DesIgn awareness program report bamboo · Bamboo Products...


Transcript of DesIgn awareness program report bamboo · Bamboo Products...

Page 1: DesIgn awareness program report bamboo · Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar 03. proDuct range bamboo products industry is a stagnant industry

bamboo productsnaubatpur I bIhar

DesIgn awareness program report

DesIgneD anD DocumenteD by tOD Design & innOvatiOns

Page 2: DesIgn awareness program report bamboo · Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar 03. proDuct range bamboo products industry is a stagnant industry

DesIgn awareness program reportmsme nID DesIgn clInIc scheme

In association with

Designed and Documented by

toD Design & InnovationsInDustrIal DesIgn . branDIng. archItecture

[email protected]+91 9958687755

Page 3: DesIgn awareness program report bamboo · Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar 03. proDuct range bamboo products industry is a stagnant industry

I 2014


Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

table oF content

neeD assessment survey 007

I. IntroductionIi. about naubatpur townIii. time Frame

cluster level macro stuDy 011Iv. cluster Information and Details of units 01. Demographic Distribution Of Units 02. Business Models 03. Product Range 04. Tools And Machinery 05. Process & Techniques 06. Labour Intense Process

unIt level mIcro stuDy 030v. common problems and recommendation 01. Worker Related Problems 02. Pre Manufacturing 03. Manufacturing Processes And Techniques 04. Post ManufacturIng

vi. product study 01. Product Design And Aesthetic 02. Branding

Vii. Unit Specific Problems, Remedies And Opportunity

vii. swot analysis

DesIgn clInIc worKshop 106I. Workshop Methodology

II. schedule of Workshop

III. openIng sessIon

Iv. guest lectures

v. dIscussIon And BrAInstorMIng 01. Manufacturing Processes 02. Packaging Ideas 03. Value Addition To Existing Products 04.New Designs In Existing Product Range 05. New Opportunity In Parallel Industries

vI. desIgn opportunItIes ImmeDIate DesIgn Impact 128Annexures 130photo credIts 131

scope oF InterventIon anD suggestIons 052I. Design Intervention On Different Production Stages Ii. Industrial Design opportunities

Iii. short term Interventions Iv. long term Interventions

Page 4: DesIgn awareness program report bamboo · Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar 03. proDuct range bamboo products industry is a stagnant industry

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

NAUBATPURNaubatpur is a small suburb on the south-west outskirts of Patna, Bihar. This small locality is surrounded by agricultural lands and orchards. Due to new upcoming projects such as UB Group Beer Factory, National Highway 98, various Engineering colleges and All India Institute of Medical Science at Phulwari Sharif, people are moving their profession from agriculture to business and service sectors.

locatIonIt is very near to state capital patna and is on national highway 98. It is some 25 kilometers south west of patna.

clImatenaubatpur has a humid subtropical climate with extremely hot summers from late March to early June, the monsoon season from late June to late September and chilly winter nights and foggy or sunny days from November to February, Highest temperature ever recorded was 46.6 °C (115.9 °F), in the year 1966, lowest ever was 1.1 °C (34 °F), on January 9, 2013 and highest rainfall was 204.5 mm (8.05 in), in the year 1997.

DemographyThe village has a population of 1500-2000, mix of different communities.

economyMajority of population is dependent on agricultural, where as there are people working on govt jobs and private sector.

IntroDuctIonNisarpur is a small village located near Naubatpur town, around 25 Km from state capital patna. the village is primarily dependent on agriculture, Govt jobs and bamboo craftsmanship.

the cluster consist of a group of 30-40 house holds of single community, most of them works on fields and in free time work on bamboo products.

the bamboo products craftsmanship is primary profession for few house holds where as its secondary profession for remaining.

bambOO prODucts

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

5 days need assessment survey

5 days workshop

30 days Final report submission


NEED AssEssmENt survEy

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cluster infOrmatiOn anD Details Of units

01. DemographIc DIstrIbutIon oF unIts

02. busIness moDels

03. proDuct range

04. tools anD machInery (a) hand tools (b) machinery

05. process & technIques

06. labour Intense process

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

01. DemographIc DIstrIbutIon oF unIts

the entire bamboo cluster is placed in a very close proximity of 1 Km Diameter in Nisarpur, outskirts of Naubatpur, NH 98.

the close proximity gives opportunity for small units to grow and supply to bigger units for trading. since bamboo products has more then 100 variety so to manufacture all options is difficult since demand for few products is very limited. so it gave a good opportunity to small units to specialize in mass production on limited/ single products.

opportunItIessince the entire cluster is within a close proximity it is also beneficial to implement different schemes like common facilities centre, training camp.

02. busIness moDels

enD user

. householD. gIFtIng

out statIon retaIler

local retaIlers

small/ meDIumunIts

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

03. proDuct range

bamboo products industry is a stagnant industry because its secondary profession for most of the units and also designs are very old. bamboo products are completely decorative items and attracts lots of impulse buyers in trade fairs and temporary exhibitions.

the major items/ products are small or medium size widely caters to house hold and gifting purpose.

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

Flower stand

Flower stand

Flower standmagazine stand

candle stand

Key stand

pen stand

magazine stand

pen stand bangels

pen stand pen stand pen standtray magazine stand magazine stand

Fruit basket pen stand mug

proDuct range

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

bamboo products

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

04. tools

round head hammer hammerhammerRound Knife In different sizes


Flat chisel round chisel hex saw saw

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

axe manual Drill grinding stone Filing paper wooden supportsassier

grinding blade hand grinding machine

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar


l angle Flat File gas burnermeasuring tool

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

step 01 of bamboo craftsmanship to cut a mature bamboo

.Designing special tools for all stages like cutting, pealing and burning

. using modern techniques to faster process and better finishes

. simplifying processes to increase productivity

cutting into required lengths

pealing upper skin

uniformly burning

splitting into required pieces

chopping extra branches

05. process & technIques CUTTINgFrom plantatIon

ChOPPINgIn wooD/gas Furnace


surFace burnIng


pealIng oFF






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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

0 7. labour Intense process

hIgh sKIll process



meDIum sKIll process


general process












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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

cOmmOn prOblems anD recOmmenDatiOn

01. worKer relateD problems

Bamboo products cluster completely a skill based industry. Bamboo growing, processing and product making requires very knowledge and skills. being craftsman a very important part of the industry, the units are facing following problems related to craftsman:

(a) average skills as a practice young craftsman learn the skills under supervision of experienced one. The craftsman training requires lot of time and there are no training program, also craftsman are not technically trained and lacks technical knowledge to process bamboo. Since the production highly depends on skills of craftsman, Ultimately quality of products is average and it reflects in the finished products.

recommendation:> skill development program > technical training workshops

01. worKer relateD problems (a) average skills (b) secondary profession

02. pre-manuFacturIng (a) bamboo plantation

03. manuFacturIng processes anD technIques (a) cutting (b) chopping (c) pieces (D) pealing (e) burning (F) splitting (g) making 04. post-manuFacturIng (a) storage (b) sale

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

(b) secondary profession bamboo craftsmanship is secondary profession for most of the units as their livelihood mainly depends on farming, hence they dedicate most of the time on farming and work on bamboo products in free time, specially women members works 1-2 HRS average per day, after completing their house hold task. Since its a secondary profession hence it gets less priority and it ultimately reflects on finished products.

Its a serious problem and a big hurdle in clusters growth, very serious efforts are required to make bamboo products craftsmanship their primary professions and its only possible by generating more income and to create more income good designs and a better market is required.

recommendation:> better market for products to generate more income > local marketing and motivation to grow it a full time business

0 2. pre-manuFacturIng

the pre-manufacturing stage involves bamboo plantation and procurement of raw material from different sources and energy requirements like LPG gas etc.

(a) bamboo plantationThe Villagers grow mostly bamboo in their fields/ land for their own production. Locally grown bamboo is a medium quality bamboo primarily used for construction sites etc and it is not recommended for products. It lacks few essential qualities like elasticity etc.

recommendation:> training to grow best suitable bamboo for products. > Using advance technology for growing bamboo and profit making


bamboo plantation

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

(a) cuttingThe very first step of craftsmanship starts with selection of mature bamboo and cutting techniques. only good experienced craftsman can do it efficiently.

Boots for field work

cutting pattern one side

cutting pattern both side

protection required

recommendation and remedial solutions:> training for bamboo selection by seniors.> cutting by electric sawetc.

3. manuFacturIng processes anD technIques


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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

(b) choppingIts important to remove extra branches just after cutting. It usually done by the same person who cuts bamboo. Its a quick job and requires good attention to protect bamboo.

recommendation and remedial solutions:> right tools to be used for better efficiency.> should be done before transporting bamboo.> new tool can be developed for the job.

craftsman carrying bamboo from plantation

average length



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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

(D) pealingPealing is a very essential stage in bamboo preparation, the top skin is typically very thin and dry up very fast soon after cutting the bamboo, so it is recommended to peal if off and treat the bamboo.

This stage prepares surface for next stage of treatment.

recommendation and remedial solutions:> platform to work > pealing tool development> safety gears for casting workers.> tools to measure precession in pealing skin.

hand tool designworkstation design Designopportunity



(c) piecesthis stage involves cutting the bamboo in working lengths considering burning and pealing. Knot to knot difference is generally 200-250MM, and cutting is done in 1000-1200mm lengths.

This stage makes bamboo in working lengths for ease of handling.

recommendation and remedial solutions:> platform to work > cutting tools> safety gears to protect hands.

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

(e) burning

Burning is a critical process, required precision and experience.this step insures a coating on bamboo surface to protect it from color variations.

recommendation and remedial solutions:> specialized burning tools> assembly line process for fast processing.> safety gears to handle rough edges> safe burning practices

surface burning is a age old technique and dose not give a very good surface finish. There is a huge opportunity to explore new surface finishes like color die, sand blasting, paint etc.

even burning can be done more creatively be creating patterns with help of metal templates.


step 01

step 02

typical surface burning

step 03


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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

(f) splittingSplitting is the first step towards making or crafting product. Splits are usually done as per width requirement for final product. Post splitting bamboo in even nos like 6 or 8, bamboo slice is again cleaned from inside, knots are removed to make it more thinner to increase flexibility.

recommendation and remedial solutions:> splitting tool and cleaning tool design.> work station for the job.

splitting tool designDesignopportunity

typical method of bamboo splitting

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

(g) making

1. splitting and pastingone way of making products is to split bamboo in small pieces and then join them to make a products. This techniques is commonly used for pen stand, lights etc.

The cluster has average level of skills and designs are age old, so there is a urgent need for design intervention and skill upgrading.

recommendation and remedial solutions:> new designs and techniques to make them.> technical training of craftsman.> exposure of craftsman to completive products from north east.> participation in nation and state level exhibitions to understand requirement of end users.


step 01

step 03

step 02

step 04Finishes of products are very basic

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

2. carving & engravingthe other method of craftsmanship is to carve or engrave on complete bamboo piece. It requires very fine sense of craftsmanship and understanding of material.

This stage requires good quality bamboo, good for carving work and skill of sculpture.Pen stand, flower pot and wall decorative items are few favorite products of craftsman for this process.

recommendation and remedial solutions:> skill development for bamboo sculpting.> training program for skill development.> workstation for carving work.





carving carved piece working posture

Since only one family has a retail outlet in Patna, most of the units sell their products through them. Mr Ram Keval, owner of store place order to smaller units and collects finished products on weekly/ monthly basis depending on demand.

There is no defined packaging and branding of products. No brand name. Its all sold on utility basis.

the sale is done through retail store or by participating in exhibition in state or in other states like IItF Delhi.

4. storage anD sale

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

01. DesIgn anD aesthetIcs

02. branDIng

prODuct stuDy

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

01. Design anD aesthetics

Bamboo products in naubatpur cluster are either imported from other states or copied from various sources. Bamboo products were mainly used as basket, jali etc in Bihar unlike north eastern states.

so there is no relation in two designs, also designs are age old and does not go with modern trends.

also esthetics is very mixed and does not gel with eachother.Itneedtoberedefinedforstandard design and international look.

02. Branding

Branding virtually does not exist, as mainly only one family is involved in retail the products and sell through their retail store or by participating in Exhibitions.

So the units in cluster are not at all aware about brand name, Logo design and branding. Even the cluster as a whole does not have a good presence in market.

Though branding for units is required but before that proper brand strategy is required for the cluster to get initial recognitions.

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

01. unIt 1 to 21

(a) personal DetaIls

(b) unIt DetaIls

(c) suggestIons gIven DurIng nas

(D) remeDIal DesIgn solutIons

(e) scope oF DesIgn InterventIon

unit specific prOblems, remeDies anD OppOrtunity

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

unIt 01

personal DetaIls Name > Mantosh Kumar Age > 23 Contact > 9122259917 Designation > Unit head

UNIT DETAILs Nature of Work > Craftsmanship Unit address > NaubatPur No of Employees > 3 Turnover > 24000/ PA

proDuct & processes orIenteD

speciality > Carving

Product range > Pen stand, flower Pot Production quality and finishes > Average

Key problem in process > Lack of workplace

Visual identity and branding > None

Packaging > Basic Bunny bag

Ergonomic factor > Issues with working postures


suggestIons gIven DurIng nas . carving techniques . For improvement in workflow. Ideas on better product finishes

remeDIal DesIgn solutIon

. assembly line production for fast production

. better storage system to reduce wastage

. better lighting provisions and ventilation in workshop

scope oF DesIgn InterventIon

. branding and labelling on products

. workstation Designs

. packaging design

. product design

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

unIt 02

personal DetaIls Name > shyam Babu Age > 43 Contact > 7856960728 Designation > Unit head

UNIT DETAILs Nature of Work > Craftsmanship Unit address > NaubatPur No of Employees > 3 Turnover > 12000/ PA

proDuct & processes orIenteD

speciality > None

Product range > Tokri, Pen stand, flower Pot Production quality and finishes > Average

Key problem in process > Lack of workplace and designs

Visual identity and branding > None

Packaging > Basic Bunny bag

Ergonomic factor > Issues with postures


suggestIons gIven DurIng nas . carpentry techniques . Workflow enhancement. Ideas on better product finishes

remeDIal DesIgn solutIon

. new designs for production

. better storage system to reduce wastage

scope oF DesIgn InterventIon

. product development for house hold use

. workstation Designs

. packaging design

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

unIt 03

personal DetaIls Name > santosh Kumar Age > 25 Contact > Designation > Unit head

UNIT DETAILs Nature of Work > Craftsmanship Unit address > NaubatPur No of Employees > 2 Turnover > 60,000/ PA


suggestIons gIven DurIng nas . Design detailing . For improvement in workflow. Ideas on better product finishes

remeDIal DesIgn solutIon

. assembly line production for fast production

. better lighting provisions and ventilation in workshop

scope oF DesIgn InterventIon

. branding and labelling on products

. workstation Designs

. packaging design

. product design

proDuct & processes orIenteD

speciality > Carving

Product range > Candle stand, Pen stand, flower Pot Magazine holder, mirror frame Production quality and finishes > Average

Key problem in process > Lack of workplace

Visual identity and branding > None

Packaging > Basic Bunny bag

Ergonomic factor > Issues with working postures

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

unIt 04

personal DetaIls Name > Mantu Ram Age > 24 Contact > 8804570629 Designation > Unit head

UNIT DETAILs Nature of Work > Craftsmanship Unit address > NaubatPur No of Employees > 4 Turnover > 10,000/ PA

proDuct & processes orIenteD

speciality > None

Product range > Pen stand, flower Pot Production quality and finishes > Poor

Key problem in process > Lack of workplace

Visual identity and branding > None

Packaging > Basic Bunny bag

Ergonomic factor > working postures


suggestIons gIven DurIng nas . carving techniques . For improvement in workflow. Ideas on better product finishes

remeDIal DesIgn solutIon

. assembly line production for fast production

. better lighting provisions and ventilation in workshop

scope oF DesIgn InterventIon

. product design

. branding and labelling on products

. workstation Designs

. packaging design

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

unIt 05

personal DetaIls Name > Priti Kumari Age > 25 Contact > 9835247085 Designation > Craftsman

UNIT DETAILs Nature of Work > Craftsmanship Unit address > NaubatPur No of Employees > 2 Turnover > 21000/ PA

proDuct & processes orIenteD

speciality > None

Product range > flower Pot, Magazine stand Production quality and finishes > good

Key problem in process > Lack of workplace

Visual identity and branding > None

Packaging > Basic Bunny bag

Ergonomic factor > Issues with working postures


suggestIons gIven DurIng nas . Ideas on product improvement. surface burning techniques

remeDIal DesIgn solutIon

. better lighting provisions and ventilation in workshop

. workstation for cutting and carving work

. safe burning practices

scope oF DesIgn InterventIon

. branding and labelling on products

. workstation Designs

. packaging design

. product design

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

unIt 06

personal DetaIls Name > suraj Kumar Age > 19 Contact > 8877640487 Designation > Craftsman

UNIT DETAILs Nature of Work > Craftsmanship Unit address > NaubatPur No of Employees > 4 Turnover > 25000/ PA

suggestIons gIven DurIng nas . carving techniques . For improvement in workflow. Ideas on better product finishes

remeDIal DesIgn solutIon

. assembly line production for fast production

. better storage system to reduce wastage

. better lighting provisions and ventilation in workshop

scope oF DesIgn InterventIon

. branding and labelling on products

. workstation Designs

. packaging design

. product design


proDuct & processes orIenteD

speciality > Carving

Product range > Candle stand, Pen stand, flower Pot Magazine holder, mirror frame Production quality and finishes > Average

Key problem in process > Lack of workplace

Visual identity and branding > None

Packaging > Basic Bunny bag

Ergonomic factor > Issues with working postures

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

unIt 07

personal DetaIls Name > sushma Devi Age > 23 Contact > 9334322150 Designation > Unit head

UNIT DETAILs Nature of Work > Craftsmanship Unit address > NaubatPur No of Employees > 2 Turnover > 13,000/ PA

proDuct & processes orIenteD

speciality > None

Product range > Pen stand, flower Pot Production quality and finishes > Poor

Key problem in process > Lack of workplace

Visual identity and branding > None

Packaging > Basic Bunny bag

Ergonomic factor > working postures


suggestIons gIven DurIng nas . pealing techniques . For improvement in workflow. Ideas on better product finishes

remeDIal DesIgn solutIon

. assembly line production for fast production

. better lighting provisions and ventilation in workshop

scope oF DesIgn InterventIon

. product design

. branding and labelling on products

. workstation Designs

. packaging design

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

unIt 08

personal DetaIls Name > gopal Prasad Age > 46 Contact > 7631658060 Designation > Unit head

UNIT DETAILs Nature of Work > Craftsmanship Unit address > NaubatPur No of Employees > 4 Turnover > 19,000/ PA

proDuct & processes orIenteD

speciality > Carving

Product range > Pen stand, flower Pot Production quality and finishes > Average

Key problem in process > Lack of workplace

Visual identity and branding > None

Packaging > Basic Bunny bag

Ergonomic factor > Issues with working postures


suggestIons gIven DurIng nas . Ideas on product improvement. surface burning techniques

remeDIal DesIgn solutIon

. better lighting provisions and ventilation in workshop

. workstation for cutting and carving work

. safe burning practices

scope oF DesIgn InterventIon

. branding and labelling on products

. workstation Designs

. packaging design

. product design

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

unIt 09

personal DetaIls Name > Bablu Kumar Age > 32 Contact > 9386752164, 9334976674 Designation > Unit head

UNIT DETAILs Nature of Work > Craftsmanship Unit address > NaubatPur No of Employees > 2 Turnover > 11,000/ PA

suggestIons gIven DurIng nas . splitting techniques . For improvement in workflow. Ideas on better product finishes

remeDIal DesIgn solutIon

. assembly line production for fast production

. better storage system to reduce wastage

. better lighting provisions and ventilation in workshop

scope oF DesIgn InterventIon

. branding and labelling on products

. workstation Designs

. packaging design

. product design

proDuct & processes orIenteD

speciality > None

Product range > Pen stand, flower Pot Production quality and finishes > Poor

Key problem in process > Lack of workplace

Visual identity and branding > None

Packaging > Basic Bunny bag

Ergonomic factor > working postures


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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

unIt 10

personal DetaIls Name > Pintoo Kumar Age > 23 Contact > 9122259917 Designation > Unit head

UNIT DETAILs Nature of Work > Craftsmanship Unit address > NaubatPur No of Employees > 1 Turnover > 12,500/ PA

proDuct & processes orIenteD

speciality > Carving

Product range > Pen stand, flower Pot Production quality and finishes > Average

Key problem in process > Lack of workplace

Visual identity and branding > None

Packaging > Basic Bunny bag

Ergonomic factor > Issues with working postures


suggestIons gIven DurIng nas . splitting techniques . For improvement in workflow. Ideas on better product finishes

remeDIal DesIgn solutIon

. assembly line production for fast production

. better lighting provisions and ventilation in workshop

scope oF DesIgn InterventIon

. product design

. branding and labelling on products

. workstation Designs

. packaging design

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

unIt 11

personal DetaIls Name > sangeeta Kumar Age > 39 Contact > 8298709399 Designation > Unit head

UNIT DETAILs Nature of Work > Craftsmanship Unit address > NaubatPur No of Employees > 4 Turnover > 35,000/ PA

proDuct & processes orIenteD

speciality > Craftsmanship

Product range > flower pot, Pen stand, Magazine stand Production quality and finishes > Very good

Key problem in process > Lack of workplace

Visual identity and branding > None

Packaging > Basic Bunny bag

Ergonomic factor > Issues with working postures


suggestIons gIven DurIng nas . Ideas on product improvement. surface burning techniques

remeDIal DesIgn solutIon

. better lighting provisions and ventilation in workshop

. workstation for cutting and carving work

. safe burning practices

scope oF DesIgn InterventIon

. branding and labelling on products

. workstation Designs

. packaging design

. product design

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

unIt 12

personal DetaIls Name > savita Devi Age > 49 Contact > Designation > Unit head

UNIT DETAILs Nature of Work > Craftsmanship Unit address > NaubatPur No of Employees > 2 Turnover > 9,000/ PA

proDuct & processes orIenteD

speciality > Carving

Product range > Pen stand Production quality and finishes > Poor

Key problem in process > Lack of workplace

Visual identity and branding > None

Packaging > Basic Bunny bag

Ergonomic factor > Issues with working postures


suggestIons gIven DurIng nas . Ideas on product improvement. surface burning techniques

remeDIal DesIgn solutIon

. better lighting provisions and ventilation in workshop

. workstation for cutting and carving work

. safe burning practices

scope oF DesIgn InterventIon

. branding and labelling on products

. workstation Designs

. packaging design

. product design

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

unIt 13

personal DetaIls Name > Kusum Devi Age > 43 Contact > Designation > Craftsman

UNIT DETAILs Nature of Work > Craftsmanship Unit address > NaubatPur No of Employees > 2 Turnover > 8,500/ PA

proDuct & processes orIenteD

speciality > None

Product range > flower Pot Production quality and finishes > Below Average

Key problem in process > Lack of workplace

Visual identity and branding > None

Packaging > Basic Bunny bag

Ergonomic factor > Issues with working postures


suggestIons gIven DurIng nas . carving techniques . For improvement in workflow. Ideas on better product finishes

remeDIal DesIgn solutIon

. assembly line production for fast production

. better lighting provisions and ventilation in workshop

scope oF DesIgn InterventIon

. product design

. branding and labelling on products

. workstation Designs

. packaging design

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

unIt 14

personal DetaIls Name > Aarti Devi Age > 32 Contact > 9386634885 Designation > Unit head

UNIT DETAILs Nature of Work > Craftsmanship Unit address > NaubatPur No of Employees > 4 Turnover > 21,800/ PA

proDuct & processes orIenteD

speciality > Carving

Product range > Pen stand, flower Pot Production quality and finishes > Average

Key problem in process > Lack of workplace

Visual identity and branding > None

Packaging > Basic Bunny bag

Ergonomic factor > Issues with working postures


suggestIons gIven DurIng nas . pealing techniques . For improvement in workflow. Ideas on better product finishes

remeDIal DesIgn solutIon

. assembly line production for fast production

. better storage system to reduce wastage

. better lighting provisions and ventilation in workshop

scope oF DesIgn InterventIon

. branding and labelling on products

. workstation Designs

. packaging design

. product design

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

unIt 15

personal DetaIls Name > savita Devi Age > 32 Contact > 9534886361 Designation > Craftsman

UNIT DETAILs Nature of Work > Craftsmanship Unit address > NaubatPur No of Employees > 2 Turnover > 6,000/ PA


proDuct & processes orIenteD

speciality > None

Product range > Pen stand, flower Pot Production quality and finishes > Average

Key problem in process > Lack of workplace

Visual identity and branding > None

Packaging > Basic Bunny bag

Ergonomic factor > Issues with working postures

suggestIons gIven DurIng nas . carving techniques . For improvement in workflow. Ideas on better product finishes

remeDIal DesIgn solutIon

. assembly line production for fast production

. better lighting provisions and ventilation in workshop

scope oF DesIgn InterventIon

. product design

. branding and labelling on products

. workstation Designs

. packaging design

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

unIt 16

personal DetaIls Name > Kusum Devi Age > 58 Contact > Designation > Unit head

UNIT DETAILs Nature of Work > Craftsmanship Unit address > NaubatPur No of Employees > 1 Turnover > 4500/ PA

proDuct & processes orIenteD

speciality > None

Product range > Pen stand, flower Pot Production quality and finishes > Average

Key problem in process > Lack of workplace

Visual identity and branding > None

Packaging > Basic Bunny bag

Ergonomic factor > Issues with working postures


suggestIons gIven DurIng nas . carving techniques . For improvement in workflow. Ideas on better product finishes

remeDIal DesIgn solutIon

. assembly line production for fast production

. better storage system to reduce wastage

. better lighting provisions and ventilation in workshop

scope oF DesIgn InterventIon

. branding and labelling on products

. workstation Designs

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

unIt 17

personal DetaIls Name > Vishal Kumar Age > 22 Contact > 9334761851 Designation > Craftsman

UNIT DETAILs Nature of Work > Craftsmanship Unit address > NaubatPur No of Employees > 3 Turnover > 7800/ PA

proDuct & processes orIenteD

speciality > None

Product range > Pen stand, flower Pot Production quality and finishes > Average

Key problem in process > Lack of workplace

Visual identity and branding > None

Packaging > Basic Bunny bag

Ergonomic factor > Issues with working postures


suggestIons gIven DurIng nas

. For improvement in workflow

. Ideas on better product finishes

remeDIal DesIgn solutIon

. assembly line production for fast production

. better lighting provisions and ventilation in workshop

scope oF DesIgn InterventIon

. product design

. packaging design

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

unIt 18

personal DetaIls Name > Manika Bhari Age > 17 Contact > 9631696973 Designation > Craftsman

UNIT DETAILs Nature of Work > Craftsmanship Unit address > NaubatPur No of Employees > 2 Turnover > 5800/ PA

proDuct & processes orIenteD

speciality > None

Product range > flower Pot, candle stand, pen stand Production quality and finishes > Average

Key problem in process > Lack of workplace

Visual identity and branding > None

Packaging > Basic Bunny bag

Ergonomic factor > Issues with working postures


suggestIons gIven DurIng nas . carving techniques . For improvement in workflow. Ideas on better product finishes

remeDIal DesIgn solutIon

. assembly line production for fast production

. better storage system to reduce wastage

. better lighting provisions and ventilation in workshop

scope oF DesIgn InterventIon

. branding and labelling on products

. workstation Designs

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

unIt 19

personal DetaIls Name > seema Devi Age > 23 Contact > 9308928479 Designation > Unit head

UNIT DETAILs Nature of Work > Craftsmanship Unit address > NaubatPur No of Employees > 1 Turnover > 8200/ PA

proDuct & processes orIenteD

speciality > Making

Product range > Pen stand, flower Pot Production quality and finishes > Average

Key problem in process > Lack of workplace

Visual identity and branding > None

Packaging > Basic Bunny bag

Ergonomic factor > Issues with working postures


suggestIons gIven DurIng nas . pealing techniques . For improvement in workflow. Ideas on better product finishes

remeDIal DesIgn solutIon

. assembly line production for fast production

. better storage system to reduce wastage

. better lighting provisions and ventilation in workshop

scope oF DesIgn InterventIon

. branding and labelling on products

. workstation Designs

. packaging design

. product design

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

unIt 20

personal DetaIls Name > Rohit Kumar Age > 18 Contact > 9731346085 Designation > Craftsman

UNIT DETAILs Nature of Work > Craftsmanship Unit address > NaubatPur No of Employees > 2 Turnover > 9200/ PA

proDuct & processes orIenteD

speciality > Craftsmanship

Product range > flower pot, Pen stand, Magazine stand Production quality and finishes > Very good

Key problem in process > Lack of workplace

Visual identity and branding > None

Packaging > Basic Bunny bag

Ergonomic factor > Issues with working postures


suggestIons gIven DurIng nas . Ideas on product improvement. surface burning techniques

remeDIal DesIgn solutIon

. better lighting provisions and ventilation in workshop

. workstation for cutting and carving work

. safe burning practices

scope oF DesIgn InterventIon

. branding and labelling on products

. workstation Designs

. packaging design

. product design

Page 48: DesIgn awareness program report bamboo · Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar 03. proDuct range bamboo products industry is a stagnant industry

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

unIt 21

personal DetaIls Name > Pancham Kumar Age > 28 Contact > 9835198175 Designation > Unit head

UNIT DETAILs Nature of Work > Craftsmanship Unit address > NaubatPur No of Employees > 2 Turnover > 7900/ PA

proDuct & processes orIenteD

speciality > Craftsmanship, carving

Product range > Pen stand, flower Pot Production quality and finishes > Very good

Key problem in process > Lack of workstation

Visual identity and branding > None

Packaging > Basic Bunny bag

Ergonomic factor > Issues with working postures


suggestIons gIven DurIng nas . Design Detailing. For improvement in workflow. Ideas on better product finishes

remeDIal DesIgn solutIon

. assembly line production for fast production

. better storage system to reduce wastage

. better lighting provisions and ventilation in workshop

scope oF DesIgn InterventIon

. branding and labelling on products

. workstation Designs

. packaging design

. product design

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

sWat analysis

inDustrial Design OppOrtunities

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

sWat analysis

strength. proximity to state capital patna gives more opportunities.

. well connected with rail and road network

. education level of few unit owner is good in some cases, se they set bench marks.

. exposure to national market of few units.

. all units are part of one community in same village and has very good equation.

. good skill set of few units.

. cluster level understanding is better.

. well connected with upendra maharathi Institute.

Weakness.Dependency on old designs.

. lack of good skilled craftsman in cluster.

. bamboo craft is secondary profession for many units makes it less important.

. no brand image of cluster in state.

. only one unit has retail outlet and makes user interaction less.

. lack of technical knowledge amongst craftsman.

. poor quality/ no infrastructure increases production cost.

Opportunities. Being first cluster in state it has potential to lead in the category if improve quality and designs.

.Potential for locally developed tools like pealing, burning tools, cutting machines.

. Finding alternative bamboo family for better products.

. good scope for branding and labelling design

. Packaging design specifically for bamboo products from bamboo waste to make it part of branding and unique in segment.

. Assembly line, Work station designs to increase efficiency and addressing ergonomic issues.

threat. old product designs are the most serious issue and lack of new relevant designs can lead to complete wipeout of cluster.

. serious lack of r&D will make units dependent on old technologies and designs, eventually old designs will not let units demand good prices.

. If the margins/ prices continue to be thin many units will not opt bamboo products as primary profession.

. Being a skill based industry, lack of skilled craftsman can pose a serious threat to industry.

. ergonomic issues are being ignored completely and it can have severe effects on craftsman’s health.

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

inDustrial Design OppOrtunities

light weight and cost effective packaging design

Innovative design of bamboo waste packaging by using

locally developed tools for specific bamboo job like pealing, splitting etc

Workstation design, Urgent need of the industry

worker training program

Designs acceptable to national and international market, while easy to make in cluster

planting suitable bamboo plants for product manufacturing

Development of new products relevant to present market requirements

Design of boxes to reduce dents during transportation

system DesIgn pacKagIng DesIgn

proDuct DesIgn local Development oF tools

scOpe Of interventiOn &suggestiOns

to address all their need and opportunities on cluster level the approach can be in phases as following:

1. short-term interventions2. long-term interventions

these improvisations could happen at individual as well as group level. these interventions can come in various ways as schemes, awareness programs and upgrading of the set-ups itself. a phase-wise improvisation of the units will lead to better productivity and hence better results. the design clinic has a huge role to play for making these units understand the purpose and importance of such interventions.

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

shOrt-term interventiOns

traInIng program: Specific skill development workshops, training camps and courses can enhance the level of workmanship of the craftsman.

tool & equIpment: Improvement in existing tools and equipment will lead to less fatigue and better product.

cross-InDustry Job: since all units are part of same clan, they can work as one cluster one industry method, where they can work collectively and make different products but sell collectively to increase productivity.

awareness oF schemes: There are lot of financial schemes floated by the government which can be used by these units with proper knowledge of the same.

InFrastructure Improvement: there could be small improvements in the infrastructure of the unit as improving the height of workstation, proper lighting, storage solutions etc. which can result in improved productivity of the unit with lesser fatigue for the workers.

marKetIng: proper approach to the market will lead them to improve their product offering. It will also help them know the Dna that their product should have to compete with other products in same category.

DesIgn anD branDIng: there could be designing of packaging to improve product status in market. It could also happen as a partial addition or improvement of an existing product.

lOng-term interventiOns

research & Development: Efforts to develop new processes, tools and strategies could result in better returns. this could happen at micro and macro level which could be supported by the units themselves.

branding of cluster: Being a new cluster in state, it can be branded and developed as bamboo cluster for the state. It is possible with a sharp and focused long term govt policy to ensure the implementation of scheme.

the prominent govt institutions like umsas can participate and make sure the continuous progress of cluster. similar model of north east bamboo development can be followed here as well.

sustainable income: It is very important to generate sustainable income from the craft, though it is possible by good designs, relevant market and by making a manufacturing cluster in village.

most of the families involved works for other income sources also, It is important to generate sustainable income for the units by implementing relevant schemes.

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

CUTTINgFrom plantatIon

fINIshINgIn wooD/gas Furnace


pealIng oFF

DesIgn InterventIon In processes

surFace burnIng






tools and process for efficient cutting of bamboo.

specialized chopping tools and techniques for fast process.

standardization of sizes and cutting

special workstation design for bamboo work

burning templates design and secondary option for surface coating

spacial tools for split like 6 or 8 splits from one section.

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Aluminium Utensils I Jagadhari I haryana


DEsigN CliNiC Workshop

I. Workshop Methodology

II. schedule of Workshop

III. openIng sessIon

v. dIscussIon And BrAInstorMIng 01. Manufacturing Processes 02. Packaging Ideas 03. Value Addition To Existing Products 04.New Designs In Existing Product Range 05. New Opportunity In Parallel Industries

vI. prototypIng

vII. desIgn opportunItIes

Design clinic WOrkshOp

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

Discussion on current issues and initial findingsnew design development

Discussion on individual industry/ specific problems and remedial solutions and prototyping development

process by process discussion and opportunity finding and Prototyping development

brainstorming on new product design/ opportunity finding and prototyping development

prototyping completion and display

Day 1


Day 2

DetaIleD DIscussIon

Day 3

process mappIng

Day 4

opportunIty FInDIng

Day 5

InnovatIve thInKIng

DesIgn proJectsanD Follow up

1. worKshop methoDology 2. worKshop scheDule

DEsIgN CLINIC WORKshOP28 may to 01 June

bambOO prODuct cluster, naubatpur

Day 1 WEDNEsDAy 28.05.2014

time particulars

10:00 am 11:30 am Inauguration of workshop

11:30 am 02:00 pm Discussion on nas report

02:00 pm 02:45 pm lunch

02:45 pm 05:15 pm new product prototyping development

05:15 PM Next day’s agenda

Day 2 ThURsDAy 29.05.2014

time particulars

10:00 am 11:30 am new product prototyping development

11:30 am 02:00 pm Discussion on nas report

02:00 pm 02:45 pm lunch

02:45 pm 05:15 pm new product prototyping development

05:15 PM Next day’s agenda

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

Day 3fRIDAy 30.05.2014

time particulars

10:00 am 11:30 am new product prototyping development

02:00 pm 02:45 pm lunch

02:45 pm 05:15 pm new product prototyping development

05:15 PM Next day’s agenda

Day 4sATURDAy 31.05.2014

time particulars

10:00 am 11:30 am new product prototyping development

02:00 pm 02:45 pm lunch

02:45 pm 05:15 pm new product prototyping development

05:15 PM Next day’s agenda

Day 5sUNDAy 01.06.2014

time particulars

10:00 am 11:30 am new product prototyping development

02:00 pm 02:45 pm lunch

02:45 pm 05:15 pm conclusion and common understanding on Opportunity areas identified from interactive design research and remedial solutions for common problems on workmanship, tools, machinery, process, technology and packaging

closing ceremony

0 3. openIng sessIon

the workshop was inaugurated by mr ashok sinha and Design team. the area of focus was to learn new designs, techniques while assessing the local challenges. Mr Ram Keval has coordinated the workshop locally.

Along with TOD Design team, design faculty from UMSAS also helped to teach techniques to local craftsman.

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04. DIscussIon anD braInstormIng

01. Manufacturing Processes 02. Packaging Ideas 03. Value Addition To Existing Products 04. New Designs In Existing Product Range 05. New Opportunity In Parallel Industries

recommendation:> quick improvement required in processes.> long term and short term plan to implement it.> relevant designs and techniques> New area/ uses identification for product development.

mr ramkeval working on prototype

mr ashok from umsas

prototyping of lamp hanger


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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

DesIgns For prototypIng DurIng worKshop

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar


side table lamp corner lamp wall clock

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

lamp chair chair Flower pot

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

special mentionthe table was developed for tikuli and madhubani painting artists considering their requirement, ergonomics and cost. it was an effort for inter cluster coordination and product development for each other’s use. This product is a good example of local market development by local craftsman.

The prototype was co-developed by TOD and Swati, designer for Tikuli painting cluster.

centre table

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

prototyping display

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

closIng ceremony

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

team naubatpur bamboo cluster Dap

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar

the Design Workshop impact Being a design studio, we feel honored to share that DAP Naubatput made a immediate impact on bihar government. umsas Involved toD team to design bihar pavilion at IITF 2014, New Delhi. The project was presented and approved by Director Industries and chief secretary of ministry of Industries.

the pavilion is under construction and will be inaugurated on 14 nov at pragati maidan.

this immediate and appreciable step by bihar govt is a proof that Dap and Design clinic scheme is making impact and bringing change in the system on design related decisions and most important is realization of “neeD For DesIgn”.

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Bamboo Products I Naubatpur I Bihar


photo creDIts

Front cover photographsKulveer singh bhati

nas photographspagepage Kulveer singh bhati

worKshop photographspage Kulveer

bacK cover photographsKulveer singh bhati