Design Patterns Examples of smart use of inheritance and polymorphism: Composite Pattern State...

Design Patterns Examples of smart use of inheritance and polymorphism: Composite Pattern State Pattern FEN 2014 UCN Teknologi/act2learn 1

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Design Patterns

Examples of smart use of inheritance and polymorphism:

Composite Pattern

State Pattern

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(OO) Design Patterns• The concept of patterns originates from architecture (Christopher

Alexander, 1977):

“Each pattern describes a problem which occurs over and over again in our environment, and then

describes the core of the solution to that problem, in such a way that you can use this solution a million

times over, without ever doing it the same way twice”

(Christopher Alexander e. a.: “A Pattern Language”. Oxford University Press, New York, 1977.)

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(OO) Design Patterns

• A well known and widely accepted concept in software engineering

• Developed in the early 1990s and published by Gamma e.a. (“Gang of Four”, GoF) in 1995:

“(…) design patterns (…) are descriptions of communicating objects and classes that are

customized to solve a general design problem in a particular context.”

(Erich Gamma e.a.:”Design Patterns. Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software”. Addison-Wesley. 1995.)

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The benefits of patterns

• A pattern captures a proven good design:– A pattern is based on experience– A pattern is discovered – not invented

• It introduces a new (and higher) level of abstraction, which makes it easier:– to talk and reason about design on a higher level– to document and communicate design

• One doesn’t have to reinvent solutions over and over again• Patterns facilitate reuse not only of code fragments, but of


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Patterns as a learning tool

• It is often said that good skills in software construction require experience and talent

• …and neither can be taught or learned at school• Patterns capture experience (and talent) in a way that

is communicable and comprehensible• …and hence experience can be taught (and learned)• So one should put a lot of effort in studying patterns

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Example: Composite-pattern


Circle Rectangle Picture





Composite: Graphical editor, Word processor, Inventories etc..

(What will a Show()-method look like on Shape, Circle, Picture etc.)

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public abstract class Shape {private int id;private String color;private int xpos;private int ypos;

public void MoveTo(Position newPos){ // PRE none // POST pos'=newPos }

public abstract void Show();// PRE none

// POST the shape is drawn

public abstract void Hide(); // PRE none // POST the shape is hidden  public abstract float Area();

// PRE none// POST Computes the area with 4 digits.

}//end Shape

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public class Circle: Shape{

private int r; //radius

public void Show(){

//PRE none

//POST the circle is drawn

//Must be implemented using appropriate

//graphical routines


public void Hide(){

//PRE none

//POST the circle is hidden

//Must be implemented using appropriate

//graphical routines


public override float Area()


return (float)(r*r);


}//end CircleFEN 2014

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public class Picture : Shape{ List<Shape> pictList; // operationer til at tilføje og slette figurer mv. public void Show(){ //PRE none //POST The composite shape is drawn foreach(Shape s in pictList); }

} public override float Area() { float result=0; for(int i=0;i<pictList.Count;i++) { result= result+pictList[i].Area(); } return result;

}//end Picture

Dynamic type definesshow()

Static type

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Composite Pattern

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• Can be used to model general tree structures

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General Tree

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Leaf Tree


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More Examples/Exercises

• Organisational Structures (example)• Project Management (exercise)

• Composite Pattern can be found in the .NET libraries: demos\RecursiveDirectoryTraverse

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State Pattern

Models state machines

(DFAs: Deterministic Finite Automata).

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Example: Controlling a printer(from:

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To implement this, we need a set of events E, and a set of states S, and a transition function t:

t(E, S) -> S

that gives the next state.

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Implementations of DFAs• Choose an appropriate data structure to represent states:

– A List or– A Dictionary– A …?

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Find a way to implement the transition function:

– A matrix perhaps?

Difficult to maintain.

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OO Implementation

• State is an object• State Pattern can be applied:

– abstract class State specifies one or more abstract methods:• transition(-) – returns state corresponding to next event• action(-) – if any processing is to be done when a transition

occurs (code generation, event handling etc.)• each concrete state inherits from State and implements the

abstract methods

• The controller loop uses references having the abstract class State as static type.

• Polymorphism and dynamic binding handles the rest!

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Class Diagram

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Note how the design reflects the structure of the state machine

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View source

Exercise: Add a new event: “Paper Jam”, which can occur in the state “Printing” and brings the printer in an error state where it remains stopped.

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State Pattern

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The Classes of the Pattern

• Context: Defines the objects that we want maintain state information about (for instance DialogBox) . This class has a reference (static type: ContextState – the abstract super class) to some concrete state (that is an object of one of the sub classes – dynamic type).

• ContextState: The abstract super class defining a common interface to all the concrete states.

• ConcreteState1,...: The sub classes to ContextState. One sub class to each state in the DFA. The key to the design is in the processEvent-method, which takes an event as input and returns the next state. The method is abstract in ContextState and implemented (differently) in the subclasses.

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