DepED Order No.41 s.2011

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Transcript of DepED Order No.41 s.2011

  • 7/27/2019 DepED Order No.41 s.2011



    To: UndeftecretariesAssrstant SecretariesButeau DirectorsDirectors of Services, Centers, al1d lleads of UnitsRegional DirecrorsSchools Divisio!/City SuperintendentsHeads, Public Elementary a$d Seconda.ry SchoolsAll Others Corlcerned

    1. PuFuant to the Constitutiona.l mandate to provide all Filipino lea.ners with freebasic education in public clementa.ry and seconda4r schools, and to achieve thecountry's targets for th Millennium Development Goal (MDGI on universal Primaryeducation and thls Depart$ent\ objective of E lucation for All (EFA) in 2015, thre isan urgent need to llinimize, if not to eliliinate, financial consttaints amongparents/guardiails during the opening ol classes, and to implement ellectiveschool/classroom maragement,2. Accordingly, the tmpleBentitg Policles oa the collectlon of voluntaty3chool corHbutrors [vSCs] shal be stricdy observed.a. No fees shall bc collected tom schoolchildlefl in Kinderga:'ten upto Grade 4 anytime during the School Year {SY) 2011-20 f2.b. No fees shall be c,ollected flom Grade 5 pupils to Fourth Yea.r higbschool students lrom June to July 2O11. However, starting August 2Ol1until the end of tblrs SY, the contnbutions shos.ll in the table below maybe collccted only or a volurtary basls.

    , t , u ; sngffisnd*, ire,Coo ,r,'tt ,pz',eW

    Mombetship Fec Ar!.otnt RefetnceBoy Scouts ol thePhilinbines IBSPI PhP50.00 per learner DM No. 513,s. 2009Girl Scouts ofthePhiliiroines IGSPI PhPso.OO per leamer DM No. 235,s. 2009Anti-TB Fund Ddve PhP5.00 per learter DO No. 31,s- 2001Parents-TeachersAssociations {PTAsi To be determioed

    bythe Board of DirectoB DO No. 54,s. 2009School Publicatiot PhP60.oo fo. everyelementary pupilPhP90.0O for every highschool studentDO No.l9,s. 2004

    Membe$hip inpupil/ student Based on existingschool policies DO No. 48,s- 2009

    'EFA 2015: Karapatan ng Lahat, Pananaguln ng Lahat!'

  • 7/27/2019 DepED Order No.41 s.2011


    c. The Parents-Teachers Association (pTA) may colect contdbutionsstarting August only after presenting to their Eembers and to the schoolhead/princips.l a Report olr ttrc UtilLatior of the kvious AchoolYar's Collectlo:rs and the SY 2Oll-2O12 Itoposed Budgt ofActtvttta taking into account the foltowingli. The atrount of contributions to the PfA shall be agreed uponduring the General Assernbly pursuant to DepEd Order No. 54, s.2009; alrd shal be concurred to by the school head/principal. (?heconofifeftce oJ tt'E school head/pritEipal on the amount of ltoktri;taigbeing ndndtury pagt lf,nfs.)i. The PTAS are enjol.tued to teJreln seff,'t tg exorblt4rttdmountS Jof ttoluntary sctt,ol conffibllfions. Ill consideration ofthe many expenses that parents incur in sending theil childrcn toschoolr the FlAs aie encouraged to minimize the arnouut ofcontributiolrs for graduation cereioonies and extra,curaicularactivities as well as minilrize rcquests for in-kind contributions.iii The contributions to the PTA shall be on a per member basis,regdrdlcss of the ^unber of children t}lal the mesrbe! has enrolledin the school; andiv. The PfAs are encouraged to open and mairxtain a bsnk accountto manage its collections aud budget as lnuch as possible.

    d. The publication of a school newspaper, although not mandatory, isstrongly encouraged io Iine with the promotion of the campus journalismprogram at the elementaty and secondary levels. The school publicationfee shall be set at the school level. Euery elementary pupil sh,,ll not pagtuore than SirtA Pesos (PhP6O.00), at\d euery high school student, NifletAPesos (PhP90.00)per DepED Ordei No. 19, s.200a.e. No teacher, school ofr.ial nol scrtool personfiel shall collect Jees orcontributiofts, nor sh4ll theg be etutrusted uith tle safekeepitg @tddisbursemenl of collections md.d.e bA *te Plh pursuant to ti.e Code ofEtlfca tor Prof.sslonal Tcacbe6 ias provided for in Article )(I of RepublicAct No. 78361, teacheG shall not act, directly o! indiiecdy, as agent of, florbe iiaancially interested in any comEercial venture, of which they canexercise ofiicial influence. Hence, teache6, school officials and schoolpersonnel prohibited flom slling or requiring the purchase of locally-produced workbooks, instructional lnaterials, test booldets, schoolsupplies and othe. items.f. Tbe membership iee6 for student/pupil o.ganizations shall be set bythe organization subject to cxisting achool policies on studeotorganizations,g. If tlle collectlon of school publication {ees and other clubmemberships are coursed through the PfA as requested by t]le concemd

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    organization, tfu amount coilected shall irmediately be rcmitted to theschool or o.ganization on the day of collection. No service fee should becharged to the school or pupil/student orgaiization by the ptA.h. It is stressd that ta no ca3 slall 'ton-palnaent of votujltaryschool corHblltloas be Daale a. e bastr fot non-aatrEbsion, non_protrotloa or lori-l33uaaca of clearancc to a atudcnt by thc schoolcoocerded.L Nortr-cofiUrllq'nce of tlE prouisions on thE Collection af VoluntarySchool Contib tions shaU be a grolt d for cd'ncell6fio^ oJ the pTA,srecog'aftio'l and./ or frling of appropi@te Charges as ttle case ftLag be.3. The tdplGdentlng poUcies otr the erroirerit to be srrictly obsewed are as

    a. During the opening of classes, the school treads/principals shallen$tre that Grade 1 pupils snd First Year high school students wbo.egistered on Jaiuarl. 29, 2017 arc h school ln cases when therc are noschools in dle area, the mobile lcarning facilitator of the AlteinativeLearning System (ALS) shall provide educational seffices to these learners;b. Grade 1 pupils shouid be six (6) years old by June snd not teterttran October 2011. The certification of birth from the loca] registrar shallbe the docurDentai-y basis tor enrolment and should be submitted oo orbefore December 20 1 1 ;c. Children who are younger than six {6} years old by six {6) monthsmay be adldtted to Grade 1 provided that their radiness for school hasbeen assessed {with positive results) by the school where they are applyingfor adinission through tt,e Schaol Readiness Assssnrent lool in relation toDepED Order No. 25, s. 2007.d. All G.ade 1 pupils and First Year high school students who did notregister orr Jalu4ry 29, 2011 neid to enrol before or dudng the opening^a ^t.o---.e. Those pupils or students who are promoted to the next grade or yea.rlevel are considered autoqratically enrolled for the coming school year rnthe satne school;f. Those pupils or students who wish to transfer to a public another pubiic school or from s private school shall biftg tlgir Form13A Eeporl Card) to the school wherc they intend to transGr. If thisdocurlent is not ava.ilable, th child can be adEitted on the condition thatthe Report Card shali be submitted 4ot later than the end of the Firstcrading Period;g. The class size should ralge fi:om a minilllum of 15 pupils/studentsto a maxirntrm of 60 pupils/students per class. Classes from Grades 1 to 4should not exceed 40 pupils per class in order to keep the teaching-

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    7. The guidelines on the donltorlag of tle lBplerreDtatlon of thls DepEdOrder arc aa follossla. The schools division/city supedntendents (SDSS) arrd the schoolheads are directed to i&plement this Order. The rcgional director (RD)shall monitor the tnplementation of these policis; andb. Every school head must subBit to the respctive Division Ofice(DO) a letter of coEpliarcG together {.ith the School Monltorlag R6po.ton or befo!'e July 29, 2olf. In turn, every schools divisisn/ci9superintendent (SDS) is required to stbmit the Dlvl3ton ConsoUdatedREport or Colrpllance and l{or-compllarce of tlelt Schoob to thisotaler to the Urrdc8cctctary for Reglotral oPratlotrs on or beforeAugust 15, 2O11, copy furnished the RD.

    8. Any violation of this Order by any teacher, school ofrcial ot school personnelshal be dealt with adneinistratively, pursuant to DepED Order No. 49, 3. 2006,otherwise known as the "Revised Rules of Procedure of the Department of Educationin Administrative Cases.9. All previous issuattces which are inconsistent with the provisions of this DepEdOrder are hereby repealed or modied accordingly.i0. Ttrese guidelines sha.ll remain in fo.ce arld in effect during the succeedi gschool years until revised or repealed.11. Immediate disseminatiod of and compliance with this Order is directed.

    ReferencesiDECS Ordei No. 31. s.2001DepEd Order: No.32, s, 2003DepED Otder: Nos. 62, s. 2004; 49, s. 2006; 25 and 49, s. 2oo7:19, s- 2008; 40, 48, 54 and77, s.2OO9DepEd Orde.: No. 65, s.2o1oDepED Memondum: Nos.235 and 513, s 2009To be indicated in tie Perpetua.l ]tdex under the folowing subjects:



    SMA/JBM/Mad.I: DO No Co[6tion i... EL N avith.ditsl


  • 7/27/2019 DepED Order No.41 s.2011


    May 25,2011DepED Order No'41s' 2011


    itifi6WleoGveur nrcqPr


    Office ofthe Regional Director


    SchoolPrinciPalName of school

    District SuPervisorDistrictof:D'vision of:

    lnformation and communication Te'hnologv officDEPA i.TI4:I - O; EDUCA'TIONRF.:;' N 'l' \SlllON'. t :l[*'"'- " u,r,rf, .l"'i '\. .;&x'" " .'i

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