Descriptors for TP Assessment

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Descriptors for TP Assessment

Transcript of Descriptors for TP Assessment

  • Generic Grade Descriptors for Teaching Practice Assessment

    Level of Performance 5 4 3 2 1

    Objectives and Lesson


    Objectives show a very clear indication of how current work builds on previous. Objectives are very relevant, appropriate to the class, and sufficiently limited to be achievable in a single lesson.

    Objectives generally show an understanding of how current work builds on previous. Objectives are generally relevant, appropriate to the class. May be rather optimistic for what may be achieved in a single lesson.

    Objectives do not show sufficient understanding of how current work builds on previous. Objectives are barely relevant and appropriate to the class. Too much included in terms of what may be achieved in a single lesson.

    Objectives show very little sufficient understanding of how current work builds on previous. Objectives are not really relevant or appropriate to the class. Far too much included in terms of what may be achieved in a single lesson.

    Objectives show no understanding of how current teaching point matches students current needs or level.

    Classroom Language

    Is an excellent model for her students. Speaks very audibly and distinctly. Speed of delivery appropriate to the class yet natural SRI patterns not constrained. Use of English/Chinese appropriate to the class. Very good question & elicitation techniques. Instructions focused and clear.

    Generally a good model. Speaks audibly and distinctly. Speed of delivery appropriate to the class and natural SRI patterns not constrained. Use of English/Chinese generally appropriate. Good question & elicitation techniques. Instructions generally clear.

    A reasonable model of English. Speaks more or less distinctly. Speed of delivery may be inappropriate to the class. Use of English/Chinese need to be considered. Question & elicitation techniques on the weak side. Instructions more or less clear.

    Not a very good model. Speaks somewhat unclearly. Speed of delivery somewhat inappropriate to the class. Use of English/Chinese need to be considered. Question & elicitation techniques weak. Instructions unfocused.

    A poor model. Speaks unclearly, with an inappropriate speed of delivery. Use of English/Chinese inappropriate. Question & elicitation techniques poor and instructions very unfocused.

    Teaching Skills

    Different parts of the lesson extremely well staged Excellent sense of timing Good variety and balance of activities Materials very meaningful and appropriate engaging students actively and meaningfully; and assisting in achieving stated objectives

    Parts of the lesson generally well staged Good sense of timing Quite good variety and balance of activities Materials meaningful and appropriate generally engaging students meaningfully; and assisting in achieving stated objectives

    Some parts of the lesson work acceptably Reasonable sense of timing Some variety and balance of activities Materials at times meaningful sometimes engaging students and assisting in achieving stated objectives

    Teaching very teacher-directed Little variety and balance of activities Poor sense of timing Materials not meaningful little engaging students in terms of achieving stated objectives

    Teaching extremely teacher-directed, with no variety or balance of activities Materials not meaningful and do nothing to engage students or to move towards stated objectives. Poor sense of timing

    Class Management


    Variety in classroom interaction. Pans attention successfully around whole class. Able to successfully repair and improvise. Amount of TTT / STT talk appropriate. Fully able to discipline and control well where needed.

    Some variety in classroom interaction. Attempts to involve more than a few students. At times able to repair and improvise. Amount of TTT / STT talk generally appropriate. Generally able to discipline and control well where needed.

    Little variety in classroom interaction. Essentially only a few students being involved. Struggles to repair or improvise where needed. Generally too much TTT. Struggles to maintain discipline and control at times.

    No variety in classroom interaction. Too much TTT. Few students being involved at all. Does not know how to repair or improvise. Problems in maintaining discipline and control.

    No variety at all in classroom interaction. Lesson all TTT. No students being involved. Severe problems in maintaining discipline and control.

    Personal Qualities

    Relates extremely well to students on a class and individual basis. Strong classroom presence Classroom atmosphere very positive and supportive conducive to learning.

    Generally relates well to students on a class and individual basis. Quite good classroom presence. Classroom atmosphere generally positive and conducive to learning.

    Attempts to relate to students but perceives them as a class rather than as individuals. Reasonable classroom presence. Classroom atmosphere more or less conducive to learning.

    Struggles somewhat to relate to students. Somewhat ill at ease in terms of classroom presence. Classroom atmosphere not very conducive to learning.

    Not able to relate to students Poor, aloof, classroom presence Classroom atmosphere very unconducive to learning