Desirable: A Lover's Manifesto

Once upon a time, there was a girl who yearned to know what Love really felt like...


Prototype condom book

Transcript of Desirable: A Lover's Manifesto

  • Once upon a time, there was a girl who yearned to know what Love really felt like...

  • She questioned the idea of Care and what it meant to care for someone other than herself.

  • Then she wondered, once you Care about someone, how do you Protect them?

  • Is it Trust? She found the definition:

  • Trust: \ tr st\ noun1. Reliance on the integrity, strength, ability and surety

    of a person or thing; confidence


  • Her mother always told her, Your Mind is a terrible thing to waste,

  • so she thought even harder on what Love is...

  • As she continued to ponder, a few friends decided to pay a visit.

  • Amongst them were

  • Emotions, raging as always; Hormones, freaky as ever;

    Memory, distant yet honest, and lastly...

  • Time, keeping track of all actions, generously providing moments to change

    how one may Live and Love.

  • Now youre probably feeling overwhelmed by the reality of how challenging it is

    to truly Care, Protect and Love someone, but youre almost there...

  • As the girl finally came close to giving up, something struck her...

  • Love is ultimately how you Love and Care for yourself.

  • Whether its searching for Love or Whom you make Love with there is no greater LOVE

    than the Protection of your Mind, Heart and Body.

  • Love is ultimately how you Love and Care for yourself.

  • Especially the act of Loving and Caring for someone other than yourself.

  • Lesley Sakinah Steele 2012
