
Childhood Depression

Transcript of Depression

  • 1. Childhood Depression

2. DSM Criteria for Major Depressive Episode Five or more of the following symptoms have been present during the same 2-week period and represent a change from previous functions; at least one of the symptoms is either (1) depressed mood or (2) loss of interest or pleasure. Depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day as indicated by either self-report (feels sad or empty) or observation made by others (appears tearful). In children or adolescents, can be irritable mood. Markedly diminished interest or pleasure in all, or almost all, activities most of the day, nearly every day. Significant weight loss when not dieting or weight gain (5% body weight in 1 month) or decrease or increase in appetite nearly every day. In children, consider failure to make expected weight gains. 3. Insomnia or hypersomnia nearly every day. Psychomotor agitation or retardation nearly every day (observable by others, not just feeling restless or being slowed down). Fatigue or loss of energy nearly every day. Feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt. Diminished ability to think or concentrate, or indecisiveness, nearly every day. Recurrent thoughts of death, recurrent suicidal ideation without a specific plan or suicide attempt or specific plan for committing suicide. 4. Initial Intake with Parents (Kids) Gather as much background information as possible. Ask about school performance, friends, outside activities, etc. Ask about sleep schedules, bed wetting, medications, doctor visits. Ask about duration, family history, any interventions tried and if they are/arent working. 5. Depressed Kids Often say things like: I wish I was never born. I cant do anything right. My mom loves my brother more. Im stupid. Have a hard time seeing the good in a situation Blame themselves Lack feelings of empowerment Think things will never get better 6. Techniques for Kids 7. Good At Jar Have child make a pinch pot out of clay. Choose one bead for one thing that he or she is good at. Child places one bead in at a time sharing what he/she is good at. Give child extra beads to take home to add to the jar. 8. Sick of Eggs Give child several plastic eggs that open (like a plastic Easter egg). Explain that some things in our life make us angry or frustrated or feel bad. We often get sick of those things. Demonstrate for child throwing the egg at the wall while saying, I am sick of _____. Allow child to throw eggs against wall while saying things theyre sick of (eggs should break open). 9. Bag of Bad Feelings Have child choose things in the room that represent things that make them feel bad. (Ex. figure of boy represents bully at school.) Have child keep adding things to the bag until they have chosen something to represent everything they feel bad about. Have child carry the bag around the room and explain thatss what they are carrying around with them on a day-to-day basis. Allow them to take things they are willing to let go of one at a time to lighten the load. 10. I Feel/I Need Draw a line down the middle of the paper with the words I Feel on one side and I Need on another. Ask child the write down current feelings on the I Feel Side. Have them write down activities beside each feeling that expresses what he/she needs on the I Need side. Allow child to take home paper and refer back to it when they are experiencing a specific feeling. 11. Initial Parent Intake (Adolescents) Ask about behavior changes, overall mood at home, what seems to trigger moods. Suicidal ideation? School performance, school activities, relationships with teachers. Have teachers said anything? Changes in friends, groups or activities Found anything suspicious? Notes? Texts? Facebook posts? Drugs/Alcohol use. Weekend Activities. 12. Initial Things to Consider Suicidal Ideation Medication or psychological evaluations Support system Relationship with parents Level of success in any one area Change in peer groups Academic decline 13. Depressed Adolescents Irritability often comes out Resistance to change whats not working Lack of communication Lack of motivation Often dont know whats wrong Cry easily 14. What to Pay Attention to Music what theyre listening to Friends what their friends are doing Movies what theyre watching. Pay attention to movies theyre watching obsessively. 15. Pumped up Kicks 16. We Need to Talk about Kevin 17. Basketball Diaries 18. Techniques for Adolescents 19. List of Bad Things Ask adolescent to write down all of the bad things in his/her life. Rank them in order from least to greatest Which ones are able to be changed? What will help with the ones that arent able to be changed? 20. What Triggers You? Write down all things that trigger negative emotions. Rank reaction to triggers (1-10). How often do these triggers occur? How long are the after effects? Is there a specific theme to the triggers? 21. Automatic Negative Thoughts Talk about CBT and how we have automatic negative thoughts about certain events. Identify a difficult event and write the negative thought about the situation. Choose a positive thought to replace the negative thought. 22. Behavioral Activation Identify activities that increase mood levels. Talk about how those activities are helpful in increasing mood levels. Schedule those activities into daily/weekly routine. Make up a schedule and implement before next session. 23. Journaling Write down daily thoughts, ideas, feelings in a journal. Encourage them to not filter what is written but to be real. Bring in journal if comfortable with counselor reading it. Either read it aloud or allow counselor to read it (aloud or silently). 24. Coping Strategies How to breathe and/or meditate. Help implement an exercise routine. Help them set boundaries with phones, facebook and texting. Help them identify safe people they can talk to. Make daily schedule that promotes a positive mood. Sleep schedule, homework schedule, etc. 25. Case Study - 17 Year Old Male Saw briefly when he was 13. Stopped coming to sessions. Paranoid of me talking to mom. Worried she could hear him through the air vents. Mom had affair. He overheard her on the phone. She lied about it. Wasnt sure if parents were even married. Dad worked out of town. Mom calls again when hes 17, found a suicide note. 26. Initial Impressions Highly intelligent. Beyond his years in thinking. Movie - Inception. Big picture thinker. Extremely rigid - black/white, wrong/right thinking, mature for his age. No real friends. Messing around with girl who has a boyfriend. Only connection. No one knows him. No Connection to parents. *Highly worried with this scenario. 27. Month 1 -3 Goes back and forth between practical and emotional. Can t seem to integrate the two. When hes emotional hes very emotional. Says he cant be who he really is. Wont say who that is. Cant concentrate. Grades are dropping. Mom on his case. Refer for medication. Gets on Zoloft, things start improving. 28. Month 4 - 8 Wants to tell me something. Cant. Takes three sessions for him to tell me. Wants to go to cosmetology school. Almost hyperventilates after he tells me. Explore opportunities for him to work at salon. Wont do it. Says he cant. Also says he wants to dress differently. (hipster, skinny jeans). Cant do that either. Feels trapped at his school, in his part of town. 29. Month 9 - 12 Starts changing into skinny jeans in the parking lot. Wears them in my office. How does he feel in the waiting room? In my office? After 6 weeks, wears them to a hockey game with friendsno one even notices. Begins wearing them at school. Even mom doesnt notice. 30. Month 13 - 18 Starts coming less frequently. Decides to go to college. Still no real relationships. Still rigid at times. Goes completely off of medication (tapers off slowly with MD help). Grades go back up. Missed a session. Never rescheduled. 31. Final Thoughts Much improvement was made. Was more into connection than strategies. Still isolated from peers - a huge concern. Still very uncomfortable with himself. Overall Goal hell end up going back into counseling and continue to work on himself.