Dept Course # Block Course Title Instructor Gen Ed tentative... · ECB 362 6 Strategic Management...

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 A B D E F G Dept Course # Block Course Title Instructor Gen Ed ANT 106 1 Truth and Lies Quill SS ANT 311 1 Archaelogical Field Methods Doershuk SS ANT 2xx 7 Topics: Medical Anthropology in Nepal Quill SS ANT 3xx 8 Globalization, Migration and Social C Quill SS ANT 271 2 Women's Roles in Cross Cultural Per Staff SS ANT 101 3 Cultural Anthropology Staff SS ANT 484 3 Qualitative Research Methods Quill SS ANT 101 4 Cultural Anthropology Quill SS ANT 2xx 4 Topics in Anthropology Staff SS ANT 308 5 Ritual, symbol and behavior Quill SS ANT 101 8 Cultural Anthropology Staff SS ART 257 1 Medusa's Gaze Penn-Goetsch H ART 483 1 Senior Seminar Biondo-Gemmell Capstone ART 104 2 Studio Basics Photo-Imaging Dyas FA ART 151 2 Art and Culture Penn-Goetsch W ART 223 2 Utilitarian Ceramics Biondo-Gemmell FA ART 103 3 Drawing Plaut F ART 207 3 Photo I Dyas F ART 487 3 Thesis Penn-Goetsch Capstone ART 2XX 3 Latin American Art Staff H ART 103 4 Drawing Plaut F ART 104 4 Studio Basics 3-D Biondo-Gemmell F ART 487 4 Thesis Dyas Capstone ART 2XX 4 Public Art: Politics and Controversy Staff H ART 104 5 Studio Basics 3-D Biondo-Gemmell F ART 260 5 Modern Art Staff H ART 344 5 Observational Painting Plaut F ART 104 6 Studio Basics 2-D Plaut F ART 364 6 Rome Reborn (Rome) Penn-Goetsch H ART 3XX 6 Global Contemporary Art Staff H ART 103 7 Drawing Coleman F ART 207 7 Photo I Dyas F ART 232 7 Life Drawing Plaut F ART 361 7 Saints and She-devils Penn-Goetsch H ART 487 7 Thesis Biondo-Gemmell Capstone ART 104 8 Studio Basics 2D Coleman F ART 211 8 Sculpture Biondo-Gemmell F ART 277 8 Topics: Modernism, Murals, and Mexican Art Staff H ART 307 8 Advanced Photo Dyas F

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Dept Course # Block Course Title Instructor Gen Ed

ANT 106 1 Truth and Lies Quill SSANT 311 1 Archaelogical Field Methods Doershuk SS

ANT 2xx 7 Topics: Medical Anthropology in Nepal Quill SSANT 3xx 8 Globalization, Migration and Social CQuill SSANT 271 2 Women's Roles in Cross Cultural Per Staff SSANT 101 3 Cultural Anthropology Staff SSANT 484 3 Qualitative Research Methods Quill SSANT 101 4 Cultural Anthropology Quill SSANT 2xx 4 Topics in Anthropology Staff SSANT 308 5 Ritual, symbol and behavior Quill SSANT 101 8 Cultural Anthropology Staff SSART 257 1 Medusa's Gaze Penn-Goetsch HART 483 1 Senior Seminar Biondo-Gemmell CapstoneART 104 2 Studio Basics Photo-Imaging Dyas FAART 151 2 Art and Culture Penn-Goetsch WART 223 2 Utilitarian Ceramics Biondo-Gemmell FAART 103 3 Drawing Plaut FART 207 3 Photo I Dyas FART 487 3 Thesis Penn-Goetsch CapstoneART 2XX 3 Latin American Art Staff HART 103 4 Drawing Plaut FART 104 4 Studio Basics 3-D Biondo-Gemmell FART 487 4 Thesis Dyas CapstoneART 2XX 4 Public Art: Politics and Controversy Staff HART 104 5 Studio Basics 3-D Biondo-Gemmell FART 260 5 Modern Art Staff HART 344 5 Observational Painting Plaut FART 104 6 Studio Basics 2-D Plaut FART 364 6 Rome Reborn (Rome) Penn-Goetsch HART 3XX 6 Global Contemporary Art Staff HART 103 7 Drawing Coleman FART 207 7 Photo I Dyas FART 232 7 Life Drawing Plaut FART 361 7 Saints and She-devils Penn-Goetsch HART 487 7 Thesis Biondo-Gemmell CapstoneART 104 8 Studio Basics 2D Coleman FART 211 8 Sculpture Biondo-Gemmell FART 277 8 Topics: Modernism, Murals, and Mexican Art Staff HART 307 8 Advanced Photo Dyas F

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A B D E F GART 242 1 Painting Plaut FART 484 1 Art History Seminar Staff Capstone

BIO 108 1FYS: Diversity- an evolutionary perspective Condon FYS

BIO 315 1 Genetics Tepper S

BIO 321 1Ecology (Wilderness Field Station, Minnesota) McCollum S

BIO 326 1 Microbiology Cardon SBIO 485 1 Biological Problems Mildenstein SBIO 141 2 Foundations: Cellular Biology Tepper ScienceBIO 209 2 Plant Morphology Condon ScienceBIO 232 2 Case Studies in Wildlife Conservation Mildenstein ScienceBIO 328 2 Neurobiology Christie-Pope ScienceBIO 141 3 Foundations: Cellular Biology Christie-Pope SBIO 211 3 Evolution Condon S

BIO 485 3Case studies in wildlife conservation (Costa Rica) McCollum S

BIO 142 4 Foundations: Organismal Biology Mildenstein SBIO 205 4 Cellular and Molecular Biology Tepper SBIO 141 5 Foundations: Cellular Biology Nowak-Thompson SBIO 315 5 Genetics Tepper SBIO 28x 5 Topics: TBD Mildenstein SBIO 103 5 Investigations Christie-Pope SBIO 142 6 Foundations: Organismal Biology Mildenstein capstoneBIO 211 6 Evolution Condon SBIO 108 7 Food and Sex: an Evolutionary Perspect Condon SBIO 312 7 Vertebrate Zoology McCollum SBIO 141 7 Foundations: Cellular Biology Christie-Pope/ Ging SBIO 330 8 Human Anatomy and Physiology II Christie-Pope/Putz SBIO 205 8 Cellular and Molecular Biology Tepper SBIO 321 8 Ecology Mildenstein SBIO 332 8 plant systematics Condon SBIO 335 8 Chemical Ecology Nowak-Thompson S

BIO/BMB 485 3 Cellular and Molecular Biology Nowak-Thompson CapstoneBIO/BMB 485 6 BIO/BMB Biological Problems (Belize) Christie-Pope CapstoneBIO/BMB 485 6 BIO/BMB Biological Problems (Belize) Tepper Capstone

CHE 108 1 Creativity in the Sciences and the Other Liberko FYSCHE 202 1 Analytical Chemistry Strong/Staff LCHE 225 1 Organic Chemistry I Lecture Staff SCHE 111 2 Chemistry in the Natural World Strong ScienceCHE 121 2 Chemical Principles I Shanata ScienceCHE 225 2 Organic Chemistry I Lecture Cardon ScienceCHE 323 2 Physical Chemistry I Teague ScienceCHE 121 3 Chemical Principles I Teague LCHE 161 3 Accelerated General Chemistry Liberko LCHE 326 3 Organic Chemistry II Lecture Shanata S

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A B D E F GCHE 334 3 Biochemistry Cardon LCHE 121 4 Chemical Principles I Nowak-Thompson LCHE 122 4 Chemical Principles II Strong LCHE 225 5 Organic Chemistry I Lecture Staff SCHE 324 5 Physical Chemistry II Teague ScienceCHE 121 6 Chemical Principles I Teague LCHE 326 6 Organic Chemistry II Lecture Shanata SCHE 327 6 Organic Chemistry Laboratory Liberko/Staff LCHE 333 6 Advanced Analytical Chemistry Strong LCHE 122 7 Chemical Principles II Teague LCHE 327 7 Organic Chemistry Laboratory Liberko/Shanata LCHE 334 7 Biochemistry Nowak-Thompson LCHE 122 8 Chemical Principles II Strong LCHE 328 8 Advanced Organic Chemistry Shanata LCLA 264 1 Women in Antiquity Gruber-Miller HCLA 2xx 2 Classics and the Graphic Novel Venticinque W

CLA 381 3 Greek Archaeology Gruber-Miller HCLA 216 4 Introduction to Classical Mythology Venticinque HCLA 255 6 Roman History Venticinque HCLA 364 8 Masterpieces of Greek and Roman TheaGruber-Miller H

CSC 131 1 The Beauty & Joy of Computing Tabak FYSCSC 218 1 Computer Organization Sowell

CSC 140 2 Foundations of Computer Science SowellCSC 35X 2 Advanced Topics: Open Source DevelopmenTabakCSC 321 3 Computer Graphics TabakCSC 151 4 Discrete Mathematics for Computer ScienceSowell MAT

CSC 140 5 Foundations of Computer Science TabakCSC 140 6 Foundations of Computer Science deLaubenfelsCSC 317 6 Computer Networks TabakCSC 144 7 Software Architecture SowellCSC 230 7 Database Technologies for Analytics TabakCSC 314 7 Database Management Systems deLaubenfelsCSC 151 8 Discrete Mathematics for Computer SciencedeLaubenfels MATCSC 301 8 Algorithms and Data Structures SowellCSC/EGR 270 5 Electronic Instrumentation Sherman

ECB 101 1 Introduction to Macroeconomics Farooqi SECB 320 5 en, Women, and the Labor Market Semin Savitsky ssECB 353 5 Business Analytics I Bradley ssECB 359 5 Asset Valuation Namin ssECB 102 6 Introduction to Microeconomics Savitsky SECB 121 6 Data Visualization Bradley SECB 261 6 Global Environmental Economics Farooqi SECB 362 6 Strategic Management Capstone Semina Staff SECB 101 7 Intermediate Macroeconomics Staff SECB 231 7 Employment Law M. Yamanishi SECB 326 7 Managerial Economics Farooqi S

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A B D E F GECB 352 7 Financial Management Seminar Namin SECB 354 7 Business Analytics II Hejeebu SECB 151 8 Financial Accounting Namin SECB 212 8 Social Networks Hejeebu SECB 258 8 Economics of Sports Savitsky SECB 358 8 Analytics Case Seminar Bradley SECB 243 1 Investments Namin SECB 321 1 Macroeconomics Seminar Knoop SECB 1XX 1 Topics: The Economics of Crime Savitsky SECB 102 2 Introduction to Microeconomics Hejeebu ssECB 151 2 Financial Accounting Staff ssECB 225 2 Money and Banking Knoop ssECB 251 2 Entrepreneurship Staff ssECB 301 2 Intermediate Microeconomics Savitsky ssECB 323 2 International Economics Seminar Farooqi ssECB 327 2 Organizational Behavior Staff ssECB 101 3 Introduction to Macroeconomics Farooqi SECB 121 3 Data Visualization Bradley SECB 210 3 Introduction to Financial Management Namin SECB 253 3 Managerial Accounting Staff SECB 328 3 Human Capital Management Staff SECB 102 4 Introduction to Microeconomics Savitsky SECB 151 4 Financial Accounting Namin SECB 265 4 Topics: Introduction to Business Analytic Bradley SECB 302 4 Intermediate Macroeconomics Knoop SECB 356 4 Economics of Organizations Seminar Hejeebu SECB 121 5 Data Visualization Hejeebu S

EDU 205 1Historical Foundations of American Education Kauper Humanities

EDU 318 1Methods of elementary language arts and reading STAFF

EDU 410 1 Student Teaching Postler

EDU 410 1 Student Teaching Supervision - Secondary HeinrichEDU 230 2 Exceptional Learners STAFF SSEDU 319 2 Children's Literature STAFFEDU 328 2 Secondary Lit Pedagogy Mgt Theory HeinrichEDU 420 2 Student Teaching Postler

EDU 420 2Student Teaching Supervision - Secondary Kauper

EDU 240 3 Education and Culture Heinrich SS

EDU 301 3 Secondary Curriculum and Instruction KauperEDU 430 3 Student Teaching PostlerEDU 430 3 Student Teaching Postler

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EDU 314 4 Methods of elementary mathematics STAFFEDU 483 4 Senior Seminar HeinrichEDU 230 5 Exceptional Learners STAFF ssEDU 410 5 Student Teaching PostlerEDU 410 5 Student Teaching Postler

EDU 205 6Historical Foundations of American Education Kauper


EDU 215 6 Educational Psychology Bostwick ssEDU 240 6 Education and Culture STAFF SSEDU 270 6 Comparative Education in Belize Heinrich SS

EDU 420 6 Student Teaching PostlerEDU 420 6 Student Teaching PostlerEDU 215 7 Educational Psychology STAFF SS

EDU 217 7Education policy and practice in Chicago Kauper SS

EDU 328 7 Secondary lit Pedagogy Mgt Theory HeinrichEDU 430 7 Student Teaching PostlerEDU 430 7 Student Teaching PostlerEDU 302 8 Secondary english methods PostlerEDU 303 8 Secondary art methods Postler

EDU 304 8 Secondary foreign language methods PostlerEDU 305 8 Secondary math methods PostlerEDU 306 8 Secondary social studies methods PostlerEDU 307 8 Secondary science methods Postler

EDU 317 8Methods of elementary science and social studies Bostwick

EDU 483 8 Senior Seminar KauperEGR 271 1 Engineering Thermodynamics KamranEGR 131 2 Introduction to Engineering Design JohnsEGR 361 2 Signals and Systems KamranEGR 331 3 Engineering Materials JohnsEGR 332 4 Mechanics of Deformable Bodies JohnsEGR 131 5 Introduction to Engineering Design JohnsEGR 231 7 Engineering Mechanics JohnsEGR 311 8 Engineering Circuits KamranEGR 385 8 Engineering Design Project Johns

ENG 1XX 1 Introductory Topics in English Studies Stavreva FYSENG 319 1 Advanced Critical Writing Staff HENG 347 1 Modern American Literature Hankins HENG 411 1 Senior Seminar Mouton HENG 111 2 pics in Literature, Film, and Cultural Stud Entel FYWENG 111 2 pics in Literature, Film, and Cultural Stud Staff FYW

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A B D E F GENG 323 2 Shakespeare I Stavreva HENG 372 2 Film and Film Studies Mouton HENG 111 3 pics in Literature, Film, and Cultural Stud McQueen FYWENG 215 3 Introduction to Creative Writing Freeman HENG 3XX 3 vanced Topics in Creative or Media Writ Entel FENG 2XX 3 Topics in English Studies Hankins FENG 328 3 18th-century English lit Staff HENG 111 4 pics in Literature, Film, and Cultural Stud Mouton FYWENG 318 4 Advanced Fiction Entel FENG 335 4 Virginia Woolf Hankins HENG 111 5 pics in Literature, Film, and Cultural Stud Staff wENG 201 5 Introduction to Literary Studies Hankins HENG 331 5 British Literature of the Romantic Period Mouton HENG 412 5 Senior Project in Creative Writing Freeman CapstoneENG 413 5 Senior Project in Critical Writing Stavreva CapstoneENG 111 6 pics in Literature, Film, and Cultural Stud Entel FYWENG 111 6 pics in Literature, Film, and Cultural Stud Staff FYWENG 201 6 Introduction to Literary Studies Hankins HENG 215 6 Introduction to Creative Writing McQueen FENG 364 6 Contemporary Poetry Freeman HENG 111 7 pics in Literature, Film, and Cultural Stud Hankins FYWENG 111 7 pics in Literature, Film, and Cultural Stud Staff FYWENG 202 7 Introduction to Film Studies Stavreva HENG 215 7 Introduction to Creative Writing Entel FENG 334 7 Nineteenth-Century English Novel Mouton HENG 2XX 8 Topics in English Studies Mouton HENG 322 8 al and Renaissance Drama: Shakespeare Stavreva HENG 351 8 Studies in African-American Literature Entel HENG 3XX ? Distinguished Visiting Writer Seminar Staff FENG 3XX ? Distinguished Visiting Writer Seminar Staff FENV 202 1 Environmental Chemistry Nowak-Thompson SENV 101 5 Environmental Perspectives Denniston/Farooqi none

EST 123 6 Intro to Ethnic Studies Ochoa-ShivapourFRE 366 1 French & Francophone Perspectives on the BATY H

FRE 102 6 Beginning French II WINES LangFRE 301/311 6 Advanced French Composition and ConvBATY LangFRE 102 7 Beginning French II BATY LangFRE 103 8 Beginning French III WINES LangFRE 101 3 Beginning French I BATY LangFRE 103 3 Beginning French III WINES LangFRE 205 4 Intermediate French in Context BATY LangFRE 303 8 Cultures of France and the Francophone BATY H

FRE/GSS 3## 2 Sports and Identities in the Francophone W WINES HFRE/GSS/IR3## 5 Race and Immigration in French-Langua WINES H

GEO 105 1 Marine Science Staff S

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A B D E F GGEO 114 1 Investigations in Iowa Geology Walsh FYSGEO 485 1 Research in Geology Denniston CapstoneGEO 217 2 Invertebrate Paleontology Staff ScienceGEO 160 3 Geology in the News: Natural Hazards Walsh WGEO 214 3 Tectonics Denniston SGEO 212 4 Mineralogy Walsh SGEO 317 4 Paleoecology Staff SGEO 105 5 Marine Science Staff SGEO 307 5 Metamorphic Petrology Walsh SGEO 111 6 Geology of New Zealand Denniston SGEO 111 7 Dynamic Earth Walsh SGEO 321 7 Sedimentology/Stratigraphy Staff SGEO 122 8 Climate Change Denniston SGEO 325 8 Origin of Mountains Walsh SGEO 130 6 Historical Geology Staff S

GEO/ENV 320/301 2 Hydrogeology Denniston ScienceGER 3XX 1 Topics: Nazi Germany (IN ENGLISH) Carrington HGER 103 2 Beginning German III Carrington L


Uncovering Germany's Past and Present (BLOCK ABROAD IN GERMANY) Carrington H

GER 101 5 Beginning German I Carrington LGER 102 7 Beginning German II Carrington LGRE 103 8 Beginning Ancient Greek III Venticinque LanguageGRE 101 4 Beginning Ancient Greek I Gruber-MillerGRE 102 6 Beginning Ancient Greek II Gruber-Miller

GSS 171 1 Gender, Power and Identity WINES FYSGSS 393 3 Global Feminisms Thomas

GSS 393 3 Global Feminisms Thomas SGSS 270 4 Social Justice Perspectives and PracPenn Goetsch/ThomasGSS 171 6 Gender, Identity, Power Barnes-BrusHIS 111 1 FYS, title tba Lucas FYSHIS 3xx 1 Topics: Medieval Monasticism Herder HHIS 101 2 Europe 800-1300 Herder HHIS 350 2 Colonial America Lucas HHIS 153 3 Origins of the American nation Lucas HHIS 358 3 Work and Leisure in Modern America Stewart HHIS 154 4 Making of Modern America Stewart HHIS 317 4 The Crusades Herder HHIS 102 5 Europe 1300-1700 Herder HHIS 352 5 U.S. in the Middle Period Lucas HHIS 210 6 Warfare and Modern Society Givens HHIS 257 6 Reel History: African-Americans on Film Stewart HHIS 353 6 Civil War and Reconstruction Lucas H

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A B D E F GHIS 153 7 Origins of the American nation Lucas HHIS 220 7 History of Spain 700-1600 Herder HHIS 315 7 International Relations in the Modern WGivens HHIS 354 7 U.S. Social History Stewart HHIS 104 8 Modern Europe Carrington HHIS 154 8 Making of Modern America Stewart HHIS 319 8 Women in Medieval Europe Herder HHIS 323 8 Russia from 1941 Givens H

INT 310 3Theoretical foundations in elementary school mathematics STAFF

INT 320 7Interdisciplinary Theory and Practice for the Elementary Classroom Bostwick

INT 121 8 Communication in Education STAFFKIN 205 1 Coaching Endorsement New replacementKIN 206 1 Psychology of Exercise Johnson SSKIN 207 1 Systems Physiology Meyer S

KIN111 1

Foundations of Kinesiology and Sports (FYS) Hallam FYS

KIN 207 2 Systems Physiology Hallam ScienceKIN 309 3 Anatomy for Human Movement Meyer Science

KIN111 3 Foundations of Kinesiology and Sports Johnson

KIN 318 3 Methods for Team Sports New replacementKIN 215 4 Psychology of Sports (Writing) Johnson w

KIN237 4

Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries Leeper

KIN 308 4 Biomechanics (Chicago) FEE3 Meyer SKIN 315 4 Exercise Physiology Hallam S

KIN324 4

Physical Education Methods for Elementary School

New replacement

KIN310 5 Nutrition of Health and Performance Hallam S

KIN 207 5 Systems Physiology Meyer SKIN 212 5 Sport in American Society Johnson SS

KIN327 5 Adaptive Physical Education New Replacement SS

KIN 206 6 Psychology of Exercise Johnson SSKIN 309 6 Anatomy of Human Movement Meyer SKIN 315 7 Exercise Physiology Hallam S

KIN334 7 Motor Learning New replacement SS

KIN101 8 Lifetime Physical Fitness and Activities

New replacement

KIN111 8 Foundations of Kinesiology and Sports Hallam

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A B D E F GKIN 215 8 Psychology of Sports Johnson SS

KIN237 8

Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries Leeper

KIN 362 8 Exercise Testing and Prescription Meyer CapstoneLAS 335 7 Topics in Latin American Studies Mosier H

Lat 103 1 Introduction to Latin Venticinque LanguageLat 205 5 Introduction to Latin Literature and CultGruber-MillerLat 368 7 Roman Historians VenticinqueMAT 105 1 First Year Seminar (topic tbd) Department Chair FYSMAT 485 6 Senior Capstone Project Department ChairMAT 110 8 On the Shoulders of Giants: Great Math Department Chair MMAT 221 1 Linear Algebra Department Chair MMAT 121 2 Calculus of a Single Variable Department Chair MMAT 119 3 Calculus: Single Variable Part 1 Department ChairMAT 121 3 Calculus of a Single Variable Department Chair MMAT 337 3 Analysis I Department ChairMAT 120 4 Calculus: Single Variable Part 2 Department Chair MMAT 338 4 Analysis II Department ChairMAT 122 5 Calculus of Several Variables Department Chair MMAT 231 5 Geometry Department ChairMAT 236 6 Differential Equations Department ChairMAT 121 7 Calculus of a Single Variable Department Chair MMAT 357 7 Applied Mathematics I Department ChairMAT 122 8 Calculus of Several Variables Department Chair MMAT 358 8 Applied Mathematics II Department ChairMAT 2XX Topics: Applied Knot Theory Visitor M

MUS 109 1 First Year Seminar in Music Martin FYSMUS 310 1 Music Theory III Stilwell FAMUS 101 2 Fundamentals of Music staff FAMUS 207 2 Vocal Diction L. HearneMUS 331 2 Music Education Seminar Perrine or staffMUS 263 3 Women and Music Stilwell HMUS 110 4 Music Theory I Stilwell FAMUS 322 4 History of Western Music II Martin HMUS 306 6 Conducting M. HearneMUS 343 7 Music Theory IV Perrine FAMUS 101 5 Fundamentals of Music staff FAMUS 323 5 History of Western Music III Martin HMUS 210 6 Music Theory II Stilwell FAMUS 352 6 Wagner's Ring Cycle Martin HMUS 321 8 History of Western Music I Stilwell H

MUS 431 8Methods and Materials for Music Education Perrine or staff

PHI 105 1 Morals of our Stories Migely FYSPHI 109 1 Ethics and Climate Change White FYSPHI 111 2 Introduction to Philosophy Migely H

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A B D E F GPHI 204 2 Symbolic Logic WhitePHI 309 2 Existentialism Gray HPHI 225 3 Utopia Gray HPHI 111 4 Introduction to Philosophy Staff HPHI 2XX 4 Business Ethics Migely HPHI 111 5 Introduction to Philosophy White HPHI 302 5 Ancient Philosophy Migely HPHI 202 6 Ethics Migely HPHI 355 6 Philosophy of Religion White HPHI 202 7 Ethics Staff HPHI 203 7 Logic and Critical Thinking WhitePHI 307 8 Marx and Marxism Gray HPHI 2XX 8 Philosophy of Identity: Self, Gender and RacMigely HPHI 360 3 Evolution and Philosophy White H

PHY 116 1 Energy and Society Beauchamp FYSPHY 305 1 Waves ShermanPHY 312 2 Advanced Experimental Physics ShermanPHY 263 3 Laboratory Physics Beauchamp sciencePHY 141 4 Intro Physics 1 Sherman/Kamran sciencePHY 322 4 Electricity and Magnetism BeauchampPHY 161 5 General Physics 1 Kamran sciencePHY 121 6 Astronomy Beauchamp sciencePHY 161 6 General Physics 1 Kamran sciencePHY 162 7 General Physics 2 Sherman PHY 265 7 Modern Physics BeauchampPHY 142 8 Intro Physics 2 Beauchamp/ShermsciencePOL 142 1 International Politics (FYS) Yamanishi FYSPOL 172 1 American Politics ADJUNCT-AP S

POL 346 1Political Economy of Developing Countries ADJUNCT-IR S

POL 255 2 Holocaust and Human Rights in Europe Yamanishi SSPOL 363 2 Campaigns and Elections ADJUNCT-AP SSPOL 142 3 International Politics ADJUNCT-IR SPOL 142 4 International Politics Yamanishi SPOL 256 4 Nature, Functions, and Limits of the LawBrand SPOL 35X 4 Media and Politics ADJUNCT-AP SPOL 251 5 Research Methods in Politics Yamanishi ssPOL 330 5 Women and Politics Thomas ssPOL 483 5 Research Seminar Thomas ss

POL 351 6Political Parties and Organized Interests ADJUNCT-AP S

POL 366 6 Constitutional Law: Rights and Liberties ADJUNCT-CL SPOL 172 7 American Politics ADJUNCT-AP SPOL 334 7 Strategies to Alleviate Poverty Thomas SPOL 143 8 Comparative Politics Thomas SPOL 172 8 American Politics ADJUNCT-AP S

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A B D E F GPOL 25x 8 Topics: Political Philosophy Seminar Yamanishi SPOL 333 6 International Organizations Yamanishi S

PSY 243 109 1 Psychological Insights Ganzel FYSPSY 274 1 Social Psychology Dragon SSPSY 276 1 Multicultural Psychology New Hire SSPSY 292 1 Research Methods I Neese SS

PSY 383 1Health Psychology and Behavioral

MedicineGreen SS

PSY 161 2 Fundamentals of Psychological Science Janssens-Rud SS

PSY 277 2 Child Development Ganzel SS

PSY 374 2 Psychology of Women and Gender Green SS

PSY 392 2 Research Methods II Dragon SS

PSY 161 3 Fundamentals of Psychological Science Ganzel SS

PSY 279 3 Personality Theories New Hire SS

PSY 363 3Introduction to Behavioral

NeuroscienceNeese SS

PSY 483 3 Senior Seminar Green SS

PSY 283 3Abnormal Child/Adolsecent

PsychologyJanssens-Rud SS

PSY 161 4 Fundamentals of Psychological Science New Hire SS

PSY 244 4 Human Aggression Dragon WPSY 370 4 Memory and Cognition Neese

PSY 161 5 Fundamentals of Psychological Science Janssens-Rud SS

PSY 278 5 Adolescence Ganzel SSPSY 282 5 Abnormal Psychology Green SSPSY 379 5 Intimate Relationships Dragon SSPSY 483 5 Senior Seminar New Hire SS

PSY 161 6 Fundamentals of Psychological Science Neese SS

PSY 245 6 Lifespan Development Ganzel SSPSY 292 6 Research Methods I New Hire SSPSY 344 6 Social Neuroscience Dragon SS

PSY 395 6Human Services Practicum and

SeminarJanssens-Rud SS

PSY 161 7 Fundamentals of Psychological Science New Hire SS

PSY 361 7 Cognitive Neuroscience Neese SSPSY 392 7 Research Methods II Green SSPSY 274 8 Social Psychology Dragon SS

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A B D E F GPSY 292 8 Research Methods I Ganzel SSPSY 362 8 Learning Neese SSPSY 382 8 Counseling and Psychotherapy Green SSREL 101 1 Introduction to Religion SACKS FYS - HREL 325 1 The Buddhist Way HOKLOTUBBE HREL 242 2 The Myth of Ancient Egypt SACKS HREL 1XX 3 Gender and Sexuality in the Christian Tra HOKLOTUBBE W REL 222 4 Religions of the World HOKLOTUBBE HREL 326 4 The Islamic Path SACKS HREL 101 5 Introduction to Religion SACKS HREL 252 5 The Epistles of Paul HOKLOTUBBE HREL 1xx 6 Biblical Hebrew SACKS LREL 2XX 7 Morocco: Stability and Destabilization SACKS HREL 36X 7 Religion in the Greco-Roman World HOKLOTUBBE HREL 222 8 Religions of the World HOKLOTUBBE HRUS 103 1 Beginning Russian III Ikach L

RUS 181 2Intro. To Russian Lit. & Culture in

ENGLISH Ikach wRUS 205/303 4 Intermediate & Advanced Russian Ikach

RUS 341 5 Russian Literary Classics in ENGLISH Ikach HRUS 101 6 Beginning Russian I Ikach LRUS 102 8 Beginning Russian III Ikach LSOC 483 1 Sociological Theory Olson SSSOC 101 2 Sociological Thinking Olson SSSoc 316 2 Culture, Meaning-Making, Distinctio Barnes-Brus SSSOC 348 3 Race & Ethnic Relations Olson SSSOC 101 4 Sociological Thinking Barnes-Brus SS

SOC 248 4

American Indians: Culture, Activism andSocial Justice Olson SS

SOC 487 4 Senior Seminar E Davis SSSOC 365 5 Sexualities Staff SSSOC 101 6 Sociological Thinking Olson SSSOC 2xx 6 Topics Course: Crim? Other? StaffSOC 101 7 Sociological Thinking Staff SSSOC 343 7 Women: Oppressions and Resistances Olson SSSOC 246 7 Gender Diversity Staff SS

SOC 101 8 Sociological Thinking Staff SSSOC 315 1 Wealth, Power, Inequality Barnes-Brus SS

SOC 484 5 Research Design and Data Analysis Barnes-Brus SSSOC 317 8 Reproductive Practices, Reproductiv Barnes-Brus SS

SPA 101 1 Beginning Spanish 1 Adjunct LSPA 103 1 Beginning Spanish 3 Selmer L

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A B D E F GSPA 109 1 The Galaxy Next Door Mosier FYSSPA 102 2 Beginning Spanish 2 Adjunct LSPA 353 2 Revolution and Resistance in Caribbean Lite Mosier HSPA 102 3 Beginning Spanish 2 Adjunct LSPA 103 3 Beginning Spanish 3 Ochoa-Shivapour LSPA 320 3 Madrid: Pop of Culture Selmer HSPA 103 4 Beginning Spanish 3 Pinto-Tomas LSPA 301 4 Advanced Grammar Selmer H

SPA 206/302 4Cuba Libre: Cuban Traditions and Transitions Mosier L

SPA 101 5 Beginning Spanish 1 Pinto-Tomas LSPA 102 5 Beginning Spanish 2 Selmer LSPA 311 5 Introduction to Textual Analysis Mosier HSPA 102 6 Beginning Spanish 2 Selmer LSPA 102 6 Beginning Spanish 2 Pinto-Tomas LSPA 411 6 Spanish Seminar Mosier HSPA 103 7 Beginning Spanish 3 Selmer LSPA 103 7 Beginning Spanish 3 Pinto-Tomas LSPA 383 7 Latinos in the U.S. Ochoa-Shivapour H

SPA 205 8 Topics and Encounters in Hispanic Culture Pinto-Tomas LSTA 201 1 Statistical Methods I Department Chair MSTA 201 1 Statistical Methods I Department Chair MSTA 202 2 Statistical Methods II Ann Cannon MSTA 201 3 Statistical Methods I Department Chair MSTA 201 4 Statistical Methods I Department Chair MSTA 201 5 Statistical Methods I Department Chair MSTA 201 6 Statistical Methods I Department Chair MSTA 201 7 Statistical Methods I Department Chair MSTA 201 8 Statistical Methods I Department Chair MSTA/CSC 2XX 5 Introduction to Data Science Ann Cannon/Ross SM

THE 160 1 Fundamentals of Theatre Design OLINGER FYSTHE 216 1 Voice and Movement PRICE FTHE 267 1 Stage Makeup KELCHEN FTHE 115 2 Basic Acting PRICE FTHE 266 2 Drafting for the Theatre OLINGERTHE 321 2 Playwriting I HALLMAN(ADJ) FATHE 107 3 Stagecraft SCHNEIDER FTHE 108 3 Costume Construction KELCHEN FTHE 281 3 Jazz Studio I REED FTHE 311 3 Directing I WEST FATHE 201 4 Play Analysis WEST FTHE 268 4 Scene Painting OLINGER FTHE 283 4 Musical Theatre Dance REED FTHE 107 5 Stagecraft SCHNEIDER FTHE 2XX 5 Topic: Puppet Performance ADJUNCT (WEST SAB)

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A B D E F GTHE 284 6 Ballet Studio I REED FTHE 2XX 6 Topic: Puppet Construction ADJUNCT (WEST SAB)THE 108 7 Costume Construction KELCHEN FTHE 285 7 Contemporary Modern Studio I REED FTHE 310 7 Acting Studio PRICE FTHE 115 8 Basic Acting PRICE FTHE 3XX 8 Topic: Projection Design OLINGER F

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l Enr











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H I J K L M N O1518





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