Demonstration of beam-beam compensation with electron lenses in the Tevatron

Demonstration of beam-beam compensation with electron lenses in the Tevatron V. Kamerdzhiev, Yu. Alexahin, G. Kuznetsov, V. Shiltsev, X.L. Zhang Introduct ion TEL2 BBCompensation results The beam-beam effects have been the dominating sources of beam loss and lifetime limitations in the Tevatron in Collider Run II (2001 - present). Electron lenses were originally proposed as compensators of electromagnetic long- range and head-on beam-beam interactions of proton and antiproton beams. In our recent experiments, electron lenses were applied to high intensity proton beam at 980 GeV. In the TEL a low energy electron beam is guided onto the Tevatron orbit by a longitudinal magnetic field. After interacting with high energy protons or antiprotons electrons are extracted and dumped into the collector. The TEL can operate in dc or pulsed mode. The latter allows introducing tune shifts on a bunch- by-bunch basis. TEL1 is designed for horizontal beam-beam compensation. TEL2 works in vertical plane. It was quickly realized that TELs are capable of removing unwanted particles from the beam abort gaps. So one of the TELs is still routinely used for abort gap cleaning. TEL1 BBCompensation results Summary & plans Bunch-by-bunch tune measurements Reduction of proton losses Improvement of proton lifetime Lifetime improvement up to 100% for last bunches in the train Reliable operation using solid state Marx generator (radiation shielding installed) Lifetime improvement up to 60% for the first bunches in the train Reliable operation using RF tube based modulator 40 th Fermilab Users' Meeting June 6-7, 2007 Acknowledgements K. Bishofberger, R. Hively, J. Fitzgerald, A. Klebaner, S. Kozub, M. Kufer, A. Martinez, M. Olson, H. Pfeffer, G. Saewert, V. Scarpine, A. Semenov, V. Sytnik, M. Tiunov, L. Tkachenko, D. Wildman, Reduction of proton loss rate Improvement of proton lifetime 12:00 14:24 16:48 19:12 21:36 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 P 1 L ife tim e , (h rs) Time TE L1 on P 1,I e = 0.3A TE L1 off I e =0.5A Both Tevatron Electron Lenses are operational and are used for BBCompensation experiments Both TELs have been shown to generate the expected tune shift and to improve proton lifetime significantly Two novel HV pulsers and a new type of electron gun are under development to further boost the TEL capabilities Electron Lenses are being considered for installation in RHIC and LHC 6 12 18 24 30 36 0.586 0.587 0.588 0.589 0.590 V e rtica l tu ne Bunch num ber DTM data, beginning of store 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0.587 0.588 0.589 M easured tune B unch num b er in train Qh Qv 1.7 GHz Schottky data, end of store


V. Kamerdzhiev, Yu. Alexahin, G. Kuznetsov, V. Shiltsev, X.L. Zhang. Introduction. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Demonstration of beam-beam compensation with electron lenses in the Tevatron

Page 1: Demonstration of beam-beam compensation with electron lenses in the Tevatron

Demonstration of beam-beam compensation with electron lenses in the Tevatron V. Kamerdzhiev, Yu. Alexahin, G. Kuznetsov, V. Shiltsev, X.L. Zhang


TEL2 BBCompensation results

The beam-beam effects have been the dominating sources of beam loss and lifetime limitations in the Tevatron in Collider Run II (2001 - present). Electron lenses were originally proposed as compensators of electromagnetic long-range and head-on beam-beam interactions of proton and antiproton beams. In our recent experiments, electron lenses were applied to high intensity proton beam at 980 GeV.

In the TEL a low energy electron beam is guided onto the Tevatron orbit by a longitudinal magnetic field. After interacting with high energy protons or antiprotons electrons are extracted and dumped into the collector. The TEL can operate in dc or pulsed mode. The latter allows introducing tune shifts on a bunch-by-bunch basis. TEL1 is designed for horizontal beam-beam compensation. TEL2 works in vertical plane. It was quickly realized that TELs are capable of removing unwanted particles from the beam abort gaps. So one of the TELs is still routinely used for abort gap cleaning.

TEL1 BBCompensation results

Summary & plans

Bunch-by-bunch tune measurements

Reduction of proton losses

Improvement of proton lifetime

Lifetime improvement up to 100% for last bunches in the train

Reliable operation using solid state Marx generator (radiation shielding installed)

Lifetime improvement up to 60% for the first bunches in the train

Reliable operation using RF tube based modulator

40th Fermilab Users' Meeting June 6-7, 2007


K. Bishofberger, R. Hively, J. Fitzgerald, A. Klebaner, S. Kozub, M. Kufer, A. Martinez, M. Olson, H. Pfeffer, G. Saewert, V. Scarpine, A. Semenov, V. Sytnik, M. Tiunov, L. Tkachenko, D. Wildman, D. Wolff.

Reduction of proton loss rate

Improvement of proton lifetime

12:00 14:24 16:48 19:12 21:3610









P1 L


e, (h



TEL1 on P1, Ie=0.3A

TEL1 off


Both Tevatron Electron Lenses are operational and are used for BBCompensation experiments Both TELs have been shown to generate the expected tune shift and to improve proton lifetime significantly Two novel HV pulsers and a new type of electron gun are under development to further boost the TEL capabilities Electron Lenses are being considered for installation in RHIC and LHC

6 12 18 24 30 360.586






ical tu


Bunch number

DTM data, beginning of store

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12






d t


Bunch number in train

Qh Qv

1.7 GHz Schottky data, end of store