Detailed explanation of 'The Balfour Century'

A Detailed Explanation of “The Balfour Century” Timeline: by O. P. Armstrong, 2010 r09/14 Page 1 The Balfour Century timeline is proposed based on Lord Balfour’s letter of 1917 to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine. For not since 70AD had any prince, power, nor potentate; decreed such a sweeping edict. Just the opposite, for since the destruction of Jerusalem the idiom: "The wild bird hath her nest, the fox his cave, Mankind a country, Israelbut the grave." Rang true. But with the stroke of a pen in 1917, a national homeland for the Jew was established and ushered in the Balfour Century. For Jesus said , “when you see the fig tree put forth it’s leaves, then know that this generation shall not pass away until all is fulfilled”. The length of a bible generation concerning judgment and redemption is 100 years. For we are told Israel would be in oppression, four (4) generations but after four-hundred (400) years they would be redeemed from bondage. This makes one generation equal to one-hundred years or a century. The Balfour Century started 1917 and ends around 2017, with all things being fulfilled . Six days of work are decreed but the 7 th day is the day of rest. The determined time of Gods dealing with mankind is Six days of One Thousand years each. On the 7 th day a 1000 year rest is declared . The 1000 year day-of-rest or Sabbath may also be called a New Era millennium. During the Sabbath era, men shall beat swords into plows and the lion shall rest with the lamb with peace as the supreme order of the empire. After the 1000 years the dragon is loosed from the pit for (3.5 years of) confusion, to be eternally bound and everlasting righteousness brought in. All these days are detailed in the following timeline . It is based on a starting point of Jesus baptism at age 30 in the year 27AD . Three thousand years forward from that is the end of all ages in 3027AD. Then 4000 years prior to that is 3974BC for a total of 7,000 years. Based on this timeline, the age of peace shall start in 2023AD. Prior to 2023AD is shown Tribulation, of 7 years length, starting around 2017. These events also fit Daniels 69 and 70 weeks prophesy . For from the issuing of the decree to rebuild the temple at Jerusalem will be Seventy Weeks to bring in everlasting righteousness. From the time of the decree-to-rebuild until Messiah will be sixty-nine weeks. In the midst of the last week shall Messiah be cut off but that not for himself.These events are shown in the Daniel timeline chart, based on Jesus Baptism date of 27AD, 69 weeks of years from 457BC . The year 457BC was the decree of Artaxerxes to restore Jerusalem. Other events shown are listed in Table 1. Below is a quote from ABS, “The Coming One ” 1912 NYC The subjugation of Israel and the supremacy of the Gentile Powers did not come about in a moment of time, but through forces slowly operating during many years. We may therefore expect that the end of Gentile rule and the restoration of Israel will come about in the same way by gradual processes. We may, therefore, expect to find several successive points of departure in our measurement and several points of arrival corresponding. The whole process resembles a ribbon cut diagonally at both ends so that a number of lines carried horizontally from any one end to the other would be of equal length, e.g., /≡/. The earliest date of Gentile supremacy would be the era of Nabonassar, 747 B.C. & 2,520 years from this date would bring us to the opening stages of the French Revolution, when the governments of the world received their most terrific shock and the beginning of the end was distinctly foreshadowed. The latest period from which the subjugation of Israel and the domination of the Gentiles (begins) is 587 B.C., the date of the fall of Jerusalem. Our measuring line from this point would bring us to the year 1934, not now far distant. Between these two periods of about a century and a half God has certainly been working with a mighty hand in bringing about the dissolution of the great world powers which Daniel described and before it shall have expired may we not humbly expect some glorious consummation?(Perhaps start of “the Balfour Century”?) The six days of labor are broken down as follows: 2 days of Messianic or New Covenant Time starting 27AD, 2 days of Torah or Old Covenant Time starting 1974BC, 2 days of Darkness Time starting 3974BC. Idioms giving these day types are discussed at length in this link .

Transcript of Detailed explanation of 'The Balfour Century'

A Detailed Explanation of “The Balfour Century” Timeline: by O. P. Armstrong, 2010 r09/14

Page 1

The Balfour Century timeline is proposed based on Lord Balfour’s letter of 1917 to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine. For not since 70AD had any prince, power, nor potentate; decreed such a sweeping edict. Just the opposite, for since the destruction of Jerusalem the idiom:

"The wild bird hath her nest, the fox his cave, Mankind a country, Israel—but the grave." Rang true.

But with the stroke of a pen in 1917, a national homeland for the Jew was established and ushered in the Balfour Century. For Jesus said, “when you see the fig tree put forth it’s leaves, then know that this generation shall not pass away until all is fulfilled”.

The length of a bible generation concerning judgment and redemption is 100 years. For we are told Israel would be in oppression, four (4) generations but after four-hundred (400) years they would be redeemed from bondage. This makes one generation equal to one-hundred years or a century. The Balfour Century started 1917 and ends around 2017, with all things being fulfilled.

Six days of work are decreed but the 7th day is the day of rest. The determined time of God’s dealing with mankind is Six days of One Thousand years each. On the 7th day a 1000 year rest is declared. The 1000 year day-of-rest or Sabbath may also be called a New Era millennium. During the Sabbath era, men shall beat swords into plows and the lion shall rest with the lamb with peace as the supreme order of the empire. After the 1000 years the dragon is loosed from the pit for (3.5 years of) confusion, to be eternally bound and everlasting righteousness brought in.

All these days are detailed in the following timeline. It is based on a starting point of Jesus baptism at age 30 in the year 27AD. Three thousand years forward from that is the end of all ages in 3027AD. Then 4000 years prior to that is 3974BC for a total of 7,000 years. Based on this timeline, the age of peace shall start in 2023AD. Prior to 2023AD is shown Tribulation, of 7 years length, starting around 2017.

These events also fit Daniels 69 and 70 weeks prophesy. For from the issuing of the decree to rebuild the temple at Jerusalem will be Seventy Weeks to bring in everlasting righteousness. From the time of the decree-to-rebuild until Messiah will be sixty-nine weeks. In the midst of the last week shall Messiah “be cut off but that not for himself.” These events are shown in the Daniel timeline chart, based on Jesus Baptism date of 27AD, 69 weeks of years from 457BC. The year 457BC was the decree of Artaxerxes to restore Jerusalem.

Other events shown are listed in Table 1. Below is a quote from ABS, “The Coming One” 1912 NYC

“The subjugation of Israel and the supremacy of the Gentile Powers did not come about in a moment of time, but through forces slowly operating during many years. We may therefore expect that the end of Gentile rule and the restoration of Israel will come about in the same way by gradual processes. We may, therefore, expect to find several successive points of departure in our measurement and several points of arrival corresponding. The whole process resembles a ribbon cut diagonally at both ends so that a number of lines carried horizontally from any one end to the other would be of equal length, e.g., /≡/. The earliest date of Gentile supremacy would be the era of Nabonassar, 747 B.C. & 2,520 years from this date would bring us to the opening stages of the French Revolution, when the governments of the world received their most terrific shock and the beginning of the end was distinctly foreshadowed. The latest period from which the subjugation of Israel and the domination of the Gentiles (begins) is 587 B.C., the date of the fall of Jerusalem. Our measuring line from this point would bring us to the year 1934, not now far distant. Between these two periods of about a century and a half God has certainly been working with a mighty hand in bringing about the dissolution of the great world powers which Daniel described and before it shall have expired may we not humbly expect some glorious consummation?” (Perhaps start of “the Balfour Century”?)

The six days of labor are broken down as follows: 2 days of Messianic or New Covenant Time starting 27AD, 2 days of Torah or Old Covenant Time starting 1974BC, 2 days of Darkness Time starting 3974BC.

Idioms giving these day types are discussed at length in this link.

A Detailed Explanation of “The Balfour Century” Timeline: by O. P. Armstrong, 2010 r09/14

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It seems clear that mankind has 6,000 years of rule while under the influence of the devil; but how long is the Church age supposed to last? How long until the Church takes over? “And the LORD said unto Moses, Go unto the people, and sanctify them today and tomorrow, (This is equivalent of 2 days; or 2,000 years! Here is a profile of 2,000 years for the age to follow!) and let them wash their clothes”. This is just one of many other cryptic prophecies concerning two prophetic days. The Lord prophesied as follows, “And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, (It is important to understand that one pence was one days wages!) and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever you spend more, when I come again, (This is prophetic of His return.) I will repay you”. Here the Good Samaritan gave two days wages to the host. This is yet another indication that the Lord will return after 2,000 years! Jesus met the woman at the well; notice what follows, “So when the Samaritans were come to him, they besought him that he would stay with them: and he stayed there two days”. Here we find Jesus after He left Israel, abiding two days with the Samaritans. This two-day lodging is a prophetic period symbolic of a 2,000-year season! In this context, the Samaritans (Those rejected by the Jews!) were symbolic of the church! Going back to Exodus 19, lets notice what happens after two prophetic days, “And be ready against the third day: for the third day the LORD will come down in the sight of all the people upon Mount Sinai”. How will the rapture take place? Paul writes, “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: (in Greek, this specific word for air means from ground level to the top of a mountain) and so shall we ever be with the Lord”. At the very first Pentecost or 50 days after the children of Israel left Egypt, they met at the foot of a mountain on the third day after they were consecrated, ”and the Lord came down in the sight of the people after two days, be ready for the third day: for on the third day the LORD will come down”!

Concerning raising Lazareth from the dead, some see the 4000 bible years to Christ, typed in Lazarus Resurrection narrative. If one accepts 6000 bible years of determined time, then the difference is 2000 bible years of New Testament time.

Now a certain [man] was sick, Lazarus, of Bethany, the town of Mary and her sister Martha. (It was [that] Mary which anointed the Lord with ointment, and wiped his feet with her hair, whose brother Lazarus was sick.) Therefore his sisters sent unto him, saying, Lord, behold, he whom you loves is sick. … When he had heard therefore that he was sick, he abode two days still in the same place where he was. Then after that said he to [his] disciples, Let us go into Judaea again. … But if a man walks in the night, he stumbles, because there is no light in him. … Then said Jesus to them plainly, Lazarus is dead … nevertheless let us go to him... Then when Jesus came, he found that he had [lain] in the grave four days already… Now Bethany was close to Jerusalem, about fifteen furlongs off: … Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believes in me, though he was dead, yet shall he live: … And whosoever lives and believes in me shall never die. Believe you this?

For the interested, here are links to free proleptic calendar apps. Some do inter conversion among proleptic Hebrew, proleptic Julian, and proleptic Gregorian.

A Detailed Explanation of “The Balfour Century” Timeline: by O. P. Armstrong, 2010 r09/14

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The Balfour Century Timeline of 7,000 years of determined time 604BC Nebocannessser sacks Jerusalem + 2520 years to start of ‘The Balfour Century’ in 1917AD

637AD Omar Takes Jerusalem & Starts Dome on Temple site + 1260 years to 1st World Zionist Conf. & Start end Diaspora in 1897AD 1917AD + 100 years generation = 2017 & 1897 + 120 years generation = 2017

Timeline of Daniel’s 70 Weeks or 483 Years until the Date of Jesus Baptism

The Biblical Seven Days of Creation teaches us that God shall complete all his work with fallen mankind and make a new creation in seven days of one thousand years each. ‘And I saw a New heaven and a New Earth’ spake John in his Revelation.

A Detailed Explanation of “The Balfour Century” Timeline: by O. P. Armstrong, 2010 r09/14

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Approximate Timeline Calculation of “The Balfour Century” and Seven-Thousand Years Determined Time

Determined TimeLine Sums of "The Balfour Century" 1917-2017

Check D Time Year Start Start. BC/AD yr.+/- I'med yr. +/- end end BC/AD event

3.5 3023.5 AD 3027.0 3027.0 AD Everlasting Righteousness &last wk/2

1000.0 1000.0 2023.5 AD 3023.5 3023.5 AD Millennium Start/End

6.0+11m 2016.5 AD 2023.5 2023.5 AD Tribulation Start/End 2000.0 1986.0 30.5 AD 2016.5 2016.5 AD End 2k determined time-3.5yr 3.5 27.0 AD 30.5 30.5 AD Christ Anointing to Ascension

30.0 4.0 BC 26.0 27.0 AD Christ birth to anointing+ Law

2000.0 453.0 4.0 BC 457.0 457.0 BC 69wks-Decree to rebuild unto leader 1517.0 457.0 BC 1974.0 1974.0 BC Abraham Covenant + Law

2000.0 2000.0 1974.0 BC 3974.0 3974.0 BC Adam Sin to Abraham Covenant

7000.0 7000.0 3974.0 BC 3026.0 3027.0 AD Adam Sin to Millennium End


a Key Element: Jesus Birth 4BC accepted as meeting All known Criteria of historical Jesus b Jesus Anointing as the Christ at 30 years old in year 27AD meets Daniel 69 Weeks Criteria c Matches all 7000 years of Determined Time; Six, 4, & two Days of Messianic determined time d Start of Adamic sin time at 3974 Concurs Becke Calculation e Ref: Charles Roger Dundee, A Collation of The Sacred Scriptures (1847), p. 20. f Meets limit of Balfour Century based on 4 generation = 400 year g Meets criteria of year 457BC decree to Build Second Temple h Meets criteria of last half of 70th week to bring in EVER LASTING RIGHTEOUSNESS i Meets criteria of 1st half of 70th week, unto Messiah cut off midweek about 30AD j Meets criteria of Dragon loosed after 1000 years and then eternally bound to Hell per Rev.20 k Matches tribulation period of 2540days or 6year10mo 3week

Epoch Color Code: -2000 yr. Darkness- -2000 yr. Law- -2000 yr. Messiah- -1000 yr.Sabbath-

Very few chronologists allow any time for the final Gog-Magog battle after the 1000 year reign of peace. In a miracle rivaling the Immaculate Conception, the greatest battle of world history begins and ends in the blink of an eye (the short time). Please explain that to me? For that reason I place the postponed time of Daniel’s 70 week prophecy after the millennium and before Satan’s banishment into the Lake of Fire. The scripture references to the Antichrist are not in Daniel 9 but in Daniel 12. So if one takes 69/70 weeks complete, this leaves 7 years after the 1000 to end prophesy. If 69.5 of 70 are complete, then remain 3.5 years after the 1000, to bring in everlasting righteousness.

A Detailed Explanation of “The Balfour Century” Timeline: by O. P. Armstrong, 2010 r09/14

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747 BC 2520 1774 AD start era of Nabonassar & Babylon start of Democratic period France & USA Lev26:24 7times pun 360yrs

604 BC 2520 1917 AD start Nebocannessser era who sacked Jerusalem

Start of The Balfour Century Lev26:24 7times pun 360yrs

587 BC 2520 1934 AD Babylonian breach of Jerusalem Hitler takes chancery & start mass Aliyah Lev26:24 7times pun 360yrs

457 BC 487 31 AD decree of Artaxerxes to restore Jerusalem Crucify (Cut off) the Christ Dan9:25 69.5weeks years

457 BC 483 27 AD decree of Artaxerxes to restore Jerusalem Baptism of Jesus at 30 years of age Messiah Dan9:24 69 Weeks

457 BC 2300 1844 AD decree of Artaxerxes to restore Jerusalem Turkish Edict of Religion Toleration Dan. 8:14

533 AD 1260 1793 AD Emperor Justinian decree establish papal rule French Revolution zenith &open Napoleon era Dan.12:7 the 1260days

610 AD 1260 1870 AD Decree of Phocas confirmed by Vitallian Decree Franco Prussian war starts end of Rome dominion Dan.12:7 the 1260days

637 AD 1335 1972 AD Omar Takes Jerusalem & Starts Dome on Temple site start end of abomination Jerusalem united Dan12:12 1335 days

637 AD 1290 1927 AD

Omar Takes Jerusalem & Starts Dome on Temple site Balfour mandate end 3rd Aliyah * Dan12:11 1290 days

637 AD 1260 1897 AD Omar Takes Jerusalem & Starts Dome on Temple site 1st World Zionist Conf. Start end Diaspora Dan.12:7 the 1260days

663 AD 1260 1923 AD Decree of Vitallian on Papal rule debauchery of the roaring 20's Dan.12:7 the 1260days

1897 AD 120 2017 AD 1st. Zionist Conference Max Nordau End of The Balfour Century Gen6.3 z120 generation lifespan

1917 AD 100 2017 AD Balfour Declaration & judgment generation End of The Balfour Century Gen15:13-16 100year generation

1947 AD 70 2017 AD UN 181 sets Israel Borders & Psalms generation End of The Balfour Century Ps 90:10 z70 year generation

1967 AD 50 2017 AD Six Day War Unites Jerusalem End of The Balfour Century 1 Jubilee since Balfour & Jew Restore

1973 AD 44 2017 AD Arab War firms borders End of The Balfour Century Approx wilderness generation

1982 AD 35 2017 AD Israel Lebanon End of The Balfour Century Shortest generation

* 1927 Mar 10, Prussia (Bavaria) lifted its Nazi ban, Hitler was allowed to speak in public & May 1, Adolf Hitler holds first Nazi meeting in Berlin

Table of Alternatives for year of Jesus Baptism based on Resurrection Year & Tribulation Start Date

Baptized Resurrection End3k Yr Start Gog Magog Start millennium Start tribulation

Oct.'29AD Apr. 33AD Oc3029AD Apr3026AD Apr2026AD June 2019AD???

Sept27AD Apr. 31AD Sept3027AD Mar3024AD Mar2024AD Oct. 2017AD

Oct.'26AD Apr. 30AD Oc3026AD Apr3023AD Apr2023AD June 2016AD

base 3Y6m0w 3000Yrs 3Y6m0w+3k Yr 1000 Yrs 6Y10m3w

Basis: 70 weeks determined to make an end, 69 weeks unto Messiah the Prince Coronation

Baptized (anointed), resurrection confirm covenant of 1 week with many & midweek cutoff not for himself

Cut off to bring end to sacrifice & 3.5 yrs before Easter is Baptism & Adam Sin 4k.Yr Before & end 3k.Yrs after sin

A Detailed Explanation of “The Balfour Century” Timeline: by O. P. Armstrong, 2010 r09/14

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From Jacob birth until Abraham death, there were years of peace. The oppression term is taken to mean conflict & oppression after Abe’s death until & into the return again. For Abraham had established a peace treaty with Canaanites, Gen 20:14 to 22:19. After Abraham death there was conflict over the water wells of Beersheba Gen26:15-32. By 5th year of the 7 year conquest of Canaan, it was clear who had the upper hand. During wilderness time there were conflicts as some nations refused Israel passage or other oppressions. By one accounting, the birth of Isaac was 30Mar1893BC, Nissan 14/15

and the Exodus date would be 1463 Nissan 14/15. By the moths, the other dates follow. None of these ancient date can be as precise as many chronographers wish to portray. As stated often, the most reliable dates are for Jesus Baptism year and for the year of Temple destruction. Even for these dates, a variation of up to one year can be easily shown. To understand these timing then compare to more modern dates, such as the Balfour Century concept. The Jew and Jerusalem are the divine time piece.

A Detailed Explanation of “The Balfour Century” Timeline: by O. P. Armstrong, 2010 r09/14

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TBC Timeline of 7,000 years unto A New Heaven and a New Earth The seven millennium days unto a new creation are self evident. Jesus said I go to prepare a place for you. In My Father’s house are many mansions. God made a new era with the flood of Noah. He allotted Noah exactly seven days to place the animals into their mansions within the ark. Upon end of the allotted 7 days, the door closed, the flood waters came, and the old world or era ended. John said he saw a new heaven and new earth coming down. Peter said that just as God destroyed the old world by water this present age is reserved unto fire against that day. God remade the world in 7 days to show that in 7 millennium days a new heaven and new earth shall be established. It was not until Adam sinned that a need for a new heaven and new earth existed. The lamb was slain from the Foundation of the World, FOTW. This new work of creation (Foundation of the World) began when God clothed Adam in animal skin and promised a redeemer. A day in God’s eye is but as a thousand years. The Law and the Prophets were until John, since that time the Kingdom of Heaven is declared and every man is pressed into or ruled by that standard. A kingdom without a king is not complete. Jesus told Pilate, ‘Of a truth you say I am a king, for that purpose was I born’. In the days of those kings shall the God of heaven set up a Kingdom, it shall not be left to another people but it shall crush and destroy all other kingdoms. And He shall sit upon the throne of his father David and of his kingdom there shall be no end. Every King has a coronation. Until this coronation, he is but a crown prince. Jesus was crowned at his baptism in river Jordan. For at that time the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in bodily form and a voice spoke from Heaven saying, ‘Behold this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased’. After his coronation the kingdom was manifest. ‘For which of these good works seek you to kill Me? But if by the finger of God, I cast out devils, then the Kingdom of God has come unto you.’ Four days of the Law and Prophets had elapsed at Jesus Anointing (27AD) and 3 days of Kingdom judgment remain after Jesus baptism. The age of Adam at sin was 4026.5 less 4,000 or 26.5 years by this chronology. The merits of this chronology are discussed by topic,

Seven days of God and Man, and Bible Chronology by Prophesy. Four thousand years prior to 27AD is year 3974BC, when the age of redemption began, Foundation of the World. The Anno Mundi day is 3974+26.5=4000.5BC. The last half week of Daniel’s 70 weeks will be completed after the millennial Sabbath when the world goes from peace into a war mode. This last battle of Gog-Magog will happen after the devil is released from his pit and after he gathers many people against Jerusalem. A 1003.5 year period prior to 3027AD is end of the 2520 day tribulation. At end of Daniel’s 70th week shall be everlasting righteousness when the devil and his angels are eternally cast into the Lake of Fire.

Total Years unto Jesus Baptism

Generation Sired Yr

death Yr


Adam 130 930 gen5.3

Seth 105 912 gen5.6 Enos 90 905 gen5.9 Cainan 70 910 "5.12

Mahalaleed 65 895 5.15

Jared 162 962 5.18 Enoch 65 365 5.21

Methuselah 187 969 5.25

Lamech 182 777 5.28 Noah 502 950 5.32&11.10

Shem 100 600 11.10

Arphaxad 35 438 11.12

Salah 30 433 11.14 Eber 34 464 11.16 Peleg 30 239 11.18 Reu 32 239 11.20 Serug 30 230 11.22 Nahor 29 148 11.24

Terah 130 205 11.32&12.4

Abraham 100 175 21.5

to Exodus 430 Gal3.17 Ex12.81

Temple Anointed 488.5 1Kg6.38 1Kg6.1

Jesus Anointed

1000 Luke Lu16.16

Total Past 4026.5 Since Adam Created

Temple Anointings; Solomon unto Christ 1k Yrs

Ref Years Event

Dan9.25 483 Rebuild decree unto Messiah,

69*7 years

Dan9.2 70 70 Years Captivity as told by Jeremiah

Ezek4.6 40 Unto Judah Captive Ezek4.5 390 Apostasy Unto Israel Captive 1Kgs11* 17 Temple Dedication unto Apostasy

Total 1000

{*17 yrs by difference. 40 years Solomon reigned in Jerusalem. Temple dedicated in Solomon's 12.6th year; last 10.4 years in apostasy. (40-12.6-17=10.4)}

A Detailed Explanation of “The Balfour Century” Timeline: by O. P. Armstrong, 2010 r09/14

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The Balfour Century, 1917 – 2017


Consider the fig tree Year Start

Age Limit

Year End

Ref 1 Ref 2

when you see the fig tree start to put forth then know (not guess)

1. Noah Limit of Man’s Age

Termination: 120xJubilee

1897 120 2017 Gen. 5,7,6.3-4 Matt24

1st Zionist Return Conference earth brings forth fruit of herself (1)

2. Balfour Generation - , Century, TBC

Judgment & Redemption

1917 100 2017 Gen15


Balfour Decree Jewish homeland

first the blade (2)

3. Psalms Age Limit

that which has been shall be

1947 70/80 2017


Ps90.10 UN181 Israel created

then the ear (3)

4. Final Jubilee

teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom

1967 50 2017 Lev25.10 Six Day war: Jerusalem unto Israel

after that the full corn in the ear (4)

When Jesus was asked about the end of the age, his reply was to consider the fig tree. ‘Know when you see the fig tree start to put forth it’s

branches, then know that this Generation shall not pass away (elapse) until all these things be fulfilled.’ Another criteria is also, ‘this gospel of the

kingdom shall be preached into all the world for a witness, then shall the end come. The latter can not preclude the former as the 144,000 shall

witness during tribulation time.

• For the earth brings forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear.

• After 2 days He shall revive us & on the 3rd day He shall raise us up to live in His presence

• Jew & Jew-rusalem are God’s time piece, ‘seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and your holy city to make an end…’

Solomon Temple has 3 times associated. Start was 480 years from Exodus but in month 2, & 4th year Solomon reign. Then were completion date

and the dedicate date. Adding years from Start to Anointing at dedication is 8.42, so the dedicate date is 488.5 years from Exodus. The time from Jesus Anointing by John Baptism unto Solomon Temple anointing is taken to be 1000 years, or 1 sacred day of time. The table on right lists sundry Baptism years of Jesus and tribulation start dates for those years. The averages range between end of 1st quarter to end of 3rd quarter in year 2016. The 9Av or August 2016 is an interesting date.

Solomon Temple Dedicate Time From Exodus

Event Yr-Sol Yr-X Mo Heb Mo#

years gone

Start 4.17 480.1 May 2 0

Complete 11.67 487.6 Nov 8 7.50

Dedicate 12.58 488.5 Oct 7 8.42

Tribulation Start by Sundry Baptism Year

Basis Baptize Postpone Yr Tribulation Yr AD

458BC25AD 25.75 3.50 2015.263 457BC27AD 26.75 3.50 2016.263 LSM.all 30.10 3.85 2019.700 33AD69Wk 29.75 6.90 2015.950 LSM.Norm2 27.30 3.05 2017.350 70AD40Yr 27.11 3.50 2016.710

mid October 2016 all Average 2016.873

late march 2016 normalized

Average 2016.307

9Av 2016 40Jubile 9Av 2016.710

A Detailed Explanation of “The Balfour Century” Timeline: by O. P. Armstrong, 2010 r09/14

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A Narrative of Rebuild Decree to Jesus Baptism Date and unto Temple Burnt in 70AD

Decree Started, 69 of 7's Jesus Baptized Stephen Stoned Temple Fire Start

∆Years to Baptize= 483.00 ∆Years to Stephen = 3.50 ∆Years to T= 40.00 365.242

Greg. Date Start ∆Days Greg. Date ∆Days Greg. Date ∆Days Greg. Date End

04Feb457bc 176416 07Feb27ad 1278 08Aug30ad 14610 70AD 08Aug

Stephen’s stoning was the final rejection of Y’shua by Yahudah. Yah’s wrath at rejection of His Grand Passover started the judgment clock. A similar act of disbelief some 1500 years earlier also triggered a 40 year judgment upon Yahudah. The overspreading of abominations by the priesthood made the city and temple desolate. The certainty of Temple destruction date is greater, than any other bible date, 5 to 10 August 70AD. The 15th year of Tiberius Caesar is noted as the year of John’s ministry start and as year of Jesus Baptism. By Historical documentation the 15th year covers from late 26AD to early 27AD, if one counts by co-regent years.

Counting backward 40 years from Temple destruction (inclusive end J11Aug70AD) dates the stoning of Stephen. Then 3.5 years prior is Jesus baptism date. The end of Daniel’s 69th week is taken as date for Jesus baptism. The date of Temple Destruction is well documented: ‘’Within hours, the temple was destroyed, August 10J, 70AD, which was on 15 Av (Ab), not 9 Av of Talmudic traditions, (6976) The ‘wicked Generation’ warning of Jonah is understood to be Jesus 40 year prophecy of Jerusalem destruction. Counting 40 years back gives August 08g, 30AD. This being the likely date when Stephen was stoned and the Elders of the Temple rejected flatly the Gospel. For is found: ‘’Then they secretly induced men to say, "We have heard him speak blasphemous words against Moses and God." And they stirred up the people, the elders, and the scribes; and they came upon him, seized him, and brought him to the council.

They also set up false witnesses who said: "This man does not cease to speak blasphemous words against this holy place and the law; for we have heard him say; ‘that this Jesus of Nazareth will destroy this place and change the customs which Moses delivered to us.’’ Acts6. Indeed Jesus did weep over Jerusalem, saying For days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment around you, surround you and close you in on every side, and level you, and your children within you, to the ground; and they will not leave in you one stone upon another, because you did not know the time of your visitation."Then He went into the temple and began to drive out those who bought and sold in it (overflowing abominations). A confirmation of Jesus Baptism date is obtained by count backward from G07Feb 27AD Baptism to implementation of Rebuild Decree, 457-458 BC, by the numbered weeks (69) of Daniel.

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From Jesus Baptism to Ascension unto Temple Fire in 70 AD, a total of 40 + 3.5 = 43.5 years

Jesus Baptized to Empty Tomb

Empty Tomb found to 40Day end

Ascension at Day 40 to Stephen Stoned

Stephen Stoned unto Temple Fire

Temple Fire Start

∆Years=3.16 ∆Years=0.11 ∆Years=0.23 ∆Years=40.00 365.242

Start Date.g ∆Days Date.g ∆Days Date.g ∆Days Date.g ∆Days Date End.g

07Feb27ad 1155 7April30ad 40 17May30ad 83 08Aug30ad 14610 70AD 08Aug

This narrative takes the midweek time (3.5 year) to end with Stephen stoning in 30AD and start with Jesus baptism on 10Feb27AD. The time from Baptism in 27AD unto Sunday Tomb Empty 7April30AD is 1137 days or 3.15 years. This corresponds to 3April30AD as crucifixion. After resurrection, Jesus spent 40 days with the Apostles & others before Ascension on 17May 30ad. The disciples spent another 10 days awaiting the Holy Spirit. Thus from Pentecost unto St. Stephen stoning are 76 days. Given the mighty working of the Holy Spirit at that time the interval events are feasible; There then elapsed 40 years unto Temple destruction in 70AD. During these 40 years the Babylonian Talmud Soncino version Yoma 39B records: during the last 40 years before the temple destruction various omens and portents occurred on a regular basis such as odd lot came up every year, the menorah burnt irregular, huge temple doors open themselves, crimson strings no longer turned white. These & other 40 year foreshadows of destruction Josephus also recorded.

Proponents of 33 AD resurrection date will try say Messiah was revealed by crucifixion after 69 weeks. But after the Hoehner-Ice et-al theory of 444BC and 173880 days was disproven, they still try hang on to a 7 year postponement by other means. Like saying the 40 year judgment (30 to 70AD) covers a time span from Baptism. I for one am not aware of postdating prophesy. For Jesus judgments against Jerusalem came during the latter part of His ministry, not at start. Another goody by 33AD proponents is that Jesus was revealed on Palm Sunday, again a wrong narrative. For John said behold the Lamb of God at baptism; God himself declared behold My beloved Son and Luke in Acts1, of all that Jesus began to say and do from the time He was baptized until …, and also ‘The Law and Prophets were until John, since then the Kingdom… Then count on the 33AD lot to never mention a possible co-regal date of Tiberius Caesar’s 15th year. For that would affix the possible baptism year to something between 26 & 27AD. What webs we weave when first we start to deceive.

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Alternative Narrative of Rebuild Decree to Jesus Baptism Date and unto Temple Burnt in 70AD

Hebrew Date Chronology of 7 Redemption Covenant Days

Gregorian Age HebMo DOW Julian Day Event ∆Years

29Sep3026AD Elul25 Fri 2826555.0 New Heaven New Earth 3000.0

08Aug3023AD Tam27 Fri 2825406.8 Gog Magog Start 2996.9

07Aug2023AD Av21 Mon 2460164.3 Millennium Start 1996.9

12Sep2016AD Elul10 Mon 2457521.8 Tribulation Start 1989.6

08Aug70AD Av15 Fri 1746846.5 Temple Destroy by Fire 43.9

08Aug30AD Av23 Thur 1732236.5 Leaders Stone Stephen 3.9

07April30AD Niss18 Sun 1732113.5 1st Sunday after N14 arise 3.5

29Sept26AD Tish30 Tues 1730827.5 Baptize Jesus by John 0.0

26Sep458BC Tish30 Sun 1554411.5 Rebuild Decree 483.0

25Sep528BC Tish08 Thur 1528844.5 1stCaptivity 538 secular 553.0

29Sep975BC Tish23 Fri 1365584.5 End Temple Dedicate 1000.0

31Mar1463BC Niss26 Mon 1187164.5 Red Sea Baptize End 1488.5

30Mar1893BC Niss14 Fri 1030109.8 Isaac born Abe's 100 Yr, 1918.5

30Sep1975BC Tish16 Wed 1000343.5 Abe move: Ur to Haran 2000.0

09Sep2345BC Tish17 Sat 865183.5 Noah Baptize End 2370.1

30Mar2443BC Niss28 Sun 829226.4 Shem born Noah502Y 2468.5

01Oct2975BC Hesh07 Sun 635101.5 Noe find Grace 29.5Y old 3000.0

29Sep3975BC Tish27 Tues 269857.5 Sin's Redeemer Promised 4000.0

30Mar4001BC Lyya04 Thur 260178.6 Adam Living Soul 4026.5

This alternative is based on a 458BC rebuild decree and autumn 26AD baptism. This shift gives a better alignment to Hebrew

Calendar days of scripture. The focus is to align delta times and dates for Noah’s, Moses’ Red Sea, and Jesus Baptism, also the Temple Dedication and Temple rebuild decree dates.

Daniel understood 70 years captivity preceded the rebuild decree. The secular date for this is carry away is 538BC. When using a 458BC decree date there is a 10 year disagreement, 528BC. The 444bc decree date is oft touted by 33AD resurrection proponents. The use of 444BC for a rebuild decree produces a larger gap, 24 years, (514bc). The 458 decree date, as used here, has much less discrepancy to the secular date.

This Table contains 3 Baptism dates: 1) Jesus Baptism that started kingdom era and ended the law and prophets, 2) Israel Red Sea salvation Baptism from Pharaoh, & 3) Noah’s baptism unto salvation aboard Ye Royal Ark.

The 7 redemption covenant day (RCD) concept is typed in the Ark closure before Noah’s flood and in building Solomon’s temple... Where the 1st RCD is at Adam Sin and the promise of a redeemer, RCD 2 is with Noah calling, RCD3 is the Abrahamic Covenant, RCD 4 is Jesus Kingdom baptism, RCD 7 is the casting away of Satan into eternal fire to bring an end to sin and establish everlasting righteousness.

From Isaac birth on Nissan14, 1893BC unto the Exodus Passover of Nissan 14, 1463BC one find there to be 430 years to the very day.

From Abram’s covenant calling unto his 100th year are 81.5 years. Thus Abram’s age upon leaving Ur is


By these days, the tribulation start would be in September 2016.

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Scripture about Determined times Ref Comment

To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven

Ecc3.1 everything has a season & a time

But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son Gal4.4 a time to every purpose

weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression

Dan9.24 Jew of Jerusalem is God's clock

a wise man's heart knows both time and judgment Ecc8.5 you can understand

to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power (the secret things)

Acts 1.7 There are times reserved to just God the Father

You hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky and of the earth; but how is it that ye do not discern this time?

Luke12.56 Jesus scorned people for not understanding the season

… that he (antichrist) might be revealed in his time. 2Thes2.6 Anti-Christ has an appointed time

which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third …

Rev9.15 Some angels are reserved unto a selected time

Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began

Acts 3.21 there is an appointed time as declared in scripture

Have you (Jesus) come here to torment us before the time? Matt8.29 even demons know they have an allotted time

But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief…

1Thes5.4 we can know the times

And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.

Lu21.34 understanding is dulled by carnal living

But the word is very close to you, in your mouth, and in your heart, that you may do it.

Deut30.14 we can do correctly, everyone can know, read in context

Consider this: God told Abraham in 400 years, in 4th generation his offspring would return and possess the PROMISED Land & there were 40 years determined to make end of the evil generation & Ezekiel foretold Israel’s Apostasy would be exactly 430 years before judgment & Jeremiah foretold 70 years captivity until return was allowed.

Also in 69 7’s from end of 70 years that Messiah would come & in 70 7’s would be everlasting righteousness & that for 1000 years will peace on earth and that for 2 times 1260 days will be punishment upon all the earth? Also that Noah was told in 7 days begins the flood & all animals gathered to the ark. On the 7th day began the flood. The secret things are the Lords’ but that revealed unto us are ours to do and keep.

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Prophetic Time; 1Year=360days=12Mo

Ref value units row

Accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people

Dan12.7 3.5 time A

Domination of the little horn over the saints

Dan7.25 3.5 time B

Nations shall see two witnesses dead bodies

Rev11.9 3.5 day c

Sojourn of the woman in the wilderness.

Rev12.14 3.5 time D

Treading under foot of the Holy City

Rev11.2 42.0 month E

Duration of " the Beast," or 8th head

Rev13.5 42.0 month F

Prophesying of the two witnesses

Rev11.3 1260 day G

Woman's flight from the serpent

Rev12.6 1260 day H

Sacrifice away unto abomination of desolation

Dan12.11 1290 day I

Time unto the blessing Dan12.12 1335 day J

Until Temple cleansed Dan8.14 2300 day K

Tribulation Time Line Events Chart and Scripture References

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Charts modified from C. Larkin Some like to say we are into the tribulation. Ask have ¼ of earth population died from Famine and Pestilence death. Answer no! Not even if you add up all dead from past wars these dead are less than 1 billion. Earth population is around 6 billion. When 1.5 billion people perish, you will know, not guess tribulation started. By end of tribulation ½ population is dead and all sea life dies.

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The work of Larkin (AD1916-1924) offers many useful insights about end time prophesy interpretation. Expect a clearer understanding of End Times to unfold as the last days are closed, by Simpson’s /=/ analogy. My revision would place the start at Adam’s fall around BC3974 and End of Satan about AD3027. We are past AD2000 but without Second Coming. So other revisions are needed, as follows.

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My revisions to Larkin’s work would place the Second Coming at around AD2023.5 with tribulation start around 2017. The start of the 4th day would be at 27AD with Jesus baptism at river Jordon. The rapture and 3rd temple start are thusly placed sometime before the 2017 to 2020 window. As several prominent evangelist and personalities have noted The warning is clear: ‘’prepare to meet thy God –’’

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There is no way to find the rapture date. From scripture and this chart it will happen before the tribulation. How soon before? There are no time intervals that say absolutely. With Lot it was the just before the fire upon Sodom. With Nineveh, it was a 3 day walk for Jonah to proclaim yet 40 days. With Noe there were the final ingathering that lasted 7 days. Also in Noe’s time was a whole century of warning. Truly some will be assigned a place with the unbelievers and have tribulations. The 5 foolish and 5 wise teach this idea. Up to you??

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