Designing, improving, and installing a collaborative cache for disconnected villages Sibren Isaacman...

Designing, improving, and installing a collaborative cache for disconnected villages Sibren Isaacman Group Talk Feb 25, 2009
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Page 1: Designing, improving, and installing a collaborative cache for disconnected villages Sibren Isaacman Group Talk Feb 25, 2009.

Designing, improving, and installing a collaborative cache for disconnected villages

Sibren IsaacmanGroup Talk Feb 25, 2009

Page 2: Designing, improving, and installing a collaborative cache for disconnected villages Sibren Isaacman Group Talk Feb 25, 2009.

Closing the Digital Divide• Connectivity problems in rural regionsConnectivity problems in rural regions

– Large infrastructure overheadLarge infrastructure overhead– High cost/bit and low bandwidthHigh cost/bit and low bandwidth

• $3000/Mbs/month $3000/Mbs/month – Extremely high latencyExtremely high latency

• 80% of North American adults have access 80% of North American adults have access to internet, compared to 5% of Africansto internet, compared to 5% of Africans

• Technology for developing regions has Technology for developing regions has been named a “Millennium Development been named a “Millennium Development Goal” by the UNGoal” by the UN– Increased access to the information on the Increased access to the information on the

internet and digital classrooms can change livesinternet and digital classrooms can change lives

Page 3: Designing, improving, and installing a collaborative cache for disconnected villages Sibren Isaacman Group Talk Feb 25, 2009.

Our solution

• Collaborative caching and predictive Collaborative caching and predictive prefetching increase usabilityprefetching increase usability– Decreases number of roundtrips Decreases number of roundtrips – Reduces miss rates by up to 89%Reduces miss rates by up to 89%

• Decrease sent bits (often directly related to Decrease sent bits (often directly related to cost) by as much as 6xcost) by as much as 6x

• Latency for average page access time Latency for average page access time reduced up to 90%reduced up to 90%

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• Our previous work– C-LINK– Simulation

• Current efforts at improvement• The real deployment

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Related work

• DTNs and network connectivity– DakNet [Pentland, 2004]– KioskNet [Seth, 2006]– DTLSR [Demmer, 2007]– TEK [Thies, 2002]

• Collaborative Caching and Web Proxies– Summary cache [Fan, 2000]– Cache Digests [Rousskov, 1998]– Squid [Wessels, 1998]– DitTorrent [Saif, 2006]

DTNs are thought to have too much delay for interactive Web accessCaching strategies thus far have not looked at disconnected networks

Page 6: Designing, improving, and installing a collaborative cache for disconnected villages Sibren Isaacman Group Talk Feb 25, 2009.

Design Goals of C-LINK

• Allow web access over any network layer– DTN, VSAT, cellular– Miss rates must be brought down– Data requested by one node may be

used by another• Possibly serving stale data in the short term

• Must adhere to constraints imposed by the environment

Page 7: Designing, improving, and installing a collaborative cache for disconnected villages Sibren Isaacman Group Talk Feb 25, 2009.

Environmental constraints

• Severe storage constraints– ~10’s of GB per machine

• Heterogeneous devices• Multiple transport options• Frequent power interruptions

– At both node and system level

Page 8: Designing, improving, and installing a collaborative cache for disconnected villages Sibren Isaacman Group Talk Feb 25, 2009.

C-LINKWeb Browser


Load Manager

Web Browser


Load Manager


Node 1

Node n



Kioskdaemon Network Layer


City Fetch Engine


The Internet

The Internet

Page A, please

Page A, please


Page B, please



Page A, please



Node 1 has it

Page A, please

Page 9: Designing, improving, and installing a collaborative cache for disconnected villages Sibren Isaacman Group Talk Feb 25, 2009.


• Handles requests from a generic web browser– Captures socket dump from browser– Returns pages or “waiting” message

• Searches for files locally first– Notifies Kiosk if file is found

• Contacts Kiosks and Load Managers on behalf of Web browser

Page 10: Designing, improving, and installing a collaborative cache for disconnected villages Sibren Isaacman Group Talk Feb 25, 2009.

Kiosk daemon

• Point of contact for Interfaces– DHCP server

• Maintain hash map of URLs to machines– Returns last known IP address when URL is


• Determine which network requests should be sent on

• Send files to Load Managers– Or temporary local storage

• Note cacheability of pages to refetch “non-cacheable” pages

Page 11: Designing, improving, and installing a collaborative cache for disconnected villages Sibren Isaacman Group Talk Feb 25, 2009.

City Fetch-Engine

• Makes connections to internet servers– Puts browsers socket dump in to file– Dumps response into file to send back

• Selects network connection over which to send data back

• Prefetch pages– Simple parsing for imbedded files/links– More complex models

Page 12: Designing, improving, and installing a collaborative cache for disconnected villages Sibren Isaacman Group Talk Feb 25, 2009.


• Woken up by network when pages reach village

• Determines whether prefetched pages should be retained or discarded

• Informs Kiosk daemon of page’s arrival and name of original requestor

Page 13: Designing, improving, and installing a collaborative cache for disconnected villages Sibren Isaacman Group Talk Feb 25, 2009.

Load Manager

• Serves requested pages to Interfaces– Notifies Interfaces if page has been removed

• Maintains and enforces storage quotas– May be dynamically tuned or statically

apportioned– Separate cache space for prefetched and

explicitly requested pages

• Determines eviction policies– LRU queue maintained

• Notifies Kiosk daemon on page eviction• Inserts pages in to local cache

Page 14: Designing, improving, and installing a collaborative cache for disconnected villages Sibren Isaacman Group Talk Feb 25, 2009.

Prototype system

• 3 Pentium 3 computers running KioskNet– The “proxy” runs the City Fetch-Engine– The “kiosk” runs the Kiosk daemon and Notifier

• 1 Core Duo laptop configures as KioskNet’s “ferry”

• 3 Pentium 4 computers running standard Hardy Heron Kubuntu– Run both Interface and Load Manager– 1 GB caches

• No prefetching

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• 19628 requests made by students– 44% were local hits– 20% were collaborative hits– 60% of hits were for “non cacheable”


• Average time to display a page was 300 msec– Local pages could be served in 5 ms– Pages elsewhere in the village may take

up to 1 second to display

Page 16: Designing, improving, and installing a collaborative cache for disconnected villages Sibren Isaacman Group Talk Feb 25, 2009.


• Our previous work– C-LINK– Simulation

• Current efforts at improvement• The real deployment

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• Trace Driven– Cambodia, Blackboard, and Prototype traces– Page accesses in trace are assumed to be

requests– Nodes enter the cache on their first access– Track hits, misses, and latencies

• Accurate model of the system previously described

• Collaborative caching turned “off” results in nodes maintaining individual caches

Page 18: Designing, improving, and installing a collaborative cache for disconnected villages Sibren Isaacman Group Talk Feb 25, 2009.

Tunable parameter: Cache Size

• Size of cache at user nodes– Based on previous work, range from 0-

100 KB per node• Sizes must be scaled appropriately for

number of users

• Multiplicative factor for cache size at Kiosk– The kiosk may be slightly better then a

user machine• Use 1.25x, 10x, 100x, and infinite space

Page 19: Designing, improving, and installing a collaborative cache for disconnected villages Sibren Isaacman Group Talk Feb 25, 2009.

Tunable parameter: Network Delay• “leave time” – how frequently

requests leave the village• “length of trip” – the length of a

round trip• Define three “networks”:

– Instant – leave time=0; length=0– Bus – leave time=60; length=60– Hybrid - leave time=60; length=30

Page 20: Designing, improving, and installing a collaborative cache for disconnected villages Sibren Isaacman Group Talk Feb 25, 2009.

Tunable parameter: User Connectivity• Use random connections or traces obtained from


• Random connections may be “balanced” with means of 90 min or “unbalanced” with means matching the CRAWDAD distribution

• Nodes use selected distribution to determine length of time connected or disconnected

Time in range (CRAWDAD) Time out of range (CRAWDAD)

Page 21: Designing, improving, and installing a collaborative cache for disconnected villages Sibren Isaacman Group Talk Feb 25, 2009.

Exploring the network layer

7-14x reduction in miss ratesSaving 75% of bytes transmitted

2x reduction in miss ratesSaving 28% of bytes transmitted

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Exploring Cache Size

Average latencies are less than 10 minutesGreater than 5X improvement at low cache sizes

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Exploring Kiosk Limits

Average latencies reduced 2x with little extra space at kioskAdditional storage provides little benefit

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Exploring node movement

Previously examined cases are worst casesUnbalanced motion shows improvements of 3x

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Prototype system

13% improvements in the best caseReflect abnormal usage patterns and general web traffic

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• Our previous work– C-LINK– Simulation

• Current efforts at improvement• The real deployment

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• Need intelligent prefetching• Coding is nearly completed to deliver

all embedded content on the page

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• Data accessed more than N times should be replicated in the network– Protects against failures– Speeds up page delivery

• Modifications to the simulator complete– Comparisons of N=999 (very little replication)

and N=3 (the average number of requests) • 10% improvements in miss rate and number of

reachable pages

– Numbers may be better because of forced replication when node was out of range

• Previously, only one copy was known by the kiosk

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Web Browser


Load Manager

Node 1

Web Browser


Load Manager

Node n




Need a Kiosk

Randomback off

Randomback off

I’m the new Kiosk



Page list

Page list




I’m back!

Page 30: Designing, improving, and installing a collaborative cache for disconnected villages Sibren Isaacman Group Talk Feb 25, 2009.


• Our previous work– C-LINK– Simulation

• Current efforts at improvement• The real deployment

Page 31: Designing, improving, and installing a collaborative cache for disconnected villages Sibren Isaacman Group Talk Feb 25, 2009.

Cinco Pinos, Nicaragua

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• attract users from general population – students from school & others

• alternative to pay-to-use, full-service internet will likely draw less wealthy

• just off bus route • owned by CODER, Comision de Desarrollo Rural

– Local NGO, enclosed and protected space– already have 1 computer in library which they used to

give computer lessons to local youth– already invested in creating development programs for


• Other libraries nearby allow for exploration of multi-kiosk effects later

Page 33: Designing, improving, and installing a collaborative cache for disconnected villages Sibren Isaacman Group Talk Feb 25, 2009.

Equipment• 6 computers with Kubuntu• 2 single board computers from Soekris Engineering

– 433 to 600 MHz AMD Geode LX single chip processor with CS5536 companion chip

– 128-1024 MB DDR-SDRAM, soldered on board – 2 Serial ports, DB9 and 10 pins internal header – Power LED, Disk LED, Error LED, Network LED's – Mini-PCI type III socket.

• Atheros 802.11 card inserted• 1 mini-box M300-LCD

– Intel mini-ITX Atom 1.6 GHz– 1GB RAM– VGA, Serial, PS/2– PCI card with mini-PCI adapter

• Atheros 802.11 card inserted• 3 antennas

– 2 outdoor and 1 vehicle mount– 2.4GHz omni-directional

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• Quantitative– Similar to measurements taken on

prototype• May pre-load some pages

– Include measurements of number of evictions and cache readjustments

• Qualitative– User experiences– Suggested improvements– Perceived value of system– Future features

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The End

On to Nicaragua!