Democracy in England

DEMOCRACY IN ENGLAND Britain develops laws and customs that limit the power of the government 1

Transcript of Democracy in England

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Britain develops laws and customs that limit the power of the government


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Many of the common legal protections we have in THIS country were developed in England first!


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common law

Magna Carta

due process of law

habeas corpus


divine right

Constitutional Monarchy !3

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King Kalakaua

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King James!5

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William the Conquerer

William of Normandy conquers Britain

Sets the stage for:

- Decline of Feudalism - Centralized Government in England

- Plants the seeds of Democracy

Battle of Hastings 1066!6

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Henry II (1133-1189) introduces the

jury trial as a means of

administering justice


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Royal Judge hears testimony from 12 witnesses and peers (jury) of the accused to help him judge the case.


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A body of law develops known as

Common Law

Reflects customs and principles

developed over time (aka “precedent”)


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In 1215 a dispute between The King and his

Nobles lead to the Magna Carta “great charter”

A written document that guarantees specific

political rights.


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King John I

King must rule according to law

Fairness of the laws and their execution

Have the law work in a known and orderly way

(“due process”)

Respect for economic rights!14

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habeas corpus = “show me the body”

People must be informed of what they are accused of in a court of law and be shown evidence used against them

Prevents authorities from detaining a person wrongly or unjustly!15

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British Parliament *** taxes law

advises the king

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British Parliament today

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US House of Representatives

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James I (1566-1625) claims

Divine Right

Clashes with Parliament

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Tensions rise with Charles I (1625)

Asks parliament for money. In exchange, parliament requires

the Petition of Right which restricts...

- taxation without parliament's ok

- illegal imprisonment

- housing troops in private homes

- maintaining military government in peacetime

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Charles later dissolves Parliament and refuses to let them meet until

he needs money.

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English Civil War

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Oliver Cromwell aka the puritan “Protectorate”

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Cromwell’s government collapses

Monarchy is “restored” with Charles II in 1660

This time Parliament retains its rights and authority

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Parliament is concerned that James II is “too Catholic”

He is removed and replaced with William and Mary

who agree to a Constitutional Monarchy

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Constitutional Monarchy

powers of the rulers are limited by Parliament

William and Mary agree to accept the Bill of Rights

King can’t suspend laws no taxes w/o Parliament consent

no armies in peacetime right to petition grievances

no cruel or unusual punishments