Department of N NEEWWSS - Anthropology Vol. 4 - Issue No. 17 June 1, 2010 CONGRATULATIONS:...

Vol. 4 - Issue No. 17 June 1, 2010 CONGRATULATIONS: CONGRATULATIONS to Aanika Carroll in completing her MA thesis: “Come as you are: Negotiating Governmentality at a Homeless Shelter for Women and Children”. [Supervisor: Carole Blackburn, Committee: Alexia Bloch] CONGRATULATIONS to Kate Hennessy, who has successfully passed her department defense! CONGRATULATIONS to Kate Hennessy, who has been offered and accepted a position as Assistant Professor (effective August 2010) specializing in Media at Simon Fraser University's School of Interactive Arts and Technology. ( ) CONGRATULATIONS to Vinay Kamat, who has been awarded by ASA, the Undergraduate Teaching Award for 2009-2010 academic year! CONGRATULATIONS to Kisha Supernant, who has been offered and accepted a position as a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Alberta. PUBLICATIONS FOR 2009-10 ACADEMIC YEAR Barker, John. 2009. “Corps Chrétiens: Dialectiques de la Guérison et du Salut chez les Maisin de Papouasie Nouvelle-Guinée.” In Yannick Fer and Gwendoline Malogne-Fer (eds.), Anthropologie du Christianisme en Océanie, pp. 127-47. Cahiers du Pacifique Sud Contemporain 6. Paris: L’Harmattan. Barker, John. 2010. “On the Varieties of Melanesian Christian Experience: A Comment on Mosko’s ‘Partible Penitents”, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 16:247-49. Barker, John. 2010. Review of “Butterflies & Barbarians: Swiss Missionaries & Systems of Knowledge in South-East Africa,” by Patrick Harries. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 16:448-49. Bell, Kirsten. 2009. Going to the dentist bites. Globe and Mail, 26 October 2009, bites/article1337894/. Bell, Kirsten; McNaughton, Darlene & Salmon, Amy. 2009. Medicine, morality and mothering: Public health discourses on foetal alcohol exposure, smoking around children and childhood overnutrition. Critical Public Health, 19(2): 155-170. Department of Anthropology N N E E W W S S

Transcript of Department of N NEEWWSS - Anthropology Vol. 4 - Issue No. 17 June 1, 2010 CONGRATULATIONS:...

Vol. 4 - Issue No. 17 June 1, 2010 CONGRATULATIONS: CONGRATULATIONS to Aanika Carroll in completing her MA thesis: “Come as you are: Negotiating Governmentality at a Homeless Shelter for Women and Children”. [Supervisor: Carole Blackburn, Committee: Alexia Bloch] CONGRATULATIONS to Kate Hennessy, who has successfully passed her department defense! CONGRATULATIONS to Kate Hennessy, who has been offered and accepted a position as Assistant Professor (effective August 2010) specializing in Media at Simon Fraser University's School of Interactive Arts and Technology. ( CONGRATULATIONS to Vinay Kamat, who has been awarded by ASA, the Undergraduate Teaching Award for 2009-2010 academic year! CONGRATULATIONS to Kisha Supernant, who has been offered and accepted a position as a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Alberta. PUBLICATIONS FOR 2009-10 ACADEMIC YEAR Barker, John. 2009. “Corps Chrétiens: Dialectiques de la Guérison et du Salut chez les Maisin de Papouasie Nouvelle-Guinée.” In Yannick Fer and Gwendoline Malogne-Fer (eds.), Anthropologie du Christianisme en Océanie, pp. 127-47. Cahiers du Pacifique Sud Contemporain 6. Paris: L’Harmattan. Barker, John. 2010. “On the Varieties of Melanesian Christian Experience: A Comment on Mosko’s ‘Partible Penitents”, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 16:247-49. Barker, John. 2010. Review of “Butterflies & Barbarians: Swiss Missionaries & Systems of Knowledge in South-East Africa,” by Patrick Harries. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 16:448-49. Bell, Kirsten. 2009. Going to the dentist bites. Globe and Mail, 26 October 2009, Bell, Kirsten; McNaughton, Darlene & Salmon, Amy. 2009. Medicine, morality and mothering: Public health discourses on foetal alcohol exposure, smoking around children and childhood overnutrition. Critical Public Health, 19(2): 155-170.

Department of

Anthropology NNEEWWSS

Bell, Kirsten; McCullough, Lucy; Salmon, Amy & Bell, Jennifer. 2010. ‘Every space is claimed’: Smokers’ experiences of tobacco denormalisation. Sociology of Health & Illness, 32(6): 1-16. Bell, Kirsten; Salmon, Amy; Bowers, Michele; Bell, Jennifer & McCullough, Lucy. 2010. Smoking, stigma and tobacco ‘denormalization’: Further reflections on the use of stigma as a public health tool. Social Science & Medicine, 70: 795-799. Bell, Kirsten. 2010. Cancer survivorship, mor(t)ality, and lifestyle discourses on cancer prevention. Sociology of Health & Illness, 32(3): 349-364. Belshaw, Cyril (emeritus). 2010. “Fixing the world: An anthropologist Considers our Future: Anthropology, holism and innovation theory provide answers”. Webzines Publishing. Lepofsky, D., D. Schaepe, A. Graesch, M. Lenert, J. Arnold, K. Carlson, Blake, M. , P. Ormerod, J. Clague, and Moore, P. 2009. Exploring Stó:Lō-Coast Salish interaction and Identity in Ancient Houses and Settlements in the Fraser Valley, British Columbia. American Antiquity 74(4):595-626. Blake, M. and R. G. Lesure. 2010. Chapter 12. Radiocarbon Dates. In Settlement and Subsistence in Early Formative Soconusco: El Varal and the Problem of Inter-Site Assemblage Variation, edited by R. G. Lesure. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, University of California, Los Angeles. Blake, M. 2009. Dating the Initial Spread of Zea mays. In Histories of Maize in Mesoamerica: Multidisciplinary Approaches, edited by J. E. Staller, B. Benz and R. H. Tykot, pp. 45-62. Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek, CA. Blake, M. and Chisholm, B. 2009. Diet in Prehistoric Soconusco. In Histories of Maize in Mesoamerica: Multidisciplinary Approaches, edited by J. E. Staller, B. Benz and R. H. Tykot, pp. 172-183. Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek, CA. Blake, M. 2010. Navegación y definición de territorios en la Costa Noroeste de Norteamérica. Un ejemplo Coast Salish. In La excepción y la norma: las sociedades indígenas de la Costa Noroeste de Norteamérica desde la arqueología, edited by A. Vila and J. Estévez, pp. 84-93. Treballs d'Etnoarqueologia No. 8, CSIC-U.A.B, Barcelona. Bloch, Alexia. 2010. "Discourses on Danger and Dreams of Prosperity: Confounding U.S. Government Positions on 'Trafficking' from the Former Soviet Union," in International Migration and Human Rights: The Global Repercussions of U.S. Policy, Samuel Martinez, ed., Berkeley: University of California Press, pp.165-183.] Miller, Anton, Condin, Chris, McKellin, W., Nicola Shaw, Anne Klassen & Sam Sheps. 2009. “Continuity of care for children with complex chronic health conditions: parents perspectives”. BMC Health Services Research 9(1):242. Creighton, Millie. 2009. “Political Controversies and Pop Culture Romances: The Hanryu Boom in Asia, Television Tourism and Korea-Japan Relations,” in India and Korea through the Ages: Historical, Religious and Cultural Perspectives, edited by Vvjayanti Raghavan, pp. 327-347, New Delhi: Manak Publications.

Creighton, Millie. 2009. “Interfaces of Identities–Masks as Mediators: Examples from Japan, Korea, and North America’s Pacific Northwest”, pp. 269-285 in The World Map of Masks & Symbols [Conference Proceedings Voluma for IMACO)]: Bankgok: Ministry of Culture, Thailand, UNESCO, and ASEAN. Creighton, Millie. 2009. “Japanese Surfing the Korean Wave: Drama Tourism, Nationalism, and Gender via Ethnic Eroticisms” Southeast Review of Asian Studies (SERAS), vol. 31, pp. 10-38. Donkersloot, R. 2010. “Now Hold On, My Attachment to This Place is Home. That’s It”: The Politics of Place and Identity in an Irish Fishing Locale. MAST 9(2): *Pages to be confirmed.

Gomez-Isaza, Lina. 2009. "Recordar y Narrar el Conflicto: Tejiendo Herramientas para Reconstruir Memoria Historica". (To Remember and Tell the Conflict: Weaving Tools for Reconstructing Historical Memory). CNRR- Area de Memoria Historica (National Commission for Reconstruction and Reconciliation, area of Historical Memory). Bogota, Colombia. Gordillo, Gastón. 2009. “The Ruins of Ruins: On the Preservation and Destruction of Historical Sites in Northern Argentina”. In Lena Mortensen and Julie Hollowell, eds. Ethnographies and Archaeologies: Iterations of the Past. Pp. 30-54. Gainsville: University Press of Florida. Gordillo, Gastón. 2009. “La clientelización de la etnicidad: Hegemonía partidaria y subjetividades políticas indígenas”. Revista Española de Antropología Americana. 39(2): 247-262. Gordillo, Gastón. 2009. “Places that Frighten: Residues of Wealth and Violence on the Argentine ChacoFrontier”. Anthropologica. 51(2): 343-351. Hennessy, Kate, and Craig Campbell. 2009. “A New Website for the Society for Visual Anthropology”: htttp:// American Anthropologist 111(3):387-390. Hennessy, Kate. 2010. “Asymmetrical Translations: The Art of John Wynne”. In The Ideas Behind the Exhibit. Vancouver: Museum of Anthropology at UBC. Tang, J. and Jing, Z. 2009. The Shang yi-settlements and the ”Great City Shang” in Anyang. Kaogu (Archaeology), 2009(9):70-80. Jing, Z. 2009. Mineralogical Investigation into the jades excavated from Tomb 71 at Shizhaishan. In Fifth Excavation of the Shizhaishan Site, Yunnan, edited by Jiang Zhilong, pp. 220-231. Beijing: Cultural Relics Press. Tang, J. and Jing, Z. 2010. Architectural reconstruction of two palace/temple complexes at Huanbei Shang City. Kaogu. (Archaeology). 2010(1) 23-35. Tang, J., Jing, Z. and Liu, Z. 2010. The survey and excavation of the inner city at Huanbei Shang city. Kaogu (Archaeology) 2010(1):3-8.

Tang, J., Jing, Z. and M. Wagner, M. 2010. New discoveries in Yinxu/Anyang and their contribution to the chronology of Shang capitals in Bronze Age China. In Bridging Eurasia, edited by M. Wagner and W. Wang, pp. 125-144. Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Berlin. Kamat, V.R. 2009. “Cultural interpretations of the efficacy and side effects of antimalarials in Tanzania”, Anthropology & Medicine, Vol. 16, No. 3, 293–305.

Kamat, V.R. and Nyato, D. 2010. “Community response to artemisinin-based combination therapy for childhood malaria: A case study from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania”. Malaria Journal 9:61.

Komarnisky, Sara V. 2009. “Suitcases Full of Mole: Traveling food and the connections between Mexico and Alaska”. Alaska Journal of Anthropology 7(1). Ku, Kun-hui. 2009. “’Who is your name?’” Naming Paiwan Identities in Contemporary Taiwan“. In Personal Names in Asia: History, Culture and Identity, Pp199-223, edited by Zheng Yangwen and Charles MacDonald. Prefaced by James Scott, Singapore: Singapore University Press. La Salle, Marina. 2009. Review of “Cultural Heritage and Human Rights”, edited by Helaine Silverman and D. Fairchild Ruggles. The Midden 41(3):15-16. La Salle, Marina. 2009. Book Review “Archaeology and the Media”. Canadian Journal of Archaeology. 33:304- 308. Martindale, Andrew, Bryn Letham, Duncan McLaren, David Archer, Meghan Burchell, Bernd R Schöne. 2009. “Mapping of Subsurface Shell Midden Components through Percussion Coring: Examples from the Dundas Islands”. Journal of Archaeological Science. 36:1565-1575. Martindale, Andrew and Supernant, Kisha. 2009. “Quantifying the defensiveness of defended sites on the Northwest Coast of North America”. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology. 28(2):191-204. Martindale, Andrew. 2009. “Race: Social Fact, Biological Fiction”. Focus on Adoption.1 7(3):16. Martindale, Andrew. 2009. Review of “Archaeological Semiotics.” Robert W. Preucell, Blackwell (2006). Canadian Journal of Archaeology. 33:143-146. Martindale, Andrew, Terry Point, Marny Point, Sanya Pleshakov, Larissa Grant, Leona Sparrow, and Susan Rowley. 2010. “The Musqueam-UBC Teaching Kit for Visiting Classes. Teaching Guide” published by the Musqueam Indian Band and UBC Laboratory of Archaeology. Martindale, Andrew and Bryn Letham. 2010. Final Report of the Dundas Island Project Permit No. 2005-159. Unpublished report on File with the British Columbia Ministry of Small Business, Tourism, and Culture, Archaeology Branch. 283 pages. Martindale, Andrew. 2010. “The 2009 Musqueam-UBC Field School - ANTH 306 Final Report submitted to the Musqueam Indian Band and UBC Laboratory of Archaeology. 251 pages.

Matson, R.G. 2009. Review of “Chaco and After in the Northern San Juan: Excavation at the Bluff Great House” by Catherine M. Cameron. Canadian Journal of Archaeology. University of Arizona Press, Tucson. Vol. 32(2):313-316. Matson, R.G. Feb. 1, 2010. (Provided cited comments on PNAS article), Native Americans tamed turkeys in 800 B.C. “But birds weren't initially raised for dinner, but rather for their feathers”, by Jennifer Viegas, Discovery News, MSNBC. ( Matson, R.G. 2010. Book review. Victoria Underfoot; Excavating a City's Secrets. Edited by Brenda Clark, Nicole Kilburn and Nick Russell (2008) Harbour Publishing, Madeira Park, B.C. B.C. Studies, No. 165:116 Mayer, Carol. E. 2009. Review “Museums in the Material World”, edited by Simon J. Knell, London & New York, Routledge, 2007, 374 pp. in Museum Management and Curatorship, Vol 24. No.2, 191-192. Mayer Carol E. 2009. “Chasing a Dream: The Art of Martin Morububuna” in Rosi Pamela (ed), Hailans to Ailans: Contemporary Art of Papua New Guinea. Vancouver, pp 25-30. Mayer, Carol E. 2009. Book Review. “Stopover: a story of migration”. Photographs, introduction and captions by Bruce Connew,with a story by Brij V. Lal. Wellington, Victoria University Press, 2007. The Journal of Pacific History,44:2,236-237. Mayer Carol E., and Anthony Shelton (eds) 2009. The Museum of Anthropology at The University of British Columbia, Douglas & McIntyre, Vancouver and University of Washington Press, Seattle. 237 pp. Mayer, Carol E. 2010. “A Reconciliation Ceremony in Erromango: Not a story about cannibalism.” Tok Blong Pasifik, vol 7 #2, pp7-11. Pitcher, Tony J., Mimi E. Lam, Divya Varkey, Nathan Adams, Eny Buchary, Brian Hunt, Sarah Klain, Lingbo Li, Shannon Obradovich, Krystin Parkinson, McKechnie, Iain Dawit Tesfamichael, Zachary Schoenberger and Howard Stewart. 2009. “The Sea Before Us: Reconstructing The Strait Of Georgia”, Wall Institute of Advanced Studies Exploratory Workshop 29-31 May 2009. (Non-referred). Donnelly, T. T., McKellin, W., G. Hislop, and B. Long. 2009. “Socioeconomic Influences on Vietnamese-Canadian Women's Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention Practices: A Social Determinant's Perspective”. Social Work in Public Health 24:454 - 476. Menzies, Charles R. 2010. “Reflections on Work and Activism in the University of Excellence.” New Proposals: Journal of Marxism and Interdisciplinary Inquiry Vol. 3(2):40-55. Menzies, Charles R. 2010. Review “Citizen Dockers: Making a New Deal on the Vancouver Waterfront”, 1991-1939. By Andrew Parnaby. Western Historical Quarterly Vol. 41(1): 89. Miller, Bruce Granville. 2009. Review “Salish Myths and Legends: One People’s Stories”, ed by M.Terry Thompson and Steven Egesdal. Montana The Magazine of Western History. 59 (3): 85-86.

Miller, Bruce Granville. 2009. Expert Report to BC Human Rights Tribunal, Pivot and VANDU v. DVBIA et al BCHRT File No. 62281.1. (re: access of Aboriginal homeless to public spaces in Vancouver). Miller, Bruce Granville. 2009. Review “The Power of Promises: Rethinking Indian Treaties in the Pacific Northwest”. Ed. Alexandra Harmon with a foreword by John Borrows. Seattle: University of Washington Press with the Center for the Study of the Pacific Northwest,. American Indian Culture and Research Journal. 33 (4): 194-196. Miller, Bruce Granville. 2009. Review “Breaking Ground: The Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe and the Unearthing of Tze-whit-zen Village”. By Lynda V. Mapes. University of Washington Press. BC Studies. 164: 115-116. Sakaguchi, Takashi, Morin,Jesse and Dickie, R. 2010. “Defensibility of large prehistoric sites in the Mid-Fraser region on the Canadian Plateau”. Journal of Archaeological Science. 37: 1171–1185. Hublin, J.J. and Richards, M.P., eds. 2009. “The Evolution of Hominid Diets: Integrating approaches to the study of Palaeolithic subsistence.” Heidelberg: Springer. Richards, M.P. and E. Trinkaus. 2009. “Isotopic evidence for the diets of European Neandertals and early modern humans”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0903821106. Hublin, J.J., Weston, D. Gunz, P., Richards, M.P., Roebroeks, W.,Glimmerveen, J. and L. Anthonis. 2009. “Out of the North Sea: the Zeeland Ridges Neandertal”. Journal of Human Evolution. 57:777-785. Hu, Y., Shang, H., Tong, H., Nehlich, O., Liu, W., Zhao, C., Yu, J., Wang, C., Trinkaus, E., and Richards, M.P. 2009. “Stable Isotope Dietary Analysis of the Tianyuan 1 Early Modern Human”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 106:10971-10974. Vika, E., Aravantinos, V. and Richards, M.P. 2009. Aristophanes and stable isotopes: a taste for freshwater fish in Classical Thebes, (Greece). Antiquity 83:1076–1083 Smith, C., Fuller, B., Choy, K. and Richards, M.P. 2009. A three phase liquid chromatographic method for δ13C analysis of amino acids from biological protein hydrolysates using LC-IRMS. Analytical Biochemistry 390:165-172. Nehlich O., Montgomery J., Evans J., Schade-Lindig S., Pichler S., Richards, M.P., and K. Alt. 2009. Mobility or Migration - A case study from the Neolithic settlement of Nieder-Mörlen (Hessen, Germany). Journal of Archaeological Science 36:1791-1799. Nielsen-Marsh. C., Stegemann. C., Hoffmann, R., Smith, T., Feeney, R., Toussaint, M., Harvati, K., Panagopoulou, E., Hublin, J.J., and Richards, M. P. 2009. Extraction and sequencing of human and Neanderthal mature enamel proteins using MALDI-TOF/TOF MS. Journal of Archaeological Science 36:1758-1763. Choy, K. and Richards, M.P. 2009. Stable isotope evidence of human diet at the Nukdo shell midden site, South Korea. Journal of Archaeological Science 36:1312-1318.

Price, T.D., Brinch Petersen, E. and Richards, M.P. 2009. New radiocarbon dates from the Stone Age graves at Dragsholm, Denmark. In McCartan, S., Schulting, R. Warren, G. and P. Woodman (eds.) Mesolithic Horizons, Oxbow. Pgs. 632-638. Richards, M.P. 2009. Stable isotope evidence for European Upper Palaeolithic diets, in Hublin, J.J., and M.P. Richards (eds.) The Evolution of Hominin Diets. Springer.

Nehlich, O., Borić, D., Stefanović, S., and Richards, M.P. 2010. “Sulphur isotope evidence for freshwater fish consumption: a case study from the Danube Gorges, SE Europe”. Journal of Archaeological Science. 37: 1131-1139

Ryniker, David C. 2010. “The Workbook in Development”. Longmont, Colorado: Kendall Hunt-Great River Publishing. Shelton, Anthony. 2009. Book Review. Erica Segre (2007), “Intersected Identities. Strategies of Visualization in 19th and 20th century Mexican Culture”, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Review. 15, 3: 635-636, 2009.

Shelton, Anthony. 2009. Interview by Gustaaf Houtman. Negotiating New Visions. Anthropology Today. 25,6: 7-13. Shelton, Anthony. 2009. Interview. A Partnership of Peoples. Frontier 7:5-8. Shelton, Anthony. 2009. Interview. Renegade Museologist. Vancouver Review 23 (Fall): 14-16. Shelton, Anthony. 2010. Editorial. “Keep First Nation’s culture out of art’s ‘melting pot’ ”. Vancouver Sun. Section D: p.2. Shepard, Michael A. 2009. “Native Language Education and Participatory Action Research: the Lummi Tribe of the Pacific Northwest”. In Speaking of Indigenous Languages: Issues in Revitalization. Anne Marie Goodfellow (ed.). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing Ltd. Wainer, Rafael. 2009. “Sobre acciones, silencios y un sentido de humor particular en un equipo de cuidados paliativos”. (On actions, silences, and a particular sense of humor at a palliative care team) AIBR, Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana, 4(3):409-442. Whittaker, Elvi. 2009. “Photographing Race: The Discourse of Tourist Stereotypes”. In The Framed World. Mike Robinson and David Picard ,eds. Pp. 117-137. Farnham, UK: Ashgate Publishing Ltd. Wyndham, Felice S. 2009. Society for Humanistic Anthropology Contest Winners 2009: In the Chaco. Anthropology and Humanism. 34(2):254-255. Wyndham, Felice S. 2009. “Spheres of Relations, Lines of Interaction: Subtle Ecologies of the Rarámuri Landscape in Northern Mexico”. Journal of Ethnobiology. 29(2):271-295. Wyndham, Felice and Sara Tiffany. 2009. ‘Whither the International Society of Ethnobiology? Some Results from our 2008 Survey of Members’. International Society of Ethnobiology News. 1(1): 18-20.

Wyndham, Felice S. 2010. “Environments of Learning: Rarámuri Children's Plant Knowledge and Experience of Schooling, Family and Landscapes in the Sierra Tarahumara, Mexico”. Human Ecology 38(1):tbd. PRESENTATIONS FOR 2009-10 ACADEMIC YEAR Arnett, Chris. "Sentient Place: Stein River Narratives." BC Studies Conference:Place and Space in British Columbia. Victoria. April 30-May 2, 2009. Sanders, Adrian and Arnett, Chris. Presented poster "Drawing from the Immaterial in Shaping a Post-Material Theory and Practice: Digging into Human Experience", 12th International Congress of Ethnobiology, Tofino, BC. May 9 – 15, 2010. Barker, John. “Christian Conversion and the Perception of Time in Melanesia”, American Anthropological Association meetings, Philadelphia. December 2, 2009. Bell, Kirsten. Live interview with David Dickson on ‘shaming smokers to quit’ study. CFAX 1070 Radio, Victoria, BC. January 11, 2009 Bell, Kirsten. Live interview with Kevin M on ‘shaming smokers to quit’ study. People First Radio, Nanaimo, BC. January 14, 2009. Blackburn,Carole. "Blaming the Victim: Culture Loss and the Legal Determination of Injury in Residential School Litigation." University of Victoria, Department of Anthropology Colloquium Series. March 15, 2010. Blake, Michael. Invited Lecture “Maize on the move: new research on the origins and spread of one of the world’s most important crops.” Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto. November 6, 2009. Blake, Michael. Invited Lecture “Arqueología de la Costa Noroeste del Pacífico.” Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Spanish National Research Council, Barcelona, Spain. May 1, 2009. Blake, Michael. Invited Lecture “Los orígenes de la agricultura en Mesoamérica.” Departamento de Arqueología, UAB: Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain. May 2, 2009. Blake, Michael. Invited Presentation “Actualidad de las investigaciones arqueológicas en la costa noroeste y su relación con la etnografía.” Symposium on Exploration of the NWCoast, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Spanish National Research Council and Museum of the Americas, Madrid, Spain. May 5, 2009. Blake, Michael. Discussant “New approaches to teaching archaeology in Canada,” in symposium: Toward a New Curriculum: The Future of Applied Archaeology in Higher Education (Sponsored by the SAA Committee on Curriculum) Organized by E. Christian Wells and Pei-Lin Yu. Society for American Archaeology Annual Meetings, Atlanta, GA, April 2009.

Bloch, Alexia. Presented paper "Post-socialism, Shame, and Gender at the Crossroads: Post-Soviet Traders in an Era of Transnationalism," at the invited workshop “Ideals, Narratives, and Practices of Modernities in the Former and Current Socialist Countries,” the National Museum of Ethnology (Minpaku), Osaka, Japan. March 19-20, 2010 Condin, Chris. Invited Presentation ‘Families’ Experiences with Medical Research for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and an Overview of Qualitative Research Methods in Health Care. Pediatric Neurology Rounds, London Health Sciences Centre, University of Western Ontario. April 6, 2009. Creighton, Millie. “The Korean Wave and Japanese Fandom: Transforming History Through Popular Culture”. Hong Kong Anthropological Association and Hong Kong History Museum, Hong Kong. June 18, 2009. Creighton, Millie. “Japanese Constitutional Debates, the Global Article 9 Campaign and Inter-Asian Relations”. Emerging Issues in a Global World symposium sponsored by the Institute of Social Research, Korea University, Seoul, Korea. July 24, 2009. Creighton, Millie. Invited lecture "Globetrotting Journeys for the Love of Anne of Green Gables," at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong. May 11, 2009. Creighton, Millie. Invited lecture "May Commemorations: Reflections on Japan's Constitution”, the Global Article 9 Campaign, and Okinawan Peace Marches," at Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan. May 18, 2009. Creighton, Millie. Invited lecture in Japanese, "Asu no Daigaku to Shakai e: Jend--, Mainoritii-, to Kyoiku o Torimaku Kyo Kara no Teigen" (Towards Tomorrow's Universities and Society: Gender, Minorities, and Education" at Kobe College in Nishinomiya, Japan. May 22, 2009. Creighton, Millie. Invited lecture in English, "Performing Taiko, Performing Japan: Rhythms of Place, Person, Identities and Globalization" at Kobe College in Nishinomiya, Japan. May 22, 2009. Creighton, Millie. Conference presentation “From Grass Roots to Global: Intersections of Japan’s Constitutional Debates, Minorities and Inter-Asian Relations”, for the International Convention of Asian Scholars (ICAS6) Daejeon, Republic of Korea. August 7, 2009. Creighton, Millie. Invited lecture “Transnational Encounters of the Popular Culture Kind: Japanese Fandom of the Korean Wave”, for the Academy of Korean Studies, Seoul, Republic of Korea. August 11, 2009. Creighton, Millie. Presentation “Romantic Dreams, Ethnic Eroticisms and Drama Tourism vs. Political Controversies: Popular Culture’s Hallyu (Hanryu) and Illyu Booms and Japan-Korea Relation,”, as a special invitation of the Swedish Institute of International Affairs, the European Institute of Japanese Studies, and the Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm, Sweden. August 22, 2009. Creighton, Millie. Invited lecture “Japanese Fandom of the Korean Wave: Challenging National, Ethnic and Gender Hierarchies through Transnational Popular Culture Flows” for the East Asian Studies Institute, University of Lund, Lund, Sweden. August 25, 2009.

Creighton, Millie gave a live interview dealing with Japan`s Culture of Cute, gender issues and responses to the economic recession for BBC Worldwide radio news service (with 50,000,000 listeners), aired on The News Hour, Nov. 2, 2009. The interview can be accessed in the last segment of the following link for the program. or is another way to get tothe above. Creighton, Millie. Presented `Marginalizing the Mainstream? Stories of Okinawan Peace Activists, Union Workers, and Others within Japan`s Global Article 9 Movement` on the designated `Special Panel` at the Anthropology of Japan in Japan conference held in Tokyo, Japan. November 8, 2009. Creighton, Millie. Invited to Bangkok, Thailand, as the Canadian representative to IMACO the International Mask Conference, where Dr. Creighton presented the paper, “Inter-faces of Identities, Masks as Mediators: Examples from Japan, Korea, and North America`s Pacific NorthWest”. November 12, 2009. Creighton, Millie. Selected and sponsored to present research as a Keynote Address for the conference, “Reconsidering Race as a Transnational Construction in Global Japan”, Tokyo, Japan. November 14, 2009. Creighton, Millie. Presented “We have always Lived in our Ancestral Village–At the End of the Hong Kong Mega-Mall”, American Anthropological Association annual conference, Philadelphia, PA. December 2-6, 2009. Creighton, Millie. Invited and funded to present research on Japan-Korea relations in Stockholm, Sweden, by the Swedish Institute of International Affairs, the European Institute of Japanese Studies, and the Stockholm School of Economics. 2009. Creighton, Millie."Debates Surrounding Japan's Constitution and Article 9 Renouncing Militarism in Relationship to Asian Regional and Global Issues" , The Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution of Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. January 9, 2010. Creighton, Millie. Invited speaker "Japan's 'Article 9' Renunciation of War as a Model for a Just and Peaceful Global Civil Society" at the London School of Economics. March 5, 2010. Creighton, Millie. Presentation "Ritual Boundary Crossing and the Emplacement of Time: Japanese Year Changing Customs via the Anthropology of Religion", Japan Anthropology Work Shop (JAWS), Austin, Texas. March 15, 2010. Creighton, Millie. Presented on the panel 'Atomic-bombing and Indiscriminate Attack on Civilians,' for the International Conference for a Nuclear-Free, Peaceful, Just, and Sustainable World co-inciding with the United Nations review of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in New York City. May 1, 2010. Creigthon, Millie. Invited by the Vancouver Opera to speak about Nagasaki, Japan--1900 for a promotional event of Madama Butterfly to be held at the Vancouver Public Library. May 11, 2010.

Daniel, Stephen and Andrew Martindale "Kwantlen Ancestral (Re)Connections: Application of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) for Kwantlen First Nation”, 2010 Anthropology Conference, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Surrey, BC. March 19, 2010. Donkersloot, R. “Now Hold On, My Attachment to this Place is Home. That’s It.”: The Politics of Place and Identity in an Irish Fishing Locale. People and the Sea Conference V, Amsterdam, Netherlands. July 2009. Donkersloot, R. “Gender, Power and Place: A Critical Investigation of Patriarchy and other Powers at Play in Young Rural Lives”. British Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Glasgow, Scotland. April 2010. Green, Denise Nicole and Kaiser, Susan B.“Men's Reflections on Appearance Style and Masculinity”. International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference. Seattle, WA, 2009. Green, Denise Nicole. Film presented "Somewhere in Between" (29 minutes), American Anthropological Association Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA. December 4, 2009. Green, Denise Nicole. Histakshitl Ts'awaatskwii (We Come From One Root) Film Presentation and Discussion, Talking About Thliitsapilthim Nuuchaanulth Ceremonial Curtains Symposium, UBC, Vancouver, BC. January 15, 2010. Green, Denise Nicole. Invited speaker “Transformative Spaces and Shifting Masculinities”,Cornell University, Department of Fiber Science and Apparel Design Seminar Series, Ithaca, New York. April 8, 2010. Green, Denise Nicole. Film presented “Somewhere in Between” (29 minutes), Davis Feminist Film Festival, Davis, California. April 9, 2010. Green, Denise Nicole. Presented paper “Asmanahey Thliitsapilthim and the Production of Histakshitl Ts'awaatskwii” Otsego Institute for Native American Art History, Cooperstown, New York. May 24, 2010. Green, Denise Nicole and Chuuchkamalthnii. Presented film “Histakshitl Ts'awaatskwii (We Come From One Root)” (66 minutes), Otsego Institute for Native American Art History, Cooperstown, New York. May 27, 2010. Hennessy, Kate and Oliver Neumann. "Media on the City: The Lee Building (Oct 08 - Jan 09)" (Video Installation) In Ethnographic Terminalia (Group Exhibit). Crane Arts, Philadelphia. December 4-21, 2009. Hennessy, Kate. "Digital Matters: Anthropology, Disciplinarity, and Repatriation in a Northern Athapaskan Community". Invited Session, "Gathering Them Together and Bringing Them Home: The Relational Museum in Action". Josh Bell and Howard Morphy, organizers. Meetings of the American Anthropological Association, Philadelphia, PA. December 4, 2009. Hennessy, Kate. "Digital Matters: Anthropology, Disciplinarity, and the Repatriation of Intangible Cultural Heritage." Marsico Visiting Scholar Lecture, University of Denver. Denver, CO. January 28, 2010.

Jessome, Kenzie. “Harmony and Discord: The Balsería Feast and Pre-Conquest Panamanian Chiefly Societies”, Chacmool Publication Committee for the 41st Annual Chacmool Conference: It’s Good to be King. The University of Calgary. November 13-15, 2009. Jing, Z. “Power Relations and Strategies in the Creation of the Shang City in Anyang”, Department of Anthropology, Harvard University. April 29, 2009. Jing, Z. “New Progresses in the Archaeological Research at Yinxu“, Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Beijing, China. July 22, 2009. Jing, Z. “The Xiaqiyuan culture and the rise of the urban settlement at Huanbei”, The First Conference on the Study of Predynastic Shang, Shijiazhuang, China. July 28, 2009. Jing, Z. “Strontium Isotope Analysis and the Study of Early Urbanization in Ancient Anyang”, Department of Archaeology, Jilin University, China. December 18, 2009. Jing, Z. “Strontium Isotope Analysis and the Study of Early Urbanization in Ancient Anyang”, Department of Archaeology, Simon Frazer University. February 4, 2010. Jing, Z. “Strontium Isotope Analysis and the Study of Early Urbanization in Ancient Anyang”, UBC Archaeology Day 2010, Vancouver. March 21, 2010

Kamat, V.R. Chaired the session: Critical Perspectives on Global Health, Intervention and Advocacy. Medical Anthropology at the Intersections: Celebrating 50 Years of Interdisciplinarity, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. Also presented a paper “Malaria Control in East Africa: Deploying Artemisinin-Based Combination Therapy and Rapid Diagnostic Tests through Private Drug Sellers”. September 26, 2009.

Kamat, V.R. Chaired the session: Labor and Morality in the Global Economy at the Society for Applied Anthropology meetings, Merida, Mexico. Also presented a paper “The Challengers are coming! Economic liberalization, internal migration, and youth violence in the sand mines of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania”. March 25, 2010. La Salle, Marina. Presented paper "How I came to hate the word 'collaboration', 42nd Annual Chacmool Conference, Calgary, Alberta. November 13-15, 2009. La Salle, Marina. Presented paper "Beyond Lip Service: the social context of labrets on the Northwest Coast", 42nd Annual Chacmool Conference, Calgary, Alberta. November 13-15, 2009. La Salle, Marina. Presented paper “The Cultural Landscape of Point Grey”, 43rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Archaeological Association, Calgary AB. April 29 - May 2, 2010. La Salle, Marina. As Chair of the CAA Student Committee, organized a Student Publishing Workshop directed by present and past editors for the Canadian Journal of Archaeology, Gerry Oetelaar (UofC) and George Nicholas (SFU), 43rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Archaeological Association, Calgary, AB. April 29 – May 2, 2010.

Levell, Nicky. Presented paper “Haida-Manga Dislocations: Michael Nicholl Yahgulanaas, AKA Rocking Raven, and his Meddling.” At ‘The Task of the Curator. Translation, Intervention and Innovation in Exhibitionary Practice,' an international conference, University of California, Santa Cruz. May 14—15, 2010. Luehrmann, Sonja. "Neighbors and Comrades: Secularizing the Mari Country" at the Sociocultural and Linguistic Discussion Papers series, Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto. October 16, 2009. Luehrmann, Sonja. Presented paper “Positive Atheism? The search for atheist values in the late Soviet sociology of religion”, American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies Annual Meeting, Boston. November 12, 2009. Malone, Molly. Presented paper "Nature vs. Culture in the North Cascades: Negotiating Access to the "Wilderness"' on the "Rural Elites" panel, American Anthropological Association 108th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. December 5, 2009. Malone, Molly. Guest Lecture "Native American Cultures in Washington State: Past and Present", Pacific Crest School, Seattle, WA. February 4, 2010. Martindale, Andrew. Discussant. The Sea Before Us: Reconstructing the Strait of Georgia. Peter Wall Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies. Tony Pitcher, Organzier and Chair. May, 2009.

Martindale, Andrew. Discussant: Gitxaala Nation and Their Neighbours: Contemporary Ethnography of the NWC. Canadian Anthropological Society - American Ethnological Association Conference, Vancouver, BC. Charles Menzies, Organizer and Chair. May, 2009. Matson, R.G., Morin, J., (Jr. Author). Presented "Differentiating Basketmaker II and Archaic Projectile Point manufacturing Techniques" at "Turds, Turkeys, and Ticks on Cedar Mesa; New Insights from Old Collections" Symposium at the 75th Society for American Archaeology annual meeting, St. Louis. April 15, 2010. Kemp, B., Monroe, C., Geib, P., Lipe, W., and Matson, R.G. (Jr. Author) "Genetic Analysis of Coprolites from Southeastern Utah", presented at "Turds, Turkeys, and Ticks on Cedar Mesa; New Insights from Old Collections" Symposium at the 75th Society for American Archaeology annual meeting, St. Louis. April 15, 2010. Curewitz, D. and Matson, R.G. "The 13th Century Depopulation of Cear Mesa: The view from Ceramic Design", presented at "Turds, Turkeys, and Ticks on Cedar Mesa; New Insights from Old Collections" Symposium at the 75th Society for American Archaeology annual meeting, St. Louis. April 15, 2010. Mayer, Carol E. “Wok Meri: Women Potters of the South Pacific”. Northwest Ceramics Foundation Invited Speaker Series. Emily Carr University of Arts & Design. June 6, 2009. Mayer, Carol E. “Lives Lived (Stan Clark) and the works of Robin Hopper.” Presented at The International Ceramics Symposium, Shadbolt Centre, BC, March 13, 2010. Mayer, Carol E. “The Multiversity Galleries and the ‘case’ of the Reverend John Williams” Symposium: Itineraries of Exchange: cultural Contact in a Global Frame, UBC, March 6, 2010.

Mayer Carol E. Panel discussion: “Objects on shelves and cultures that won’t stand still.” Canadian Museums Association conference, St. John’s, Newfoundland, May 10-15 2010. McKechnie, Iain and Daryl Fedje. Presented poster “Archaeological Evidence of a Possible Paleo-tsunami at the Tl’aadiiwa Village”, 1st Barkley Sound Knowledge Symposium, Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre, Bamfield. February 9-11, 2010. McKechnie, Iain. Presentation “An Archaeological Perspective on the Hake Fishery in Barkley Sound”, 1st Barkley Sound Knowledge Symposium, Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre, Bamfield. February 9-11, 2010. McKechnie, Iain, and Rebeca J. Wigen. Presented paper in the Session: Time, Space, & Form in Biological Conservation: Zooarchaeological Perspectives from Deep Time, “Assessing the Scale and Coherence of Ancient Hunting Economies on and Around Vancouver Island Using Zooarchaeological Data”, 33rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Ethnobiology, Victoria, BC. May 5 – May 8, 2010. McKellin, W. and Gladstone, Emily. “Community Networks for Children & Families with Rare Diseases and Chronic Conditions”, Child and Youth Health Research Network Annual Conference. November 2, 2009. McKellin. W. Participated in a panel “Sleepy Rounds” Elements of ‘Paediatric Sleep Reports’ – Bridging Tertiary and Primary Care, BC Childrens Hospital. December 10, 2009. Ipsiroglu, Osman, Stockler, Silvia and McKellin, William. From the effects of culture on “compliance” to the “Transcultural Paediatrics Initiative”. Conference on Applied Interculturality Research Graz. April 7-10, 2010 Menzies, Charles. “Indigenous Research in a Colonial Context.” Opening proceedings for Speech and Audiology Aboriginal Languages focus course. First Nations Longhouse, UBC. April 27, 2009. Menzies, Charles and Caroline Butler. “Naming the Harbour: Gitxaala places through the space of colonialism”. BC Studies Conference: Place and Space in British Columbia. Victoria. April 30 – May 2, 2009. Menzies, Charles. Session Organizer “Gitxaala and our Neighbours.” Canadian Anthropological Society annual conference. May 13-16, 2009. Menzies, Menzies and Caroline Butler. “Gone Fishing: the Informal Economy of BC’s non-aboriginal North Coast.” Canadian Anthropological Society annual conference. May 13-16, 2009. Menzies, Charles and Caroline Butler. “Naming the harbour: Gitxaała Places through the Space of Colonialism.” Canadian Anthropological Society annual conference, May 13-16, 2009. Menzies, Charles. “Anthropological perspectives on reconstructing ancient ecologies.” Peter Wall Workshop, “The Sea Ahead.” May 29-31, 2009.

Menzies, Charles. “Indigenous Rights and Common Access Fisheries: Reestablishing Aboriginal Title Fisheries in British Columbia.” MARE: People of The Sea, Amsterdam, July 9-11, 2009. Menzies, Charles. “In Our Grandmothers’ Garden: Participatory Film in Gitxaała Nation.” CCFI Noted Scholars Lecture Series. Centre for Cross-Faculty Inquiry in Education, Faculty of Education, UBC. November 4, 2009. Details of series and video/audio archive of talk and discussion: Menzies, Charles. “Ethical Dilemmas in Research.” Faculty of Graduate Studies special workshop on ethics. November 6, 2009. Menzies, Charles. “What do parents want?” BC Teachers Federation, November 13-14, 2009. Menzies, Charles. “Our Grandmothers’ Garden: Participatory Film in Gitxaała.” American Anthropological Association annual meeting. December 2-6, 2009. Menzies, Charles. Film Screening. “Bax Laansk –Pulling together, a contemporary story of Gitxaała Nation”. Session: Activism Around the World. American Anthropological Association annual meeting, December 2-6, 2009. Menzies,Charles. Film Screening. “Bax Laansk –Pulling together, a contemporary story of Gitxaała Nation”. Tofino Indigenous Film Festival. May 12, 2010. Menzies, Charles (Producer) and Green, Denise Nicole (Writer and Director), with Chuuchkamalthnii. Video production: “Histakshitl Ts'awaatskwii / We Come From One Root.” 66 minute video. A production of The Ethnographic Film Unit at UBC. Menzies, Charles. “The Disturbed Environment: Gitxaala and the Cultivation of Salmon”. School for Advanced Research, Santa Fe, NM. Indigenous Peoples and Salmon in the North Pacific Rim. May 17-22, 2010. Merchant, Peter. Conference presentation “The Archaeology of the Shishalh Nation: Past, Present and Future”, for the Society for Historical Archaeology. 42nd Annual Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology, Toronto, Canada. January 7-11, 2009. Miller, Bruce Granville. Expert Testimony, Yukon Human Rights Commission, report entitled “Racism Against Aboriginal People, Particularly in Regard to Employment Access Discrimination,” Carpenter v Town of Faro. August 20-21, 2009. Miller, Bruce Granville. Talk to Hozomeen Mountain Gathering “Sharing What We Know” on Coast Salish social networks, Skagit Environmental Endowment Commission. September 13, 2009. Miller, Bruce Granville. Panelist. Louis Riel opera opening gala roundtable discussion moderated by UBC President Stephen Toope, with Jean Teillet, Aboriginal lawyer and Louis Riel’s great grand niece, Bruce Dumont, President of Métis Nation B.C. Chan Centre, UBC. January 3, 2010.

Miller, Bruce Granville. Expert Testimony in BC Utilities Commission in the matter of the Utilities Commission Act S.B.C. 1996, Chapter 473 and Re: BCTC ILM CPCN Court of Appeal Reconsideration, Vancouver. January 27, 2010. Miller, Bruce Granville. Invited Speaker “Backstory and Law”, Belkin Gallery/Liu Centre Workshop. March 26, 2010. Miller, Bruce Granville. Invited speaker, “IBA (Indigenous Bar Association) Elders' Gathering on Oral History Evidence”, Turtle Lodge, Manitoba. March 29, 2010. Miller, Bruce Granville. Expert testimony in BC Human Rights Tribunal re: Pivot and VANDU v. DVBIA et al. BCHRT File No. 6228.(concerning treatment of homeless Aboriginal, disabled, and addicted in downtown Vancouver). June 1, 2010. Richards, M.P. “Tracking Neanderthal mobility using strontium isotope analysis”. Canadian Association of Physical Anthropologists Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada. 2009. Richards, M.P. “Early modern human diets”, Workshop on the Evolution of Diet and Nutrition at the Evolution and Diseases of Civilization conference, Berlin. 2009. Richards, M.P. “Evolutionary Medicine, Archaeology and Aboriginal Wellness”. Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies workshop Connecting Academic Research and Aboriginal Wellness, Vancouver. 2009. Richards, M.P. “Ancient diets and modern health”. Bioarchaeology Frontiers meeting. Wellcome Trust, London. 2009. Richards, M.P. “Isotope evidence of Neanderthal and Australopithecine mobility”. Department of Archaeology, Simon Fraser University, Canada. 2010. Scoggin, Tamar V. Invited Lecturer “Nomads of Mongolia”, Denver Museum of Nature and Science. November 3, 2009. Shelton, Anthony. Rattling the Objects. Truth, Knowledge and Classification in the Museum and Multiversity. Object Categories. The Museum voor Volkerkunde, Leiden, The Netherlands. October 23-23, 2009. Shelton, Anthony. “Museums and the Vitality of Culture”. First Canada-China Cultural Dialogue, Beijing. November 12-14, 2009. Shelton, Anthony. The Future of Collecting in Vancouver. Panel Discussant. Vancouver Museum. November 25, 2009 Shelton, Anthony. Keynote. CHIN International Conference on Digital Heritage. February 4, 2010. Shelton, Anthony. Presented paper “Crucibles and Catalysts: The Potential of Museums and Galleries in Higher Education”, Museum of Art, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Michigan. March 10, 2010.

Shelton, Anthony. Re-staging museums in post-material epistemological spaces. Task of the Curator Conference, Museum and Curatorial Studies, University of California Santa Cruz. May 13, 2010. Shepard, Michael. Presented paper "Community Perception of Language through Participatory Action Research", Native American and Indigenous Studies Association Conference, Tucson, Arizona. May 22, 2010. Supernant, Kisha. Presented paper “Who belongs here? Identity, contemporary community politics and the generation of archaeological knowledge in the Lower Fraser River Canyon, B.C.” 42nd Annual Chacmool Conference, Calgary, AB. November 13-15, 2009. Supernant, Kisha. Presented paper “Contemporary community disputes and the production of archaeological knowledge: A case from British Columbia, Canada” 75th Annual Meeting of the Society of American Archaeology, St. Louis, MI. April 14-18, 2010. Supernant, Kisha. Presented paper “An exploration of the histor(ies) of the landscape(s) of the Lower Fraser River Canyon” 43rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Archaeological Association, Calgary, AB. April 29- May 2, 2010. Vivaldi, Ana. “Los fracasos del progreso: el monte como su limite y posibilidad” (The Failures of Progress, the Bush as possibility and Limit) Reunion de Antropologia del Mercosur (Mercosur Anthropology Meeting), Buenos Aires, Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Sept 29 - Oct 2, 2009. Vivaldi, Ana. Presented paper " Fluidity and Frictions: Theoretical Possibilities of Spatializing Mobility' on the "Theorizing Mobilities" panel, American Anthropological Association. 108th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. December 2nd, 2009. Vivaldi, Ana. "'We Want to Learn English at School': Progress Against Multiculturalism Among the Toba People in Northern Argentina”. CASCA/AES, Panel Alternatives to Dominant Paradigms. Vancouver. Unpublished. May 2009. Vivaldi, Ana and Wainer, Rafael. Presented paper "Más acá de la representación: imágenes de 'cuerpos del hambre' en el Chaco, producción afectiva de públicos y biopoder". Panel on Sociology of Emotions and the Body (Before representation: images of 'bodies of hunger' in the Chaco, affective production of publics and biopower), XXVII Congreso ALAS-Buenos Aires, Latin American Sociological Association. Aug 31-Sept 4 , 2009. Wainer, Rafael. “A Glimpse of Life: Contributions to a Discussion of the Inter-subjectivity of Bereavement”. CASCA/AES, Panel Re-thinking Child Death and Parental Bereavement. Vancouver. Unpublished. May 2009. Wainer, Rafael. Talk focused on his PhD research. National University of Rio de Negro's Research Institute of Cultural Diversity and Changing Processes (Instituto de Investigaciones en Diversidad Cultural y Procesos de Cambio), located in the city of Bariloche. May 19, 2009. Wainer, Rafael. Gave lecture, "The End of Children’s Lives: Reflection From Different Points of View", 2nd Pediatric Palliative Care Course, Children’s Hospital “Ricardo Gutiérrez”. November 2, 2009.

Wainer, Rafael. Coordinated, Victoria Purcell-Gates’, Kristen H. Perry’s, and Catherine Mazak’s “To contextualize agency: children and youth’s appropriation and resistance of literacy practices.” International Symposium: Ethnographic Encounters with Children and Adolescents in Educational Contexts, IDES, Buenos Aires. November 5, 2009. Lascar, Eulalia; Wainer, Rafael; Nallar, Martín; Piccone, Samanta; González, Mariana; Nespral, Alejandro.“Impacto de un Programa de Formación Bajo la Modalidad de Rotaciones”. (Impact of a Residency Program on Rotation at the Palliative Care team) V Latin-American Palliative Care Conference. Poster. Buenos Aires. March 2010. Whittaker, Elvi. Keynote Address “The Way You Were”, 50th Anniversary of UBC School of Nursing Class of 1959, Parksville, B.C. June 11, 2009. Whittaker, Elvi. Keynote Address, “Seeking the Existential Moment…”, International Conference on the Emotions in Tourism, University of Leeds, UK. July 5, 2009. Whittaker, Elvi. Invited Lecture “Knowledge gained from Fieldwork: the case of Broome” ,Faculty of Law and Management, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia. September 17, 2009. Wolowic, Jennifer. Presented film "For Our Street Family" Viscult Festival of Visual Culture, Joensuu, Finland. September 2009. Wolowic, Jennifer. Presented film "For Our Street Family" International Festival of Ethnological Film. Belgrade, Serbia/ November 2009. Wolowic, Jennifer. Presented film "For Our Street Famil," American Anthropological Association Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA. December 2009.

Wyndham, Felice S. “Ethnobiology at the Crossroads: Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?”; Society of Ethnobiology 32nd Annual Conference; New Orleans, Louisiana, United States. Copresenter: Dana Lepofsky. Apr, 2009. Wyndham, Felice S. “Children Learning the Plant World: Landscape, Ontogeny and Eco-Cultural Salience”; Society of Ethnobiology 32nd Annual Conference; New Orleans, Louisiana, United States. Apr, 2009. Wyndham, Felice S. Co-organizer and participant, Workshop: Re-envisioning the International Society of Ethnobiology: the next 20 years. Tofino Botanical Gardens, Tofino, British Columbia. Jun 8-12, 2009. Wyndham, Felice S. Conocimientos etnobiológicas de la Sierra Tarahumara: ¿Qué y cómo aprendemos? Co-presentation with Dr. Janneli Miller: Medical Anthropology and Ethnobiological research in the Sierra Tarahumara. ENAH (Escuela Nacional Antropología y Historia), Ciudad Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico. Nov 2009. AWARDS FOR 2009-10 ACADEMIC YEAR Chris Arnett was awarded the Francis Reif Scholarship. Oralia Gomez Ramirez was awarded a Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship.

Kate Hennessy was awarded a fourth year of funding through her Trudeau Scholarship. Meredith Mantooth was awarded the Michael Aimes Scholarship in Museum Studies. Diana Moreiras, President of the Anthropology Student Association, is the recipient of the 2010 Dean’s Outstanding Leadership Award in the UBC Community and Beyond! Shad Stroh, whose ethnography on taxi driving in Vancouver written for ANTH 407 (2008) has won the 2009 Society for Humanistic Anthropology Undergraduate Student Paper. Kisha Supernant was awarded the Charles and Borden Fellowship for Archaeology. The following students were awarded Four Year Fellowships: Denise Green, Hiba Morcos and Michael Shepard. The following students were designated Four Year Fellowship recipients: Natalie Baloy, Chris Condin, Marina La Salle, Tal Nitsan, Tamar Scoggin, Rafael Wainer and Ana Vivaldi. The following students were awarded SSHRC CGSM: Steve Daniel, Ashley De Young, Kyla Hynes, Kenzie Jessome and Marlee McGuire. The following students were awarded SSRHC CGSD: Iain McKechnie and Jesse Morin. The following students were awarded Pacific Century Scholarships: Marine La Salle, Catherina Narcisse and Tamar Scoggin. The following students were awarded UBC Graduate Fellowships: Aanika Carroll, Cathrena Narcisse and Molly Malone. Alexia Bloch and Jennifer Chun were awarded $27,675 by the UBC Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF) in support of the Immigrant Vancouver Ethnographic Field School. Millie Creighton's lecture for the Anthropology Department's speakers series, "§ Japan and the Special Olympics and Obama and § : Re-Circulating Minorities, Margins, and Mainstages in Modern Japan", given at UBC on Jan. 28, 2010, was selected by the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre to be recorded, archived, and webcast. The link to the YouTube webcast site is; Oralia Gómez-Ramírez was awarded a UBC Graduate Student International Research Mobility Award in the amount of $1,500 in support of her dissertation research project, "Sex Workers’ Organizing in Mexico: An Ethnographic Study". Denise Green and Solen Roth were selected to be participants in the Otsego Institute for the Native American Art History Summer Seminar, which takes place at the Fenimore Art Museum in Cooperstown, NY May 23-28. Gaston Gordillo was awarded a John Simon Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship (US$ 35,000). Book manuscript entitled, "Sediments of History: Ruins of Modernity in a Savage Geography".

Kate Hennessey was made a Graduate Student Associate of the Intellectual Property Issues in Cultural Heritage (IPinCH) Project, Simon Fraser University! Molly Malone was selected by an interdisciplinary panel to represent UBC at the Newberry Library Workshop in Native American Cartography, March 18-20, 2010, in Chicago, IL. Molly Malone was awarded a Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant in the amount of $14,590! Molly’s research committee is composed of Bruce Miller, Pat Moore, and Mike Blake. Molly Malone’s photograph titled "Next in Line to the Bottom of the Bay" was chosen as a finalist in the Royal Anthropological Institute's Meaning of Water Photo Competition! Along with the other finalists, the photo will be published on RAI's Flickr website (, the Discover Anthropology website ( and will be displayed at this year’s London Anthropology Day on July 8th at the British Museum’s Clore Centre ( Andrew Martindale, Tony Pitcher, Mimi Lam, Ronald Trosper, and Rashid Sumaila, was awarded the 2010 Martha Piper Award, funding of 25,000. Valuing the Human Dimensions of Fisheries. R. G. Matson (Sr. Researcher), Steven LeBlanc (Sr. Researcher), Stephen Plog (Sr. Researcher) and Michele Morgan (Sr. Researcher), P.I. T. Douglas Price, Co-P.I, James Burton, have been awarded a N.S.F. Research Grant, "Isotopic Studies of Human Movement in the Prehistoric American Southwest", funding of $333,495, 36 months, beginning April 1, 2010. Carol E. Mayer received the ICOM (Canada) International Achievement Award. This award honours a Canadian museum professional or organization who has demonstrated and promoted excellence in Canadian museology internationally. This award recognizes outstanding contribution of knowledge and expertise towards the advancement and support of museology worldwide. Charles Menzies has been awarded $59,400.00, FIA – Forest Science Program, BC Ministry of Forests and Range. 2009-2010, “Effects of Forest and Range Practices on Traditionally Used Plant Communities in Gitxaala Territory. Charles Menzies, P.I., co-investigators: Drs. Caroline Butler, Andrew Martindale, and Michael Richards have been awarded a SSHRC grant, funding of $164,000.00, 2010-2013. Project title: Laxyuup Gitxaala: Gitxaala territory through an archaeological and anthropological lens Charles Menzies and Jennifer Rashleigh, writers/directors of “Weather the Storm” (a production of The Ethnographic Film Unit at UBC), has been awarded an “Honorable Mention” in the 57th Columbus International Film + Video Festival, AKA The Chris Awards! For more info, please go to: Mike Richards has been awarded an NSERC grant, funding of $175,000.00. Project title: 'Sulphur isotopes as an indicator of mammal diets and migrations'.

Mike Richards has been awarded a CFI grant, funding of $998,015.00. "Archaeology Isotope Laboratory: Developing and applying new tools for the study of past human diet and nutrition." Jennifer Wolowic's MA thesis film "For Our Street Family" has won the Visual Anthropology Society's Best Student Work award for 2009, to be presented at the American Anthropological Association annual Conference in November, 2009. Felice Wyndham has received honorable mention at the 2009 Poetry Competition Society for Anthropology and Humanism, American Anthropological Association.