatic artifacts Model basedsoft'are architectures9 % Management perspective and technical perspective. @or# >lo's

of the process Chec#points of the process Iterative +rocess +lanning +ro!ect

:rgani*ations and 0esponsibilities +rocess %utomation +ro!ect Control and +rocessinstrumentation9 The seven core Metrics" Management indicators" /uality indicators" life

cycle e$pectations" pragmatic Soft'are Metrics" Metrics automation >uture Soft'are

+ro!ect Management9 Modern +ro!ect +rofiles" 6e$t generation Soft'are economics"

modern process transitions Case Study9 The command Center +rocessing and isplaysystem3 0eplacement (CC+S30)" C:C:M: Cost Estimation Model L Change Metrics

 L CC+SL0. +ro!ects and +resentations using a state of the art tool.

CSE +->7 Soft!are ;ualit$ Assurance and Testing

4.,, credits

Concepts" metrics" and models in soft'are /uality assurance Components of soft'are

/uality assurance systems before" during" and after soft'are development >rame'or# for 

soft'are /uality assurance Components in the frame'or# Metrics and models for 

soft'are /uality as a product" in process" and in maintenance Impact of ?ualitymanagement system9 IS:" IEEE" Capability Maturity Model (CMM) standards

Introduction to the soft'are engineering testing process" Bariety of testing techni/ues"methods" and tools State of the practice verification and validation techni/ues.

CSE +-2- Computer ame Design and De6elopment

4.,, credits


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Computer &ame Soft'are esign9 &ames creation" game3play" game concepts" design

 process" creative play" player motivation" environment and interface design" game3

 balancing" character design and design documentation Computer &ame Soft'are+roduction9 Creating and publishing electronic games" budgeting" team roles and

responsibilities" group dynamics" design documentation" pro!ect management and

evaluation" &ame development in mobile phone platform.

CSE +-24 Bio'informatics and Computational Biolog$

4.,, credits

Introduction Molecular biology basics 0estriction mapping algorithm Motif in 6%

se/uences" motif finding algorithms &enome rearrangements 6% se/uence

alignments &ene prediction Se/uence alignment algorithms 6% se/uencing" &enome

se/uencing" +rotein se/uencing and Spectrum graphs Combinatorial pattern matching9

<%ST and >%ST% Clustering Stochastic Models of Se/uence and &enome Evolution+hylogenies9 Enumerating phylogenies" The probability of se/uences related by a

specified phylogeny" the minimal number of events needed to e$plain a data set(+arsimony) <i#elihood and algorithms (Mar#ov Chain Monte Carlo) for inference

 based on the li#elihood Soft'are pac#ages for sample3based inference %lignment

%lgorithms 6et'or# Inference and 6et'or# Evolution etection of 0ecombination inSe/uences %dvanced topics related to Systems iology and Synthetic iology

CSE +-22 Enterprise Soft!are Arc&itecture and De6elopment

4.,, credits

Enterprise architecture (E%)9 % detail study for E% using latest research and best practices including case studies" Methodologies on ho' to identify the right thing for the

enterprise" an E% implementation methodology" assess ris#s and values for an enterprise

architecture program" governance and organi*ational aspects of implementing anenterprise architecture program Enterprise architecture frame'or#s9 Three enterprise

architecture frame'or#s9 achman Enterprise >rame'or#" :pen &roup %rchitecture

>rame'or# (T:&%>) and Enterprise %rchitecture Cube methodology Enterprise Service:riented %rchitecture (S:%)9 0eali*ation of enterprise architecture" design and

implementation Uni/ue aspects of enterprise architecture and development90e/uirements engineering and soft'are engineering methods for enterprise development.

CSE +-25 Models of Soft!are S$stems

4.,, credits


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@hat is a Model >oundations9 <ogic" +roof Techni/ues" Sets" 0elations" >unctions"Se/uences J Induction State Machines9 State Machine 4J," >S+" 0easoning about state

Machines 9 Introduction to " techni/ues" e$amples" SM 0efinement and

%bstraction" 0efinement and %bstraction" Concurrency9 Introduction to Concurrency"

Concurrent State Machines" >S+ ,3 Modeling Techni/ues" 0easoning about Concurrency"<inear Temporal <ogic" <inear Temporal <ogic in >S+ %utomated 0easoning 4" >ormal

Models in +ractice9 %utomated 0easoning , >M in the 0eal @orld" Introduction to +etrinets" 0easoning about +etri 6ets" UM<.

CSE +-27 Soft!are Specifications and Anal$sis

4.,, credits

:vervie' 0e/uirements Engineering 0eference Model 0e/uirements Modeling

0e/uirements Elicitation Soft'are 0e/uirements Specification (S0S) document

0e/uirements @riting9 Informal Specification 6otations" >ormal Specification 6otations"Specification of 6on3behavioral 0e/uirements 0e/uirements Balidation CostEstimation.

CSE +-+4 eograp&ic 1nformation S$stems and Spatial Data0ases

4.,, credits

Introduction to &IS" +rinciples of cartography" +ro!ections" Sampling the 'orld 3 errors"

conversion" coordinate systems &enerali*ation" The raster vs. vector debate" Cartographicmodeling9 0epresentations" :perations" Modeling atabase issues9 0evie' of 

hierarchical" net'or#" and relational models" Integration of spatial and non3spatial data"

:b!ect3oriented methods" Image databases 0evie' of e$isting geographic informationsystems" Spatial data structures" 0epresentations of topology" +oint databases" <ine

segment databases" igital terrain models" Triangulated Irregular 6et'or#s (TI6s)"

Triangulations methods" Spatial interpolation" Similarity Searching" neighbor finding"

and distance3based inde$ing Spatial net'or#s" Spatio3te$tual databases" &+U spatialalgorithms" Cloud computing spatial algorithms.

CSE +-+2 1nformation Tec&nolog$ Audit and Assessment

4.,, credits

&enerally %ccepted %uditing Standards (&%%S)  +hases of an IT %udit9  Establish the

Terms of the Engagement" +reliminary 0evie'" Establish Materiality and %ssess 0is#s"+lan the %udit" Consider Internal Control"  +erform %udit +rocedures"  Issue the %udit

0eport +lanning the %udit9 Materiality" 0is# %ssessment9  ocumentation of 0is# 


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%ssessment" The %udit +lan"  +lanning Memo  Evaluation of Internal Controls9 &eneral

Controls" %pplication Controls" Tests of Controls  %udit +rocedures9 %udit Sampling9

Selecting the Sample"  Evaluation and ocumentation of Samples"  Computer %ssisted%uditing Techni/ues (C%%Ts)" Evidence Completing the %udit9 0eporting9  Types of 

%uditors :pinions" %udit ocumentation" 0esources.

CSE +-+5 Special Topic'1

4.,, Credits

%ny e$pert proposed by the department and approved by syllabus committee 'ill conduct

this course. % subtitle and content shall be determined and approved by the same

committee. In the transcript of the students the subtitle 'ill follo' the main title

(E$ample9 CSE 6167 Special Topic –I: Big Data).

CSE +-+7 Special Topic'11

4.,, Credits

%ny e$pert proposed by the department and approved by syllabus committee 'ill conductthis course. % subtitle and content shall be determined and approved by the same

committee. In the transcript of the students the subtitle 'ill follo' the main title

(E$ample9 CSE 6169 Special Topic – II: Data Privacy).

CSE +,,, T&esis #- Credits for t&esis group( Pro/ect #+ Credits for

non't&esis group(

Students are re/uired to underta#e supervised study and research culminating in a

Thesis+ro!ect in their field of speciali*ation. Thesis group students should have

contribution in the field of their speciali*ation. Students of non3thesis group mayunderta#e a pro!ect 'or# aiming to solve real life problems in industry.