Designfreebies free InDesign newsletter template 2 Newsletter - Nov week 2.pdf · taught even to...

Higher Primary 11 th Nov - 15 th Nov -2018

Transcript of Designfreebies free InDesign newsletter template 2 Newsletter - Nov week 2.pdf · taught even to...

Higher Primary

11th Nov - 15th Nov -2018

Higher Primary

Internet Safety & Cyber bullying

How to surf the internet safely?

Assume that anything you write or send on the

internet or through any electronic device can be

seen by EVERYONE: friends, people at your

school, teachers, family and police.

Check your privacy settings. Maintain a private

profile. Only accept friend requests and

invitations from people you know well.

Don’t post pictures of other people without their parent’s consent.

Share your passwords with your

parents/guardians, but NO ONE else.

forms without your parent’s permission. FREE prizes aren’t

How to stay in control?

Don’t get tempted into posting things you

know are inappropriate.

If you think you wouldn’t say it to a person’s face, don’t type it! Once you hit “send” or “enter”, you can’t take it back. It’s there FOREVER! Who to tell if you’re worried?

- Parents/guardians, social worker,

teacher, Supervisor , principal

11th Nov - 15th Nov -2018

Higher Primary

11th Nov - 15th Nov -2018

11th Nov - 15th Nov -2018

Anti-Bullying Poster

competition preparation

Grade 4BE - Learning how to

type fast using a game. Grade 4BE - Doing math while

playing a game as team.

Information and communication technology is now a mature part of the curriculum. It was

once restricted to upper secondary schools as "computer studies"; however, ICT is now

taught even to children in the primary class.

However, to compare ICT with "computer studies" is misleading. In ICT, the technology

aspect is the least important. Technology changes over time, but the concepts of handling

data and converting data into information are fairly constant, and it is reflected in the

terminology of the programme of study.

Higher Primary

11th Nov - 15th Nov -2018

Environmental Award

HP / GIRLS students took a part in the competition arranged by

secondary students. It was very informative and there were many

hands on activities.

Higher Primary

HP girl’s supervisor team realized that the most important thing is to have fun at school, and that it’s important to inspire students to

find their own learning path so that they can shape their future.

Thus, we have provided games and entertainment materials for

our Students to help them do that.

11th Nov - 15th Nov -2018

11th Nov - 15th Nov -2018

Grade 4 students are discussing in groups different critical thinking questions related

to life science from TIMSS booklet.

What is the TIMSS? Becoming the First Rate Education is a Part of the UAE Vision 2021, and it is the mission of

the Ministry of Education to develop an innovative Education System for a knowledgeable

and global competitive society. One of the indicators used to gauge whether the UAE is on the path to meeting its Vision 2021 is the UAE’s performance on TIMSS (Trends in Mathematics and Science Study). The UAE Vision 2021 National Target for TIMSS is a score

of 510. Based on our TIMSS 2015 results, the Ministry has set the following targets for our

school for TIMSS 2019

11th Nov - 15th Nov -2018

دوجو الكالس موقع خالل من درجات للطالب يمنححيث االجتماعية الدراسات بنك من بشيكات الطلبة تكريم

الصفية الحصة أثناء وتميزهم الرائعة مشاركاتهم لقاء وذلك المتميز التفاعل على وتحفيزهم الطلبة لتعزيز فكرة

الفعالة والمشاركة .الرابع للصف األول زايد لدرس كتهيئة الصفية الغرفة في البزل استخدام

Higher Primary

قام قسم القرأن الكريم بعمل مسابقة لمتشابهات جزء عم لصفي الخامس والسادس.

أجزاء حفظ في والسادس مسابقة لطالب المرحلة االبتدائية العليا الخامس نوفمبر 12 الموافق ثنيناال يوم الكريم القرآن قسم قام:اآلتي النحو على الثالثة الطالبات مستويات حسب الكريم القرآن من

الخامس الصف

"عم جزء" األول المستوى -1

"تبارك جزء" الثاني المستوى -2

"سمع قد جزء" الثالث المستوى -3

السادس الصف

"سمع قد جزء" الثاني المستوى -2

"والشورى األحقاف جزئي" الثالث المستوى -3

11th Nov - 15th Nov -2018

لراجعة اقام رئيس قسم اللغة العربية أ بإجراء حوارت داخل الفصول مع طالبات المرحلة االبتدائية العليا حول مفهوم التغذية التي يقدمها المعلمون خلف كل درس من الدروس أو عند متابعة األعمال الكتابية وتصحيحها وأهمية ذلك في نفوس الطلبة وقد

أبدت الطالبات معرفة كبيرة بمفهوم التغذية الراجعة وأهميتها وذكرن آخر تغذية راجعة قدمتها لهن المعلمات بحصص اللغة أن إحدى الطالبات ذكرت خالل حديثها قائلة هي توجيهات ونصائح يقدمها المعلم لطالبه عند اإلجابة العربية ومما لفت االنتباه

.عن سؤال أو تصحيح الكتب بما يخدم عملية التعليم والتعلم وذكرت الطالبة الفرق بين التعليم والتعلم بطالقة وثبات

11th Nov - 15th Nov -2018

The students participated in The National Tolerance festival which Ministry of

Education and Ministry of Tolerance announced The National Tolerance Festival, which

aims to promote the values of tolerance and coexistence through the morning assembly.

11th Nov - 15th Nov -2018

We are proudly sharing the achievements of our Grade 6 students as they are following

reward chart system of Class Dojo and showing tremendous improvement.

Grade 6GB, 6GC and 6GD won Math RNCA book marks for scoring 25+ Dojo points ,

beautiful awesome bands for scoring 10+ points and are almost ready to win their next

reward of Awatar sticker.

They are receiving Driving Test certificates after scoring full marks in at least 4 Driving


11th Nov - 15th Nov -2018

سامح، م الت وقام قسم التربية اإلسالمية بتنفيذ إذاعة صباحية بعنوان ) التسامح (، حيث قامت الطالبات بشرح مفهفح، ونبذ العنف، واحترام اآلخر، وعدم التمييز بين كوالتحدث عن قيمه الناس، وحسن التعامل معهم، العفو، والص

البات وتخلل ذلك قراءة آيات من القرآن الكريم، وأحاديث نبوية شريفة وجميعها تدعو إلى التسامح، كما ألقت الط ف وء على بعض التصر لبية التي تخالف قيم التسامح، قصيدة عن التسامح، وقمن بعمل مشهد تمثيلي ألقى الض ات الس

وأعقب ذلك توجيه أسئلة للطالبات عن كيفية الحد من مثل هذه التصرفات السلبية،،

وقد سادت أجواء المرح والمتعة واإليجابية والتفاعل بين الطالبات.

السلمي للتعايش نموذجا اإلمارات دولة جعل في ودوره نهضتها، وباني الدولة بمؤسس وفخرنا اعتزازنا عن تعبيراقام قسم الدراسات االجتماعية بعدة أنشطة تضمنت « زايد نهج على» شعار تحت للتسامح الوطني بمناسبة المهرجانو

الصباحية من خالل اإلمارات وطن التسامح والتعايش السلمي ورسالة تسامح من أقوال الشيخ محمد المشاركة في اإلذاعية بن راشد وأقوال الشيخ محمد بن زايد وقصائد وفقرة هل تعلم وكلمة عن دولة اإلمارات والتعايش السلمي وداخل الصفوف

ى لوحة االجتماعيات .عبرت الطالبات عن التسامح وأهميته في حياتنا وعلقت عباراتها عل


Diabetes is when the pancreas does not work well and does not break-up the sugar

we eat.

The most common types of diabetes are type 1(when the pancreas does not work

well), type 2(when pancreas work partially), and gestational diabetes (related to

pregnancy). HOW DO WE GET? DIABETES?By eating lots of unhealthy and Junk food.

By not exercising.

By genes and environmental factors that might trigger the disease. HOW CAN WE PREVENT DIABETES?

1. Sleep well (8 hours daily sleep).

2. Stay happy (no stress).

3. Be in a healthy weight.

4. Eat healthily and balance.

5. Food.

11th Nov - 15th Nov -2018

11th Nov - 15th Nov -2018

In the regard of WORLD DIABETES DAY, Health group member students from Grade 6 GC

presented the morning assembly to spread the awareness about how to prevent, diagnose

and protect ourselves from Diabetes. Reem KhalId, Maryam Al Hosni,Naima Mostafa,Joory

Khalid were the presenters.

Teachers who have a perfect attendance record can help raise the standards of the entire

school. Many teachers in HP were appreciated for demonstrating such a commitment

towards the students and the school. Their level of dedication was rewarded with certificate

of a box of chocolates.

11th Nov - 15th Nov -2018

القيمة واقتراحاتكم أفكاركم. المعلمين مع األمور ألولياء األول اللقاء شاركونا اللذين اإلبتدائية المرحلة أمور أولياء جميع نشكر

هللا شاء نإ األكاديمي العام في مهمتنا بنجاح شك بال ستسهم يتوال !

Many thanks to all of our elementary parents who joined us in our first parent teacher meeting

for the year. Your valuable ideas and suggestions will definitely result in a successful academic

year inshalla!

Weekly Newsletter

Higher Primary

11th Nov - 15th Nov -2018

Higher primary

Grade 4-6

Mohsin Ibrahim Head of Primary 06-5136754

[email protected]

Rana Abdul Hakim Sebai Higher Primary Director


Mobile 056-609663

[email protected]

Mohammad Nasif Elayyan Key stage coordinator, HP Boys 06-513-6577

Mohammad EL@

Nada Amin Abdullah Receptionist 06-5136500

[email protected]

Lawal Bamidele Ayoola Boys’ Supervisor 06-513-6573

Bamidele A@

Khalid Nizam Al Agha Boys’ Supervisor 06-5136572

[email protected]

Nehal Maghdy Girls’ Supervisor 06-5136511

[email protected]

Douaa Ratib Secretary, Higher Primary 06-513-6502

[email protected]

Admin Contact -Numbers

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Weekly Newsletter

Higher Primary

11th Nov - 15th Nov -2018