Denettes International Alliance Presentation

Denette Dunn General Manager Marketing and Sales Arizona We Help companies and municipalities recycle while still making economic sense. Hudson Baylor is a progressive company helping to divert trash from landfills and produce revenue for their customers. Hudson Baylor also believes in Education and is building a state of the art education center available to companies, citizens, municipalities and civic groups in Arizona Board Member Vice Chair of the Arizona Recycling Coalition and legislative liaison Environmental Consulting Agency C.E.O. Environmental Consulting Agency is committed to educating our communities on the importance of sustainability. We believe in promoting people, alternative products and businesses by providing a comprehensive approach to living harmoniously on planet earth. Environmental Consulting Agency (ECA) specializes in connecting consultants, companies, cities and state agencies. We provide the expertise, linking business to environmental stewardship and social responsibility while still maintaining a competitive advantage! We will be promoting the site and the businesses listed to cities, states, and federal agencies as well as commercial accounts and citizens throughout the United States.



Transcript of Denettes International Alliance Presentation

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Denette Dunn• General Manager Marketing and Sales Arizona

We Help companies and municipalities recycle while still making economic sense. Hudson Baylor is a

progressive company helping to divert trash from landfills and produce revenue for their customers.

Hudson Baylor also believes in Education and is building a state of the art education center available

to companies, citizens, municipalities and civic groups in Arizona• Board Member Vice Chair of the Arizona Recycling Coalition and legislative liaison• Environmental Consulting Agency C.E.O.

Environmental Consulting Agency is committed to educating our communities on the importance of sustainability. We believe in promoting people, alternative products and businesses by providing a comprehensive approach to living harmoniously on planet earth.

Environmental Consulting Agency (ECA) specializes in connecting consultants, companies, cities and state agencies. We provide the expertise, linking business to environmental stewardship and social responsibility while still maintaining a competitive advantage!

We will be promoting the site and the businesses listed to cities, states, and federal agencies as well as commercial accounts and citizens throughout the United States.

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E.C.A. Green Pages believes in offering you tools to run your business thru education expert consulting and sustainability networking. E.C.A. Can help your company run efficiently helping you with resource management and optimization. As quoted by Maurice Strong sustainability means running the global environment-Earth Incorporated like a corporation: with depreciation amortization and maintenance accounts. In other words keeping the asset whole rather than undermining your natural capital.

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The economics of recycling and the impact it has on our communities and environment.

• No mandated recycling in Arizona. • Recycling not convenient beyond the house. • Recycling not prevalent in rural areas in Arizona.• Cost of transportation to end market• Private companies invest in landfills, not recycling. To

recoup investment, cheaper to landfill in Arizona. • Environmental costs are not tangible in the short term.• Municipalities usually do not require a recycling plan or

mandate for Special events• No Bottle Bill

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Recycling Statement

Recycling: It is not just about landfill diversion, it is about replacing virgin material production, which will significantly reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. If it can't be reduced, reused, repaired, rebuilt,

refurbished, refinished, resold or recycled then it should be restricted, redesigned or removed from production. - Berkeley Ecology Center

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Recycling Facts

Recycling 1 ton of paper saves:• 17 trees• 4,100 kilowatts of energy (enough power

for the average home for 6 months)• 60 pounds of air pollution • 6953 Gallons of Water• 11 Barrels (463 gallons) of oil• 3.3 Cubic yards of landfill space

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Recycling Facts

Recycling one ton recycled glass saves:• 1300 pounds of sand• 410 pounds of soda ash• 380 pounds of limestone• 160 pounds of feldspar• 0.12 barrels (5 gallons) of oil• 2 cubic yards of landfill space

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Recycling Facts

Recycling one ton of Aluminum/Tin saves:

• 32 barrels (1344 gallons) of oil• 10 cubic yards of landfill space• One aluminum can recycled saves enough

energy to light a 100 watt bulb for 3.5 hours.

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Recycling FactsOne ton of recycled PET plastic saves:

• 16.3 barrels ( 685 gallons) of oil• 30 cubic yards of landfill space

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Definition of Recyclable Materials

If clean and dry:– Paper– Cardboard, if broken down– Chipboard– Plastic containers made from Polyethylene – Polyethylene Terephthalate (PETE) – High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) – Steel food cans– Aluminum: cans, disposable bake ware and foil

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Junk MailTin cansFoil

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Items Not Acceptable for Recycling Program

• Garbage, Hazardous/Medical Waste• Plastic Bags • Contaminated materials• Yard debris• Food waste• Foam or packing peanuts• Diapers• Carpet or padding• Large appliances

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Recycling FactoidRecycling just one aluminum can saves enough energy to operate a

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Curbside Collection

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Loading a transfer truck

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Delivering Curbside to H.B.W

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Residential Curbside

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Tipping Floor

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Transport to sorting line

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Sorting done mechanically

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Sorting is completed manually

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Sorted Newspaper

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Conveyor to Baler

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Final Product: Ready for re-manufacturing

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Recycling Fact

If every household in the United States replaced just one roll of 1,000 sheet virgin fiber bathroom tissue with 100% recycled tissue, it would save:– 373,000 trees– 1.48 million cubic feet of landfill materials– 155 million gallons of water

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Bottle Bill Final Poll Results

• Are bottle laws a good idea?Yes — 50.7%No — 44.2%It depends on how it’s structured —5.1%Total Votes: 1286Poll Date: Mar 16, 2009

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Comments on Bottle Bills across the country

• It’s time for American manufacturers and consumers to take responsibility for their actions. A "container" bill would be even more appropriate to force all manufactures to rethink how they package their products. The so-called trickle down effect the bottle companies want to scare the consumer with is a reality but not necessarily a bad one. Responsible packaging could cost us, the consumer, more at the time of purchase. HOWEVER, in the grand scheme of things, it seems a healthier alternative to shift the cost burden from environmental clean up and maintenance of solid waste landfills, roadside litter control and recycling efforts, (and this does not even speak to the documented reduction in the cost glass related injuries to small children in states with bottle bill legislation in place). Though a Bottle Bill does not solve our problems in these critical areas, it definitely is a step in the right direction and could help set precedence for future behavior. Drink cheap now and pay later is a shallow mindset that will cost more than just money in the long run.

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Julie Muir Stanford, CA•

Most bottle bills place the cost of clean up squarely where it belongs, with the people and companies that create the problem in the first place. Here in Iowa we have had a bottle bill for over 30 years. Unlike our curbside programs, which are, ALL taxpayer funded. Our bottle bill uses no tax money, and targets only those people that wholesale, retail, or consume the products. Unlike taxpayer funded curbside programs, which we all pay dearly for, with our hard earned tax dollars. We in Iowa can opt out of the program simply by not using the product covered under the bottle bill at no cost to us. Bottle bills create jobs, are more efficient, by collecting vastly larger amounts of containers, dollar for dollar. And again target only those that are making the problem to begin with.

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Clarissa Morawski Principal CM Consulting Toronto• I have been researching beverage container recovery programs and

performance rates in Canada and the US now for nearly 10 years - almost exclusively. My experience shows consistently that Bottle Bills are the only mechanism available today which will achieve recycling rates of more than 75%. There is a myth out there, one that is being pushed by the retail lobby and most of the bottlers that these containers can be collected as efficiently via blue boxes. So far, world-wide, there is NO blue box program which has been able to achieve this - primarily because too many beverages are consumed away-from-home and in multi-residential units where recycling is far more difficult. Ontario, Canada is a wonderful example to look at. Our blue box program is the law and has been for about 15 years. We have full coverage and everyone who lives here has been using their blue boxes for many years. In addition, municipalities receive 50% funding from bottlers and other brand owners of packaging to run these programs. Our program is by far one of the most mature programs that exist in the world. But still, PET and aluminum cans are recovered at rates of about 50% or less. In addition, the quality of beverage material is worth far less than material coming out of most bottle bills. In 2007 the Ontario government introduced a bottle bill on all wine and spirit containers with a 10 and 20-cent deposit. The improvement in performance is truly amazing, considering Ontario citizens have not had deposits since the days of the popshop. The program rates are now greater than 80%, and wine and spirit sales have NOT declined. If you eliminate the vested interests and misleading rhetoric, it will be clear that this mechanism can work very well. Perhaps the problem is one of program structure. Indeed there are several issues which require attention in some states and provinces, but they can be addressed and bottle bill laws can be amended so that the programs are more equitable, efficient, and effective. I think it is time to have a public debate on this issue with the facts. I would be happy to participate. Thank you.