Demonizing is dehumanizing others

Demonizing Is Dehumanizing Others What Is Demonizing? Demonizing in the context of any form of conflict is the painting or description of another person as sub-human, evil and a direct opposite of all that is morally or socially good. The painter and the one being painted in the demonizing process can be an individual, group, organization and even a nation. The degree of intensity involved in demonizing another person is dependent on the motives and anticipated outcomes. In short, demonizing is dehumanizing another person. What Is a Current Classic Example Of Demonizing? Have you been seeing, hearing and reading about terrorists and terrorism across the world? Well labeling individuals, groups or nations as terrorists is the most current example of demonizing. Who are terrorists? The general understanding is that terrorists are those who use intentional and willful force (coercion) to create fear and duress to enable the achievement of their group or organization's real, perceived, legitimate or illegitimate agenda. Terrorists and terrorism carries many negative conations, emotions and feelings, including anarchism, indiscriminate injuries, killing, cruelty, inhuman actions, violence, death and torture, destruction of property and violation of human rights. Thus, to call or label another person, group or nation as terrorists is literally demonizing them as less than human (dehumanization). But does dehumanizing a person, group or nation make them less human? And is it possible for the one who is labeling to be the terrorist? Reflect on the simple tips below to be able to differentiate between terrorist and non-terrorist, and between the perpetrator and the victim. Tip! To know who is a terrorist is simple, look at who is holding the gun and who is being blown away. See if the victims were unarmed non-combatants. Tip! Even terrorist are humans and as humans they deserve a fair hearing and justice. See who is withholding back that fair hearing and justice. Tip! See who is talking about negotiation options and who is talking about force and coercion. Negotiations to terrorist are in the form of force, coercion and violence. Tip! Terrorist are covert, non-transparent and totally bias in thoughts and actions. Look for those who are practicing transparency and openness and you will know who the non- terrorists are. What Are the Strategic Reasons And Purposes of Dehumanizing? 1.To prepare and position the targeted individual or group so that force and coercion can be used on or against them even when other conflict resolving options are available.


Do you believe in resorting to demonization to achieve your agenda? Do you support others who practice demonization? Are you prepared to be looked upon as sub-human when your karma come calling upon you? Are you prepared to receive the perpetual curses of those whom you dehumanized? Demonizing others is a confirmation that we are demons ourselves. Dehumanizing others exposes our inhumanity. So refuse to demonize others. Refuse to dehumanize others. For humanity is one. And humanity is for all. And humanity is precious. What will remain when everthing is past is only our humanity.

Transcript of Demonizing is dehumanizing others

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Demonizing Is Dehumanizing Others

What Is Demonizing?

Demonizing in the context of any form of conflict is the painting or description of another person as sub-human, evil and a direct opposite of all that is morally or socially good. The painter and the one being painted in the demonizing process can be an individual, group, organization and even a nation. The degree of intensity involved in demonizing another person is dependent on the motives and anticipated outcomes. In short, demonizing is dehumanizing another person.

What Is a Current Classic Example Of Demonizing?

Have you been seeing, hearing and reading about terrorists and terrorism across the world? Well labeling individuals, groups or nations as terrorists is the most current example of demonizing.

Who are terrorists? The general understanding is that terrorists are those who use intentional and willful force (coercion) to create fear and duress to enable the achievement of their group or organization's real, perceived, legitimate or illegitimate agenda. Terrorists and terrorism carries many negative conations, emotions and feelings, including anarchism, indiscriminate injuries, killing, cruelty, inhuman actions, violence, death and torture, destruction of property and violation of human rights. Thus, to call or label another person, group or nation as terrorists is literally demonizing them as less than human (dehumanization). But does dehumanizing a person, group or nation make them less human? And is it possible for the one who is labeling to be the terrorist? Reflect on the simple tips below to be able to differentiate between terrorist and non-terrorist, and between the perpetrator and the victim.

Tip! To know who is a terrorist is simple, look at who is holding the gun and who is being blown away. See if the victims were unarmed non-combatants.

Tip! Even terrorist are humans and as humans they deserve a fair hearing and justice. See who is withholding back that fair hearing and justice.

Tip! See who is talking about negotiation options and who is talking about force and coercion. Negotiations to terrorist are in the form of force, coercion and violence.

Tip! Terrorist are covert, non-transparent and totally bias in thoughts and actions. Look for those who are practicing transparency and openness and you will know who the non-terrorists are.

What Are the Strategic Reasons And Purposes of Dehumanizing?

1.To prepare and position the targeted individual or group so that force and coercion can be used on or against them even when other conflict resolving options are available.

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2.To create feelings of antagonism, hatred and rejection of the terrorists in the non-terrorist population or target group so as to gain their moral, social and political support in the event of any use of force or coercion.

3.To prime and condition the general public to a loss of sensitivity to human misery and suffering in the view that those who are suffering are sub-human and don't deserve the empathy. All persons who suffer deserve our empathy. And no human-being is sub-human. All of God's creatures are precious. All lives are precious.

How Is Demonizing Carried-Out?

There are many tactics that are used in demonizing others. I like to list a few here for your attention:

Discrediting tactic.

Personal attacks against persons with the motive of causing others to withdraw their support and belief in him / her. Tip! In any civil society personal attacks are not considered against a person without proof and verification of that proof in an open and objective justice environment.

Propaganda tactic.

The uses of one-sided media or information coverage to paint a negative picture of those who are being dehumanized while painting a positive picture of those are practicing dehumanization. Tip! Ask yourself why the media or information coverage is one-sided? If what is being presented is the truth, why not give equal media or information coverage to the ones' being dehumanized. There are always two sides to a story. One-sided media or information coverage is called "propaganda."

Rhetorical tactics

One very popular rhetorical tactic is "double talk." Double talk is communicating about anything while hiding the actual meanings and intentions. Tip! Reflect carefully when someone says, "I believe in a controlled democracy." It is different from someone who says, "I believe in a responsible democracy." Imagine if someone says, I have the right to take away your freedom to protect the freedom of the larger society. Tip! If that was true, you should suggest that he/ she as the proponent of that premise should send himself / herself to jail first to set an example and prove his / her dedication to that premise. I always wonder why the ones who send others on suicide missions never go themselves.

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Them-against- us tactics

Under this tactic evolves the practices of linguistic, racial, religious, social class, vocational protectionism, and gender discriminations. Them-against-us tactic creates a false unity based on distorted in-group feelings, loyalty and security. It results in not wanting to see the perspective of any out-groups. Tip! Always check the person(s) initiating or promoting this tactic. Analyze what they have to gain by promoting or maintaining this tactic. Profit and gain in whatever form is the basic drive in those who use them-against- us tactic in dehumanizing others.

Draconian legislations tactic

Lord Acton said that "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men." How true it is? The desire to wield power is the drive behind many dehumanizing acts, wars, and tragedies in human history. When draconian laws are established, sanctioned and used against fellow human beings, it is but a confirmation of Lord Acton's premise. Tip! If the views of those who favour draconian laws to be used in dehumanizing others are true, why don't they allow others to use it back on them? Why is only one-sided? Great men are those who always wielded real power by humanizing the dehumanized.


Do you believe in resorting to demonization to achieve your agenda? Do you support others who practice demonization? Are you prepared to be looked upon as sub-human when your karma come calling upon you? Are you prepared to receive the perpetual curses of those whom you dehumanized? Demonizing others is a confirmation that we are demons ourselves. Dehumanizing others exposes our inhumanity. So refuse to demonize others. Refuse to dehumanize others. For humanity is one. And humanity is for all. And humanity is precious. What will remain when everthing is past is only our humanity.

About the Author: Thesigan Nadarajan

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Th. Dip (MTBI); Th. B (BTS); MSCP (summa c um laude);

Winner of Rector's Award (AU)

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