Design Guidelines to Accommodate Incident Management

TEXAS TRANSPORTATION INSTITUTE THE TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY SYSTEM Project Summary Report 1848-S Project 0-1848: Geometric Design Guidelines to Accommodate Incident Management Strategies Authors: Angelia H. Parham, P.E., Mark D. Wooldridge, P.E., David W. Fenno, P.E., Kay Fitzpatrick, P.E., Debbie Jasek, and Stephen E. Ranft Project Summary Report 1848-S – 1 – Traffic incidents on Texas’ urban highways are becoming an increasing source of delay, congestion, safety problems, and poor air quality. Every day, traffic incidents impede mobility on urban, suburban, and rural highways. In Texas cities during 1992 alone, incidents were the source of more than 450,000 hours of delay, costing the motoring public approximately $2.45 billion. 1 Additionally, non- recurrent congestion due to an accident, stalled vehicle, or spilled load leads to unexpected delay and magnifies driver frustration. Incident-caused congestion may also lead to secondary accidents by causing unexpected stops or slowdowns. An effective incident management program can significantly reduce the effects of incidents on freeways. Many incident management strategies depend on some aspect of geometric design; the travel time required for emergency vehicles to reach the site of the incident, for example, is affected by accessibility to the incident. Freeway features such as refuge areas, emergency crossovers, and incident location strategies may enable emergency personnel to respond to incidents in a safer and more timely manner. What We Did . . . Researchers reviewed existing literature, administered a survey of those involved in incident management, and made on-site visits to locations that have implemented selected incident management strategies. A survey was mailed to 158 city and state transportation agencies and fire, police, and other emergency response agencies in the larger cities within the United States. The survey identified incident management techniques being used successfully, along with the corresponding geometric requirements needed for the techniques to work effectively. Researchers conducted phone interviews as a follow-up to the written survey. The interviews provided additional information about specific incident management techniques identified in the written responses. Researchers then conducted on-site meetings Design Guidelines to Accommodate Incident Management Emergency crossovers can facilitate incident response. 1 Incident Management in the United States: A State-of-the-Practice Review, for Korea Road Traffic Safety Association, final report. Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas, November 1997.

Transcript of Design Guidelines to Accommodate Incident Management

Page 1: Design Guidelines to Accommodate Incident Management


Project Summary Report 1848-SProject 0-1848: Geometric Design Guidelines to Accommodate

Incident Management Strategies

Authors: Angelia H. Parham, P.E., Mark D. Wooldridge, P.E., David W. Fenno, P.E.,Kay Fitzpatrick, P.E., Debbie Jasek, and Stephen E. Ranft

Project Summary Report 1848-S – 1 –Project Summary Report 1848-S – 4 –

Traffic incidents on Texas’

urban highways are becoming

an increasing source of delay,

congestion, safety problems,

and poor air quality. Every day,

traffic incidents impede mobility

on urban, suburban, and rural


In Texas cities during 1992

alone, incidents were the source

of more than 450,000 hours of

delay, costing the motoring

public approximately $2.45

billion.1 Additionally, non-

recurrent congestion due to an

accident, stalled vehicle, or

spilled load leads to unexpected

delay and magnifies driver

frustration. Incident-caused

congestion may also lead to

secondary accidents by causing

unexpected stops or slowdowns.

An effe c t ive incident

m a n agement program can

s i g n i fi c a n t ly reduce the effects of

incidents on fre eways. Many

incident management strat egi e s

d epend on some aspect of

ge o m e t ric design; the travel time

re q u i red for emerge n cy ve h i cl e s

to re a ch the site of the incident,

for example, is affected by

accessibility to the incident.

Fre eway fe at u res such as re f u ge

a re a s , e m e rge n cy cro s s ove rs , a n d

incident location strat egies may

e n able emerge n cy personnel to

respond to incidents in a safe r

and more timely manner.

What We Did . . . Researchers reviewed existing

literature, administered a survey

of those involved in incident

management, and made on-site

visits to locations that have

implemented selected incident

management strategies.

A survey was mailed to 158

city and state transportation

agencies and fire, police, and

other emergency response

agencies in the larger cities

within the United States. The

survey identified incident

management techniques being

used successfully, along with the

corresponding geometric

requirements needed for the

techniques to work effectively.

Researchers conducted phone

interviews as a follow-up to the

written survey. The interviews

provided additional information

about specific incident

management techniques

identified in the written

responses. Researchers then

conducted on-site meetings

Design Guidelines to AccommodateIncident Management

Emergency crossovers can facilitate incident response.

YOUR INVOLVEMENT IS WELCOME!This re s e a rch was perfo rmed in cooperation with the Texas Dep a rtment of Tra n s p o rt ation (TxDOT) and the U. S.

D ep a rtment of Tra n s p o rt at i o n , Fe d e ral Highway A d m i n i s t ration (FHWA). The contents of this rep o rt re flect the views of

the authors , who are re s p o n s i ble for the facts and accura cy of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessari ly

re flect the official views or policies of T x D OT or the FHWA. This rep o rt does not constitute a standard, s p e c i fi c at i o n , o r

reg u l at i o n , nor is it intended for constru c t i o n , b i dd i n g, or permit purposes. Trade names we re used solely for info rm at i o n

and not for product endorsement. This rep o rt was prep a red by A n gelia Parham (TX-87,210), M a rk Wo o l d ri d ge (TX-65791),

David Fenno (TX-84643), Kay Fitzpatrick (TX-86,762), Debbie Jasek, and Stephen Ranft.

The research is documented in Report 1848-1: Geometric Design Guidelines to Accommodate Incident


Research Supervisor: Mark D. Wooldridge, P.E., Texas Transportation Institute, [email protected],

(979) 845-7321

TxDOT Project Director: E n o ch (Bubba) Needham, P. E . ,T x D OT Austin Distri c t ,E N e e d h a m @ m a i l g w. d o t . s t at e. t x . u s ,

(512) 832-7053

To obtain copies of the report, contact Dolores Hott, Texas Transportation Institute, Information &Technology Exchange Center, (979) 845-4853, or email [email protected]. See our on-line catalog at

For More Details . . .

By William E. Knowles, P.E., Design Research Engineer

Phone: (512) 465-7648 or e-mail [email protected]

TxDOT believes that the geometric design guidelines developed to accommodate incident management will be a

useful design tool for new construction projects and rehabilitation projects. The guidelines are being

incorporated into the TxDOT Roadway Design Manual.

The guidelines provide roadway designers with recommendations for the application of emergency crossovers,

improved incident location identifiers, screening, refuge areas, and equipment storage areas for incident

management. The guidelines do not recommend the application of shoulder lanes for incident management on a

permanent or scheduled basis. Temporary use of shoulder lanes for incident management is recommended.

TxDOT Implementation StatusAugust 2000

1 Incident Management in the United States: A State-of-the-Practice Review, for Korea Road Traffic Safety Association, final report. Texas

Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas, November 1997.

Page 2: Design Guidelines to Accommodate Incident Management

Project Summary Report 1848-S – 2 –

and/or made on-site visits in the

fo l l owing locat i o n s : H o u s t o n , Tex a s ;

Ft. Wo rt h , Texas; A t l a n t a , G e o rgi a ;

C h a rl o t t e, N o rth Carolina; Wi n s t o n -

Salem, North Carolina; Virginia;

Maryland; Chicago, Illinois; Las

Vegas, Nevada; Los Angeles,

California; and Washington, D.C.

What We Found . . . Researchers combined results

f rom these effo rts with ex i s t i n g

ge o m e t ric design principles to deve l o p

guidelines for accommodat i n g

incident management strat egi e s .

Emergency CrossoversThe presence of emergency

crossovers can facilitate incident

response by allowing emergency

ve h i cles to bypass tra ffic queues or to

re c over from incident location erro rs .

The guidelines recommend the

provision of emergency crossovers

in locations with large distances

between interchanges.

E m e rge n cy cro s s ove rs should prov i d e :

• c rossings in ru ra l , s u bu r b a n ,a n d

urban areas wh e re distance betwe e n

i n t e rch a n ges exceeds 1.5 miles,

• an improved surface,

• powered gates that meet current

crash test requirements for breaks

in median barriers, and

• a sign saying “Official Vehicles


• Emergency crossovers should not

have to provide advance warning


Incident Location Accurately locating incidents is

c ritical for effe c t ive incident re s p o n s e.

Although partially redundant with

other systems, the use of closely

spaced reference markers on urban

f re eways ap p e a rs to be an effe c t ive aid.

The guidelines recommend the

following practices:

• Use reference markers at 0.1 mile

spacing on urban freeways.

• Use ramp markers to identify

specific ramps.

• Define ramps as roadways for

i m p roving accident re c o rd accura cy.

Potential redundancies are:

• freeway monitoring, and

• the 911 locating system currently

under investigation.

Screening/Tall BarriersScreening and tall barriers reduce

the negative impact of incidents on

freeway capacity for traffic

traveling in the opposing direction.

Local experience is the best

indicator of areas where screening

can be effective.

Our findings suggest that:

• Tall concrete barriers appear to be

the best permanent construction


• Glare screens may be placed on

top of low concrete barriers in

spots where tall concrete barriers

cannot be used.

Refuge Areas/AccidentInvestigation Sites

Refuge areas include emergency

pull-off zones and accident

investigation sites. Accident

investigation sites are designated

and signed areas off the freeway

where damaged vehicles can be

moved, motorists can exchange

information, and police and

motorists can complete necessary

accident report forms. These sites

help minimize disruption to freeway

and arterial traffic flow.

Emergency pull-off zones are

designated areas that are typically

provided along roadway sections

with little or no shoulder width.

Pull-off zones provide sites for the

temporary relocation of damaged or

broken-down vehicles or for law

enforcement purposes.

The typical layout for an accident

investigation site includes a paved

parking area that will accommodate

a minimum of five vehicles, is

easily accessible, is well marked,

has sufficient lighting, and is not

located in a high crime area. The

construction or layout of the site

should also take into account the

traffic stream of the roadway,

such as the amount of truck or

commercial vehicle traffic.

Public awareness of refuge areas

is crucial for the sites to be part of a

successful incident management

program. The public must be

educated on the availability,

purpose, and location of refuge

areas, and they must also be

informed about legal implications

and procedures for moving vehicles

to the sites. The guidelines

recommend the use of refuge areas

with the following suggestions:

• Use refuge areas where the right

shoulder does not allow refuge.

• Locate areas adjacent to or within

sight of the freeway lanes.

• Make the area large enough to

allow easy movement of tow,

police, and fire vehicles. An

acceptable nominal size is 45 feet

(14 m) by 150 feet (46 m).

• Provide for acceleration and

deceleration distances on separate

entrances and exits to limit the

possibility of wrong-way


Shoulder LanesRoadway shoulders are

sometimes used as travel lanes to

facilitate clearing traffic during

incidents or in high-demand

situations. The use of shoulder

lanes for a short period is

appropriate when directed by

officers on the scene (using police

or emergency flaggers). The

guidelines do not recommend their use

on a permanent or scheduled basis.

Concerns include:

• safety impacts because of the

lack of a safe breakdown area,

• lack of acceptable area for

enforcement activities,

• increased incident response time

due to shoulder blockage, and

• habitual usage could potentially

cause problems.

ResearchersRecommend . . .

The re s e a rch e rs recommend using

the guidelines for emerge n cy

c ro s s ove rs , incident locat i o n , b a rri e r

s c re e n s , and re f u ge areas as

d e s c ribed in the previous sections.

The re s e a rch e rs do not re c o m m e n d

the use of equipment sites or

shoulder lanes. The guidelines will

help ensure that Texas Dep a rt m e n t

of Tra n s p o rt ation (TxDOT) designs

for new construction and fo r

ro a dway re h ab i l i t ation re c og n i ze the

i m p o rtance of incident manage m e n t

to the safe and efficient operation of

the ro a dway system.

• Provide 911 telephone access.

• Include a median between the site

and the main lanes to provide a

separation distance equal to the

required horizontal clearance or

clear zone.

• Include advance signing.

Equipment Storage SitesIncident equipment storage sites

are specially designated areas for

the parking of towing and recovery

equipment sometimes used near

high-incident or other critical fa c i l i t i e s .

They may store emergency supplies

to speed and increase the effi c i e n cy of

cl e a ring an incident. The guidelines do

not recommend their use for T x D OT.

Redundancies are:

• p re-loaded DOT tru ck s / t ra i l e rs , a n d

• courtesy patrol operations.

Concerns include:

• control of material,

• access rights,

• ROW for site,

• replenishment, and

• aesthetics.

Screening and tall barriers can reduce the negative impact of incidents foropposing traffic. Refuge areas include emergency pull-off zones and accident investigation sites.

Project Summary Report 1848-S – 3 –

Page 3: Design Guidelines to Accommodate Incident Management

Project Summary Report 1848-S – 2 –

and/or made on-site visits in the

fo l l owing locat i o n s : H o u s t o n , Tex a s ;

Ft. Wo rt h , Texas; A t l a n t a , G e o rgi a ;

C h a rl o t t e, N o rth Carolina; Wi n s t o n -

Salem, North Carolina; Virginia;

Maryland; Chicago, Illinois; Las

Vegas, Nevada; Los Angeles,

California; and Washington, D.C.

What We Found . . . Researchers combined results

f rom these effo rts with ex i s t i n g

ge o m e t ric design principles to deve l o p

guidelines for accommodat i n g

incident management strat egi e s .

Emergency CrossoversThe presence of emergency

crossovers can facilitate incident

response by allowing emergency

ve h i cles to bypass tra ffic queues or to

re c over from incident location erro rs .

The guidelines recommend the

provision of emergency crossovers

in locations with large distances

between interchanges.

E m e rge n cy cro s s ove rs should prov i d e :

• c rossings in ru ra l , s u bu r b a n ,a n d

urban areas wh e re distance betwe e n

i n t e rch a n ges exceeds 1.5 miles,

• an improved surface,

• powered gates that meet current

crash test requirements for breaks

in median barriers, and

• a sign saying “Official Vehicles


• Emergency crossovers should not

have to provide advance warning


Incident Location Accurately locating incidents is

c ritical for effe c t ive incident re s p o n s e.

Although partially redundant with

other systems, the use of closely

spaced reference markers on urban

f re eways ap p e a rs to be an effe c t ive aid.

The guidelines recommend the

following practices:

• Use reference markers at 0.1 mile

spacing on urban freeways.

• Use ramp markers to identify

specific ramps.

• Define ramps as roadways for

i m p roving accident re c o rd accura cy.

Potential redundancies are:

• freeway monitoring, and

• the 911 locating system currently

under investigation.

Screening/Tall BarriersScreening and tall barriers reduce

the negative impact of incidents on

freeway capacity for traffic

traveling in the opposing direction.

Local experience is the best

indicator of areas where screening

can be effective.

Our findings suggest that:

• Tall concrete barriers appear to be

the best permanent construction


• Glare screens may be placed on

top of low concrete barriers in

spots where tall concrete barriers

cannot be used.

Refuge Areas/AccidentInvestigation Sites

Refuge areas include emergency

pull-off zones and accident

investigation sites. Accident

investigation sites are designated

and signed areas off the freeway

where damaged vehicles can be

moved, motorists can exchange

information, and police and

motorists can complete necessary

accident report forms. These sites

help minimize disruption to freeway

and arterial traffic flow.

Emergency pull-off zones are

designated areas that are typically

provided along roadway sections

with little or no shoulder width.

Pull-off zones provide sites for the

temporary relocation of damaged or

broken-down vehicles or for law

enforcement purposes.

The typical layout for an accident

investigation site includes a paved

parking area that will accommodate

a minimum of five vehicles, is

easily accessible, is well marked,

has sufficient lighting, and is not

located in a high crime area. The

construction or layout of the site

should also take into account the

traffic stream of the roadway,

such as the amount of truck or

commercial vehicle traffic.

Public awareness of refuge areas

is crucial for the sites to be part of a

successful incident management

program. The public must be

educated on the availability,

purpose, and location of refuge

areas, and they must also be

informed about legal implications

and procedures for moving vehicles

to the sites. The guidelines

recommend the use of refuge areas

with the following suggestions:

• Use refuge areas where the right

shoulder does not allow refuge.

• Locate areas adjacent to or within

sight of the freeway lanes.

• Make the area large enough to

allow easy movement of tow,

police, and fire vehicles. An

acceptable nominal size is 45 feet

(14 m) by 150 feet (46 m).

• Provide for acceleration and

deceleration distances on separate

entrances and exits to limit the

possibility of wrong-way


Shoulder LanesRoadway shoulders are

sometimes used as travel lanes to

facilitate clearing traffic during

incidents or in high-demand

situations. The use of shoulder

lanes for a short period is

appropriate when directed by

officers on the scene (using police

or emergency flaggers). The

guidelines do not recommend their use

on a permanent or scheduled basis.

Concerns include:

• safety impacts because of the

lack of a safe breakdown area,

• lack of acceptable area for

enforcement activities,

• increased incident response time

due to shoulder blockage, and

• habitual usage could potentially

cause problems.

ResearchersRecommend . . .

The re s e a rch e rs recommend using

the guidelines for emerge n cy

c ro s s ove rs , incident locat i o n , b a rri e r

s c re e n s , and re f u ge areas as

d e s c ribed in the previous sections.

The re s e a rch e rs do not re c o m m e n d

the use of equipment sites or

shoulder lanes. The guidelines will

help ensure that Texas Dep a rt m e n t

of Tra n s p o rt ation (TxDOT) designs

for new construction and fo r

ro a dway re h ab i l i t ation re c og n i ze the

i m p o rtance of incident manage m e n t

to the safe and efficient operation of

the ro a dway system.

• Provide 911 telephone access.

• Include a median between the site

and the main lanes to provide a

separation distance equal to the

required horizontal clearance or

clear zone.

• Include advance signing.

Equipment Storage SitesIncident equipment storage sites

are specially designated areas for

the parking of towing and recovery

equipment sometimes used near

high-incident or other critical fa c i l i t i e s .

They may store emergency supplies

to speed and increase the effi c i e n cy of

cl e a ring an incident. The guidelines do

not recommend their use for T x D OT.

Redundancies are:

• p re-loaded DOT tru ck s / t ra i l e rs , a n d

• courtesy patrol operations.

Concerns include:

• control of material,

• access rights,

• ROW for site,

• replenishment, and

• aesthetics.

Screening and tall barriers can reduce the negative impact of incidents foropposing traffic. Refuge areas include emergency pull-off zones and accident investigation sites.

Project Summary Report 1848-S – 3 –

Page 4: Design Guidelines to Accommodate Incident Management


Project Summary Report 1848-SProject 0-1848: Geometric Design Guidelines to Accommodate

Incident Management Strategies

Authors: Angelia H. Parham, P.E., Mark D. Wooldridge, P.E., David W. Fenno, P.E.,Kay Fitzpatrick, P.E., Debbie Jasek, and Stephen E. Ranft

Project Summary Report 1848-S – 1 –Project Summary Report 1848-S – 4 –

Traffic incidents on Texas’

urban highways are becoming

an increasing source of delay,

congestion, safety problems,

and poor air quality. Every day,

traffic incidents impede mobility

on urban, suburban, and rural


In Texas cities during 1992

alone, incidents were the source

of more than 450,000 hours of

delay, costing the motoring

public approximately $2.45

billion.1 Additionally, non-

recurrent congestion due to an

accident, stalled vehicle, or

spilled load leads to unexpected

delay and magnifies driver

frustration. Incident-caused

congestion may also lead to

secondary accidents by causing

unexpected stops or slowdowns.

An effe c t ive incident

m a n agement program can

s i g n i fi c a n t ly reduce the effects of

incidents on fre eways. Many

incident management strat egi e s

d epend on some aspect of

ge o m e t ric design; the travel time

re q u i red for emerge n cy ve h i cl e s

to re a ch the site of the incident,

for example, is affected by

accessibility to the incident.

Fre eway fe at u res such as re f u ge

a re a s , e m e rge n cy cro s s ove rs , a n d

incident location strat egies may

e n able emerge n cy personnel to

respond to incidents in a safe r

and more timely manner.

What We Did . . . Researchers reviewed existing

literature, administered a survey

of those involved in incident

management, and made on-site

visits to locations that have

implemented selected incident

management strategies.

A survey was mailed to 158

city and state transportation

agencies and fire, police, and

other emergency response

agencies in the larger cities

within the United States. The

survey identified incident

management techniques being

used successfully, along with the

corresponding geometric

requirements needed for the

techniques to work effectively.

Researchers conducted phone

interviews as a follow-up to the

written survey. The interviews

provided additional information

about specific incident

management techniques

identified in the written

responses. Researchers then

conducted on-site meetings

Design Guidelines to AccommodateIncident Management

Emergency crossovers can facilitate incident response.

YOUR INVOLVEMENT IS WELCOME!This re s e a rch was perfo rmed in cooperation with the Texas Dep a rtment of Tra n s p o rt ation (TxDOT) and the U. S.

D ep a rtment of Tra n s p o rt at i o n , Fe d e ral Highway A d m i n i s t ration (FHWA). The contents of this rep o rt re flect the views of

the authors , who are re s p o n s i ble for the facts and accura cy of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessari ly

re flect the official views or policies of T x D OT or the FHWA. This rep o rt does not constitute a standard, s p e c i fi c at i o n , o r

reg u l at i o n , nor is it intended for constru c t i o n , b i dd i n g, or permit purposes. Trade names we re used solely for info rm at i o n

and not for product endorsement. This rep o rt was prep a red by A n gelia Parham (TX-87,210), M a rk Wo o l d ri d ge (TX-65791),

David Fenno (TX-84643), Kay Fitzpatrick (TX-86,762), Debbie Jasek, and Stephen Ranft.

The research is documented in Report 1848-1: Geometric Design Guidelines to Accommodate Incident


Research Supervisor: Mark D. Wooldridge, P.E., Texas Transportation Institute, [email protected],

(979) 845-7321

TxDOT Project Director: E n o ch (Bubba) Needham, P. E . ,T x D OT Austin Distri c t ,E N e e d h a m @ m a i l g w. d o t . s t at e. t x . u s ,

(512) 832-7053

To obtain copies of the report, contact Dolores Hott, Texas Transportation Institute, Information &Technology Exchange Center, (979) 845-4853, or email [email protected]. See our on-line catalog at

For More Details . . .

By William E. Knowles, P.E., Design Research Engineer

Phone: (512) 465-7648 or e-mail [email protected]

TxDOT believes that the geometric design guidelines developed to accommodate incident management will be a

useful design tool for new construction projects and rehabilitation projects. The guidelines are being

incorporated into the TxDOT Roadway Design Manual.

The guidelines provide roadway designers with recommendations for the application of emergency crossovers,

improved incident location identifiers, screening, refuge areas, and equipment storage areas for incident

management. The guidelines do not recommend the application of shoulder lanes for incident management on a

permanent or scheduled basis. Temporary use of shoulder lanes for incident management is recommended.

TxDOT Implementation StatusAugust 2000

1 Incident Management in the United States: A State-of-the-Practice Review, for Korea Road Traffic Safety Association, final report. Texas

Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas, November 1997.