Den samhandlende arbeidsplasen - en utopi?

Den samhandlende arbeidsplassen - en utopi? Lene Pettersen @LeneJBP


Innlegg på CIO Forum Computerworld Samhandling/SharePoint 2012

Transcript of Den samhandlende arbeidsplasen - en utopi?

Page 1: Den samhandlende arbeidsplasen - en utopi?

Den samhandlende arbeidsplassen - en utopi?

Lene Pettersen @LeneJBP

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“Overall, we estimate that between $900!billion and $1.3!trillion in value can be unlocked through the use of social technologies in the sectors we examined. Two-thirds of the value creation opportunity afforded by social technologies lies in improving communications and collaboration within and across enterprises” (Chui et al. 2012, iii).

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“But capturing this value will be a challenge for enterprises, primarily because they will have to transform their organizational structures, processes, and cultures to become “extended networked enterprises” that connect well internally as well with customers and partners. For social technologies to deliver their potential economic benefits, enterprises must be open to information sharing and create cultures of trust and cooperation” (Chui et al. 2012, iii).

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Hvordan vi tolker omverden er basert på våre tidligere, subjektive erfaringer . Vår tenkning er organisert i sosialt konstruerte kategorier for å oppnå orden. Ellers bare kaos (Hervik, 1999). Vi klassifiserer alle sammen folk ut fra hvor like eller forskjellige de er fra oss selv (Hylland Eriksen, 1995).

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(gruppe)identitet (ulike sett) verdier, normer & forestillinger

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Individuals are more likely to perceive members outside their social circles as more untrustworthy than they are to perceive their in-group members (Lowry et al. 2010, 133). We tend to join conversations when someone in the group is similar (Brass 2012)

[Us and Them]

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Vi forventer at andre har de samme uutalte reglene og normene som oss selv. Når andre regler følges tolkes de som regel med negativt fortegn – og større kognitiv avstand er gjerne et resultat (Oakes et al. 1994).


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“Employees’ offline social networking tendencies are reproduced online within the internal company platform, more than opening new doors and bridging different intra-firms’ social networks. Hence, the tool connects individuals who already have an affinity more than establishing new connections. (…) SNS’s are used to maintain or solidify existing offline relationships or to sustain pre-existing social ties. Facebook provides a means where individuals are able to re-moor and re-embed their traditional, cultural and religious beliefs (Ellison et al. 2007). Also Steinfield, DiMicco, Ellison and Lampe’s (2009) study finds that IBM employees who uses the site uses it to connect with existing and former connections, more than establishing new contacts”. (Pettersen, forthcoming)

[Egne funn]

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Hvordan handle sammen på tvers av sosiale

grupper, avdelinger, fag (og land)?

[The one million $ Q]

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“A nation is, in a manner, a Utopian community. (…) Anderson attaches importance to modern communication, by way of books, the telephone and more recently radio and TV, as a condition for the existence of a national community. How could we otherwise even know about each other?”

A nation is a socially constructed community, imagined by the people who perceive themselves as part of that group

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Foto fra:

“Totem er den enkelte persons, families eller klans spesielle emblem, vanligvis et dyr eller et ikke-menneskelig vesen som klanen assosierer seg med. Totem er troen på at et en dyreart har spesiell tilknytning til den enkelte og at dennes adferd og normer er påvirket av hvilken totemdyr man har„

[Samles rundt felles totempæl – dyrke felles organisasjonsidentitet – ved å bygge en psykologisk tilhørighet til et overhengende ’oss’]

Historiefortelling, symboler, ritualer

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Totemfoto fra:

Og så får tanker om hvordan ulike organisasjonene og virksomhetene skal samhandle på tvers være tema for et senere fordrag

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[tak] [tack] [thanks] [merci] [shokram] [salamat] [gracias] [kiitos] [ευχαριστίες] [teşekkürler] [takk] [grazie] [gràcies] [dank] [shukrani] [nhờ] [köszönöm] [buíochas] [dankie] [terima kasih] [ ]

[email protected] TwitterID @LeneJBP

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Ashforth, B.E., F. Mael. 1989. Social Identity Theory and the Organization. The Academy of Management Review 14(1) 20-39. Brass, D.J. 2012. A social network perspective on industrial/organizational psychology. S.W.J. Kozlowski, ed. The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Psychology. Oxford University Press. Chui, M., J. Manyika, J. Bughin. 2012. The social economy: Unlocking value and productivity through social technologies. McKinsey Global Institute. Ellison, N.B., C. Steinfield, C. Lampe. 2007. The benefits of Facebook “friends:” Social capital and college students’ use of online social network sites. Journal of Computer of Mediated Communication 12(4) 1143-1168. Hervik, P. 1999. Den generende forskellighet. Hans Reitzels Forlag, Copenhagen, Denmark Hylland Eriksen, T. 1995. Small places, Large issues, Pluto Press Lowry, P.B., D. Zhang, L. Zhou, X. Fu. 2010. Effects of culture, social presence, and group composition on trust in technology supported decision making groups. Information Systems Journal 20(3) 297-315. Oakes, P.J., S.A. Haslam, J.C. Turner. 1994. Stereotyping and social reality. Blackwell Publishing. Pettersen, L. 2012 Going Nowhere Fast: Cognitive Mechanisms in Online and Offline Social Networking, forthcoming Rouzies, A., H.L. Colman. 2012. Identification Processes in Post-Acquisition Integration: The Role of Social Interactions. Corporate Reputation Review 15(3) 143-157. Steinfield, C., J.M. DiMicco, N.B. Ellison, C. Lampe. 2009. Bowling online: social networking and social capital within the organization Proceedings of the fourth international conference on Communities and technologies. ACM, University Park, PA, USA, 245-254.
