Density Matrix Analysis and Simulation of Electronic Excitations in Conjugated and...

Density Matrix Analysis and Simulation of Electronic Excitations in Conjugated and Aggregated Molecules Sergei Tretiak* Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 Shaul Mukamel* Department of Chemistry and Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Rochester, P. O. RC Box 270216, Rochester, New York 14627-0216 Received May 23, 2001 Contents I. Introduction 3171 II. The CEO Formalism 3175 A. Electronic Hamiltonian and Ground State Calculations 3175 B. Computation of Electronic Oscillators 3177 C. Real Space Analysis of Electronic Response. 3179 III. Electronic Coherence Sizes Underlying the Optical Response of Conjugated Molecules 3181 A. Linear Optical Excitations of Poly(p-phenylene vinylene) Oligomers 3181 B. Linear Optical Excitations of Acceptor-Substituted Carotenoids 3182 C. Quantum Confinement and Size Scaling of Off-Resonant Polarizabilities of Polyenes 3183 D. Origin, Scaling, and Saturation of Off-Resonant Second Order Polarizabilities in Donor/Acceptor Polyenes 3184 E. Localized and Delocalized Electronic Excitations in Bacteriochlorophylls 3185 IV. Optical Response of Chromophore Aggregates 3186 A. Excitonic Couplings and Electronic Coherence in Bridged Naphthalene Dimers 3187 B. Electronic Excitations in Stilbenoid Aggregates 3188 C. Localized Electronic Excitations in Phenylacetylene Dendrimers 3189 D. Exciton-Coupling for the LH2 Antenna Complex of Purple Bacteria 3191 V. Discussion 3192 VI. Acknowledgments 3194 VII. Appendix A: The TDHF Equations of Motion of a Driven Molecule 3194 VIII. Appendix B: Algebra of Electronic Oscillators 3196 IX. Appendix C: The IDSMA Algorithm 3197 X. Appendix D: Lanczos Algorithms 3199 A. Lanczos Algorithm for Hermitian Matrices 3199 B. Lanczos Algorithm for Non-Hermitian Matrices 3200 XI. Appendix E: Davidson’s Algorithm 3202 A. Davidson’s Preconditioning 3202 B. Davidson’s Algorithm for Non-Hermitian Matrices 3202 XII. Appendix F: Frequency and Time Dependent Nonlinear Polarizabilities 3203 A. Equation of Motion for Electronic Oscillators and Anharmonicities 3203 B. Definition of Nonlinear Response Functions 3204 C. Linear Response 3204 D. Second-Order Response 3205 E. Third-Order Response 3206 XIII. References 3207 I. Introduction Predicting the electronic structure of extended organic molecules constitutes an important funda- mental task of modern chemistry. Studies of elec- tronic excitations, charge-transfer, energy-transfer, and isomerization of conjugated systems form the basis for our understanding of the photophysics and photochemistry of complex molecules 1-3 as well as organic nanostructures and supramolecular assem- blies. 4,5 Photosynthesis and other photochemical bio- logical processes that constitute the basis of life on Earth involve assemblies of conjugated chromophores such as porphyrins, chlorophylls, and carotenoids. 6-8 Apart from the fundamental interest, these studies are also closely connected to numerous important technological applications. 9 Conjugated polymers are primary candidates for new organic optical materials with large nonlinear polarizabilities. 10-19 Potential applications include electroluminescence, light emit- ting diodes, ultrafast switches, photodetectors, bio- sensors, and optical limiting materials. 20-27 Optical spectroscopy which allows chemists and physicists to probe the dynamics of vibrations and electronic excitations of molecules and solids is a powerful tool for the study of molecular electronic structure. The theoretical techniques used for de- scribing spectra of isolated small molecules are usually quite different from those of molecular crys- tals, and many intermediate size systems, such as clusters and polymers, are not readily described by the methods developed for either of these limiting cases. 28 * Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] (S.T.); mukamel@ (S.M.). 3171 Chem. Rev. 2002, 102, 3171-3212 10.1021/cr0101252 CCC: $39.75 © 2002 American Chemical Society Published on Web 08/24/2002

Transcript of Density Matrix Analysis and Simulation of Electronic Excitations in Conjugated and...

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Density Matrix Analysis and Simulation of Electronic Excitations inConjugated and Aggregated Molecules

Sergei Tretiak*

Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545

Shaul Mukamel*

Department of Chemistry and Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Rochester, P. O. RC Box 270216,Rochester, New York 14627-0216

Received May 23, 2001

ContentsI. Introduction 3171II. The CEO Formalism 3175

A. Electronic Hamiltonian and Ground StateCalculations


B. Computation of Electronic Oscillators 3177C. Real Space Analysis of Electronic Response. 3179

III. Electronic Coherence Sizes Underlying theOptical Response of Conjugated Molecules


A. Linear Optical Excitations of Poly(p-phenylenevinylene) Oligomers


B. Linear Optical Excitations ofAcceptor-Substituted Carotenoids


C. Quantum Confinement and Size Scaling ofOff-Resonant Polarizabilities of Polyenes


D. Origin, Scaling, and Saturation ofOff-Resonant Second Order Polarizabilities inDonor/Acceptor Polyenes


E. Localized and Delocalized ElectronicExcitations in Bacteriochlorophylls


IV. Optical Response of Chromophore Aggregates 3186A. Excitonic Couplings and Electronic

Coherence in Bridged Naphthalene Dimers3187

B. Electronic Excitations in StilbenoidAggregates


C. Localized Electronic Excitations inPhenylacetylene Dendrimers


D. Exciton-Coupling for the LH2 AntennaComplex of Purple Bacteria


V. Discussion 3192VI. Acknowledgments 3194VII. Appendix A: The TDHF Equations of Motion of

a Driven Molecule3194

VIII. Appendix B: Algebra of Electronic Oscillators 3196IX. Appendix C: The IDSMA Algorithm 3197X. Appendix D: Lanczos Algorithms 3199

A. Lanczos Algorithm for Hermitian Matrices 3199B. Lanczos Algorithm for Non-Hermitian Matrices 3200

XI. Appendix E: Davidson’s Algorithm 3202A. Davidson’s Preconditioning 3202B. Davidson’s Algorithm for Non-Hermitian


XII. Appendix F: Frequency and Time DependentNonlinear Polarizabilities


A. Equation of Motion for Electronic Oscillatorsand Anharmonicities


B. Definition of Nonlinear Response Functions 3204C. Linear Response 3204D. Second-Order Response 3205E. Third-Order Response 3206

XIII. References 3207

I. Introduction

Predicting the electronic structure of extendedorganic molecules constitutes an important funda-mental task of modern chemistry. Studies of elec-tronic excitations, charge-transfer, energy-transfer,and isomerization of conjugated systems form thebasis for our understanding of the photophysics andphotochemistry of complex molecules1-3 as well asorganic nanostructures and supramolecular assem-blies.4,5 Photosynthesis and other photochemical bio-logical processes that constitute the basis of life onEarth involve assemblies of conjugated chromophoressuch as porphyrins, chlorophylls, and carotenoids.6-8

Apart from the fundamental interest, these studiesare also closely connected to numerous importanttechnological applications.9 Conjugated polymers areprimary candidates for new organic optical materialswith large nonlinear polarizabilities.10-19 Potentialapplications include electroluminescence, light emit-ting diodes, ultrafast switches, photodetectors, bio-sensors, and optical limiting materials.20-27

Optical spectroscopy which allows chemists andphysicists to probe the dynamics of vibrations andelectronic excitations of molecules and solids is apowerful tool for the study of molecular electronicstructure. The theoretical techniques used for de-scribing spectra of isolated small molecules areusually quite different from those of molecular crys-tals, and many intermediate size systems, such asclusters and polymers, are not readily described bythe methods developed for either of these limitingcases.28

* Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] (S.T.); [email protected] (S.M.).

3171Chem. Rev. 2002, 102, 3171−3212

10.1021/cr0101252 CCC: $39.75 © 2002 American Chemical SocietyPublished on Web 08/24/2002

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Solving the many-electron problem required for theprediction and interpretation of spectroscopic signalsinvolves an extensive numerical effort that growsvery fast with molecular size. Two broad classes oftechniques are generally employed in the calculationof molecular response functions. Off-resonant opticalpolarizabilities can be calculated most readily by avariational/perturbative treatment of the groundstate in the presence of a static electric field byexpanding the Stark energy in powers of electric field.The coupled perturbed Hartree-Fock (CPHF) pro-cedure computes the polarizabilities by evaluatingenergy derivatives of the molecular Hamiltonian. Itusually involves expensive ab initio calculations withbasis sets including diffuse and polarized functions,that are substantially larger than those necessary forcomputing ground-state properties.14

The second approach starts with exact expressionsfor optical response functions derived using time-dependent perturbation theory, which relate theoptical response to the properties of the excitedstates. It applies to resonant as well as off-resonantresponse. Its implementation involves calculations ofboth the ground state and excited-state wave func-tions and the transition dipole moments betweenthem.29,30 The configuration-interaction/sum-over-states (CI/SOS) method15,31 is an example for thisclass of methods. Despite the straightforward imple-mentation of the procedure and the interpretation ofthe results in terms of quantum states (which iscommon in quantum chemistry), special care needsto be taken when choosing the right configurations.In addition, this method is not size-consistent,32,33 andintrinsic interference effects resulting in a nearcancellation of very large contributions further limitits accuracy and complicate the analysis of the size-scaling of the optical response. The SOS approach has

been widely applied using semiempirical Hamilto-nians (e.g., simple tight-binding or Huckel, π-electronPariser-Parr-Pople (PPP), valence effective Hamil-tonians (VEH), complete neglect of differential over-lap (CNDO), and intermediate neglect of differentialOverlap (INDO) models).14,15,34-39 The global eigen-states carry too much information on many-electroncorrelations, making it hard to use them effectivelyfor the interpretation of optical response and theprediction of various trends.

A completely different viewpoint is adopted incalculations of infinite periodic structures (molecularcrystals, semiconductors, large polymers). Band struc-ture approaches that focus on the dynamics ofelectron-hole pairs are then used.40-44 Band theoriesmay not describe molecular systems with significantdisorder and deviations from periodicity, and becausethey are formulated in momentum (k) space they donot lend themselves very easily to real-space chemicalintuition. The connection between the molecular andthe band structure pictures is an important theoreti-cal challenge.45

To formulate a unified formulation that bridges thegap between the chemical and semiconductor pointsof view, we must retain only reduced informationabout the many-electronic system necessary to cal-culate the optical response. Certainly, the completeinformation on the optical response of a quantumsystem is contained in its set of many-electroneigenstates |ν⟩, |η⟩, ... and energies εν, εη, ....29 Usingthe many-electron wave functions, it is possible tocalculate all n-body quantities and correlations. Mostof this information is, however, rarely used in thecalculation of common observables (energies, dipolemoments, spectra, etc.) which only depend on the

Sergei Tretiak is currently a Technical Staff Member at Los AlamosNational Laboratory (LANL). He received his M.Sc. (highest honors, 1994)from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Russia) and his 1998 from the University of Rochester where he worked with Prof.Shaul Mukamel. He was then a LANL Director-funded Postdoctoral Fellowin T-11/CNLS. His research interests include development of moderncomputational methods for molecular optical properties and establishingstructure/optical response relations in electronic materials, such as donor−acceptor oligomers, photoluminescent polymers, porphyrins, semiconductornanoparticles, etc., promising for device applications. He is also developingeffective exciton Hamiltonian models for treating charge and energy transferphenomena in molecular superstructures such as biological antennacomplexes, dendrimer nanostructures, and semiconductor quantum dotsassemblies.

Shaul Mukamel, who is currently the C. E. Kenneth Mees Professor ofChemistry at the University of Rochester, received his Ph.D. in 1976 fromTel Aviv University, followed by postdoctoral appointments at MIT andthe University of California at Berkeley and faculty positions at theWeizmann Institute and at Rice University. He has been the recipient ofthe Sloan, Dreyfus, Guggenheim, and Alexander von Humboldt SeniorScientist awards. His research interests in theoretical chemical physicsand biophysics include: developing a density matrix Liouville-spaceapproach to femtosecond spectroscopy and to many body theory ofelectronic and vibrational excitations of molecules and semiconductors;multidimensional coherent spectroscopies of structure and folding dynamicsof proteins; nonlinear X-ray and single molecule spectroscopy; electrontransfer and energy funneling in photosynthetic complexes and Dendrimers.He is the author of over 400 publications in scientific journals and of thetextbook, Principles of Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy (Oxford UniversityPress), 1995.

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expectation values of a few (typically one- and two-)electron quantities. In addition, since even in practi-cal computations with a finite basis set, the numberof molecular many-electron states increases expo-nentially with the number of electrons, exact calcula-tions become prohibitively expensive even for fairlysmall molecules with a few atoms. A reduced descrip-tion that only keeps a small amount of relevantinformation is called for. A remarkably successfulexample of such a method is density-functionaltheory (DFT),46-51 which only retains the ground-state charge density profile. The charge density ofthe nth orbital is

where |g⟩ denotes the ground-state many-electronwave function and cn

† (cn) are the Fermi annihilation(creation) operators for the nth basis set orbital, whenthe overlap between basis set functions is neglected,the molecular charge density depends on Fnn. Hohen-berg and Kohn’s theorem proves that the ground-state energy is a unique and a universal functionalof the charge density,52,53 making it possible inprinciple to compute self-consistently the chargedistribution and the ground-state energy.

The single-electron density matrix54-60 given by

is a natural generalization of the ground-state chargedensity (eq 1.1). Here |ν⟩ and |η⟩ represent globalelectronic states, whereas n and m denote the atomicbasis functions. Fνν is the reduced single-electrondensity matrix of state ν. For ν * η Fνη is the density-matrix associated with the transition between ν andη. These quantities carry much more informationthan Fjnn ≡ Fnn

gg (For brevity, the ground-state densitymatrix Fgg will be donoted Fj throughout this review),yet considerably less than the complete set ofeigenstates.51,61-66

Density functional theory has been extended toinclude current (in addition to charge) density.67 Thecurrent density can be readily obtained from the neardiagonal elements of the density matrix in real space.The current is thus related to short range coherence,whereas the density matrix includes short as well aslong range coherence. The single electron densitymatrix is the lowest order in a systematic hierarchy.Higher order density matrices (2 electron, etc.) havebeen used as well in quantum chemistry. They retainsuccessively higher levels of information.68-73 Greenfunction techniques provide an alternative type ofreduced description.74,75

The wave function of a the system driven by anoptical field is a coherent superposition of states

and its density matrix is given by

Fnmνη are thus the building blocks for the time-de-

pendent single-electron density matrix Fmn(t).The greatly reduced information about the global

eigenstates contained in the matrices Fνη is sufficientto compute the optical response. To illustrate this,let us consider the frequency-dependent linear po-larizability R(ω) (see Appendix F3).

where µgν ≡ ⟨g|µ|ν⟩ are the transition dipoles, andΩν ≡ εν - εg are the transition frequencies. Γ is aphemenological dephasing rate which accounts forboth homogeneous (e.g., an interaction with bath) andinhomogeneous (e.g., static distribution of moleculartransition frequencies) mechanisms of line broaden-ing (for a review see ref 76).

The molecular dipole µ is a single-electron operatorthat may be expanded in the form

We therefore have

The matrices Fgν and the corresponding frequenciesΩν thus contain all necessary information for calcu-lating the linear optical response. Complete expres-sions for higher order polarizabilities up to thirdorder and other spectroscopic observables are givenin Appendix F.

Equation 1.2 apparently implies that one firstneeds to calculate the eigenstates |ν⟩ and |g⟩ and thenuse them to compute the matrix elements Fgν. If thatwas the case, no computational saving is obtainedby using the density matrix. However, its great poweris derived from the ability to compute the electronicresponse directly, totally avoiding the explicit calcu-lation of excited states: the time-dependent varia-tional principle (TDVP)64,65,77,78 and time-dependentdensity-functional theory (TDDFT)49,50,79,80 in theKohn-Sham (KS) form52,53 are two widely usedapproaches of this type. In either case, one followsthe dynamics of a certain reduced set of parametersrepresenting the system driven by an external field.In the TDVP, these parameters describe a trial many-electron wave function, whereas in TDDFT theyrepresent a set of KS orbitals. The time-dependentHartree-Fock (TDHF) equations are based on theTDVP where the trial wave function is assumed tobelong to the space of single Slater determinants.77,81

Both TDHF and the TDDFT follow the dynamicsof a similar quantity: a single Slater determinantthat can be uniquely described by an idempotentsingle-electron density matrix F (with F2 ) F).62,63,77,78

However, they yield different equations of motion forF(t), stemming from the different interpretation ofF(t). In the TDHF, F(t) is viewed as an approximationfor the actual single-electron density matrix,77 whereasin TDDFT F(t) is an auxiliary quantity constrained

R(ω) ) ∑ν


Ων2 - (ω + iΓ)2


µ ) ∑nm

µmncn†cm (1.6)

µgν ) ∑nm

µmnFnmgν (1.7)

Fjnn ) ⟨g|cn†cn|g⟩ (1.1)

Fnmνη ≡ ⟨ν|cn

†cm|η⟩ (1.2)

Ψ(t) ) ∑ν

aν(t)|ν⟩ (1.3)

Fnm(t) ≡ ⟨Ψ(t)|cn†cm|Ψ(t)⟩ ) ∑


νη (1.4)

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to merely reproduce the correct electronic chargedistribution at all times.52,53 TDDFT is formally exact.However, in practice it yields approximate resultssince exact expressions for the exchange-correlationenergy Exc[n(r)] and the corresponding potential vxc(r,[n]) in the KS scheme are not available and areintroduced semiempirically. A close resemblancebetween TDHF and TDDFT (especially its adiabaticversion) may be established by formulating KSdensity functional theory (DFT) in terms of thedensity matrix F rather than on the KS orbitals.78

This formal similarity makes it possible to apply thesame algorithms for solving the equations for thematrices Fgν ≡ êν (Abbreviated notation êν for thefamily of single-electron density matrices Fgν will beused throughout this review) and frequencies Ων,directly avoiding the tedious calculations of globaleigenstates in both cases.

This review focuses on the TDHF method,77,82-88

which combined with a semiempirical model Hamil-tonian provides a powerful tool for studying theoptical response of large conjugated molecules andchromophore aggregates.81,89-96 The accuracy of thiscombination is determined by the approximationsinvolved in closing the TDHF equations and by thesemiempirical models. The TDDFT approach is onthe other hand usually based on the ab initio Hamil-tonians,49,50,79,80,97,98 making these computations sig-nificantly more expensive and limited to smallermolecular systems than TDHF/semiempirical tech-nique. F(t) computed in the TDHF approach providesthe variation of electron charge distribution (diagonalelements) and the optically induced coherences, i.e.,changes in chemical bond orders, (off-diagonal ele-ments) caused by an external field. The latter areessential for understanding optical properties ofconjugated molecules and for the first-principlesderivation of simple models for photoinduced dynam-ics in molecular aggregates (e.g., the Frenkel-excitonmodel).90

The TDHF equation of motion for the single-electron density matrix (eq A4 in Appendix A) wasfirst proposed by Dirac in 1930.99 This equation hasbeen introduced and explicitly applied in nuclearphysics by Ferrel.100 The TDHF description waswidely used in nuclear physics in the 50-60s.101-104,83,84

The random phase approximation (RPA) was firstintroduced into many-body theory by Pines andBohm.105 This approximation was shown to be equiva-lent to the TDHF for the linear optical response ofmany-electron systems by Lindhard.106 (See, for ex-ample, Chapter 8.5 in ref 83. The electronic modesare identical to the transition densities of the RPAeigenvalue equation.) The textbook of D. J. Thouless82

contains a good overview of Hartree-Fock and TDHFtheory.

The RPA approach was subsequently introducedinto molecular structure calculations and was exten-sively studied in 60th and 70th as an alternative tothe CI approach for solving many-electron problems.The RPA theory was developed based on the particle-hole propagators or two-electronic Green’s functionstechnique74 employing a direct decoupling of equa-tions of motion107,108 or perturbative approach.109,110

In this language, the RPA procedure corresponds tothe summation of ring diagrams to infinite order.82,104

The RPA approach in combination with the Pariser-Par-Pople (PPP) Hamiltonian111,112 was used to studylow-lying excited states of ethylene and formaldehydeby Dunning and McKoy in 1967.113,114 This investiga-tion concluded that the RPA results are superior tosingle-electron transition approximation and are verysimilar to CI Singles (the latter coincides with theTamm-Dancoff approximation). Subsequent compu-tations of small molecules,107,108,115-121 such as ben-zene,107 free radicals118 diatomics and triatomics,117

showed high promise of RPA for molecular excitationenergies. However, it was found that the first-orderRPA yields inaccurate results for triplet states113,119

and impractical for unstable HF ground state.122-126

This happens when electronic correlations (doublesand higher orders) are significant for the ground-state wave function, and the Hartree-Fock referencestate becomes a poor approximation for the trueground state wave function. For example, largecontributions from doubly excited configurations leadto imaginary RPA energies of triplet states in bothethylene and formaldehyde.113,114 Several improvedschemes that take into account correlations beyondthe first-order RPA have been suggested120,127-133 toavoid these difficulties. Subsequently, RPA-basedmethods have been applied to calculate dynamicspolarizabilities of small molecules using an analyticalpropagator approach.134-137 We refer readers to re-views104,74,138,75 for further details of this early devel-opment of RPA approaches.

Zerner and co-workers had subsequently attemptedto use RPA as an alternative to Singles CI forcomputing molecular electronic spectra with ZINDOcode.139-141 However, historically, these early RPAadvances did not develop into standard quantumchemical software. Modern computational pack-ages142-145 usually offer extensive CI codes but notpropagator-based techniques for handling the elec-tronic correlations. However, current studies of propa-gator techniques146,147 will be gradually incorporatedinto quantum-chemical software.

Faster computers and development of better nu-merical algorithms have created the possibility toapply RPA in combination with semiempirical Hamil-tonian models to large molecular systems. Sekino andBartlett85,86,148,36 derived the TDHF expressions forfrequency-dependent off-resonant optical polarizabili-ties using a perturbative expansion of the HF equa-tion (eq 2.8) in powers of external field. This approachwas further applied to conjugated polymer chains.The equations of motion for the time-dependentdensity matrix of a polyenic chain were first derivedand solved in refs 149 and 150. The TDHF approachbased on the PPP Hamiltonian111,112 was subse-quently applied to linear and nonlinear optical re-sponse of neutral polyenes (up to 40 repeat units)151,152

and PPV (up to 10 repeat units).153-155 The electronicoscillators (We shall refer to eigenmodes of thelinearized TDHF eq êν with eigenfrequencies Ων aselectronic oscillators since they represent collectivemotions of electrons and holes (see Section II))

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contributing to the response were identified, and thesize-scaling of optical susceptibilities were analyzed.Further development of the classical TDHF repre-sentation and algebra of electronic oscillators77,156-158

reduced the number of independent variables toelectron-hole oscillators representing occupied-unoccupied orbital pairs. These developments evolvedinto the collective electronic oscillator (CEO) ap-proach for molecular electronic structure.

In this article, we review the basic ideas and recentdevelopments in the CEO framework for computingthe optical excitations of large conjugated systemsand connecting them directly with the motions ofelectron-hole pairs in real space. The CEO approachsolves the TDHF equations to generate the electronicnormal modes; quasiparticles which represent thedynamics of the optically driven reduced singleelectron density matrix. Fast Krylov-space basedalgorithms for the required diagonalization of largeHamiltonian matrices are used to calculate excited-state structure of organic molecular systems withhundreds of heavy atoms with only moderate com-putational effort.

A real space analysis of electronic normal modes(transition densities) results in a systematic proce-dure for identifying the electronic coherence sizeswhich control the scaling and saturation of spectro-scopic observables with molecular size. Localizationof these density matrices is further used to simplifythe description of the optical response of largemolecules by dissecting them into coupled chromo-phores. Illustrative examples are presented, includ-ing linear polyenes, donor/acceptor substituted oli-gomers, poly-phenylenevinylene (PPV) oligomers,chlorophylls, naphthalene and PPV dimers, phenyl-acetylene dendrimers, and photosynthetic light-harvesting antenna complexes.

In Section II, we describe the CEO computationalapproach combined with semiempirical molecularHamiltonian. Section III presents a real space analy-sis of electronic excitations and optical response ofdifferent conjugated molecules. In Section IV, wecompute interchromophore interactions to derive aneffective Frenkel exciton Hamiltonian for molecularaggregates. Finally, summary and discussion arepresented in Section V.

II. The CEO FormalismThe CEO computation of electronic structure81,89

starts with molecular geometry, optimized usingstandard quantum chemical methods,142-144 or ob-tained from experimental X-ray diffraction or NMRdata. For excited-state calculations, we usually usethe INDO/S semiempirical Hamiltonian model (Sec-tion IIA) generated by the ZINDO code;145,159-163

however, other model Hamiltonians may be employedas well. The next step is to calculate the Hartree-Fock (HF) ground state density matrix. This densitymatrix and the Hamiltonian are the input into theCEO calculation. Solving the TDHF equation ofmotion (Appendix A) involves the diagonalization ofthe Liouville operator (Section IIB) which is ef-ficiently performed using Krylov-space techniques:e.g., IDSMA (Appendix C), Lanczos (Appendix D), or

Davidson’s (Appendix E) algorithms. A two-dimen-sional real space representation of the resultingtransition density matrices is convenient for ananalysis and visualization of each electronic transi-tion and the molecular optical response in terms ofexcited-state charge distribution and motions ofelectrons and holes (Section IIC). Finally, the com-puted vertical excitation energies and transitiondensities may be used to calculate molecular spec-troscopic observables such as transition dipoles,oscillator strengths, linear absorption, and static andfrequency-dependent nonlinear response (AppendixF). The overall scaling of these computations does notexceed ∼K3 in time and ∼K2 in memory (K being thebasis set size) for both ground and excited-state (perstate) calculations. Typically, direct diagonalizationof the Liouville operator L or CI Singles matrix Awithout invoking Krylov-space methods increases thecomputational cost to ∼K6 in time and ∼K4 inmemory for the excited states. The cost is even higher(∼K8-12) for methods taking into account higher orderelectronic correlations, such as higher order CI,coupled cluster and CAS-SCF.60

A. Electronic Hamiltonian and Ground StateCalculations

The general Hamiltonian of a molecule interactingwith an external field in second quantization formreads60

where the subscripts m, n, k, l run over known atomicbasis functions øn and σ,σ′ label spin components.These atomic orbitals are assumed to be orthogonal

cnσ† (cnσ) are the creation (annihilation) operators

which satisfy the Fermi anticommutation relations

and all other anticommutators of c† and c vanish.The first term in eq 2.1 is the core single-body

Hamiltonian describing the kinetic energy and nuclearattraction of an electron

where RA is the nuclear coordinate of atom A. Thesecond two-body term represents electron-electronCoulomb interactions where

H ) ∑mnσ

tmncmσ† cnσ + ∑


⟨nm|kl⟩cmσ† cnσ′

† ckσ′clσ -


µmncmσ† cnσ, (2.1)

⟨n|m⟩ ≡ ∫dr1ønf(1)øm(1) ) δnm (2.2)

cmσcnσ′† + cnσ′

† cmσ ) δmnδσσ′ (2.3)

tnm ) ⟨n| -1


2 - ∑A


|r1 - RA||m⟩ ≡

∫dr1ønf(1) (-1


2 - ∑A


|r1 - RA|) øm(1) (2.4)

⟨nm|kl⟩ ≡ ∫dr1dr2ønf(1)øm

f(2) 1r12

øk(1)øl(2) (2.5)

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are the two-electron integrals. The interaction be-tween the electrons and the external electric field E(t)polarized along the chosen z-axis is given by the lastterm in eq 2.1, µ being the dipole operator

To simplify the notation, we hereafter focus on closed-shell molecules and exclude spin variables assumingthat N electron pairs occupy K (N e K) spatial atomicorbitals. Generalization to the unrestricted opened-shell case and nonorthogonal basis set is pos-sible.60 The ground state is obtained by solving theSchrodinger equation HΨ ) EΨ for the ground-state assuming the simplest antisymmetric wavefunction, i.e., a single Slater determinant Ψ )|φ1(1)φ2(2)...φN(2N)⟩60 (HF approximation). Here φRare the molecular orbitals (MO). Following Roothaan’sprocedure,60,164 they are expanded as linear combi-nations of localized atomic basis functions øn

The HF approximation maps the complex many-bodyproblem onto an effective one-electron problem inwhich electron-electron repulsion is treated in anaverage (mean field) way. Even though the resultingground state is uncorrelated, this approximationworks reasonable well for majority of extended mo-lecular systems. However, the HF solution is notalways stable, in particular, for opened-shell124-126

and near degenerate cases (e.g., conical intersec-tions165,166).

The HF eigenvalue equation is derived by mini-mizing the ground-state energy with respect to thechoice of MOs

This equation may be recast using the density matrixin the form

For closed-shells, the ground-state density matrix isrelated to the MO expansion coefficients (eq 2.7) as

F(Fj) is the Fock matrix with matrix elements

and the matrix representation of the Coulomb elec-tronic operator V in the atomic basis set øn is

The HF eq 2.9 for Fj is nonlinear and may be readilysolved iteratively using the self-consistent field (SCF)procedure.60

In all computations presented below, we use asemiempirical (INDO/S) parametrization of the Hamil-tonian (2.1) that was fitted to reproduce the spectraof simple molecules at the singly excited CI level. TheINDO approximation159-163 limits the basis set tovalence orbitals of Slater type. Exchange terms in thetwo-electron interaction are permitted only amongorbitals located on the same atom

where ønA belongs to atom A and øn

B to atom B. Thetetradic matrix ⟨ønøk|ømøl⟩ thus becomes block-diago-nal in two dimensions. Thus, this approximationlimits the number of computed Coulomb matrixelements and allows the storing of all of them inmemory instead of recalculating them when neededas is commonly done in ab initio computations,making semiempirical techniques significantly easierand faster.

The parameters of the INDO/S Hamiltonian aregiven in refs 159-163. This widely used model firstintroduced by Pople159,160 and later carefully param-etrized by Zerner and collaborators to reproduce UV-visible spectra of small organic chromophores at CIsingle level.161-163,167-172 The INDO/S parameterswere initially available for the main group ele-ments161,162 and subsequently for transitionmetals,163,168,173-175 actinides,176 and lanthanides.177,178

Special attention was paid to reproduce tripletstates.167 INDO/CIS calculations have been success-fully applied to studies of electronically excited statesin a wide variety of chromophores,179,180 and thismodel is currently widely used in optical responsecomputations.14,15,181 The ZINDO code145 developed byZerner and co-workers serves as a convenient plat-form for these calculations. In addition to the CIScalculations, they have investigated how INDO workswith RPA approximation for molecular excitedstates139-141 using conventional diagonalization of theRPA matrix (see Section IIB). These studies con-cluded that the INDO/RPA excited-state energies areclose to INDO/CIS where both show some red-shiftscompared to experiment. However, RPA shows betteraccuracy for the oscillator strengths and for molec-ular systems with fine splittings in the spectrum suchas free base porphins.140 We also found that theTDHF (RPA) combined with the INDO/S Hamilto-nian works extremely well for many molecules with-out further reparametrization and thus provides analternative approach for computing their opticalproperties.182,183 Typically, this method reproducesvertical excitation energies with accuracy of 0.1-0.3eV, whereas transition dipoles and nonlinear polar-izabilities agree with experimental data within 10%and 20-30%, respectively.182,183

Effects of the surrounding media (e.g., solvent) maybe readily incorporated using the self-consistentreaction field (SCRF) approach,184,185 whereby theinteraction energy between a solute and the solventis added to the HF energy of an isolated molecule,and the total energy of the system is then minimizedself-consistently. The SCRF method is based on

⟨ønA øk

B|ømA øl

B⟩ ) ⟨ønA øk

A|ømA øl

A⟩ A ) B,⟨øn

A økB|øn

A økB⟩δnmδkl, A * B,


µnm ) ⟨n|µz|m⟩ ≡ ∫dr1ønf(1)z1øm(1) (2.6)

φR ) ∑i


CRiøi (2.7)

FC ) Cε (2.8)

[F(Fj), Fj] ) 0 (2.9)

Fjnm ) 2∑a


CnaCmaf ) 2∑



CnaCmaf (2.10)

Fnm(Fj) ) tnm + Vnm(Fj) (2.11)

V(Fj)mn ) ∑k,l


Fjkl[⟨ml|nk⟩ -1

2⟨ml|kn⟩] (2.12)

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classical ideas originally introduced by Onsager186

and Kirkwood.187

For electrically neutral solutes, only the dipolarinteractions contribute to the solvation energy. In theOnsager’s spherical cavity model, the Fock operatorFmn is then modified by adding the response of adielectric medium, resulting in

where Fmn0 is the isolated complex Fock operator, µbg

is the ground-state dipole moment, ε is the dielectricconstant, and ao is a cavity radius. The secondOnsager dipolar term in eq 2.14 has been de-rived188,185 assuming that the solute is separated fromthe solvent by a sphere of radius ao. The Gaussian98 package142 provides a reasonable estimate for acavity radius.

Onsager’s SCRF is the simplest method for takingdielectric medium effects into account and moreaccurate approaches have been developed such aspolarizable continuum modes,189,190 continuum di-electric solvation models,191,192 explicit-solvent dynamic-dielectric screening model,193,194 and conductor-likescreening model (COSMO).195 Extensive refinementsof the SCRF method (spherical, elliptical,188 multi-cavity models) in conjunction with INDO/CIS wereintroduced by Zerner and co-workers185,196-202 aswell.

The shape of the cavity has some effect on themolecular polarizabilities;203,204 however, the methodstaking into account “real” molecular shapes arecomputationally expensive and are most appropri-ately utilized with accurate ab initio or densityfunctional theory (DFT) approaches.205,206 Even thoughspherical cavity is a crude approximation for mostmolecules, the predicted trends usually agree wellwith experiment and with the results of much moresophisticated and expensive methods.182,185,200

B. Computation of Electronic OscillatorsUsing the ground-state density matrix as an input,

the CEO procedure81,89 computes vertical transitionenergies Ων and the relevant transition densitymatrices (denoted electronic normal modes (êν)mn )⟨g|cm

† cn|ν⟩), which connect the optical response withthe underlying electronic motions. Each electronictransition between the ground state |g⟩ and anelectronically excited state |ν⟩ is described by a modewhich is represented by K × K matrix. These modesare computed directly as eigenmodes of the linearizedtime-dependent Hartree-Fock equations of motionfor the density matrix (eq A4) of the molecule drivenby the optical field.

where L is a linear Liouville space operator (i.e.,superoperator) whose eigenvectors are the transitiondensities êν.81,89 The electronic modes obey normal-ization conditions (see Section B)

The complete set of density matrices (eq 1.2) may besubsequently calculated using the êν eigenvectors.207

Only particle-hole and hole-particle components ofêν are computed in the restricted TDHF scheme77

(Appendix A). Therefore, this non-Hermitian eigen-value problem of dimension 2M × 2M, M ) Nocc ×Nvir ) N × (K - N) in the MO basis set representa-tion may be recast in the form82,74

This is known as the first-order RPA eigenvalueequation,79,107,113,127,130,131,208 where X and Y are, re-spectively, the particle-hole and hole-particle com-ponents of the transition density ê ) [Y

X] in the MOrepresentation.77,79,80,113,120,208 In eq 2.18, the matrixA is Hermitian and identical to the CI Singles matrix,whereas the Hermitian matrix B represents higherorder electronic correlations (double excitations) in-cluded in the TDHF approximation. We recall, how-ever, that the TDHF uses the HF ground state(Section IIA) as a reference state. If this state isunstable (e.g., saddle point) near curve crossings orconical intersections, or if the second-order electroniccorrelations are large (the magnitudes of matrix Belements are comparable to that of matrix A), eq 2.18may have imaginary eigenvalues (frequencies). Inthis case, the first-order RPA breaks down,113,120 andhigher order RPA are called for.128-131,133,209 We notethat the extended conjugated molecular systemsconsidered in this review have stable HF groundstate (closed shell), and the first-order RPA is wellsuited for computing their electronic excitations. Wetherefore restrict our subsequent discussion to thisapproximation.

The formal properties of operator L eq 2.18 (knownas the symplectic structure77) allow the introductionof a variational principle eq D3,210 a scalar product(eq B1), and ultimately to reduce the original non-Hermitian eigenvalue problem (eq 2.18) to the equiva-lent Hermitian problem which may be solved usingstandard numerical algorithms (Appendices B-E).For example, L2 is a Hermitian operator. Lowdin’ssymmetric orthogonalization procedure60,211,212 leadsto the Hermitian eigenvalue problem as well (eq E5),which may be subsequently solved by Davidson’salgorithm (Appendix E). The spectral transformLanczos method developed by Ruhe and Ericsson213

is another example of such transformation.Direct diagonalization of the TDHF operator L or

the CIS operator A in eq 2.18 is the computationalbottleneck, requiring computational effort whichscales as ∼K6 in time and ∼K4 in memory (forcomparison, SCF ground-state calculations scales as∼K3 in time and ∼K2 in memory) because we areworking in the space of higher dimensionality (elec-tron-hole pairs). Direct diagonalization of eq 2.18should give the entire spectrum of excited states. Thetraditional quantum-chemical approach addresses

Tr(Fj[êR†, êâ]) ) δRâ (2.16)

Tr(Fj[êR†, êâ

†]) ) Tr(Fj[êR, êâ]) ) 0 (2.17)

(A B-B -A )[XY ] ) Ω[XY ] (2.18)

Fmn ) Fmn0 - ε - 1

2ε + 1µbg ‚ µbmn



Lêν ) Ωνêν Lêν† ) -Ωνêν

† ν ) 1, ..., K2/2(2.15)

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this problem by limiting the total basis set sizevariables K to a few MOs which are “important” forvisible-UV optical response. Indeed, most of theelectronic states obtained by diagonalization of eq2.18 lie in the X-ray spectral region and correspondto atomic-core type transitions. Visible-UV collectivemolecular excitations, on the other hand, could beadequately described by truncating an active space,taking into account only few MOs close to HOMO-LUMO energy gap. Although this approach worksquite well and the ZINDO code161,163,168 became verysuccessful, truncating the active space is a compli-cated and somewhat arbitrary procedure. In addition,even truncated CI calculations are usually signifi-cantly more expensive than ground-state computa-tions. The effects of size of the active space on thecomputed spectra of small molecules for CIS and RPAapproximations have been studied by Zerner andBaker.139 They showed that (i) even minimal con-figurational space (∼7 eV) provides qualitative de-scription for lowest electronic transition, (ii) fairlylarge active space is required (∼10 eV) (The numberof molecular orbitals and subsequently the CI expan-sion size grows very rapidly with the active spacewindow size) to account for all essential configura-tions, and (iii) inaccuracy grows for higher lyingelectronic transitions. Figure 1 shows variation ofenergy of calculated 1E1u state of benzene (the thirdtransition in electronic spectrum) as a function ofactive space size. These data are extracted from ref139. Both CI Singles and RPA energies show consid-erable red-shift with increasing the active space size.It is interesting to note that CI Singles gives theclosest agreement with experiment for the smallactive space size used for parametrizing the INDO/Smodel. This points out the need for a future reparam-etrization of the INDO/S Hamiltonian to account forthe entire active space.

An alternative solution to this problem is providedby fast Krylov-space algorithms.214,215 These tech-niques construct a small subspace of orthogonal vec-tors which contains a good approximation to the trueeigenvector. This Krylov subspace Spê, Lê, L2ê, ...,Ljê, j , M, spans the sequence of vectors generatedby the power method (the multiple action of the RPA

operator L on some initial vector ê). These methodsfind several eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a largematrix L using only matrix-vector operations.214,215

Indeed, usually only a small fraction of eigenstatesof L (∼100) lie in the UV-visible region and are ofinterest for optical spectroscopy. In addition, theaction of the TDHF operator L on an arbitrary singleelectron matrix ê, which only contains particle-holeand hole-particle components is given by

This product may therefore be calculated on the flywithout constructing and storing the full matrix Lin memory.77,79-81,89,208 The action of the CIS operatorA on an arbitrary matrix ê can be also computeddirectly216,217 (e.g., using eq 2.19 by setting the hole-particle component of ê to zero). The cost of suchoperation in Hilbert (K × K) space scales as ∼K3 intime and ∼K2 in memory with system size. Comput-ing a single eigenvalue-eigenvector of matrix L whichcorresponds to molecular excited state thus requiresa computational effort comparable to that of theground state.

In Appendices D, E, and C, we outline threeKrylov-space based algorithms. The original Lanczosalgorithm computes effectively the lowest eigenvalueand the corresponding eigenvector of a large Hermi-tian matrix.214,218 Since the matrices L that need tobe diagonalized in the TDHF or adiabatic TDDFTapproaches are non-Hermitian, a modified nonstand-ard Lanczos algorithm should be used219-221 (Ap-pendix D). Similarly, Davidson’s algorithm originallyformulated for the diagonalization of large HermitianCI matrices216 was further modified for the TDHF208,222

and adiabatic TDDFT49,50,79,80,97,217 methods. A thirdmethod for computing the lowest frequency eigen-mode of a large Hamiltonian matrix is based on theiterative density matrix spectral moments algorithm(IDSMA).81,89 All three algorithms show similar scal-ing of computational time, resulting from K × Kmatrix multiplications. However, the scaling prefac-tors are different. The Davidson type algorithms,especially the recently improved versions,79,80,142 areextremely fast but I/O (input/output) intensive, sinceone needs to keep all the previous iterations for theeigenmodes throughout the iteration procedure. Con-sider, for example, the computation of the lowesteigenmode of a matrix using the Davidson iterationin a 200 dimension Krylov space (default maximumdimension in the Gaussian 98). To improve theaccuracy, we need to calculate the 201st trial Krylovvector, which should be orthogonal to all others. Thisrequires storing of all previous 200 vectors! On theother hand, to compute the 201st vector in theLanczos procedure we only need the 200th and the199th vectors: by orthogonalizing the 201st to the200th and 199th, it automatically becomes orthogonalto all previous vectors. The need to store only twovectors, rather than 200, constitutes a substantialimprovement in memory requirements of Lanczosover Davidson’s. However, the Lanczos method usu-ally requires larger Krylov-space dimension to obtainan approximate eigenvalue with the same accuracyas Davidson’s. The latter thus converges faster and

Figure 1. Benzene 1E1u transition as a function of activespace calculated with CI Singles and RPA methods com-bined with INDO/S model. Adapted from Baker and Zernerref 139.

Lê ) [F(Fj),ê] + [V(ê), Fj] (2.19)

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generally involves lower computational effort com-pared to Lanczos. This fast convergence is ensuredby Davidson’s preconditioning (Appendix E), whichassumes that the matrices L (or A) are dominatedby their diagonal elements.216 In practice, the Lanczosis 2-4 times faster than the IDSMA; however, theIDSMA has low memory requirements and allows tocompute both “exact” and “effective” eigenstates. Thelatter may represent the overall contribution fromseveral electronic states to the optical response by asingle effective state,89,81 providing an approximationfor the spectrum in terms of very few variables.91

There is no clear single method of choice and differentalgorithms may be preferable for specific applica-tions.

All algorithms converge to the lowest eigenmode,and higher eigenmodes can be successively obtained(Appendix D) by finding the lowest mode in thesubspace orthogonal to that spanned by the lowermodes already found. This orthogonalization proce-dure is not always stable, leading to the accumulationof numerical error for the higher modes. A deflectionprocedure214,219,223 that involves the antisymmetricscalar product eq B1 may be alternatively used tosolve this problem. There is a whole arsenal of otherrelated algorithms, such as Chebyshev’s polyno-mial224,225 and Arnoldi’s226-228 which may be used aswell. These are included in standard packages suchas Matlab.

These outlined numerical methods are commonlyused in quantum-chemical computations and becamea part of standard quantum-chemical packages.142-144

However, new developments in computational tech-niques may offer even faster and more dependablenumerical algorithms (such as “the rational Krylovalgorithm for nonsymmetric eigenvalue problems”proposed by Ruhe229-232) which will undoubtedly findtheir place in the future quantum-chemical codes.

C. Real Space Analysis of Electronic ResponseEach calculated transition density matrix Fgν ≡ êν

with the corresponding frequency Ων enters theTDHF equations of motion as an electronic oscillator.Density matrices establish a natural connectionbetween electronic structure and the molecular opti-cal response. The ground-state density matrix Fjmn ≡⟨g|cm

† cn|g⟩ is widely used in the description of theground-state properties.54,55,233-235 Its diagonal ele-ments Fjnn are used in various types of populationanalysis56,59,233,234,236 to prescribe a charge to specificatoms and are commonly visualized using contourcharge density maps. The off-diagonal elements,m * n, known as bond orders represent the bondingstructure associated with a pair of atomic orbitalsand are useful for interpreting the chemical bondingpattern across the molecule.57-60,233,234

In complete analogy with Fj, the diagonal elementsof (êν)nn represent the net charge induced on the nthatomic orbital when the molecule undergoes the g tov electronic transition, whereas (êν)mn n * m is thedynamical bond-order representing the joint ampli-tude of finding an extra electron on orbital m and ahole on orbital n. The electronic modes thus directlyshow the flow of optically induced charges and

electronic coherences. To display these modes, weneed to coarse grain them over the various orbitalsbelonging to each atom. The INDO/S Hamiltonianuses from one to nine atomic orbitals (s, p, and d type)for each atom. In practice, the hydrogen atoms thatweakly participate in the delocalized electronic ex-citations (such as π-type) are usually omitted. Forother atoms, we use the following contraction: thetotal induced charge on each atom A is given by thediagonal elements

whereas an average over all the off-diagonal elementsrepresents the effective electronic coherence betweenatoms A and B

Here the indices nA and mB run over all atomicorbitals localized on atoms A and B, respectively. Thesize of the matrix (êν)AB is now equal to the numberof heavy atoms. (For planar molecules it is sufficientto include the π-electron contributions perpendicularto the molecular plane to represent π-excitationssince σ contributions are usually negligible.) Theresulting two-dimensional representation of the elec-tronic modes (êν)AB is useful for interpreting andvisualizing these collective electronic motions interms of the electronic density matrix in realspace.81,90-92 This is illustrated schematically byFigure 2: the coordinate axes label atoms and indicesA and B of matrix (êν)AB run along the y and x axes,respectively.

Two types of characteristic size for the degree oflocalization of the mode (êν) may be clearly identified.The diagonal size (Ld) reflects the number of atomsover which the optical excitation is spread, i.e., thewidth of the distribution of the electron hole paircenter of mass. The off-diagonal size Lc measures thedegree of coherence between electrons and holes atdifferent sites, and control the scaling of molecularproperties with size. It reflects the size of electron-hole pair created upon optical excitation, (i.e., theconfinement of their relative motion). Ld and Lc canbe calculated quantitatively as follows.237 To intro-duce Ld, we first define a normalized probabilitydistribution of the charge induced on the nth atom

Ld is then defined as the inverse participation ratioassociated with the distribution of populations:

For a localized excitation on site k Pn ) δnk and Ld )1; For a delocalized excitation Pn ) 1/L and Ld ) L.

(êν)A ) |∑nA

(êν)nAnA| (2.20)

(êν)AB ) x ∑nAmB

[(êν)nAmB]2 (2.21)

Pn )|ênn|



Ld ≡ [∑n

Pn2]-1 (2.23)

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Lc can be defined in terms of coherence participa-tion ratio.237,238 At first, we introduce a normalizedprobability distribution of the density matrix ele-ments

Lc is then defined as follows:

For tightly bound e-h pairs Qnm ) δnm/Ld and Lc )1; for loosely bound e-h pairs Qnm ) 1/Ld

2 and Lc ∼L. Both Lc and Ld thus vary between 1 and L, whereL is the number of atoms. Unlike Ld, which only

depends on the populations, Lc measures the degreeof coherence and is sensitive to the off-diagonalelements of the density matrix. Both Lc, and Lddepend on the basis set.

Note, that Ld and Lc defined by eqs 2.23 and 2.25,respectively, represent a total number of atomsinvolved into electronic excitation, whereas coherencesizes obtained from the two-dimensional plots reflectthe extent of the transition densities in real space.They may not be the same. For example, the excitoncorresponding to the band-gap excitation in PPV (seeSection IIIA) is extended over 5 repeat units (40atoms) (Figure 3I). However, the coherence size Lccomputed with eq 2.25 is only 26 atoms. This reflectsuneven participation of phenyl and vinyl carbonatoms in the optical excitation. In remainder of thepaper, we will be using two-dimensional plots toobtain necessary coherence sizes relevant to thedelocalization of the transition densities in real space.

The significance of the CEO oscillators may beexplained by drawing upon the analogy with thedescription of vibrational spectroscopy,239 wherebythe coherent motion of various atoms with well-defined amplitude and phase relations are repre-sented by collective nuclear coordinates; the normal

Figure 2. Two-dimensional representation and physicalsignificance of electronic modes. Each mode êν is an L × Lmatrix, L being the number of atoms. The contour plotprovides a direct real-space connection between the opticalresponse and motions of charges in the molecule uponoptical excitation. The x axis represents an extra electronon site n, and the y axis describes an extra hole on site m.The incident light moves an electron from some occupiedto an unoccupied orbitals, creating an electron-hole pair(or exciton). The state of this pair can be characterized bytwo lengthscales: first, the distance between electron andhole (i.e., how far the electron can be separated apart fromthe hole). This coherence size Lc is the “width” of thedensity matrix along the antidiagonal direction. The secondlength Ld describes the exciton center of mass position (i.e.,where the optical excitation resides within the molecule).Ld is the “width” of the mode along the diagonal antidi-agonal direction. Charge-transfer processes can be char-acterized by the asymmetry of mode with respect to thediagonal symmetrical mode atom. (êν)mn ∼ (êν)nm meansthat there is no preferable direction of motion for electrons(or holes), whereas (êν)mn > (êν)nm shows the transfer ofelectron from m to n.

Qnm )|ênm|



Lc ≡ [Ld∑mn

Qnm2 ]-1 (2.25)

Figure 3. (A) Geometry and atom labeling of PPV oligo-mers. Molecular structure was optimized using the Austinmodel 1 (AM1) semiempirical model492 in Gaussian 98package;142 (B) Absorption spectrum of PPV(10). Dashedline: experimental absorption of a PPV thin film.243 Solidline: absorption line shape of PPV(10) obtained with 12effective modes DSMA calculation with line width Γν ) 0.1eV; Contour plots of ground-state density matrix Fj and fiveelectronic modes (I-V) which dominate the linear absorp-tion of PPV(10). The sizes of plotted matrices are 78 × 78(equal to the number of carbon atoms in PPV(10)). The axisare labeled by the repeat units. The color maps are givenon the top of color plots. Reprinted with permission fromref 91. Copyright 1997 American Association for theAdvancement of Science.

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modes. The normal modes provide a natural coordi-nate system and a highly intuitive classical oscillatorreal-space interpretation of infrared or Raman spec-tra,240,241 which offers an alternative to the descrip-tion in terms of transitions among specific vibrationalstates. The normal modes of nuclear vibrations aresimply superpositions of the 3N nuclear displace-ments. In complete analogy, êν can be viewed ascollective coordinates which represent not the indi-vidual electrons but the displacements of the elec-tronic density matrix elements from their ground-state values Fjnm.

The electronic modes provide a direct real-spacelink between the structure of complex molecules suchas organic oligomers with a delocalized π-electronicsystem and their optical properties. They clearlyshow how specific variations in molecular design,such as chain length or donor/acceptor substitutions,can impact their optical response. In the remainderof the paper, we apply this approach to variousclasses of molecules and to different types of opticalresponse. The two-dimensional real space analysisof the transition densities (slices16 or two-dimensionalplots181) provides an attractive alternative to thetraditional molecular orbital based quantum-chemi-cal analysis of photoexcitation processes.

III. Electronic Coherence Sizes Underlying theOptical Response of Conjugated Molecules

A. Linear Optical Excitations of Poly(p-phenylenevinylene) Oligomers

In this section, we examine the electronic excita-tions of poly(p-phenylene vinylene) (PPV) oligomers(Figure 3A) and their scaling with molecular size.91,96,95

Understanding the electronic structure and the over-all electronic excitation processes in this photolumi-nescent polymer is needed to provide a consistentpicture for the numerous experimental242-250 andtheoretical16,95,149,153,251-253 studies of PPV.

The absorption spectrum of PPV(10) calculatedusing the CEO/DSMA algorithm combined withINDO/S Hamiltonian (Figure 3B, solid line)91 is notinconsistent with the experimental spectrum of PPVthin film243 (dashed line), which is typical for otherPPV derivatives.254,243,255 The experimental absorp-tion has a fundamental band at 2.5 eV (I), two weakpeaks at 3.7 eV (II) and 4.8 eV (III), and a strongband at 6.0 eV (IV). Peak II originates from electroncorrelations247,253,255 and is missed by HF calculations.

Before analyzing the transition densities underly-ing each absorption peak, let us examine the ground-state density matrix. A contour plot of the absolutevalue of the matrix elements of Fj of PPV(10) is shownin Figure 3. The matrix size has been reducedaccording to contraction eqs 2.20 and 2.21. It is equalto the number of carbon atoms, and the axes arelabeled by repeat units along the chain. Fj is domi-nated by the diagonal and near-diagonal elements,reflecting the bonds between nearest neighbors. Thefive oscillators denoted I-V which dominate theoptical absorption are shown as well. All transitiondensities are almost symmetric with respect to thediagonal (êmn ≈ ênm). This reflects the absence of

charge separation for the lack of preferable directionof motion for electrons (or holes). Mode I is delocal-ized. The coherence size, Lc, that is the “width” of thedensity matrix along the antidiagonal section, wherethe coherences decrease to <10% of their maximumvalues, is 4-5 repeat units. Therefore, 10 repeatunits already mimic the infinite chain as far as theoptical spectrum is concerned.91

Mode II has a similar Lc as mode I, but a nonuni-form diagonal space distribution. The molecule isdissected into three parts with diagonal size of 3, 4,and 3 repeat units with a very weak electroniccoherence between them, and the molecule is ef-fectively a trimer. The total contribution from theends to the oscillator strength of this mode is verysmall, and only the middle region contributes.81 Thismode therefore only makes a weak contribution tothe linear absorption. Mode III which also makes aweak contribution to the absorption spectrum hasfive noninteractive segments with off-diagonal anddiagonal sizes of about 2 repeat units. Similar tomode II, only the middle region contribute to theoscillator strength of this transition. The middlefrequency modes II and III thus have strong transi-tion dipoles localized at the molecular ends whichoverall does not contribute to their oscillator strengthsbut could play an important role in charge separationprocesses, e.g., photoconductivity of PPV oligo-mers.248,256

Electronic modes (I-III) show an effective separa-tion of molecule to segments with weak electroniccoherence among them. The higher frequency modestend to have more diagonal nodes.91,81,89,96,95 Themodes with odd number of nodes computed in ref 95with the Lanczos algorithm do not contribute to thelinear absorption and therefore do not show up in theDSMA computations. The nth mode (in order ofincreasing energy) thus has n - 1 nodes. Cancellationof the transition dipoles leads to vanishing oscillatorstrength of electronic modes with odd number ofnodes, whereas the oscillator strength of electronicmodes with even number of nodes scales as ∼1/n2.The connection to band theories could be drawn byassociating an exciton with momentum n to theelectronic mode with n nodes. For example, mode Icorresponds to the band exciton with zero momen-tum. The energy difference between modes I-IIIstems from edge effects and vanishes in an infiniteideal chain. The appearance of these modes in theexperimental spectrum may be attributed to struc-tural disorder effects which limit the effective con-jugation length of the polymer.

The higher frequency modes (IV) and (V) arecompletely localized on a single repeat unit. Theoptically induced coherences in the fourth peak (IV)only involves the phenylene ring carbon atoms 1, 2,4, and 5, in agreement with earlier results obtainedin refs 255 and 257 The high-frequency peak (V)corresponds to localized and weakly delocalized tran-sitions involving the vinylene group atoms 7 and 8,and the phenylene ring atoms 3 and 6. These calcula-tions further show that the frequencies of modes I,II, III are red-shifted and gradually saturate withincreasing chain length, whereas the frequencies of

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modes IV and V are not affected by size. These trendsare consistent with the delocalized and localizednature, respectively, of the two groups of modes. Oneimportant consequence of this localization of opticalexcitations is that the Frenkel exciton model formolecular aggregates may be applied to high fre-quency spectral region in PPV, even though thechromophores are not separated spatially (see SectionIV). Subsequent CI/INDO computations16,253 whichused the slices of transition density to study thecoherence sizes and formulated an essential-statesingle-chain model to model linear and nonlinearresponse of PPV oligomers are in agreement with thisanalysis.

B. Linear Optical Excitations ofAcceptor-Substituted Carotenoids

Substituted conjugated molecules have opticalproperties that reflect the interplay of the donor-acceptor strength and the type and the length of theconnecting bridge.1,2,12,13,18,31,259-261 The electronic spec-tra of a family of unsubstituted, neutral (N(n)) (andsubstituted with the strong acceptor polar) P(n)molecules shown in Figure 4A17,262 were calculatedusing the CEO/INDO/S with IDSMA algorithm.89,91,81

Our analysis shows the difficulties in disentanglingthe effects of donor acceptor and bridge in thespectroscopy of molecules with relatively short bridges.To obtain a clear picture of the optical response ofacceptor-substituted molecules it is instructive tostudy the size-dependence of optical properties, start-ing with very long bridges, where the effects of theacceptor and the bridge regions can be clearly sepa-rated. Optical properties of acceptor-substituted mol-ecules with shorter bridges can then be attributedto quantum confinement, which is important whenthe bridge size becomes comparable to the coherencelength Lc.

We first consider the effect of the acceptor on theground state by analyzing the bond-length alterna-tion (BLA) parameter and relevant charge distribu-tions. The BLA δlj is defined as the differencebetween the single (l2j) and the double (l2j-1) bondlengths in the j’th repeat unit along the bridge:

The BLA is a signature of the uneven distribution ofthe π densities over the bonds (Peierls distortion),which has a well-established relation to molecularpolarizabilities.260,263-268 Figure 4B displays the BLAparameter and the variation of the total charge QAfrom the acceptor end

where Qacceptor ) 0.69e is the total electronic chargeon the acceptor and qa are the atomic charges. Thesecalculations illustrate the roles of bridge and bound-ary (end) effects in electronic structure of conjugatedmolecules. The acceptor attracts electronic chargeand attempts to convert the chain structure to

zwitterionic. In response, the π-electronic systemscreens the acceptor influence by inducing a positivecharge at the acceptor end. The electrons completelyscreen the acceptor over an effective length of about10 double bonds leading to a saturation of theground-state dipole moment at this molecular size.Other parts of the molecule are unaffected by theacceptor. δlj and QA deviate again from their bulkvalues near the neutral end of the molecule (Figure4B) due to boundary condition effects imposed bystructure on the right molecular end.

This effect of the acceptor substitution furtherstrongly affects the absorption spectra:17,81,262,269 Thespectrum of the unsubstituted molecule N(20) isdominated by a single peak a, whereas in the accep-tor molecule P(20) this resonance is red shifted anda second, weaker, peak b appears. These trends maybe accounted for by inspecting the relevant transitiondensities. The electronic modes of N molecule (panelsa′ and b′ in Figure 4) are almost symmetric withrespect to the diagonal (êmn ≈ ênm). This means thatthere is no preferable direction for the motion of

δlj ) l2j - l2j-1, j ) 1, ..., n (3.1)

QA ) Qacceptor + ∑a)1


qa (3.2)

Figure 4. (A) Structures of the neutral N(n) and polarP(n) (substituted by the strongest acceptor) carotenoids.Molecular geometries were optimized using AM1 model492

in Gaussian 98 package.142 Calculations were done forchain lengths of n ) 5, 10, 20, and 40 double bonds; (B)Variation of the bond-length alternation (top) and totalcharge QA (bottom) along the chain in polar P(40) molecule;(C) Linear absorption spectra calculated with line widthΓ ) 0.2 eV of the N(20) (dashed lines) and P(20) (solid lines)molecules; contour plots of electronic modes which domi-nate the absorption spectra of N(20) and P(20). Reprintedwith permission from ref 81. Copyright 1997 AmericanChemical Society.

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electrons (or holes). êa′ is a bulk mode similar to thebulk transition in PPV (Figure 3(I)) with coherencesize Lc ∼ 12 double bonds.81 The second oscillator êb′has a nonuniform diagonal spatial distribution, withthree distinct contributions to the dipole moment,making a weak contribution to the linear absorption.The lowest feature (a) in P(20) Figure 4) is a chargetransfer mode with diagonal size of Ld ∼ 17 andcoherence size Lc ∼ 12 double bonds,81 completelylocalized at the acceptor end. Its dipole moment islarge and localized. This mode carries a strongoscillator strength in the optical response of smallchains, which saturates in larger molecules (n > 17).The second mode (b) resembles the bulk mode of theneutral molecule (compared to a′). Its oscillator-strength for molecules with J 12 grows linearly withn. The absorption spectra of small chains are there-fore dominated by the charge-transfer mode (a)whereas the bulk mode (b) takes over with increasingmolecular size. The distinct character of these modesis less apparent in chains shorter than the effectivecoherence size of 12 double bonds.81

The optical response of long donor/acceptor substi-tuted molecules can thus be interpreted by dividingthem into three effective regions: the acceptor (I) andthe donor (III) boundary regions at the molecularends, connected by the bridge (middle) region (II).The absence of electronic delocalization betweenthese regions implies that the optical properties areadditive and can be described in the same way asthose of molecular aggregates.270,271 Region II has thesame properties as neutral molecule; it only showsodd order responses which scale linearly with size,whereas regions I and III have a fixed size deter-mined by the screening length of the substituents.The ground and the excited states are zwitterionic.These effective regions are solely responsible foreven-order optical responses. The odd-order re-sponses for long chains are dominated by the contri-bution of region II, which is proportional to the size,81

but regions I and III affect the response as well.These acceptor substitution effects on the nonlinear

response of carotenoid have been studied extensively.Experimental investigations17,262 reveal that the sub-stitution resulted in third-harmonic generation val-ues up to 35 times higher than in â-carotene whichcorresponds to N(11) molecule. Subsequent CI/SOSquantum-chemical calculations269 rationalized theorigin of this enhancement and assessed the ap-plicability of simple models to describe the evolutionof the molecular polarizabilities. In particular, thisstudy shows a steplike increase of the longitudinalcomponent of the dipole moment with the appliedexternal field, caused by charge-transfer toward theacceptor end leading to an enhanced nonlinear re-sponse.

C. Quantum Confinement and Size Scaling ofOff-Resonant Polarizabilities of Polyenes

Conjugated polymers have large polarizabilitiesattributed to the delocalized nature of electronicexcitations. Numerous experimental and theoretical

studies have forged a pretty good understanding oftheir electronic and optical characteristics.15,31 Pio-neering theoretical investigations of NLO propertiesof polymers using solid-state physical concepts havebeen carried out by Andre, Champagne, and co-workers272-276 These investigations utilized the sumover states273 and the polarization propagator tech-nique.274,276 A similar study has been done by usinga variational method for the time-dependent wavefunction.277,278 Ab initio approach combined CPHFmethod has been applied to polyene oligomers ofmoderate sizes,34,35 extrapolated to the infinite sys-tems using the periodic boundary conditions,279,280

and extended into finite frequency off-resonantregime.280-282 It has been shown that vibrationalcontributions to the polarizability may be as impor-tant as their electronic counterparts.283-289 Thesenuclear effects arise from geometry deformationsinduced by the external field π-electron delocalizationand polymer nonrigid energy potential surface stronglyenhances the vibrational contribution.

The variation of off-resonant optical polarizabilitiesof polyenes with molecular size may be described bythe scaling law ∼nb, n being the number of repeatunits and b is a scaling exponent. In first (R) andthird (γ) order responses the scaling exponents b varyconsiderably for short molecules: 1 < bR < 2 and2 < bγ < 8.10,15,32,33,289-297 For elongated chains, theexponent b attains the limiting value 1, indicatingthat the polarizabilities become extensive properties.Recent theoretical studies suggest that this sets inat about 30-50 repeat units. An unusually largesaturation length was reported experimentally in onecase,298 which was then corrected to yield a value of∼60 repeat units.299)

Static electronic polarizabilities up to seventh orderfor polyacetylene oligomers with up to 300 carbonatoms were computed using the PPP Hamiltoniancombined with the DSMA.89,300 The polarizabilitiesare obtained by adding respective contributions fromeffective electronic modes calculated in the DSMAprocedure.89,300 These modes manifest themselvesin the response with different effective oscillatorstrengths at each order. Typically, higher frequencymodes make more significant contributions to thehigher order responses. The ground state densitymatrix Fj (a) as well as the five dominant modeslabeled b-f are depicted in Figure 5 for N ) 30 (toptwo rows) and N ) 100 (bottom two rows). As notedearlier, the delocalization of the off diagonal elementsrepresents electronic coherence between differentatoms. Figure 5 clearly shows how electronic coher-ence which is very limited for the almost diagonal Fjincreases very rapidly for the higher modes in thecase of longer oligomer (N ) 100), whereas finite size(quantum confinement) effects are illustrated forN ) 30. We note that modes a and b are hardlyaffected by reducing the size from 100 to 30. How-ever, the more delocalized, higher modes, showsignificant confinement effects.

This coherence size directly controls the size-scaling behavior of nonlinear optical response. Thecalculated first- (R), third- (γ) and fifth-order (ε) staticpolarizabilities of polyacetylene chains with up to 200

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carbon atoms are shown in the Figure 6A. Panel Bshows their scaling exponents. We note that thevariation with size is very rapid at small sizes but beventually saturates, and attains the bulk value of1. In general, higher frequency modes contributemore to the higher nonlinear response. Since the sizeof the mode grows with mode frequency (Figure 5),the crossover (coherence) size increases for higherorders nonlinearities (Figure 6A). The scaling andsaturation sizes of static nonlinear polarizabilities inpolyenes and other polyconjugated oligomers havebeen studied in detail using the CEO approach.297,238

Simple analytical expressions for size and bond-length alternation dependence of off-resonant polar-izabilities were derived297 using a single-oscillatorapproximation. The relations between the magnitudeof the saturation size Lc have been investigated forseveral families of molecules in ref 238. The size-scaling behavior of the second-order nonlinear re-sponse in conjugated oligomers substituted by donorand acceptor groups will be analyzed in SectionIIID.301,302

D. Origin, Scaling, and Saturation ofOff-Resonant Second Order Polarizabilities inDonor/Acceptor Polyenes

Donor/bridge/acceptor type molecules are not cen-trosymmetric and therefore possess even-order non-linear polarizabilities. Experimental12,13,18,19,303 andtheoretical14,304-310 studies have thoroughly investi-gated the variation of polarizabilities magnitudeswith donor and acceptor strength, length, and typeof the congugation bridge, and molecular conforma-tions. A common approach for computing nonlinearpolarizabilities is to use a perturbative expansioninvolving a summation over all molecular states. Byrestricting the summation to a single low-lyingexcited state and assuming that the charge-transfertransition is unidirectional, Oudar and Chemla311,312

obtained the two-level expression commonly used forestimating the second-order polarizability

where µgg and µee are the ground and excited-statedipole moments, µge is the transition dipole, and Egeis the transition frequency. A superficial look at eq3.3 suggests a rapid nonlinear scaling with n sincethe permanent dipole moments µgg, µee and thetransition dipole µee are expected to grow with n. Itis not clear from eq 3.3 precisely how should â scalewith molecular size. Establishing the precise scalinglaw of â and its crossover to the bulk is an importantissue. Experimental studies restricted by syntheticlimitations to chain length of 15-20 repeat unitsshow 1.4 < bâ < 3.2,14,18,13,12,19,313 whereas calculationsperformed with up to 22 repeat units yield 1.5 <bâ < 2.14,314

Figure 5. Top rows: Contour plots of Fj (a) and thedominant modes (b-f) that contribute to the responses upto the seventh order for polyacetylene oligomer with N )30 carbon atoms. Shown are the absolute values of thedensity matrices averaged over four neighboring points toeliminate fast oscillations and to highlight the long rangebehavior. The axes are labeled by the carbon atoms alongthe chain. Exciton confinement effects are clearly seen inpanels c, d, e, f. Frequencies of modes b-f are 2.6, 4.0, 4.8,5.2, and 5.6 eV, respectively. Bottom rows: Same as A butfor a longer chain (N ) 100). Frequencies of b-f modesare 2.4, 3.9, 4.5, 4.7, and 5.1 eV, respectively. Reprintedwith permission from ref 89. Copyright 1996 ElsevierScience.

Figure 6. (A) Scaling and saturation of the lowest threenonvanishing static polarizabilities (R, γ, and ε) of poly-acetylene chains with size; (B) variation of the scalingexponents b ≡ d[lnø]]/d[lnN], ø ) R, γ, ε with size for thecurves shown in panel A. Note how the exciton coherencesize increases with the degree of nonlinearity. Reprintedwith permission from ref 89. Copyright 1996 ElsevierScience.

â ∝ (µee - µgg)µge




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The CEO technique and our study of the linearresponse of elongated carotenoids described earlierprovide a microscopic basis for predicting the size-scaling of â and pinpointing its origin. The calculatedscaling exponents bR, bâ, and bγ of donor/acceptorsubstituted polyenes are displayed in Figure 7B.301

As expected, bR and bγ reach the limiting value 1 atlarge sizes. bâ, however, is very different and vanishesat large sizes. This markedly different behavior ofâ can be explained by examining the differences∆F(2) ≡ δFDA

(2) - δFN(2) between the induced density ma-

trices in the substituted and the neutral molecules(Figure 7). This difference contributes to â. In com-plete analogy with the ground state where ∆Fj ≡ ∆Fgg(Figure 7) defines µgg,301,302 the donor/acceptor influ-ence is screened by the π electrons and is confinedto a finite section of the bridge with about 15-17double bonds. For short chains (∆F(2)(9)), the donorand acceptor communicate directly and significantelectronic coherence then develops between themsince their influence regions overlap spatially. How-ever, for larger chains, ∆F(2)(30) is block diagonal, andtheir effects are clearly separable. This is the reasonâ levels off to a constant with bâ ) 0: only the endsof the molecule contribute to â, whereas the bridge

is identical to that of neutral molecule and does notcontribute to â.301,302

As noted earlier, unlike the present real-spaceanalysis, the mechanism of saturation of â at largesizes is highly nontrivial in terms of the moleculareigenstates (eq 3.3). Since excited states are delocal-ized, it can be argued that µge

2 ∼ n at large n in thetwo-level model.297,300 This is necessary to guaranteethat the linear scaling of the linear off-resonantpolarizability with n: R ∼ fge/Ege

2 ) 2µge2 /Ege ∼ n,

where fge is the oscillator strength. µgg, µee, and Egesaturate with molecular size.18,13,309,306 At first glancewe thus expect â ∼ n. This argument fails for thefollowing reason: The difference (µee - µgg) originatesfrom charge redistribution upon electronic excitation.Figure 7 clearly shows that charge transfer whichaffects the permanent dipole only occurs in confinedregions at the ends. Since the excited states aredelocalized over the entire molecule, the difference(µee - µgg) should scale as n-1, which cancels the ∼nscaling of µge

2 , resulting in an overall constant â,independent of n. Another way to state this is thatboth the ground state (µgg) and the excited-state (µee)contributions to â scale as n, and the saturation ofâ originates from a delicate cancellation of thesetwo ∼n terms. It is interesting to note that similarcancellations have been observed in γ as well; indi-vidual contributions which scale as n2 interfere andalmost cancel, resulting in the overall ∼n scal-ing.31,14,15

Defining and predicting the saturation size ofoptical properties is a key factor in developingsynthetic strategies for optical materials. The two-dimensional CEO plots provide a highly intuitive yetquantitative tool for addressing this problem: thedensity matrix shows that the influence of the donoror the acceptor is limited to a few double bonds inits vicinity; the size of these coherence regionsdepends on the donor and the acceptor strength.Direct donor-to-acceptor communication and chargetransfer do occur at short chains. However, when themolecular size is larger than the coherence size thedonor and the acceptor are decoupled and theireffects are additive; â itself (rather than â/n) thenbecomes size-independent.

E. Localized and Delocalized ElectronicExcitations in Bacteriochlorophylls

Optical properties of chlorophylls and porphyrinshave drawn considerable attention315-326 because oftheir fundamental and biological relevance. We ap-plied the CEO/INDO/S approach to study the elec-tronic excitations of bacteriochlorophyll-a (Bchl-a)93,94,327 from LH2 complex of photosynthetic bacteriaRhodospirillum molischianum (âB850).328,318 The cal-culated properties of individual Bchl-a, both isolatedand in a dielectric medium, are summarized in Table1. This table reveals the significant impact of solva-tion on the linear absorption spectrum, reflecting theneed for properly incorporating the dielectric envi-ronment in accurate computations.94

To trace the origin of the various resonances wehad examined the corresponding collective electronic

Figure 7. (A) Structures of the neutral N(n) and donor/acceptor DA(n) substituted molecules. Molecular geom-etries were optimized using AM1 model492 in Gaussian 98package.142 Calculations were performed for bridges withn ) 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40 double bonds; (B) Variation of thescaling exponents bø ≡ d[lnø]]/d[lnn], ø ) R, â, γ with sizefor DA(n). At large sizes bR and bγ tend to 1 whereas bâapproaches 0. These reflect the saturation of R/n, γ/n, andâ; Contour plots of the ground state difference matrices∆Fj ) FjDA - FjN for n ) 9, 15, and 30 shown for the bridgepart of the matrix. ∆F is magnified as indicated in eachpanel to use the same color code. Axes are labeled by thebridge carbon atoms with atom 1 on the donor side andatom 2n on the acceptor side. The second row displays thedifference matrices to the second orders in the field ∆F(2).Reprinted with permission from ref 301. Copyright 1998Elsevier Science.

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modes. Panel F in Figure 8 shows that the ground-state density matrix Fj of Bchl-a is essentially tri-diagonal, simply reflecting the nearest-neighbor chem-ical bonding in the ground state. The charge-

distribution along the diagonal is not uniform: nitro-gen and oxygen atoms (blue dots on the diagonal)have an excess electronic charge. Panel Qy displaysthe electronic mode of the lowest absorption peak Qy.This mode is delocalized across the entire moleculeand is dominated by carbons 2-8 and 15-20. Thecoherences of the Qx mode are distributed moreuniformly across the molecule. The Soret Bx and Bymodes are very similar to the corresponding Qx andQy transitions. Extensive delocalization and almostperfect symmetry with respect to the diagonal arecommon features of all Q and B modes. This reflectsthe absence of preferable direction of motion for holesor electrons. The Mg atom and both CdO groups donot participate in these excitations. The remainingexcitations have distinct charge-transfer characterthat can be clearly identified by real-space analysis(see Section IIC and Figure 2). The Tx modes heavilyinvolve Mg and CdO atoms. Panel Tx1 shows thatthe electron is transferred from the porphyrin toMg(1) upon Tx1 excitation: the hole is delocalized(x-axis) and the electron is localized on the Mg (y-axis). This transition is forbidden for planar geometryand its intensity grows as the Mg atom is displacedout of the molecular plane. Panel Tx2 shows that thenext Tx mode represents electron-transfer from theO12 oxygen mostly to C11 and to the rest of themolecule. As indicated earlier, oxygen is an electronacceptor, which attracts extra electronic charge in theground state. In the Tx2 excited state the electrongains energy and becomes more “loose”. Similarly, theTx3 mode involves electron transfer from O25 to C24,with less electronic delocalization compared to Tx2.Finally, the N mode is localized on the two verticalstrips and describes electron transfer from the pyr-roles to the entire molecule. The Q, B, N, and Txelectronic modes are very similar to the correspond-ing transitions in Mg and free-base porphins.329

This analysis helps to predict energy transferpathways and rates in light-harvesting complexes(Section IVD). It may further be used for rationalizingspectroscopic trends in porphyrin-base electronicmaterials in a search for an optimal chemical struc-ture for optical limiting applications.24,330,331

IV. Optical Response of ChromophoreAggregates

Intermolecular interactions and bonding in chro-mophore aggregates may be directly probed by opticalspectroscopy. Organic molecular crystals are typicalexamples of molecular assemblies whose electronicstructure, polarization effects, and transport phe-nomena have been investigated for decades.270,271,332

High-temperature superconductivity and lasing havebeen observed in high purity acene organic crys-tals.25,333,334 In addition, extensive experimental andtheoretical effort has been devoted to the studies ofless ordered systems such as clusters in supersonicbeams,335-339 J-aggregates of cyanine dyes,8 supramo-lecular structures,4,340,341 and biological complexes(photosynthetic antennae and reaction centers).315-324

Small aggregates may be treated as supermoleculesemploying standard quantum chemistry methods tocalculate their electronic structure.181,342-347 However,

Table 1. Calculated and Experimental ExcitationEnergies of Bchl-aa

state CEO (ic) CEO (dm) experiment

Qy 1.20 (1.441) 1.61 (1.190) 1.6 (1.27,d 1.33e)Qx 2.13 (0.194) 2.26 (0.473) 2.16 (0.685)d

Bx 3.12 (1.385) 3.19 (1.194) 3.17(∼1.11)c

Tx1 3.40 (0) 2.96 (0.073)Tx2 3.51 (0.068) 3.54 (0.095)Tx3 3.53 (0.117) 3.68 (0.355)By 3.90 (1.152) 3.42 (0.883) 3.47 (∼0.96)c

N 4.21 (0.094) 4.05 (0.867)a CEO calculations were carried out for an isolated complex

(ic) (ref 93) and in a dielectric medium (dm) with ε ) 9. Theexperimental transition energies correspond to Bchl-a mono-mers in ethyl ether solution (ref 494). Energies are in eV.Transition dipole moments (in eÅ) are given in parentheses.Reprinted with permission from ref 94. Copyright 2000American Chemical Society. c Ref 184. d Ref 495. e Ref 390.f Ref496. g Ref 497.

Figure 8. (A) Geometry and atom labeling of Bchl-aobtained from crystal structures of LH2 complex of Rs.molischianum328 with added hydrogen atoms. Geometriesof hydrogen atoms of the substructures were optimized byusing the AM1 method.492 (B) Calculated linear absorptionspectrum of Bchl-a. Contour plots the electronic modeswhich dominate the optical absorption of Bchl-a. The axislabels represent the individual atoms as labeled in panelA. The panels indicate the electronic mode according topanel B. The color code is given in the top row. Modefrequencies are given in Table 1. Reprinted with permissionfrom ref 93. Copyright 2000 American Chemical Society.

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the ability to relate the electronic states and spectraof aggregates to those of their monomeric buildingblocks92,93,95,348 should provide a better microscopicinsight into the nature of their electronic excitationsand to predict qualitative features of complex largesystems using simple, readily available information.Localization of optical excitations in certain regionsof a molecule constitutes such a selection rule sinceit allows us to effectively break the molecule into asubset of coupled chromophores.

The problem is simplified considerably for chro-mophores, spatially well-separated, whose interac-tions are purely Coulombic (electron-exchange isnegligible).270,271 Each chromophore then retains itsown electrons and the aggregate may be describedusing the Frenkel exciton Hamiltonian for an as-sembly of two-level systems:349-352

Here Bn (Bn†) is the annihilation (creation) operator

of an excitation localized on the nth chromophore,and Ωn represents the transition energy from theground state to the excited state. They satisfy thePauli commutation rules [Bn, Bm

† ] ) δnm(1 - Bn†Bn).

The interaction between chromophores is describedby the hopping parameters Jnm. Equation 3.1 is thesimplest form of an exciton Hamiltonian. Other termsincluding high products of B, B† can generally beincluded. For spatially well-separated chromophores,this interaction is purely electrostatic.353-356,181 How-ever, at closer proximity, intermolecular electronexchange processes become allowed,92,93,181,251,342 mak-ing additional contributions to the chromophorecouplings. These distinct Coulombic and electronexchange interactions are known as the Forster andthe Dexter couplings, respectively. Calculations ofoptical excitations become considerably more complexwhen the electronic states are delocalized among thechromophores. This strong intermolecular interactionleads to formation of dynamic excited-state complexes(excimers and exciplexes) which have clear spectro-scopic signatures.357,358 The interplay between theForster and the Dexter interactions have been ex-tensively studies theoretically using “supermolecular”approach.92,93,97,251,342 For example, quantum-chemicalstudies of co-facial PPV chains251,359,95 reveal thedramatic effect of intermolecular electron exchangeprocesses onto aggregate electronic structure at uponbringing monomer chains into close proximity (3-4Å). A good review on intermolecular interactions inconjugated materials has been published recently.181

The real space CEO analysis provides a practicalscheme for dissecting large molecular aggregates intoa set of weakly interacting chromophores which donot necessary represent separate molecules.90 Theelectronic couplings can be obtained from thesecomputations without invoking the point-dipole93,316,360

or similar approximations.

A. Excitonic Couplings and Electronic Coherencein Bridged Naphthalene Dimers

We first illustrate the CEO description of themolecular aggregates by analyzing the absorption

spectra of naphthalene and a family of naphthalene-bridge-naphthalene systems DN-2, DN-4, and DN-6shown in Figure 9A.361,362 These molecules are es-sentially dimers where pairs of naphthalene chro-mophores are held at fixed distances and orientationsby a rigid polynorbornyl-type bridge of variablelength (two, four, or six σ bonds, respectively).Naphthalene is the smallest molecule in acene fam-ily. The UV spectra and radiative decay rates of thesedimers have been measured by Scholes and co-workers,343,344,361,362 and interpreted using a simpleexciton model,350,363 whereby each excited state of themonomer generates two states in the dimer. Theinteraction between two monomers results in aDavydov splitting of the two dimer states.349 Theestimated splitting using the exciton model wasfound to be very small compared with the observedvalue. This discrepancy was attributed to the through-bond interaction mechanism.343,344,361,362 The excitonmodel350 is based on the assumption that the interac-tion between chromophores is purely electrostatic andcould be approximated by dipole-dipole coupling. All

H ) ∑n

ΩnBn†Bn + ∑


† Bn (4.1)

Figure 9. (A) Structures and atom labeling of naphthaleneand bridged naphthalene dimer molecules. Moleculargeometries were optimized using AM1 model492 in Gaussian98 package;142 (B) UV absorption spectra of the DN-nseries. Top: experiment.361 Bottom: linear absorptionprofile calculated with line width Γν ) 0.2eV. Computedabsorption spectra are shown in arbitrary units; Contourplots of electronic modes which dominate the absorptionspectra of DN-n. The axis labels represent the individualcarbon atoms as labeled in the molecular templates (A).Reprinted with permission from ref 342. Copyright 1999National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A.

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interchromophores charge-transfer processes are ne-glected.

The CEO/INDO/S approach and Lanczos algorithmwere applied to compute the excited-state electronicstructure of DN-n molecules.342 Figure 9B comparesthe calculated UV spectra with low-resolution ex-perimental absorption of N-2 and DN-n. The com-puted trends are consistent with experiment.342 Thedimeric splitting resulting from the major naphtha-lene absorption band 1Ag f 21B3u electronic transitionof 5.62 eV is clearly observed. With decreasing thebridge length (from DN-6 to DN-2) the couplingbetween naphthalenes shown in the molecular tem-plates becomes larger and the two primary peaks getfar apart. We note that the magnitude of the couplingincreases abruptly for molecule with the shortestbridge (DN-2) compared to the other two dimers.

This behavior may be easily rationalized by exam-ining the relevant transition densities correspondingto one component of the Davydov’s pair (usually theother component is very similar to the first.342) Themode of N-2 molecule (naphthalene with the bridge)shows that the excited electron-hole pair is delocal-ized over the naphthalene. As expected, the bridgedoes not participate in the optical excitation since ithas no π-bonding network. Panels DN6 show one ofthe dimer state corresponding to the mode of N-2where the corners represent the monomers. These areseparated by the large bridge, and there is no off-diagonal coherences between monomers. The dimerstates are therefore symmetric and antisymmetriccombinations of the monomers excited states wavefunctions (compare to N-2 mode). The interactionbetween monomers is purely electrostatic and rela-tively weak, as can be seen from the absence of anoff-diagonal block between them. The Frenkel excitonmodel (eq 4.1) is fully justified for this system.

Compared to DN-6, DN-4 shows a very weak long-range electronic coherence between monomers (off-diagonal blocks of the plot). The chromophores arecloser and the dipole-dipole interaction is muchstronger, leading to a larger splitting. In addition,weak exchange (Dexter) interaction starts to showup. The exciton model is therefore only marginallyapplicable to DN-4. Finally, DN-2 is drasticallydifferent from the other dimers. Bringing monomersto a close proximity results in large off-diagonalelements (coherences) which is a signature of elec-tronic delocalization between chromophores (i.e.,charge separation processes where the electron andhole reside on different monomers become allowed).This leads to a dramatic increase of the splitting andthe exciton model completely breaks down for DN-2.These results agree well with experiments andcomputations of Scholes and co-workers:343,344,361,362

the exciton model is adequate for excitations of DN-6, DN-4 dimers but is not suitable for DN-2 moleculewhere electron exchange “through-bond interaction”is dominant. The CEO real-space analysis whichallows the separation of electrostatic and exchangeinteractions in molecular aggregates can therefore beused to establish when the Frenkel exciton model isapplicable, and provides a simple algorithm forcomputing its parameters.

B. Electronic Excitations in StilbenoidAggregates

We next examine a more complex case: moleculeswith a significant through-space π-interaction.92,359,364

A few members of a family of recently synthesizedstilbenoid chromophore dimers with rigid geometryare shown in Figure 10. For reference, we havefurther considered the monomer units 1c, 2c, as wellas [2,2]paracyclophane Pc, which is the central pieceof all dimers studied.348,365 These molecules with rigidstructures are representative of chromophore ag-gregates in solids353-356 and can be studied in theabsence of interactions with other chromophores.They provide insights into chromophore-chromophoreinteractions which significantly affect the perfor-mance of organic optoelectronic materials.249,366-368

The CEO/INDO/S calculations combined with theIDSMA algorithm were carried out using geometriesobtained from crystallographic X-ray diffraction.92,359

Experimental absorption and fluorescence spectra of

Figure 10. Structures and atom labeling of [2,2]paracy-clophane (Pc), stilbenoid monomers (1c, 2c) and dimers (1b,2b). Geometries were obtained from crystal structuredata;493 calculated (solid lines) and experimental (dashedlines) absorption spectra and experimental (dotted lines)fluorescence spectra of molecular dimers are shown inarbitrary units. Empirical line width Γν ) 0.2eV has beenused to compute absorption profiles; contour plots ofelectronic modes which dominate the absorption spectraof 1b and 2b. The axis labels represent the individualcarbon atoms as labeled in the molecular templates.Reprinted with permission from ref 92. Copyright 1998American Chemical Society.

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1b and 2b92 are displayed in Figure 10 (dashed anddotted lines). The calculated spectra (solid lines)reproduce the main features of the experiment.

To trace the origin of the various peaks, weexamined the modes corresponding to these electronicexcitations. The lowest-frequency electronic mode IAof 1b and 2b is essentially localized on the paracy-clophane; it represents charge delocalization betweenmonomers and has a vanishing oscillator strength.The optical spectrum of paracyclophane has similartransitions. Modes 1b(IIA) and 2b(IIA) resemble bulkmodes of the corresponding monomers 1c and 2c(diagonal blocks). 1b(IIA) shows stronger electroniccoherences between chromophores (off-diagonal blocks)compared with 2b(IIA). Thus charge delocalizationis stronger for the shorter molecule 1b compared with2b because in the former the electron-hole pair“spends more time” on the Pc unit, which promotescharge delocalization. The structures of 1b(IIB) and2b(IIB) are similar to 1b(IIA) and 2b(IIB), respec-tively.92 The coupling of the monomeric modes 1c(II)thus leads to a Davydov-like splitting resulting inmodes IIA and IIB of the dimers.349 This splittingreflects the exchange-dominated interaction strengthbetween monomers. In contrast with the naphthalenedimers, the Frenkel exciton model is not applicableto these systems.

These electronic modes may be used to predict theobserved trends of the experimental fluorescencespectra (dotted curves in Figure 10). Both monomerspectra show distinct vibronic structure and have asimilar Stokes shift.369,370 The fluorescence spectrumof 2b has virtually identical shape to the monomer(2c). In marked contrast, the spectrum of 1b is broadand featureless, shows no vibronic structure, and itsshape resembles the fluorescence of Pc. These obser-vations can be explained by assuming that in theshort dimer (1b) the optically excited IIA state relaxesto the lower lying IA and IB states. The fluorescenceoriginates from states IA and IB which are red-shifted by 0.93 and 0.8 eV with respect to IIA. Thelarge Stokes shift is thus electronic in origin. Incontrast, in the longer dimer (2b), the state IIA issignificantly red-shifted since it is delocalized, whereasthe states IA and IB do not shift. The separationbetween II and IA(IB) in the long dimer is only about0.2 eV, and the emission originates primarily fromthe initially excited state. This picture is supportedby calculations of the radiative decay rates of thesemolecules92 which compare well with experiment. TheCEO modes thus account for all observed trends inabsorption spectra, fluorescence Stokes shift, andradiative lifetimes, and establish a clear connectionbetween the optical response of aggregates and themonomers.

C. Localized Electronic Excitations inPhenylacetylene Dendrimers

Dendrimeric molecules with branched tree-likestructures are an interesting novel class of polymerswith well controlled structure and size371-380 (Figure11). Theoretical interest in these “Cayley trees” (alsoknown as Bethe lattices) arises from their peculiardimensionality: the connectivity between different

sites is one-dimensional (there is only one path to gobetween two points). However, the number of atomsgrows exponentially with generation, as in infinite-dimensional systems. This leads to unusual transportand optical properties. The dynamics of photophysical(electronic and vibrational energy transfer) as wellas photochemical processes has been demonstratedto be strongly affected by geometric confinement.Calculating the electronic excitations of these sys-tems, analyzing their nature, and predicting theirscaling with molecular size is an open challenge.

In this section, we discuss these interesting sys-tems and show how they can be dissected intocoupled chromophores. Below we present CEO analy-sis of the absorption spectra of two families ofphenylacetylene dendrimers (Figure 12 A and B)90

made out of phenylacetylene oligomer segmentsconnected through para- or meta-substitutions of thephenyl rings, leading to linear or zigzag chains,respectively. These macromolecules have been sug-gested as artificial photonic antenna.381-384 The con-struction of artificial light harvesting antennae whichmimic the photosynthetic biological complexes hasbeen a long standing goal. Antennae such as familyB have an energy gradient that favors the migrationof energy toward the center where a reactive site canbe placed. The absorption spectra of family A whichhas the same segment (linear unit) length in thevarious generations are essentially unchanged withmolecular size. Family B (Figure 12) has a varyingsegment length that decreases toward the periphery.Here the absorption spectra (dashed lines in Figure12D) show new red-shifted features as the molecularsize is increased. The CEO analysis90 shows howthese trends arise naturally from the localized elec-tronic excitations in these systems. It is difficult toanticipate this localization by inspecting the molec-ular orbitals, since the system is conjugated and theorbitals are delocalized. Nevertheless, the electron-hole pairs which contribute to the elementary opticalcollective excitations are well localized.

Let us examine the linear (para-substituted) mol-ecules (P-series) with n ) 1, 2, 3 repeat units (triplebonds) and the M7 molecule which consists of linear

Figure 11. The generations (shown by different colors)in the extended family of phenylacetylene dendrimers havea varying linear segment length; their absorption frequencyis therefore blue-shifted for higher generations.90

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P1, P2, P3 segments connected at the meta-positionwith overall n ) 7 repeat units and represents abranch of the dendrimers (see Figure 12C).90 Thecalculated linear absorption spectra of the P-oligo-mers have a single low-lying absorption peak (theband-gap transition (a)) which is significantly red-shifted with increasing chain length, similar to peakI of PPV oligomers (Figure 3(I)). The spectrum of M7is markedly different; the single (a) line is split intothree low-frequency transitions (a1, a2, and a3) whichhave the same frequencies as the band-gap transi-tions of its building linear blocks: the P1, P2, andP3 oligomers.

The corresponding CEO modes are displayed inFigure 12. The top row of color plots shows the lowestfrequency mode (a) of the para-oligomers. P1(a)centered at the triple bond shows maximum coher-ences and is delocalized over the entire molecule. The

mode clearly shows that meta-carbons 2, 3, 12, and13 have vanishing electronic coherences with othercarbon atoms. This is shown by the “ring” around theplot with small coherences. Analogous patterns canbe seen in mode (a) of longer linear oligomers P2, andP3.90 The mode saturates with size and is no longerconfined by the molecular ends. These plots clearlyillustrate the two characteristic length-scales corre-sponding to the variation of the density matrix alongthe “antidiagonal” Lc and the “diagonal” directionsLd. We found that the coherence size is 5 repeat unitssimilar to that in PPV oligomers (Figure 3). Theboundary meta-atoms have vanishing coherences inall P-oligomers.

The bottom row of color plots in Figure 12 displaysthe electronic modes of M7. Mode (a3) is localized atthe P3 linear segment of M7 and is virtually identicalto mode P3 (a). Similarly, M7(a2) and M7(a1) re-semble P2(a) and P1(a), respectively. The absence ofcoherence across meta-substitutions shown in thisfigure is remarkable; the optical excitations areclearly confined to the various segments. meta-conjugation makes a clear barrier for excitonic motionwhereas para-conjugation is transparent to electroniccoherences. This difference does not show up in theground state, which is very similar for P7 and M7.

Meta-substituents are known to be much lesseffective in changing reaction rates compared withtheir para-counterparts.2,3 This can be understoodusing resonant structures commonly used in organicchemistry which show that charges injected into thesystem by an nucleophilic or an electrophilic sub-stituent are delocalized only at the ortho- and para-positions. The CEO modes establish the same trendfor electron-hole pairs created by light and providea direct link between spectroscopy and the well-established Hammet rules for chemical reactivity.385

The lack of electronic coherence across meta-substitutions suggests that we can describe theoptical excitations of dendrimers by dividing theminto chromophores with purely Coulombic (no ex-change) interactions. In zero-order, we can neglectthe interactions among chromophores altogether; themeta-conjugated dendrimer behaves as a collectionof its linear para-conjugated segments which interactwith light independently. We modeled the absorptionspectra of family A as a collection of P1 chromo-phores. The spectra thus only show a single lowfrequency peak. The experimental and the modeledspectra of D-4 and D-10 members of family A aredisplayed in Figure 12D. The spectra of other gen-erations are very similar.383 The absorption spectraof family B were calculated similarly by simplyadding the spectra of its segments. The resultingcalculated and experimental spectra displayed inFigure 12 show that this procedure can reproduce theexperimental band edge red-shift trend (see Figure12) as well as the relative peak intensities in thesemacromolecules. Subsequent CEO calculations ofcouplings among chromophores generated an ef-fective Frenkel exciton Hamiltonian which wasthen used to model the one and two exciton spec-tra.237,360,386,387

Figure 12. The compact dendrimers (A) are made of thesame linear building block P1. The extended dendrimers(B) have a varying linear segment length which decreasesfor higher generations. (C) Structures and atom labelingof the linear para-oligomers Pn with n ) 1, 2, 3 repeat units(triple bonds), and the M7 oligomer made of the P1, P2,P3 units conjugated at meta-position. (D) Calculated (solidlines) and experimental (dashed lines) absorption spectraof the dendrimers. Empirical line width Γν ) 0.1 eV hasbeen used to compute absorption profiles. Molecular ge-ometries restricted to planar structures to avoid twistingaround the tripple bonds were optimized using AM1model492 in Gaussian 98 package;142 contour plots of theelectronic modes which dominate the absorption spectraof the oligomers shown in panel C. The axes represent thecarbon atoms. The spectrum of M7 is a sum of P1 + P2 +P3 spectra. Reprinted with permission from ref 90. Copy-right 1998 American Chemical Society.

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D. Exciton-Coupling for the LH2 AntennaComplex of Purple Bacteria

The primary processes of photosynthesis, the cap-ture of sunlight, and its subsequent conversion intochemical energy, constitute the very basis of all life.6,7

The photosynthetic unit (PSU) of purple bacteria isthe most studied and the best characterized amongthe known photosynthetic systems.315-322 The 2.5 Åresolution structure of the Rs. molischianum LH2complex328 shows 24 bacteriochlorophyll-a (Bchl-a)monomers arranged in two rings: nine weakly coupledmolecules form the outer ring which is responsiblefor the higher energetic B800 band, while 18 stronglyinteracting Bchl-a of the inner ring form the lowerenergetic B850 band. A circle of eight carotenoidsbridges the B850 and B800 rings (see Figure 13). Thishigh circular symmetry simplifies the computationof intermolecular interaction parameters. Numerousspectroscopic optical measurements which probe forthe organization and functionality of the PSU werecarried out. Energy-migration in the antenna com-plexes depends primarily on electronic couplingbetween the donor and acceptor chromophores.315-319

The electronic couplings between chromophores arekey factors in determining the rates of energy trans-fer for weakly coupled B800-B800 and B800-B850molecules. Energy transfer may be described388,316 by

the Forster incoherent hopping mechanism,389 wherethe transfer rate (in ps-1) is given by390,316

Here J is the donor-acceptor electronic coupling (incm-1), and Θ is the overlap integral between donorfluorescence and acceptor absorption line shapes eachnormalized to a unit area on the cm-1 scale. On theother hand, B850-B850 couplings are stronger,exceeding the energetic disorder, and the molecularexciton picture needs to be used for the descriptionof energy migration in the upper B850 ring.391,392 Apoint dipole approximation (PDA) assumes that thechromophore sizes are small compared to theirseparation and the coupling is then given by theinteraction between donor and acceptor transitiondipole moments. The PDA which is routinely usedfor evaluating coupling constants does not hold forcalculations of J between closely lying chromophoressuch as in the LH2 system since the chromophoresizes are not small compared to their separation.More accurate computational techniques have beendeveloped.388,393-397

The CEO/INDO/S approach was applied toward thestudy of the electronic excitations of Bchl-a andcarotenoid aggregates of LH2 complex of Rs. molis-chianum.93,94,327 The electronic spectra of carotenoidsand Bchl were analyzed in Sections IIIB and IIIE,respectively. Below we investigate the relevant elec-tronic modes of the Bchl-a dimers, study the effectsof aggregation in the LH2 complex, and computeinterchromophore couplings. Figure 14A displays theRâB850 heterodimer (intrasubunit) with atom label-ing over â B850 first then over R B850, following thepattern of Figure 8A. The computed oscillatorstrengths fν are plotted vs transition frequencies Ωνin Figure 14B. The figure shows that each monomerpeak splits into two transitions in the dimer spectra(e.g., Qy f Qy - 1, Qy - 2) showing J-type dimeriza-tions.270,271

The ground-state density matrix of RâB850 F issimply the sum of the monomeric ground states(compare to panel F in Figure 8), and both Bchls-aare clearly seen. The off-diagonal block betweenchromophores vanishes. Panels Qy1 and Qy2 show apair of states corresponding to the Qy mode. At thecorners, we see the monomers which are separatedby ∼9.2 Å Mg-Mg (3.7 Å between the closest atoms).The absence of off-diagonal coherences between Bchlsimplies that the interaction between chromophoresis purely electrostatic, making the Frenkel excitonmodel applicable.92,342,386 The 816 cm-1 splitting whichis a measure of electronic coupling between chro-mophores provides the necessary information forconstructing an effective Hamiltonian.360,386 Com-pared with Qy, the Qx interaction is weak since themagnitude of Qx transition dipole is very small. Onthe other hand, the strong transition dipoles of Bxresult in the large coupling. Modes CT1 and CT2 arecompletely different from the Q and B dimer states.They are delocalized over the off-diagonal regions,reflecting the electronic coherence between chro-mophores, and have no intramonomer contributions(diagonal regions). The hole created by CT1 excitation

Figure 13. Top and side view of pigments in the lightharvesting complex 2 (LH2) of Rs. molischianum. Theaggregate is made of the upper ring of 16 Bchls-a (blue)paired in 8 Râ heterodimers or intrasubunits (B850 mol-ecules), lower ring of 8 Bchl-a (red) (B800 molecules), andring of 8 lycopenes (carotenoids) (green). Reprinted withpermission from ref 94. Copyright 2000 American ChemicalSociety.

k ) 1.18J2Θ (4.2)

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is localized on RB850 (x-axis), whereas the electronis transferred to âB850 (y-axis). On the other hand,state CT2 describes electron transfer from â to R.Thus, CT1 and CT2 correspond to intermolecularcharge-transfer excitations. Even though the CTmodes are essentially forbidden in linear absorption,they show up in nonlinear optical studies of theseaggregates (e.g., electroabsorption).398 The electronicexcitations of other Bchls dimers and Bchl-carotenoidpairs have been similarly analyzed.93,94

Two techniques have been employed for calculatingthe electronic couplings: a spectroscopic procedurethat is based on computing the Davydov’s splittingin the dimer spectrum,93,327 and a Coulombic methodthat computes the electrostatic interactions betweentransition densities of individual pigments.93,356 Sincethe former takes both Coulomb and exchange inter-actions into account whereas the latter only incor-porates the Coulomb interactions, comparison of theresults allows the separation electrostatic (Forster)and electron exchange (Dexter) contributions to in-terchromophore couplings. Examination of the com-puted couplings93,94,327 shows that it is essential totake into account dielectric medium effects in orderto reproduce experimental transition dipoles of the

chromophores (see Table 1) and intermolecular cou-plings. In general, protein environment screens in-teraction and reduces couplings up to 30%.94 Dextercontributions account for approximately 10-15% ofthe interaction between nearest neighbor Bchls-a inthe upper B850 ring and is negligible among all otherpigments.

The calculated couplings could be immediatelyemployed to estimate intermolecular Forster energytransfer time scales389 in LH2 complex. Estimates ofspectral overlaps in B800-B800, B800-B850, andLyc-Bchl are available.390,388 Transfer rates computedby substituting the calculated electronic couplingsand spectral overlaps into eq 4.2 are summarized inFigure 15. The Bchl-Bchl time scales agree well withexperiment, and the intermolecular Car-Bchl transferrate from 1Bu is found to be comparable to the1Bu - 2Ag internal conversion rate.

V. Discussion

The highly polarizable π-electron system of conju-gated molecules forms the basis for their uniqueelectronic and photophysical properties,399 which areutilized in numerous biological phenomena and makethem an important material for technology. The useof conjugated molecules for technological applicationsis rapidly becoming reality and organic-based devicesmay compete with traditional semiconductor andliquid crystal based approaches soon. Electronicphenomena traditionally studied in inorganic (semi-conductor and strongly correlated) matter have beencurrently observed in high-quality organic crystals,including fractional quantum hall effect,333,400 solid-state injection lasing,25 high-temperature super-conductivity334,401-403 and Josephson effect.404,405 Thepossibility to make a transistor based on molecularscale has been recently demonstrated,406 which maylead to cheaper, faster, and much smaller computerchips, beyond the semiconductor limits.407 The mo-lecular electronics is a growing research field.408-413

Figure 14. (A) Structure of the Râ B850 dimer. (B)Calculated linear absorption spectrum of Râ B850 dimer.Contour plots the electronic modes which dominate theoptical absorption of B850 dimer. The axis labels representthe individual atoms. Atoms of each monomer are labeledaccording to panel A of Figure 8. The panels indicate theelectronic mode according to panel B. Reprinted withpermission from ref 93. Copyright 2000 American ChemicalSociety.

Figure 15. Electronic energy levels, major excitationfunneling pathways, and their calculated transfer rates inLH2 of Rs. molischianum. Internal conversion is repre-sented by dashed arrows whereas interpigment energyflows are shown by solid arrows. Wavy arrows point to thelight-harvesting states. Reprinted with permission from ref94. Copyright 2000 American Chemical Society.

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Numerous high performance photonic devices fabri-cated from organic polymers and molecular crystalshave been made,20,21 including light emitting diodes(LEDs)21,414-419 and electrochemical cells,420 displaypanels,421-423 photovoltaic cells,424-426 photodetec-tors,427-429 transistors,430-432 light-emitting field-effecttransistors,26,433,434 biosensors,435 imaging devices,436,437

and solid-state lasers.22,25,27,438,439 Organic photonicdevices rely on the recombination of electrons andholes photogenerated or injected at the contact anda thorough understanding of the photogenera-tion440-445 and charge transport processes248,446 isnecessary to improve operation of these devices.Conjugated molecules are promising for nonlinearoptical applications as well.14,15,31,447,448 Adding anelectron-withdrawing and an electron-donating groupenhances the nonlinear optical response even fur-ther.10,12-14,18,19,303,308,309,449,450 Understanding the mech-anisms leading to dramatic changes in optical polar-izabilities with increasing chain length and donor/acceptor strength, and the limiting factors of theseenhancements are the key for a rational designstrategy of molecules possessing large optical polar-izabilities.266,451

Conjugated molecules form important groups ofnatural pigments and play the major roles in funda-mental biological phenomena. For example, caro-tenoids are found in all families of vegetables andanimal kingdoms.452-454 Among the innumerablebiological molecules, this class has numerous bio-physical applications. Carotenoids play importantroles in pharmaceutical and food technology as well.In the photosynthetic apparatus, these moleculesappear in antenna complexes that absorb the lightand transfer excitations to the reaction centers.454-456

In addition, they serve as antioxidants by quenchingthe chlorophyll triplet via energy transfer and pre-venting the formation of singlet oxygen. The photo-isomerization of the closely related retinoids hasvarious physiological functions (e.g., the primaryprocess of vision455,457 and proton pump). Chlorophyllsand porphyrins are the other primary pigments ofphotosynthesis (Section IVD).6,7 In addition, metallo-phthalocyanine complexes and porphyrin derivativesare reverse saturable absorbers,24,330,331 efficient light-emitters,458 and nonlinear materials.459-462 Thesemolecules exhibit improved excited-state absorptionand optical limiting, have a large intersystem cross-ing rate indicated by transmittance and excited-statelifetime measurements. This makes these materialsattractive for technology as well.

The study of conjugated molecules has become aresearch frontier that involves many challenges fortheory, experiment, and synthesis. Exploring theelectronic structure and spectroscopic properties ofthe molecular systems constitute an important partof the ongoing global progress. The theoretical andcomputational approaches such as CEO, which pro-vide means to analyze electronic properties, establishmolecular structure-functionality relations, and pre-dict the trends, are useful for this research.

The CEO approach offers numerous computationaladvantages: instead of arbitrary truncation of mo-

lecular orbitals, the fast Krylov space algorithms(Lanczos, Davidson, and IDSMA) take into accountall active space included in the TDHF approximation,making such calculations straightforward. Yet, thecomputational cost per excited state is very low andusually does not exceed that of the ground state. Thismakes excited-state structure calculations possiblewhenever SCF ground state computations are avail-able. The electronic density matrix associated withthe nonlinear optical response may be easily obtainedby summing over the electronic oscillators coupledby relevant nonlinear dipole (see Section F). Theseoscillators may be grouped into a few effectivedegrees of freedom using the DSMA algorithm whichexpresses the molecular optical response in terms ofdominant collective variables. Even though the sum-over-states method allows the calculation of anyoptical response including to strong fields once theeigenstates are known, the SOS approach rapidlybecomes more complex with molecular size, sinceboth tasks of calculating the eigenstates and per-forming the necessary summations over them arevery expensive for large systems. The CEO approachcarries less information but at considerably lowercost, making it readily applicable to the interestingcrossover region between small molecules and bulk.The power of the oscillator picture are particularlyapparent in the calculation of nonlinear opticalproperties.87,151,300,301 Interference effects in the SOSapproach result in a cancellation of large positiveand negative contributions to optical susceptibili-ties,15,32,33,76,463 limiting the accuracy and makingapproximate calculations risky (since innocent ap-proximations may lead to huge errors). One mani-festation of this problem is that individual terms(Liouville Space Paths)76 do not have the correctscaling with size. The latter is only obtained once allof the terms are carefully combined. In the oscillatorpicture, these cancellations are built-in from the startand each separate contribution to the susceptibilityscales properly (see Appendix F). The density matrixapproach thus guarantees size-consistency providingan adequate real space description of the scaling andsaturation of off-resonant linear and nonlinear po-larizabilities as shown in Section IIID. For oddresponse functions such as γ, individual terms whichscale as n2 interfere to yield an n scaling, whereasfor even response functions such as â in substitutedmolecules individual n scaling terms interfere to yieldas overall n0 scaling.87,151,297,300-302

Optical excitations move an electron from an oc-cupied to an unoccupied orbital creating an electron-hole pair. The CEO quasiparticle description of theoptical response is based on following the simulta-neous and coupled dynamics of this pair as given bythe two indices of the transition density matrix. Thespace of higher dimensionality (the pair) captures theessential physics of the optical excitations, and eventhe simplest (TDHF) factorization yields an adequatedescription. A real space CEO analysis which pin-points the origin of each optical transition is obtainedby displaying the electronic mode matrices. In semi-conductors, the electron-hole pairs are loosely boundand form Wannier excitons.40,464-467 In molecular

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aggregates, each pair is tightly bound and can beconsidered as a single particle (Frenkel exciton).270,271

Conjugated molecules are intermediate between thesetwo extremes. The CEO thus offers a unified descrip-tion of different materials and allows a direct com-parison of their optical properties.468 It is possible togo beyond the semiempirical Hamiltonians and theTDHF approximation and include additional vari-ables, using a different ansatz for the wave func-tion.128-131,133,209,469 Formally the calculation of opticalproperties using sums over states is also unified anduniversal. However, very different approximateschemes and terminologies are used in the calcula-tion of the eigenstates of various systems. Thisprohibits a clear comparison and obscures the originof differences. The electronic oscillator picture maybe applied to all correlated materials offering anintuitive and simple alternative to common molecularorbital descriptions.

The CEO approach provides a natural frameworkfor predicting and guiding the design molecules withspecific properties. Rather than asking which of themany-electron states are most relevant, we canexplore how different regions of the molecule coupleand affect each other. The electronic excitations of alarge molecular system can thus be broken intoseparate chromophores, despite the delocalized na-ture of the underlying electronic states. Even whenelectron (and hole) exchange between segments isblocked, Coulomb interaction does allow the transferof energy through the migration of electron-holepairs (excitons). One can then address directly theeffects of donor-acceptor substitutions and geometry(see Section IIIB). A new type of chemical intuitionwhich focuses directly on the electronic charges andcoherences and is not based on properties of many-electron eigenstates emerges naturally (see SectionsIII and IV). Much chemical intuition is based on thecharge density.61 The coherences make it possible todirectly view how different parts of the molecule arecoupled and how a perturbation at one point canaffect the electronic motion at other regions. Wefurther note that by treating the electronic degreesof freedom as oscillators we can couple them morenaturally to nuclear degrees of freedom, which con-stitute another set of oscillators. The incorporationof nuclear notions is thus straightforward, and lendsitself easily to semiclassical approximations.75,470 Thetime-dependent density-matrix should then allow usto follow the dynamics of coherent intramolecularand intermolecular vibrations, solvent modes, andisomerization and account for vibronic structure andline broadening;471 Interfacing with excited-statemolecular dynamics simulations is thus most natu-ral.228,472,473 This approach allows modeling of complexvibronic phenomena during photoexcitation dynamicson femto- to nanosecond time scales in large molec-ular systems (up to hundreds of atoms size).474

Nonadiabatic couplings can also be expressed usingthe transition density matrices.78,475 The CEO wasrecently applied to electron energy loss and X-rayspectroscopy which requires the calculation of theentire wavevector and frequency-dependent elec-tronic structure factor S(k,ω).476,477

VI. AcknowledgmentsThe research at Rochester is supported by the

Chemical Sciences Division of the Office of BasicEnergy Sciences of the U.S. Department of Energy,and by the National Science Foundation. The re-search at LANL is supported by the LDRD programof the U.S. Department of Energy. This support isgratefully acknowledged. S.M. wishes to thank theAlexander von Humboldt Foundation for a SeniorScientist fellowship while the review was beingwritten. We wish to thank Dr. Vladimir Chernyakwho was instrumental in developing the CEO methodand Dr. Sergei Volkov for his critical comments. Drs.Akira Takahashi, Hong Xiang Wang, Thomas Wager-streiter, Michael Hartmann, Guanhua Chen, andEugene V. Tsiper made important contributions tothe work surveyed in this article. The late Dr.Michael Zerner provided an invaluable help in com-bining the CEO with the ZINDO. We dedicate thisarticle to his memory.

VII. Appendix A: The TDHF Equations of Motionof a Driven Molecule

The TDHF equations of motion follow the evolutionof the reduced single-electron density matrix eq 1.4representing the molecule driven by an external fieldF(t) ) Fj + δF(t) where the ground-state density matrixFj is the key input to these calculations. The diagonalelement Fnn represents the charge at the nth atomicorbital, and

is the net charge on the atom A. The off-diagonalelements Fnm (n * m) represent the electronic coher-ences between atomic orbitals. In particular, FjnAmB

describe the chemical bonding strength (bond-order)between atoms A and B. The matrix elements ofδFnm(t) represent the changes in these quantitiesinduced by the external electric field.

We start with the Heisenberg equation of motionfor Fnm(t) ) ⟨cn


where the Hamiltonian H is given by eq 2.1 and weset p ) 1. Equation A2 is exact but not closed sincehigher order products (two-electron density matricesFnmn′m′

(2) (t) ) ⟨cn† cm

† cn′cm′⟩(t)) show up in the right-handside. Writing equations of motion for these higherproducts will yield increasingly higher products. Thisis the famous hierarchy of many-body dynamics thatis common to classical and quantum mechanics. Toovercome this difficulty, one needs a truncationprocedure. The simplest assumes that the many-bodywave function is given by a single Slater determinantat all times. This yields the time-dependent Hartree-Fock factorization77,81,83,87,156

qA ) ∑n∈A

Fjnn - ZA (A1)


∂t) ⟨[cn

†cm, H]⟩ (A2)

⟨cn† cm

† cn′cm′⟩(t) ) ⟨cn†cn′⟩⟨cm

† cm′⟩(t) + ⟨cn†cm′⟩⟨cm

† cn′⟩(t)(A3)

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Applying this approximation to eq A2 yields thefollowing closed equations of motion for the single-electron density matrix F(t).

To zero order in the field, we recover the stationarysolution eq 2.9.

This set of K × K matrix equations may be solvednumerically for δF(t) either in the frequency151,153 orthe time478 domain. By restricting the number ofequations to variables which contain only M oc-cupied-unoccupied orbital pairs, we can develop aconvenient algebra of electronic oscillators.77,156 Tothat end, we first decompose δF(t) into two compo-nents

where ê represents the particle-hole (interband) andT(ê) represents the particle-particle and the hole-hole (intraband) parts.

Since the many-electron wave function is repre-sented by a single Slater determinant, the totaldensity matrix F(t) must be a projector at all times:76,77,83

This idempotent property of Fj allows us to project anysingle particle matrix ú into the interband (p-h)subspace

Consequently, not all elements of the density matrixare independent. The number of degrees of freedomof δF subject to the condition eq A6 is precisely thenumber of its particle-hole matrix elements,77 andT(ê) can therefore be expressed in terms of ê96,219

using eq A6 and eq A5

where I is the unit K × K matrix. Equation A8 canbe expanded in powers of ê

An alternative expansion is77,81

In eqs A9 and A10, all ê are taken at time t, ê ) ê(t).Formally, interband and intraband subspaces ofK × K density matrix have 2N(K - N) and N2 +(K - N)2 dimensions, respectively. These subspacesare clearly decomposed only in the MO representa-tion. Equations A7-A10 provide a convenient wayof separating interband and intraband subspaces inan arbitrary (e.g., site) basis set. The expressions in

Appendices A-F (except equations in MO represen-tation which include X, Y, p, and q) hold for anarbitrary representation and all entering matriceshave K × K size.

Projecting eq A4 onto the interband subspace usingeq A7, we obtain the following closed equations ofmotion for ê.

where L is a linear operator in Liouville space (i.e.,superoperator)77,81,87,300 given by eq 2.19, and

is the nonlinear part of the equation projected ontothe particle-hole subspace (eq A7). The Fock opera-tor F and the Coulomb operator V were defined byeqs 2.11 and 2.12. The equations of motion of ê (eqA11) have fewer variables than those of δF (eq A4)but contain additional nonlinearities. However, ê isthe set of truly independent variables that arerequired to uniquely represent δF.

The time-dependent polarization which determinesall optical properties is finally given by

Equations A11 and A8 constitute the basic TDHFequations.77 They may be solved by expanding thedensity matrix in powers of the external field

where T(j)(t) is expressed in terms of ê(j) by comparingeq A9 (or eq A10) with eq A14:

The polarization to jth order in the external fieldE(t) is calculated by taking the expectation value ofthe dipole operator µ with respect to the time-dependent density matrix


The original nonlinear eq A11 has thus been trans-formed into a hierarchy of linear inhomogeneousequations that may be readily solved. To jth orderwe have


) i∂δF(t)

∂t) [F(F), F] - E(t)‚[µ, F] (A4)

δF(t) ) ê(t) + T(ê(t)) (A5)

(Fj + δF(t))2 ) Fj + δF(t) (A6)

úp-h ) [[ú, Fj], Fj] (A7)

T(ê) ) (Fj - I2)(I - xI - 4ê2) (A8)

T(ê) ) (I - 2Fj)(ê2 + ê4 + 2ê6 + ‚‚‚) (A9)

T(ê) ) 12!

[[ê, Fj], ê] +


[[ê, Fj], [[ê, Fj], [[ê, Fj], ê]]] + ‚‚‚ (A10)


- Lê ) R(ê)p-h - E(t)‚[µ, Fj] (A11)

R(ê) ) [F(ê), ê + T(ê)] + [F(T(ê)), Fj + ê] -E‚[µ, ê + T(ê)] (A12)

P(t) ) Tr(µF(t)) ) Tr(µê(t)) + Tr(µT(ê(t))) (A13)

ê ) ê(1) + ê(2) + ‚‚‚, T(ê) ) T(2)(ê) + T(3)(ê) + ‚‚‚(A14)

T(1)(t) ≡ 0

T(2)(t) ) (I - 2Fj)(ê(1)(t))2

T(3)(t) ) (I - 2Fj)(ê(2)(t)ê(1)(t) + ê(1)(t)ê(2)(t))

T(4)(t) ) (I - 2Fj)(ê(3)(t)ê(1)(t) + ê(2)(t)ê(2)(t) +ê(1)ê(3)(t)) (15)

P(j)(t) ) Tr(µδF(j)(t)) (A16)

δF(j)(t) ) ê(j)(t) + T(j)(t) (A17)


∂t- Lê(j)(t) ) η(j)(t) (A18)

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where the inhomogeneous part η(j)(t) is given in termsof Fj and lower order ê(k) k < j,

The linear and nonlinear optical response is cal-culated by solving eq A18 either in the frequency orin the time domain. In the frequency, this involvesdiagonalizing the linearized Liouville operator Lwhich formally requires a large memory (∼K4 whereK is the total number of orbitals in the system). Time-domain calculations do not require a large memory(∼K2) and may be applied for larger systems.478

However, evaluating the commutators in eqs 2.19and A12 is time-consuming. These difficulties haveso far limited the solution of eq A18 to basis set sizeof about 100 functions. Computationally efficientKrylov-space algorithms may be used to overcomethis limitation.

VIII. Appendix B: Algebra of ElectronicOscillators

In this appendix, we review the main propertiesof the tetradic linear M ) N × (K - N) dimensionalspace defined by the Liouville operator L.77,81,87,300 Wefirst introduce the following scalar product of any twointerband matrices ê and η which are the elementsof this space.77,81,300,479

We have used the bracket to underline the similaritywith Dirac’s Hilbert space notation. Equation B1obeys the following properties:

This is an unusual scalar product. It can further beexpressed through the particle-hole (X) and hole-particle (Y) components of the interband densitymatrix in MO representation as

where ê ) [Yê

Xê], η ) [Yη

Xη], and angular brackets denotestandard (Hermitian) scalar product of two vectors.We also note that the commutator of Fj with anarbitrary interband matrix ê ) [Y

X] corresponds totransformation [Y

X] f [-YX ].

The main reason for introducing this scalar productis that the Liouville operator L defined by eq 2.19 isHermitian with respect to this scalar product:

The operator adjoint to L,

is also Hermitian with respect to this scalar producti.e., ⟨L†ê|η⟩ ) ⟨ê|L†η⟩.219

The eigenmodes êν and eigenfrequencies Ων of Lsatisfy eq 2.15 and come in conjugate pairs: eachvector êν with frequency Ων has a counterpart ê-ν )êν

† with frequency Ω-ν ) -Ων. Since L is real, theelectronic modes can be taken to be real as well. Theelectronic modes can be expressed through the par-ticle-hole (X) and hole-particle (Y) components inthe MO representation as

the magnitudes of X elements are usually muchlarger than Y, since the former includes both the first(CI singles) and the higher order electronic correla-tions, whereas the latter includes only the second andthe higher order electronic correlations present in theRPA.

Similarly, the spectrum of L† consists of pairs ofconjugated eigenvectors with eigenfrequencies (Ων:

which correspond to [-Yê

Xê ] and [Xê

-Yê] pairs of eigen-vectors.

A classical mode picture of the optical responsemay be obtained by constructing the electronic oscil-lators defined by the coordinate-momentum variables

In the MO representation P and Q are given by

where qν ) Xν + Yν and pν ) Xν - Yν. We furtherdefine

which are the stiffness and kinetic energy matrices,respectively. We found that the ê ê† variables aremore convenient for computing the optical responseand the (P, Q) representation is useful for gaining aclassical insight. The eigenvalue problem eq 2.15 inthese variables becomes

Similarly, P and Q satisfy the relation

We shall adopt the following normalization of theelectronic modes:77

η(1)(t) ) -E(t)[µ, Fj]

η(2)(t) ) [[([V(δF(1)(t)), δF(1)(t)] + [V(T(2)(t)), Fj] -E(t)[µ, δF(1)(t)]), Fj], Fj]

η(3)(t) ) [[([V(δF(2)(t)), δF(1)(t)] +[V(δF(1)(t)), δF(2)(t)] + [V(T(3)(t)), Fj] -

E(t)[µ, δF(2)(t)]), Fj], Fj] (A19)

⟨ê|η⟩ ≡ Tr(Fj[ê†,η]) (B1)

⟨ê|η⟩ ) ⟨η†|ê†⟩* ) - ⟨η|ê⟩ (B2)

⟨ê|η⟩ ≡ (Xê, Xη) - (Yê, Yη) (B3)

⟨Lê|η⟩ ) ⟨ê|Lη⟩ (B4)

L†ê ) [ê, F] + V([ê, Fj]) (B5)

êν ) [XνYν ], êν

† ) [YνXν ], ν ) 1, ..., M (B6)

L†[êν, Fj] ) Ων[êν, Fj], L†[êν†, Fj] ) -Ων[êν

†, Fj],ν ) 1, ..., M (B7)

Qν )êν + êν

x2Pν ) -i

êν - êν†


Qν ) 1x2[Xν + Yν

Xν + Yν ] ) 1x2[qν

qν ]Pν ) -i

x2[Xν - Yν-Xν + Yν ] ) -i

x2[pν-pν ] (B9)

T ) A + B K ) A - B, (B10)

Kqν ) Ωνpν Tpν ) Ωνqν ν ) 1, ..., M (B11)

-iLQν ) ΩνPν iLPν ) ΩνQν ν ) 1, ..., M (B12)

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In the MO representation this normalization reads:

The electronic oscillator is a pair of conjugatedelectronic modes (K × K matrices êν and êν

† or Pν andQν, which have 2M interband components Xν and Yνor pν and qν in MO representation) with frequencyΩν. Any interband K × K matrix ú can be expandedin the basis set of electronic oscillators as

In the following appendices, we will use severaluseful identities that hold for any interband matricesê and ú and directly follow from eqs A6-A10 andB1:77,89,219,81

Finally, the effective single body Coulomb operatorV obeys

IX. Appendix C: The IDSMA AlgorithmThe density-matrix-spectral-moments algorithm

(DSMA)81,89,300 is an approximate scheme for solvingthe TDHF equations that allows us to calculate ê(j)

from the source (η(j)) by solving eq A18 without adirect diagonalization of L. This is accomplished bycomputing the set of electronic oscillators that domi-nate the expansion of η(j). Without loss of generality,we can take η(j)(t) to be real and express it in termsof our momentum variables as81,300

where η(j) can be viewed either in the frequency or inthe time domain, and µν

(j) ) x2⟨xν|η(j)⟩ ) ⟨Qν|η(j)⟩ arethe real frequency (or time) dependent expansioncoefficients. These electronic oscillators provide aconvenient procedure for solving eq A18.77

The formal solution of eq A18 in the time andfrequency domain is

Substituting the expansion (C1) for η(j) in theseequations and utilizing the eigenvector properties ofthe modes

we can recast the solution of eq A18 in terms ofeigenmodes êν and êν

† (or Pν and Qν). For example,the jth order interband component of the reducedsingle-electron density matrix in the frequency do-main is given by

Since only few electronic oscillators contribute sig-nificantly to the source in the expansion (C1), thesummation can be truncated at some effective num-ber of oscillators M′ , M without sacrificing accuracy.

The family of the density-matrix spectral momentsis defined as Sn ≡ Lnη which are the expansioncoefficients in the short-time evolution of the density-matrix response function. These moments are usedto construct the main DSMA equations81,300

where S0(j) ) η(j) and Sn

(j) ) LnS0(j), n ) 1, 2, .... In

principle, the spectral moments Sn can be expressedusing the electronic normal modes êν, but the choiceof momentum-coordinate Hermitian variables hastwo advantages: First, it allows the separation of thetotal system of equations (C5, C6) into two indepen-dent subsystems (C5) and (C6), which is computa-tionally preferable. Second, the matrix η, which is theinput to the procedure, is Hermitian and expressedthrough momentum variables (eq C1). The highermoments Sn are, therefore, either momentum orcoordinate type.

The scalar products Kn(j) ≡ ⟨Sn

(j)|Sn+1(j) ⟩, n ) 1, 2, ...,

2M′ provide a set of equations for the frequencies Ων

and effective oscillator strength f ν(j) ) 2(µν

(j))2Ων (f ν(j)

and µν(j) depend on the external field (eq A11). For

example, for linear response we have f ν(1) ≡ -E(t)fν

and µν(1) ≡ -E(t)µν. Here fν and µν are the oscillator

strength and the ground-state dipole, respectively.):

The set of DSMA equations (C5-C7) is now complete.

⟨êR|êâ⟩ ) δRâ ⟨êR† |êâ⟩ ) 0 (B13)

⟨PR|Qâ⟩ ) iδRâ ⟨PR|Pâ⟩ ) ⟨QR|Qâ⟩ ) 0 (B14)

(XR, Xâ) - (YR, Yâ) ) δRâ (pR, qâ) ) δRâ (B15)

ú ) ∑ν

⟨êν†|ú⟩êν - ⟨êν|ú⟩êν

† )


⟨Qν|ú⟩iPν - ⟨iPν|ú⟩Qν, ν ) 1, ..., M (B16)

ê ) Fê + êF (B17)

Fê2 ) ê2F (B18)

[ê, F]) (I - 2F)ê (B19)

ê(I - 2F)ê ) -(I - 2F)ê2 (B20)


[[ê, F], ê] ) (I - 2F)ê2 (B21)

[[ê, F], ú] ) (I - 2F)(êú + úê) (B22)

⟨ê|V(ú)⟩ ) ⟨V(ê)|ú⟩ (B23)

η(j) ) ∑ν)1


⟨êν†|η(j)⟩êν - ⟨êν|η(j)⟩êν

† )



⟨Qν|η(j)⟩iPν ) ∑ν)1


µν(j)iPν (C1)

ê(j)(t) ) ∫0tdτe-iL(t-τ)η(j)(τ) ê(j)(ω) ) 1



e-iLtêν ) e-iΩνtêν e-iLtêν† ) eiΩνtêν

1ω - L

êν ) 1ω - Ων


ω - Lêν

† ) 1ω + Ων

êν† (C3)

ê(j)(ω) ) ∑ν)1


µν(j)(ω)[ Ων

Ων2 - ω2

Qν -iω

Ων2 - ω2

Pν] (C4)

Sn(j) ) ∑



Ωνn µν

(j)iPν n ) 0, 2, 4, ..., 2M′ - 2 (C5)

Sn(j) ) ∑



Ωνn µν

(j)Qν n ) 1, 3, 5, ..., 2M′ - 1 (C6)



fν(j) Ων

2n ) Kn(j) n ) 0, 1, 2, ..., 2M′ - 1 (C7)

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To start our calculations, we compute the momentsSn

(j) and Kn(j) by acting Liouville operator L (2.19) on

the source η(j) and using the scalar product (B1). Wethen solve eqs C7 for the frequencies Ων and oscillatorstrengths f ν

(j). These nonlinear equations have asimple analytical solution.89 Once we have Ων andµν

(j), we solve eqs C5 and C6 for the modes Pν and Qν.The most time-consuming part of the DSMA is thecalculation of commutators. Typically only a smallnumber of modes is required and the DSMA greatlyreduces the numerical effort involved in solving thecomplete TDHF equations.

The procedure starts with a single mode ap-proximation and by successively adding new modesimproved approximations for frequencies and oscil-lator strengths of the dominant modes is obtained,until some convergence criteria are satisfied. Thelinear response j ) 1 is calculated first. The resultingfirst-order modes are used to calculate the relevantmodes for the second-order response (j ) 2) and soforth. Because of truncation at M′ oscillators, theresulting electronic modes do not coincide with theTDHF modes. Equations B12 hold approximately,but the normalization relations (B14) are satisfiedexactly. These effective electronic oscillators give thebest approximation for the spectrum with a givennumber of features (M′).

The following examples use the PPP Hamiltonianto demonstrate the efficiency of the DSMA. Conver-gence as a function of the number of modes M′, M′ )

1-6 is shown in Figure 16 for octatetraene (N ) 8).Only few (3-4) modes contribute significantly to theresponse, but to calculate them accurately we needto include some additional high-frequency modeswith very small oscillator strengths. Using six modes,we reproduce the frequencies and the first-ordereffective dipoles µν

(1) (ω ) 0) to 10-8 of the values forthe full TDHF (16-mode) calculation. The figure alsoshows that the polarizabilities converge much fasterthan the frequencies and dipoles of individual modes.The convergence of the linear absorption (the imagi-nary part of ø(1) (eq 1.5)) with the number of modesfor a N ) 40 atom polyacetylene oligomers is dis-played in Figure 17. Note that the strong band edgetransition is reproduced well even at M′ ) 4. Theweaker transitions at higher frequencies requiremore modes. The convergence of the lowest threenonvanishing polarizabilities (R, γ, and ε) of poly-acetylene chains with up to 40 carbon atoms as afunction of the number of modes used is shown onFigure 18. The linear response is well representedby a single mode calculation, whereas the 8-modeapproximation gives adequate values for high hyper-polarizabilities.

One advantage of the DSMA is that it immediatelygives a global picture of the entire spectrum. How-ever, the number of effective oscillators M′ cannot beincreased at will to improve the accuracy. Highmoments scale as (Kn ∼ Ω2n) and are dominated bythe high-frequency tails. Therefore, increasing thenumber of oscillators does not refine the low andmiddle frequency range. We found that in practiceM′ is limited to e 10-14. Applications of the DSMAusing the PPP Hamiltonian which only describes the

Figure 16. Variation of electronic oscillator frequenciesΩν, effective dipole moments µν

(1), and first (R), third (γ),fifth (ε), and seventh (η) off-resonant polarizabilities withthe number of modes used for octatetraene (N ) 8). Thepolarizabilities will be defined later in this Section. Hereconvergence of the DSMA to the full TDHF calculation(M ) 16 is demonstrated. The magnitudes of polarizabili-ties are normalized at their converged values: R ) 3.2 ×10-23 esu, γ ) 6.6 × 10-35 esu, ε ) 1.4 × 10-46 esu, η )2.3 × 10-59 esu. Reprinted with permission from ref 300.Copyright 1996 American Institute of Physics.

Figure 17. Convergence of the linear absorption (theimaginary part of R (eq 1.5)) with the number of modesused for N ) 40 atom oligomer. The line width is Γ ) 0.2eV. Note, that the fundamental band at 2.57 eV withstrength 109 eÅ2/V (1.57 × 10-21 esu) remains basicallythe same in all panels. Reprinted with permission from ref300. Copyright 1996 American Institute of Physics.

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π-electron system allowed one to calculate accuratelyspectra of polyenes dominating by a few resonances.The INDO/S Hamiltonian includes also the valenceelectrons; therefore, the source is not limited to π-π*molecular excitations but also depends on a manifoldof high-frequency atomic transitions. For moleculeswith many peaks in the spectra, the DSMA does notreproduce delicate spectral features such as excita-tions with a small oscillator strength.

Improved accuracy may be obtained by applyingthe DSMA iteratively. The DSMA automaticallygenerates orthonormal effective oscillators (eqs B14),which satisfy the eigenvalue equation (B12) in anoptimal way. Therefore, each of the effective DSMAmodes is a superposition of the exact TDHF modeswith similar frequencies. The entire spectrum is thusdivided into several regions. Each effective oscillatoris responsible for part of the spectrum and is domi-nated by fewer exact oscillators than the initialsource. This property allows one to use any effectivemode Pν as a new fictitious source term η ) iPν inthe DSMA. The resulting oscillators are much closerto the exact ones. This procedure (i.e., using one ofthe new oscillators as a new fictitious source for thenext DSMA level) can be repeated until some con-vergence criteria are satisfied. This is the iterativeDSMA (IDSMA) procedure. In practice, this fictitioussource is dominated by a single oscillator (P1, Q1)which converges to the exact one. To recover the nextmode, the same iterative procedure can be applied

with one principal difference: all input sources mustbe made orthogonal to the lower frequency modes.Thus by using

all the recovered modes are excluded from the sourcein the following calculations. We can continue thisiterative process utilizing this orthogonalization pro-cedure to refine several electronic modes. This yieldsan expansion of the original source and allows us tofocus on desirable fine features of the spectrum athigh resolution.

The static polarizabilities are readily obtainedusing eq A13

where δF(j)(ω ) 0)) is the jth order of the densitymatrix induced by the static electric field Eo andø(1) ) R(0), ø(2) ) â(0), ø(3) ) γ(0), etc. The resultingelectronic oscillators may be used to construct fre-quency (time)-dependent optical response. Frequency-dependent response functions up to the third orderare expressed using the electronic modes in AppendixF.

The DSMA has a close formal connection withother short-time algorithms widely used in differentcontexts such as Stieltjes imaging procedure, whichapproximates a continuous distribution given its low-order moments,480-482 the Mori-Zwanzig algorithm ofreduced dynamics483,484 and the continued fractionrepresentation of correlation functions.485 In particu-lar, we note the analogy with the analysis of opticalline shapes in terms of spectral moments.486 Themoments can be easily calculated without goingthrough a complex eigenvalue problem, and oftenvery few moments provide for an adequate represen-tation of the line shape.

In summary, the DSMA calculates the opticalresponse by solving the TDHF equations for motionof the single-electron density matrix. The algorithmconsists of several levels of increasing complexity.First, the entire optical response with low resolutionis recovered at extremely low computational cost. Allstrong transitions are fully recovered, but the finestructure of spectrum is missing. The iterative DSMAprovides more detailed information. The simplestversion of this procedure was implemented to calcu-late the optical response of organic molecules. Theband edge transition oscillator was calculated first.The remaining electronic oscillators were recoveredsequentially with increasing frequency and were usedto compute optical polarizabilities. This approachallows us to recover accurately the experimentallyrelevant low-frequency spectral region (up to ∼8 eV)in conjugated molecular systems.81,91,92

X. Appendix D: Lanczos Algorithms

A. Lanczos Algorithm for Hermitian MatricesThe Hermitian Lanczos algorithm finds a few

lowest eigenvalues of a Hermitian matrix H by

Figure 18. (A-C): convergence of the lowest threenonvanishing polarizabilities (R, γ, and ε) of polyacetylenechains (up to 40 carbon atoms) with the number of modesused for calculations. The polarizabilities will be definedlater in this section. Here convergence of the DSMA isdemonstrated. The results obtained with the full TDHFcalculations (panels A and B) and with M ) 12 modes(panel C are shown by solid lines. Note that M ) 7 modesapproximation gives good values for hyperpolarizabilitiesγ, and ε. Reprinted with permission from ref 89. Copyright1996 Elsevier Science.

η⊥ ) η - ∑k


⟨Qk|η⟩Pk (C8)

ø(j) ) - 1Eo

kTr(µδF(j)(ω ) 0)) (C9)

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starting with an arbitrary vector v0 and constructinglinear combinations of vectors vm ) Hmv0, m ) 0,1, ... M′. The coefficients in the linear combination ofvm are found using the Ritz variational proce-dure214,215 which guarantees to yield the best ap-proximation to the lowest eigenvalue of H thatbelongs to a Krylov subspace. This subspace (KM′)spanned by the vectors v0...vM′ approximates aninvariant subspace of H with increasing accuracy asthe number of vectors (M′) is increased.

A simple recursive procedure allows one to build aset of orthogonal vectors wm spanning the sameKrylov subspace. Finding each new vector wm+1 onlyrequires the two previous vectors wm and wm-1:215,218

At each step m, the pair of coefficients Rm and âm ischosen to preserve orthonormality of wm+1 withrespect to wm and wm-1. The recursion eq D1 ensuresthat wm form an orthogonal set and that the Ray-leigh-Ritz matrix Hmn ) (wm, Hwn) is symmetrictridiagonal, with the diagonal and subdiagonal givenby the coefficients Rm and âm, respectively.

The matrix H can be viewed as the result of theorthogonal projection of the full matrix H onto thesubspace KM′. It can be written in matrix form:

where WM′ is the rectangular matrix whose columnsare the vectors w1, ..., wM′. The lowest eigenvalue ofH gives approximation to the true lowest eigenvalueof H and the corresponding eigenvector y gives thecoefficients of expansion of the eigenvector v of H inthe basis of wm, v ) WM′y. Indeed, if Hy ) λy, then(wm, HWM′y - λWM′y) ) 0, m ) 1, ..., M′, i.e., theresidual vector is orthogonal to KM′. Thus, theoriginal eigenvalue problem Hvν ) Ωνvν, ν ) 1, ...,M has been reduced to eigenvalue problem Hyν ) λνyν,ν ) 1, ..., M′ in much smaller Krylov space spannedby wm vectors, which contain an approximation forthe original eigenvector. The latter could be foundwith desirable accuracy by increasing Krylov spacedimensionality M′.

The recursive relation (D1) provides a great com-putational advantage to the Lanczos algorithm, mak-ing it applicable to very large matrices, since therequired memory does not grow with the number ofiterations. The problem of loss of global orthogonalitydue to computer round-off errors has been extensivelystudied214 and is not addressed here.

B. Lanczos-algorithm for Non-Hermitian Matrices

The major difficulty with non-Hermitian matricesis that in general, no variational principle exists fortheir eigenvalues, and therefore the Ritz procedureis not applicable. In addition, the Lanczos recursioneq D1, which is based on the Hermiticity of H, doesnot yield an orthonormal set of vectors wm when

applied to a non-Hermitian matrix L. In search ofefficient algorithms for RPA problem, the symplecticLanczos algorithm was suggested by Mei487 andimproved by Benner.488 This method exploits theanalogy between the unitary transformations thatpreserve Hermiticity and the symplectic transforma-tions that preserve the paired structure of eqs 2.15and 2.18. The oblique Lanczos algorithm for generalnon-Hermitian matrices214 was applied to the TDHFproblem in ref 219. However, this method is notstable for some initial trial vectors and should berestarted once it diverges, since it is not based on theof variational principle.

However, even though the RPA-type matrix is non-Hermitian, its block paired structure (eq 2.18) pro-vides some properties similar to the Hermitianmatrices. In particular, there exists a variationalprinciple that yields the lowest positive eigenvalueof eq 2.15 suggested by Thouless back in 1961:210

where X and Y span particle-hole and hole-particlecomponents of the interband density matrix, respec-tively. The minimum always exists, since the HFstability condition eq 2.9 keeps the numerator posi-tive. Note, that the denominator can be arbitrarilysmall, and therefore the expression has no maximum.

The oblique Lanczos algorithm formulated forRPA219 was further improved using the Thoulessvariational principle (eq D3).220,221 The resultingstable Lanczos procedure efficiently solves RPAeigenvalue problem and is described below. It itconvenient to work in the space of coordinate-momentum variables q ) X + Y and p ) X - Y (eqB9) where the Thouless minimal principle eq D3 isgiven by

which is the condition for the lowest frequency of aharmonic Hamiltonian system spanning all phase-space configuration P, Q with normalization condi-tion (p, q) ) 1 (eq B15). The two terms in the rhs ofeq D4 are the kinetic and potential energies of thesystem at the configuration p, q, respectively.

The minimum of eq D4 can be found using thegeneralized Lanczos recursion220,221

which generates configuration space vectors qm, pmthat span the Krylov subspace of eq D3. The actionof operators T and K on vectors pm and qm can becomputed directly using eq 2.19. Coefficients Rm, âm,γm, and ηm are chosen at each step m to ensure

Ωmin ) minX, Y

[X, Y](A -BB -A )[XY ]

|(XX) - (YY)| (D3)

Ωmin ) min(pq))1(p, Tp)


(q, Kq)2

, (D4)

qm+1 ) âm+1-1 (Tpm - Rmqm - âmqm-1) (D5)

pm+1 ) ηm+1-1 (K†qm - γmpm - ηmpm-1)

m ) 1, ..., M′ (D6)

wm+1 ) âm+1-1 (Hwm - Rmwm - âmwm-1),

m ) 1, ..., M′ (D1)

H ) WM′† HWM′ (D2)

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orthogonality (qm+1, pm) ) (qm+1, pm-1) ) (qm-1, pm) )(qm-1, pm+1) ) 0. The vectors pm and qm form thus abiorthogonal basis, (qn, pm) ) δmn, and the matricesKij ) (qi, Kqj) and Tij ) (pi, Tpj) are symmetrictridiagonal, with the only nonzero matrix elementsKii ) Ri, Ki,i-1 ) Ki-1,i ) âi, Tii ) ηi, and Ti,i-1 )Ti-1,i ) γi. Expanding q ) ∑m)1

M′ cmqm and p ) ∑m)1M′

dmpm we obtain 2M′ × 2M′ eigenvalue equation

which has the same structure as the original eigen-problem eq D7 but in the space of much lowerdimensionality M′. The lowest positive eigenvalueΩmin of eq D7 gives the approximation to the trueRPA eigenfrequency. The accuracy increases expo-nentially with expanding Krylov space dimensional-ity M′ as illustrated in Figure 19. Similar to theHermitian Lanczos method, we need to retain onlythree latest pairs pm, qm of expansion vectors, whichensures minimal memory requirements for this pro-cedure.

The diagonal part of L in the molecular-orbitalrepresentation is dominant because the major con-tribution of the transition frequencies comes fromenergy differences of occupied-unoccupied molecularorbital pairs. Thus, the diagonal approximation cor-responds to the HOMO-LUMO approximation forthe transition, and gives reasonable guess for thestarting vectors p(1) and q(1). Once the lowest pair ofeigenmodes ê1, ê1

† (or equivalently p1, q1) withΩ1 > 0 is found, one can work in the orthogonalsubspace by choosing initial vectors p(2) and q(2)

orthogonal to p1 and q1, respectively. All subsequentLanczos expansion vectors pm

(2), qm(2) will remain

orthogonal to p1, q1 as follows from eq D4 (theoblique projection may be used to correct the loss oforthogonality at large M′.214,220,221) The Lanczos al-gorithm will thus converge to the second-lowest RPA

eigenvalue. Alternatively, the deflection procedure214,219

could be used for the same purpose. Suppose we havefound the j lowest eigenmodes ê(1, ê(2, ..., ê(j. Weintroduce the deflected operator Ldef:

where the modes êν are normalized: ⟨êν†|êν⟩ ) 1 for

ν > 0. The operator Ldef has the same eigenmodes asL; however, the eigenvalues of ê(ν for v ) 1, ..., j areshifted: Ω(ν

(d) ) ((Ων + ∆). The next pair of eigen-modes of L, ê((j+1), thus corresponds to the lowest pairof Ldef, provided ∆ is large enough. Orthogonalization(or deflection) procedures thus allow one to find RPAeigenproblem (eqs 2.15 and 2.18) solutions one byone.

It is illustrative to compare the results of theIDSMA algorithm, which provide an approximatespectrum, and Lanczos algorithm, which provideaccurate eigenstates. The PPV-4 oligomer has beencomputed using oblique Lanczos algorithm (50 modes)and IDSMA (9 modes for each of the three polariza-tion directions).219 The results shown in the top andbottom panel of Figure 20, respectively, are very closefor both algorithms for low-energy spectrum (below4 eV) where the peaks are well separated energeti-cally. On the other hand, the higher energy (5-6 eV)spectrum has many closely lying modes resolved bythe Lanczos algorithm. IDSMA approximates thesepeaks by a single effective oscillator. Lanczos andIDSMA are thus complementary since they provide“high” and “low” resolution spectra. In particular, theDSMA algorithm is extremely useful for computingoff-resonant response because it allows one to take

Figure 19. Convergence of the Lanczos algorithm forPPV-4 oligomer. Reprinted with permission from ref 219.Copyright 1996 American Institute of Physics.

Kcm ) Ωmdm Tdm ) Ωmcm ν ) 1, ..., M′ (D7)

Figure 20. Linear absorption spectrum for PPV-4 oligo-mer calculated using the DSMA (top panel) and theLanczos algorithm (bottom panel). Reprinted with permis-sion from ref 219. Copyright 1996 American Institute ofPhysics.

Ldefê ≡ Lê + ∑ν)1


∆êν⟨ê, êν⟩ - êν†⟨ê, êν

†⟩ (D8)

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into account integral effective oscillator contributionsfrom the entire spectrum. In comparison, otheralgorithms, such as Lanczos and Davidson, are ableto calculate contributions to the response only froma narrow spectral region.

XI. Appendix E: Davidson’s Algorithm

A. Davidson’s Preconditioning

The Hermitian Lanczos algorithm is the bestmethod for approximating extreme eigenvalues, whenno extra information about the matrix H is givenbesides the prescription for computing the matrix-vector products. In some problems, there exists someuseful information about the internal structure of H,and preconditioning techniques can speed up theconvergence. One of the most widely used methodsof this class is the Davidson algorithm216 that utilizesthe information about the diagonal elements of H(e.g., CI Singles matrix H ) A in eq 2.18), andrequires fewer iterations when the diagonal elementsof H are dominant. Davidson derived his methodthough perturbation analysis for large scale CIcalculations.216 The idea of Davidson’s precondition-ing is simple. As in the Lanczos algorithm, theeigenvalue problem is solved by projecting the matrixonto a certain subspace KM′ that expands with thenumber of iterations. In the Lanczos algorithm, thespace KM′ is augmented at each iteration step by theresidual vector

where λM′ and vM′ are approximations for an exacteigenvalue and eigenvector, respectively, in the spaceKM′. In contrast, the Davidson algorithm augmentsthe subspace KM′ by

where D is the diagonal part of H (e.g., for H ) A,Dij ) εi - εj where εi and εj are the energies ofunoccupied and occupied MOs in eq 2.8). In eqs E1and E2 vectors rM′ and rM′, respectively, are intendedto be a correction to vM′.

To rationalize the merits of Davidson’s precondi-tioning, we recall that the rate of convergence isapproximately exponential in the gap ratio489

where λ1, λ2, and λM are the smallest, second, and thelargest eigenvalues of H. The convergence thusdecreases if the desired eigenvalues are not wellseparated from the rest of the spectrum. To improveconvergence, Lanczos algorithms with preconditionedconjugate gradient method has been developed.490 Inthe Davidson expansion eq E2, 1/(D - λM′I) can beviewed as approximate inverse of (H - λM′I) if H is

dominated by its diagonal elements. Eventually, λM′approaches a true eigenvalue λ and, therefore, thedistribution of the eigenvalues of Λ ) (H - λI)/(D -λI) controls the asymptotic convergence of Davidson’smethod. We can easily see that the smallest eigen-value of Λ is 0 and the other eigenvalues have thetendency to be compressed around 1, making the gapratio eq E3 large and the Davidson’s method sub-stantially more efficient than Lanczos when H isdominated by its diagonal elements. We also notethat the Davidson algorithm requires the knowledgeof the entire basis of the subspace KM′ which imposesheavier memory requirements compared to Lanczosalgorithm which only keeps three vectors from KM′.

B. Davidson’s Algorithm for Non-HermitianMatrices

Similarly to Lanczos method for solving the RPAproblem eq 2.15, Davidson’s algorithm needs to bemodified to take into account the block paired struc-ture of eq 2.18 and scalar product eq B1. The firstRPA algorithm has been developed by Rettrup208 andlater improved by Olsen.222 The method has beenfurther refined in ref 79, combined with TDDFTtechnique, and incorporated into Gaussian 98 pack-age.142 We will follow ref 79 to describe this method.

We first note that in the space of coordinate-momentum variables q and p (eq B10), the RPAM × M eigenvalue problem (eq 2.18) can be presentedas

where T and K are the stiffness and kinetic energymatrices, respectively. The right and left eigenvectorsof this non-Hermitian equation are qν and pν elec-tronic modes which satisfy eq B11 with (pν, qν) ) 1normalization condition (eq B15). Alternatively eq2.18 can be presented in the form of Hermitianeigenvalue problem:

where [q′] ) K-1/2[q]. Similarly to the Lanczos pro-cedure, the Davidson’s algorithm constructs thereduced analogue of eqs E4 (or E5) in KM′ subspacewith M′ , M.

To calculate the first k eigenvectors of L, thealgorithm starts from selected trial vectors in theorthonormal subspace b1, ..., bM′, M′ > k. We nextgenerate configuration space vectors Kbm and Tbm,m ) 1, ..., M′ using eq 2.19 (the most intensive CPUstep), and form matrices Mmn

+ ) (bm, Tbn) and Mmn- )

(bm, Kbn) (m, n ) 1, ..., M′). The reduced analoguesof eqs E4 and E5 are constructed by computing,respectively,

Diagonalizing matrix M(1) (or M(2)) we obtain thereduced eigenvalues Ων which are the approximations

rM′ ) (H - λM′I)vM′ (E1)

rM′ ) 1D - λM′I

(H - λM′I)vM′ (E2)

∆ )λ2 - λ1

λM - λ2(E3)

KT[q] ) Ω2[q] (E4)

K1/2TK1/2[q′] ) Ω2[q′] (E5)

Mmn(1) ) ∑


- Mkn+ (E6)

Mmn(2) ) ∑



- )1/2 (E7)

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for eigenvalues of L. The approximate eigenvectorsof our RPA problem pν and qν are then computed as

where Lmν and Rmν are the left end right eigenvectorsof matrix M(1) (or M(2)), respectively. It was foundnumerically in ref 79 that eq E7 provides fasterconvergence than eq E6.

To improve the approximation, the dimensionalityof KM′ needs to be extended. Following ref 79, wedefine 2k residual vectors

and a set of perturbed vectors using Davidson’spreconditioning:216

where Dij ) εi - εj (εi and εj are the energies ofunoccupied and occupied MOs in eq 2.8) and indicesi and j run over the particle and hole variables in Mspace. Finally, we orthogonalize the Wν vectorsamong themselves and with respect to the previousexpansion vectors b1, ..., bM′, and add them to theexpansion set: b1, ..., bM′+2k expanding M′ to M′ +2k. We then start with new expansion set and findnew approximations for eigenvalues and eigenvectorsof L and so on. This procedure is repeated until thedesired convergence criteria are satisfied.

XII. Appendix F: Frequency and Time DependentNonlinear Polarizabilities

A. Equation of Motion for Electronic Oscillatorsand Anharmonicities

We start with the equation of motion for theinterband component of the density matrix (eq A11)

where L is a Liouville operator (eq 2.19), V is aCoulomb operator (eq 2.5), ê and T(ê) (eq A8) areinterband and intraband parts of the time-dependentsingle-electron density matrix F(t) ) Fj + ê(t) + T(ê(t)),respectively. T can be expanded in a Taylor serieswhich contains only even powers of ê (eqs A9 andA10). For optical signals not higher than third order,it is sufficient to retain only the lowest (second order)term:

We next expand ê(t) in terms of modes êR (eq B16)

Each oscillator R is described by two conjugatedmodes êR and êR

†. Adopting the notation of refs 77,207, and 491, we define ê-R ) êR

† and Ω-R ) - ΩR, sothat equation LR ) ΩRêR would hold for R ) -M ...,M. zR and its complex conjugate z-R ) zR

/ constitutethe complex oscillator amplitudes. Inserting theexpansion eq F3 into eq F1 and using eq F2 givesthe following equations for the complex amplitudes,

The amplitudes for the adjoint (negative frequency)variables are simply the complex conjugates. Thisnonlinear equation may be solved by expanding z(t)(z*(t)) in powers of the external field E(t):

Similarly, using eqs A13 and F2 we obtain the opticalpolarization

In eqs F4 and F6, we only retained terms thatcontribute to the third-order optical response; R ) 1,..., M, â, γ, δ ) - M, ..., M, and the coefficients in therhs could be expressed using identities (B18) - (B23)in the form

pν ) ∑m


Lmνbm, qν ) ∑m


Rmνbm, ν ) 1, ..., k (E8)

rνp ) T[qν] - Ωνpν rν

q ) K[pν] - Ωνqν ν ) 1, ..., k(E9)

(Wν)ij ) 1ΩνI - Dij

(rν)ij ν ) 1, ..., 2k (E10)


) Lê - E(t)[µ, Fj] - E(t)[µ, ê] - E(t)[µ, T(ê)] +

[V(ê), ê] + [V(ê), T(ê)] + [V(T(ê)), ê] + [V(T(ê)), Fj](F1)

T(ê) ) 12

[[ê, Fj], ê] ) (I - 2Fj)ê2 (F2)

ê(t) ) ∑R>0

(êRzR(t) + êR† zR

/(t)) R ) 1, ..., M (F3)


∂t) ΩRzR - E(t)µ-R - E(t)∑

âµ-R,âzâ -


µ-R,âγzâzγ + ∑âγ

V-R,âγzâzγ + ∑âγδ



z(t) ) z(1)(t) + z(2)(t) + z(3)(t) + .... (F5)

P(t) ) ∑â

µâzâ +1


µâγzâzγ. (F6)

µR ) Tr([Fj, êR][µ, Fj]) ) Tr(µêR) (F7)

µRâ ) Tr([Fj, êR][µ, êâ]) ) Tr(µ(I - 2Fj)(êRêâ + êâêR))


µR,âγ ) Tr([Fj, êR][µ, 12

[[êâ, Fj], êγ]) )

- 12

Tr((µêR + êRµ)(êâêγ + êγêâ)) (F9)

VR,âγ )1


perm(Tr([Fj, êR][V(êâ), êγ]) +

Tr([Fj, êR][V(12[[êâ, Fj], êγ]), Fj])) )1

2Tr((I - 2Fj) ×

((êâêγ + êγêâ)V(êR) + (êRêâ + êâêR)V(êγ) +

(êRêγ + êγêR)V(êâ))) (F10)

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Here VR,âγ and VR,âγδ have been symmetrized withrespect to all permutations of indices â, γ and â, γ,δ, respectively. These anharmonicities describe cou-pling among electronic oscillators mediated by Cou-lomb V and dipole µ interactions (Note that theindices R, â, γ, and δ run over positive and negativemodes). µ describes optical transitions between oscil-lators whereas V describes scattering between oscil-lators induced by the many-body Coulomb interac-tion. It is important to note that all the anharmoniccoefficients can be calculated using the ground-statedensity matrix Fj as well as the eigenmodes êν of thelinearized TDHF equation. Equations F6 and F4 mapthe task of computing the optical response of theoriginal many-electron system onto finding the oscil-lators and the nonlinear couplings µ and V. Wefurther note that the expressions for anharmonicitiesinvolving multiplications of electronic modes matricesare better suited for numerical computations thanthose involving commutators.

B. Definition of Nonlinear Response FunctionsOptical polarizabilities are induced by the deviation

of the reduced density matrix from its equilibriumvalue Fj expanded in powers of the external field E(t).Following refs 76 and 77, we define time domainresponse functions R(j)(t, τ1, ..., τj) up to the third order(j ) 1,2,3):

The corresponding frequency domain polarizabilitiesR(j)(-ωs;ω1,...,ωj) (j ) 1,2,3) are defined by

Here E(ω) is the Fourier transform of the time-dependent external field E(t) defined as

The relations between response functions and polar-izabilities are obtained by comparing eqs F12-F14with eqs F15-F17 and using the Fourier transformeq F18:

The linear, second, and third order polarizabilitiesare usually denoted R, â, and γ, respectively

C. Linear ResponseWe use the linear response to illustrate the strat-

egy of computing polarizabilities. We start with theequation of motion for zR

(1) obtained from eq F4 usingexpansion eq F5:

The solution of this equation for zR(1) and its complex

conjugate zR/(1) is

VR,âγδ )1


perm(Tr([Fj, êR][V(12[êâ, Fj], êγ]), êδ]) +

Tr([Fj, ê-R][V(êδ),1

2[[êâ, Fj], êδ]])) )


6Tr((I - 2Fj)(êRêδ + êδêR)V((I - 2Fj)(êâêγ + êγêâ))) +


6Tr((I - 2Fj)(êRêγ + êγêR)V((I - 2Fj)(êδêâ + êâêδ))) +


6Tr((I - 2Fj)(êRêâ + êâêR)V((I - 2Fj)(êδêR +

êγêδ))) -1

6Tr((êRV(êâ) + V(êâ)êR)(êγêδ + êδêγ)) -


6Tr((êRV(êγ) + V(êγ)êR)(êâêδ + êδêâ)) -


6Tr((êRV(êâ) + V(êδ)êR)(êâêγ + êγêâ)) (F11)

P(1)(t) ) ∫-∞t

dτE(τ)R(1)(t,τ) (F12)

P(2)(t) ) ∫-∞t ∫-∞


(2)(t, τ1, τ2)(F13)

P(3)(t) )

∫-∞t ∫-∞

t ∫-∞t

dτ1dτ2dτ3E(τ1)E(τ2)E(τ3)R(3)(t, τ1, τ2, τ3)


P(1)(ωs) ) ∫-∞∞ dω

2πR(1)(-ωs;ω)E(ω) (F15)

P(2)(ωs) ) ∫-∞∞ ∫-∞

∞ dω1




P(3)(ωs) ) ∫-∞∞ ∫-∞

∞ ∫-∞∞ dω1



2πR(3) ×

(-ωs;ω1,ω2,ω3)E(ω1)E(ω2)E(ω3) (F17)

f(ω) ≡ ∫ dtf(t)eiωt f(t) ≡ 12π ∫ dωf(ω)e-iωt (F18)

R(1)(-ωs;ω) ) ∫-∞∞

dteiωst ∫-∞t

dτe-iωτ R(1)(t,τ) (F19)

R(2)(-ωs;ω1,ω2) )


dteiωst ∫-∞t

dτ1e-iω1τ1 ∫-∞


-iω2τ2 R(2)(t, τ1, τ2)(F20)

R(3)(-ωs;ω1,ω2,ω3) )


dteiωst ∫-∞t

dτ1e-iω1τ1 ∫-∞


-iω2τ2 ×∫-∞


-iω3τ3 R(3)(t; τ1, τ2, τ3). (F21)

R(1)(ωs ) ω;ω) ) 2πδ(-ωs + ω)R(ω) (F22)

R(2)(ωs ) ω1 + ω2,ω1,ω2) )2πδ(-ωs + ω1 + ω2)â(ω1,ω2) (F23)

R(3)(ωs ) ω1 + ω2 + ω3;ω1,ω2,ω3) )2πδ(-ωs + ω1 + ω2 + ω3)γ(ω1,ω2,ω3) (F24)



∂t) ΩRzR

(1) - E(t)µ-R R ) 1, ..., M (F25)

zR(1) ) i ∫-∞

tE(τ)µ-RGR(t - τ) R > 0 (F26)

zR/(1) ) z-R

(1) ) -i ∫-∞t

E(τ)µRGR/(t - τ) R > 0


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where we introduce time-domain Green function

and θ(t) is the Heavyside step function. Using thenotation SR ) sign(R), eqs F4 and eqs F4 can berepresented in a compact notation.

where positive and negative R correspond to zR(1) and

zR/(1), respectively.Inserting eq F29 into eq F6 we finally obtain for

the linear polarizability

The linear response function (eq F12) is then

Using eqs F19 and F22, we obtain the linear polar-izability

Here and below ΩR is positive (negative) for all R >0 (R < 0) according to the convention Ω-R ) -ΩR.Finally, the expression for static linear polarizabilitycan be obtained from eq F32 by setting ω ) 0:

D. Second-Order Response

The equation of motion for zR(2) is

and its solution, which includes complex conjugate,is


Inserting eqs F29 and F35 into eq F6 and keepingall terms up to the second-order, we find that thesecond-order response function has three contribu-tions:


Using eq F20, we finally obtain the second-orderpolarizability which is symmetric with respect to ω1and ω2 permutations

Here and below Ων, ν ) R, â, γ, is positive (negative)for all ν > 0 (ν < 0) according to the conventionΩ-ν ) -Ων. Finally, by setting ω1 and ω2 to zero andusing identities SνΩν ) |Ων| and µ-ν ) µν we obtainthe second-order static polarizability:

GR(t) ) θ(t)e-iΩRt G-R(t) ) θ(t)e-iΩ-Rt ) θ(t)eiΩRt


zR(1) ) iSR ∫-∞

tE(τ)µ-RGR(t - τ) R ) -M, ..., M


P(1)(t) ) ∑R)-M,...,M

zR(1)µR )


iSR ∫-∞t

E(τ)µ-RµRGR(t - τ) (F30)

R(1)(t, τ) ) i ∑R)-M,...,M

iSRµ-RµRGR(t - τ) (F31)

R(ω) ) ∑R)-M,...,M


ΩR - ω) ∑



ΩR2 - ω2


R(0) ) ∑R)1,...,M





∂t) ΩRzR

(2) - E(t)∑â

µ-R,âzâ(1) + ∑


(1) zγ(1)

R ) 1, ..., M, â,γ ) -M,..., M (F34)

zR(2) ) i∫-∞

tdτ1SRGR(t - τ1)ΓR

(2)(τ1) R ) -M, ..., M(F35)

ΓR(2)(τ1) ) ∑

âγV-Râγ ∫-∞

τ1 ∫-∞τ1 dτ2dτ3E(τ2) ×

E(τ3)µ-âµ-γSâSγGâ(τ1 - τ2)Gγ(τ1 - τ3) +


µ-Râ ∫-∞τ1 E(τ2)µ-âSâGâ(τ1 - τ2),

R, â, γ ) -M, ..., M (F36)

R(2)(t,τ1τ2) ) RI(2) + RII

(2) + RIII(2) (F37)

RI(2)(t,τ1τ2) )


µ-R,âµRµ-âSRSâGR(t - τ1)Gâ(τ1 - τ2) (F38)

RII(2)(t,τ1τ2) )

i ∫τ2

tdτ ∑

RâγV-RâγµRµ-âµ-γSRSâSγGR(t - τ) ×

Gâ(τ - τ1)Gγ(τ - τ2) (F39)

RIII(2)(t,τ1τ2) )


µRâµ-Rµ-âSRSâG(t - τ1)G(t - τ2) (F40)

â(ω1,ω2) )



(ΩR - ω1 - ω2)(Ωâ - ω1)(Ωγ - ω2)+




(ΩR - ω1 - ω2)(Ωâ - ω2)+




(ΩR - ω1 - ω2)(Ωâ - ω1)+




(SRΩR - ω1)(SâΩâ - ω2),

R, â, γ ) -M, ..., M (F41)

â(0) ) -∑Râγ






|ΩRΩâ|R, â, γ ) -M, ..., M (F42)

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E. Third-Order Response

The equation of motion for zR(3) is

and its solution, which includes the complex conju-gate, is


Here R, â, γ, δ ) -M, ..., M and z(1)(τ1) and z(2)(τ1) aregiven by eqs F29 and F35. Inserting eqs F29, F35,and F44 into eq F6 and keeping all terms up to third-order we obtain the following 8-term expression forthe third-order response function:


Using eqs F21 and F24, we obtain the following8-term expression for the third-order polarizability(symmetrized with respect to ω1, ω2, and ω3 permu-tations)





ΩRzR(3) - [E(t)∑


(2) + E(t)∑âγ

µ-Râγzâ(1) zγ

(1) -


V-Râγzâ(1) zγ

(2) -∑âγδ

V-Râγδzâ(1) zγ

(1) zδ(1)]

R ) 1, ..., M, â, γ, δ ) -M, ..., M (F43)

zR(3) ) i∫-∞

tdτ1SRGR(t - τ1)ΓR

(3)(τ1) R ) -M, ..., M(F44)

ΓR(3)(τ1) ) E(τ1)∑


(2)(τ1) +



(1)(τ1) -


V- Râγzâ(1)(τ1)zγ

(2)(τ1) -



(1)(τ1)zδ(1)(τ1) (F45)

R(3)(t,τ1τ2τ3) )RI + RII + RIII + RIV + RV + RVI + RVII + RVIII


RI(3)(t,τ1τ2τ3) ) -i∑

Râγµ-Râµ-âγµRµ-γSRSâSγGR ×

(t - τ1)Gâ(τ1 - τ2)Gγ(τ2 - τ3) (F47)

RII(3)(t,τ1τ2τ3) ) - ∑

Râγδµ-RâV-âγδµRµ-γµ-δSRSâSγSδ ×


tdτGR(t - τ1)Gâ(τ1 - τ)Gγ(τ - τ2)Gδ(τ - τ3) (F48)

RIII(3)(t,τ1τ2τ3) ) -i∑

Râγµ-RâγµRµ-âµ-γSRSâSγGR ×

(t - τ1)Gâ(τ1 - τ2)Gγ(τ1 - τ3) (F49)

RIV(3)(t,τ1τ2τ3) )

-2 ∑Râγδ

V-Râγµ-γδµRµ-âµ-δSRSâSγSδ ×


tdτGR(t - τ)Gâ(τ - τ1)Gγ(τ - τ2)Gδ(τ2 - τ3) (F50)

RV(3)(t,τ1τ2τ3) )

2i ∑Râγδη

V-RâγV-γδηµRµ-âµ-δµ-ηSRSâSγSδSη ×



tdτ′GR(t - τ)Gâ(τ - τ1)Gγ(τ - τ′) ×

Gδ(τ′ - τ2)Gη(τ′ - τ3) (F51)

RVI(3)(t,τ1τ2τ3) ) ∑

RâγδV-RâγδµRµ-âµ-γµ-δSRSâSγSδ ×


tdτGR(t - τ)Gâ(τ - τ1)Gγ(τ - τ2)Gδ(τ - τ3) (F52)

RVII(3) (t,τ1τ2τ3) )


µRâµ-âγµ-Rµ-γSRSâSγGR(t - τ1)Gâ(τ - τ2) ×Gγ(τ2 - τ3) (F53)

RVIII(3) (t,τ1τ2τ3) )

-2 ∑Râγδ

µRâV-âγδµ-Rµγµ-δSRSâSγSδ ×


tdτGR(t - τ1)Gâ(t - τ)Gγ(τ - τ2)Gδ(τ - τ3) (F54)

γ(ω1,ω2,ω3) )1




(γI + γII + γIII + ... γVIII)


γI ) ∑Râγ


(ΩR - ω1 - ω2 - ω3)(Ωâ - ω2 - ω3)(Ωγ - ω3)(F56)

γII )



(ΩR - ω1 - ω2 - ω3)(Ωâ - ω2 - ω3)(Ωγ - ω2)(Ωδ - ω3)

(F57)γIII )



(ΩR - ω1 - ω2 - ω3)(Ωâ - ω2 - ω3)(Ωγ - ω3)(F58)

γIV )



(ΩR - ω1 - ω2 - ω3)(Ωâ - ω1)(Ωγ - ω2 - ω3)(Ωδ - ω3)

(F59)γV )


2V- RâγV- γδηµRµ- âµ- δµ- ηSRSâSγSδSη

(ΩR - ω1 - ω2 - ω3)(Ωâ - ω1)(Ωγ - ω2 - ω3)(Ωδ - ω2)(Ωη - ω3)


γVI ) ∑Râγδ


(ΩR - ω1 - ω2 - ω3)(Ωâ - ω1)(Ωγ - ω2)(Ωδ - ω3)(F61)

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