Deseret Evening News. (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1901-11-20 [p...

DESEBET EVENING JOSWBr WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 80 1001 I OUR OWN STATE vwwvwm Tho branch office of the Deseret NewiJln Ogden la at No 465 Twenty fourth street whet advertisements nnd subscriptions wilt be received Tha Nowrj1 U by carriers In Ogden every evening on th eatna terml DO in Sal Laks Gl- rOGDEN NEWS OQDBN UTAH NOV 201901 DISTRICT COURT FILINGS i Business Transacted in the District Court Be- fore Judge Yesterday t Iiinornl of CliarUi Wnllnce ihn- Itrakeumu Vlio Wm Killed In- fMj llccciiiUi S it Vrovki Suit baa been fed by Nathaniel Montgomery nnd A Nelportus ex ecu tors of the last wilt and testament- of Porter L Aml rondeceased against CbaV Di A ¬ tor of tho estate of SnrhI Anderson ct al to quiet title tracts of land situated In Weber county valued at nearly 2000- 0Sultfordlvorcc wasfiled by Carolina Hassell against John JII8Ul alleging nonsupport and us cause The part were married Ogden Jan- uary There la living us the IB- suo of said marriage one child 10 years of ago f DISTRICT COURT HEARINGS J Tho following business was transact ed beforeJudgeItolapp In the district court yesterday In thc ease of tho State of Utnh vs P Duran charged with forging the name of Hutchlnson Co to n bill of sale ot- a bicycle on October of this year defendant entered a plea of guilty and date of sentence was set for Thursday November 1901 In thu case of tho State of Utah vs James Ryan charged with burglariz- ing ¬ nn Oregon Short Line car on Octo- ber ¬ 12 of this year antI taking there ¬ from good to tho value ot 50 the de- fendant ¬ changed his pica of not guilty to guilty and sentence was also set for Thursday- In tho matter of tho estate of Mr Oliver deceased T D Johnson was ap- pointed ¬ administrator with bond fixed- at J30000 In the case of Foulkes vs Keller tho- i action was dismissed In the case ot Wilson vs nil Union Pacific Railroad company court grnntc4tcn days additional time in which to file motion for a new trial The case of Cooney VH A C McKIn fey suit brought for J5000 damages alleged to bo due on breach of tomato contract was completed last evening and went to the Jury who after due deliberation In the Jury room brought in a verdict awarding Mr Cooney damages for 840 l FUNERAL OF CHARLES WALLACE The remains 6f Charlen Wallace the unfortunate brakeman who was Wiled tear Orchard Idaho In the recent on the Oregon Short Line were brought to Ogden nnd burled today from the Congregational church under the auspices of the B of R T of which- he was a member There wns a largo attendance Rev Goshcn preached Impressive and consoling funeral al t mon Many beautiful floral designs were placed on the casket by sympa- thizing ¬ friends A large funeral cortege followed the remains to the city ceme ¬ tery where the interment took place BRIEFS AND PERSONALS The funeral services over the remain of Miss Myrtle Gunnel will be bclil at t the Congregntonnchurh tomorrow oclock Justice H C Wnrdlelgh was a Salt i Lake visitor yesterday on business f John L Herrick has gone to Denver- to meet his brother Peery who Is re- turning ¬ from a Germany They will arrive In Ogden some time I next week Mr and Mrs C C Wright ct Los lAngeles are visiting In Ogden tho guests of lion A B Patton antI fam- ily ¬ I Brlghatn TCannon > attending < o business Ogden today Attorney Alfred Budge of Montpeller Idaho Is In Ogden visiting with friends r The Young Lallel Mutual Improve meat Wilson ward will plvc a ball FIlday eve Thursday evening the Fifth warl Rive another of their enjoyable A II WnotlhouFc Esq of Provo is i In Ogden on business ft Apostle Reed Smoot of Provo was f Bn Ogden visitor yesterday t 1 PROVO SCIEXCR OF INGDIUtiTY Lecture byJmlgoMullnlieyPiuicrn- lor Sterling Jorgensen Special Correspondence- Provo Utah Co Nov 20 Judge Mul ahoy of Denver delivered an ecture on Tho Science of Inebriety agt evening In the court house Ho was Introduced by Mrs Mary M Hoyden president of the W C T U several dies of the Christian Temperance union being present The lecture was greatly J appreciated and It Is hoped will be the means of accomplishing some good to those afflicted with the drink disease STERLING JOHGENSENS FU- NERAL ¬ Funeral services over the remains of Sterling Quaint Jorgensen the nine icarold von of Mr nnd Mrs Enoch jorycnsen of Price were held In the First wad meeting house Saturday at ¬ 2 oclock Dlshop Knudten presiding The speakers were President Apostle Reed Smoot nnd President David John each of whom of- fered ¬ comforting words to the bereavc v D Roberts 0 My his usual tnlshl4 style The floral of k erlncs und exceptionally- fine Lew than a month Affo Mr and Mrs v T Jorgensen burled their only daughter- so this bereavement falls doubly hard They have the of a host of friends throughout the state as Mr Jorgensen Is known in educatonl circles in central and MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED Marriage licensed have been issued to the following couples James J Juspereon 26 and Mary A Lewis 25 both of Ooshcn J E Stevenson 24 of Ogden Dud Della Huntington 24 Snrlngvllle George Oynrd 25 nnd Emma Tlllack 22 both of American GARDEN CITY NOTES The Forty fifth quorum of Seventy will give a sociable tomorrol evening In the Fourth ward house Major Richard W Young will lecture before the classr this evening on Tho Philippines- J C Edwards wan In lrovo yester- day ¬ In the Interest of the Z C M L shoe department SPANISH FORK m 01lO N TII3 fmorfltlW Beet Harvest Slakes Money Plentiful Iostnillco Iinpfovpiiicnts Special Correspondence Spanish Fork Nov loAt the late election there was a tlo between Alma Hales on the Citizens ticket antI Eph- Uunsen on the Democratic ticket for marshal Tho mayor sot today tot tho parties to meet and determine the tie They occordlngly wet and drew lots and Alma IlalCH sot the plum The new building tot tho postolllcc is about completed Thta will add con- siderably ¬ to tho convenience of the gen- eral ¬ public was very much needed There Inns been a stream of boots passing through town < fQr it good while- It Is slacking up somewhat now As a rcscult of the beet harvest there ap- pears ¬ to be considerable cash In cir ¬ culation- We have had nomu deaths from ty- phoid ¬ ever but It Is thought a better state of health prevails at present LOA WILL ATONIC FOU ClllMH Jonathan Hunt Will Spoiul Ton Years In Pen the Incest Special Correspondence- Loa Wayne Co Nov 1Grter a deliberation of fifty minutes the Jury convicted thu man Hunt of the heinous crime of Incest with his own daughter Nuncy The Jury recommended mercy anti the Judge limited his sentence to tell jcnrs In the stute prison otherwise lit would have been given the full limit of tho law fifteen years The evidence though Incomplete dis ¬ closed a horrible state of affairs The man had once stood high in the com- munity ¬ had held high ecclesiastical offices and hind three families All of hits wives are now dead and he Is left With a large family many of whom are small children in most deplorably ties tltuto circumstances Ho Is the father of twentyfive children whom ho has treated brutally anti harshly bruisIng und choking them He has been domineering nnd harsh using Ills authority with n high hand especially In his own family It Is salt that when his last wife died her last words were You will go to hell for this Jonathan Hunt slio having been made to surfer greatly from harsh treatment In her last Illness Later ho wan dlsfellowshlpped the Church for lilting a mans nose off and for Illicit whIsk making nail selling Ills conduct lIaM been such that his neighbors have lived In very fear of their lived If they phould complain to the bilkers other vise Interfere with him The states evidence In the case showed thnt tot years he had been living Incestu ously with his daughter Nancy only defense was a denial and at ¬ llIlS to Impeach the states wit ¬ The young man Coombs was sentenced to pay a fine of tOO on a plea of guilty or simple assault to an Information charging assault with Intent to commit rape Court was then adjourned for tho term A Trrrllilft xpoin Of a gasoline stove burned a lady here frightfully writes N E Palmer- of Klrkman la The best doctor couldnt heal the running sore lowed but DucklenM Arnica Salve en ¬ tirely cured her Infallible for Cuts Corns Sores Dolls Drlisel Skin Dis- eases ¬ and Piles 2Gc M I Drug Dept Mothers everywhere praise One Minute Cough Cure for the sufferings It has relieved and the lives of their little ones I has saved Strikes at the toot of trouble sad draws out the In ¬ flammation The childrens favorite Cough Cure GodbcPltts Drug Co corner First Southand Main streets W oman SWihoutcbidrn No lovo it ¬ and want the Nightmare ns much to at it is to love the- bautjfu1 and pure The critical ordeal through which the expectant mother must pbs however is so dread pain suffering and danger that the very thought of it fills her with apprehension and horror There is no necessity for the reproduction life to be cither painful or dangerous us of Mothers Friend RO prepares the system for ths coming event it Is safely passed without any dangtr This great and wonderful remedy i always hat xteralynnd Mothers ef women through the trying criiis without sufferin- gs took Friend etIr11 tprid UhH to 53OtHI Bradfleld Re ylater Co AUwta S EHTHUSIASTTCJONVERTS There Aro Tliousnmls of Them Who Believe ns Tills Woman Docs Mrs Ira Knowlton of Butte Mon- tana ¬ IB a most enthusiastic convert to the virtues of Stuarts Iyspe > si Tab- lets ¬ as a euro for obstinate stomach trouble She Bayn 1 had poor diges- tion ¬ nearly all m > life It now seems j7 to mo that for years I never ItMI what It was to be to good hunary natural a 1 tfas troubled with gas In stomach causing pressure on the heart with pltntlon nnd short breath Nearly everything I ate soured on my stomach somiHinrs I hnd cramps In the stomach which almost resembled spasms Doctors told me I had catarrh of the stomach but their medicines would not reach It I 0 a sufferer had I an WOIII6tl decided to try Sludrtl Dyspepsia Tablets 1 were an advertised rem- edy ¬ and I didnt believe anything rcrtd about them ns I had no confidence In advertised remedies hut my sister liv- ing ¬ In Plttsburg wrote me last nprln telling me how Stuarts Tablets had cured her little daughterl of IndlcstlQI and loss of hesitated no longer- I bought a fifty cent box at my drug- store and took two of tho large tablets after eaehmenl and found them de- lightful ¬ to take being as pleasant to the taste as carmel candy Whenever during the day or night I felt any pain or uneasiness In the stomach or nbout the heart I took one of tho small tab- lets and In threo weeks It seemed to me as If I hind never known what atom uch trouble was I keep Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets In tho house and every member If our fani lly uses them occasionally aUr h hearty meal or whe any of us hive u pain or ache In digestive orsins E H Davis of Hampton Va says I doctored five years for dys- pepsia ¬ mil In two months I got snore benefit from Stuarts Dyspepsia Tab ¬ lets than In five years of tho doctors treatment Stuart Dyspepjla Tablets Is the widest an well as the simplest nnd most convenient remedy for nay form of In ¬ digestion catarrh of stomach bilious- ness sour stomach bloating after meals sympathetic heart trouble Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets Is not a cheap cathartic but an active digestive remedy containing the pepsin nnd rtlastaso which every weak stomach lacks and thev cure stomach troubles because they digest the food eaten and gIve the weak abused overworked Btnmach 1 chance to rest nnd recuper- ate Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets are sold In every drug store In the United States fnnada und Great Rritnln Snu Tnolrom Dentil Our little daughter had nn almost fatal attack of whooping coughs and bronchitis writes Mrs W K Havl land of Armonk N Y but when nit other remedies failed we saved her life with Dr Kings New Dslcovery Our niece who had Consumption In an ad- vanced ¬ stage also used this wonderful medicine and today she Is 11erfectl veil Desperate throat unIt eases yield to Dr New DIscover > ns to no other medicine on earth In fallible for Coughs and Colds uOc and 100 bottles guaranteed by Z C M 1 Drug Dept Do you suffer from plies If so do not turn to surgery for relief DeWltls Witch Hazel Salvo wi net more quick ¬ ly surely and saving you tho nnd danger of an operation GodbePlttB Drug Co corner First South and Main streets Ct 81 Phelps 1orntdaleVt says his < hlld was cured of n bad chsc of zeml by tho use of DaWltts Witch Salve Hcwara of nil counterfeits It Instantly relieves piles GodbePltU Drug Co corner FiAt South and Main atrretl Didnt 5Iarrtor Mnut1 The Boston man Vvlio lately married a sickly rich wonlftn Is happy now for ho young Kings New Life Pills which restored her to perfect health Infallible for Jaundice Bil- iousness ¬ Malaria 1evernrd Ague and all Liver and Gentle but effective Only 5Q UZ C M I Drug Dept Lewis Ockcrman Goslien Ind De Witts LlttloGnrlyRisers never bond mo double like other pills but do their work thoroughly and male me feel like a boy Certain thorough gentle GodbePltts Drug Co corner First South and Main streets I had long suffered from Indigestion writes O A LeDels Cedar City Mo Like others I tried many but never found anything preJnraton rood until I took Koaol Dyspepsia Cure One bottle cured me A friend who had suffered similarly I put on Hie use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cur Ho Is gaining fast And wi able to work Before he Kodol Dyspcpslx hnd made him a Drug Co tot1- reckOolbo1ltl MADE HER HAIR BEAUTIFUL Every Laity In lhel Now Have a Beautiful Bex free It has remained for 1 Clnclnnni wo- man per- fect ¬ to Ulwover the skin Shu has nt last found the key to feminine beauty All the sii is and hoartadicfl over a poor appearance- FANNIR k U RALSTON Showinghcr- niay wonderful Improvement now be banished for It la within the means of every lady young or mil dIe aged to lmv the clearest and refined complexion so dear to a wo Inns heart 13 Ralston C28 Lexington Ave Newport Ky says When I be Run using Mine Rllmulta complexion bcnutlllers I lid not think It possible to clear my skin my face was In u horrible condition literally covered with red spots pimples blackheads moth patches und freckles I suffered I thousand deaths and when I sent for trial of Mme Rlluiult8 bcautltlcrHI Improved no wonderfully that my friends did not recognize me so quick- ly ¬ had the change taken place My skin Is now perfectly lovely nnd there Is not a blemish or wrinkle anywhere- It Is not n face powder cream cos- metic ¬ or blench contains no oil grease paste chemicals or 0180nl of nay and Is absolutely Write to Mme M RibauUs 3607 J lsl Hulldln Cincinnati Ohio and will mall free prepaid In a plain tcalcd wrapper n of ices wonderful bcnutlllers and you wilt al- ways ¬ bless the day you wrote Do not fall to write todny W T Wesson Gholsonvlllc Va writes Your One Minute Cough Cure gives perfect satisfaction My customers say It Is the best remedy for COUIII colds throat anti lung GodbePltts Drug Co corner First South nnd Main streets 1C K THOMAS See cur Flannelette Cortctlno Wrap- pers ¬ on solo at 125 each our 175 qual Itys pedal- ale Saturday from pm to- G 2 Our Famous Italian Chocolates 35 cents Pound Our Log Cabin Candy 25 cents fo- undKolitz The Candy furnisher- Salt Lake and Ogden Tel 428 CO and 272 Main S- tHHHHHiH ill +H + HOW FAR f J CAN YOU SEE 1 this type from your eyes so a to be nble to reul easily r 1 You should be able to read It Y holding the paper at arms length 1 1 without straining your eyes I V- ypu can not do this you had t ter come nnd let us examine your o eyes > EVKS EXAMINED FREE OF CHARGE I UJHMER Mfg Optician I TWO STORES 4 v 3 W First South Street i Salt Lake City D 2182 Washington Av Ogden H+ IH HiHHI- ctI At IIKKE11V THAT there wilt be a mwtlnit of the members of The Corporation of the embers at the of Jesus Christ of LitterfUj Paint residing In the lent KcclcslutlcAl Ward of the Salt 7101 In the County Lalta State of it the meeting buus of ssnl wurtcm Ttiuridiytlio SIM day of Sir1001 atS pm for Iho- Ilurpoof authorizing the Hoard of Corporation to tratufor the tltln to all tlio real belonging to- saideorporatlon to II bcrUlver oDMJil > bop of tlio Second ward ot the CLutch ot Jesus Christ or IrttUTdHy saints ID tko County of tlH IIKIIKK 0 Halo of Ulah IrMUlont of islJ Corporation Gforgo It llcc < o joctctary MiriCK- NOTIOG OPSTOOKIIOMiCRSMKETINO Amend of locorpotntlon of the Hub Mlblnx Company A of tlio MockhoMrri of the llnb liming OotanHDr ulll beilisid Tutelar tho Mlh dar of N- omntar IWI lt the host of 12 oclock nt tlioodico tho company beIng tbe DOf of YoncgiV iloTlo allornura Duorct Nn tlonal lank BuIlding alt City Utah fortb ocf IncrfMlng the face Yahoo of Iliotbaret stock from one cent to oat dollar r sIan find Ibo of ths capital stock from 10 to Imoun arid to amelid tho Articles of Incorporation the- rorapiny ai folloms Article n camlnt It to read ai follownt ISo mouut of th capital ituck of corporatIOn shall bo WMM hleb tbl flee hundred tliojmnd aharnt of tbe I tcfor a valulo one dulauab hUll MINING fly Uarand CWIANY 0 I HarT Secretary euvict OI A SHSMKXT > O 4 iiiaiiuvunov ON8IWAI1 WIN log in rrlticlpal alt Lake Ulty Utah Noticel then Bt a meeting lIsa dIrector hold on tbl anaueiimoatof onrquar rent r abao was IcrlcJ upon look of raUon papal Nor to 0 K McOorntek at Ml oleo rom 73 UcCornlck HulldlBK palL Uul Any al uponvlilcb tllihMe > 00 6th day of ItCeJGber1Sat1hl dotleqtitt sad forsaleatpub lic auctIon and unit toada fete will hO Mid on the pyrnt at Dcc bo to tics drUrooent aMealment together WIth thee rest ad an ex- peMtaof site O K MtOORNICK Fwrttary Reoa 7M UtCorntok Bloek e City Otttb ± UIIQUKN1 M vsmEYr 4oTlul Northern LIght MIning and Milling Company Misses situated at Ophlr Iooelp Count Utah Principal otilce 712 11cCornic l3utldIng Salt Lsko City a are delinquent upon th followIng described stork on account ot an October aMe sJlnt levied on tuG 2nd day of the severa amounts SCt oitositti the names of the respective Ihnreholden as follow o NAME Qf AmI CIco IltU- UI 358 F M Aldrich 201 1099 T ltiis Iirossne 00 to IG38 C E Tr 1udol 500 Ino 14 Jnlptc lot Max Herman o IJt nUl James 30 J J lnRbergr 100 aG 18 1 S 400 P J Conway Tr 50 209 c L 100 2010 llrainatcl flitter 500 Ot2 Ii F3 Stewart 500 1000 J Deer 2127 Theo Krause 700 1 O 2132 I n bConyon 0 1000 2182 1 Per Jr Tr 10 200 2282 n Jr 1000 2 1 P Soars m 200 J I3asnborg 200 an Q V Moyer 10 1000 2293 Sheets Thompson MO 2335 C S Wilamson SOO JOo 249 Jan A iOo 2373 n I Colburn 100 0 2201 fl F to MCCOnSUg1I1 2100 100 hlma 2122 60 Joseph 300 2439 Pt Mu 110 280 20 Pt Mrs n Steinnisn 27 GI Wm Je1cnton ioo 200 2453 J n Thompson 215 HIlorger 5 100 100 24i mo 1t Wi Kahn 60 2 rathla 200 21 W I Mathis 10 W Msthis 200 21 Sheets Otconipson 40 W O Carver io 200 2521 II P Redman 200 7 46 H M r s 5 Pendergst Tr Tr 10 200 2 S E IUI80a 100 I 0 25CI O W 200 582 A Ilnnucr 10 Lonibar1 100 100 299 Andrew Lombarl 100 2C02 Andrew Lombard 0 2m hudson Sons Co 10 ZO 2628 Hudson Sons Co 100 2630 Hudson Sons Co 100 200 lear I I JamberGer tOO 1001 2CI2 Ralph tOO iooo 261i Do Wit n Lowe n t 10 200 II W Duseher 20 2716 W If Clark 10 boo 2iZ2 Sheets Thompson 200 2i II O Ilroekiiujc 10 E A Hortenseln 200 4 0 2i6 L F Dunshee Co 40 1000 803 2793 C L Baum Tr 1000 tO 2791 C I llama Tr 1000 2m C Ij Damn Tr too 2EOG H ii Irocltman 103 100 2819 n Ii 10 W 2830 D II Peer Jr 6 0 2831 Mrs Dorothea M Mc- Intyre 500 100 2837 D 11 leery Jr 20 400 28M1 IrvIne 1000 2S9 J 1 Olesple GOO 2861 A GOO 100 2SG9 W D a this tOO 1000 2870 A I Mnyherr 0 1000 207 I L Tracy 2000 2919 A Polock tOO 1000 021 Irvine rO 100 298 F D Hgglnotham- Jr 100 2000 J9SO H U Cole 1000 2991 t W Morrison lWO 2000 S001 S Woods 1000 2000 S007 F W Mansur COO 1000 031 F W Mansur lOOOi 2000 8010 leo Martin 1000 2000 S003 Mrs C E Kennedy BOO 1000 30B5 E 0 Woolley Jr 1000 20M- S07S E ln Rue tOO 1000 8095 Jas M Campbell 1000 2000 3098 A E Snow lWO 2000 3100 Mrs Hollnce Langley 1000 2000 3111 HEZcrbc 1000 2000 3116 H nnmberger COO 1000 2127 J A Pollock 1000 2000 3163 Frank Moore 600 1000 Ant In accordance with the law and of the nonr of Directors made- on the 2nd October 1901 so many shares of each parcel of ald stock as may be ncces- sary wilt be sold nt the oflIce of the company 712 McCornlck Building Salt Lake City Utah on the 26th day of November IDOl At 10 oclock amt- o pay delinquent nsspssment together with costl of advertising and expense of sale E AllOTS Secretary Salt Lake City Utah Date of first publication November 8 1901 A iKSSMENT NOTICK The Highland Mining and Milling company a corporation Secretarys oihce SnIt Lake City November 13 1901 Notice Thore are delinquent up- on ¬ the following described stock on ac- count ¬ of assessment No G levied Octo- ber ¬ 8 1901 thus several amounts set op posits the names of the respective shareholders a follows viz No No Name CCIt Shares Amt hal 1 Vollmer 1000 1000 I Yollmcrll3 2600 230- 0Jaa L Shnrkey 7 1S1C 1315 Jan U Sharkey 78 CSS CS5- II P Wolter 30 600 600 1111 Rubcna 1105s10 1400 lIMO Kldvvell 1500 1500 H 1000 1000 Jtldwelm Alee 100 100 Georgo F Moss125 100 100 William Helmo 110 1000 1000 William Helmo lit 5 UO M C Christcnsen127 7M Anti In accordance with law and the order of the heart of directors on Oc ¬ tober 8 1801 so many shares of each parcel of the above stock as Is neces- sary ¬ will be sold nt auction at the of- fice ¬ of the secretor and treasurer ISG It street Salt Lake City Utah at 2 oclock p m Monday December 2 1001 to pay the delinquent assess- ment ¬ together with the cost of adver- tising ¬ and expense of salt J B ANDERSON Secretary ISO n Street Salt Lake City Utah UKMNQUGNr XOTItT Crown Point Gold Silver Mining Company locution of principal place of business Salt Lake City Utah No 709 BuIlding There are delin- quent ¬ upon the following described stork on account of assessment lelel on the 12th day of October several amounts set opposite the names of tho respective shareholders as fol ¬ lowe Cert No Name No Shnrs Amt John neck K woo John fleck JO 1000 109M O H Rlpgs U W 50 C W Staner 44 O H Rlggs 121 1 G Ulnhard 10 Godfrey 11 Henry Wapnor SW SOOO John Donadcon K6 10 1000 Frederick Keller J43 0 Arthur Btayner 249 I R Taylor Ml 10900- o W Stayner fl WO SOW K It Davis W MM Anton Pedcrson IIS M 0 W Rrodemycr tl 4M And in accordance with the law and an order of the Board of Directors made on the 12th day of October 101 go many shares of each parrel of stock ns may be neowaary be old nt Room 700 MrCornlrk BulMIng on thE JOth day of November WM at the hour of S p m to pay delinquent as ¬ thereon together with the cotIof advertising s of the sale P It poE Secretary 7M McCornlck Uulldlng- S1TCIAI STOCKHOLDKUV MCUTIXO NOTICE Pt HEItKUr OnES THAT A special taofttnx ct the r of be llMtiarf MtUlo Ooinptny will be h lill tb office of Wm a ltl II North HtrMU Salt Lake on Monday > OTcaib t 101 to the pnrpmtolvtci Ins the TICIDCT es OD th lioardot Ulreo- ter tottrTaforUmittaalixlerof theprpieni year A Elr- L 1 l10IATJ ANU 10lct- Counh7k Consult or tho e Intormaton- Jm TnH COURT PnODATH State HIIBJrlrT Salt Laic Coun etstcof the mater of tin ICI3b tUIho PetltiOii of Wm J No to lr llor of thu estate fP Aborts iinlegh 1 for contlrraaion of the propetly ten1J Mi Off the described printitc Itdonl roe arhnSJblniet urn i turoIlplnlce 111 OTOty le Orlating nos u1 No 80 CommercIal or belonging tonl11 uslale for tho sum tosit1 Id ana upon tho followIng lerrn- iM Casbi train tho lallolU re turn of thu liLt Itt for on CUlt tao 10 2bn IY of NOlollbur A U 1W1 at m County Court- In fiflnTtho Court nofm LOfklld Court Ilnh Salt jaunty Wltnosj thu Clerk cf said Court with the- O ° thereof this 13th day 5A1 NuTombor Wxot twt ny C Fraick Emery JOHN JAMES Cleri lont i R T alner Attorney dll 1 1ISTItIOT OOOUT jIO and for Salt Iaao Oouily of In the matter il110- Jobn l r co JtU 1 tl tou ot ltort O Siiinte Wgtatt lOIic tllllrllU ot tlco otSta Of John for the settle acCOunt of 5dajiril5ttort fi t to dhtrltjutloot tho reelducof tald to persons boa boon set forbearing on Inittr tlwlttfi day of No tl 1101 Btll nvlocu nsa cit Ho Deutity Court lou o In liu Court Uy Hool o- f0ouot0n n 1lko Witness tim Clerk of said Court with tha- i scal IJl ° Hof nOised this istli day 1Ir of November AI utah hr C Prank Emery JOIIN JAb8Clork tcung fc Moylc AttornuyiL IN TIm DISTRICT COURT PRO bate division 11 nnd for Luko ounl State Utah In the estate of Hyrum mater ceased notice Tho petition Of Ina C Barton praying for the Issuance to herself of letters of administration In the estate of Hyrum Harton de- ceased ¬ has keen set for hearing on Friday the 29th day of AD 1901 at 10 oclock nm at the County Court House In the court room of said court In Salt Luke City Salt Lnko county Utah Witness the clerk of said court with the seal thereof affixed this 16th clay of November A D 1901 Sell JOHN JAMES Clerk By C Frank Emery Deputy Clerk John M Cannon ntor y- 1Y1INQtmST NOTICE DKL1NQUUNT ASSESSMENT NOTICE West Morning Glory Mining Co Prin- cipal ¬ place of luslntss Bait Lake City State of Utah- NotlceTliero aro delinquent upon tho following descrIbed to on account ot assessment No levieS on the SOth dny ot September 1901 tho several amounts not the names of the respective 81nrehocrs as follows namely No of No of J AMK Cert Shues Stafford W 12 65 I ltWO 1000 Campbell Jai M 6M lOoU 100 r ni U5 2M hurn worth W II W 1W 10W latTHwortli W HM m lWO IP0 Evans It J 10U 10 Sheets Thompson G 11 Sheets Thomnion CM 1000 Craven Otc W J17 BO 2M Peterson Aaron rT2 11SO UM Clllplel Jag J il t1 tll 5 O Evftnn H J ill 1000 1000 J 8J m Wnrmimth B Mt0lT 1 50 Volts Mans CoO SS cllln K o 1000 1000 Dlthl I K CI5 r 6W- Orralhous e Jno 911 l O lUnrold Ous W 600 Pares henry 9J3 10W 10W- arecn 0 B r MO 5W Rogers I I I 1500 UO- O1owdl 1500 I0 o Smith W F C Peer Jr D 5M 50 1 Dlnwooily H HO 1000 ICtti Depue D A Ml K3 JW- litnneraler W M lOcO 1000 B llel W J r 3l JJI5 13J5 I 5t lOW 100 Cole 1000 1 a Kerr T 1000 10W- Comitoclf Mrs 1 8IJ 110 JO 0 Karnsworth H S2T 3 Cole H B 978 10 1000- Bvans nJ 103 WW- Oaritentcr 8 J 7M 10 109 Woolley Jr K Q Ml IM 600 Hudton Sons Co 039 lo 175 Coil H B 780 10 10W r Otto 7 1000 Lure lien D sn OS f2S- llnrtlctt II F W5 W Andnns Horace M7 IS ts UtniiUII A tL T4S 10101 AnJ In accordance with law der of the hoard of dlrlctol mae on the- 2lth da y of runny Bhares of tach parcel of Hook ns may be- flecstry will he sold ut tho offlce of tno company room 430 V F Walker ImlWInir of tUoh on tho 0th- day of November 1M1 at the hour of U ftrn of paid lay to ray delinquent assess meat thereon together with the costs o- raJetslnl and tim cxnensw of sale Ii TAYLOR Secretary Room D F Walker building laH Iiko 4 Utah Nov 4th 150- 1MEKTINH UJOIAL OK SrOCKIIOLU- mis or Till MINMK MIMMO UH JI11LIN COHJANV A special meeting of the stockholders of the Minnie Mining and Milling com- pany ¬ Is hereby called to be held at the office of the secretor of 8nl company- No 411 D F Walker Salt Lako City Utah on the 16th day of Decem- ber ¬ This meeting Is called for the 151 of levying an assessment of onetenth of a cent per share on the capital stock of said company Also for the of changing the par value of the capital stock of said company from five dollars per share to ten cents per hate Also to change the time for calling stockholders either general or ipcdal rlm thirty days notice to ten days notice J M BOwMAN Secretary First publication Nov 14 160- 1AKSKSSUKST no it- FLV JI JSO AND COMPANY OlSee anil principal blare of business Salt Lako City Utah Nollca la hereby Iron that at a mcfctlm ot the dlrtclors held on the < ib dty ot November IWI an aitowncni of three coot r itiar wa levied on nil tlioihurciof tbcapitil stock of the torpor scion lsstsd and payable on or before lkcemt loch U OI to tics Treasurer at bit cftire It Jonoi A Cos liO Main itreet tnH 1ikc City tItab- Mci taCk upon wlilch tine ossmcnt rftrialn unpaid on lie llth day of December Wl il dellninfnt and ad ttlied for salt at auctions and un ItM > a1m nt U tnaoo before to many ot the abase rtprnentod by cacti ctrtlflcuto of tlienook voiUHnnuent M may btI necessary whIt le sold on tb 1Mb day of Dccemli- cri at 10 oclock a m to pay the dollnqutnt- at ncnt tojcthtr with the coat of adwr thing and irnsoof sale 01 11 SIltAOUr Secretary fly order of the board ot directors tilt Like City Utah NOV II lOlL ASSKSSJIKNT SOT1CK NO S- CIKOIATIIA MININO OOMlANYk Fda oCltoO Atlas Hieck aH Lale City Utah Notice H htrebr given that at a ncttliK of the Hoard of 1lrctnrs of tho- Cloopstri Mining hctd on the 1S lb day IWI an uuetsnonl of tin- eteect r Ttharotra ilcTlctl upon the capital tock ef deopjlr Mining company payable ImmKlutely to C r Allfn secretary of remnanT a lilioCcxKH loij liiock Pall Utah Any stock upon vblch- Uilt utotiment may remain unpild on the Jtti day of Noretabr 14L Till lo ildln quest 11 < adiettuwl for talc at public auo thou aftloii payment Ii made so inseT abases of of suCh sloclr as marl tecvsiirr will txMld on Ibe lth day of lieceober at 19 oclock L in of tall the delinquent aMinintnt there- on day to pay totetbtr with thecosti of advcnlilnf and xpenseot sale C F ALLt F lra Mlnlnf Oo C u 5fl7 Roars M Ucolt- IiWlc salt Uke City Utah riMt pntilcatlu October a th DU = iiJ HUNTiNGTON DEATH OP JlllilA S BlKEK Veteran of Kativoo Passes Away n SeventyOne- Special Correspondence Huntington Emery Co Nov IGOn the 12th last Sister Julia Sophia Me- Keo died at this placa She was the daughter of Samuel J and Elizabeth Ileymond born February 9 1531 at- Hcmstead Long Island N Y While- In her childhood her parents joined UU Church and moved to Kauvoo where her father worked on the Temple They passed through all the persecutions that tho Saints suffered In those trots blcsomo times They were driven from Nnuvoo Into Missouri on account of the hard times and scarcity of food and clothing It took the family nearly two years to get Council Bluffxwhere they lived for some time On Novem- ber ¬ 2 1S49 Sister Julia won married to Hugh McKee Shortly after She was married her husband nnd to leave her nnd go back Into Mlnsourl to earn pro- visions ¬ to last them across the plains In 1S52 they came to Utah She was in the company thnt had no nanny deaths from cholera that year ulster McKee raised n fatally of lye daughters anti lived the life of u true Latterday- Saint She was the secretary nail treasurer of the Relief society for sev ¬ eral years nnd nlso a counselor the president of the society for the last three years Her husband died In Feb 1S07 Her daughters are all married anti have largo families so that she leaves a large posterity and many friends to mourn her death FARMINQTON Davis County Affairs 8vansonMc CUster Nuptials Special Correspondence Farmington Davis Co Nov 1SThe county commissioners today appointed John A Uourne ot Fnrmlngton gate from this county to the National Live Stock convention at Chicago County Treasurer Burton without be Ing ablo to give the exact amount roughly estimates that between ten ant twenty per cent ot the tAxes In Davis county are now delinquent Tho rush or taxpayers during the last threes days of tax paying was exceptional I but many are still delinquent- SWANSONMcCLISTEH I NUPTIALS A marriage license wnn today Issued to Samuel A McCIUter 31 of Akron Ohio and Carrie Swanson 14 of Hy rum Cache county Utah who wer later united In marriage at this place BEAVER KAirrilQUAKK DAMAGES Losses Kfttlnmtcd nt 15000 Peo- ple ¬ Greatly Frightened Special Correspondence Beaver Heaver Co Nov 16On Wednesday evening Nov IXth at 9J2 Beaver sad vicinity receivedthe most seVere shaking up tho people have ex- perienced ¬ In forty years With only a moments warning the city wns thrown Into confusion people nho could ran ns If for theIr lives In ten minutes what before was a quiet scene changed into ono of frenrled men women and chlldrnc were running screaming fainting and praying as they never were known to before All wero painfully nwnro that something terrible had happened but what they did not know The shock which struck such a toiling blow ccmed to come from the eaiit and traveled westward though thw are sonic who say tho course wan front southwest to northeast whichever the case may be It Is none the lets that U was fifteen seconds of ter- rible ¬ experience for our people The criUh of falling chimneys and broken glass the harking of dogs bellowing of cattle neighing of horses fin tackling of fowl formed A chorus that WM aw ftfl to hear up to 2JO B m Thurstia during which time the earth never I ceased to tremble slight nnd sudden shocks followed In rapid succession nnd again at 6 oclock tho roar toad shack was very perceptible All day Thursday people stood lu of the streets waiting for tho dreaded return No one felt like working nor talking except of the terrible experience of the night be- fore ¬ but were thankfuJ that It was no worse Our count building suffered most of till tim property being almost n com- plete ¬ wreck though still standing The town clock In the tower stopped at 2 mlhutes past 3 clock aiM fltlll refuses to tick Justice court had Just adjourned and all were out of the building except County Clerk Hurst Sheriff Barton nnd Mr Teltgen who were on the see ond iloor In the clerks olllco and from their own nccount the taco for safety- It can only bo compared tu a police raid- on an opium joint rim dnniaso to property throughout the can lie placed nt J15000 being distributed about as follows County court buildings 5000 Latterday Saints meeting house COO Assembly hall GOO M M eo business block 1200 Heiiver Coop business Mock 1000- I Cllno Bro COO Beaver Creamery 1000 Fornlcyfc Bakes 60 Uom saloon 250 Walter Toltons residence GOO David Frazlere residence WO- L W Harris residence 400 U 0 II Fennejnore drug store 100 Factory buildings 70i- B JU II Y A school building 3000 IlcportB from other settlements are meager Clreenvlllo suffering consider- ably ¬ Adnmsvlllc Minersvllle nnd Mil- ford light Beaver Olty Clipper SPRINOVILLED- AAH AND KNTliUTAlNMKNT Y Ii M I ConlVrcnco hub Weather hut Much tiliiknci Special Correspondence Bprlngvllle Utah co Nov 19Thls week we are enjoying tho grand bazar at the Reynolds hail where n grand program IB given every day and nightT- ime opening occurred on Monday eve- ning ¬ with music Inyocntlon address Bongs etc Tuesday WInS M i A day Wednesday old folks iTayj Thursday Sunday school day Friday general program Saturday matinee program mimi closing exercises lint dinners are pcrvod dally anti there use till kinds of Innocent attractions Tlm proceeds arc tar the benefit of the wards Many farmers have received their checks for beets and merchants are doing a iootl business The beet dig- ging ¬ will soon be ut an end Wo have beautiful weather but lots of sickness Y L M I A CONFEIU NCI Last Sunday tho T L M I A of the Utah Stake held their conference Officers meeting was convened at 10 n m and general mcetlngx at 2 and 7 p- in at which many good Instructions- were given by the visiting sisters among whom were Sister Augustus Grant of the general board of tho Stake presidency Sisters Beast and UeynoUls of Slake aids Sisters Mary B Crandall Volal and Cannon Tho main subjects dwelt upon were love charity love of parents brothers and sisters and of home thankfulness etc FUNERAL OF LITTLE KAIIL1B- FULLMKU The funeral services flf Earlie the 8yearold son of D C and Eliza Full ¬ mer were held In the First ward meet- Ing house last Sunday here tributes wljrc paid to the memory of the Invoable child nnd many sympathizing trlends gathered Tlm Primary Sunday school class of which he wan a mem- ber ¬ did part of the singing nhd nil contributed a flowerjxs a token of love U OUR NEIGHBORS POCATIWLO IDAHO OUUSIIKD nKTWl EX OAKS Clarence NnlsMit or OKIen Fright- fully ¬ I nj u foil Special Correspondence Pocatello Idaho Nov 19A very serious If not fatal accident befell Clarence Nalsbltt soii of Mr and Mrs Fred Nnlsbltt of 26S Twentyseventh street Qgdon last night nbout 9 oclock- lie was attempting to cross a string of cars anti started to para between two cars lint wms chained together because the couplers were mlitslng Just as he was between them the earn came to gether with n crash As there was space of but four Inches bctwcn the cars ho was frightfully crushed Ills hip anti leg were broken anti hl skull fractured near the Imsc affecting both his sight and smell hands cat tied hint to his aunt Mrs Jerry Kin- ney where Drs Steele and Hooker nd ministered such relief ns could be np piled Mr Nnlsbltt Is Vlll nllve and there Is n faint hopo of isis recover He was here on a visit spending his twentieth birthday His mother arrived here this morning and la nursing him with a mothers care p IUNA IDAhO Donllis anti Much Klcknr IinproTO iileIIttSIlidis8Clool 0M5u1izCd Special Correspondence Ions Blnglmtn County Idaho Nov 17The grim reaper death has visited our ward for the third time during the last week The first to succumb was the tenyearold daughter of Aaron Wt Beech of rheumatism of the heart The second was the Infant of Charles Beech only o few hours old anti on Friday the Utb the cvnyearold daughter of Jnspcr pneumonia There Ii snore sickness among children of the ward than there has been for many years Prcst James B Bteele hog rlt In his family down with symptoms ot typhoid fever nil of which are now better than they have been S S HEOnOANlZBD- Tho Sunday school waj reorganised today with David W M wptrln- Undent and A E Blaster u frat uvd W L Dayton fts second alstants Fifteen houses have been croc ltd or are In course of erection eg the tewn j site during the past year Jeffs Bros have Just completed nn elegant bride residence for Counselor C1cb P Ward nt n cost of about 1COO The Young Ladles Mutual wan re- cently ¬ reorganized with Mrs Georgia Hatch aw President Mrs Luella lOan pen ns first ant Mrs Wright aa sec- ond ¬ assistants p a

Transcript of Deseret Evening News. (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1901-11-20 [p...

Page 1: Deseret Evening News. (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1901-11-20 [p 7] · I Brlghatn TCannon > attending




Tho branch office of the DeseretNewiJln Ogden la at No 465 Twentyfourth street whet advertisementsnnd subscriptions wilt be receivedTha Nowrj1 U by carriers InOgden every evening on th eatna

terml DO in Sal Laks Gl-



i Business Transacted in the District Court Be-

fore Judge Yesterday


Iiinornl of CliarUi Wnllnce ihn-

Itrakeumu Vlio Wm Killed In-

fMj llccciiiUi S it Vrovki

Suit baa been fed by NathanielMontgomery nnd A Nelportus ex

ecu tors of the last wilt and testament-of Porter L Aml rondeceasedagainst CbaV Di A ¬

tor of tho estate of SnrhI Andersonct al to quiet title tracts of

land situated In Weber county valued

at nearly 2000-0Sultfordlvorcc wasfiled by Carolina

Hassell against John JII8Ul allegingnonsupport and us causeThe part were married Ogden Jan-uary There la living us the IB-

suo of said marriage one child 10 yearsof ago f


Tho following business was transacted beforeJudgeItolapp In the districtcourt yesterday

In thc ease of tho State of Utnh vs PDuran charged with forging the nameof Hutchlnson Co to nbill of sale ot-

a bicycle on October of this yeardefendant entered a plea of guilty anddate of sentence was set for ThursdayNovember 1901

In thu case of tho State of Utah vsJames Ryan charged with burglariz-ing


nn Oregon Short Line car on Octo-ber


12 of this year antI taking there ¬

from good to tho value ot 50 the de-


changed his pica of not guiltyto guilty and sentence was also set forThursday-

In tho matter of tho estate of MrOliver deceased T D Johnson was ap-


administrator with bond fixed-at J30000

In the case of Foulkes vs Keller tho-i action was dismissed

In the case ot Wilson vs nil UnionPacific Railroad company courtgrnntc4tcn days additional time inwhich to file motion for a new trial

The case of Cooney VH A C McKInfey suit brought for J5000 damagesalleged to bo due on breach of tomatocontract was completed last eveningand went to the Jury who after duedeliberation In the Jury room broughtin a verdict awarding Mr Cooneydamages for 840

l FUNERAL OF CHARLES WALLACEThe remains 6f Charlen Wallace the

unfortunate brakeman who was Wiled

tear Orchard Idaho In the recenton the Oregon Short Line were

brought to Ogden nnd burled todayfrom the Congregational church underthe auspices of the B of R T of which-he was a member There wns a largoattendance Rev Goshcn preachedImpressive and consoling funeral al

t mon Many beautiful floral designswere placed on the casket by sympa-thizing


friends A large funeral cortegefollowed the remains to the city ceme ¬

tery where the interment took place

BRIEFS AND PERSONALSThe funeral services over the remain

of Miss Myrtle Gunnel will be bclil att the Congregntonnchurh tomorrow

oclockJustice H C Wnrdlelgh was a Salt

i Lake visitor yesterday on businessf John L Herrick has gone to Denver-

to meet his brother Peery who Is re-turning


from a GermanyThey will arrive In Ogden some timeI next week

Mr and Mrs C C Wright ct LoslAngeles are visiting In Ogden thoguests of lion A B Patton antI fam-ily


I Brlghatn TCannon > attending <obusiness Ogden today

Attorney Alfred Budge of MontpellerIdaho Is In Ogden visiting with friends

r The Young Lallel Mutual Improvemeat Wilson ward willplvc a ball FIlday eve

Thursday evening the Fifth warlRive another of their enjoyableA II WnotlhouFc Esq of Provo is

i In Ogden on businessft Apostle Reed Smoot of Provo wasf Bn Ogden visitor yesterday

t 1


Lecture byJmlgoMullnlieyPiuicrn-lor Sterling Jorgensen

Special Correspondence-Provo Utah Co Nov 20 Judge Mul

ahoy of Denver delivered anecture on Tho Science of Inebrietyagt evening In the court house Ho was

Introduced by Mrs Mary M Hoydenpresident of the W C T U severaldies of the Christian Temperance unionbeing present The lecture was greatly

J appreciated and It Is hoped will be themeans of accomplishing some good tothose afflicted with the drink disease



Funeral services over the remains ofSterling Quaint Jorgensen the nineicarold von of Mr nnd Mrs Enochjorycnsen of Price were held In theFirst wad meeting house Saturday at¬

2 oclock Dlshop Knudtenpresiding The speakers were President

Apostle Reed Smoot nndPresident David John each of whom of-


comforting words to the bereavcv D Roberts 0 Myhis usual tnlshl4 style The floral of

k erlncs und exceptionally-fine

Lew than a month Affo Mr and Mrs

v T

Jorgensen burled their only daughter-so this bereavement falls doubly hardThey have the of a host offriends throughout the state as MrJorgensen Is known in educatonlcircles in central and


Marriage licensed have been issued tothe following couples

James J Juspereon 26 and Mary ALewis 25 both of Ooshcn

J E Stevenson 24 of Ogden DudDella Huntington 24 Snrlngvllle

George Oynrd 25 nnd EmmaTlllack22 both of American


The Forty fifth quorum of Seventy willgive a sociable tomorrol evening Inthe Fourth ward house

Major Richard W Young will lecturebefore the classr this evening on

Tho Philippines-J C Edwards wan In lrovo yester-


In the Interest of the Z C M Lshoe department

SPANISH FORKm 01lO N TII3 fmorfltlW

Beet Harvest Slakes Money PlentifulIostnillco Iinpfovpiiicnts

Special CorrespondenceSpanish Fork Nov loAt the late

election there was a tlo between AlmaHales on the Citizens ticket antI Eph-Uunsen on the Democratic ticket formarshal Tho mayor sot today tot thoparties to meet and determine the tieThey occordlngly wet and drew lotsand Alma IlalCH sot the plum

The new building tot tho postolllcc isabout completed Thta will add con-siderably


to tho convenience of the gen-


public was very much neededThere Inns been a stream of boots

passing through town < fQr it good while-It Is slacking up somewhat now As arcscult of the beet harvest there ap-pears


to be considerable cash In cir¬

culation-We have had nomu deaths from ty-


ever but It Is thought a betterstate of health prevails at present



Jonathan Hunt Will Spoiul TonYears In Pen the Incest

Special Correspondence-Loa Wayne Co Nov 1Grter a

deliberation of fifty minutes the Juryconvicted thu man Hunt of the heinouscrime of Incest with his own daughterNuncy The Jury recommended mercyanti the Judge limited his sentence totell jcnrs In the stute prison otherwiselit would have been given the full limitof tho law fifteen years

The evidence though Incomplete dis ¬

closed a horrible state of affairs Theman had once stood high in the com-munity


had held high ecclesiasticaloffices and hind three families All ofhits wives are now dead and he Is leftWith a large family many of whom aresmall children in most deplorably tiestltuto circumstances Ho Is the fatherof twentyfive children whom ho hastreated brutally anti harshly bruisIngund choking them

He has been domineering nnd harshusing Ills authority with n high handespecially In his own family It Is saltthat when his last wife died her lastwords were You will go to hell forthis Jonathan Hunt slio having beenmade to surfer greatly from harshtreatment In her last Illness Later howan dlsfellowshlpped the Churchfor lilting a mans nose off and for IllicitwhIsk making nail selling Ills conductlIaM been such that his neighbors havelived In very fear of their lived If theyphould complain to the bilkers othervise Interfere with him The statesevidence In the case showed thnt totyears he had been living Incestuously with his daughter Nancy

only defense was a denial and at ¬

llIlS to Impeach the states wit ¬

The young man Coombs was sentencedto pay a fine of tOO on a plea of guiltyor simple assault to an Informationcharging assault with Intent to commitrape

Court was then adjourned for thoterm

A Trrrllilft xpoinOf a gasoline stove burned a lady

here frightfully writes N E Palmer-of Klrkman la The best doctorcouldnt heal the running sorelowed but DucklenM Arnica Salve en ¬

tirely cured her Infallible for CutsCorns Sores Dolls Drlisel Skin Dis-eases


and Piles 2Gc M I DrugDept

Mothers everywhere praise One MinuteCough Cure for the sufferings It hasrelieved and the lives of their littleones I has saved Strikes at the tootof trouble sad draws out the In ¬

flammation The childrens favoriteCough Cure GodbcPltts Drug Cocorner First Southand Main streets

Woman SWihoutcbidrnNo



and want theNightmare ns much to atit is to love the-

bautjfu1 andpure The critical ordeal through which the expectant mother mustpbs however is so dread pain suffering and dangerthat the very thought of it fills her with apprehension and horrorThere is no necessity for the reproduction life to be cither painfulor dangerous usof Mothers Friend RO prepares the system forths coming event it Is safely passed without any dangtr Thisgreat and wonderfulremedy i always

hatxteralynnd Mothersef women through

the trying criiis without sufferin-

gstook FriendetIr11tprid UhH to 53OtHI

Bradfleld Re ylater Co AUwta S


There Aro Tliousnmls of Them Who

Believe ns Tills Woman DocsMrs Ira Knowlton of Butte Mon-


IB a most enthusiastic convert tothe virtues of Stuarts Iyspe > si Tab-lets


as a euro for obstinate stomachtrouble She Bayn 1 had poor diges-tion


nearly all m > life It now seems


to mo that for years I never ItMI whatIt was to be to goodhunarynatural a

1 tfas troubled with gas In stomachcausing pressure on the heart withpltntlon nnd short breath Nearlyeverything I ate soured on my stomachsomiHinrs I hnd cramps In the stomachwhich almost resembled spasms

Doctors told me I had catarrh of thestomach but their medicines would notreach It I 0a suffererhad I an WOIII6tl decidedto try Sludrtl Dyspepsia Tablets

1 were an advertised rem-edy


and I didnt believe anything rcrtdabout them ns I had no confidence Inadvertised remedies hut my sister liv-ing


In Plttsburg wrote me last nprlntelling me how Stuarts Tablets hadcured her little daughterl of IndlcstlQIand loss ofhesitated no longer-

I bought a fifty cent box at my drug-store and took two of tho large tabletsafter eaehmenl and found them de-lightful


to take being as pleasant tothe taste as carmel candy Wheneverduring the day or night I felt any painor uneasiness In the stomach or nboutthe heart I took one of tho small tab-lets and In threo weeks It seemed tome as If I hind never known what atomuch trouble was

I keep Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets Intho house and every member If our fanilly uses them occasionally aUr hhearty meal or whe any of us hive upain or ache In digestive orsins

E H Davis of Hampton Vasays I doctored five years for dys-pepsia


mil In two months I got snorebenefit from Stuarts Dyspepsia Tab ¬

lets than In five years of tho doctorstreatment

Stuart Dyspepjla Tablets Is thewidest an well as the simplest nnd mostconvenient remedy for nay form of In ¬

digestion catarrh of stomach bilious-ness sour stomach bloating aftermeals sympathetic heart trouble

Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets Is not acheap cathartic but an active digestiveremedy containing the pepsin nndrtlastaso which every weak stomachlacks and thev cure stomach troublesbecause they digest the food eaten andgIve the weak abused overworkedBtnmach 1 chance to rest nnd recuper-ate

Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets are sold Inevery drug store In the United Statesfnnada und Great Rritnln

Snu Tnolrom DentilOur little daughter had nn almost

fatal attack of whooping coughs andbronchitis writes Mrs W K Havlland of Armonk N Y but when nitother remedies failed we saved her lifewith Dr Kings New Dslcovery Ourniece who had Consumption In an ad-vanced


stage also used this wonderfulmedicine and today she Is 11erfectlveil Desperate throat unIteases yield to Dr New DIscover >

ns to no other medicine on earth Infallible for Coughs and Colds uOc and

100 bottles guaranteed by Z C M 1

Drug Dept

Do you suffer from plies If so do notturn to surgery for relief DeWltlsWitch Hazel Salvo wi net more quick ¬

ly surely and saving you thonnd danger of an operation

GodbePlttB Drug Co corner FirstSouth and Main streets

Ct 81 Phelps 1orntdaleVt says his< hlld was cured of n badchsc of zeml by tho use of DaWlttsWitch Salve Hcwara of nilcounterfeits It Instantly relieves pilesGodbePltU Drug Co corner FiAtSouth and Main atrretl

Didnt 5Iarrtor Mnut1The Boston man Vvlio lately married

a sickly rich wonlftn Is happynow for ho

youngKings New LifePills which restored her to perfecthealth Infallible for Jaundice Bil-


Malaria 1evernrd Ague andall Liver and Gentlebut effective Only 5Q UZ C M IDrug Dept

Lewis Ockcrman Goslien Ind DeWitts LlttloGnrlyRisers never bondmo double like other pills but do theirwork thoroughly and male me feel likea boy Certain thorough gentleGodbePltts Drug Co corner FirstSouth and Main streets

I had long suffered from Indigestionwrites O A LeDels Cedar City Mo

Like others I tried manybut never found anything preJnratonrood until I took Koaol DyspepsiaCure One bottle cured me A friendwho had suffered similarly I put on Hieuse of Kodol Dyspepsia Cur Ho Isgaining fast And wi able towork Before he Kodol Dyspcpslx

hnd made him aDrug Co



Every Laity In lhel Now Have a

Beautiful Bex free

It has remained for 1 Clnclnnni wo-

man per-

fect¬to Ulwover the

skin Shu has nt last found thekey to feminine beauty All the sii isand hoartadicfl over a poor appearance-



U RALSTONShowinghcr-

niaywonderful Improvement

now be banished for It la withinthe means of every lady young or mildIe aged to lmv the clearest andrefined complexion so dear to awo

Inns heart13 Ralston C28 Lexington

Ave Newport Ky says When I beRun using Mine Rllmulta complexionbcnutlllers I lid not think It possibleto clear my skin my face was In uhorrible condition literally covered withred spots pimples blackheads mothpatches und freckles I suffered Ithousand deaths and when I sent fortrial of Mme Rlluiult8 bcautltlcrHIImproved no wonderfully that myfriends did not recognize me so quick-


had the change taken place Myskin Is now perfectly lovely nnd thereIs not a blemish or wrinkle anywhere-

It Is not n face powder cream cos-


or blench contains no oil greasepaste chemicals or 0180nl of nay

and Is absolutelyWrite to Mme M RibauUs 3607

J lsl Hulldln Cincinnati Ohio andwill mall free prepaid In a plain

tcalcd wrapper n of ices

wonderful bcnutlllers and you wilt al-


bless the day you wrote Do notfall to write todny

W T Wesson Gholsonvlllc Vawrites Your One Minute

Cough Cure gives perfect satisfactionMy customers say It Is the best remedyfor COUIII colds throat anti lung

GodbePltts Drug Cocorner First South nnd Main streets


See cur Flannelette Cortctlno Wrap-pers


on solo at 125 each our 175 qual






Our FamousItalian Chocolates

35 cents Pound

Our Log Cabin Candy25 cents fo-

undKolitzThe Candy furnisher-

Salt Lake and Ogden

Tel 428 CO and 272 Main S-


J CAN YOU SEE1 this type from your eyes so ato

be nble to reul easily r1 You should be able to read It Y

holding the paper at arms length 11 without straining your eyes I V-

ypu can not do this you hadt ter come nnd let us examine youro eyes >



v 3 W First South Streeti Salt Lake City

D2182 Washington Av Ogden


there wilt be a mwtlnit of the members ofThe Corporation of the embers at the

of Jesus Christ of LitterfUj Paintresiding In the lent KcclcslutlcAlWard of theSalt 7101 In theCounty Lalta State of it themeeting buus of ssnl wurtcm TtiuridiytlioSIM day of Sir1001 atS pm for Iho-

Ilurpoof authorizing the Hoard ofCorporation to tratufor the

tltln to all tlio real belonging to-saideorporatlon to II bcrUlver oDMJil > bopof tlio Second ward ot the CLutch otJesus Christ or IrttUTdHy saints ID tkoCounty of tlH IIKIIKK 0

Halo of UlahIrMUlont of islJ Corporation

Gforgo Itllcc < o joctctaryMiriCK-

NOTIOG OPSTOOKIIOMiCRSMKETINOAmend of locorpotntlon of theHub Mlblnx Company A of tlioMockhoMrri of the llnb liming OotanHDrulll beilisid Tutelar tho Mlh dar of N-omntar IWI lt the host of 12 oclocknt tlioodico tho company beIng tbe DOfof YoncgiV iloTlo allornura Duorct Nntlonal lank BuIlding alt City Utahfortb ocf IncrfMlng the face Yahooof Iliotbaret stock from one cent to oatdollar r sIan find Ibo of thscapital stock from 10 to Imounarid toamelid tho Articles of Incorporation the-rorapiny ai folloms Article

n camlnt It to read ai followntISo mouut of th capital ituck of

corporatIOn shall bo WMM hleb tblflee hundred tliojmnd aharnt of


Itcfor avalulo one dulauab

hUll MININGfly Uarand CWIANY

0 I HarT Secretary

euvict OI A SHSMKXT > O 4iiiaiiuvunov ON8IWAI1 WIN

log in rrlticlpal altLake Ulty Utah Noticel thenBt a meeting lIsa dIrector hold on tblanaueiimoatof onrquar rent r abaowas IcrlcJ upon look of

raUonpapal Nor to 0 K McOorntekat Ml oleorom 73 UcCornlck

HulldlBK palL Uul Any aluponvlilcb tllihMe >

00 6th day of ItCeJGber1Sat1hldotleqtitt sad forsaleatpublic auctIon and unit toadafetewill hO Mid on the pyrnt at Dcc bo

to tics drUrooent aMealmenttogether WIth thee rest ad an ex-peMtaof site

O K MtOORNICK FwrttaryReoa 7M UtCorntok Bloek e City



UIIQUKN1 M vsmEYr 4oTlulNorthern LIght MIning and MillingCompany Misses situated at OphlrIooelp Count Utah Principal otilce712 11cCornicl3utldIng Salt Lsko Citya are delinquent upon thfollowIng described stork on account otan

OctoberaMe sJlnt levied on tuG 2nd day of

the severa amounts SCtoitositti the names of the respectiveIhnreholden as follow



358 F M Aldrich 2011099 T ltiis Iirossne 00 toIG38 C E Tr1udol 500 Ino14 Jnlptc lotMax Herman oIJt nUl James 30

J J lnRbergr 100 aG18 1 S 400P J Conway Tr 50209 c L 1002010 llrainatcl flitter 500

Ot2 Ii F3 Stewart 500 1000J Deer2127 Theo Krause

700 1O2132 I n bConyon 0 10002182 1 Per Jr Tr 10 2002282 n Jr 10002 1 P Soars m 200J I3asnborg 200an Q V Moyer 10 10002293 Sheets Thompson MO2335 C S Wilamson SOO JOo249 Jan A iOo2373 n I Colburn 100 02201 fl F toMCCOnSUg1I12100 100hlma2122 60Joseph 3002439 Pt Mu 110 28020 Pt Mrs n Steinnisn 27 GI

Wm Je1cnton ioo 2002453 J n Thompson215 HIlorger 5 100

10024imo 1t Wi Kahn 60 2

rathla 20021 W I Mathis 10

W Msthis 200

21 Sheets Otconipson 40W O Carver io 200

2521 II P Redman 200

7 46H M

r s5 Pendergst Tr

Tr 10 2002

S E IUI80a 100 I 025CI O W 200

582 A Ilnnucr 10Lonibar1 100 100

299 Andrew Lombarl 1002C02 Andrew Lombard 02m hudson Sons Co 10 ZO2628 Hudson Sons Co 1002630 Hudson Sons Co 100 200lear I I JamberGer tOO 10012CI2 Ralph tOO iooo261i Do Wit n Lowe

n t 10200 II W Duseher 202716 W If Clark 10 boo2iZ2 Sheets Thompson 200

2i II O Ilroekiiujc 10E A Hortenseln 200 4 0

2i6 L FDunsheeCo 40 1000


2793 C L Baum Tr 1000tO2791 C I llama Tr 10002m C Ij Damn Tr too2EOG H ii Irocltman 103 1002819 n Ii 10W2830 D II Peer Jr 6 02831 Mrs Dorothea M Mc-

Intyre 500 1002837 D 11 leery Jr 20 40028M1 IrvIne 10002S9 J 1 Olesple GOO

2861 A GOO 1002SG9 W D a this tOO 10002870 A I Mnyherr 0 1000207 I L Tracy 20002919 A Polock tOO 1000

021 Irvine rO 100298 F D Hgglnotham-Jr 100 2000J9SO H U Cole 10002991 t W Morrison lWO 2000S001 S Woods 1000 2000S007 F W Mansur COO 1000031 F W Mansur lOOOi 20008010 leo Martin 1000 2000S003 Mrs C E Kennedy BOO 100030B5 E 0 Woolley Jr 1000 20M-S07S E ln Rue tOO 10008095 Jas M Campbell 1000 20003098 A E Snow lWO 20003100 Mrs Hollnce Langley 1000 20003111 HEZcrbc 1000 20003116 H nnmberger COO 10002127 J A Pollock 1000 20003163 Frank Moore 600 1000

Ant In accordance with the law andof the nonr of Directors made-

on the 2nd October 1901 somany shares of each parcel ofald stock as may be ncces-sary wilt be sold nt the oflIce ofthe company 712 McCornlck BuildingSalt Lake City Utah on the 26th dayof November IDOl At 10 oclock amt-o pay delinquent nsspssment togetherwith costl of advertising and expense ofsale E AllOTS Secretary

Salt Lake City UtahDate of first publication November 8


The Highland Mining and Millingcompany a corporation Secretarysoihce SnIt Lake City November 131901 Notice Thore are delinquent up-on


the following described stock on ac-


of assessment No G levied Octo-ber


8 1901 thus several amounts set opposits the names of the respectiveshareholders afollows viz

No NoName CCIt Shares Amt

hal 1 Vollmer 1000 1000

I Yollmcrll3 2600 230-0Jaa L Shnrkey 7 1S1C 1315Jan U Sharkey 78 CSS CS5-

II P Wolter 30 600 600

1111 Rubcna 1105s10 1400 lIMO

Kldvvell 1500 1500H 1000 1000JtldwelmAlee 100 100

Georgo F Moss125 100 100

William Helmo 110 1000 1000

William Helmo lit 5 UOM C Christcnsen127 7M

Anti In accordance with law and theorder of the heart of directors on Oc ¬

tober 8 1801 so many shares of eachparcel of the above stock as Is neces-


will be sold nt auction at the of-



of the secretor and treasurer ISG

It street Salt Lake City Utah at 2

oclock p m Monday December 2

1001 to pay the delinquent assess-


together with the cost of adver-


and expense of saltJ B ANDERSON

SecretaryISO n Street Salt Lake City Utah


Crown Point Gold Silver MiningCompany locution of principal place ofbusiness Salt Lake City Utah No 709

BuIlding There are delin-


upon the following describedstork on account of assessment lelelon the 12th day of Octoberseveral amounts set opposite the namesof tho respective shareholders as fol ¬

loweCert No

Name No ShnrsAmtJohn neck K wooJohn fleck JO 1000 109M

O H Rlpgs U W 50C W Staner 44

O H Rlggs 121 1 GUlnhard 10Godfrey 11

Henry Wapnor SW SOOO

John Donadcon K6 10 1000

Frederick Keller J43 0Arthur Btayner 249 IR Taylor Ml 10900-

o W Stayner fl WO SOW

K It Davis W MMAnton Pedcrson IIS M 0W Rrodemycr tl 4M

And in accordance with the law

and an order of the Board of Directorsmade on the 12th day of October 101go many shares of each parrel ofstock ns may be neowaary be oldnt Room 700 MrCornlrk BulMIng on

thE JOth day of November WM at thehour of S p m to pay delinquent as ¬

thereon together with the

cotIof advertising s of thesale

P It poE Secretary7M McCornlck Uulldlng-



special taofttnx ct the r of be

llMtiarf MtUlo Ooinptny will be h lilltb office of Wm a ltl II NorthHtrMU Salt Lake on Monday> OTcaib t101to the pnrpmtolvtciIns the TICIDCT es

OD th lioardot Ulreo-

ter tottrTaforUmittaalixlerof theprpieniyear A Elr-

L 1


10lct-Counh7kConsult or thoe


Jm TnH COURT PnODATHState HIIBJrlrT Salt Laic Coun

etstcof the mater of tinICI3btUIho PetltiOii of Wm J No

to lr llor of thu estate fP Abortsiinlegh 1 for contlrraaion of thepropetly ten1J

Mi Off thedescribed

printitc Itdonlroe arhnSJblniet urni turoIlplnlce111 OTOty leOrlating nos u1 No 80 CommercIal

orbelonging tonl11 uslale for tho sum

tosit1Id ana upon tho followIng lerrn-

iMCasbi train tholallolU return of thuliLt Itt for on CUlttao10 2bn IY of NOlollbur A U 1W1 at

m County Court-In fiflnTtho Court nofm LOfklld CourtIlnh Salt jaunty

Wltnosj thu Clerk cf said Court with the-


° thereof this 13th day5A1 NuTombor Wxot twtny C Fraick Emery

JOHN JAMES Clerilont i R Talner Attorney

dll 1 1ISTItIOT OOOUTjIO and for Salt Iaao Oouily

of In the matter il110-Jobn l r co JtU 1 tltou ot ltort O SiiinteWgtattlOIic tllllrllU ot tlco otSta Of John

for the settleacCOunt of 5dajiril5ttortfi t to dhtrltjutloot tho reelducof taldto persons boa boonset forbearing on Inittr tlwlttfi day of Notl 1101 Btll nvlocu nsa cit HoDeutity Court lou oIn liu Court

Uy Hool o-f0ouot0n n 1lko

Witness tim Clerk of said Court with tha-

iscal IJl °Hof nOised this istli day

1Ir of November AI utah

hr C Prank EmeryJOIIN JAb8Clork

tcung fc Moylc AttornuyiL

IN TIm DISTRICT COURT PRObate division 11 nnd for Lukoounl State Utah In the

estate of Hyrum materceased notice Tho petition OfIna C Barton praying for the Issuanceto herself of letters of administrationIn the estate of Hyrum Harton de-ceased


has keen set for hearing onFriday the 29th day of AD1901 at 10 oclock nm at the CountyCourt House In the court room of saidcourt In Salt Luke City Salt Lnkocounty Utah

Witness the clerk of said court withthe seal thereof affixed this 16th clayof November A D 1901


By C Frank Emery Deputy ClerkJohn M Cannon ntor y-


DKL1NQUUNT ASSESSMENT NOTICEWest Morning Glory Mining Co Prin-


place of luslntss Bait Lake CityState of Utah-

NotlceTliero aro delinquent upon thofollowing descrIbed to on account otassessment No levieS on the SOth dnyot September 1901 tho several amountsnot the names of the respective81nrehocrs as follows namely

No of No ofJ AMK Cert ShuesStafford W 12 65

I ltWO 1000Campbell Jai M 6M lOoU 100r ni U5 2Mhurn worth W II W 1W 10WlatTHwortli W HM m lWO IP0Evans It J 10U10Sheets Thompson G 11Sheets Thomnion CM 1000Craven Otc W J17 BO 2MPeterson Aaron rT2 11SO UMClllplel Jag

Jil t1

tll 5 OEvftnn H J ill 1000 1000

J 8J mWnrmimth B Mt0lT 1 50Volts Mans CoO SS

cllln K o 1000 1000Dlthl I K CI5 r 6W-Orralhous e Jno 911 l OlUnrold Ous W 600

Pares henry 9J3 10W 10W-arecn 0 B r MO 5WRogers I I I 1500 UO-O1owdl 1500I0 oSmith W F CPeer Jr D 5M 501Dlnwooily H HO 1000 ICttiDepue D A Ml K3 JW-litnneraler W M lOcO 1000B llel W J r 3l JJI5 13J5

I 5t lOW 100Cole 10001 aKerr T 1000 10W-Comitoclf Mrs 1 8IJ 110 JO 0Karnsworth H S2T 3Cole H B 978 10 1000-Bvans n J 103 WW-

Oaritentcr 8 J 7M 10 109Woolley Jr K Q Ml IM 600Hudton Sons Co 039 lo 175

Coil H B 780 10 10Wr Otto 7 1000

Lure lien D sn OS f2S-llnrtlctt II F W5 WAndnns Horace M7 IS tsUtniiUII A tL T4S 10101AnJ In accordance with lawder of the hoard of dlrlctol mae on the-

2lth day of runnyBhares of tach parcel of Hook ns may be-

flecstry will he sold ut tho offlce of tnocompany room 430 V F Walker ImlWInir

of tUoh on tho 0th-day of November 1M1 at the hour of Uftrn of paid lay to ray delinquent assessmeat thereon together with the costs o-

raJetslnl and tim cxnensw of saleIi TAYLOR Secretary

Room D F Walker building laHIiko 4Utah Nov 4th 150-



A special meeting of the stockholdersof the Minnie Mining and Milling com-


Is hereby called to be held at theoffice of the secretor of 8nl company-No 411 D F Walker Salt LakoCity Utah on the 16th day of Decem-


This meeting Is called for the151 of levying an assessment ofonetenth of a cent per share on thecapital stock of said company Also forthe of changing the par valueof the capital stock of said companyfrom five dollars per share to ten centsper hate Also to change the time forcalling stockholders either general oripcdal rlm thirty days notice to tendays notice

J M BOwMAN SecretaryFirst publication Nov 14 160-


FLV JI JSO AND COMPANYOlSee anil principal blare of business SaltLako City Utah Nollca la hereby Ironthat at a mcfctlm ot the dlrtclors held onthe <ib dty ot November IWI an aitowncniof three coot r itiar wa levied on niltlioihurciof tbcapitil stock of the torporscion lsstsd and payable on orbefore lkcemt loch U OI to tics Treasurerat bit cftire It Jonoi A CosliO Main itreet tnH 1ikc City tItab-

Mci taCk upon wlilch tine ossmcntrftrialn unpaid on lie llth day of

December Wl il dellninfnt and adttlied for salt at auctions and unItM > a1m nt U tnaoo before to many otthe abase rtprnentod by cacti ctrtlflcuto oftlienook voiUHnnuent M may btI necessarywhIt le sold on tb 1Mb day of Dccemli-cri at 10 oclock a m to pay the dollnqutnt-

at ncnt tojcthtr with the coat of adwrthing and irnsoof sale

01 11 SIltAOUr Secretaryfly order of the board ot directorstilt Like City Utah NOV II lOlL


CIKOIATIIA MININO OOMlANYk FdaoCltoO Atlas Hieck aH Lale City

Utah Notice H htrebr given that at ancttliK of the Hoard of 1lrctnrs of tho-

Cloopstri Mining hctd on the 1S lbday IWI an uuetsnonl of tin-eteect r Ttharotra ilcTlctl upon the capitaltock ef deopjlr Mining company payable

ImmKlutely to C r Allfn secretary of

remnanT a lilioCcxKH loij liiock PallUtah Any stock upon vblch-

Uilt utotiment may remain unpild on theJtti day of Noretabr 14L Till lo ildlnquest 11 < adiettuwl for talc at public auothou aftloii payment Ii made so

inseT abases of of suCh sloclr asmarl tecvsiirr will txMld on Ibe lth dayof lieceober at 19 oclock L in of tall

the delinquent aMinintnt there-onday to pay

totetbtr with thecosti of advcnlilnf andxpenseot sale


lra Mlnlnf Oo C u5fl7 Roars M Ucolt-

IiWlc salt Uke City UtahriMt pntilcatlu October a th DU

= iiJ



Veteran of Kativoo Passes Away nSeventyOne-

Special CorrespondenceHuntington Emery Co Nov IGOn

the 12th last Sister Julia Sophia Me-

Keo died at this placa She was thedaughter of Samuel J and ElizabethIleymond born February 9 1531 at-Hcmstead Long Island N Y While-In her childhood her parents joined UUChurch and moved to Kauvoo whereher father worked on the Temple Theypassed through all the persecutionsthat tho Saints suffered In those trotsblcsomo times They were driven fromNnuvoo Into Missouri on account of thehard times and scarcity of food andclothing It took the family nearlytwo years to get Council Bluffxwherethey lived for some time On Novem-ber


2 1S49 Sister Julia won married toHugh McKee Shortly after She wasmarried her husband nnd to leave hernnd go back Into Mlnsourl to earn pro-visions


to last them across the plainsIn 1S52 they came to Utah She was inthe company thnt had no nanny deathsfrom cholera that year ulster McKeeraised n fatally of lye daughters antilived the life of u true Latterday-Saint She was the secretary nailtreasurer of the Relief society for sev ¬

eral years nnd nlso a counselor thepresident of the society for the lastthree years Her husband died In Feb1S07 Her daughters are all marriedanti have largo families so that sheleaves a large posterity and manyfriends to mourn her death


Davis County Affairs 8vansonMcCUster Nuptials

Special CorrespondenceFarmington Davis Co Nov 1SThecounty commissioners today appointed

John A Uourne ot Fnrmlngtongate from this county to the NationalLive Stock convention at Chicago

County Treasurer Burton without beIng ablo to give the exact amountroughly estimates that between ten anttwenty per cent ot the tAxes In Daviscounty are now delinquent Tho rushor taxpayers during the last threesdays of tax paying was exceptional Ibut many are still delinquent-


NUPTIALSA marriage license wnn today Issued

to Samuel A McCIUter 31 of AkronOhio and Carrie Swanson 14 of Hyrum Cache county Utah who werlater united In marriage at this place


Losses Kfttlnmtcd nt 15000 Peo-ple


Greatly FrightenedSpecial Correspondence

Beaver Heaver Co Nov 16OnWednesday evening Nov IXth at 9J2Beaver sad vicinity receivedthe mostseVere shaking up tho people have ex-perienced


In forty years With only amoments warning the city wns thrownInto confusion people nho could ranns If for theIr lives In ten minuteswhat before was a quiet scene changedinto ono of frenrled menwomen and chlldrnc were runningscreaming fainting and praying as theynever were known to before All weropainfully nwnro that something terriblehad happened but what they didnot know The shock which struck sucha toiling blow ccmed to come from theeaiit and traveled westward thoughthw are sonic who say tho course wanfront southwest to northeast whicheverthe case may be It Is none the lets

that U was fifteen seconds of ter-rible


experience for our people ThecriUh of falling chimneys and brokenglass the harking of dogs bellowing ofcattle neighing of horses fin tacklingof fowl formed A chorus that WM awftfl to hear up to 2JO B m Thurstiaduring which time the earth never


ceased to tremble slight nnd suddenshocks followed In rapid succession nndagain at 6 oclock tho roar toad shackwas very perceptible All day Thursdaypeople stood lu of the streetswaiting for tho dreaded return No onefelt like working nor talking except ofthe terrible experience of the night be-


but were thankfuJ that It was noworse

Our count building suffered most oftill tim property being almost n com-plete


wreck though still standing Thetown clock In the tower stopped at 2

mlhutes past 3 clock aiM fltlll refusesto tick

Justice court had Just adjourned andall were out of the building exceptCounty Clerk Hurst Sheriff Bartonnnd Mr Teltgen who were on the seeond iloor In the clerks olllco and fromtheir own nccount the taco for safety-It can only bo compared tu a police raid-on an opium joint

rim dnniaso to property throughoutthe can lie placed nt J15000being distributed about as follows

County court buildings 5000Latterday Saints meeting house COO

Assembly hall GOO

M M eo business block 1200Heiiver Coop business Mock 1000-

I Cllno Bro COO

Beaver Creamery 1000Fornlcyfc Bakes 60

Uom saloon 250

Walter Toltons residence GOO

David Frazlere residence WO-

L W Harris residence 400

U 0 II Fennejnore drug store 100

Factory buildings 70i-

B JU II Y A school building 3000

IlcportB from other settlements aremeager Clreenvlllo suffering consider-ably


Adnmsvlllc Minersvllle nnd Mil-

ford light Beaver Olty Clipper



Y Ii M I ConlVrcnco hubWeather hut Much tiliiknci

Special CorrespondenceBprlngvllle Utah co Nov 19Thls

week we are enjoying tho grand bazarat the Reynolds hail where n grandprogram IB given every day and nightT-

ime opening occurred on Monday eve-ning


with music Inyocntlon addressBongs etc Tuesday WInS M i A dayWednesday old folks iTayj ThursdaySunday school day Friday generalprogram Saturday matineeprogram mimi closing exercises lintdinners are pcrvod dally anti thereuse till kinds of Innocent attractionsTlm proceeds arc tar the benefit of thewards

Many farmers have received theirchecks for beets and merchants aredoing a iootl business The beet dig-ging


will soon be ut an endWo have beautiful weather but lots

of sicknessY L M I A CONFEIU NCI

Last Sunday tho T L M I A ofthe Utah Stake held their conferenceOfficers meeting was convened at 10 nm and general mcetlngx at 2 and 7 p-

in at which many good Instructions-were given by the visiting sistersamong whom were Sister AugustusGrant of the general board of thoStake presidency Sisters Beast andUeynoUls of Slake aids Sisters MaryB Crandall Volal and Cannon Thomain subjects dwelt upon were lovecharity love of parents brothers andsisters and of home thankfulness etc


The funeral services flf Earlie the8yearold son of D C and Eliza Full ¬

mer were held In the First ward meet-Ing house last Sunday here tributeswljrc paid to the memory of theInvoable child nnd many sympathizingtrlends gathered Tlm Primary Sundayschool class of which he wan a mem-


did part of the singing nhd nilcontributed a flowerjxs a token of love





Clarence NnlsMit or OKIen Fright-fully


I nj u foilSpecial Correspondence

Pocatello Idaho Nov 19A veryserious If not fatal accident befellClarence Nalsbltt soii of Mr and MrsFred Nnlsbltt of 26S Twentyseventhstreet Qgdon last night nbout 9 oclock-lie was attempting to cross a string ofcars anti started to para between twocars lint wms chained together becausethe couplers were mlitslng Just as hewas between them the earn came together with n crash As there wasspace of but four Inches bctwcn thecars ho was frightfully crushed Illship anti leg were broken anti hl skullfractured near the Imsc affecting bothhis sight and smell hands cattied hint to his aunt Mrs Jerry Kin-ney where Drs Steele and Hooker ndministered such relief ns could be nppiled Mr Nnlsbltt Is Vlll nllve andthere Is n faint hopo of isis recoverHe was here on a visit spending histwentieth birthday His mother arrivedhere this morning and la nursing himwith a mothers care



Donllis anti Much Klcknr IinproTOiileIIttSIlidis8Clool 0M5u1izCd

Special CorrespondenceIons Blnglmtn County Idaho Nov

17The grim reaper death has visitedour ward for the third time during thelast week The first to succumb wasthe tenyearold daughter of Aaron WtBeech of rheumatism of the heart Thesecond was the Infant of Charles Beechonly o few hours old anti on Fridaythe Utb the cvnyearold daughterof Jnspcr pneumonia ThereIi snore sickness among children of theward than there has been for manyyears Prcst James B Bteele hogrlt In his family down with symptomsot typhoid fever nil of which are nowbetter than they have been


Tho Sunday school waj reorganisedtoday with David W M wptrln-Undent and A E Blaster u frat uvdW L Dayton fts second alstants

Fifteen houses have been croc ltd orare In course of erection eg the tewn


site during the past year Jeffs Broshave Just completed nn elegant brideresidence for Counselor C1cb P Wardnt n cost of about 1COO

The Young Ladles Mutual wan re-


reorganized with Mrs GeorgiaHatch aw President Mrs Luella lOanpen ns first ant Mrs Wright aa sec-


assistants p a