English Annual Examinations Alternative Paper 2 2019 Page 1 of 12 DEPARTMENT FOR CURRICULUM, LIFELONG LEARNING AND EMPLOYABILITY Directorate for Learning and Assessment Programmes Educational Assessment Unit Alternative Annual Examinations for Primary Schools 2019 ____________________________________________________________________ Paper 2 ENGLISH Time: 1h 15 min (Reading Comprehension, Language, and Writing) ____________________________________________________________________ Name: ________________ Class: ________ Total: 60 marks


English – Annual Examinations – Alternative Paper 2 – 2019 Page 1 of 12


LIFELONG LEARNING AND EMPLOYABILITY Directorate for Learning and Assessment Programmes

Educational Assessment Unit

Alternative Annual Examinations for Primary Schools 2019


Paper 2 ENGLISH Time: 1h 15 min

(Reading Comprehension, Language, and Writing)


Name: ________________ Class: ________

Total: 60 marks

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A. Reading Comprehension 20 marks

A. 1. Read carefully.

8:30am Assembly

9:00am Maths

9:30am English

10:00am Fruit Break

10:30am Science

11:00am Maltese

11:30am Art

12:00pm Long Break

1:00pm Library

1:30pm P.E.

This is our school timetable on Monday.

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1. Look, read and underline the correct word. (4 marks) Look at the example. Example: This is (Monday’s, Tuesday’s, Friday’s) timetable. a) There are (no, two, four) breaks during the day. b) The English lesson is (before, during, after) Fruit break. c) The Long Break starts at (midnight, midday, eleven). d) (Maths, Maltese, P.E.) is the last lesson of the day.

2. Look at the timetable. Write what they are doing in the

pictures below. Look at the example. (5 marks)

Fruit Break

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A. 2. Read carefully.

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1. Look, read and tick () True or False. (5 marks) Look at the example.

2. Look, read and write the correct words. (3 marks) Look at the example.


True False

Example: The Family Fun Day is on a Friday. a) The entrance to the Family Fun Day is free.

b) Prizes can be won in the Treasure Hunt.

c) Only cold drinks will be sold.

d) You can have a picnic in the school hall.

e) The Family Fun Day is for school students only.

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3. Look, read and match. Look at the example. (3 marks) Example: St Helena sport

a) 21292921 food

b) Archery name of the school

c) pies and salads telephone number

d) 30 June 2019 drinks

e) 2 euro date

f) fresh juices cost of a pony ride

B. Language 10 marks B. 1. In class, we like to play a “Guess the Animal” game. Bob thinks of a fox. The teacher asks questions.

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Look, read and write the correct word. (4 marks) Choose four words from the box. Look at the example.

Teacher: Is it a pet?

Bob: No, it is a _________ animal.

Teacher: Does it have fur?

Bob: Yes, it has _________ fur to keep its body warm.

Teacher: Does it hunt for food?

Bob: Yes, it hunts for food at night. It can hear and

smell very well because it has sharp ears and

a __________ nose.

Teacher: What about its body?

Bob: Well, it has a long body with a __________ tail.

It also has __________ legs to help it run fast.

Teacher: Is it a fox?

Bob: Yes it is!

wild thick strong weak

hot bushy pointed scary


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B. 2. Look, read and write the correct word. Choose six words from the box.

Look at the example. (6 marks)

The Lunch Box Surprise “It’s time for lunch. It’s time to _______,” the teacher __________. “Now take your seat!” “My lunch is best” say Jan and Pam, Kim and Dan. Jan has peanut butter, bread and jam. Pam has soup. Dan has ham. Kim __________ tuna, toast and cheese. But Sam has nothing – not a spot. Sam has nothing because he __________! Sam is surprised. Sam is sad. Sam ________ hungry. Sam is mad! But Jan and Pam, Dan and Kim __________ sorry for their sad friend, Sam. Jan gives Sam peanut butter, bread and jam. Pam gives him soup. Dan gives him ham. Kim __________ him tuna, toast and cheese. Now Sam is not sad and Sam is not mad. This is the best lunch Sam ever had!

eat gives has forgot went

have said come feel is


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C. Writing 30 marks C. 1. Look, read and write. Use your own words. (8 marks)

You visited the Animal Fun Farm on a school outing. Please fill in the form below.

Tell us about your visit.

Name: Age:

Date of Birth: Date of Visit: How much did you enjoy these activities? Draw a Circle

Riding a tractor


Petting the bunnies


Feeding the goats


Would you like to visit us again? Yes / Maybe / No

Why? How can we make your visit better?

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Place two slices of bread on a plate.

C. 2. Look, read and write. (8 marks) Look at the example.

At school you learnt how to make a sandwich.

Write down the steps to give to a student who was absent.

The following words may help you. They can be used more than once:

Place bread butter Spread cheese tomato Slice plate knife

1) ___________________________________________. 2) ___________________________________________. 3) ___________________________________________. 4) ___________________________________________. 5) ___________________________________________. 6) ___________________________________________. 7) ___________________________________________.

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C. 3. Choose ONE of the titles below and write between 50 and 70 words about it. (14 marks)

The pictures and words below may help you.

Title 1: Describe a talent show you had at school. The teacher will put your description on the school website.

OR Title 2: Describe a party you had at school. The teacher will put your description on the school website.

in the hall on stage piano guitar drums dance sing

in the classroom games balloons presents food eat play

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Write your description here:















Write your plan here.