Desde la eternidad a la eternidad From Eternity, to Eternity · 11/11/2018 · Celebrating 207...

Celebrating 207 Years of Ministry! 11:00 AM November 25, 2018 / 25 de noviembre de 2018 Desde la eternidad a la eternidad / From Eternity, to Eternity Salmo 93 (NVI) / Psalm 93 (ILB) El Señor reina, revestido de esplendor; el Señor se ha revestido de grandeza y ha desplegado su poder. Ha establecido el mundo con firmeza; jamás será removido. Desde el principio se estableció tu trono, y tú desde siempre has existido. Se levantan las aguas, Señor; se levantan las aguas con estruendo; se levantan las aguas y sus batientes olas. Pero el Señor, en las alturas, se muestra poderoso: más poderoso que el estruendo de las muchas aguas, más poderoso que los embates del mar. Dignos de confianza son, Señor, tus estatutos; ¡la santidad es para siempre el adorno de tu casa! God reigns, robed in splendor! You are robed, God, and armed with strength. The world stands firm and cannot be moved; your throne stands firm from ages past; from eternity you exist. The seas are shouting, God— the seas raise their voices; the seas shout with pounding waves. Stronger than the thunder of the great waters, mightier than the breakers of the sea, mightiest of all is God! Your reign was made known from of old; the holy ones praise you in your Temple, God, for days without end.” We invite you to speak and sing in the language you prefer or try something new. Te invitamos a hablar y cantar en el idioma que prefieras o que intentes algo distinto. PRELUDE / PRELUDIO PRAISE AND WORSHIP / ALABANZA Y ADORACIÓN De mañana te buscaré / Edith Alomar In the Morning I’ll Seek Your Face *De mañana te buscaré, O Dios. (2x) De mañana te buscaré, oraré y cantaré; De mañana te buscaré, O Dios. (2x) *In the morning I’ll seek your face, O God. (2x) In the morning I’ll seek your face, I will sing and I will pray. In the morning I’ll seek your face, O God. (2x) *Alternate verse: en la lucha / in the struggle Idioma / Language: Spanish and English, Español y inglés

Transcript of Desde la eternidad a la eternidad From Eternity, to Eternity · 11/11/2018 · Celebrating 207...

Celebrating 207 Years of Ministry!

11:00 AM November 25, 2018 / 25 de noviembre de 2018

Desde la eternidad a la eternidad / From Eternity, to Eternity Salmo 93 (NVI) / Psalm 93 (ILB)

El Señor reina, revestido de esplendor; el Señor se ha revestido de grandeza y ha desplegado su poder.

Ha establecido el mundo con firmeza;

jamás será removido.

Desde el principio se estableció tu trono,

y tú desde siempre has existido.

Se levantan las aguas, Señor;

se levantan las aguas con estruendo;

se levantan las aguas y sus batientes olas.

Pero el Señor, en las alturas, se muestra poderoso: más poderoso que el estruendo de las muchas aguas, más poderoso que los embates del mar.

Dignos de confianza son, Señor, tus estatutos; ¡la santidad es para siempre el adorno de tu casa!

God reigns, robed in splendor! You are robed, God, and armed with strength. The world stands firm and cannot be moved; your throne stands firm from ages past; from eternity you exist. The seas are shouting, God— the seas raise their voices; the seas shout with pounding waves. Stronger than the thunder of the great waters, mightier than the breakers of the sea, mightiest of all is God! Your reign was made known from of old; the holy ones praise you in your Temple, God, for days without end.”

We invite you to speak and sing in the language you prefer or try something new. Te invitamos a hablar y cantar en el idioma que prefieras o que intentes algo distinto.

PRELUDE / PRELUDIO PRAISE AND WORSHIP / ALABANZA Y ADORACIÓN De mañana te buscaré / Edith Alomar In the Morning I’ll Seek Your Face

*De mañana te buscaré, O Dios. (2x) De mañana te buscaré, oraré y cantaré; De mañana te buscaré, O Dios. (2x) *In the morning I’ll seek your face, O God. (2x) In the morning I’ll seek your face, I will sing and I will pray. In the morning I’ll seek your face, O God. (2x) *Alternate verse: en la lucha / in the struggle

Idioma / Language: Spanish and English, Español y inglés


PRAYER OF INVOCATION Welcome Into This Place Orlando Juarez Welcome into this place. Welcome into this broken vessel. You desire to abide in the praises of Your people, So we lift our hands, and we lift our hearts, As we offer up this praise unto Your name.

Idioma / Language: English, Inglés Estamos en la casa del Señor / Frank Colon We’re Standing in the Holy House of God

Idioma / Language: Spanish and English, Español e inglés


We want to know if you are visiting us for the first time. If you are able, please stand, so that we may welcome you. Si nos visitas por primera vez, queremos conocerte. Te invitamos a ponerte de pie o levanta la mano para darte la bienvenida. This is also the time where we invite the children in our worship to meet up with our Sunday School staff and head to their classroom. Children are also welcome to remain in service and continue worship with our congregation. Este también es el momento donde invitamos a los niños a dirigirse a la escuela dominical con las maestras, a la derecha y por detrás del altar. Si prefieren, pueden quedarse y continuar la adoración con la congregación.


Se les insta a las/los hispanoblantes a utilizar sus teléfonos y marcar el siguiente número para escuchar el sermón en español. Si necesita audífonos, por favor, dirígase a un diácono en la entrada para recibir un par. Les recordamos entregar los audífonos a la salida. ¡Gracias! At this point, Spanish-speaking congregants are invited to dial in for the Spanish interpretation of the sermon. In you do not have a private listening device or are missing headphones, please see the deacons at the entrance to retrieve a pair of headsets. Dial in #: 1.267.930.4000; Access Code: 207 484 636. Headsets are to be returned at the end of worship. Thank you!


ACLAMACIÓN / ACCLAMATION Listen, Listen / Oye, oye Ike Sturm Listen, listen. Be open, oh, my heart. Oye, oye, abre mi corazón.

Idioma / Language: English and Spanish, Inglés y español



SERMÓN / SERMON The Rev. Stephanie Kendell

+HIMNO / HYMN Our God, Our Help in Ages Past

Idioma / Language: English, Inglés


THE INVITATION TO THE OFFERING / INVITACIÓN A LA OFRENDA You can also contribute financially at or

VENMO @ParkAvenueChristianChurch 100% of your donations go toward ministries of the church.

We give a portion to a weekly outreach group that is listed on the back side of your bulletin.

OFERTORIO / OFFERTORY Mari beribadah / Let Us Come and Worship Traditional Batak J.A.U. Doloksaribu, Indonesia

The congregation is invited to sing, Amin, haleluyah / Amen, Hallelujah! Idioma / Language: Batak and English, Batak y inglés



PREFACE / PREFACIO ¡Ven! Come to the banquet, vengamos al banquete, Come to the feast, a la mesa de la creación. ¡Ven! God invites all who are poor and hungry, Dios invita a todos los pobres. Come to the table, a esta mesa común por la fe. ¡Ven! Come celebrate a meal where all are equal in love, donde hay igualidad. Come, taste and see, probar y ver la bondad de Dios. Dios de la Vida, you nurture and sustain your people, a tu pueblo…

SANTO / SANCTUS Santo, santo, santo / Holy, Holy, Holy Argentina ORACIÓN DE ADORACIÓN




LA CENA DEL SEÑOR / SHARING THE LORD’S SUPPER MUSIC DURING COMMUNION Ven, a la mesa de Dios Barbara Hamm Ven, a la mesa de Dios. Ven, a la mesa de Dios. This is God’s table, it’s not yours or mine. Ven a la mesa de Dios.

THE PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING / ORACIÓN DE GRATITUD +CANTO DE ENVÍO / El mensaje que hoy proclamamos Eleazar Torreglosa SENDING FORTH SONG El mensaje que hoy proclamamos: es justicia es paz para_el mundo. (2x) La fe, el amor, la_esperanza de_un mundo mejor. (2x) Hear the message we are now proclaiming about justice and peace for the whole world. (2x) With faith, and with love, and with hope we will fight for the world. (2x) El mensaje que hoy proclamamos: anunciar libertad a los cautivos. (2x) La fe, el amor, la_esperanza de_un mundo mejor. (2x) For the gospel we are now proclaiming, it brings liberty for all the captives. (2x) With faith, and with love, and with hope we will fight for the world. (2x)

Idioma / Language: Spanish, Español



+THE PASSING OF THE PEACE / COMPARTAMOS LA PAZ During this moment in our service, we express appreciation, expresamos nuestro agradecimiento, to our visitors, a nuestras visitas, with a warm welcome, de manera amable y calurosa. Say hello, salude, stretch your hand, dele la mano, especially, en especial, to those who are visiting us for the first or second time, a los que nos visitan por primera vez.

PARTICIPANTS IN TODAY’S SERVICE: Preaching: The Rev. Stephanie Kendell; Liturgist: The Rev. Dr. Richard Sturm; Lectors: The Congregation; Elders: The. Rev. Luis-Alfredo Cartagena and Johnson Liu; Deacon: Maria Morban; Multilingual and Cross-sectional Worship Minister: The Rev. Jeanette Zaragoza-De León; Interim Director of Music Ministry: Paul Vasile; Instrumentalists: Jonathan Mamora, piano; Pablo Eluchans, percussion; Soloists/Song Leaders: Andy Dahn, Cybele Gouverneur, Michelle Trovato

Flowers may be given in memory or in honor of someone in your life or to celebrate a special occasion. Call the church office at 212-288-3246, ext. 102 to place your order.

This Week’s Mission Offering: New York Common Pantry. New York Common Pantry works toward the reduction of hunger and food insecurity through an array of programs that function to establish long-term independence for those we serve. Our whole-person approach starts with food provision through the distribution of nutritious, fresh food pantry packages in Choice Pantry and hearty balanced breakfast and dinner in the Hot Meals program. Supplemental food is provided to seniors aged 60 and older through Nourish. We then go further to address the reasons for food insecurity with case management services through the help of Help 365, which assists Pantry visitors in gaining access to resources, and Project Dignity, which connects homeless visitors to resources. The third vital element in our whole-person approach is education offered through our Live Healthy! program. Live Healthy! teaches children and adults about the importance of a nutritionally sound diet and active living, as well as provides them with the skills necessary to make healthier choices for their families.

Musical and Liturgical acknowledgements: De mañana te buscaré / In the Morning I’ll Seek Your Face – Music and Words: Edith Alomar, © Edith Alomar. Permission granted

for non-commercial use in worship.

Welcome into This Place – Words and Music: Orlando Juarez, ©1991, CMI-HP Publishing (Admin. by Word Music Group, Inc.) Life Spring Music. Used by Permission. CCLI License #11173114

Estamos en la casa del Señor / We’re Standing in the Holy House of God – Words and Music: Frank Colón, translated by Jorge Lockward. ©Frank Colón, [email protected]. All rights reserved. Used with permission of the composer.

Listen, Listen / Oye, Oye - Text: Bret Hesla, Music: Ike Sturm, ©2014 Ike Sturm. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

Mari beribadah / Let Us Come and Worship – J.A.U. Dolokaribu, Copyright ©2015 J.A.U. Dolokaribu, English paraphrase by Andrew Donaldson, ©2015 World Council of Churches. All rights reserved. Used by permission. Reprinted under A-715488

Communion Preface – adapted by Paul Vasile from the song Vamos todos al banquete by Guillermo Cuéllar, trans. Bret Hesla. ©1988, td. 1996, GIA Publications, All rights reserved. Reprinted under A-715488

Communion Prayer – adapted by Paul Vasile from Diarmuid O'Murchu (Ireland),

Santo, santo, santo / Holy, Holy, Holy – Words: Traditional liturgical; Music: Argentina. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Reprinted under A-715488

The Lord’s Prayer – Words: Matt. 6:9-13, adapt. by Mark A. Miller and Laurie Zelman, trans. Jeanette Zaragoza-De. León, Music: Mark A. Miller, Adapt. and music ©2008 Abingdon Press, admin. by The Copyright Company. All rights reserved. Used by permission. Reprinted under A-715488

Ven, a la mesa de Dios / Come to the Table of Grace – Music: Barbara Hamm; Words: Barbara Hamm, Spanish adaptation by Paul Vasile, ©2008 Hope Publishing Company, All rights reserved. Reprinted under A-715488

El mensaje que hoy proclamamos / Hear the Message We Are Now Proclaiming – Words and Music: Eleazar Torreglosa, Colombia. English Translation ©Betty Arendt, ©2007 Administered by WCC-COE 150, Route de Ferney, P.O. Box 2100, CH-1211, Geneva 2, Switzerland. All rights reserved. Used by permission. Reprinted under A-715488


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