Design and implementation of TARF: A Trust Aware Routing Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks

Security of WSNs Based on a Trust-Aware Shell Miss. Ketaki Deshmukh (Amrutvahini College of Engineering)



Transcript of Design and implementation of TARF: A Trust Aware Routing Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks

Page 1: Design and implementation of TARF: A Trust Aware Routing Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks

Security of WSNs Based on a Trust-Aware Shell

Miss. Ketaki Deshmukh

(Amrutvahini College of Engineering)

Page 2: Design and implementation of TARF: A Trust Aware Routing Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks


• Introduction

• Existing System

• Proposed System

• Architectural Diagram

• Features

• Application

• Future Scope

• Conclusion

• References

Page 3: Design and implementation of TARF: A Trust Aware Routing Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks

What is WSN?

• A sensor node wirelessly sends messages to a base station via multi-hop path

Fig: Wireless sensor network

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• Security of WSNs

• Trust Aware Shell :A robust trust aware routing framework for dynamic


provides trustworthy and energy-efficient route

effective against harmful attacks

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Existing System

• Hackers aggravate network conditions

• A traditional techniques does not address the severe problems:tampering nodescreate traffic collisiondrop or misdirect messages in routesjam the communication channel by creating radio


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Proposed System

• Protect WSNs from the harmful attacks exploiting the replay of routing information

• Centres on trustworthiness and energy efficiency

• Allow existing routing protocols to incorporate our implementation

• No tight time synchronization & known geographic information

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Attacks on WSN

Selective forwarding

Wormhole attack

Sinkhole attack

Sybil attack

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Wormhole Attack

Sinkhole Attack

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Architectural Diagram

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Energy Watcher

Neighbor Energy Cost

Neighborhood Table

Fig. Working of Energy Watcher

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Energy Watcher

ENb = EN–>b + Eb

ENb: Average Energy Cost.

EN–>b:Average Energy Cost of successfully delivering a data packet from N to its neighbour b.

Eb: Energy Cost for b.

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Trust Manager

• Trust manager is to get neighbor trust level from a neighborhood table

Fig: Example To Illustrate Working Of Trust Manager

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Secure Routing With Trust Evaluation

Malicious Node

Source node

Destination Node

Source node

Response Node 1

Destination Node

Response Node 2

Source node

Malicious Node

Destination Node

(a)Routing request

(b)Routing response

(c)Data conformation form the destination node

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Fig: Trust manager level table

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High Throughput

Energy efficient



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Low Latency

No Balanced Network Load

Denial-Of-Service Attacks cannot be addressed

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Mobile Target Detection in the Presence of an Anti-Detection Mechanism

Authenticated Routing

Node-to-Node Key Agreement

Secure Military Application

Healthcare Application

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• G. Zhan, W. Shi, and J. Deng, “Tarf: A trust-aware routing framework for wireless sensor networks,” in Proceeding of the 7th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN’12), 2012.

• F. Zhao and L. Guibas, Wireless Sensor Networks: An Information Processing Approach. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2004.

• C. Karlof and D. Wagner, “Secure routing in wireless sensor networks: attacks and countermeasures,” in Proceedings of the1st IEEE International Workshop on Sensor Network Protocols and Applications, 2003.

• M. Jain and H. Kandwal, “A survey on complex wormhole attack in wireless ad hoc networks,” in Proceedings of International Con-ference on Advances in Computing, Control, and Telecommunication Technologies (ACT ’09), 28-29 2009

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