Design Fun Version 1.1

Design Fun Supplemental Discussion Material for Human Computer Interaction Courses Produced by Steven Mann, Drexel University, BSIS ‘93, MSIS ’15 Version 1.1

Transcript of Design Fun Version 1.1

Design FunSupplemental Discussion Material for Human Computer Interaction Courses

Produced by Steven Mann, Drexel University, BSIS ‘93, MSIS ’15Version 1.1

Confusing Dialog What makes this dialog confusing? Can you tell what the buttons do versus the checkbox?

What may be changed to make this more user-friendly?

Symbols and Labels

What minor tweak could be made to improve the design of this sign?

If the tweak were made, are the labels necessary?

Are there any other things that could be done (based on the photo)?

User Error vs. Bad Design

Were the burnt knobs a result of user error or a bad design? Discuss.

“Norman” Doors

Why do you think these door handles are always loose?

Color Choices

What’s wrong with this picture?


TMI? Discuss in terms of user-centered design.

Labels and Natural Mapping

What do the white lines mean? Is the Push label necessary?

Discuss the chair control design. Is it naturally mapped?

Knowledge in the Head/World What impact does changing the name of the lottery games have in regards to usability?

Source: The Pennsylvania Lottery (